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LRU-cache example
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polytypic committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent 3b855c6 commit 4ec6605
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31 changes: 16 additions & 15 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -969,10 +969,11 @@ type ('k, 'v) cache = {
To create a cache we just create the data structures:

# let cache ?hashed_type capacity =
{ space = Loc.make capacity;
table = Hashtbl.create ?hashed_type ();
order = Dllist.create () }
# let cache ?hashed_type capacity = {
space = Loc.make capacity;
table = Hashtbl.create ?hashed_type ();
order = Dllist.create ()
val cache : ?hashed_type:'a Hashtbl.hashed_type -> int -> ('a, 'b) cache =
Expand All @@ -997,30 +998,30 @@ val get_opt : xt:'a Xt.t -> ('b, 'c) cache -> 'b -> 'c option = <fun>
that, as explained previously, moves the node corresponding to the accessed
association to the left end of the list.

To introduce associations we provide the `set` operation
To introduce associations we provide the `set_blocking` operation

# let set ~xt {table; order; space; _} key value =
# let set_blocking ~xt {table; order; space; _} key value =
let node =
match Hashtbl.Xt.find_opt ~xt table key with
| None ->
if 0 = Xt.update ~xt space (fun n -> Int.max 0 (n-1)) then
Dllist.Xt.take_opt_r ~xt order
|> Option.iter (Hashtbl.Xt.remove ~xt table);
Dllist.Xt.take_blocking_r ~xt order
|> Hashtbl.Xt.remove ~xt table;
Dllist.Xt.add_l ~xt key order
| Some (node, _) ->
Dllist.Xt.move_l ~xt node order;
Hashtbl.Xt.replace ~xt table key (node, value)
val set : xt:'a Xt.t -> ('b, 'c) cache -> 'b -> 'c -> unit = <fun>
val set_blocking : xt:'a Xt.t -> ('b, 'c) cache -> 'b -> 'c -> unit = <fun>

that, like `get_opt`, either moves or adds the node of the accessed association
to the left end of the list. In case a new association is added, the space is
decremented. If there was no space, an association is first removed. As
described previously, the association to remove is determined by removing the
rightmost element from the list.
decremented. If there was no space, an association is first removed, which will
block in case capacity is 0. As described previously, the association to remove
is determined by removing the rightmost element from the list.

We can then test that the cache works as expected:

Expand All @@ -1029,16 +1030,16 @@ We can then test that the cache works as expected:
val a_cache : (int, string) cache =
{space = <abstr>; table = <abstr>; order = <abstr>}
# Xt.commit { tx = set a_cache 101 "basics" }
# Xt.commit { tx = set_blocking a_cache 101 "basics" }
- : unit = ()
# Xt.commit { tx = set a_cache 42 "answer" }
# Xt.commit { tx = set_blocking a_cache 42 "answer" }
- : unit = ()
# Xt.commit { tx = get_opt a_cache 101 }
- : string option = Some "basics"
# Xt.commit { tx = set a_cache 2023 "year" }
# Xt.commit { tx = set_blocking a_cache 2023 "year" }
- : unit = ()
# Xt.commit { tx = get_opt a_cache 42 }
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion test/kcas_data/dune
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@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
(names dllist_test hashtbl_test mvar_test queue_test stack_test xt_test)
(libraries alcotest kcas kcas_data domain_shims)
(package kcas_data))
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions test/kcas_data/
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
open Kcas
open Kcas_data

type ('k, 'v) t = {
space : int Loc.t;
table : ('k, 'k Dllist.node * 'v) Hashtbl.t;
order : 'k Dllist.t;

let check_capacity capacity =
if capacity < 0 then invalid_arg "Lru_cache: capacity must be non-negative"

let create ?hashed_type capacity =
check_capacity capacity;
space = Loc.make capacity;
table = Hashtbl.create ?hashed_type ();
order = Dllist.create ();

module Xt = struct
let capacity_of ~xt c = Xt.get ~xt + Hashtbl.Xt.length ~xt c.table

let set_capacity ~xt c new_capacity =
check_capacity new_capacity;
let old_length = Hashtbl.Xt.length ~xt c.table in
let old_space = Xt.get ~xt in
let old_capacity = old_space + old_length in
for _ = 1 to old_length - new_capacity do
Dllist.Xt.take_blocking_r ~xt c.order |> Hashtbl.Xt.remove ~xt c.table
Xt.set ~xt (Int.max 0 (old_space + new_capacity - old_capacity))

let get_opt ~xt c key =
Hashtbl.Xt.find_opt ~xt c.table key
|> @@ fun (node, datum) ->
Dllist.Xt.move_l ~xt node c.order;

let set_blocking ~xt c key datum =
let node =
match Hashtbl.Xt.find_opt ~xt c.table key with
| None ->
if 0 = Xt.update ~xt (fun n -> Int.max 0 (n - 1)) then
Dllist.Xt.take_blocking_r ~xt c.order
|> Hashtbl.Xt.remove ~xt c.table;
Dllist.Xt.add_l ~xt key c.order
| Some (node, _) ->
Dllist.Xt.move_l ~xt node c.order;
Hashtbl.Xt.replace ~xt c.table key (node, datum)

let remove ~xt c key =
Hashtbl.Xt.find_opt ~xt c.table key
|> Option.iter @@ fun (node, _) ->
Hashtbl.Xt.remove ~xt c.table key;
Dllist.Xt.remove ~xt node;
Xt.incr ~xt

let capacity_of c = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.capacity_of c }
let set_capacity c n = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.set_capacity c n }
let get_opt c k = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.get_opt c k }

let set_blocking ?timeoutf c k v =
Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.set_blocking c k v }

let remove c k = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.remove c k }
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions test/kcas_data/lru_cache.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
open Kcas
open Kcas_data

type ('k, 'v) t

val create : ?hashed_type:'k Hashtbl.hashed_type -> int -> ('k, 'v) t

module Xt :
with type ('k, 'v) t := ('k, 'v) t
with type ('x, 'fn) fn := xt:'x Xt.t -> 'fn
with type ('x, 'fn) blocking_fn := xt:'x Xt.t -> 'fn

with type ('k, 'v) t := ('k, 'v) t
with type ('x, 'fn) fn := 'fn
with type ('x, 'fn) blocking_fn := ?timeoutf:float -> 'fn
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions test/kcas_data/
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
open Kcas

module Lru_cache = struct
include Lru_cache

module Xt = struct
include Xt

let get ~xt c key = Kcas.Xt.to_blocking ~xt (get_opt c key)

let get_if ~xt c key predicate =
let snap = Kcas.Xt.snapshot ~xt in
let datum = get ~xt c key in
if predicate datum then datum else Retry.later (Kcas.Xt.rollback ~xt snap)

let try_set ~xt c key datum =
match set_blocking ~xt c key datum with
| () -> true
| exception Retry.Later -> false

let get ?timeoutf c k = Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.get c k }
let get_if ?timeoutf c k p = Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.get_if c k p }
let try_set c k d = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.try_set c k d }

let () =
let c = Lru_cache.create 10 in
let domain =
Domain.spawn @@ fun () ->
let tx ~xt = Lru_cache.Xt.get ~xt c "a" + Lru_cache.Xt.get ~xt c "b" in
Xt.commit { tx }
Lru_cache.set_blocking c "b" 30;
Lru_cache.set_blocking c "a" 12;
assert (Domain.join domain = 42);

let () =
let c = Lru_cache.create 10 in
assert (Lru_cache.try_set c "a" 1);
Lru_cache.set_blocking c "c" 2;
assert (Lru_cache.capacity_of c = 10);
assert (Lru_cache.get_opt c "b" = None);
assert (Lru_cache.get c "a" = 1);
Lru_cache.set_capacity c 3;
assert (Lru_cache.get c "c" = 2);
Lru_cache.set_capacity c 1;
assert (Lru_cache.capacity_of c = 1);
assert (Lru_cache.get_opt c "a" = None);
assert (Lru_cache.get_if c "c" (( <> ) 0) = 2);
Lru_cache.remove c "c";
assert (Lru_cache.get_opt c "c" = None);

let () = Printf.printf "LRU Cache OK!\n%!"
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/kcas_data/
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module type Ops = sig
type ('k, 'v) t
type ('x, 'fn) fn
type ('x, 'fn) blocking_fn

val capacity_of : ('x, ('k, 'v) t -> int) fn
val set_capacity : ('x, ('k, 'v) t -> int -> unit) fn
val get_opt : ('x, ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v option) fn
val set_blocking : ('x, ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v -> unit) blocking_fn
val remove : ('x, ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> unit) fn

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