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Updater API documentation (v2)

o355 edited this page Jan 28, 2018 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the PyWeather Updater API version 2 documentation.


The info section stores information about the API.

apiversion: Shows the API version (type: str)

documentation: Shows the documentation URL for the API. (type: str)


This is the starting section of the different release branches, stable and RC.


This section stores information about the stable release branch of PyWeather.

latestbuild: The latest build number (type: int)

latestversion: The latest version in text format (type: str)

latestversiontag: The latest version in Git tag format (type: str)

latesturl: The download URL for the latest version in the stable branch (type: str)

latestfilename: The filename of the .zip for the latest version in the stable branch (type: str)

extractdirectory: The directory that the contents of PyWeather are stored in the latest .zip. (type: str)

releasedate: The release date of the latest stable version of PyWeather (type: str)

size: The size of the .zip file of the latest version of PyWeather (type: str)

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