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MultiplayerSample Project with Amazon GameLift

This README covers optional setup, testing and running on Amazon GameLift, an AWS service to make hosting and scaling game servers easier. It also provides guidance on how to test the Amazon GameLift integration on your local machine via Amazon GameLift Anywhere.

Prepare the build for Amazon GameLift


  1. Install the AWS CLI, if you don't already have it. You will need it to interact with Amazon GameLift.

    a. Confirm installation by running aws --version

    C:\> aws --version
    aws-cli/2.10.0 Python/3.11.2 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off

    Even if you have already installed the AWS CLI, ensure it is updated as some commands may not be available on older versions.

  2. Use Export Project to Compile Code and Build Assets

    cd <path-to-multiplayer-sample>
    <path-to-o3de-engine>\scripts\o3de.bat export-project -es <path-to-multiplayer-sample>\ExportScripts\ --log-level INFO --output-path <path-to-export-folder> --config release --game-lift --build-tools true --archive-output none -assets --no-unified-launcher

    Validate the export was successful.

    1. The --output-path directory will contain 3 new folders: "MultiplayerSampleGamePackage", "MultiplayerSampleServerPackage", and "MultiplayerSampleHeadlessServerPackage".
    2. The ServerLauncher folders will contain "" ( is what GameLift will need to run before starting the server when running on Linux).


    Make sure that the file has been added to one of the seed files. (also add debug if you want to support debug builds)

  3. Test the profile pak server and game locally without using GameLift Run the server in headless mode using rhi=null and NullRenderer parameters; the server appears as a white screen in headless mode.

    <path-to-export-folder>\MultiplayerSampleHeadlessServerPackage\MultiplayerSample.HeadlessServerLauncher.exe --rhi=null -NullRenderer --console-command-file=launch_server.cfg

    <path-to-export-folder>\MultiplayerSampleGamePackage\MultiplayerSample.GameLauncher.exe --connect=


    Launch_server.cfg is required because there's a bug with multiplayer when calling --loadlevel in the command-line. See o3de/o3de#15773.

  4. Open \MultiplayerSampleHeadlessServerPackage\user\log\Server.log You should see a level load command. This is the "New Starbase" level.

    LoadLevel : NewStarbase

Test your setup locally with GameLift Anywhere

Before you set up a real GameLift fleet, you can use GameLift Anywhere to quickly verify your build. This guide mirrors the steps on the Amazon GameLift Anywhere Developer Guide

Create a Location

Create a location for your custom resources. This is a categorization akin to AWS regions. When creating your custom location, the location name must start with custom-.

aws gamelift create-location --location-name custom-location-1 --region <Region>

If the operation was successful, the console will display the JSON result. Record the LocationName for the next step. Example: custom-location-1

Create a fleet

Creating an Anywhere fleet is a much faster process compared to creating a regular AWS fleet, which usually takes about an hour to setup.

aws gamelift create-fleet --name AnywhereFleet --compute-type ANYWHERE --locations Location=custom-location-1 --region <Region>

If the operation was successful, the console will display the JSON result. Record the FleetId for the next steps. Example: fleet-1a23bc4d-456e-78fg-h9i0-jk1l23456789

Register your local machine as a Compute

Register your local machine as a GameLift Anywhere Compute. For ease of testing, we assume the Server and Client will be run on the same machine; so we can pass localhost ( as the IP address. If your machine is accessible via a public IP address, change that value as appropriate.

aws gamelift register-compute --compute-name CustomCompute1 --fleet-id <FleetId> --ip-address --location custom-location-1 --region <Region>

If the operation was successful, the console will display the JSON result. Record the ComputeName for the next steps. Example: CustomCompute1 Also record the GameLiftServiceSdkEndpoint for passing into sv_gameliftAnywhereWebSocketUrl later. Example: wss://

Get Compute auth token

aws gamelift get-compute-auth-token --fleet-id <FleetId> --compute-name <ComputeName>

If the operation was successful, the console will display the JSON result. Record the AuthToken for the next steps. Example: 123a4b5c-d6e7-8fgh-9i01-2jklm34no567 Note the AuthToken expiration timestamp (15 minutes). Be sure to use the AuthToken to connect before it expires.

Start an instance of the Game Server executable on your machine

To ensure GameLift recognizes your local machine as a Compute that is available to start game sessions, start a server locally with the appropriate credentials.


  • In the HostId property should be filled with the ComputeName;
  • ProcessId can be omitted. A unique default ProcessId will be generated out of the timestamp.
<path-to-export-folder>\MultiplayerSampleHeadlessServerPackage\MultiplayerSample.HeadlessServerLauncher.exe --rhi=null -NullRenderer -bg_ConnectToAssetProcessor=0 --console-command-file=launch_server.cfg --sv_dedicated_host_onstartup=false --sv_gameLiftEnabled=true --sv_gameliftAnywhereEnabled=true --sv_gameliftAnywhereWebSocketUrl="<WebSocketUrl>" --sv_gameliftAnywhereAuthToken="<AuthToken>" --sv_gameliftAnywhereFleetId="<FleetId>" --sv_gameliftAnywhereHostId="<ComputeName>" --sv_gameliftAnywhereProcessId="<ProcessId>"

Create a Game Session

aws gamelift create-game-session --region <Region> --location custom-location-1 --fleet-id <FleetId> --name GameSession1 --maximum-player-session-count 3

If the operation was successful, the console will display the JSON result. Record the GameSessionId for the next steps. Example: arn:aws:gamelift:us-west-2::gamesession/fleet-1a23bc4d-456e-78fg-h9i0-jk1l23456789/custom-location-1/gsess-ab1cd2ef-3gh4-5678-ijk9-0l1mn2o345p6

If the operation fails, make sure the server is running. Ensure that InitSDK and ProcessReady calls were successful.

Start Client


Once started, the client should show a text area where the session information needs to be pasted into. You may need to press ~ on your keyboard to open the console and release the cursor from being bound to the client window.

Create a Player Session

Note: PlayerId from the JSON above and --player-id in the command below do not need to be the same

aws gamelift create-player-session --region <Region> --game-session-id <GameSessionId> --player-id Player1

If the operation was successful, the console will display the JSON result. Record the PlayerSessionId for the next steps. Example: psess-1a2b3c45-d6e7-89fg-0hij-12kl34m56no7

Connect the Client

Copy and paste the player session JSON table output into the textarea inside the Client, then press "Connect". The client should now successfully connect to your local server.

Deploy to GameLift

Upload the build to GameLift


Builds are tied to Fleets; you may want to delete the existing build and fleet via the AWS Gamelift dashboard just so you don't accidentally reference old builds or old fleets in future steps.

aws gamelift upload-build --server-sdk-version 5.1.2 --operating-system WINDOWS_2016 --build-root <path-to-export-folder>\MultiplayerSampleHeadlessServerPackage --name MultiplayerSample --build-version v1.0 --region <Region>

Record BuildId for the next step. Example: build-1a23bc4d-456e-78fg-h9i0-jk1l23456789

Create Fleet

Create a fleet with your server build using the following command:

aws gamelift create-fleet --region <Region> --name GameLiftO3DTest --ec2-instance-type c5.large --fleet-type ON_DEMAND --build-id <BuildId> --runtime-configuration "GameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds=300, ServerProcesses=[{LaunchPath=C:\game\MultiplayerSample.ServerLauncher.exe, Parameters= --rhi=null -sys_PakPriority=2 -NullRenderer -sv_terminateOnPlayerExit=true -bg_ConnectToAssetProcessor=0 --sv_gameLiftEnabled=true --sv_dedicated_host_onstartup=false --sv_gameSessionNoPlayerShutdownTimeoutSeconds=3600 --console-command-file=launch_server.cfg, ConcurrentExecutions=1}]" --ec2-inbound-permissions "FromPort=33450,ToPort=34449,IpRange=,Protocol=UDP"

To run multiple servers on a single EC2 instance, you can define additional server processes as follows. Make sure the --sv_port parameter is set to a unique value for each process.

aws gamelift create-fleet --region <Region> --name GameLiftO3DTest2016 --ec2-instance-type c5.large --fleet-type ON_DEMAND --build-id <BuildId> --runtime-configuration "GameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds=300, ServerProcesses=[{LaunchPath=C:\game\MultiplayerSample.ServerLauncher.exe, Parameters= --rhi=null -sys_PakPriority=2 -NullRenderer -sv_terminateOnPlayerExit=true -bg_ConnectToAssetProcessor=0 --sv_gameLiftEnabled=true --sv_dedicated_host_onstartup=false --sv_gameSessionNoPlayerShutdownTimeoutSeconds=3600 --sv_port=33460 --console-command-file=launch_server.cfg, ConcurrentExecutions=1}, {LaunchPath=C:\game\MultiplayerSample.ServerLauncher.exe, Parameters= --rhi=null -sys_PakPriority=2 -NullRenderer -sv_terminateOnPlayerExit=true -bg_ConnectToAssetProcessor=0 --sv_gameLiftEnabled=true --sv_dedicated_host_onstartup=false --sv_gameSessionNoPlayerShutdownTimeoutSeconds=3600 --sv_port=33465 --console-command-file=launch_server.cfg, ConcurrentExecutions=1}]" --ec2-inbound-permissions "FromPort=33450,ToPort=34449,IpRange=,Protocol=UDP"

After running this command it'll take about an hour for the fleet to activate. Check the status on the GameLift dashboard.


The ec2-instance-type and fleet-type determines the kind of AWS resources used; your AWS account may incur costs.

Record the FleetId for the next step. Example: fleet-1a23bc4d-456e-78fg-h9i0-jk1l23456789

Create and Join Game Session

aws gamelift create-game-session --region <Region> --fleet-id <FleetId> --name foogamesession1 --maximum-player-session-count 10

Record GameSessionId for the next step. Example: arn:aws:gamelift:us-west-2::gamesession/fleet-1a23bc4d-456e-78fg-h9i0-jk1l23456789/custom-location-1/gsess-ab1cd2ef-3gh4-5678-ijk9-0l1mn2o345p6

Launch the game client before creating the player session because the player session needs to be used within 60 seconds:

aws gamelift create-player-session --region <Region> --game-session-id <GameSessionId> --player-id Player1

NOTE PlayerId passed into create-player-session shouldn't be the same PlayerId passed into this JSON block; keep these unique. Copy the PlayerSession JSON table and use this in the game immediately because it expires after 60 seconds.

Paste the player session JSON table output into the textbox and press "Connect". For example,

        "PlayerSessionId": "psess-6a9a7352-8ee9-407f-ad06-cd09ba7c3ca2",
        "PlayerId": "Player1",
        "GameSessionId": "arn:aws:gamelift:us-west-2::gamesession/fleet-1b49cff7-eb2b-4f74-866a-959da3e9cf1f/custom-location-1/gsess-5850bac5-d4fb-4588-a489-c3b62bd5f099",
        "FleetId": "fleet-1b49cff7-eb2b-4f74-866a-959da3e9cf1f",
        "FleetArn": "arn:aws:gamelift:us-west-2:353687041169:fleet/fleet-1b49cff7-eb2b-4f74-866a-959da3e9cf1f",
        "CreationTime": "2023-06-08T14:32:12.811000-07:00",
        "Status": "RESERVED",
        "IpAddress": "",
        "Port": 33450