This is a clone of Challenge 08: Gjallarhorn with the bonus solution submitted by @baoskee.
Open marketplace for an NFT project. Users can sell their own NFTs at any price or allow others to offer different NFTs in exchange to trade.
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
BuyNFT {
id: String,
NewSale {
id: String,
price: Uint128,
tradable: bool,
CancelSale {
id: String,
NewTrade {
target: String,
offered: String,
AcceptTrade {
id: String,
trader: String,
CancelTrade {
id: String,
Please check the challenge's integration_tests for expected usage examples. You can use these tests as a base to create your exploit Proof of Concept.
🏠 Base scenario:
- The contract is newly instantiated.
placed new sales of their NFTs, one of them is open for trades and the other does not.
⭐ Goal for the challenge:
- Demonstrate how a user can retrieve other users' NFT for free.
❗ The usage of cw-multi-test
is mandatory for the PoC, please take the approach of the provided integration tests as a suggestion.
❗ Remember that insider threats and centralization concerns are out of the scope of the CTF.