- Pre-configured OAuth Apps
+ Supported OAuth Apps
- These apps are pre-configured and ready to use. For the most
- part, you should not need to configure any additional OAuth
- apps.
+ These are the currently supported OAuth apps for Otto. These
+ are here to allow users to access the following services via
+ tools.
diff --git a/ui/admin/app/components/oauth-apps/OAuthAppTile.tsx b/ui/admin/app/components/oauth-apps/OAuthAppTile.tsx
index 3c3e1d94c..da83fc55b 100644
--- a/ui/admin/app/components/oauth-apps/OAuthAppTile.tsx
+++ b/ui/admin/app/components/oauth-apps/OAuthAppTile.tsx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export function OAuthAppTile({ type }: { type: OAuthProvider }) {
const { displayName } = info;
return (
& {
+ classNames?: { content?: string; overlay?: string };
+ hideCloseButton?: boolean;
const DialogContent = React.forwardRef<
- React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef & {
- classNames?: {
- content?: string;
- overlay?: string;
- };
- }
->(({ className, children, classNames = {}, ...props }, ref) => (
- {children}
- Close
+ DialogContentProps
+>((props, ref) => {
+ const {
+ className,
+ children,
+ classNames = {},
+ hideCloseButton = false,
+ ...dialogProps
+ } = props;
+ return (
+ {children}
+ {!hideCloseButton && (
+ Close
+ )}
+ );
DialogContent.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Content.displayName;
const DialogHeader = ({
diff --git a/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/github.ts b/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/github.ts
index 273261b7c..7e5d6bd74 100644
--- a/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/github.ts
+++ b/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/github.ts
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
import { z } from "zod";
+import { BaseUrl } from "~/lib/routers/baseRouter";
import { assetUrl } from "~/lib/utils";
import { OAuthAppSpec, OAuthFormStep, getOAuthLinks } from "./oauth-helpers";
const schema = z.object({
- clientID: z.string(),
- clientSecret: z.string(),
+ clientID: z.string().min(1, "Client ID is required"),
+ clientSecret: z.string().min(1, "Client Secret is required"),
const steps: OAuthFormStep[] = [
type: "markdown",
- text: "### Step 1: Create a new GitHub OAuth App\n",
+ text:
+ "### Step 1: Create a new GitHub OAuth App\n" +
+ "1. In [GitHub's Developer Settings](https://github.com/settings/developers), select `New OAuth App`.\n" +
+ "2. Specify an `Application name`\n" +
+ "3. Fill in the `Homepage URL` with the link below\n",
- type: "markdown",
- text:
- "#### If you haven't already, create a new GitHub OAuth App\n" +
- "1. Navigate to [GitHub's Developer Settings](https://github.com/settings/developers) and select `New OAuth App`.\n" +
- "2. The form will prompt you for an `Authorization callback Url` Make sure to use the link below: \n\n",
+ type: "copy",
+ text: BaseUrl,
type: "markdown",
- text:
- "#### If you already have a github OAuth app created\n" +
- "1. you can edit it by going to [Github's Developer Settings](https://github.com/settings/developers), and selecting `Edit` on your OAuth App\n" +
- "2. Near the bottom is the `Authorization callback URL` field. Make sure it matches the link below: \n\n",
+ text: "4. Fill in the `Authorization callback URL` with the link below\n",
type: "copy",
@@ -35,11 +35,23 @@ const steps: OAuthFormStep[] = [
type: "markdown",
- "### Step 2: Register OAuth App in Otto\n" +
- "Once you've created your OAuth App in GitHub, copy the client ID and client secret into this form",
+ "5. Click `Register application` to create the OAuth app. It will now take you to the OAuth app's settings page.\n" +
+ "### Step 2: Register GitHub OAuth in Otto\n" +
+ "1. Locate the `Client ID` on the OAuth app's settings page and copy the `Client ID` into the input below\n",
{ type: "input", input: "clientID", label: "Client ID" },
- { type: "input", input: "clientSecret", label: "Client Secret" },
+ {
+ type: "markdown",
+ text:
+ "2. Locate `Client Secrets` on the OAuth app's settings page, click `Generate new client secret`, and complete the authorization flow to generate a new secret.\n" +
+ "3. Copy the newly generated `Client Secret` into the input below.",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "input",
+ input: "clientSecret",
+ label: "Client Secret",
+ inputType: "password",
+ },
export const GitHubOAuthApp = {
diff --git a/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/oauth-helpers.ts b/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/oauth-helpers.ts
index 143f0bcb5..3a765b84d 100644
--- a/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/oauth-helpers.ts
+++ b/ui/admin/app/lib/model/oauthApps/oauth-helpers.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ export type OAuthProvider = (typeof OAuthProvider)[keyof typeof OAuthProvider];
export type OAuthFormStep> =
| { type: "markdown"; text: string; copy?: string }
- | { type: "input"; input: keyof T; label: string }
+ | {
+ type: "input";
+ input: keyof T;
+ label: string;
+ inputType?: "password" | "text";
+ }
| { type: "copy"; text: string };
export type OAuthAppSpec = {
@@ -23,8 +28,8 @@ export type OAuthAppSpec = {
export function getOAuthLinks(type: OAuthProvider) {
return {
- authorizeURL: `${apiBaseUrl}/app/oauth/authorize/${type}`,
- redirectURL: `${apiBaseUrl}/app/oauth/callback/${type}`,
- refreshURL: `${apiBaseUrl}/app/oauth/refresh/${type}`,
+ authorizeURL: `${apiBaseUrl}/app-oauth/authorize/${type}`,
+ redirectURL: `${apiBaseUrl}/app-oauth/callback/${type}`,
+ refreshURL: `${apiBaseUrl}/app-oauth/refresh/${type}`,
diff --git a/ui/admin/app/lib/routers/baseRouter.ts b/ui/admin/app/lib/routers/baseRouter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee85ee7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/admin/app/lib/routers/baseRouter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export const BaseUrl = "http://localhost:3000";