Heat pump issue (Cooling mode) #528
Hey there. I´ve been working on a heat pump model to test the feasibility of a project which would lead to building a test bench later on. The test bench would have a 4 ways reversing valve, which would enable the possibility to work in both heating and cooling modes. While modelling the heating mode, everything went smoothly, but when it came to cooling mode, linear dependencies errors seem to show up, even though I don´t believe to be over defining the model. I´ve left it down below if need. Is it me overseeing something here? Thanks in advance! from tespy.networks import Network
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI as PSI
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fluprodia import FluidPropertyDiagram
import math
from scipy import constants
import sys
from scipy.special import iv, kv
from tespy.connections import Connection
from tespy.components import (CycleCloser, Compressor, Valve, Pump, HeatExchanger, Source, Sink)
heatPump_heating = Network(T_unit='C', p_unit='Pa', h_unit='kJ / kg', iterinfo=False)
closer = CycleCloser('cycle closer') #Chamar componente ciclo de fecho
Cooling1 = HeatExchanger('Cooling 1')
Cooling2 = HeatExchanger('Cooling 2') #Chamar componente permutador de calor
valve = Valve('expansion valve') #Chamar componente válvula
compressor = Compressor('compressor') #Chamar componente compressor
pump = Pump('pump') #Chamar componente bomba
source1 = Source('ambIn1')
source2 = Source('ambIn2')
sink1 = Sink('ambOut1')
sink2 = Sink('ambOut2')
c0 = Connection(Cooling2, 'out2', compressor, 'in1', label= 'Estado inicial')
c1 = Connection(compressor, 'out1', Cooling1, 'in1', label= 'Pós compressão')
c2 = Connection(Cooling1, "out1", closer, "in1", label= "Pós arrefecimento")
c3 = Connection(closer, "out1", valve, "in1", label= "Cycle Closer")
c4 = Connection(valve, "out1", Cooling2, "in2", label= "Pós expansão")
c10 = Connection(source1, "out1", Cooling1, "in2", label= "Ambiente")
c11 = Connection(Cooling1, "out2", sink1, "in1", label= "Ambiente aquecido")
c20 = Connection(source2, "out1", Cooling2, "in1", label= "Água quente")
c21 = Connection(Cooling2, "out1", sink2, "in1", label= "Água fria")
heatPump_heating.add_conns(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c10, c11, c20, c21)
wf = "R32"
massRateWF = 0.037 #kg/s
T_wf_in = -33
pressureIn = 1.8e5
pressureOut = 16e5
h0 = PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "T", 273.15 + T_wf_in, wf) / 1000
fluidCheck = PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 1, wf) - 273.15
T_satWF = PSI("T", "P", pressureOut,"Q", 1 , wf) - 273.15
T_amb = -28.3
T_cooling_in2 = 8 #Água
coolingHeated1 = 25 #Ar
coolingHeated2 = 5 #Água
coolingVolumeRate2 = 2 / 3600 #m3/s
coolingFluid2 = "Water"
coolingFluid1 = "Air"
coolingDensity2 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_cooling_in2, "P", 3e5, coolingFluid2) #kg/m3 Água
massRateCooling2 = coolingVolumeRate2 * coolingDensity2 #kg/s
coolingVolume1 = 800 / 3600 #m3/s
massRateCooling1 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") * coolingVolume1
t_pack = T_amb
t_pack_final = 20
m_pack = 335
cp_pack = 500
a_pack = 1.073 #m
b_pack = 0.578 #m
c_pack = 0.586 #m
volume_pack = a_pack * b_pack * c_pack #m3
transfer_area_pack = 4 * a_pack * c_pack + a_pack * b_pack #m2
if T_wf_in <= fluidCheck:
print("Existência de líquido / mistura bifásica no compressor. Aumente a temperatura de entrada.")
print("Modo de aquecimento")
condenserPressureLossRatioHot = 1
evaporatorPressureLossRatioHot = 1
efficiencyCompressor = 0.85
efficiencyPump = 0.65
Cooling1.set_attr(pr1 = condenserPressureLossRatioHot, pr2 = 1)
compressor.set_attr(eta_s = efficiencyCompressor, pr = pressureOut / pressureIn)
Cooling2.set_attr(pr1 = evaporatorPressureLossRatioHot)
valve.set_attr(pr = pressureIn / pressureOut)
c0.set_attr(fluid={wf: 1}, m = massRateWF, T = T_wf_in, p = pressureIn)
c10.set_attr(fluid={coolingFluid1: 1}, p = 1.01325e5, T = T_amb, m = massRateCooling1)
c11.set_attr(T = coolingHeated1)
c20.set_attr(fluid={coolingFluid2: 1}, p = 3e5, T = T_cooling_in2)
c21.set_attr(T = coolingHeated2)
cop = abs(Cooling1.Q.val) / compressor.P.val
result_dict = {}
result_dict.update({Cooling2.label: Cooling2.get_plotting_data()[2]})
result_dict.update({compressor.label: compressor.get_plotting_data()[1]})
result_dict.update({Cooling1.label: Cooling1.get_plotting_data()[1]})
result_dict.update({valve.label: valve.get_plotting_data()[1]})
diagram = FluidPropertyDiagram(wf)
diagram.set_unit_system(T='°C', p='Pa', h='kJ/kg')
for key, data in result_dict.items():
result_dict[key]['datapoints'] = diagram.calc_individual_isoline(**data)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(16, 10))
diagram.draw_isolines(fig, ax, 'logph', x_min= c3.h.val - 350, x_max= c1.h.val + 100, y_min= 1e4 , y_max= c1.p.val * 10)
for key in result_dict.keys():
datapoints = result_dict[key]['datapoints']
ax.plot(datapoints['h'], datapoints['p'], color='#ff0000')
ax.scatter(datapoints['h'][0], datapoints['p'][0], color='#ff0000')
print('O COP da bomba de calor com ' + str(wf)+ ' é ' + str(cop))
fig.savefig(str(wf) + '_logph_heating.svg')
#Dimensionamento do permutador de placas paralelas
port_D = 0.016 #m
plate_thickness = 0.0005 #m / d_p
plate_conductivity = 14.9 # W/m.K
chevron_angle = 60 # º
l_v = 0.250 #m
l_p = l_v - port_D #m
w_p = 0.111 #m
l_h = 0.050 #m
d_g = 0.00236 # Espaço médio entre placas / channel gap / b #m
# corrugation_pitch = 0.0075 #
plates = 50
channels_refrigerant = (plates - 2) / 2
channels_cooling = plates / 2
area_catalogo = 0.0026 * (plates - 2) #m2
compressed_pitch = d_g + plate_thickness #m
amplitude = d_g / 2 #m
wave_length = 0.008 #m experimentação
omega = (math.pi * d_g) / wave_length #m
enlargement_factor = (1 / 6) * (1 + math.sqrt(1 + (omega ** 2)) + 4 * math.sqrt(1 + ((omega ** 2) / 2)))
d_h = 2 * d_g / enlargement_factor #m
d_e = 2 * d_g #m
corrugation_aspect_ratio = 2 * d_g / wave_length #m
area_cross = d_g * w_p #m2
if c4.x.val == -1:
q1 = massRateWF * (PSI("H", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) - c4.h.val * 1000) #W
T_cooling_mid1 = T_cooling_in2 + q1 / (massRateCooling2 * PSI("C", "T", T_cooling_in2 + 273.15, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2))
c_h_1 = massRateWF * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + ((PSI("T", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) - 273.15) + c4.T.val) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) #W
c_c_1 = massRateCooling2 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + c20.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) #W
c_min_1 = min(c_h_1, c_c_1)
c_max_1 = max(c_h_1, c_c_1)
Q_1_max = c_min_1 * (c20.T.val - c4.T.val)
efficiency_1 = q1 / Q_1_max
Cr_1 = c_min_1 / c_max_1
ntu_1 = (1 / (Cr_1 - 1)) * math.log((efficiency_1 - 1) / (efficiency_1 * Cr_1 - 1))
q2 = massRateWF * (PSI("H", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) - PSI("H", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf))
T_cooling_mid2 = T_cooling_mid1 + q2 / (massRateCooling2 * PSI("C", "T", T_cooling_mid1 + 273.15, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2))
c_c_2 = massRateCooling2 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) #W
Q_2_max = c_c_2 * (T_cooling_mid1 - (PSI("T", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) - 273.15))
efficiency_2 = q2 / Q_2_max
ntu_2 = - math.log(1 - efficiency_2)
q1 = 0
ntu_1 = 0
c_min_1 = 0
q2 = massRateWF * (PSI("H", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) - PSI("H", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)) * (1 - c4.x.val)
T_cooling_mid2 = T_cooling_in2
T_cooling_mid1 = T_cooling_in2
c_c_2 = massRateCooling2 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + T_cooling_mid2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) #W
Q_2_max = c_c_2 * (T_cooling_mid2 - (PSI("T", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) - 273.15))
efficiency_2 = q2 / Q_2_max
ntu_2 = - math.log(1 - efficiency_2)
q3 = abs(Cooling2.Q.val) - q2 - q1
c_h_3 = massRateWF * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + ((PSI("T", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) - 273.15) + c0.T.val) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) #W
c_c_3 = massRateCooling2 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid2 + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) #W
c_min_3 = min(c_h_3, c_c_3)
c_max_3 = max(c_h_3, c_c_3)
Cr_3 = c_min_3 / c_max_3
Q_3_max = c_min_3 * (T_cooling_mid2 - (PSI("T", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) - 273.15))
efficiency_3 = q3 / Q_3_max
ntu_3 = (1 / (Cr_3 - 1)) * math.log((efficiency_3 - 1) / (efficiency_3 * Cr_3 - 1))
G_port_h = 4 * c1.m.val / (math.pi * port_D)
G_port_c = 4 * c20.m.val / (math.pi * port_D)
A_flow_h = w_p * d_g * channels_refrigerant
A_flow_c = w_p * d_g * channels_cooling
G_channel_h = massRateWF / A_flow_h
G_channel_c = massRateCooling2 / A_flow_c
Re_channel_h1 = G_channel_h * d_h / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c4.T.val + PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Re_channel_h3 = G_channel_h * d_h / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf) + T_wf_in) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Re_channel_c1 = G_channel_c * d_h / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c20.T.val + T_cooling_mid1) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2)
Re_channel_c2 = G_channel_c * d_h / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2)
Re_channel_c3 = G_channel_c * d_h / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid2 + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2)
R_f_h = 0.0001
R_f_c = 0.0001
if c4.x.val == -1:
Pr_c1 = PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c20.T.val + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (c20.T.val + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (c20.T.val + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2)
Pr_h1 = PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c4.T.val + PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (c4.T.val + PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (c4.T.val + PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf)
h_c1 = 0.724 * (PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (c20.T.val + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) / d_h) * ((chevron_angle / 30) ** (0.646)) * (Re_channel_c1 ** 0.583) * (Pr_c1 ** (1/3))
h_1 = 0.724 * (PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (c4.T.val + PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) / d_h) * ((chevron_angle / 30) ** (0.646)) * (Re_channel_h1 ** 0.583) * (Pr_h1 ** (1/3))
u_1 = 1 / ((1 / h_c1) + (1 / h_1))
a_1 = ntu_1 * c_min_1 / u_1
h_1 = 0
ntu_1 = 0
a_1 = 0
if c4.x.val == -1:
average_quality_in_out = 0.5
average_quality_in_out = (1 + c4.x.val) / 2
We_m = (G_channel_h ** 2) * d_h / ((average_quality_in_out * PSI("D", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) + (1 - average_quality_in_out) * PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)) * PSI("I", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf))
Re_lo = G_channel_h * d_h / PSI("V", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Re_vo = G_channel_h * d_h / PSI("V", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Pho_ratio = PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) / PSI("D", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf)
chevron_ratio = chevron_angle / 30
Re_l = G_channel_h * (1 - average_quality_in_out) * d_h / PSI("V", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Re_v = G_channel_h * average_quality_in_out * d_h / PSI("V", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Bo = massRateWF * (PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 1, wf) - c4.h.val * 1000) / (area_catalogo * G_channel_h * (PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 1, wf) - PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)))
Bd = (PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) - PSI("D", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf)) * constants.g * (d_h ** 2) / PSI("I", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)
d_0 = 0.0146 * 35 * ((2 * PSI("I", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) / (constants.g * (PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) - PSI("D", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf)))) ** 0.5)
thermal_diffusivity = (PSI("L", "P", pressureIn, "T", 273.15 + 0.0000001 + c0.T.val, wf)) / (PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) * PSI("C", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf))
Pr_l = PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) * PSI("V", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) / PSI("L", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf)
Nu_tp = 0.00187 * ((massRateWF * (PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 1, wf) - c4.h.val * 1000) * d_0 / (PSI("L", "P", pressureIn, "T", 273.15 + 0.0000001 + c0.T.val, wf))) ** 0.56) * (((PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 1, wf) - PSI("H", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) * d_0 / (thermal_diffusivity ** 2)) ** 0.31) * (Pr_l ** 0.33)
h_tp = Nu_tp * (PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + 0.001 + c0.T.val, "P", pressureIn, wf)) / l_p
Pr_c2 = PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2)
h_c2 = 0.724 * (PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid1 + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) / d_h) * ((chevron_angle / 30) ** (0.646)) * (Re_channel_c2 ** 0.583) * (Pr_c2 ** (1/3))
u_2 = 1 / ((1 / h_c2) + (1 / h_tp))
a_2 = ntu_2 * c_c_2 / u_2
Pr_h3 = PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf) + T_wf_in) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf) + T_wf_in) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf) + T_wf_in) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf)
h_3 = 0.724 * (PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf) + T_wf_in) / 2, "P", pressureIn, wf) / d_h) * ((chevron_angle / 30) ** (0.646)) * (Re_channel_h3 ** 0.583) * (Pr_h3 ** (1/3))
Pr_c3 = PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid2 + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid2 + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid2 + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2)
h_c3 = 0.724 * (PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (T_cooling_mid2 + c21.T.val) / 2, "P", c20.p.val, coolingFluid2) / d_h) * ((chevron_angle / 30) ** (0.646)) * (Re_channel_c3 ** 0.583) * (Pr_c3 ** (1/3))
u_3 = 1 / ((1 / h_c3) + (1 / h_3))
a_3 = ntu_3 * c_min_3 / u_3
area_needed = a_1 + a_2 + a_3
F_r_f = 0.183 * (chevron_ratio ** 2) - 0.275 * chevron_ratio + 1.1
pho_average = 1 / ((average_quality_in_out / PSI("D", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf)) + (1 - average_quality_in_out) / PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf))
v_tp = pho_average * (average_quality_in_out * PSI("V", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) / PSI("D", "Q", 1, "P", pressureIn, wf) + (1 - average_quality_in_out) * PSI("V", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf) / PSI("D", "Q", 0, "P", pressureIn, wf))
Re_tp = G_channel_h * d_h / v_tp
f_c1 = 0.8 * (Re_channel_c1 ** (-0.25))
f_c2 = 0.8 * (Re_channel_c2 ** (-0.25))
f_c3 = 0.8 * (Re_channel_c3 ** (-0.25))
f_h1 = 0.8 * (Re_channel_h1 ** (-0.25))
f_tp = 38100 * F_r_f / ((Re_tp ** 0.9) * (Pho_ratio ** 0.16))
f_h3 = 0.8 * (Re_channel_h3 ** (-0.25))
delta_p_f_c1 = (4 * f_c1 * l_p * (G_channel_c ** 2)) / (2 * PSI("D", "P", c20.p.val, "T", 273.15 + T_cooling_mid1, coolingFluid2) * d_h)
delta_p_f_c2 = (4 * f_c2 * l_p * (G_channel_c ** 2)) / (2 * PSI("D", "P", c20.p.val, "T", 273.15 + T_cooling_mid2, coolingFluid2) * d_h)
delta_p_f_c3 = (4 * f_c3 * l_p * (G_channel_c ** 2)) / (2 * PSI("D", "P", c20.p.val, "T", 273.15 + (c21.T.val + T_cooling_mid2) / 2, coolingFluid2) * d_h)
if c4.x.val == -1:
delta_p_f_h1 = (4 * f_h1 * l_p * (G_channel_h ** 2)) / (2 * PSI("D", "P", pressureIn, "T", 273.15 + (c4.T.val + PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) / 2, wf) * d_h)
delta_p_f_h1 = 0
delta_p_f_h2 = (4 * f_tp * l_p * (G_channel_h ** 2)) / ((PSI("D", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 1, wf) + PSI("D", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf)) * d_h)
delta_p_f_h3 = (4 * f_h3 * l_p * (G_channel_h ** 2)) / (2 * PSI("D", "P", pressureIn, "T", 273.15 + (PSI("T", "P", pressureIn, "Q", 0, wf) + T_wf_in) / 2, wf) * d_h)
delta_p_f_h = delta_p_f_h1 + delta_p_f_h2 + delta_p_f_h3
delta_p_f_c = delta_p_f_c1 + delta_p_f_c2 + delta_p_f_c3
#v_cooling = massRateCooling / (coolingDensity * (0.25 * math.pi * (port_D ** 2)))
delta_p_p_h = 1.5 * (G_port_h ** 2) / (2 * PSI("D", "P", c20.p.val, "T", 273.15 + (c20.T.val + c21.T.val) / 2, coolingFluid2))
delta_p_p_c = 1.5 * (G_port_c ** 2) / ((PSI("D", "P", pressureOut, "Q", 1, wf) + PSI("D", "P", pressureOut, "Q", 0, wf)))
delta_p_c = delta_p_f_c + delta_p_p_c
delta_p_h = delta_p_f_h + delta_p_p_h
#Não se considera as perdas de carga por ação gravítica por causa da reduzida variação da mesma
#Dimensionamento tubo alhetado
air_velocity = 10 #m/s
d_out = 0.01905
tube_wall = 0.0015
d_in = d_out - 2 * tube_wall
r1_fin = d_out / 2
L_fin = 0.00094
r2_fin = r1_fin + L_fin
t_fin = 0.000279
k_fin = 14.9
k_tube = 14.9
Lc_fin = L_fin + t_fin / 2
Ap_fin = Lc_fin * t_fin
A_fin = 2 * math.pi * ((r2_fin ** 2) - (r1_fin ** 2))
r2c_fin = r2_fin + t_fin
fins_per_inch = 28
S_fin = 0.0254 / fins_per_inch - t_fin
Re_outside = air_velocity * d_out * PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air")
if Re_outside >= 0.4 and Re_outside < 4:
c = 0.989
m_re = 0.33
elif Re_outside >= 4 and Re_outside < 40:
c = 0.911
m_re = 0.385
elif Re_outside >= 40 and Re_outside < 4000:
c = 0.683
m_re = 0.466
elif Re_outside >= 4000 and Re_outside < 40000:
c = 0.193
m_re = 0.618
c = 0.027
m_re = 0.805
Pr_outside = PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air")
Nu_outside = c * (Re_outside ** m_re) * (Pr_outside ** (1/3))
h_outside = Nu_outside * PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") / d_out
Pr_1 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + (c1.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf) * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c1.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (c1.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf)
Re_stage1 = 4 * massRateWF / (math.pi * d_in * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c1.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf))
Nu_stage1 = 0.023 * (Re_stage1 ** 0.8) * (Pr_1 ** 0.3)
h_stage1 = Nu_stage1 * PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (T_satWF + c1.T.val) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf) / d_in
Pr_3 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + (c2.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf) * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c2.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (c2.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf)
Re_stage3 = 4 * massRateWF / (math.pi * d_in * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + (c2.T.val + T_satWF) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf))
Nu_stage3 = 0.023 * (Re_stage3 ** 0.8) * (Pr_3 ** 0.3)
h_stage3 = Nu_stage3 * PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + (T_satWF + c2.T.val) / 2, "P", pressureOut, wf) / d_in
m = math.sqrt(2 * h_outside / (k_fin * t_fin))
mr1 = m * r1_fin
mr2 = m * r2c_fin
I0_mr1 = iv(0, mr1)
I0_mr2 = iv(0,mr2)
I1_mr1 = iv(1, mr1)
I1_mr2 = iv(1, mr2)
K0_mr1 = kv(0, mr1)
K0_mr2 = kv(0, mr2)
K1_mr1 = kv(1, mr1)
K1_mr2 = kv(1, mr2)
eff_fin = (2 * r1_fin * (K1_mr1 * I1_mr2 - I1_mr1 * K1_mr2)) / (m *((r2c_fin ** 2) - (r1_fin ** 2)) * (K0_mr1 * I1_mr2 + I0_mr1 * K1_mr2))
xx = 0.5
Re_tube_l = 4 * massRateWF * xx / (math.pi * d_in * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf))
Pr_tube_l = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf) * PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf) / PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf)
Martinelli = (((1 - xx) / xx) ** 0.9) * ((PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 1, wf) / PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf)) ** 0.5) * ((PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf) / PSI("V", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 1, wf)) ** 0.1)
Nu_stage2 = 0.023 * (Re_tube_l ** 0.8) * (Pr_tube_l ** 0.4) * (1 + 2.22 / (Martinelli ** 0.89))
h_stage2 = Nu_stage2 * PSI("L", "T", 273.15 + T_satWF, "Q", 0, wf) / d_in
Q_stage1_L = (c1.T.val - T_amb) / ((1 / (2 * math.pi * r1_fin * h_stage1)) + (math.log(r2_fin / r1_fin) / (2 * math.pi * k_tube)) + ((S_fin + t_fin) / (h_outside * (2 * math.pi * r2_fin * S_fin + A_fin * eff_fin))))
length_1 = ((c1.h.val * 1000 - PSI("H", "P", pressureOut, "Q", 1, wf)) * massRateWF) / Q_stage1_L
Q_stage2_L = (T_satWF - T_amb) / ((1 / (2 * math.pi * r1_fin * h_stage2)) + (math.log(r2_fin / r1_fin) / (2 * math.pi * k_tube)) + ((S_fin + t_fin) / (h_outside * (2 * math.pi * r2_fin * S_fin + A_fin * eff_fin))))
length_2 = (PSI("H", "P", pressureOut, "Q", 1, wf) - PSI("H", "P", pressureOut, "Q", 0, wf)) * massRateWF / Q_stage2_L
Q_stage3_L = (T_satWF - T_amb) / ((1 / (2 * math.pi * r1_fin * h_stage3)) + (math.log(r2_fin / r1_fin) / (2 * math.pi * k_tube)) + ((S_fin + t_fin) / (h_outside * (2 * math.pi * r2_fin * S_fin + A_fin * eff_fin))))
length_3 = ((PSI("H", "P", pressureOut, "Q", 0, wf) - c2.h.val * 1000) * massRateWF) / Q_stage3_L
length_total = length_1 + length_2 + length_3
Q_total_tube = massRateWF * (c1.h.val - c2.h.val) * 1000 #W
Tf_air = T_amb + Q_total_tube / (massRateCooling1 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air"))
t_air_1 = Tf_air
t_pack_1 = t_pack
t0 = 0
t1 = 1
t_air_2 = t_pack_1 + (t_air_1 - t_pack_1) / (math.exp((transfer_area_pack * h_outside) / (massRateCooling1 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + t_air_1, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air"))))
pack_heat_rate = massRateCooling1 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + t_air_1, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") * (t_air_1 - t_air_2)
t_pack_2 = t_pack_1 + pack_heat_rate * (t1 - t0) / (m_pack * cp_pack)
t_pack_1 = t_pack_2
while t_pack_2 < t_pack_final:
t_air_2 = t_pack_1 + (t_air_1 - t_pack_1) / (math.exp((transfer_area_pack * h_outside) / (massRateCooling1 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + t_air_1, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air"))))
pack_heat_rate = massRateCooling1 * PSI("C", "T", 273.15 + t_air_1, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") * (t_air_1 - t_air_2)
t_pack_2 = t_pack_1 + pack_heat_rate * (t1 - t0) / (m_pack * cp_pack)
t_pack_1 = t_pack_2
t0 += 1
t1 += 1
print("Área necessária (permutador de placas): " + str(round(area_needed, 3)) + " m2")
print("Área catalogo (permutador de placas): " + str(round(area_catalogo,3)) + " m2")
print("Perda de carga no lado da água: " + str(round(delta_p_c / 1000, 4)) + " kPa")
print("Perda de carga no lado do fluído de trabalho: " + str(round(delta_p_h / 1000, 3)) + " kPa")
print("O tubo alhetado tem um comprimento total de: " + str(round(length_total, 2)) + " m")
print("O ar exterior sairá a uma temperatura média de " + str(round(Tf_air, 2)) + " ºC")
print("Para que o pack de baterias atinja uma temperatura final de " + str(t_pack_final) + " ºC, sendo que começa a uma temperatura incial de " + str(round(t_pack, 1)) + " ºC, irá demorar aproximadamente " + str(round(t1 / 60)) + " minutos.")
print("Modo arrefecimento")
heatPump_cooling = Network(T_unit='C', p_unit='Pa', h_unit='kJ / kg', iterinfo=False)
cC0 = Connection(Cooling1, 'out2', compressor, 'in1', label= 'Estado inicial')
cC1 = Connection(compressor, 'out1', Cooling2, 'in1', label= 'Pós compressão')
cC2 = Connection(Cooling2, "out1", valve, "in1", label= "Pós arrefecimento")
cC3 = Connection(valve, "out1", closer, "in1", label= "Pós expansãp")
cC4 = Connection(closer, "out1", Cooling1, "in2", label= "Cycle Closer")
cC10 = Connection(source1, "out1", Cooling1, "in1", label= "Ambiente")
cC11 = Connection(Cooling1, "out1", sink1, "in1", label= "Ambiente arrefecido")
cC20 = Connection(source2, "out1", Cooling2, "in2", label= "Água fria")
cC21 = Connection(Cooling2, "out2", sink2, "in1", label= "Água quente")
heatPump_cooling.add_conns(cC0, cC1, cC2, cC3, cC4, cC10, cC11, cC20, cC21)
wf = "R32"
massRateWF = 0.037 #kg/s
T_amb = 10
T_cooling_in2 = 5 #Água
coolingHeated1 = -5 #Ar
coolingHeated2 = 8 #Água
coolingVolumeRate2 = 2 / 3600 #m3/s
coolingFluid2 = "Water"
coolingFluid1 = "Air"
coolingDensity2 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_cooling_in2, "P", 3e5, coolingFluid2) #kg/m3 Água
massRateCooling2 = coolingVolumeRate2 * coolingDensity2 #kg/s
coolingVolume1 = 800 / 3600 #m3/s
massRateCooling1 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") * coolingVolume1
t_pack = T_amb
t_pack_final = 5
Cooling1.set_attr(pr1 = condenserPressureLossRatioHot, pr2 = 1)
compressor.set_attr(eta_s = efficiencyCompressor, pr = pressureOut / pressureIn)
Cooling2.set_attr(pr1 = evaporatorPressureLossRatioHot, pr2 = 1)
cC0.set_attr(fluid={wf: 1}, m = massRateWF, T = T_wf_in, p = pressureIn)
cC10.set_attr(fluid={coolingFluid1: 1}, p = 1.01325e5, T = T_amb, m = massRateCooling1)
cC20.set_attr(fluid={coolingFluid2: 1}, p = 3e5, T = T_cooling_in2, m = massRateCooling2)
valve.set_attr(pr = pressureIn / pressureOut)
heatPump_cooling.solve(mode= 'design')
heatPump_cooling.print_results() |
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PS: Trying to build a similar model without a cycle close seems to somewhat work, except for the fact that the end value won´t match the starting value from tespy.networks import Network
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI as PSI
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fluprodia import FluidPropertyDiagram
import math
from scipy import constants
import sys
from scipy.special import iv, kv
from tespy.connections import Connection
from tespy.components import (CycleCloser, Compressor, Valve, Pump, HeatExchanger, Source, Sink)
heatPump_cooling = Network(T_unit='C', p_unit='Pa', h_unit='kJ / kg', iterinfo=False)
closer = CycleCloser('cycle closer') #Chamar componente ciclo de fecho
Cooling1 = HeatExchanger('Cooling 1')
Cooling2 = HeatExchanger('Cooling 2') #Chamar componente permutador de calor
valve = Valve('expansion valve') #Chamar componente válvula
compressor = Compressor('compressor') #Chamar componente compressor
pump = Pump('pump') #Chamar componente bomba
source1 = Source('ambIn1')
source2 = Source('ambIn2')
sink1 = Sink('ambOut1')
sink2 = Sink('ambOut2')
test_source1 = Source('test_source1')
test_source2 = Source('test_source2')
test_source3 = Source('test_source3')
test_sink1 = Sink('test_sink1')
test_sink2 = Sink('test_sink2')
test_sink3 = Sink('test_sink3')
wf = "R32"
massRateWF = 0.0183 #kg/s
T_wf_in = -33
pressureIn = 1.8e5
pressureOut = 16e5
T_amb = 10
T_cooling_in2 = 5 #Água
coolingHeated1 = 1 #Ar
coolingHeated2 = 8 #Água
coolingVolumeRate2 = 2 / 3600 #m3/s
coolingFluid2 = "Water"
coolingFluid1 = "Air"
coolingDensity2 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_cooling_in2, "P", 3e5, coolingFluid2) #kg/m3 Água
massRateCooling2 = coolingVolumeRate2 * coolingDensity2 #kg/s
coolingVolume1 = 800 / 3600 #m3/s
massRateCooling1 = PSI("D", "T", 273.15 + T_amb, "P", 1.01325e5, "Air") * coolingVolume1
condenserPressureLossRatioHot = 1
evaporatorPressureLossRatioHot = 1
efficiencyCompressor = 0.85
efficiencyPump = 0.65
Cooling1.set_attr(pr1 = condenserPressureLossRatioHot, pr2 = 1)
compressor.set_attr(eta_s = efficiencyCompressor, pr = pressureOut / pressureIn)
Cooling2.set_attr(pr1 = evaporatorPressureLossRatioHot, pr2 = 1)
valve.set_attr(pr = pressureIn / pressureOut)
c0 = Connection(test_source1, 'out1', compressor, 'in1', label= 'Estado inicial')
c1 = Connection(compressor, 'out1', Cooling2, 'in1', label= 'Pós compressão')
c2 = Connection(Cooling2, 'out1', valve, 'in1', label= 'Pós arrefecimento')
c3 = Connection(valve, 'out1', Cooling1, 'in2', label= 'Pós expansão')
c4 = Connection(Cooling1, 'out2', test_sink1, 'in1', label= 'Pós aquecimento')
c10 = Connection(test_source2, "out1", Cooling2, "in2", label= "Água fria")
c11 = Connection(Cooling2, "out2", test_sink2, "in1", label= "Água quente")
c20 = Connection(test_source3, 'out1', Cooling1, 'in1', label= 'Ar quente')
c21 = Connection(Cooling1, 'out1', test_sink3, 'in1', label= 'Ar frio')
c0.set_attr(fluid={wf: 1}, m = massRateWF, T = T_wf_in, p = pressureIn)
c10.set_attr(fluid={coolingFluid2: 1}, m = massRateCooling2, T = T_cooling_in2, p = 3e5)
c11.set_attr(T = coolingHeated2)
c20.set_attr(fluid={coolingFluid1: 1}, m = massRateCooling1, T = T_amb, p = 1.01325e5)
c21.set_attr(T = coolingHeated1)
heatPump_cooling.add_conns(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c10, c11, c20, c21)
result_dict = {}
result_dict.update({Cooling2.label: Cooling2.get_plotting_data()[1]})
result_dict.update({compressor.label: compressor.get_plotting_data()[1]})
result_dict.update({Cooling1.label: Cooling1.get_plotting_data()[2]})
result_dict.update({valve.label: valve.get_plotting_data()[1]})
diagram = FluidPropertyDiagram(wf)
diagram.set_unit_system(T='°C', p='Pa', h='kJ/kg')
for key, data in result_dict.items():
result_dict[key]['datapoints'] = diagram.calc_individual_isoline(**data)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(16, 10))
diagram.draw_isolines(fig, ax, 'logph', x_min= c3.h.val - 350, x_max= c1.h.val + 100, y_min= 1e4 , y_max= c1.p.val * 10)
for key in result_dict.keys():
datapoints = result_dict[key]['datapoints']
ax.plot(datapoints['h'], datapoints['p'], color='#ff0000')
ax.scatter(datapoints['h'][0], datapoints['p'][0], color='#ff0000')
fig.savefig(str(wf) + '_logph_cooling.svg') |
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Hi @rafaelmarqferreira and thanks for reaching out! I will respond to you later today :) |
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Hm... well it is kind of a bug, and kind of not. The heat exchanger cold side effectiveness uses the cold side pressure and the hot side inlet temperature of a heat exchanger (hot side effectiveness is hot side pressure and cold side inlet temperature). In this case, the temperature at the hot side inlet is out of bounds for the cold side fluid, which is unfortunate. I think it would be best, to except this issue in the postprocessing. I will do a quick fix for this this weekend. If you do not want to wait, I would like to invite you to make the change and open a pull request :)
Thank you for reporting and have a nice evening