diff --git a/.ocamlformat b/.ocamlformat
index e9b4fef..4eae793 100644
--- a/.ocamlformat
+++ b/.ocamlformat
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+version = 0.19.0
+profile = conventional
+break-infix = fit-or-vertical
+parse-docstrings = true
+module-item-spacing = compact
diff --git a/src/api/solver.ml b/src/api/solver.ml
index 2871817..3a1b396 100644
--- a/src/api/solver.ml
+++ b/src/api/solver.ml
@@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ module Log = struct
let pp_timestamp f x =
let open Unix in
let tm = gmtime x in
- Fmt.pf f "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d.%02d" (tm.tm_year + 1900) (tm.tm_mon + 1) tm.tm_mday
- tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
+ Fmt.pf f "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d.%02d" (tm.tm_year + 1900) (tm.tm_mon + 1)
+ tm.tm_mday tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
let write t msg =
let open X.Write in
let message_size = 150 + String.length msg in
- let request, params = Capability.Request.create ~message_size Params.init_pointer in
+ let request, params =
+ Capability.Request.create ~message_size Params.init_pointer
+ in
Params.msg_set params msg;
Capability.call_for_unit_exn t method_id request
@@ -23,7 +25,8 @@ module Log = struct
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let k msg =
let thread = write t msg in
- Lwt.on_failure thread (fun ex -> Format.eprintf "Log.info(%S) failed: %a@." msg Fmt.exn ex)
+ Lwt.on_failure thread (fun ex ->
+ Format.eprintf "Log.info(%S) failed: %a@." msg Fmt.exn ex)
Fmt.kstr k ("%a [INFO] @[" ^^ fmt ^^ "@]@.") pp_timestamp now
@@ -35,9 +38,11 @@ type t = X.t Capability.t
let solve t ~log reqs =
let open X.Solve in
let request, params = Capability.Request.create Params.init_pointer in
- Params.request_set params (Worker.Solve_request.to_yojson reqs |> Yojson.Safe.to_string);
+ Params.request_set params
+ (Worker.Solve_request.to_yojson reqs |> Yojson.Safe.to_string);
Params.log_set params (Some log);
- Capability.call_for_value_exn t method_id request >|= Results.response_get >|= fun json ->
+ Capability.call_for_value_exn t method_id request >|= Results.response_get
+ >|= fun json ->
match Worker.Solve_response.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string json) with
| Ok x -> x
| Error ex -> failwith ex
diff --git a/src/api/worker.ml b/src/api/worker.ml
index 765cbb8..3c531a7 100644
--- a/src/api/worker.ml
+++ b/src/api/worker.ml
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ module Selection = struct
type t = {
id : string; (** The platform ID from the request. *)
packages : string list; (** The selected packages ("name.version"). *)
- commits : (string * string) list; (** Commits in opam-repositories to use. *)
+ commits : (string * string) list;
+ (** Commits in opam-repositories to use. *)
[@@deriving yojson, ord]
@@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ module Solve_request = struct
opam_repos_folders : (string * string * string) list;
(** Opam repositories to use: name, folder, commit *)
pkgs : string list; (** Name of packages to solve. *)
- constraints : (string * string) list; (** Version locks: package, version *)
+ constraints : (string * string) list;
+ (** Version locks: package, version *)
platforms : (string * Vars.t) list; (** Possible build platforms, by ID. *)
[@@deriving yojson]
@@ -36,7 +38,8 @@ end
(** The response from the solver. *)
module Solve_response = struct
- type ('a, 'b) result = ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b [@@deriving yojson]
+ type ('a, 'b) result = ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b
+ [@@deriving yojson]
type t = (Selection.t list, [ `Msg of string ]) result [@@deriving yojson]
diff --git a/src/lib/config.ml b/src/lib/config.ml
index 7eaf204..4b1bfb6 100644
--- a/src/lib/config.ml
+++ b/src/lib/config.ml
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ let profile =
let to_obuilder_job build_spec =
let open Current.Syntax in
let+ build_spec = build_spec in
- let spec_str = Fmt.to_to_string Obuilder_spec.pp (build_spec |> Spec.finish) in
+ let spec_str =
+ Fmt.to_to_string Obuilder_spec.pp (build_spec |> Spec.finish)
+ in
let open Cluster_api.Obuilder_job.Spec in
{ spec = `Contents spec_str }
@@ -16,14 +18,16 @@ let to_docker_job build_spec =
let open Current.Syntax in
let spec_str =
let+ build_spec = build_spec in
- Obuilder_spec.Docker.dockerfile_of_spec ~buildkit:true (build_spec |> Spec.finish)
+ Obuilder_spec.Docker.dockerfile_of_spec ~buildkit:true
+ (build_spec |> Spec.finish)
`Contents spec_str
let build ?label ?cache_hint t ~pool ~src spec =
match profile with
| `Production | `Dev ->
- to_obuilder_job spec |> Current_ocluster.build_obuilder ?label ?cache_hint t ~pool ~src
+ to_obuilder_job spec
+ |> Current_ocluster.build_obuilder ?label ?cache_hint t ~pool ~src
| `Docker ->
let options =
@@ -33,4 +37,5 @@ let build ?label ?cache_hint t ~pool ~src spec =
include_git = true;
- to_docker_job spec |> Current_ocluster.build ~options ?label ?cache_hint t ~pool ~src
+ to_docker_job spec
+ |> Current_ocluster.build ~options ?label ?cache_hint t ~pool ~src
diff --git a/src/lib/current_solver.ml b/src/lib/current_solver.ml
index 0c6c633..8abba8a 100644
--- a/src/lib/current_solver.ml
+++ b/src/lib/current_solver.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
type resolution = { name : string; version : string } [@@deriving yojson]
type t = { resolutions : resolution list; repos : Repository.t list }
let solver = Solver_pool.spawn_local ()
@@ -33,8 +32,10 @@ module Op = struct
( "repos",
- `List (List.map (fun (_, commit) -> `String (Current_git.Commit.hash commit)) repos)
- );
+ `List
+ (List.map
+ (fun (_, commit) -> `String (Current_git.Commit.hash commit))
+ repos) );
("packages", `List (List.map (fun p -> `String p) packages));
("system", `String (Fmt.str "%a" Platform.pp_system system));
@@ -43,17 +44,15 @@ module Op = struct
module Value = struct
- type t = { resolutions : resolution list; repos : (string * string) list } [@@deriving yojson]
+ type t = { resolutions : resolution list; repos : (string * string) list }
+ [@@deriving yojson]
let marshal t = t |> to_yojson |> Yojson.Safe.to_string
let unmarshal t = t |> Yojson.Safe.from_string |> of_yojson |> Result.get_ok
let auto_cancel = true
let id = "mirage-ci-solver"
let pp f _ = Fmt.string f "Opam solver"
open Lwt.Syntax
@@ -62,7 +61,8 @@ module Op = struct
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> fn (List.rev acc)
| commit :: next ->
- Current_git.with_checkout ~job commit (fun tmpdir -> aux (tmpdir :: acc) next)
+ Current_git.with_checkout ~job commit (fun tmpdir ->
+ aux (tmpdir :: acc) next)
aux [] commits
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ module Op = struct
let* () = Current.Job.start ~level:Harmless job in
let repos_git = List.map snd repos in
with_checkouts ~job repos_git @@ fun dirs ->
- let constraints = [ ("ocaml", Fmt.to_to_string Platform.pp_exact_ocaml system.ocaml) ] in
+ let constraints =
+ [ ("ocaml", Fmt.to_to_string Platform.pp_exact_ocaml system.ocaml) ]
+ in
let opam_repos_folders =
List.combine dirs repos
|> List.map (fun (dir, (name, repo)) ->
diff --git a/src/lib/current_solver.mli b/src/lib/current_solver.mli
index a7c65f3..513d768 100644
--- a/src/lib/current_solver.mli
+++ b/src/lib/current_solver.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
type resolution = { name : string; version : string }
type t = { resolutions : resolution list; repos : Repository.t list }
val v :
@@ -7,5 +6,5 @@ val v :
repos:Repository.fetched list Current.t ->
packages:string list ->
t Current.t
-(** [v ~system ~repos ~packages] resolves the requested [packages] using the
- given [repos] on the platform [system]. The arch is hardcoded to x86_64. *)
+(** [v ~system ~repos ~packages] resolves the requested [packages] using the
+ given [repos] on the platform [system]. The arch is hardcoded to x86_64. *)
diff --git a/src/lib/git_store.ml b/src/lib/git_store.ml
index e71cc8f..88f35dc 100644
--- a/src/lib/git_store.ml
+++ b/src/lib/git_store.ml
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ open Cmdliner
let git_ssh_host =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some string) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The git SSH host to store the transient data" ~docv:"HOST" [ "git-ssh-host" ]
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The git SSH host to store the transient data" ~docv:"HOST"
+ [ "git-ssh-host" ]
let git_ssh_port =
@@ -23,23 +24,28 @@ let git_ssh_port =
let git_ssh_repository =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some string) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The git repository to store the transient data on the specified host"
+ @@ Arg.info
+ ~doc:
+ "The git repository to store the transient data on the specified host"
~docv:"REPO" [ "git-ssh-repo" ]
let git_http_remote =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some string) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The public http remote for the storage repository" ~docv:"HOST" [ "git-http-remote" ]
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The public http remote for the storage repository"
+ ~docv:"HOST" [ "git-http-remote" ]
let private_key_file =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some string) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"A private key to use to access the remote" ~docv:"FILE" [ "privkey" ]
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"A private key to use to access the remote" ~docv:"FILE"
+ [ "privkey" ]
let public_key_file =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some string) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"A public key to use to access the remote" ~docv:"FILE" [ "pubkey" ]
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"A public key to use to access the remote" ~docv:"FILE"
+ [ "pubkey" ]
let load_file path =
@@ -49,7 +55,8 @@ let load_file path =
close_in ch;
with ex ->
- if Sys.file_exists path then failwith @@ Fmt.str "Error loading %S: %a" path Fmt.exn ex
+ if Sys.file_exists path then
+ failwith @@ Fmt.str "Error loading %S: %a" path Fmt.exn ex
else failwith @@ Fmt.str "File %S does not exist" path
let v ssh_host ssh_port ssh_repo http_remote private_key_file public_key_file =
@@ -65,20 +72,26 @@ let v ssh_host ssh_port ssh_repo http_remote private_key_file public_key_file =
let cmdliner =
- const v $ git_ssh_host $ git_ssh_port $ git_ssh_repository $ git_http_remote
- $ private_key_file $ public_key_file)
-let v ~ssh_host ?ssh_port ~ssh_repo ~http_remote ~private_key_file ~public_key_file =
+ const v
+ $ git_ssh_host
+ $ git_ssh_port
+ $ git_ssh_repository
+ $ git_http_remote
+ $ private_key_file
+ $ public_key_file)
+let v ~ssh_host ?ssh_port ~ssh_repo ~http_remote ~private_key_file
+ ~public_key_file =
v ssh_host ssh_port ssh_repo http_remote private_key_file public_key_file
let remote t = Fmt.str "git@%s:%s" t.ssh_host t.ssh_repo
let http_remote t = t.http_remote
let git_checkout_or_create b =
- "(git remote set-branches --add origin %s && git fetch origin %s && git checkout --track \
- origin/%s) || (git checkout -b %s && git push --set-upstream origin %s)"
+ "(git remote set-branches --add origin %s && git fetch origin %s && git \
+ checkout --track origin/%s) || (git checkout -b %s && git push \
+ --set-upstream origin %s)"
b b b b b
module Cluster = struct
@@ -104,27 +117,29 @@ module Cluster = struct
let clone ~branch ~directory t =
Obuilder_spec.run ~network:[ "host" ] ~secrets
- "git clone --single-branch %s %s && cd %s && (%s)" (remote t) directory directory
+ "git clone --single-branch %s %s && cd %s && (%s)" (remote t) directory
+ directory
(git_checkout_or_create branch)
let push ?(force = false) _ =
- Obuilder_spec.run ~network:[ "host" ] ~secrets (if force then "git push -f" else "git push")
+ Obuilder_spec.run ~network:[ "host" ] ~secrets
+ (if force then "git push -f" else "git push")
let secrets t =
- [ ("ssh_privkey", t.private_key); ("ssh_pubkey", t.public_key); ("ssh_config", config t) ]
+ [
+ ("ssh_privkey", t.private_key);
+ ("ssh_pubkey", t.public_key);
+ ("ssh_config", config t);
+ ]
module type Reader = sig
type t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val id : string
val fn : Fpath.t -> t Lwt.t
val marshal : t -> string
val unmarshal : string -> t
@@ -152,10 +167,13 @@ let sync ~job t =
let* () = Current.Job.use_pool ~switch job t.pool in
let* result =
match Bos.OS.Path.exists state_folder with
- | Error _ -> Fmt.failwith "Failed to look for git folder %a" Fpath.pp state_folder
+ | Error _ ->
+ Fmt.failwith "Failed to look for git folder %a" Fpath.pp state_folder
| Ok false ->
Current.Process.exec ~cancellable:false ~job
- ("", [| "git"; "clone"; "--bare"; repo; Fpath.to_string state_folder |])
+ ( "",
+ [| "git"; "clone"; "--bare"; repo; Fpath.to_string state_folder |]
+ )
| Ok true ->
Current.Process.exec ~cwd:state_folder ~cancellable:false ~job
("", [| "git"; "fetch"; "-f"; "origin"; "*:*" |])
@@ -172,7 +190,11 @@ let with_clone ~job ~branch store fn =
Current.Process.exec ~cancellable:false ~job
( "",
- "git"; "clone"; "--single-branch"; Fpath.to_string state_folder; Fpath.to_string tmpdir;
+ "git";
+ "clone";
+ "--single-branch";
+ Fpath.to_string state_folder;
+ Fpath.to_string tmpdir;
|] )
let** () =
@@ -187,11 +209,9 @@ let with_clone ~job ~branch store fn =
module ReadOp (R : Reader) = struct
type store = t
type t = No_context
let pp f _ = Fmt.pf f "git store"
let id = "git-store-" ^ R.id
module Key = struct
@@ -217,7 +237,8 @@ module ReadOp (R : Reader) = struct
Lwt.return_ok result
-let read (type a) ~branch (module R : Reader with type t = a) store key : a Current.t =
+let read (type a) ~branch (module R : Reader with type t = a) store key :
+ a Current.t =
let module Read = ReadOp (R) in
let module Cache = Current_cache.Make (Read) in
let open Current.Syntax in
diff --git a/src/lib/git_store.mli b/src/lib/git_store.mli
index a87bbc8..567c31a 100644
--- a/src/lib/git_store.mli
+++ b/src/lib/git_store.mli
@@ -13,16 +13,12 @@ val v :
module Cluster : sig
val clone : branch:string -> directory:string -> t -> Obuilder_spec.op
val push : ?force:bool -> t -> Obuilder_spec.op
val secrets : t -> (string * string) list
val remote : t -> string
val http_remote : t -> string
val sync : job:Current.Job.t -> t -> unit Current.or_error Lwt.t
val with_clone :
@@ -36,15 +32,15 @@ module type Reader = sig
type t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val id : string
val fn : Fpath.t -> t Lwt.t
val marshal : t -> string
val unmarshal : string -> t
val read :
- branch:string -> (module Reader with type t = 'a) -> t -> string Current.t -> 'a Current.t
+ branch:string ->
+ (module Reader with type t = 'a) ->
+ t ->
+ string Current.t ->
+ 'a Current.t
diff --git a/src/lib/mirage.ml b/src/lib/mirage.ml
index 0378f92..227db93 100644
--- a/src/lib/mirage.ml
+++ b/src/lib/mirage.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
open Current.Syntax
-let build ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~base ~project ~unikernel ~target () =
+let build ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~base ~project ~unikernel ~target
+ () =
let spec =
let+ base = base in
let open Obuilder_spec in
@@ -8,11 +9,14 @@ let build ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~base ~project ~unikernel ~target (
|> Spec.add (Setup.install_tools [ "dune"; "mirage"; "opam-monorepo" ])
|> Spec.add
- copy [ "./" ^ unikernel ^ "/config.ml" ] ~dst:("/src/" ^ unikernel ^ "/");
+ copy
+ [ "./" ^ unikernel ^ "/config.ml" ]
+ ~dst:("/src/" ^ unikernel ^ "/");
workdir ("/src/" ^ unikernel);
run "sudo chown -R opam:opam .";
env "DUNE_CACHE" "enabled";
- run ~cache:[ Setup.dune_build_cache ] "opam exec -- mirage configure -t %s" target;
+ run ~cache:[ Setup.dune_build_cache ]
+ "opam exec -- mirage configure -t %s" target;
~cache:[ Setup.opam_download_cache; Setup.dune_build_cache ]
~network:Setup.network "opam exec -- make depends";
@@ -22,5 +26,9 @@ let build ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~base ~project ~unikernel ~target (
let label = unikernel ^ "@" ^ target in
let src = [ project ] |> Current.list_seq in
- let cache_hint = Fmt.str "mirage-ci-skeleton-%a" Platform.pp_system platform.system in
- Config.build ~label ~cache_hint ocluster ~pool:(Platform.ocluster_pool platform) ~src spec
+ let cache_hint =
+ Fmt.str "mirage-ci-skeleton-%a" Platform.pp_system platform.system
+ in
+ Config.build ~label ~cache_hint ocluster
+ ~pool:(Platform.ocluster_pool platform)
+ ~src spec
diff --git a/src/lib/mirage.mli b/src/lib/mirage.mli
index 0c6ec67..7b7477c 100644
--- a/src/lib/mirage.mli
+++ b/src/lib/mirage.mli
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ val build :
target:string ->
unit ->
unit Current.t
-(** Run the full mirage build process using ocluster. It includes the installation of mirage, the
-configuration step and the build step. *)
+(** Run the full mirage build process using ocluster. It includes the
+ installation of mirage, the configuration step and the build step. *)
diff --git a/src/lib/monorepo.ml b/src/lib/monorepo.ml
index d61ca85..f30ab97 100644
--- a/src/lib/monorepo.ml
+++ b/src/lib/monorepo.ml
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ let lock_spec ~system ~repos ~opam =
workdir "/src";
run "sudo chown opam:opam /src";
run "echo '%s' >> monorepo.opam" (Opamfile.marshal opam);
- copy ~from:(`Build "monorepo") [ "/opam-monorepo" ] ~dst:"/usr/local/bin/opam-monorepo";
+ copy ~from:(`Build "monorepo") [ "/opam-monorepo" ]
+ ~dst:"/usr/local/bin/opam-monorepo";
run "opam-monorepo lock -l monorepo.opam.locked";
run "cp monorepo.opam.locked monorepo.opam";
run "opam pin add monorepo -ny -k path /src/ --ignore-pin-depends";
- "opam list --columns name:,dev-repo: --required-by monorepo -s --separator ';' >> \
- monorepo.dev-repo";
+ "opam list --columns name:,dev-repo: --required-by monorepo -s \
+ --separator ';' >> monorepo.dev-repo";
let upload_spec ~store ~branch =
@@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ let upload_spec ~store ~branch =
workdir "store";
run "git add monorepo.opam.locked monorepo.dev-repo";
- "git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m 'Update monorepo.opam.locked and \
- monorepo.dev-repo'";
+ "git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m 'Update \
+ monorepo.opam.locked and monorepo.dev-repo'";
Cluster.push store;
@@ -57,23 +58,29 @@ module Reader : Git_store.Reader with type t = string * string = struct
let id = "monorepo.opam.locked-dev-repo"
let fn dir =
- let lockfile = Bos.OS.File.read Fpath.(dir / "monorepo.opam.locked") |> Result.get_ok in
- let dev_repo = Bos.OS.File.read Fpath.(dir / "monorepo.dev-repo") |> Result.get_ok in
+ let lockfile =
+ Bos.OS.File.read Fpath.(dir / "monorepo.opam.locked") |> Result.get_ok
+ in
+ let dev_repo =
+ Bos.OS.File.read Fpath.(dir / "monorepo.dev-repo") |> Result.get_ok
+ in
Lwt.return (lockfile, dev_repo)
let marshal t = to_yojson t |> Yojson.Safe.to_string
let unmarshal t = Yojson.Safe.from_string t |> of_yojson |> Result.get_ok
- let pp f (lockfile, dev_repo) = Fmt.pf f "Lockfile:\n%s\n\nDev-repo:\n%s\n" lockfile dev_repo
+ let pp f (lockfile, dev_repo) =
+ Fmt.pf f "Lockfile:\n%s\n\nDev-repo:\n%s\n" lockfile dev_repo
-let lock ~key ~cluster ~store ~repos ~opam ~system =
+let lock ~key ~cluster ~store ~repos ~opam ~system =
let spec =
let+ opam = opam and+ repos = repos in
lock_spec ~system ~repos ~opam |> upload_spec ~store ~branch:key
- let job = Config.build cluster ~pool:"linux-x86_64" ~src:(Current.return []) spec in
+ let job =
+ Config.build cluster ~pool:"linux-x86_64" ~src:(Current.return []) spec
+ in
let k =
let+ spec = spec and+ _ = job (* fake dependency on job *) in
Fmt.to_to_string Obuilder_spec.pp (spec |> Spec.finish)
@@ -82,7 +89,9 @@ let lock ~key ~cluster ~store ~repos ~opam ~system =
let lock ~key ~value ~cluster ~store ~repos ~opam ~system _ =
let lock =
- let+ lockfile, dev_repos_str = lock ~key ~cluster ~store ~repos ~opam ~system in
+ let+ lockfile, dev_repos_str =
+ lock ~key ~cluster ~store ~repos ~opam ~system
+ in
let lockfile = Opamfile.unmarshal lockfile in
Monorepo_lock.make ~opam_file:lockfile
~dev_repo_output:(String.split_on_char '\n' dev_repos_str)
@@ -110,7 +119,8 @@ let spec ~base ~lock () =
run "opam pin -n remove monorepo";
(* setup lockfile *)
run "cp monorepo.opam monorepo.opam.locked";
- run ~network:Setup.network "opam exec -- opam monorepo pull -y -l monorepo.opam.locked";
+ run ~network:Setup.network
+ "opam exec -- opam monorepo pull -y -l monorepo.opam.locked";
diff --git a/src/lib/monorepo.mli b/src/lib/monorepo.mli
index bc89fff..376f83c 100644
--- a/src/lib/monorepo.mli
+++ b/src/lib/monorepo.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
type t
(** The opam monorepo tool*)
-val v : system:Platform.system -> repos:Repository.fetched list Current.t -> t Current.t
+val v :
+ system:Platform.system ->
+ repos:Repository.fetched list Current.t ->
+ t Current.t
(** Build the opam monorepo tool on [system] using [repos]. *)
val lock :
@@ -14,9 +17,13 @@ val lock :
system:Platform.system ->
t Current.t ->
Monorepo_lock.t Current.t
-(** Perform `opam monorepo lock` on the given [opam] definition using [repos]. *)
+(** Perform `opam monorepo lock` on the given [opam] definition using [repos]. *)
-val spec : base:Spec.t Current.t -> lock:Monorepo_lock.t Current.t -> unit -> Spec.t Current.t
+val spec :
+ base:Spec.t Current.t ->
+ lock:Monorepo_lock.t Current.t ->
+ unit ->
+ Spec.t Current.t
(** Use opam-monorepo to fetch the lockfile in /src/duniverse *)
val opam_file : ocaml_version:string -> Universe.Project.t list -> Opamfile.t
diff --git a/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.ml b/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.ml
index 915a20d..247c8b2 100644
--- a/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.ml
+++ b/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.ml
@@ -13,16 +13,20 @@ module GitPush = struct
type t = Current_git.Commit.t list
let digest t =
- let json = `List (List.map (fun x -> `String (Current_git.Commit.hash x)) t) in
+ let json =
+ `List (List.map (fun x -> `String (Current_git.Commit.hash x)) t)
+ in
Yojson.to_string json
module Outcome = struct
type t = Current_git.Commit_id.t
- type info = { repo : string; hash : string; gref : string } [@@deriving yojson]
+ type info = { repo : string; hash : string; gref : string }
+ [@@deriving yojson]
- let t_of_info { repo; gref; hash } = Current_git.Commit_id.v ~repo ~gref ~hash
+ let t_of_info { repo; gref; hash } =
+ Current_git.Commit_id.v ~repo ~gref ~hash
let info_of_t t =
let open Current_git.Commit_id in
@@ -30,13 +34,16 @@ module GitPush = struct
let marshal t = t |> info_of_t |> info_to_yojson |> Yojson.Safe.to_string
- let unmarshal t = t |> Yojson.Safe.from_string |> info_of_yojson |> Result.get_ok |> t_of_info
+ let unmarshal t =
+ t
+ |> Yojson.Safe.from_string
+ |> info_of_yojson
+ |> Result.get_ok
+ |> t_of_info
let auto_cancel = true
let pp f _ = Fmt.string f "Monorepo git push"
let id = "mirage-ci-monorepo-git-push"
let publish No_context job { Key.store; branch } commits =
@@ -45,8 +52,12 @@ module GitPush = struct
let* () = Current.Job.start ~level:Average job in
let** () = Git_store.sync ~job store in
Git_store.with_clone ~job ~branch store @@ fun tmpdir ->
- let cmd cmd = Current.Process.exec ~cwd:tmpdir ~cancellable:true ~job ("", cmd) in
- let read cmd = Current.Process.check_output ~cwd:tmpdir ~cancellable:true ~job ("", cmd) in
+ let cmd cmd =
+ Current.Process.exec ~cwd:tmpdir ~cancellable:true ~job ("", cmd)
+ in
+ let read cmd =
+ Current.Process.check_output ~cwd:tmpdir ~cancellable:true ~job ("", cmd)
+ in
let** () = cmd [| "git"; "rm"; "*"; "--ignore-unmatch" |] in
let** () = cmd [| "touch"; ".gitmodules" |] in
let** _ =
@@ -55,16 +66,37 @@ module GitPush = struct
match status with
| Ok () ->
Current_git.with_checkout ~pool ~job commit @@ fun commit_dir ->
- let repo = commit |> Current_git.Commit.id |> Current_git.Commit_id.repo in
- let branch = commit |> Current_git.Commit.id |> Current_git.Commit_id.gref in
- let repo_name = repo |> Filename.basename |> Filename.remove_extension in
+ let repo =
+ commit |> Current_git.Commit.id |> Current_git.Commit_id.repo
+ in
+ let branch =
+ commit |> Current_git.Commit.id |> Current_git.Commit_id.gref
+ in
+ let repo_name =
+ repo |> Filename.basename |> Filename.remove_extension
+ in
+ let** () =
+ cmd
+ [|
+ "cp";
+ "-R";
+ Fpath.to_string commit_dir;
+ Fpath.(to_string (tmpdir / repo_name));
+ |]
+ in
let** () =
- "cp"; "-R"; Fpath.to_string commit_dir; Fpath.(to_string (tmpdir / repo_name));
+ "git";
+ "submodule";
+ "add";
+ "-f";
+ "-b";
+ branch;
+ repo;
+ repo_name;
- let** () = cmd [| "git"; "submodule"; "add"; "-f"; "-b"; branch; repo; repo_name |] in
Lwt.return_ok ()
| err -> Lwt.return err)
(Ok ()) commits
@@ -88,7 +120,10 @@ module GitPush = struct
Lwt.return_ok ()
let** hash = read [| "git"; "rev-parse"; "HEAD" |] in
- Lwt.return_ok (Current_git.Commit_id.v ~repo:(Git_store.http_remote store) ~gref:branch ~hash)
+ Lwt.return_ok
+ (Current_git.Commit_id.v
+ ~repo:(Git_store.http_remote store)
+ ~gref:branch ~hash)
module GitPushCache = Current_cache.Output (GitPush)
diff --git a/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.mli b/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.mli
index 7e34a34..08b72bb 100644
--- a/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.mli
+++ b/src/lib/monorepo_git_push.mli
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ val v :
branch:string ->
Current_git.Commit.t list Current.term ->
Current_git.Commit_id.t Current.term
-(** Assemble a submodules monorepo from the given list of commits and push it on [remote_push].
-Returns a Current_git.Commit.t from which the pushed repo can be retrieved. *)
+(** Assemble a submodules monorepo from the given list of commits and push it on
+ [remote_push]. Returns a Current_git.Commit.t from which the pushed repo can
+ be retrieved. *)
diff --git a/src/lib/monorepo_lock.ml b/src/lib/monorepo_lock.ml
index 73333fc..4c8f30f 100644
--- a/src/lib/monorepo_lock.ml
+++ b/src/lib/monorepo_lock.ml
@@ -1,17 +1,27 @@
-type t = { lockfile : Opamfile.t; dev_repos_output : string list } [@@deriving yojson]
+type t = { lockfile : Opamfile.t; dev_repos_output : string list }
+[@@deriving yojson]
-let make ~opam_file ~dev_repo_output = { lockfile = opam_file; dev_repos_output = dev_repo_output }
+let make ~opam_file ~dev_repo_output =
+ { lockfile = opam_file; dev_repos_output = dev_repo_output }
let marshal t = to_yojson t |> Yojson.Safe.to_string
let unmarshal s =
- match Yojson.Safe.from_string s |> of_yojson with Ok x -> x | Error e -> failwith e
+ match Yojson.Safe.from_string s |> of_yojson with
+ | Ok x -> x
+ | Error e -> failwith e
-type project = { name : string; dev_repo : string; repo : string; packages : string list }
+type project = {
+ name : string;
+ dev_repo : string;
+ repo : string;
+ packages : string list;
let lockfile t = t.lockfile
-let clean = Astring.String.trim ~drop:(function ' ' | '\t' | '"' -> true | _ -> false)
+let clean =
+ Astring.String.trim ~drop:(function ' ' | '\t' | '"' -> true | _ -> false)
let build_project_list (packages : Opamfile.pkg list) dev_repos_output =
let module StringMap = Map.Make (String) in
@@ -28,25 +38,35 @@ let build_project_list (packages : Opamfile.pkg list) dev_repos_output =
(fun (line : string) ->
match String.split_on_char ';' line with
| [ name; dev_repo ] ->
- dev_repo_map := StringMap.add (clean name) (clean dev_repo) !dev_repo_map
+ dev_repo_map :=
+ StringMap.add (clean name) (clean dev_repo) !dev_repo_map
| _ -> ())
(fun repo (pkgs : Opamfile.pkg list) aux ->
- let packages = List.map (fun (pkg : Opamfile.pkg) -> clean pkg.name) pkgs in
+ let packages =
+ List.map (fun (pkg : Opamfile.pkg) -> clean pkg.name) pkgs
+ in
let name =
(fun cur_name name ->
match cur_name with
| Some cur_name
- when String.(length cur_name < length name) || StringMap.mem name !dev_repo_map ->
+ when String.(length cur_name < length name)
+ || StringMap.mem name !dev_repo_map ->
Some cur_name
| _ -> Some name)
None packages
|> Option.get
- { name; dev_repo = StringMap.find name !dev_repo_map; repo = clean repo; packages } :: aux)
+ {
+ name;
+ dev_repo = StringMap.find name !dev_repo_map;
+ repo = clean repo;
+ packages;
+ }
+ :: aux)
!repo_map []
let projects t =
@@ -63,7 +83,10 @@ let parse_opam_dev_repo dev_repo =
| [ repo; branch ] -> (repo, Some branch)
| _ -> failwith "String.cuts dev_repo"
- let repo = if String.is_prefix ~affix:"git+" repo then String.drop ~max:4 repo else repo in
+ let repo =
+ if String.is_prefix ~affix:"git+" repo then String.drop ~max:4 repo
+ else repo
+ in
Printf.printf "repo: %s\n" repo;
(repo, branch)
@@ -75,7 +98,8 @@ let commits ?(filter = fun _ -> true) lock =
let projects = projects lockv in
Printf.printf "got %d projects to track.\n" (List.length projects);
- projects |> List.filter filter
+ projects
+ |> List.filter filter
|> List.map (fun (x : project) ->
let repo_url, repo_branch = parse_opam_dev_repo x.dev_repo in
Current_git.clone ~schedule:daily ?gref:repo_branch repo_url)
diff --git a/src/lib/monorepo_lock.mli b/src/lib/monorepo_lock.mli
index 446c947..bc6371b 100644
--- a/src/lib/monorepo_lock.mli
+++ b/src/lib/monorepo_lock.mli
@@ -1,21 +1,30 @@
type t
-(** Represents the output of opam monorepo lock, with additional metadata on the dev repositories. *)
+(** Represents the output of opam monorepo lock, with additional metadata on the
+ dev repositories. *)
val make : opam_file:Opamfile.t -> dev_repo_output:string list -> t
-(** [make ~opam_file ~dev_repo_output] parses the lockfile and the dev repo output. *)
+(** [make ~opam_file ~dev_repo_output] parses the lockfile and the dev repo
+ output. *)
val marshal : t -> string
val unmarshal : string -> t
val lockfile : t -> Opamfile.t
(** Get the lockfile back *)
-type project = { name : string; dev_repo : string; repo : string; packages : string list }
+type project = {
+ name : string;
+ dev_repo : string;
+ repo : string;
+ packages : string list;
val projects : t -> project list
(** Get the list of projects (=repositories) of this lockfile *)
-val commits : ?filter:(project -> bool) -> t Current.t -> Current_git.Commit.t list Current.t
-(** Resolve the dev repositories to find the commits of each main branch. [filter] can be used to
-select specific repositories.*)
+val commits :
+ ?filter:(project -> bool) ->
+ t Current.t ->
+ Current_git.Commit.t list Current.t
+(** Resolve the dev repositories to find the commits of each main branch.
+ [filter] can be used to select specific repositories.*)
diff --git a/src/lib/opamfile.ml b/src/lib/opamfile.ml
index 9050002..c4aaff0 100644
--- a/src/lib/opamfile.ml
+++ b/src/lib/opamfile.ml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
type t = OpamParserTypes.opamfile
type pkg = { name : string; version : string; repo : string }
let get_packages (opam_file : t) =
let open OpamParserTypes in
let pin_depends =
- (function Variable (_, name, value) when name = "pin-depends" -> Some value | _ -> None)
+ (function
+ | Variable (_, name, value) when name = "pin-depends" -> Some value
+ | _ -> None)
|> Option.get
(* what if no package ? *)
@@ -21,14 +22,13 @@ let get_packages (opam_file : t) =
Some { name; version; repo }
| _ -> None)
- (match pin_depends with List (_, v) -> v | _ -> failwith "failed to parse opam")
+ (match pin_depends with
+ | List (_, v) -> v
+ | _ -> failwith "failed to parse opam")
let marshal = OpamPrinter.opamfile
let unmarshal t = OpamParser.string t "monorepo.opam"
let digest x = marshal x |> Digest.string |> Digest.to_hex
let to_yojson f = `String (OpamPrinter.opamfile f)
let of_yojson = function
diff --git a/src/lib/opamfile.mli b/src/lib/opamfile.mli
index 62b6820..d2ca8e8 100644
--- a/src/lib/opamfile.mli
+++ b/src/lib/opamfile.mli
@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
type t = OpamParserTypes.opamfile
type pkg = { name : string; version : string; repo : string }
val get_packages : t -> pkg list
val marshal : t -> string
val unmarshal : string -> t
val digest : t -> string
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> (t, string) result
diff --git a/src/lib/platform.ml b/src/lib/platform.ml
index 1376fa0..e68e07c 100644
--- a/src/lib/platform.ml
+++ b/src/lib/platform.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ type os = Debian | Ubuntu | Fedora
let os_version = function Ubuntu -> "20.04" | Fedora -> "33" | Debian -> "10"
-let os_family = function Ubuntu -> "ubuntu" | Fedora -> "fedora" | Debian -> "debian"
+let os_family = function
+ | Ubuntu -> "ubuntu"
+ | Fedora -> "fedora"
+ | Debian -> "debian"
let pp_os f t = Fmt.pf f "%s-%s" (os_family t) (os_version t)
@@ -27,7 +30,6 @@ let arch_to_string = function Arm64 -> "arm64" | Amd64 -> "x86_64"
type system = { ocaml : ocaml_version; os : os }
let pp_system f { ocaml; os } = Fmt.pf f "%a-ocaml-%a" pp_os os pp_ocaml ocaml
let spec t = Spec.make @@ Fmt.str "ocaml/opam:%a" pp_system t
type t = { system : system; arch : arch }
@@ -38,23 +40,32 @@ let platform_id t =
| Amd64 -> "x86_64-" ^ Fmt.str "%a" pp_system t.system
let pp_platform f t =
- Fmt.pf f "%s / %a / %a" (arch_to_string t.arch) pp_os t.system.os pp_ocaml t.system.ocaml
+ Fmt.pf f "%s / %a / %a" (arch_to_string t.arch) pp_os t.system.os pp_ocaml
+ t.system.ocaml
-let ocluster_pool { arch; _ } = match arch with Arm64 -> "linux-arm64" | Amd64 -> "linux-x86_64"
+let ocluster_pool { arch; _ } =
+ match arch with Arm64 -> "linux-arm64" | Amd64 -> "linux-x86_64"
(* Base configuration.. *)
+let platform_v412_amd64 =
+ { system = { ocaml = V4_12; os = Debian }; arch = Amd64 }
-let platform_v412_amd64 = { system = { ocaml = V4_12; os = Debian }; arch = Amd64 }
-let platform_v412_arm64 = { system = { ocaml = V4_12; os = Debian }; arch = Arm64 }
+let platform_v412_arm64 =
+ { system = { ocaml = V4_12; os = Debian }; arch = Arm64 }
-let platform_v413_amd64 = { system = { ocaml = V4_13; os = Debian }; arch = Amd64 }
+let platform_v413_amd64 =
+ { system = { ocaml = V4_13; os = Debian }; arch = Amd64 }
-let platform_v413_arm64 = { system = { ocaml = V4_13; os = Debian }; arch = Arm64 }
+let platform_v413_arm64 =
+ { system = { ocaml = V4_13; os = Debian }; arch = Arm64 }
let platform_host =
Bos.Cmd.(v "uname" % "-m")
- |> Bos.OS.Cmd.run_out |> Bos.OS.Cmd.out_string |> Result.to_option
- |> Option.map (function ("aarch64" | "arm64"), _ -> platform_v413_arm64 | _ -> platform_v413_amd64)
+ |> Bos.OS.Cmd.run_out
+ |> Bos.OS.Cmd.out_string
+ |> Result.to_option
+ |> Option.map (function
+ | ("aarch64" | "arm64"), _ -> platform_v413_arm64
+ | _ -> platform_v413_amd64)
|> Option.value ~default:platform_v413_amd64
diff --git a/src/lib/repository.ml b/src/lib/repository.ml
index 78292f7..096beab 100644
--- a/src/lib/repository.ml
+++ b/src/lib/repository.ml
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ type fetched = string * Current_git.Commit.t
let pp f (v1, v2) = Fmt.pf f "%s:%a%a" v1 Fmt.cut () Current_git.Commit_id.pp v2
let compare (a1, b1) (a2, b2) =
- match String.compare a1 a2 with 0 -> Current_git.Commit_id.compare b1 b2 | v -> v
+ match String.compare a1 a2 with
+ | 0 -> Current_git.Commit_id.compare b1 b2
+ | v -> v
let fetch c =
let open Current.Syntax in
diff --git a/src/lib/repository.mli b/src/lib/repository.mli
index aae37c3..1938a9e 100644
--- a/src/lib/repository.mli
+++ b/src/lib/repository.mli
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ type fetched = string * Current_git.Commit.t
(** A fetched opam repo *)
val pp : t Fmt.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val fetch : t Current.t -> fetched Current.t
val unfetch : fetched -> t
val current_list_unfetch : fetched list Current.t -> t list Current.t
diff --git a/src/lib/setup.ml b/src/lib/setup.ml
index eab9495..8bb74dd 100644
--- a/src/lib/setup.ml
+++ b/src/lib/setup.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
let opam_download_cache =
- Obuilder_spec.Cache.v "download-cache" ~target:"/home/opam/.opam/download-cache"
+ Obuilder_spec.Cache.v "download-cache"
+ ~target:"/home/opam/.opam/download-cache"
-let dune_build_cache =
+let dune_build_cache =
Obuilder_spec.Cache.v "dune-build-cache" ~target:"/home/opam/.cache/dune"
let network = [ "host" ]
@@ -17,4 +18,7 @@ let add_repositories =
let install_tools tools =
let tools_s = String.concat " " tools in
- [ Obuilder_spec.run ~network ~cache:[ opam_download_cache ] "opam install -y %s" tools_s ]
+ [
+ Obuilder_spec.run ~network ~cache:[ opam_download_cache ]
+ "opam install -y %s" tools_s;
+ ]
diff --git a/src/lib/skeleton.ml b/src/lib/skeleton.ml
index 25421d2..ca7d9ad 100644
--- a/src/lib/skeleton.ml
+++ b/src/lib/skeleton.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Git = Current_git
type stage = string * string * string list [@@deriving yojson]
type stages = stage list [@@deriving yojson]
let pool = Current.Pool.create ~label:"skeleton-stages" 8
@@ -10,7 +9,9 @@ let stages_spec =
("1: test-target", v "tutorial", Some [ "noop" ]);
- ("2: tutorial", v "tutorial", Some [ "noop-functor"; "hello"; "hello-key"; "app_info" ]);
+ ( "2: tutorial",
+ v "tutorial",
+ Some [ "noop-functor"; "hello"; "hello-key"; "app_info" ] );
("3: tutorial-lwt", v "tutorial" / "lwt", None);
("4: devices", v "device-usage", None);
("5: applications", v "applications", None);
@@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ let test_unikernel path =
let unikernel_name = Fpath.basename path in
(not (List.mem unikernel_name blacklist))
- && Bos.OS.Path.exists Fpath.(path / "config.ml") |> Result.value ~default:false
+ && Bos.OS.Path.exists Fpath.(path / "config.ml")
+ |> Result.value ~default:false
then Some unikernel_name
else None
@@ -47,14 +49,11 @@ module SkeletonStages = struct
type t = stages [@@deriving yojson]
let marshal t = t |> to_yojson |> Yojson.Safe.to_string
let unmarshal t = t |> Yojson.Safe.from_string |> of_yojson |> Result.get_ok
let pp f _ = Fmt.pf f "Skeleton stages"
let id = "skeleton-stages"
let auto_cancel = true
let build No_context job commit =
@@ -64,7 +63,9 @@ module SkeletonStages = struct
let spec = List.map (do_stage ~path) stages_spec in
(fun (name, root, unikernels) ->
- Current.Job.log job "%s: %s -> %a" name root Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ", ") string) unikernels)
+ Current.Job.log job "%s: %s -> %a" name root
+ Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ", ") string)
+ unikernels)
Lwt.return_ok spec
diff --git a/src/lib/skeleton.mli b/src/lib/skeleton.mli
index 8c5a513..6ac014d 100644
--- a/src/lib/skeleton.mli
+++ b/src/lib/skeleton.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-type stage = string * string * string list (* name, root folder, unikernel folder *)
+type stage = string * string * string list
+(* name, root folder, unikernel folder *)
type stages = stage list
diff --git a/src/lib/solver_pool.ml b/src/lib/solver_pool.ml
index 4cee708..2c2a2d9 100644
--- a/src/lib/solver_pool.ml
+++ b/src/lib/solver_pool.ml
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ let spawn_local ?solver_dir () : Solver_api.Solver.t =
let p, c = Unix.(socketpair PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 ~cloexec:true) in
Unix.clear_close_on_exec c;
let solver_dir =
- match solver_dir with None -> Fpath.to_string (Current.state_dir "solver") | Some x -> x
+ match solver_dir with
+ | None -> Fpath.to_string (Current.state_dir "solver")
+ | Some x -> x
let cmd = ("", [| "mirage-ci-solver" |]) in
- let _child = Lwt_process.open_process_none ~cwd:solver_dir ~stdin:(`FD_move c) cmd in
+ let _child =
+ Lwt_process.open_process_none ~cwd:solver_dir ~stdin:(`FD_move c) cmd
+ in
let switch = Lwt_switch.create () in
let p =
Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr p
@@ -14,8 +18,13 @@ let spawn_local ?solver_dir () : Solver_api.Solver.t =
(module Capnp_rpc_unix.Unix_flow)
~peer_id:Capnp_rpc_net.Auth.Digest.insecure ~switch
- let conn = Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.connect ~restore:Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.none p in
- let solver = Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.bootstrap conn (Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.Id.public "solver") in
+ let conn =
+ Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.connect ~restore:Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.none p
+ in
+ let solver =
+ Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.bootstrap conn
+ (Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.Id.public "solver")
+ in
|> Capnp_rpc_lwt.Capability.when_broken (fun ex ->
Fmt.failwith "Solver process failed: %a" Capnp_rpc.Exception.pp ex);
diff --git a/src/lib/spec.ml b/src/lib/spec.ml
index fbead97..22f28d7 100644
--- a/src/lib/spec.ml
+++ b/src/lib/spec.ml
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-type t = { base : string; ops : Obuilder_spec.op list; children : (string * Obuilder_spec.t) list }
+type t = {
+ base : string;
+ ops : Obuilder_spec.op list;
+ children : (string * Obuilder_spec.t) list;
-let add next_ops { base; ops; children } = { base; ops = ops @ next_ops; children }
+let add next_ops { base; ops; children } =
+ { base; ops = ops @ next_ops; children }
-let children ~name spec { base; ops; children } = { base; ops; children = (name, spec) :: children }
+let children ~name spec { base; ops; children } =
+ { base; ops; children = (name, spec) :: children }
-let finish { base; ops; children } = Obuilder_spec.stage ~child_builds:children ~from:base ops
+let finish { base; ops; children } =
+ Obuilder_spec.stage ~child_builds:children ~from:base ops
let make base =
let open Obuilder_spec in
@@ -15,8 +22,7 @@ let make base =
user ~uid:1000 ~gid:1000;
workdir "/home/opam";
run "sudo chown opam:opam /home/opam";
- run
- "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam && opam update";
+ run "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam && opam update";
children = [];
diff --git a/src/lib/universe.ml b/src/lib/universe.ml
index 08f03a6..3969548 100644
--- a/src/lib/universe.ml
+++ b/src/lib/universe.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
type target = Unix | Mirage
type package = { name : string; mirage : bool; sublibs : string list }
let opam ?(mirage = true) ?(sublibs = []) name = { name; mirage; sublibs }
@@ -48,437 +47,438 @@ module Project = struct
opam ~mirage:false "cstruct-async";
"Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs, suitable for parsing wire protocols.";*)
- v "ocaml-uri" [ opam "uri"; opam "uri-sexp" ] "RFC3986 URI parsing library";
+ v "ocaml-uri"
+ [ opam "uri"; opam "uri-sexp" ]
+ "RFC3986 URI parsing library";
v "digestif" [ opam "digestif" ] "Hashing functions in pure OCaml or C.";
let repo { repo; _ } = repo
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-hvsock
- type: driver/win
- opam: [hvsock]
- descr: These bindings allow Host to VM communication on Hyper-V systems on both Linux and Windows.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-skeleton
- type: example
- descr: Examples of different types of Mirage applications.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-tuntap
- type: driver/unix
- opam: [tuntap]
- descr: Bindings to the [tuntap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TUN/TAP) virtual network kernel devices, for userspace networking on Linux and macos.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-cstruct
- type: parsing
- opam: [cstruct]
- descr: Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs, suitable for parsing wire protocols.
-- org: mirage
- repo: shared-block-ring
- type: storage
- opam: [shared-block-ring]
- descr: A simple persistent on-disk fixed length queue.
-- org: mirage
- repo: prometheus
- type: logging
- opam: [prometheus,prometheus-app]
- descr: Report metrics to a Prometheus server.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-uri
- type: web
- opam: [uri]
- descr: RFC3986 URI parsing library
-- org: mirage
- repo: irmin
- type: vcs
- opam: [irmin,irmin-unix,mirage-irmin]
- descr: a library for persistent stores with built-in snapshot, branching and reverting mechanisms.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-qcow
- type: storage
- opam: [qcow]
- descr: pure OCaml code for parsing, printing, modifying `.qcow` format data
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-dns
- type: network
- opam: [dns,mirage-dns]
- descr: a pure OCaml implementation of the DNS protocol, intended to be a reasonably high-performance implementation.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-conduit
- type: network
- opam: [conduit,mirage-conduit]
- descr: a library to establish and listen for TCP and SSL/TLS connections.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-tar
- type: storage
- opam: [tar]
- descr: read and write tar files, with an emphasis on streaming.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-pcap
- type: network
- opam: [pcap-format]
- descr: an interface to encode and decode pcap files, dealing with both endianess, including endianess detection.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-tcpip
- type: network
- opam: [tcpip]
- descr: a pure OCaml implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
-- org: mirage
- repo: charrua-core
- type: network
- opam: [charrua-core]
- descr: a DHCPv4 server and wire frame encoder and decoder.
-- org: mirage
- repo: alcotest
- type: testing
- opam: [alcotest]
- descr: a lightweight and colourful test framework that exposes simple interface to perform unit tests.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-ipaddr
- type: network
- opam: [ipaddr]
- descr: a library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-block-ramdisk
- type: storage
- opam: [mirage-block-ramdisk]
- descr: a simple in-memory block device.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-block
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-block,mirage-block-lwt]
- descr: generic operations over Mirage block devices.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-block-unix
- type: driver/unix
- opam: [mirage-block-unix]
- descr: Unix implementation of the Mirage block interface.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-block-xen
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [mirage-block-xen]
- descr: Client and server implementations of the Xen paravirtualised block driver protocol
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-net-xen
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [mirage-net-xen]
- descr: Client and server implementations of the Xen paravirtualised network driver protocol
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-vchan
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [vchan]
- descr: implementation of the "vchan" shared-memory communication protocol.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-platform
- type: driver
- opam: [mirage-unix,mirage-xen-ocaml,mirage-xen]
- descr: Platform libraries for Mirage for Unix and Xen that handle timers, device setup and the main loop, as well as the runtime for the Xen unikernel.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-protocols
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-protocols,mirage-protocols-lwt]
- descr: a set of module types that libraries intended to be used as Mirage network implementations should implement.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-cohttp
- type: web
- opam: [cohttp]
- descr: a library for creating HTTP daemons, with a portable HTTP parser and implementations using various asynchronous programming libraries.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-crunch
- type: storage
- opam: [crunch]
- descr: take a directory of files and compile them into a standalone OCaml module that serves the contents directly from memory.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-fat
- type: storage
- opam: [fat-filesystem]
- descr: implementation of the FAT filesystem to allow the easy preparation of bootable disk images containing kernels, and to provide a simple filesystem layer for Mirage applications.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-http
- type: web
- opam: [mirage-http]
- descr: a Cohttp-based webserver implementation of the Mirage HTTP interfaces.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-fs-unix
- type: driver/unix
- opam: [mirage-fs-unix]
- descr: a pass-through Mirage filesystem to an underlying Unix directory.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-bootvar-xen
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [mirage-bootvar-xen]
- descr: library for reading Mirage unikernel boot parameters from Xen.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-net-unix
- type: driver/unix
- opam: [mirage-net-unix]
- descr: Unix implementation of the Mirage NETWORK interface that exposes Ethernet frames via tuntap.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-net-macosx
- type: driver/osx
- opam: [mirage-net-macosx]
- descr: MacOSX implementation of the Mirage NETWORK interface that exposes raw Ethernet frames using the Vmnet framework available in MacOS X Yosemite onwards.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-entropy
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-entropy]
- descr: Reliable entropy sources for Mirage unikernels.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-time
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-time,mirage-time-lwt]
- descr: Module types for time-related operations in Mirage.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-random
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-random]
- descr: Randomness signatures for Mirage, and an implementation using the OCaml stdlib.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-net
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-net,mirage-net-lwt]
- descr: Network (Ethernet) signatures for Mirage.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-logs
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-logs]
- descr: a reporter for the [Logs](http://erratique.ch/software/logs) library that writes log messages to stderr, using a Mirage `CLOCK` to add timestamps.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-kv
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-kv,mirage-kv-lwt]
- descr: provides key/value store signatures that Mirage storage libraries can implement.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-fs
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-fs,mirage-fs-lwt]
- descr: provides filesystem module signatures that Mirage storage libraries can implement.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-flow
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-flow,mirage-flow-lwt]
- descr: Network flow implementations and combinators to manipulate and compose them.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-console
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-console-lwt,mirage-console,mirage-console-unix,mirage-console-xen-backend,mirage-console-xen-cli,mirage-console-xen-proto,mirage-console-xen]
- descr: Pure OCaml module types and implementations of Mirage consoles, for Unix and Xen.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-clock
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-clock,mirage-clock-freestanding,mirage-clock-lwt,mirage-clock-unix]
- descr: portable support for an operating system timesources.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-channel
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-channel,mirage-channel-lwt]
- descr: Channels are buffered reader/writers built on top of an unbuffered mirage-flow implementation.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-stack
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-stack,mirage-stack-lwt]
- descr: provides a set of module types which libraries intended to be used as Mirage network stacks should implement.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-device
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-device]
- descr: the signature for basic abstract devices for Mirage and a pretty-printing function for device errors
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-vhd
- type: storage
- opam: [vhd-format]
- descr: a pure OCaml library to read and write vhd format data, plus a simple command-line tool which allows vhd files to be interrogated, manipulated, format-converted and streamed to and from files and remote servers.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-freestanding
- type: driver
- opam: [ocaml-freestanding]
- descr: a freestanding OCaml runtime suitable for linking with a unikernel base layer such as Solo5.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-solo5
- type: driver/solo5
- opam: [mirage-solo5]
- descr: the Mirage `OS` library for Solo5 targets, which handles the main loop and timers.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-block-solo5
- type: driver/solo5
- opam: [mirage-block-solo5]
- descr: Solo5 implementation of the Mirage block interface.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-net-solo5
- type: driver/solo5
- opam: [mirage-net-solo5]
- descr: Solo5 implementation of the Mirage network interface.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-bootvar-solo5
- type: driver/solo5
- opam: [mirage-bootvar-solo5]
- descr: library for passing boot-time variables to Solo5 targets.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-console-solo5
- type: driver/solo5
- opam: [mirage-console-solo5]
- descr: implementation of the Mirage Console interface for Solo5 targets.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-github
- type: vcs
- opam: [github]
- descr: an OCaml interface to the GitHub APIv3 (JSON) that is compatible with Mirage and also compiles to pure JavaScript.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-git
- type: vcs
- opam: [git,git-mirage,git-unix]
- descr: Git format and protocol in pure OCaml, with support for on-disk and in-memory Git stores.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-9p
- type: storage
- opam: [9p-format]
- descr: an implementation of the 9P protocol from outer space.
-- org: mirage
- repo: shared-memory-ring
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [shared-memory-ring]
- descr: a set of libraries for creating shared memory producer/consumer rings that follow the Xen hypervisor ABI for virtual devices.
-- org: mirage
- repo: io-page
- type: driver
- opam: [io-page]
- descr: support for efficient handling of I/O memory pages on Unix and Xen.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-evtchn
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [evtchn]
- descr: Xen event channel interface for Mirage. Event channels are the Xen equivalent of interrupts, used to signal when data is available for processing.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-gnt
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [gnt]
- descr: Xen grant table bindings for OCaml that are used to create Xen device driver "backends" (servers) and "frontends" (clients).
-- org: mirage
- repo: cowabloga
- type: web
- opam: [cowabloga]
- descr: a deprecated library to setup a simple blog and wiki using the Zurb Foundation CSS/HTML templates.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-cow
- type: web
- opam: [cow]
- descr: OCaml combinators for HTML, XML, JSON and Markdown format handling.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-xen-minios
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [mirage-xen-minios]
- descr: installs the C libraries for the Xen MiniOS and OpenLibM.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-named-pipe
- type: driver/win
- opam: [named-pipe]
- descr: OCaml bindings for named pipes, which are used on Windows for local (and remote) IPC.
-- org: mirage
- repo: parse-argv
- type: driver
- opam: [parse-argv]
- descr: Common code for parsing argv strings that is used by the various bootvar libraries to pass configuration information to a unikernel.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-profile
- type: logging
- opam: [mirage-profile]
- descr: library to trace execution of OCaml/Lwt programs at the level of Lwt threads, and associated viewers to process the trace results.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-xenstore
- type: driver/xen
- opam: [xenstore]
- descr: implementation of the Xenstore communication protocol, including client and server libraries.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-base64
- type: parsing
- opam: [base64]
- descr: Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-asl
- type: logging
- opam: [asl]
- descr: library to log via the Apple System Log on macosx.
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-tc
- type: core
- opam: [mirage-tc]
- descr: a set of functors and combinators to convert to and from and JSON values and Cstruct buffers.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-mstruct
- type: parsing
- opam: [mstruct]
- descr: a mutability layer for Cstruct buffers.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-hex
- type: parsing
- opam: [hex]
- descr: library providing hexadecimal converters for OCaml values.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ezjsonm
- type: web
- opam: [ezjsonm]
- descr: a simple but slower parsing library for JSON values, based on jsonm.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-rpc
- type: network
- opam: [rpc]
- descr: library and syntax extension to generate functions to convert values of a given type to and from theirs RPC representations.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-vmnet
- type: driver/osx
- opam: [vmnet]
- descr: MacOS X bridged networking via the vmnet.framework.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-launchd
- type: driver/osx
- opam: [launchd]
- descr: make services that are automatically started by the macosx launchd service.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-mbr
- type: storage
- opam: [mbr]
- descr: library for manipulating Master Boot Records, to create bootable disk images and for Mirage kernels to read the partition tables on attached disks.
-- org: mirage
- repo: ocaml-magic-mime
- type: web
- opam: [magic-mime]
- descr: a database of MIME types that maps filename extensions into MIME types suitable for use in many Internet protocols such as HTTP or e-mail.
-- org: samoht
- repo: depyt
- type: core
- opam: [depyt]
- descr: type combinators to define runtime representation for OCaml types and generic operations to manipulate values with a runtime type representation.
-- org: samoht
- repo: irmin-watcher
- type: vcs
- opam: [irmin-watcher]
- descr: Portable filesystem watch backends using FSevents or Inotify
-- org: mirage
- repo: mirage-qubes
- type: driver
- opam: [mirage-qubes]
- descr: implementations of various [QubesOS](https://www.qubes-os.org) protocols.
-- org: mirleft
- repo: ocaml-tls
- type: security
- opam: [tls]
- descr: a pure OCaml implementation of Transport Layer Security.
-- org: mirleft
- repo: ocaml-nocrypto
- type: security
- opam: [nocrypto]
- descr: a small cryptographic library that puts emphasis on the applicative style and ease of use. It includes basic ciphers (AES, 3DES, RC4), hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA2), public-key primitives (RSA, DSA, DH) and a strong RNG (Fortuna).
-- org: mirleft
- repo: ocaml-x509
- type: security
- opam: [x509]
- descr: X.509 is a public key infrastructure used mostly on the Internet, and this library implements most parts of RFC5280 and RFC6125.
-- org: mirleft
- repo: ocaml-asn1-combinators
- type: security
- opam: [asn1-combinators]
- descr: a library for expressing ASN.1 in OCaml by embedding the abstract syntax directly in the language.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-hvsock
+ type: driver/win
+ opam: [hvsock]
+ descr: These bindings allow Host to VM communication on Hyper-V systems on both Linux and Windows.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-skeleton
+ type: example
+ descr: Examples of different types of Mirage applications.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-tuntap
+ type: driver/unix
+ opam: [tuntap]
+ descr: Bindings to the [tuntap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TUN/TAP) virtual network kernel devices, for userspace networking on Linux and macos.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-cstruct
+ type: parsing
+ opam: [cstruct]
+ descr: Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs, suitable for parsing wire protocols.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: shared-block-ring
+ type: storage
+ opam: [shared-block-ring]
+ descr: A simple persistent on-disk fixed length queue.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: prometheus
+ type: logging
+ opam: [prometheus,prometheus-app]
+ descr: Report metrics to a Prometheus server.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-uri
+ type: web
+ opam: [uri]
+ descr: RFC3986 URI parsing library
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: irmin
+ type: vcs
+ opam: [irmin,irmin-unix,mirage-irmin]
+ descr: a library for persistent stores with built-in snapshot, branching and reverting mechanisms.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-qcow
+ type: storage
+ opam: [qcow]
+ descr: pure OCaml code for parsing, printing, modifying `.qcow` format data
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-dns
+ type: network
+ opam: [dns,mirage-dns]
+ descr: a pure OCaml implementation of the DNS protocol, intended to be a reasonably high-performance implementation.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-conduit
+ type: network
+ opam: [conduit,mirage-conduit]
+ descr: a library to establish and listen for TCP and SSL/TLS connections.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-tar
+ type: storage
+ opam: [tar]
+ descr: read and write tar files, with an emphasis on streaming.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-pcap
+ type: network
+ opam: [pcap-format]
+ descr: an interface to encode and decode pcap files, dealing with both endianess, including endianess detection.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-tcpip
+ type: network
+ opam: [tcpip]
+ descr: a pure OCaml implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: charrua-core
+ type: network
+ opam: [charrua-core]
+ descr: a DHCPv4 server and wire frame encoder and decoder.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: alcotest
+ type: testing
+ opam: [alcotest]
+ descr: a lightweight and colourful test framework that exposes simple interface to perform unit tests.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-ipaddr
+ type: network
+ opam: [ipaddr]
+ descr: a library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-block-ramdisk
+ type: storage
+ opam: [mirage-block-ramdisk]
+ descr: a simple in-memory block device.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-block
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-block,mirage-block-lwt]
+ descr: generic operations over Mirage block devices.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-block-unix
+ type: driver/unix
+ opam: [mirage-block-unix]
+ descr: Unix implementation of the Mirage block interface.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-block-xen
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [mirage-block-xen]
+ descr: Client and server implementations of the Xen paravirtualised block driver protocol
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-net-xen
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [mirage-net-xen]
+ descr: Client and server implementations of the Xen paravirtualised network driver protocol
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-vchan
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [vchan]
+ descr: implementation of the "vchan" shared-memory communication protocol.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-platform
+ type: driver
+ opam: [mirage-unix,mirage-xen-ocaml,mirage-xen]
+ descr: Platform libraries for Mirage for Unix and Xen that handle timers, device setup and the main loop, as well as the runtime for the Xen unikernel.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-protocols
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-protocols,mirage-protocols-lwt]
+ descr: a set of module types that libraries intended to be used as Mirage network implementations should implement.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-cohttp
+ type: web
+ opam: [cohttp]
+ descr: a library for creating HTTP daemons, with a portable HTTP parser and implementations using various asynchronous programming libraries.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-crunch
+ type: storage
+ opam: [crunch]
+ descr: take a directory of files and compile them into a standalone OCaml module that serves the contents directly from memory.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-fat
+ type: storage
+ opam: [fat-filesystem]
+ descr: implementation of the FAT filesystem to allow the easy preparation of bootable disk images containing kernels, and to provide a simple filesystem layer for Mirage applications.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-http
+ type: web
+ opam: [mirage-http]
+ descr: a Cohttp-based webserver implementation of the Mirage HTTP interfaces.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-fs-unix
+ type: driver/unix
+ opam: [mirage-fs-unix]
+ descr: a pass-through Mirage filesystem to an underlying Unix directory.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-bootvar-xen
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [mirage-bootvar-xen]
+ descr: library for reading Mirage unikernel boot parameters from Xen.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-net-unix
+ type: driver/unix
+ opam: [mirage-net-unix]
+ descr: Unix implementation of the Mirage NETWORK interface that exposes Ethernet frames via tuntap.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-net-macosx
+ type: driver/osx
+ opam: [mirage-net-macosx]
+ descr: MacOSX implementation of the Mirage NETWORK interface that exposes raw Ethernet frames using the Vmnet framework available in MacOS X Yosemite onwards.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-entropy
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-entropy]
+ descr: Reliable entropy sources for Mirage unikernels.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-time
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-time,mirage-time-lwt]
+ descr: Module types for time-related operations in Mirage.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-random
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-random]
+ descr: Randomness signatures for Mirage, and an implementation using the OCaml stdlib.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-net
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-net,mirage-net-lwt]
+ descr: Network (Ethernet) signatures for Mirage.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-logs
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-logs]
+ descr: a reporter for the [Logs](http://erratique.ch/software/logs) library that writes log messages to stderr, using a Mirage `CLOCK` to add timestamps.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-kv
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-kv,mirage-kv-lwt]
+ descr: provides key/value store signatures that Mirage storage libraries can implement.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-fs
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-fs,mirage-fs-lwt]
+ descr: provides filesystem module signatures that Mirage storage libraries can implement.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-flow
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-flow,mirage-flow-lwt]
+ descr: Network flow implementations and combinators to manipulate and compose them.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-console
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-console-lwt,mirage-console,mirage-console-unix,mirage-console-xen-backend,mirage-console-xen-cli,mirage-console-xen-proto,mirage-console-xen]
+ descr: Pure OCaml module types and implementations of Mirage consoles, for Unix and Xen.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-clock
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-clock,mirage-clock-freestanding,mirage-clock-lwt,mirage-clock-unix]
+ descr: portable support for an operating system timesources.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-channel
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-channel,mirage-channel-lwt]
+ descr: Channels are buffered reader/writers built on top of an unbuffered mirage-flow implementation.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-stack
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-stack,mirage-stack-lwt]
+ descr: provides a set of module types which libraries intended to be used as Mirage network stacks should implement.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-device
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-device]
+ descr: the signature for basic abstract devices for Mirage and a pretty-printing function for device errors
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-vhd
+ type: storage
+ opam: [vhd-format]
+ descr: a pure OCaml library to read and write vhd format data, plus a simple command-line tool which allows vhd files to be interrogated, manipulated, format-converted and streamed to and from files and remote servers.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-freestanding
+ type: driver
+ opam: [ocaml-freestanding]
+ descr: a freestanding OCaml runtime suitable for linking with a unikernel base layer such as Solo5.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-solo5
+ type: driver/solo5
+ opam: [mirage-solo5]
+ descr: the Mirage `OS` library for Solo5 targets, which handles the main loop and timers.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-block-solo5
+ type: driver/solo5
+ opam: [mirage-block-solo5]
+ descr: Solo5 implementation of the Mirage block interface.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-net-solo5
+ type: driver/solo5
+ opam: [mirage-net-solo5]
+ descr: Solo5 implementation of the Mirage network interface.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-bootvar-solo5
+ type: driver/solo5
+ opam: [mirage-bootvar-solo5]
+ descr: library for passing boot-time variables to Solo5 targets.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-console-solo5
+ type: driver/solo5
+ opam: [mirage-console-solo5]
+ descr: implementation of the Mirage Console interface for Solo5 targets.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-github
+ type: vcs
+ opam: [github]
+ descr: an OCaml interface to the GitHub APIv3 (JSON) that is compatible with Mirage and also compiles to pure JavaScript.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-git
+ type: vcs
+ opam: [git,git-mirage,git-unix]
+ descr: Git format and protocol in pure OCaml, with support for on-disk and in-memory Git stores.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-9p
+ type: storage
+ opam: [9p-format]
+ descr: an implementation of the 9P protocol from outer space.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: shared-memory-ring
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [shared-memory-ring]
+ descr: a set of libraries for creating shared memory producer/consumer rings that follow the Xen hypervisor ABI for virtual devices.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: io-page
+ type: driver
+ opam: [io-page]
+ descr: support for efficient handling of I/O memory pages on Unix and Xen.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-evtchn
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [evtchn]
+ descr: Xen event channel interface for Mirage. Event channels are the Xen equivalent of interrupts, used to signal when data is available for processing.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-gnt
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [gnt]
+ descr: Xen grant table bindings for OCaml that are used to create Xen device driver "backends" (servers) and "frontends" (clients).
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: cowabloga
+ type: web
+ opam: [cowabloga]
+ descr: a deprecated library to setup a simple blog and wiki using the Zurb Foundation CSS/HTML templates.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-cow
+ type: web
+ opam: [cow]
+ descr: OCaml combinators for HTML, XML, JSON and Markdown format handling.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-xen-minios
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [mirage-xen-minios]
+ descr: installs the C libraries for the Xen MiniOS and OpenLibM.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-named-pipe
+ type: driver/win
+ opam: [named-pipe]
+ descr: OCaml bindings for named pipes, which are used on Windows for local (and remote) IPC.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: parse-argv
+ type: driver
+ opam: [parse-argv]
+ descr: Common code for parsing argv strings that is used by the various bootvar libraries to pass configuration information to a unikernel.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-profile
+ type: logging
+ opam: [mirage-profile]
+ descr: library to trace execution of OCaml/Lwt programs at the level of Lwt threads, and associated viewers to process the trace results.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-xenstore
+ type: driver/xen
+ opam: [xenstore]
+ descr: implementation of the Xenstore communication protocol, including client and server libraries.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-base64
+ type: parsing
+ opam: [base64]
+ descr: Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-asl
+ type: logging
+ opam: [asl]
+ descr: library to log via the Apple System Log on macosx.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-tc
+ type: core
+ opam: [mirage-tc]
+ descr: a set of functors and combinators to convert to and from and JSON values and Cstruct buffers.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-mstruct
+ type: parsing
+ opam: [mstruct]
+ descr: a mutability layer for Cstruct buffers.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-hex
+ type: parsing
+ opam: [hex]
+ descr: library providing hexadecimal converters for OCaml values.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ezjsonm
+ type: web
+ opam: [ezjsonm]
+ descr: a simple but slower parsing library for JSON values, based on jsonm.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-rpc
+ type: network
+ opam: [rpc]
+ descr: library and syntax extension to generate functions to convert values of a given type to and from theirs RPC representations.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-vmnet
+ type: driver/osx
+ opam: [vmnet]
+ descr: MacOS X bridged networking via the vmnet.framework.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-launchd
+ type: driver/osx
+ opam: [launchd]
+ descr: make services that are automatically started by the macosx launchd service.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-mbr
+ type: storage
+ opam: [mbr]
+ descr: library for manipulating Master Boot Records, to create bootable disk images and for Mirage kernels to read the partition tables on attached disks.
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: ocaml-magic-mime
+ type: web
+ opam: [magic-mime]
+ descr: a database of MIME types that maps filename extensions into MIME types suitable for use in many Internet protocols such as HTTP or e-mail.
+ - org: samoht
+ repo: depyt
+ type: core
+ opam: [depyt]
+ descr: type combinators to define runtime representation for OCaml types and generic operations to manipulate values with a runtime type representation.
+ - org: samoht
+ repo: irmin-watcher
+ type: vcs
+ opam: [irmin-watcher]
+ descr: Portable filesystem watch backends using FSevents or Inotify
+ - org: mirage
+ repo: mirage-qubes
+ type: driver
+ opam: [mirage-qubes]
+ descr: implementations of various [QubesOS](https://www.qubes-os.org) protocols.
+ - org: mirleft
+ repo: ocaml-tls
+ type: security
+ opam: [tls]
+ descr: a pure OCaml implementation of Transport Layer Security.
+ - org: mirleft
+ repo: ocaml-nocrypto
+ type: security
+ opam: [nocrypto]
+ descr: a small cryptographic library that puts emphasis on the applicative style and ease of use. It includes basic ciphers (AES, 3DES, RC4), hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA2), public-key primitives (RSA, DSA, DH) and a strong RNG (Fortuna).
+ - org: mirleft
+ repo: ocaml-x509
+ type: security
+ opam: [x509]
+ descr: X.509 is a public key infrastructure used mostly on the Internet, and this library implements most parts of RFC5280 and RFC6125.
+ - org: mirleft
+ repo: ocaml-asn1-combinators
+ type: security
+ opam: [asn1-combinators]
+ descr: a library for expressing ASN.1 in OCaml by embedding the abstract syntax directly in the language.
diff --git a/src/logging.ml b/src/logging.ml
index 3297656..e37a318 100644
--- a/src/logging.ml
+++ b/src/logging.ml
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ let reporter =
Fmt.kpf k Fmt.stdout
("%a %a @[" ^^ fmt ^^ "@]@.")
Fmt.(styled `Magenta string)
- (Printf.sprintf "%14s" src) Logs_fmt.pp_header (level, header)
+ (Printf.sprintf "%14s" src)
+ Logs_fmt.pp_header (level, header)
{ Logs.report }
diff --git a/src/mirage_ci.ml b/src/mirage_ci.ml
index d7415e5..3dd646e 100644
--- a/src/mirage_ci.ml
+++ b/src/mirage_ci.ml
@@ -3,43 +3,53 @@ module Github = Current_github
module Git = Current_git
let () = Logging.init ()
let daily = Current_cache.Schedule.v ~valid_for:(Duration.of_day 1) ()
(* Access control policy. *)
let has_role user role =
match user with
- | None -> role = `Viewer || role = `Monitor (* Unauthenticated users can only look at things. *)
+ | None ->
+ role = `Viewer || role = `Monitor
+ (* Unauthenticated users can only look at things. *)
| Some user -> (
match (Current_web.User.id user, role) with
| "github:TheLortex", _ -> true (* These users have all roles *)
- | _ -> role = `Viewer )
+ | _ -> role = `Viewer)
let program_name = "mirage-ci"
let gh_mirage_dev = { Github.Repo_id.owner = "mirage"; name = "mirage-dev" }
let gh_head_of github name ref =
match github with
| None -> Github.Api.Anonymous.head_of name ref
- | Some github -> Github.Api.head_of github name ref |> Current.map Current_github.Api.Commit.id
+ | Some github ->
+ Github.Api.head_of github name ref
+ |> Current.map Current_github.Api.Commit.id
-let main config github mode auth store (`Ocluster_cap cap) (`Test_monorepos monorepos)
- (`Pipelines_options mirage_pipelines_options) =
+let main config github mode auth store (`Ocluster_cap cap)
+ (`Test_monorepos monorepos) (`Pipelines_options mirage_pipelines_options) =
let vat = Capnp_rpc_unix.client_only_vat () in
let submission_cap = Capnp_rpc_unix.Vat.import_exn vat cap in
- let connection = Current_ocluster.Connection.create ~max_pipeline:20 submission_cap in
+ let connection =
+ Current_ocluster.Connection.create ~max_pipeline:20 submission_cap
+ in
let ocluster =
- Current_ocluster.v ~secrets:(Git_store.Cluster.secrets store) ~urgent:`Never connection
+ Current_ocluster.v
+ ~secrets:(Git_store.Cluster.secrets store)
+ ~urgent:`Never connection
- let repo_mirage_dev = gh_head_of github gh_mirage_dev (`Ref "refs/heads/master") in
+ let repo_mirage_dev =
+ gh_head_of github gh_mirage_dev (`Ref "refs/heads/master")
+ in
let repo_mirage_dev = Git.fetch repo_mirage_dev in
let repo_opam =
- Current_git.clone ~schedule:daily "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git"
+ Current_git.clone ~schedule:daily
+ "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git"
let repo_overlays =
- Current_git.clone ~schedule:daily "https://github.com/mirage/opam-overlays.git"
+ Current_git.clone ~schedule:daily
+ "https://github.com/mirage/opam-overlays.git"
let monorepos =
if monorepos then
@@ -60,21 +70,22 @@ let main config github mode auth store (`Ocluster_cap cap) (`Test_monorepos mono
let monorepo = Monorepo.v ~system:platform.system ~repos in
let monorepo_lock =
- Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.lock ~ocluster ~store ~system:platform.system ~value:"universe"
- ~monorepo ~repos:repos_unfetched roots
+ Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.lock ~ocluster ~store
+ ~system:platform.system ~value:"universe" ~monorepo
+ ~repos:repos_unfetched roots
Current.with_context repos @@ fun () ->
let mirage_released =
- Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.released ~platform ~roots ~repos:repos_unfetched
- ~lock:monorepo_lock
+ Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.released ~platform ~roots
+ ~repos:repos_unfetched ~lock:monorepo_lock
let mirage_edge =
- Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.mirage_edge ~platform ~git_store:store ~roots
- ~repos:repos_unfetched ~lock:monorepo_lock
+ Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.mirage_edge ~platform ~git_store:store
+ ~roots ~repos:repos_unfetched ~lock:monorepo_lock
let universe_edge =
- Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.universe_edge ~platform ~git_store:store ~roots
- ~repos:repos_unfetched ~lock:monorepo_lock
+ Mirage_ci_pipelines.Monorepo.universe_edge ~platform ~git_store:store
+ ~roots ~repos:repos_unfetched ~lock:monorepo_lock
@@ -87,7 +98,10 @@ let main config github mode auth store (`Ocluster_cap cap) (`Test_monorepos mono
let prs =
match github with
| None when Mirage_ci_pipelines.PR.is_enabled mirage_pipelines_options ->
- Logs.err (fun f -> f "No github API key was provided using the github-token-file option !");
+ Logs.err (fun f ->
+ f
+ "No github API key was provided using the github-token-file \
+ option !");
| None -> None
| Some github ->
@@ -99,7 +113,8 @@ let main config github mode auth store (`Ocluster_cap cap) (`Test_monorepos mono
|> Current.list_seq
- (Mirage_ci_pipelines.PR.make ~ocluster ~options:mirage_pipelines_options github
+ (Mirage_ci_pipelines.PR.make ~ocluster
+ ~options:mirage_pipelines_options github
(Repository.current_list_unfetch repos_mirage_main))
let main_ci, main_routes =
@@ -142,14 +157,19 @@ let named f = Cmdliner.Term.(app (const f))
let ocluster_cap =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some Capnp_rpc_unix.sturdy_uri) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The ocluster submission capability file" ~docv:"FILE" [ "ocluster-cap" ]
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"The ocluster submission capability file" ~docv:"FILE"
+ [ "ocluster-cap" ]
|> named (fun x -> `Ocluster_cap x)
let test_monorepos =
- Arg.value @@ Arg.flag @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Test mirage universe monorepos" [ "test-monorepos" ]
+ Arg.value
+ @@ Arg.flag
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Test mirage universe monorepos" [ "test-monorepos" ]
|> named (fun x -> `Test_monorepos x)
-let main_ci = Mirage_ci_pipelines.PR.test_options_cmdliner |> named (fun x -> `Pipelines_options x)
+let main_ci =
+ Mirage_ci_pipelines.PR.test_options_cmdliner
+ |> named (fun x -> `Pipelines_options x)
let github_config =
let read_file path =
@@ -162,14 +182,24 @@ let github_config =
@@ Arg.opt Arg.(some file) None
- @@ Arg.info ~doc:"A file containing the GitHub OAuth token." ~docv:"PATH" [ "github-token-file" ]
- |> named (Option.map (fun x -> Current_github.Api.of_oauth @@ String.trim (read_file x)))
+ @@ Arg.info ~doc:"A file containing the GitHub OAuth token." ~docv:"PATH"
+ [ "github-token-file" ]
+ |> named
+ (Option.map (fun x ->
+ Current_github.Api.of_oauth @@ String.trim (read_file x)))
let cmd =
let doc = "an OCurrent pipeline" in
( Term.(
- const main $ Current.Config.cmdliner $ github_config $ Current_web.cmdliner
- $ Current_github.Auth.cmdliner $ Git_store.cmdliner $ ocluster_cap $ test_monorepos $ main_ci),
+ const main
+ $ Current.Config.cmdliner
+ $ github_config
+ $ Current_web.cmdliner
+ $ Current_github.Auth.cmdliner
+ $ Git_store.cmdliner
+ $ ocluster_cap
+ $ test_monorepos
+ $ main_ci),
Term.info program_name ~doc )
let () = Term.(exit @@ eval cmd)
diff --git a/src/pipelines/PR.ml b/src/pipelines/PR.ml
index 2ca6900..2c52917 100644
--- a/src/pipelines/PR.ml
+++ b/src/pipelines/PR.ml
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ module Github = Current_github
module Git = Current_git
type pr_info = { id : string; label : string; pipeline : unit Current.t }
type spec = { name : string; content : pr_info list ref }
type t = { specs : spec list; pipeline : unit Current.t }
type gh_repo = {
@@ -17,15 +15,21 @@ type gh_repo = {
let repo_refs ~github repo =
let refs = Github.Api.refs github repo in
- Current.primitive ~info:(Current.component "repository refs") (fun () -> refs) (Current.return ())
+ Current.primitive
+ ~info:(Current.component "repository refs")
+ (fun () -> refs)
+ (Current.return ())
let pull_request_regex =
- Str.regexp "https://github.com/\\([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+\\)/\\([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+\\)/pull/\\([0-9]+\\)"
+ Str.regexp
+ "https://github.com/\\([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+\\)/\\([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+\\)/pull/\\([0-9]+\\)"
let find_friend_prs html =
let open Soup in
let html = parse html in
- html $$ "a" |> to_list
+ html
+ $$ "a"
+ |> to_list
|> List.filter_map (fun link ->
let content = attribute "href" link |> Option.value ~default:"" in
if Str.string_match pull_request_regex content 0 then
@@ -54,9 +58,12 @@ let github_setup ~branch ~github owner name =
let map = Github.Api.all_refs refs in
(fun commit ->
- Api.Ref_map.filter (fun _ commit' -> Api.Commit.(hash commit' = hash commit)) map
+ Api.Ref_map.filter
+ (fun _ commit' -> Api.Commit.(hash commit' = hash commit))
+ map
|> Api.Ref_map.bindings
- |> List.find_map (fun (ref, _) -> if ref_filter ref then Some (ref, commit) else None))
+ |> List.find_map (fun (ref, _) ->
+ if ref_filter ref then Some (ref, commit) else None))
let all =
@@ -66,7 +73,8 @@ let github_setup ~branch ~github owner name =
let branch = Github.Api.head_of github gh (`Ref ("refs/heads/" ^ branch)) in
{ owner; name; ci; branch; all }
-let url kind id = Uri.of_string (Fmt.str "https://ci.mirage.io/github/%s/prs/%s" kind id)
+let url kind id =
+ Uri.of_string (Fmt.str "https://ci.mirage.io/github/%s/prs/%s" kind id)
let github_status_of_state kind id status =
let url = url kind id in
@@ -75,8 +83,8 @@ let github_status_of_state kind id status =
| Error (`Active _) -> Github.Api.Status.v ~url `Pending
| Error (`Msg m) -> Github.Api.Status.v ~url `Failure ~description:m
-let perform_test ?mirage_dev ~ocluster ~commit_status ~platform ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos kind
- gh_commit =
+let perform_test ?mirage_dev ~ocluster ~commit_status ~platform ~mirage_skeleton
+ ~mirage ~repos kind gh_commit =
let open Current.Syntax in
let repos =
match mirage_dev with
@@ -91,18 +99,23 @@ let perform_test ?mirage_dev ~ocluster ~commit_status ~platform ~mirage_skeleton
(Github.Api.Commit.id gh_commit' |> Git.Commit_id.hash)
(Mirage_ci_lib.Platform.platform_id platform)
- let pipeline = Skeleton.v_main ~ocluster ~platform ~mirage ~repos mirage_skeleton in
+ let pipeline =
+ Skeleton.v_main ~ocluster ~platform ~mirage ~repos mirage_skeleton
+ in
let result =
- Current.return { pipeline; label = Fmt.str "%a" Github.Api.Commit.pp gh_commit'; id }
+ Current.return
+ { pipeline; label = Fmt.str "%a" Github.Api.Commit.pp gh_commit'; id }
let+ _ =
match commit_status with
| false -> pipeline
| true ->
- pipeline |> Current.state ~hidden:true
+ pipeline
+ |> Current.state ~hidden:true
|> Current.map (github_status_of_state kind id)
|> Github.Api.Commit.set_status gh_commit
- (Fmt.str "Mirage CI - %a" Mirage_ci_lib.Platform.pp_platform platform)
+ (Fmt.str "Mirage CI - %a" Mirage_ci_lib.Platform.pp_platform
+ platform)
and+ result = result in
@@ -115,16 +128,16 @@ module CommitUrl = struct
type t = (Github.Api.Commit.t * Github.Api.Ref.t) * (string * string)
let pp f (_, (text, _)) = Fmt.pf f "%s" text
let url f (_, (_, url)) = Fmt.pf f "%s" url
let compare ((a, _), _) ((b, _), _) = Github.Api.Commit.compare a b
let pp_url ~(repo : Github.Repo_id.t) f (ref : Github.Api.Ref.t) =
match ref with
- | `Ref ref -> Fmt.pf f "https://github.com/%s/%s/tree/%s" repo.owner repo.name ref
- | `PR { id; _ } -> Fmt.pf f "https://github.com/%s/%s/pull/%d" repo.owner repo.name id
+ | `Ref ref ->
+ Fmt.pf f "https://github.com/%s/%s/tree/%s" repo.owner repo.name ref
+ | `PR { id; _ } ->
+ Fmt.pf f "https://github.com/%s/%s/pull/%d" repo.owner repo.name id
let url_of_commit (commit : Github.Api.Commit.t) (ref : Github.Api.Ref.t) =
let open Github in
@@ -153,14 +166,19 @@ let resolve friends repo =
Printf.printf "%s %s > %d!!\n" owner name id;
Some value
| _ -> None)
- refs )
+ refs)
else None)
| Some ref -> ref |> Github.Api.Commit.id
| None -> branch |> Github.Api.Commit.id
-type test = { name : string; kind : kind; input : gh_repo; commit_status : bool }
+type test = {
+ name : string;
+ kind : kind;
+ input : gh_repo;
+ commit_status : bool;
let perform_ci ~ocluster ~name ~commit_status ~repos ~kind ci_refs =
let perform_test ~ref =
@@ -171,24 +189,28 @@ let perform_ci ~ocluster ~name ~commit_status ~repos ~kind ci_refs =
let mirage_skeleton = resolve friends mirage_skeleton in
fun ~platform commit_mirage ->
let mirage = id_of commit_mirage in
- perform_test ~platform ?mirage_dev ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos name commit_mirage
+ perform_test ~platform ?mirage_dev ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos
+ name commit_mirage
| Mirage_dev { mirage; mirage_skeleton } ->
let mirage = resolve friends mirage in
let mirage_skeleton = resolve friends mirage_skeleton in
fun ~platform commit_mirage_dev ->
let mirage_dev = id_of commit_mirage_dev in
- perform_test ~platform ~mirage_dev ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos name commit_mirage_dev
+ perform_test ~platform ~mirage_dev ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos
+ name commit_mirage_dev
| Mirage_skeleton { mirage_dev; mirage } ->
let mirage_dev = Option.map (resolve friends) mirage_dev in
let mirage = resolve friends mirage in
fun ~platform commit_mirage_skeleton ->
let mirage_skeleton = id_of commit_mirage_skeleton in
- perform_test ~platform ?mirage_dev ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos name
- commit_mirage_skeleton
+ perform_test ~platform ?mirage_dev ~mirage_skeleton ~mirage ~repos
+ name commit_mirage_skeleton
|> Current.map (fun commits ->
- List.map (fun (ref, commit) -> ((commit, ref), url_of_commit commit ref)) commits)
+ List.map
+ (fun (ref, commit) -> ((commit, ref), url_of_commit commit ref))
+ commits)
|> Current.list_map_url
(module CommitUrl)
(fun commit ->
@@ -198,7 +220,8 @@ let perform_ci ~ocluster ~name ~commit_status ~repos ~kind ci_refs =
|> List.map (fun platform ->
perform_test ~ocluster ~commit_status ~ref ~platform commit
|> Current.collapse
- ~key:(Fmt.str "%a" Mirage_ci_lib.Platform.pp_platform platform)
+ ~key:
+ (Fmt.str "%a" Mirage_ci_lib.Platform.pp_platform platform)
~value:"mirage-skeleton" ~input:commit)
|> Current.list_seq)
@@ -216,16 +239,25 @@ let test_options_cmdliner =
let conv_commit_status =
opt ~vopt:(Some [])
- (some (list (enum [ ("mirage", `Mirage); ("skeleton", `Skeleton); ("dev", `Dev) ])))
+ (some
+ (list
+ (enum
+ [ ("mirage", `Mirage); ("skeleton", `Skeleton); ("dev", `Dev) ])))
- let mirage_4 = Arg.value (conv_commit_status (Arg.info [ "test-mirage-4" ])) in
- let mirage_3 = Arg.value (conv_commit_status (Arg.info [ "test-mirage-3" ])) in
+ let mirage_4 =
+ Arg.value (conv_commit_status (Arg.info [ "test-mirage-4" ]))
+ in
+ let mirage_3 =
+ Arg.value (conv_commit_status (Arg.info [ "test-mirage-3" ]))
+ in
let make mirage_3 mirage_4 =
let make_commit_status list =
- (fun acc -> function `Mirage -> { acc with mirage = true }
- | `Skeleton -> { acc with skeleton = true } | `Dev -> { acc with dev = true })
+ (fun acc -> function
+ | `Mirage -> { acc with mirage = true }
+ | `Skeleton -> { acc with skeleton = true }
+ | `Dev -> { acc with dev = true })
{ mirage = false; skeleton = false; dev = false }
@@ -242,7 +274,8 @@ type context = {
repos : Mirage_ci_lib.Repository.t list Current.t;
-let pipeline ~mirage ~mirage_skeleton ~extra_repository { ocluster; enable_commit_status; repos } =
+let pipeline ~mirage ~mirage_skeleton ~extra_repository
+ { ocluster; enable_commit_status; repos } =
let tasks =
@@ -258,7 +291,7 @@ let pipeline ~mirage ~mirage_skeleton ~extra_repository { ocluster; enable_commi
commit_status = enable_commit_status.skeleton;
- @ ( extra_repository
+ @ (extra_repository
|> Option.map (fun extra_repository ->
@@ -268,21 +301,26 @@ let pipeline ~mirage ~mirage_skeleton ~extra_repository { ocluster; enable_commi
commit_status = enable_commit_status.dev;
- |> Option.value ~default:[] )
+ |> Option.value ~default:[])
let pipeline =
|> List.map (fun { name; kind; input; commit_status } ->
let prs = ref [] in
- (name, prs, perform_ci ~ocluster ~name ~commit_status ~repos ~kind input.ci |> update prs))
+ ( name,
+ prs,
+ perform_ci ~ocluster ~name ~commit_status ~repos ~kind input.ci
+ |> update prs ))
let specs = List.map (fun (name, content, _) -> { name; content }) pipeline in
- let pipeline = (List.map (fun (a, _, b) -> (a, b))) pipeline |> Current.all_labelled in
+ let pipeline =
+ (List.map (fun (a, _, b) -> (a, b))) pipeline |> Current.all_labelled
+ in
(specs, pipeline)
-- mirage skeleton 'master' / mirage '3' / mirage-dev '3'
-- mirage skeleton 'mirage-dev' / mirage 'main' / mirage-dev 'master' *)
+ - mirage skeleton 'master' / mirage '3' / mirage-dev '3'
+ - mirage skeleton 'mirage-dev' / mirage 'main' / mirage-dev 'master' *)
let make ~ocluster ~options github repos =
let specs_mirage_main, pipeline_mirage_main =
match options.mirage_4 with
@@ -291,9 +329,14 @@ let make ~ocluster ~options github repos =
let gh_mirage_skeleton_dev =
github_setup ~branch:"mirage-dev" ~github "mirage" "mirage-skeleton"
- let gh_mirage_master = github_setup ~branch:"main" ~github "mirage" "mirage" in
- let gh_mirage_dev = github_setup ~branch:"master" ~github "mirage" "mirage-dev" in
- pipeline ~mirage:gh_mirage_master ~mirage_skeleton:gh_mirage_skeleton_dev
+ let gh_mirage_master =
+ github_setup ~branch:"main" ~github "mirage" "mirage"
+ in
+ let gh_mirage_dev =
+ github_setup ~branch:"master" ~github "mirage" "mirage-dev"
+ in
+ pipeline ~mirage:gh_mirage_master
+ ~mirage_skeleton:gh_mirage_skeleton_dev
~extra_repository:(Some gh_mirage_dev) ctx
| None -> ([], Current.return ~label:"mirage 4: not tested" ())
@@ -305,7 +348,9 @@ let make ~ocluster ~options github repos =
github_setup ~branch:"master" ~github "mirage" "mirage-skeleton"
let gh_mirage_3 = github_setup ~branch:"3" ~github "mirage" "mirage" in
- let gh_mirage_dev_3 = github_setup ~branch:"3" ~github "mirage" "mirage-dev" in
+ let gh_mirage_dev_3 =
+ github_setup ~branch:"3" ~github "mirage" "mirage-dev"
+ in
pipeline ~mirage:gh_mirage_3 ~mirage_skeleton:gh_mirage_skeleton_master
~extra_repository:(Some gh_mirage_dev_3) ctx
@@ -314,7 +359,8 @@ let make ~ocluster ~options github repos =
let specs = specs_mirage_main @ specs_mirage_3 in
let pipeline =
- Current.all_labelled [ ("mirage-4", pipeline_mirage_main); ("mirage-3", pipeline_mirage_3) ]
+ Current.all_labelled
+ [ ("mirage-4", pipeline_mirage_main); ("mirage-3", pipeline_mirage_3) ]
{ pipeline; specs }
@@ -326,7 +372,6 @@ open Tyxml.Html
let r (pr : pr_info) =
inherit Current_web.Resource.t
val! can_get = `Viewer
method! private get ctx =
@@ -358,9 +403,11 @@ let r (pr : pr_info) =
- div ~a:[ a_id "pipeline_container" ]
+ div
+ ~a:[ a_id "pipeline_container" ]
- div ~a:[ a_id "pipeline" ] [ html ]; Unsafe.data "";
+ div ~a:[ a_id "pipeline" ] [ html ];
+ Unsafe.data "";
diff --git a/src/pipelines/PR.mli b/src/pipelines/PR.mli
index 65f97dd..96c185b 100644
--- a/src/pipelines/PR.mli
+++ b/src/pipelines/PR.mli
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ type test_options
(** Test options (enabling commit status, disabling tasks) *)
val test_options_cmdliner : test_options Cmdliner.Term.t
val is_enabled : test_options -> bool
val make :
@@ -19,5 +18,4 @@ val make :
val to_current : t -> unit Current.t
val routes : t -> Current_web.Resource.t Routes.route list
diff --git a/src/pipelines/monorepo.ml b/src/pipelines/monorepo.ml
index 154fc80..cfe84c9 100644
--- a/src/pipelines/monorepo.ml
+++ b/src/pipelines/monorepo.ml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ open Current.Syntax
open Mirage_ci_lib
type mode = UniverseEdge | MirageEdge | Released
type toolchain = Host | Freestanding
let pp_toolchain () = function Host -> "" | Freestanding -> "-x freestanding"
@@ -21,7 +20,9 @@ let get_monorepo_library ~mirage_only =
else ()
let pp_project f (project : Universe.Project.t) =
- Fmt.pf f "@[%a @,@]" Fmt.(list ~sep:(const string " ") pp_libraries) project.opam
+ Fmt.pf f "@[%a @,@]"
+ Fmt.(list ~sep:(const string " ") pp_libraries)
+ project.opam
@@ -43,7 +44,8 @@ let spec ~mode ~repos ~system ~toolchain ~lock =
let+ base = base in
match toolchain with
| Host -> base
- | Freestanding -> Spec.add (Setup.install_tools [ "ocaml-freestanding" ]) base
+ | Freestanding ->
+ Spec.add (Setup.install_tools [ "ocaml-freestanding" ]) base
let spec =
match mode with
@@ -79,8 +81,8 @@ let spec ~mode ~repos ~system ~toolchain ~lock =
-let v ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~roots ~mode ?(src = Current.return []) ?(toolchain = Host)
- ~repos ~lock () =
+let v ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~roots ~mode ?(src = Current.return [])
+ ?(toolchain = Host) ~repos ~lock () =
let spec = spec ~system:platform.system ~mode ~repos ~toolchain ~lock in
let mirage_only = match toolchain with Host -> false | _ -> true in
let dune_build =
@@ -91,24 +93,33 @@ let v ~ocluster ~(platform : Platform.t) ~roots ~mode ?(src = Current.return [])
run "echo '%s' >> dune" (get_monorepo_library ~mirage_only roots);
run "touch monorepo.opam; touch monorepo.ml";
(* Dune issue with strict_package_deps *)
- run "find . -type f -name 'dune-project' -exec sed 's/(strict_package_deps)//g' -i {} \\;";
- run "opam exec -- dune build --profile release --debug-dependency-path %a" pp_toolchain
- toolchain;
+ run
+ "find . -type f -name 'dune-project' -exec sed \
+ 's/(strict_package_deps)//g' -i {} \\;";
+ run
+ "opam exec -- dune build --profile release --debug-dependency-path %a"
+ pp_toolchain toolchain;
run "du -sh _build/";
- let name_of_toolchain = match toolchain with Host -> "host" | Freestanding -> "freestanding" in
+ let name_of_toolchain =
+ match toolchain with Host -> "host" | Freestanding -> "freestanding"
+ in
let name_of_mode =
match mode with
| UniverseEdge -> "universe-edge"
| MirageEdge -> "mirage-edge"
| Released -> "released"
- let cache_hint = "mirage-ci-monorepo-" ^ Fmt.str "%a" Platform.pp_system platform.system in
+ let cache_hint =
+ "mirage-ci-monorepo-" ^ Fmt.str "%a" Platform.pp_system platform.system
+ in
~label:(name_of_toolchain ^ "-" ^ name_of_mode)
- ~cache_hint ocluster ~pool:(Platform.ocluster_pool platform) ~src dune_build
+ ~cache_hint ocluster
+ ~pool:(Platform.ocluster_pool platform)
+ ~src dune_build
let lock ~(system : Platform.system) ~value ~ocluster ~store ~monorepo ~repos
(projects : Universe.Project.t list) =
@@ -119,24 +130,28 @@ let lock ~(system : Platform.system) ~value ~ocluster ~store ~monorepo ~repos
let key =
- Fmt.str "monorepo-%a-%s" Platform.pp_system system (Opamfile.digest configuration)
+ Fmt.str "monorepo-%a-%s" Platform.pp_system system
+ (Opamfile.digest configuration)
- Monorepo.lock ~key ~value ~cluster:ocluster ~store ~repos ~system ~opam:(Current.return configuration)
+ Monorepo.lock ~key ~value ~cluster:ocluster ~store ~repos ~system
+ ~opam:(Current.return configuration)
let universe_edge ~ocluster ~platform ~git_store ~roots ~repos ~lock =
let src =
let+ src =
- Mirage_ci_lib.Monorepo_git_push.v git_store ~branch:"universe-edge-monorepo"
+ Mirage_ci_lib.Monorepo_git_push.v git_store
+ ~branch:"universe-edge-monorepo"
(Monorepo_lock.commits lock)
[ src ]
( "universe-edge-freestanding",
- v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:UniverseEdge ~toolchain:Freestanding ~repos ~lock ()
- );
- ("universe-edge-host", v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:UniverseEdge ~repos ~lock ());
+ v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:UniverseEdge
+ ~toolchain:Freestanding ~repos ~lock () );
+ ( "universe-edge-host",
+ v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:UniverseEdge ~repos ~lock () );
|> Current.all_labelled
@@ -156,16 +171,20 @@ let mirage_edge ~ocluster ~platform ~git_store ~roots ~repos ~lock =
( "mirage-edge-freestanding",
- v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:MirageEdge ~toolchain:Freestanding ~repos ~lock () );
- ("mirage-edge-host", v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:MirageEdge ~repos ~lock ());
+ v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:MirageEdge ~toolchain:Freestanding
+ ~repos ~lock () );
+ ( "mirage-edge-host",
+ v ~ocluster ~platform ~src ~roots ~mode:MirageEdge ~repos ~lock () );
|> Current.all_labelled
let released ~ocluster ~platform ~roots ~repos ~lock =
( "released-freestanding",
- v ~ocluster ~platform ~roots ~mode:Released ~toolchain:Freestanding ~repos ~lock () );
- ("released-host", v ~ocluster ~platform ~roots ~mode:Released ~repos ~lock ());
+ v ~ocluster ~platform ~roots ~mode:Released ~toolchain:Freestanding ~repos
+ ~lock () );
+ ( "released-host",
+ v ~ocluster ~platform ~roots ~mode:Released ~repos ~lock () );
|> Current.all_labelled
@@ -179,13 +198,15 @@ let docs ~(system : Platform.system) ~repos ~lock =
run "opam pin add odoc --dev -y";
run "rm duniverse/dune";
(* disable vendoring *)
- run "find . -type f -name 'dune-project' -exec sed 's/(strict_package_deps)//g' -i {} \\;";
+ run
+ "find . -type f -name 'dune-project' -exec sed \
+ 's/(strict_package_deps)//g' -i {} \\;";
(* Dune issue with strict_package_deps *)
run "opam exec -- dune upgrade";
(* Upgrade jbuild files *)
- "opam exec -- dune build @doc --profile release --debug-dependency-path || echo \"Build \
- failed. It's ok.\"";
+ "opam exec -- dune build @doc --profile release \
+ --debug-dependency-path || echo \"Build failed. It's ok.\"";
run "du -sh _build/";
@@ -195,7 +216,9 @@ let docs ~(system : Platform.system) ~repos ~lock =
let open Obuilder_spec in
let+ dune_build_doc = dune_build_doc in
let docker =
- Obuilder_spec.stage ~child_builds:[ ("monorepo", dune_build_doc) ] ~from:"alpine"
+ Obuilder_spec.stage
+ ~child_builds:[ ("monorepo", dune_build_doc) ]
+ ~from:"alpine"
run "apk update && apk add lighttpd && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*";
copy ~from:(`Build "monorepo")
@@ -211,9 +234,13 @@ let docs ~(system : Platform.system) ~repos ~lock =
let open Current.Syntax in
Current.component "docker image build"
|> let> dockerfile = web_ui_docker in
- Current_docker.Raw.build ~dockerfile:(`Contents_str dockerfile) ~docker_context:None
- ~pull:false `No_context
+ Current_docker.Raw.build ~dockerfile:(`Contents_str dockerfile)
+ ~docker_context:None ~pull:false `No_context
image_raw |> Current_docker.Raw.Image.hash |> Docker.Image.of_hash
- Current.all [ Docker.tag ~tag:"mirage-docs" image; Docker.service ~name:"mirage-docs" ~image () ]
+ Current.all
+ [
+ Docker.tag ~tag:"mirage-docs" image;
+ Docker.service ~name:"mirage-docs" ~image ();
+ ]
diff --git a/src/pipelines/monorepo.mli b/src/pipelines/monorepo.mli
index 9c23c48..44ce9ca 100644
--- a/src/pipelines/monorepo.mli
+++ b/src/pipelines/monorepo.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
open Mirage_ci_lib
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ val lock :
repos:Repository.t list Current.t ->
Universe.Project.t list ->
Monorepo_lock.t Current.t
-(** [lock ~system ~value ~monorepo ~repos projects] Obtain the lockfile of [projects] using the
-[monorepo] tool with the repositories [repos]. *)
+(** [lock ~system ~value ~monorepo ~repos projects] Obtain the lockfile of
+ [projects] using the [monorepo] tool with the repositories [repos]. *)
val docs :
system:Platform.system ->
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ val mirage_edge :
repos:Repository.t list Current.t ->
lock:Monorepo_lock.t Current.t ->
unit Current.t
-(** Test the main branches of [roots] projects, and released versions for everything else in
-the transitive dependency cone. *)
+(** Test the main branches of [roots] projects, and released versions for
+ everything else in the transitive dependency cone. *)
val universe_edge :
ocluster:Current_ocluster.t ->
diff --git a/src/pipelines/skeleton.ml b/src/pipelines/skeleton.ml
index b245f3e..6dfe18b 100644
--- a/src/pipelines/skeleton.ml
+++ b/src/pipelines/skeleton.ml
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ type configuration_main = {
skeleton : Current_git.Commit_id.t Current.t;
-let run_test_mirage_main ~ocluster { unikernel; platform; target } configuration =
+let run_test_mirage_main ~ocluster { unikernel; platform; target } configuration
+ =
let c = configuration in
let base =
let+ repos = c.repos in
@@ -61,9 +62,13 @@ let run_test_mirage_main ~ocluster { unikernel; platform; target } configuration
(* pre-install ocaml-freestanding *)
Spec.add (Setup.install_tools [ "ocaml-freestanding" ]) base
|> Spec.add
- [ Obuilder_spec.run ~network:Setup.network "opam pin -n -y %s" (Setup.remote_uri mirage) ]
+ [
+ Obuilder_spec.run ~network:Setup.network "opam pin -n -y %s"
+ (Setup.remote_uri mirage);
+ ]
- Mirage.build ~ocluster ~platform ~base ~project:c.skeleton ~unikernel ~target ()
+ Mirage.build ~ocluster ~platform ~base ~project:c.skeleton ~unikernel ~target
+ ()
|> Current.collapse
~key:("Unikernel " ^ unikernel ^ "@" ^ target)
~value:("main-" ^ Platform.platform_id platform)
@@ -77,7 +82,9 @@ let test_stage ~stage ~unikernels ~target ~platform ~run_test configuration =
|> Option.map (List.mem target)
|> Option.value ~default:true)
|> List.map (fun name ->
- run_test { unikernel = stage ^ "/" ^ name; target; platform } configuration)
+ run_test
+ { unikernel = stage ^ "/" ^ name; target; platform }
+ configuration)
|> Current.all
let multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets ~configure ~run_test mirage_skeleton =
@@ -87,8 +94,10 @@ let multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets ~configure ~run_test mirage_skeleton =
| (name, stage, unikernels) :: q ->
let configuration = configure skeleton in
let test_stage =
- test_stage ~run_test ~stage ~unikernels ~target ~platform configuration
- |> Current.collapse ~key:("Test stage " ^ name) ~value:target ~input:skeleton
+ test_stage ~run_test ~stage ~unikernels ~target ~platform
+ configuration
+ |> Current.collapse ~key:("Test stage " ^ name) ~value:target
+ ~input:skeleton
let mirage_skeleton =
let+ _ = test_stage and+ skeleton = skeleton in
@@ -104,7 +113,8 @@ let multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets ~configure ~run_test mirage_skeleton =
let v_4 ~ocluster ~repos ~(platform : Platform.t) ~targets mirage_skeleton =
- multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets ~run_test:(run_test_mirage_4 ~ocluster)
+ multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets
+ ~run_test:(run_test_mirage_4 ~ocluster)
~configure:(fun skeleton -> { repos; skeleton })
@@ -112,7 +122,8 @@ let v_4 ~ocluster ~repos ~(platform : Platform.t) ~targets mirage_skeleton =
let v_main ~ocluster ~platform ~mirage ~repos mirage_skeleton =
let mirage_skeleton = Current_git.fetch mirage_skeleton in
- multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets ~run_test:(run_test_mirage_main ~ocluster)
+ multi_stage_test ~platform ~targets
+ ~run_test:(run_test_mirage_main ~ocluster)
~configure:(fun skeleton ->
let skeleton = Current.map Current_git.Commit.id skeleton in
{ mirage; repos; skeleton })
diff --git a/src/pipelines/skeleton.mli b/src/pipelines/skeleton.mli
index e61c7b6..8b3c91e 100644
--- a/src/pipelines/skeleton.mli
+++ b/src/pipelines/skeleton.mli
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ val v_4 :
targets:string list ->
Current_git.Commit.t Current.t ->
unit Current.t
-(** Pipeline optimized for mirage 4, using opam-monorepo to track if
-resolutions changes. *)
+(** Pipeline optimized for mirage 4, using opam-monorepo to track if resolutions
+ changes. *)
diff --git a/src/solver/epoch_lock.ml b/src/solver/epoch_lock.ml
index ba4032b..312ab09 100644
--- a/src/solver/epoch_lock.ml
+++ b/src/solver/epoch_lock.ml
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ let rec with_epoch t epoch fn =
(fun () -> fn v)
(fun () ->
t.users <- t.users - 1;
- ( match t.current with
+ (match t.current with
| `Active _ -> ()
- | `Draining (_, cond) -> if t.users = 0 then Lwt_condition.broadcast cond ()
- | `Idle | `Activating _ -> assert false );
+ | `Draining (_, cond) ->
+ if t.users = 0 then Lwt_condition.broadcast cond ()
+ | `Idle | `Activating _ -> assert false);
| `Active (_, old_v) ->
let cond = Lwt_condition.create () in
@@ -39,12 +40,14 @@ let rec with_epoch t epoch fn =
t.current <- `Draining (ready, cond);
(* After this point, no new users can start. *)
let rec drain () =
- if t.users = 0 then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_condition.wait cond >>= drain
+ if t.users = 0 then Lwt.return_unit
+ else Lwt_condition.wait cond >>= drain
drain () >>= fun () ->
t.dispose old_v >>= fun () ->
activate t epoch ~ready ~set_ready >>= fun () -> with_epoch t epoch fn
- | `Draining (ready, _) | `Activating ready -> ready >>= fun () -> with_epoch t epoch fn
+ | `Draining (ready, _) | `Activating ready ->
+ ready >>= fun () -> with_epoch t epoch fn
| `Idle ->
let ready, set_ready = Lwt.wait () in
activate t epoch ~ready ~set_ready >>= fun () -> with_epoch t epoch fn
diff --git a/src/solver/epoch_lock.mli b/src/solver/epoch_lock.mli
index 19db5b7..3246933 100644
--- a/src/solver/epoch_lock.mli
+++ b/src/solver/epoch_lock.mli
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
(** Divide jobs up into distinct epochs. Any number of jobs can run at the same
time within an epoch, but changing epoch requires first draining the
- existing jobs, finishing the epoch, and then creating the new one.
- The solver uses this to handle updates to opam-repository (each commit is a
+ existing jobs, finishing the epoch, and then creating the new one. The
+ solver uses this to handle updates to opam-repository (each commit is a
separate epoch). *)
type 'a t
-val v : create:(string -> 'a Lwt.t) -> dispose:('a -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit -> 'a t
-(** [v ~create ~dispose ()] is an epoch lock that calls [create] to start a new epoch
- and [dispose] to finish one. A new epoch doesn't start until the old one has been
- disposed. *)
+val v :
+ create:(string -> 'a Lwt.t) -> dispose:('a -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit -> 'a t
+(** [v ~create ~dispose ()] is an epoch lock that calls [create] to start a new
+ epoch and [dispose] to finish one. A new epoch doesn't start until the old
+ one has been disposed. *)
val with_epoch : 'a t -> string -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t
-(** [with_epoch t epoch fn] runs [fn v] with the [v] for [epoch].
- If we are already in [epoch], [fn] runs immediately.
- If we are already in another epoch then we wait for all users in the
- previous epoch to finish, then create a new one, then run [fn]. *)
+(** [with_epoch t epoch fn] runs [fn v] with the [v] for [epoch]. If we are
+ already in [epoch], [fn] runs immediately. If we are already in another
+ epoch then we wait for all users in the previous epoch to finish, then
+ create a new one, then run [fn]. *)
diff --git a/src/solver/git_context.ml b/src/solver/git_context.ml
index 0e1efeb..5d26bb1 100644
--- a/src/solver/git_context.ml
+++ b/src/solver/git_context.ml
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ type t = {
let user_restrictions t name = OpamPackage.Name.Map.find_opt name t.constraints
let dev = OpamPackage.Version.of_string "dev"
let env t pkg v =
@@ -29,7 +28,8 @@ let filter_deps t pkg f =
let test = OpamPackage.Name.Set.mem (OpamPackage.name pkg) t.test in
|> OpamFilter.partial_filter_formula (env t pkg)
- |> OpamFilter.filter_deps ~build:true ~post:true ~test ~doc:false ~dev ~default:false
+ |> OpamFilter.filter_deps ~build:true ~post:true ~test ~doc:false ~dev
+ ~default:false
let candidates t name =
match OpamPackage.Name.Map.find_opt name t.pins with
@@ -37,30 +37,37 @@ let candidates t name =
| None -> (
match OpamPackage.Name.Map.find_opt name t.packages with
| None ->
- OpamConsole.log "opam-0install" "Package %S not found!" (OpamPackage.Name.to_string name);
+ OpamConsole.log "opam-0install" "Package %S not found!"
+ (OpamPackage.Name.to_string name);
| Some versions ->
let user_constraints = user_restrictions t name in
OpamPackage.Version.Map.bindings versions
|> List.rev_map (fun (v, opam) ->
match user_constraints with
- | Some test when not (OpamFormula.check_version_formula (OpamFormula.Atom test) v)
- ->
+ | Some test
+ when not
+ (OpamFormula.check_version_formula
+ (OpamFormula.Atom test) v) ->
(v, Error (UserConstraint (name, Some test)))
| _ -> (
let pkg = OpamPackage.create name v in
let available = OpamFile.OPAM.available opam in
- match OpamFilter.eval ~default:(B false) (env t pkg) available with
+ match
+ OpamFilter.eval ~default:(B false) (env t pkg) available
+ with
| B true -> (v, Ok opam)
| B false -> (v, Error Unavailable)
| _ ->
- OpamConsole.error "Available expression not a boolean: %s"
+ OpamConsole.error
+ "Available expression not a boolean: %s"
(OpamFilter.to_string available);
- (v, Error Unavailable) )) )
+ (v, Error Unavailable))))
let pp_rejection f = function
| UserConstraint x ->
- Fmt.pf f "Rejected by user-specified constraint %s" (OpamFormula.string_of_atom x)
+ Fmt.pf f "Rejected by user-specified constraint %s"
+ (OpamFormula.string_of_atom x)
| Unavailable -> Fmt.string f "Availability condition not satisfied"
let read_dir store hash =
@@ -71,11 +78,15 @@ let read_dir store hash =
let read_package store pkg hash =
Search.find store hash (`Path [ "opam" ]) >>= function
- | None -> Fmt.failwith "opam file not found for %s" (OpamPackage.to_string pkg)
+ | None ->
+ Fmt.failwith "opam file not found for %s" (OpamPackage.to_string pkg)
| Some hash -> (
Store.read store hash >|= function
- | Ok (Git.Value.Blob blob) -> OpamFile.OPAM.read_from_string (Store.Value.Blob.to_string blob)
- | _ -> Fmt.failwith "Bad Git object type for %s!" (OpamPackage.to_string pkg) )
+ | Ok (Git.Value.Blob blob) ->
+ OpamFile.OPAM.read_from_string (Store.Value.Blob.to_string blob)
+ | _ ->
+ Fmt.failwith "Bad Git object type for %s!" (OpamPackage.to_string pkg)
+ )
(* Get a map of the versions inside [entry] (an entry under "packages") *)
let read_versions store (entry : Store.Value.Tree.entry) =
@@ -90,7 +101,8 @@ let read_versions store (entry : Store.Value.Tree.entry) =
read_package store pkg entry.node >|= fun opam ->
OpamPackage.Version.Map.add pkg.version opam acc
| None ->
- OpamConsole.log "opam-0install" "Invalid package name %S" entry.name;
+ OpamConsole.log "opam-0install" "Invalid package name %S"
+ entry.name;
Lwt.return acc)
>|= fun versions -> Some versions
@@ -107,15 +119,17 @@ let read_packages store commit =
(fun acc (entry : Store.Value.Tree.entry) ->
match OpamPackage.Name.of_string entry.name with
| exception ex ->
- OpamConsole.log "opam-0install" "Invalid package name %S: %s" entry.name
+ OpamConsole.log "opam-0install"
+ "Invalid package name %S: %s" entry.name
(Printexc.to_string ex);
Lwt.return acc
| name -> (
read_versions store entry >|= function
| None -> acc
- | Some versions -> OpamPackage.Name.Map.add name versions acc ))
- OpamPackage.Name.Map.empty )
+ | Some versions ->
+ OpamPackage.Name.Map.add name versions acc))
+ OpamPackage.Name.Map.empty)
-let create ?(test = OpamPackage.Name.Set.empty) ?(pins = OpamPackage.Name.Map.empty) ~constraints
- ~env ~packages () =
+let create ?(test = OpamPackage.Name.Set.empty)
+ ?(pins = OpamPackage.Name.Map.empty) ~constraints ~env ~packages () =
{ env; packages; pins; constraints; test }
diff --git a/src/solver/git_context.mli b/src/solver/git_context.mli
index d41946f..530b0a7 100644
--- a/src/solver/git_context.mli
+++ b/src/solver/git_context.mli
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ val read_packages :
Git_unix.Store.t ->
Git_unix.Store.Hash.t ->
OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamPackage.Version.Map.t OpamPackage.Name.Map.t Lwt.t
-(** [read_packages store commit] is an index of the opam files in [store] at [commit]. *)
+(** [read_packages store commit] is an index of the opam files in [store] at
+ [commit]. *)
val create :
?test:OpamPackage.Name.Set.t ->
diff --git a/src/solver/main.ml b/src/solver/main.ml
index 8cf55de..a22e12b 100644
--- a/src/solver/main.ml
+++ b/src/solver/main.ml
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ let n_workers = 20
let pp_timestamp f x =
let open Unix in
let tm = localtime x in
- Fmt.pf f "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d.%02d" (tm.tm_year + 1900) (tm.tm_mon + 1) tm.tm_mday tm.tm_hour
- tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
+ Fmt.pf f "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d.%02d" (tm.tm_year + 1900) (tm.tm_mon + 1)
+ tm.tm_mday tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
let reporter =
let report src level ~over k msgf =
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ let reporter =
("%a %a %a @[" ^^ fmt ^^ "@]@.")
pp_timestamp (Unix.gettimeofday ())
Fmt.(styled `Magenta string)
- (Printf.sprintf "%14s" src) Logs_fmt.pp_header (level, header)
+ (Printf.sprintf "%14s" src)
+ Logs_fmt.pp_header (level, header)
{ Logs.report }
@@ -29,7 +30,11 @@ let () =
Logs.set_reporter reporter
let export service ~on:socket =
- let restore = Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.single (Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.Id.public "solver") service in
+ let restore =
+ Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.single
+ (Capnp_rpc_net.Restorer.Id.public "solver")
+ service
+ in
let switch = Lwt_switch.create () in
let stdin =
Capnp_rpc_unix.Unix_flow.connect socket
@@ -37,7 +42,9 @@ let export service ~on:socket =
(module Capnp_rpc_unix.Unix_flow)
~peer_id:Capnp_rpc_net.Auth.Digest.insecure ~switch
- let (_ : Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.t) = Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.connect ~restore stdin in
+ let (_ : Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.t) =
+ Capnp_rpc_unix.CapTP.connect ~restore stdin
+ in
let crashed, set_crashed = Lwt.wait () in
Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec (Some switch) (fun () ->
Lwt.wakeup_exn set_crashed (Failure "Capnp switch turned off");
@@ -64,4 +71,7 @@ let () =
let service = Service.v ~n_workers ~create_worker in
export service ~on:Lwt_unix.stdin)
| [| _prog; "--worker" |] -> Solver.main ()
- | args -> Fmt.failwith "Usage: ocaml-ci-solver (got %a)" Fmt.(array (quote string)) args
+ | args ->
+ Fmt.failwith "Usage: ocaml-ci-solver (got %a)"
+ Fmt.(array (quote string))
+ args
diff --git a/src/solver/opam_repository.ml b/src/solver/opam_repository.ml
index 4707001..5785ce8 100644
--- a/src/solver/opam_repository.ml
+++ b/src/solver/opam_repository.ml
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ module Store = Git_unix.Store
let open_store path =
Git_unix.Store.v path >|= function
| Ok x -> x
- | Error e -> Fmt.failwith "Failed to open opam-repository: %a" Store.pp_error e
+ | Error e ->
+ Fmt.failwith "Failed to open opam-repository: %a" Store.pp_error e
let oldest_commit_with ~from clone_path pkgs =
let from = Store.Hash.to_hex from in
@@ -17,8 +18,16 @@ let oldest_commit_with ~from clone_path pkgs =
Printf.sprintf "packages/%s/%s.%s" name name version)
let cmd =
- "git" :: "-C" :: Fpath.to_string clone_path :: "log" :: "-n" :: "1" :: "--format=format:%H"
- :: from :: "--" :: paths
+ "git"
+ :: "-C"
+ :: Fpath.to_string clone_path
+ :: "log"
+ :: "-n"
+ :: "1"
+ :: "--format=format:%H"
+ :: from
+ :: "--"
+ :: paths
let cmd = ("", Array.of_list cmd) in
Process.pread cmd >|= String.trim
diff --git a/src/solver/opam_repository.mli b/src/solver/opam_repository.mli
index 88560f4..25fa47b 100644
--- a/src/solver/opam_repository.mli
+++ b/src/solver/opam_repository.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
val open_store : Fpath.t -> Git_unix.Store.t Lwt.t
-val oldest_commit_with : from:Git_unix.Store.Hash.t -> Fpath.t -> OpamPackage.t list -> string Lwt.t
-(** Use "git-log" to find the oldest commit with these package versions.
- This avoids invalidating the Docker build cache on every update to opam-repository.
+val oldest_commit_with :
+ from:Git_unix.Store.Hash.t -> Fpath.t -> OpamPackage.t list -> string Lwt.t
+(** Use "git-log" to find the oldest commit with these package versions. This
+ avoids invalidating the Docker build cache on every update to
+ opam-repository.
@param from The commit at which to begin the search. *)
diff --git a/src/solver/service.ml b/src/solver/service.ml
index 81717fe..dede321 100644
--- a/src/solver/service.ml
+++ b/src/solver/service.ml
@@ -10,9 +10,17 @@ module Epoch : sig
(* An Epoch handles all requests for a single opam-repository HEAD commit. *)
- val create : n_workers:int -> create_worker:(unit -> Lwt_process.process) -> unit -> t Lwt.t
+ val create :
+ n_workers:int ->
+ create_worker:(unit -> Lwt_process.process) ->
+ unit ->
+ t Lwt.t
- val handle : log:Solver_api.Solver.Log.t -> Worker.Solve_request.t -> t -> Selection.t list Lwt.t
+ val handle :
+ log:Solver_api.Solver.Log.t ->
+ Worker.Solve_request.t ->
+ t ->
+ Selection.t list Lwt.t
val dispose : t -> unit Lwt.t
end = struct
@@ -23,8 +31,8 @@ end = struct
| Lwt.Sleep -> Lwt.return true
| Lwt.Fail ex -> Lwt.fail ex
| Lwt.Return status ->
- Format.eprintf "Worker %d is dead (%a) - removing from pool@." worker#pid Process.pp_status
- status;
+ Format.eprintf "Worker %d is dead (%a) - removing from pool@."
+ worker#pid Process.pp_status status;
Lwt.return false
let dispose (worker : Lwt_process.process) =
@@ -34,15 +42,20 @@ end = struct
worker#status >|= fun _ -> Fmt.epr "Worker %d finished@." pid
let create ~n_workers ~create_worker () =
- Lwt_pool.create n_workers ~validate ~dispose (fun () -> Lwt.return (create_worker ()))
+ Lwt_pool.create n_workers ~validate ~dispose (fun () ->
+ Lwt.return (create_worker ()))
|> Lwt.return
let dispose = Lwt_pool.clear
(* Send [request] to [worker] and read the reply. *)
let process ~log ~id request worker =
- let request_str = Worker.Solve_request.to_yojson request |> Yojson.Safe.to_string in
- let request_str = Printf.sprintf "%d\n%s" (String.length request_str) request_str in
+ let request_str =
+ Worker.Solve_request.to_yojson request |> Yojson.Safe.to_string
+ in
+ let request_str =
+ Printf.sprintf "%d\n%s" (String.length request_str) request_str
+ in
Lwt_io.write worker#stdin request_str >>= fun () ->
Lwt_io.read_line worker#stdout >>= fun time ->
Lwt_io.read_line worker#stdout >>= fun len ->
@@ -56,7 +69,8 @@ end = struct
| '+' ->
Log.info log "%s: found solution in %s s" id time;
Astring.String.with_range ~first:1 results
- |> Yojson.Safe.from_string |> Solver.solve_result_of_yojson
+ |> Yojson.Safe.from_string
+ |> Solver.solve_result_of_yojson
| '-' ->
Log.info log "%s: eliminated all possibilities in %s s" id time;
let msg = results |> Astring.String.with_range ~first:1 in
@@ -64,7 +78,7 @@ end = struct
| '!' ->
let msg = results |> Astring.String.with_range ~first:1 in
Fmt.failwith "BUG: solver worker failed: %s" msg
- | _ -> Fmt.failwith "BUG: bad output: %s" results )
+ | _ -> Fmt.failwith "BUG: bad output: %s" results)
let handle ~log request t =
let { Worker.Solve_request.platforms; pkgs; _ } = request in
@@ -81,7 +95,9 @@ end = struct
Log.info log "= %s =" id;
match result with
| Ok result ->
- Log.info log "-> @[%a@]" Fmt.(list ~sep:sp string) result.Selection.packages;
+ Log.info log "-> @[%a@]"
+ Fmt.(list ~sep:sp string)
+ result.Selection.packages;
Log.info log "(valid since opam-repository commits %a)"
Fmt.(list (pair ~sep:(any ": ") string string))
@@ -94,7 +110,8 @@ end
(* Handle a request by distributing it among the worker processes and then aggregating their responses. *)
let handle t ~log (request : Worker.Solve_request.t) =
Epoch_lock.with_epoch t
- (List.map (fun (_, _, x) -> x) request.opam_repos_folders |> String.concat "-")
+ (List.map (fun (_, _, x) -> x) request.opam_repos_folders
+ |> String.concat "-")
(Epoch.handle ~log request)
let v ~n_workers ~create_worker =
@@ -115,9 +132,12 @@ let v ~n_workers ~create_worker =
| Some log -> (
Capnp_rpc_lwt.Service.return_lwt @@ fun () ->
Capability.with_ref log @@ fun log ->
- match Worker.Solve_request.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string request) with
+ match
+ Worker.Solve_request.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string request)
+ with
| Error msg ->
- Lwt_result.fail (`Capnp (Capnp_rpc.Error.exn "Bad JSON in request: %s" msg))
+ Lwt_result.fail
+ (`Capnp (Capnp_rpc.Error.exn "Bad JSON in request: %s" msg))
| Ok request ->
(fun () -> handle t ~log request >|= Result.ok)
@@ -125,10 +145,13 @@ let v ~n_workers ~create_worker =
| Failure msg -> Lwt_result.fail (`Msg msg)
| ex -> Lwt.return (Fmt.error_msg "%a" Fmt.exn ex))
>|= fun selections ->
- let json = Yojson.Safe.to_string (Worker.Solve_response.to_yojson selections) in
+ let json =
+ Yojson.Safe.to_string
+ (Worker.Solve_response.to_yojson selections)
+ in
let response, results =
Capnp_rpc_lwt.Service.Response.create Results.init_pointer
Results.response_set results json;
- Ok response )
+ Ok response)
diff --git a/src/solver/service.mli b/src/solver/service.mli
index d00edfe..1ddfc49 100644
--- a/src/solver/service.mli
+++ b/src/solver/service.mli
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
-val v : n_workers:int -> create_worker:(unit -> Lwt_process.process) -> Solver_api.Solver.t
-(** [v ~n_workers ~create_worker] is a solver service that distributes work to up to
- [n_workers] subprocesses, using [create_worker hash] to spawn new workers. *)
+val v :
+ n_workers:int ->
+ create_worker:(unit -> Lwt_process.process) ->
+ Solver_api.Solver.t
+(** [v ~n_workers ~create_worker] is a solver service that distributes work to
+ up to [n_workers] subprocesses, using [create_worker hash] to spawn new
+ workers. *)
diff --git a/src/solver/solver.ml b/src/solver/solver.ml
index 08ca842..b2d7b73 100644
--- a/src/solver/solver.ml
+++ b/src/solver/solver.ml
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ open Lwt.Syntax
let env (vars : Worker.Vars.t) =
Opam_0install.Dir_context.std_env ~arch:vars.arch ~os:vars.os
- ~os_distribution:vars.os_distribution ~os_version:vars.os_version ~os_family:vars.os_family ()
+ ~os_distribution:vars.os_distribution ~os_version:vars.os_version
+ ~os_family:vars.os_family ()
let solve ~packages ~constraints ~root_pkgs (vars : Worker.Vars.t) =
let context = Git_context.create () ~packages ~env:(env vars) ~constraints in
@@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ let solve ~packages ~constraints ~root_pkgs (vars : Worker.Vars.t) =
| Ok sels -> Ok (Solver.packages_of_result sels)
| Error diagnostics -> Error (Solver.diagnostics diagnostics)
-type solve_result = { packages : string list; commits : (string * string) list } [@@deriving yojson]
+type solve_result = { packages : string list; commits : (string * string) list }
+[@@deriving yojson]
let find_oldest_commits ~all (packages : OpamPackage.t list) =
let module StringMap = Map.Make (String) in
@@ -27,16 +29,23 @@ let find_oldest_commits ~all (packages : OpamPackage.t list) =
(fun package ->
let open OpamPackage in
let (name, folder, commit), _ =
- all |> Name.Map.find (name package) |> Version.Map.find (version package)
+ all
+ |> Name.Map.find (name package)
+ |> Version.Map.find (version package)
match StringMap.find_opt folder !store_map with
- | None -> store_map := StringMap.add folder (name, commit, [ package ]) !store_map
- | Some (_, _, v) -> store_map := StringMap.add folder (name, commit, package :: v) !store_map)
+ | None ->
+ store_map :=
+ StringMap.add folder (name, commit, [ package ]) !store_map
+ | Some (_, _, v) ->
+ store_map :=
+ StringMap.add folder (name, commit, package :: v) !store_map)
- !store_map |> StringMap.bindings
+ !store_map
+ |> StringMap.bindings
|> Lwt_list.map_p (fun (folder, (name, commit, packages)) ->
- Opam_repository.oldest_commit_with ~from:(Store.Hash.of_hex commit) (Fpath.v folder)
- packages
+ Opam_repository.oldest_commit_with ~from:(Store.Hash.of_hex commit)
+ (Fpath.v folder) packages
>|= fun commit -> (name, commit))
let main () =
@@ -47,14 +56,22 @@ let main () =
let len = int_of_string len in
let data = really_input_string stdin len in
let request =
- Worker.Solve_request.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string data) |> Result.get_ok
+ Worker.Solve_request.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string data)
+ |> Result.get_ok
+ in
+ let {
+ Worker.Solve_request.opam_repos_folders;
+ pkgs;
+ constraints;
+ platforms;
+ } =
+ request
- let { Worker.Solve_request.opam_repos_folders; pkgs; constraints; platforms } = request in
(fun (name, folder, commit) ->
Opam_repository.open_store (Fpath.v folder) >>= fun store ->
- Git_context.read_packages store (Store.Hash.of_hex commit) >|= fun res ->
- ((name, folder, commit), res))
+ Git_context.read_packages store (Store.Hash.of_hex commit)
+ >|= fun res -> ((name, folder, commit), res))
>>= fun packages ->
let all_packages =
@@ -62,15 +79,19 @@ let main () =
(fun acc (repo_name, packages) ->
- |> OpamPackage.Name.Map.map (OpamPackage.Version.Map.map (fun x -> (repo_name, x)))
- |> OpamPackage.Name.Map.union (OpamPackage.Version.Map.union (fun a _ -> a)) acc)
+ |> OpamPackage.Name.Map.map
+ (OpamPackage.Version.Map.map (fun x -> (repo_name, x)))
+ |> OpamPackage.Name.Map.union
+ (OpamPackage.Version.Map.union (fun a _ -> a))
+ acc)
OpamPackage.Name.Map.empty packages
let root_pkgs = pkgs |> List.map OpamPackage.Name.of_string in
let constraints =
|> List.map (fun (name, version) ->
- (OpamPackage.Name.of_string name, (`Eq, OpamPackage.Version.of_string version)))
+ ( OpamPackage.Name.of_string name,
+ (`Eq, OpamPackage.Version.of_string version) ))
|> OpamPackage.Name.Map.of_list
let* () =
@@ -79,13 +100,19 @@ let main () =
let+ msg =
- ~packages:(OpamPackage.(Name.Map.map (Version.Map.map snd)) all_packages)
+ ~packages:
+ (OpamPackage.(Name.Map.map (Version.Map.map snd))
+ all_packages)
~constraints ~root_pkgs platform
| Ok packages ->
- let+ commits = find_oldest_commits ~all:all_packages packages in
+ let+ commits =
+ find_oldest_commits ~all:all_packages packages
+ in
let packages = List.map OpamPackage.to_string packages in
- "+" ^ (solve_result_to_yojson { packages; commits } |> Yojson.Safe.to_string)
+ "+"
+ ^ (solve_result_to_yojson { packages; commits }
+ |> Yojson.Safe.to_string)
| Error msg -> Lwt.return ("-" ^ msg)
Printf.printf "%d\n%s%!" (String.length msg) msg)
@@ -98,7 +125,9 @@ let main () =
try main ()
with ex ->
Fmt.epr "solver bug: %a@." Fmt.exn ex;
- let msg = match ex with Failure msg -> msg | ex -> Printexc.to_string ex in
+ let msg =
+ match ex with Failure msg -> msg | ex -> Printexc.to_string ex
+ in
let msg = "!" ^ msg in
Printf.printf "0.0\n%d\n%s%!" (String.length msg) msg;
raise ex
diff --git a/src/solver/solver.mli b/src/solver/solver.mli
index d672dff..6526a6f 100644
--- a/src/solver/solver.mli
+++ b/src/solver/solver.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-type solve_result = { packages : string list; commits : (string * string) list } [@@deriving yojson]
+type solve_result = { packages : string list; commits : (string * string) list }
+[@@deriving yojson]
val main : unit -> unit
-(** [main hash] runs a worker process that reads requests from stdin and writes results to stdout,
- using commit [hash] in opam-repository. *)
+(** [main hash] runs a worker process that reads requests from stdin and writes
+ results to stdout, using commit [hash] in opam-repository. *)