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Exercise 05

Geometry Processing Research in Python

Basic properties of surfaces

You have learned how to create meshes, and all the different ways to display meshes and data. In this exercise, we will compute a few basic geometric properties of surfaces.

Boundary vertices

Every triangle in a triangle mesh is adjacent to another triangle, except for boundary triangles. The edges that have only one adjacent triangles form the boundary loop, and the vertices on this boundary loop are the boundary vertices.

You can get a list of boundary vertices from Gpytoolbox using boundary_vertices. For a triangle mesh V,F, the vector bv = gpy.boundary_vertices(F) is a list of boundary vertices - each entry in bv refers to a row in V:

import gpytoolbox as gpy, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin_with_bdry.obj")
bv = gpy.boundary_vertices(F)
ps_penguin = ps.register_surface_mesh("penguin", V, F)
ps_penguin_bdry = ps.register_point_cloud("penguin bdry", V[bv,:])

This should print the boundary vertex array:

[  768  1349  2294  3187  7030  7031  7036  7101  7102  7103  7104  7105
  7106  9604  9605  9606  9607  9612 11550 11552 13124 13126 13130 13133]

and display:

Boundary vertices on the penguin

For some applications you might actually want the ordered boundary loops, ordered lists of boundary vertices, one for each component. bl = gpy.boundary_loops(F) returns a Python list of boundary components, and each entry of bl is a NumPy array that is an ordered list of all vertices in this boundary component. So, to plot the two boundary components separately, we can do the following:

import gpytoolbox as gpy, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin_with_bdry.obj")
bl = gpy.boundary_loops(F)
print(f"The boundary has {len(bl)} components.")
ps_penguin = ps.register_surface_mesh("penguin", V, F)
ps_penguin_bdry0 = ps.register_point_cloud("penguin bdry 0", V[bl[0],:])
ps_penguin_bdry1 = ps.register_point_cloud("penguin bdry 1", V[bl[1],:])

This should print

The boundary has 2 components.

and display:

Boundary loops on the penguin

NOTE: Gpytoolbox can also extract the boundary edges with boundary_edges.

Triangle areas

Another basic triangle mesh quantity that we use a lot is the triangle area. Triangle areas can be computed in Gpytoolbox with the doublearea function. It returns a list of floating point values, where the n-th entry is the double area of the n-th triangle (the n-th row in the face list F). In code,

import gpytoolbox as gpy, numpy as np, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin.obj")
A = 0.5 * gpy.doublearea(V,F)
print(f"Total mesh area: {np.sum(A)}")
ps_penguin = ps.register_surface_mesh("penguin", V, F)
ps_penguin.add_scalar_quantity("triangle areas", A,
    defined_on='faces', enabled=True)

This should print

Total mesh area: 12.730073170563058

and display:

Triangle areas


We have already talked about the normals of a triangle mesh when we talked about shading. But how do you compute the normals if you just want the vectors?

You can compute the unit normal of each triangle in a mesh V,F with the function per_vertex_normals. It returns a matrix of the same dimension as F: There is one row for each triangle in F, and each row are the coordinates of a vector in 3D - the normal vector. We plot it with Polyscope's add_vector_quantity function, which works just like add_scalar_quantity, except for a list of scalars per element it wants a list of vectors per element as its second argument.

import gpytoolbox as gpy, numpy as np, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.icosphere(2)
N = gpy.per_face_normals(V,F)
ps_sphere = ps.register_surface_mesh("sphere", V, F)
ps_sphere.add_vector_quantity("per face normals", N,
    defined_on='faces', enabled=True)

This displays:

Per-face normals on a sphere

Sometimes we need normal vectors on vertices. A triangle mesh does not have actual normal vectors (i.e., vectors that are perpendicular to the surface) at a vector, but we can get an approximation of a smooth surface's normal vector using Gpytoolbox's per_vertex_normals function:

import gpytoolbox as gpy, numpy as np, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.icosphere(2)
Nv = gpy.per_vertex_normals(V,F)
ps_sphere = ps.register_surface_mesh("sphere", V, F)
ps_sphere.add_vector_quantity("per vertex normals", Nv,
    defined_on='vertices', enabled=True)

This displays:

Per-vertex normals on a sphere

Angle defect

The last geometric quantity which I often use, and for which there is a convenient Gpytoolbox function, is the angle defect: the integrated curvature of the mesh. It is computed in Gpytoolbox with the angle_defect function. The angle defect is negative for vertices that are saddle points, positive for vertices that are locally spherical, and zero for points whose neighborhoods can be unfolded onto the flat plane without distortion:

import gpytoolbox as gpy, numpy as np, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin.obj")
k = gpy.angle_defect(V,F)
ps_penguin = ps.register_surface_mesh("penguin", V, F,
    material='wax', smooth_shade=True)
ps_penguin.add_scalar_quantity("angle defect", k,
    vminmax=(-0.15,0.15), cmap='coolwarm', enabled=True)

This displays:

The angle defect of a penguin

That's it!

In the next exercise, exercise_06, we will discuss how to obtain adjacency information in a triangle mesh.

Oded Stein 2024. Geometry Processing Research in Python