Due: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 before class
Take the comments from your classmate and revise your research paper summary from HW3.
You will submit this assignment in your hw3-summary repo (this is not a typo, add your update to your HW3 repo).
To help me see what changes you've made, keep the name of your BibTeX and LaTeX files the same as you had for HW3 (e.g., HW3-summary.tex
). GitHub will highlight the changes between the revisions.
But, give the final PDF a different name, like HW5-revised-summary.pdf
Submit the URL of your revised summary in Blackboard:
- Click on HW5 under Homeworks
- Under "Assignment Submission", click the "Write Submission" button.
- Copy/paste the URL of your revised summary into the edit box
- should be something like https://github.com/cs800-research-spr20/hw3-summary-username/HW5-revised-summary.pdf
- Make sure to "Submit" your assignment.