Releases: oarepo/oarepo-model-builder
Releases · oarepo/oarepo-model-builder
v1.0.0dev22 - fixed saved model location
fixed saved model location
v1.0.0dev21 - Allowing empty schema - useful when generating empty models
Allowing empty schema - useful when generating empty models
v1.0.0dev20 - storing model and referencing from entry points
tests pass
v1.0.0dev19 - including templates in setup.cfg
including templates
v1.0.0dev18 - removed bootstrap and runserver as these were moved to site cookiecutter
removed bootstrap and runserver as these were moved to separate cooki…
v1.0.0dev17 - better model saving
better file saving
v1.0.0dev16: Added option --save-model <fname>, mostly usable for debugging
dumping model on request
v1.0.0dev15 - minItems and maxItems
min and max items schema constraint
v1.0.0dev14 - jsonschema "format" property
support for 'format' schema annotation, not generated to marshmallow
Fixed json5 files not included in the built package