Switch Implementation/Interface Request is sent from client to server to get URI(s) of the file(s) that the current file can switch to, e.g., if the user has "foo.ml" and "foo.mli" files, the client, who want to switch from one to the other, sends this request.
If there are one or more files, to which the currently open file can switch to, exist in the same folder, then URIs of all those existing files are returned. In case there is no file to switch to in that folder, the most likely candidate for creation is returned, e.g., if a user wants to switch from "foo.ml", but no files already exist in the project that could be returned, a URI for "foo.mli" is returned.
nothing that should be noted
property name: handleSwitchImplIntf
property type: boolean
- method:
- params:
in LSP specification)
- result: DocumentUri[] (non-empty)
- error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the