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190 lines (145 loc) · 10.2 KB

Version 1.0.0

We are calling this release medspacy 1.0.0 because we believe it to be the best stable release so far. It contains a large amount of reworking the API in hopes that it will be more stable in the future and a (hopefully) complete documentation of all the current features.

Major additions also include serialization with nlp.pipe and SpanGroups.


Overhauled medspacy documentation, created docstrings in Google docstring format and type hints for methods. Tutorial notebooks all have udpated examples and bug fixes.

Span Groups

Added functionality using spaCy SpanGroups to all components. Default behavior is to use doc.ents, but span groups can be specified and default span group name is "medspacy_spans".

Components that produce entities such as the Target Matcher can specify a destination for the resulting entities as well as the name of the span group. Components that consume entities such as Context or the Sectionizer can specify where to look for spans, either doc.ents or a span group.

SpanGroups can be enabled in: TargetMatcher, Sectionizer, ConText, PostProcessor, QuickUMLS, and DocConsumer.


Serialization has been enabled across medspacy components. Previously, components and custom objects inside medspacy were not always JSON-serializable for medspacy's built in multiprocessing. This has been resolved and nlp.pipe([list of texts]) should now work with medspacy components (particularly ConText and Sectionizer) included in the pipeline.

This helps boost performance by allowing batch processing and multiprocessing.

Data Protection

Started the process of protecting internal component variables. Previously, the internal structure of medspacy components was exposed and could be altered in ways that were not intended. Some variables, such as the internal MedspacyMatcher objects and span group information are now stored as private or protected variables with some properties allowing limited access.

Data Simplification

Many internal variables within medspacy contained duplicated or unused information. These have all been removed and some have been replaced with properties that provide the same information.

Component Standardization

Components have been standardized across medspaCy.

Components that use the MedspacyMatcher object (TargetMatcher, ConText, Sectionizer), now are initialized with the rules parameter that can be "default" if there are default rules, None if no rules should be loaded, or a path to a JSON file containing the rules.

Components now have an add() method that append single rule objects or collections of rule objects to the existing rule list.

Components that produce entities, such as QuickUMLS and TargetMatcher, have parameters result_type that can be "ents" or "group" determining whether SpanGroup functionality is used.

Components that can consume or modify entities have input_span_type that can be "ents" or "group" that determines where they look for entity spans.

Components with span group functionality all have the span group name determined by span_group_name, which by default is "medspacy_spans".

We have also renamed ConTextComponent to be just ConText, so the name is more in line with other medspacy components.

When adding components to a pipeline. The string name of all components is medspacy_[component_name]. Abbreviated names have been removed.


This release includes a new subpackage which includes utilities for converting docs into structured data which can then be written back to a relational database.

  • DocConsumer: A pipeline component which extracts structured data from a doc and stores it in a dictionary which can be accessed through doc._.get_data(). Docs processed by DocConsumer can then be written to a database or transformed into a pandas database. The following types of data can be extracted from a doc:
    • "ent": The text, label, character offsets, and custom attributes from entities in doc.ents: [("pneumonia", "CONDITION", 5, 15, ...), ...]
    • "section": Extract the sections of a note: [("past_medical_history", "PMH: The patient has a hx of..." ...), ...]
    • "context": Extract entity/modifier pairs extracted by ConText: [("pneumonia", "no evidence of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", ...)]
    • "doc": Extract the doc text and any specified doc attributes
  • DbConnect / DbReader / DbWriter: Utilities for connecting to a database using either sqlite3 or pyodbc, loading texts, and writing back docs processed by DocConsumer
  • Pipeline: A single class which wraps up the DbReader and DbWriter for processing and saving a series of texts
  • doc._.to_dataframe(): Convert a doc processed by DocConsumer to a pandas DataFrame


This new release includes a lot of new functionality and improvements such as more consistent renaming.


  • Support for QuickUMLS component for concept extraction and UMLS linking
  • Regular expression support in main rule-based components (TargetMatcher), ConTextComponent, and Sectionizer`)
  • New extensions of spaCy Doc, Span, and Token classes
  • Refactored rules in for context and section detection
  • New notebooks for demonstration

There are some breaking changes to be aware of:

  • For ConText, ConTextItem has been refactored to ConTextRule to define context rules
  • For section detection, lists of dictionary patterns have been replaced with lists of SectionRule objects to define sectionizer rules
  • Renamed section attributes (old -> new):
    • section_title -> section_category
    • section_header -> section_title
    • See notebooks/section_detection for examples of the new API


Regular expression support

  • Added RegexMatcher to allow span matching on Doc objects using regular expressions
  • Created the common MedspacyMatcher class to wrap up Matcher, PhraseMatcher, and RegexMatcher functionality
  • Updated ConTextComponent, Sectionizer to use the same API for matching using literal strings, spaCy patterns, or regular expressions
from medspacy.context import ConTextRule
# pattern can now be None, a list of dicts, or a regular expression string
rule = ConTextRule("no history of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", pattern=r"no( medical)? history of")


  • Refactored ConTextItem to be ConTextRule and all relevant attributes to reflect new naming
  • Changed the rule argument in ConTextItem which defines directionality to be direction
# Old
from medspacy.context import ConTextItem
ConTextItem("no evidence of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", direction="FORWARD") # Will raise exception

# New
from medspacy.context import ConTextRule
ConTextRule("no evidence of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", rule="FORWARD")

section_detection changes

  • Sectionizer now creates sections with three core components. This should help clarify ambiguity between previous naming conventions.
    • category the normalized type of the whole section, formerly section_title
    • title the actual covered text and span matched with the rules, formerly section_header
    • body the text in between sections, formerly section_span or section_text
  • Sectionizer now uses SectionRule rules to define patterns instead of dictionaries
  • Sectionizer now stores results in a Section class to avoid storing non-serializable elements like spaCy's Span. The Section object has a variety of properties that can be accessed from Token, Span and Doc levels.
  • parenting algorithm works the same but now stores the Section of the parent rather than just the name.
  • Some sectionizer tests remain commented out. These tests no longer apply to the current API and need some reworking at a later date to develop tests for the same concepts. These mostly have to do with the new method of storing and creating rules, which may involve more sophisticated testing of the MedspacyMatcher in general
  • Updated visualizer to reflect use of Section objects
  • Updated jupyter notebooks with working examples using the adjusted API for Section objects.
from medspacy.section_detection import Sectionizer, SectionRule

# Old
sectionizer = Sectionizer(nlp, patterns="default")
pattern = {"section_title": "past_medical_history", "pattern": "past_medical_history"}
print(doc._.sections[0]) # namedtuple

# New
sectionizer = Sectionizer(nlp, rules="default")
rule = SectionRule(category="past_medical_history", literal="Past Medical History")
sectionizer.add([rule]) # medspacy.section_detection.section.Section
print(doc._.sections[0]) # medspacy.section_detection.section.Section

quickumls changes

  • Native support for integration with QuickUMLS for concept extraction and UMLS linking.
  • Requires some additional setup for Windows users, as well as for building the resource files.
  • We'll add additional documentation throughout, but there is a very simple notebook in the notebooks/ folder to get you started
  • MedspaCy comes with a sample of UMLS resource files, but for the entire UMLS you'll need to download and build the resource files. Will add additional documentation soon.
import medspacy
QUICKUMLS_PATH = "/path/to/umls/resources"

nlp = medspacy.load(enable = {"quickumls"}, 
                    quickumls_path=QUICKUMLS_PATH # Can also be None to load sample


  • Declare all custom attributes and methods in medspacy._extensions
  • Add top-level functions to get extension name and default values:
    • set_extensions, get_extensions, get_doc_extensions, get_span_extensions, get_token_extensions
  • Add token._.window(n=2), span._.window(n=2) functions for getting windows of text around a token or span
  • Add span._.contains(target) function for searching within a span
from medspacy import get_extensions

doc = nlp("There is no evidence of pneumonia in the image.")
token = doc[3] 
print(token._.window()) # "is no evidence of pneumonia"

span = doc[3:6]
print(span._.window(n=1)) # "no evidence of pneumonia in"
print(span._.contains(r"(pna|pneumonia)")) # True