diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-toml.yml b/.github/workflows/build-toml.yml
index 5bec3d347..ccf0764bd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build-toml.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build-toml.yml
@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Install Luarocks
uses: hishamhm/gh-actions-luarocks@master
- name: Install TOML Package
+ id: toml
run: |
luarocks --local --lua-version=5.1 install toml
- luarocks --local --lua-version=5.1 show toml --mversion >> $ROCK_VERSION
+ echo "version=$(luarocks --local --lua-version=5.1 show toml --mversion)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
luarocks pack toml
- uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
commit_message: "chore: update build artifacts"
+ file_pattern: "toml-${{ steps.toml.outputs.version }}.${{ matrix.os.host }}-x86_64.rock"
diff --git a/.lua/bin/lua b/.lua/bin/lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ce858ca3..000000000
Binary files a/.lua/bin/lua and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.lua/bin/luac b/.lua/bin/luac
deleted file mode 100755
index 52538db4a..000000000
Binary files a/.lua/bin/luac and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.lua/include/lauxlib.h b/.lua/include/lauxlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 34258235d..000000000
--- a/.lua/include/lauxlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-** $Id: lauxlib.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
-** Auxiliary functions for building Lua libraries
-** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
-#ifndef lauxlib_h
-#define lauxlib_h
-#include "lua.h"
-#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_GETN)
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_getn) (lua_State *L, int t);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_setn) (lua_State *L, int t, int n);
-#define luaL_getn(L,i) ((int)lua_objlen(L, i))
-#define luaL_setn(L,i,j) ((void)0) /* no op! */
-#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_OPENLIB)
-#define luaI_openlib luaL_openlib
-/* extra error code for `luaL_load' */
-typedef struct luaL_Reg {
- const char *name;
- lua_CFunction func;
-} luaL_Reg;
-LUALIB_API void (luaI_openlib) (lua_State *L, const char *libname,
- const luaL_Reg *l, int nup);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_register) (lua_State *L, const char *libname,
- const luaL_Reg *l);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_getmetafield) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_callmeta) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_typerror) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_argerror) (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg);
-LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_checklstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg,
- size_t *l);
-LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_optlstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg,
- const char *def, size_t *l);
-LUALIB_API lua_Number (luaL_checknumber) (lua_State *L, int numArg);
-LUALIB_API lua_Number (luaL_optnumber) (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def);
-LUALIB_API lua_Integer (luaL_checkinteger) (lua_State *L, int numArg);
-LUALIB_API lua_Integer (luaL_optinteger) (lua_State *L, int nArg,
- lua_Integer def);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_checktype) (lua_State *L, int narg, int t);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_checkany) (lua_State *L, int narg);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_newmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname);
-LUALIB_API void *(luaL_checkudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_where) (lua_State *L, int lvl);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_error) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_checkoption) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *def,
- const char *const lst[]);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_ref) (lua_State *L, int t);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_unref) (lua_State *L, int t, int ref);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_loadfile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_loadbuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz,
- const char *name);
-LUALIB_API int (luaL_loadstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s);
-LUALIB_API lua_State *(luaL_newstate) (void);
-LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_gsub) (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *p,
- const char *r);
-LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_findtable) (lua_State *L, int idx,
- const char *fname, int szhint);
-** ===============================================================
-** some useful macros
-** ===============================================================
-#define luaL_argcheck(L, cond,numarg,extramsg) \
- ((void)((cond) || luaL_argerror(L, (numarg), (extramsg))))
-#define luaL_checkstring(L,n) (luaL_checklstring(L, (n), NULL))
-#define luaL_optstring(L,n,d) (luaL_optlstring(L, (n), (d), NULL))
-#define luaL_checkint(L,n) ((int)luaL_checkinteger(L, (n)))
-#define luaL_optint(L,n,d) ((int)luaL_optinteger(L, (n), (d)))
-#define luaL_checklong(L,n) ((long)luaL_checkinteger(L, (n)))
-#define luaL_optlong(L,n,d) ((long)luaL_optinteger(L, (n), (d)))
-#define luaL_typename(L,i) lua_typename(L, lua_type(L,(i)))
-#define luaL_dofile(L, fn) \
- (luaL_loadfile(L, fn) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
-#define luaL_dostring(L, s) \
- (luaL_loadstring(L, s) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
-#define luaL_getmetatable(L,n) (lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (n)))
-#define luaL_opt(L,f,n,d) (lua_isnoneornil(L,(n)) ? (d) : f(L,(n)))
-** {======================================================
-** Generic Buffer manipulation
-** =======================================================
-typedef struct luaL_Buffer {
- char *p; /* current position in buffer */
- int lvl; /* number of strings in the stack (level) */
- lua_State *L;
- char buffer[LUAL_BUFFERSIZE];
-} luaL_Buffer;
-#define luaL_addchar(B,c) \
- ((void)((B)->p < ((B)->buffer+LUAL_BUFFERSIZE) || luaL_prepbuffer(B)), \
- (*(B)->p++ = (char)(c)))
-/* compatibility only */
-#define luaL_putchar(B,c) luaL_addchar(B,c)
-#define luaL_addsize(B,n) ((B)->p += (n))
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_buffinit) (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B);
-LUALIB_API char *(luaL_prepbuffer) (luaL_Buffer *B);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_addlstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_addstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_addvalue) (luaL_Buffer *B);
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_pushresult) (luaL_Buffer *B);
-/* }====================================================== */
-/* compatibility with ref system */
-/* pre-defined references */
-#define LUA_NOREF (-2)
-#define LUA_REFNIL (-1)
-#define lua_ref(L,lock) ((lock) ? luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) : \
- (lua_pushstring(L, "unlocked references are obsolete"), lua_error(L), 0))
-#define lua_unref(L,ref) luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (ref))
-#define lua_getref(L,ref) lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (ref))
-#define luaL_reg luaL_Reg
diff --git a/.lua/include/lua.h b/.lua/include/lua.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a4b73e743..000000000
--- a/.lua/include/lua.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-** $Id: lua.h,v 2012/01/13 20:36:20 roberto Exp $
-** Lua - An Extensible Extension Language
-** Lua.org, PUC-Rio, Brazil (http://www.lua.org)
-** See Copyright Notice at the end of this file
-#ifndef lua_h
-#define lua_h
-#include "luaconf.h"
-#define LUA_VERSION "Lua 5.1"
-#define LUA_RELEASE "Lua 5.1.5"
-#define LUA_VERSION_NUM 501
-#define LUA_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio"
-#define LUA_AUTHORS "R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo & W. Celes"
-/* mark for precompiled code (`Lua') */
-#define LUA_SIGNATURE "\033Lua"
-/* option for multiple returns in `lua_pcall' and `lua_call' */
-#define LUA_MULTRET (-1)
-** pseudo-indices
-#define LUA_REGISTRYINDEX (-10000)
-#define LUA_ENVIRONINDEX (-10001)
-#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-10002)
-#define lua_upvalueindex(i) (LUA_GLOBALSINDEX-(i))
-/* thread status; 0 is OK */
-#define LUA_YIELD 1
-#define LUA_ERRRUN 2
-#define LUA_ERRSYNTAX 3
-#define LUA_ERRMEM 4
-#define LUA_ERRERR 5
-typedef struct lua_State lua_State;
-typedef int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);
-** functions that read/write blocks when loading/dumping Lua chunks
-typedef const char * (*lua_Reader) (lua_State *L, void *ud, size_t *sz);
-typedef int (*lua_Writer) (lua_State *L, const void* p, size_t sz, void* ud);
-** prototype for memory-allocation functions
-typedef void * (*lua_Alloc) (void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize);
-** basic types
-#define LUA_TNONE (-1)
-#define LUA_TNIL 0
-#define LUA_TBOOLEAN 1
-#define LUA_TNUMBER 3
-#define LUA_TSTRING 4
-#define LUA_TTABLE 5
-#define LUA_TFUNCTION 6
-#define LUA_TUSERDATA 7
-#define LUA_TTHREAD 8
-/* minimum Lua stack available to a C function */
-#define LUA_MINSTACK 20
-** generic extra include file
-#if defined(LUA_USER_H)
-#include LUA_USER_H
-/* type of numbers in Lua */
-typedef LUA_NUMBER lua_Number;
-/* type for integer functions */
-typedef LUA_INTEGER lua_Integer;
-** state manipulation
-LUA_API lua_State *(lua_newstate) (lua_Alloc f, void *ud);
-LUA_API void (lua_close) (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API lua_State *(lua_newthread) (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API lua_CFunction (lua_atpanic) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf);
-** basic stack manipulation
-LUA_API int (lua_gettop) (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API void (lua_settop) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushvalue) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_remove) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_insert) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_replace) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API int (lua_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz);
-LUA_API void (lua_xmove) (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n);
-** access functions (stack -> C)
-LUA_API int (lua_isnumber) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API int (lua_isstring) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API int (lua_iscfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API int (lua_isuserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API int (lua_type) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API const char *(lua_typename) (lua_State *L, int tp);
-LUA_API int (lua_equal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
-LUA_API int (lua_rawequal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
-LUA_API int (lua_lessthan) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
-LUA_API lua_Number (lua_tonumber) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API lua_Integer (lua_tointeger) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API int (lua_toboolean) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API const char *(lua_tolstring) (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);
-LUA_API size_t (lua_objlen) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API lua_CFunction (lua_tocfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void *(lua_touserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API lua_State *(lua_tothread) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API const void *(lua_topointer) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-** push functions (C -> stack)
-LUA_API void (lua_pushnil) (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushnumber) (lua_State *L, lua_Number n);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushinteger) (lua_State *L, lua_Integer n);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushlstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s);
-LUA_API const char *(lua_pushvfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt,
- va_list argp);
-LUA_API const char *(lua_pushfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushboolean) (lua_State *L, int b);
-LUA_API void (lua_pushlightuserdata) (lua_State *L, void *p);
-LUA_API int (lua_pushthread) (lua_State *L);
-** get functions (Lua -> stack)
-LUA_API void (lua_gettable) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_getfield) (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k);
-LUA_API void (lua_rawget) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_rawgeti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n);
-LUA_API void (lua_createtable) (lua_State *L, int narr, int nrec);
-LUA_API void *(lua_newuserdata) (lua_State *L, size_t sz);
-LUA_API int (lua_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex);
-LUA_API void (lua_getfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-** set functions (stack -> Lua)
-LUA_API void (lua_settable) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_setfield) (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k);
-LUA_API void (lua_rawset) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_rawseti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n);
-LUA_API int (lua_setmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex);
-LUA_API int (lua_setfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-** `load' and `call' functions (load and run Lua code)
-LUA_API void (lua_call) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults);
-LUA_API int (lua_pcall) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc);
-LUA_API int (lua_cpcall) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud);
-LUA_API int (lua_load) (lua_State *L, lua_Reader reader, void *dt,
- const char *chunkname);
-LUA_API int (lua_dump) (lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *data);
-** coroutine functions
-LUA_API int (lua_yield) (lua_State *L, int nresults);
-LUA_API int (lua_resume) (lua_State *L, int narg);
-LUA_API int (lua_status) (lua_State *L);
-** garbage-collection function and options
-#define LUA_GCSTOP 0
-#define LUA_GCRESTART 1
-#define LUA_GCCOLLECT 2
-#define LUA_GCCOUNT 3
-#define LUA_GCCOUNTB 4
-#define LUA_GCSTEP 5
-LUA_API int (lua_gc) (lua_State *L, int what, int data);
-** miscellaneous functions
-LUA_API int (lua_error) (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API int (lua_next) (lua_State *L, int idx);
-LUA_API void (lua_concat) (lua_State *L, int n);
-LUA_API lua_Alloc (lua_getallocf) (lua_State *L, void **ud);
-LUA_API void lua_setallocf (lua_State *L, lua_Alloc f, void *ud);
-** ===============================================================
-** some useful macros
-** ===============================================================
-#define lua_pop(L,n) lua_settop(L, -(n)-1)
-#define lua_newtable(L) lua_createtable(L, 0, 0)
-#define lua_register(L,n,f) (lua_pushcfunction(L, (f)), lua_setglobal(L, (n)))
-#define lua_pushcfunction(L,f) lua_pushcclosure(L, (f), 0)
-#define lua_strlen(L,i) lua_objlen(L, (i))
-#define lua_isfunction(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TFUNCTION)
-#define lua_istable(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTABLE)
-#define lua_islightuserdata(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA)
-#define lua_isnil(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNIL)
-#define lua_isboolean(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TBOOLEAN)
-#define lua_isthread(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTHREAD)
-#define lua_isnone(L,n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNONE)
-#define lua_isnoneornil(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) <= 0)
-#define lua_pushliteral(L, s) \
- lua_pushlstring(L, "" s, (sizeof(s)/sizeof(char))-1)
-#define lua_setglobal(L,s) lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s))
-#define lua_getglobal(L,s) lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s))
-#define lua_tostring(L,i) lua_tolstring(L, (i), NULL)
-** compatibility macros and functions
-#define lua_open() luaL_newstate()
-#define lua_getregistry(L) lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX)
-#define lua_getgccount(L) lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0)
-#define lua_Chunkreader lua_Reader
-#define lua_Chunkwriter lua_Writer
-/* hack */
-LUA_API void lua_setlevel (lua_State *from, lua_State *to);
-** {======================================================================
-** Debug API
-** =======================================================================
-** Event codes
-#define LUA_HOOKCALL 0
-#define LUA_HOOKRET 1
-#define LUA_HOOKLINE 2
-#define LUA_HOOKCOUNT 3
-** Event masks
-typedef struct lua_Debug lua_Debug; /* activation record */
-/* Functions to be called by the debuger in specific events */
-typedef void (*lua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar);
-LUA_API int lua_getstack (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar);
-LUA_API int lua_getinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar);
-LUA_API const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n);
-LUA_API const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n);
-LUA_API const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n);
-LUA_API const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n);
-LUA_API int lua_sethook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count);
-LUA_API lua_Hook lua_gethook (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API int lua_gethookmask (lua_State *L);
-LUA_API int lua_gethookcount (lua_State *L);
-struct lua_Debug {
- int event;
- const char *name; /* (n) */
- const char *namewhat; /* (n) `global', `local', `field', `method' */
- const char *what; /* (S) `Lua', `C', `main', `tail' */
- const char *source; /* (S) */
- int currentline; /* (l) */
- int nups; /* (u) number of upvalues */
- int linedefined; /* (S) */
- int lastlinedefined; /* (S) */
- char short_src[LUA_IDSIZE]; /* (S) */
- /* private part */
- int i_ci; /* active function */
-/* }====================================================================== */
-* Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved.
-* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-* the following conditions:
-* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/.lua/include/lua.hpp b/.lua/include/lua.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ec417f594..000000000
--- a/.lua/include/lua.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// lua.hpp
-// Lua header files for C++
-// <> not supplied automatically because Lua also compiles as C++
-extern "C" {
-#include "lua.h"
-#include "lualib.h"
-#include "lauxlib.h"
diff --git a/.lua/include/luaconf.h b/.lua/include/luaconf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e2cb26163..000000000
--- a/.lua/include/luaconf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-** $Id: luaconf.h,v 2008/02/11 16:25:08 roberto Exp $
-** Configuration file for Lua
-** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
-#ifndef lconfig_h
-#define lconfig_h
-** ==================================================================
-** Search for "@@" to find all configurable definitions.
-** ===================================================================
-@@ LUA_ANSI controls the use of non-ansi features.
-** CHANGE it (define it) if you want Lua to avoid the use of any
-** non-ansi feature or library.
-#if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
-#define LUA_ANSI
-#if !defined(LUA_ANSI) && defined(_WIN32)
-#define LUA_WIN
-#if defined(LUA_USE_LINUX)
-#define LUA_USE_POSIX
-#define LUA_USE_DLOPEN /* needs an extra library: -ldl */
-#define LUA_USE_READLINE /* needs some extra libraries */
-#if defined(LUA_USE_MACOSX)
-#define LUA_USE_POSIX
-#define LUA_DL_DYLD /* does not need extra library */
-@@ LUA_USE_POSIX includes all functionallity listed as X/Open System
-@* Interfaces Extension (XSI).
-** CHANGE it (define it) if your system is XSI compatible.
-#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX)
-#define LUA_USE_POPEN
-@@ LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH are the names of the environment variables that
-@* Lua check to set its paths.
-@@ LUA_INIT is the name of the environment variable that Lua
-@* checks for initialization code.
-** CHANGE them if you want different names.
-#define LUA_PATH "LUA_PATH"
-#define LUA_INIT "LUA_INIT"
-@@ LUA_PATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
-@* Lua libraries.
-@@ LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
-@* C libraries.
-** CHANGE them if your machine has a non-conventional directory
-** hierarchy or if you want to install your libraries in
-** non-conventional directories.
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-** In Windows, any exclamation mark ('!') in the path is replaced by the
-** path of the directory of the executable file of the current process.
-#define LUA_LDIR "!\\lua\\"
-#define LUA_CDIR "!\\"
- ".\\?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
- LUA_CDIR"?.lua;" LUA_CDIR"?\\init.lua"
- ".\\?.dll;" LUA_CDIR"?.dll;" LUA_CDIR"loadall.dll"
-#define LUA_ROOT "/usr/local/"
-#define LUA_LDIR LUA_ROOT "share/lua/5.1/"
-#define LUA_CDIR LUA_ROOT "lib/lua/5.1/"
- "./?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?/init.lua;" \
- LUA_CDIR"?.lua;" LUA_CDIR"?/init.lua"
- "./?.so;" LUA_CDIR"?.so;" LUA_CDIR"loadall.so"
-@@ LUA_DIRSEP is the directory separator (for submodules).
-** CHANGE it if your machine does not use "/" as the directory separator
-** and is not Windows. (On Windows Lua automatically uses "\".)
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#define LUA_DIRSEP "\\"
-#define LUA_DIRSEP "/"
-@@ LUA_PATHSEP is the character that separates templates in a path.
-@@ LUA_PATH_MARK is the string that marks the substitution points in a
-@* template.
-@@ LUA_EXECDIR in a Windows path is replaced by the executable's
-@* directory.
-@@ LUA_IGMARK is a mark to ignore all before it when bulding the
-@* luaopen_ function name.
-** CHANGE them if for some reason your system cannot use those
-** characters. (E.g., if one of those characters is a common character
-** in file/directory names.) Probably you do not need to change them.
-#define LUA_PATHSEP ";"
-#define LUA_PATH_MARK "?"
-#define LUA_EXECDIR "!"
-#define LUA_IGMARK "-"
-@@ LUA_INTEGER is the integral type used by lua_pushinteger/lua_tointeger.
-** CHANGE that if ptrdiff_t is not adequate on your machine. (On most
-** machines, ptrdiff_t gives a good choice between int or long.)
-#define LUA_INTEGER ptrdiff_t
-@@ LUA_API is a mark for all core API functions.
-@@ LUALIB_API is a mark for all standard library functions.
-** CHANGE them if you need to define those functions in some special way.
-** For instance, if you want to create one Windows DLL with the core and
-** the libraries, you may want to use the following definition (define
-** LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL to get it).
-#if defined(LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL)
-#if defined(LUA_CORE) || defined(LUA_LIB)
-#define LUA_API __declspec(dllexport)
-#define LUA_API __declspec(dllimport)
-#define LUA_API extern
-/* more often than not the libs go together with the core */
-@@ LUAI_FUNC is a mark for all extern functions that are not to be
-@* exported to outside modules.
-@@ LUAI_DATA is a mark for all extern (const) variables that are not to
-@* be exported to outside modules.
-** CHANGE them if you need to mark them in some special way. Elf/gcc
-** (versions 3.2 and later) mark them as "hidden" to optimize access
-** when Lua is compiled as a shared library.
-#if defined(luaall_c)
-#define LUAI_FUNC static
-#define LUAI_DATA /* empty */
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__*100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 302) && \
- defined(__ELF__)
-#define LUAI_FUNC __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) extern
-#define LUAI_FUNC extern
-#define LUAI_DATA extern
-@@ LUA_QL describes how error messages quote program elements.
-** CHANGE it if you want a different appearance.
-#define LUA_QL(x) "'" x "'"
-#define LUA_QS LUA_QL("%s")
-@@ LUA_IDSIZE gives the maximum size for the description of the source
-@* of a function in debug information.
-** CHANGE it if you want a different size.
-#define LUA_IDSIZE 60
-** {==================================================================
-** Stand-alone configuration
-** ===================================================================
-#if defined(lua_c) || defined(luaall_c)
-@@ lua_stdin_is_tty detects whether the standard input is a 'tty' (that
-@* is, whether we're running lua interactively).
-** CHANGE it if you have a better definition for non-POSIX/non-Windows
-** systems.
-#if defined(LUA_USE_ISATTY)
-#define lua_stdin_is_tty() isatty(0)
-#elif defined(LUA_WIN)
-#define lua_stdin_is_tty() _isatty(_fileno(stdin))
-#define lua_stdin_is_tty() 1 /* assume stdin is a tty */
-@@ LUA_PROMPT is the default prompt used by stand-alone Lua.
-@@ LUA_PROMPT2 is the default continuation prompt used by stand-alone Lua.
-** CHANGE them if you want different prompts. (You can also change the
-** prompts dynamically, assigning to globals _PROMPT/_PROMPT2.)
-#define LUA_PROMPT "> "
-#define LUA_PROMPT2 ">> "
-@@ LUA_PROGNAME is the default name for the stand-alone Lua program.
-** CHANGE it if your stand-alone interpreter has a different name and
-** your system is not able to detect that name automatically.
-#define LUA_PROGNAME "lua"
-@@ LUA_MAXINPUT is the maximum length for an input line in the
-@* stand-alone interpreter.
-** CHANGE it if you need longer lines.
-#define LUA_MAXINPUT 512
-@@ lua_readline defines how to show a prompt and then read a line from
-@* the standard input.
-@@ lua_saveline defines how to "save" a read line in a "history".
-@@ lua_freeline defines how to free a line read by lua_readline.
-** CHANGE them if you want to improve this functionality (e.g., by using
-** GNU readline and history facilities).
-#if defined(LUA_USE_READLINE)
-#define lua_readline(L,b,p) ((void)L, ((b)=readline(p)) != NULL)
-#define lua_saveline(L,idx) \
- if (lua_strlen(L,idx) > 0) /* non-empty line? */ \
- add_history(lua_tostring(L, idx)); /* add it to history */
-#define lua_freeline(L,b) ((void)L, free(b))
-#define lua_readline(L,b,p) \
- ((void)L, fputs(p, stdout), fflush(stdout), /* show prompt */ \
- fgets(b, LUA_MAXINPUT, stdin) != NULL) /* get line */
-#define lua_saveline(L,idx) { (void)L; (void)idx; }
-#define lua_freeline(L,b) { (void)L; (void)b; }
-/* }================================================================== */
-@@ LUAI_GCPAUSE defines the default pause between garbage-collector cycles
-@* as a percentage.
-** CHANGE it if you want the GC to run faster or slower (higher values
-** mean larger pauses which mean slower collection.) You can also change
-** this value dynamically.
-#define LUAI_GCPAUSE 200 /* 200% (wait memory to double before next GC) */
-@@ LUAI_GCMUL defines the default speed of garbage collection relative to
-@* memory allocation as a percentage.
-** CHANGE it if you want to change the granularity of the garbage
-** collection. (Higher values mean coarser collections. 0 represents
-** infinity, where each step performs a full collection.) You can also
-** change this value dynamically.
-#define LUAI_GCMUL 200 /* GC runs 'twice the speed' of memory allocation */
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_GETN controls compatibility with old getn behavior.
-** CHANGE it (define it) if you want exact compatibility with the
-** behavior of setn/getn in Lua 5.0.
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_LOADLIB controls compatibility about global loadlib.
-** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as you do not need a global 'loadlib'
-** function (the function is still available as 'package.loadlib').
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_VARARG controls compatibility with old vararg feature.
-** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as your programs use only '...' to
-** access vararg parameters (instead of the old 'arg' table).
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_MOD controls compatibility with old math.mod function.
-** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as your programs use 'math.fmod' or
-** the new '%' operator instead of 'math.mod'.
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_LSTR controls compatibility with old long string nesting
-@* facility.
-** CHANGE it to 2 if you want the old behaviour, or undefine it to turn
-** off the advisory error when nesting [[...]].
-#define LUA_COMPAT_LSTR 1
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_GFIND controls compatibility with old 'string.gfind' name.
-** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as you rename 'string.gfind' to
-** 'string.gmatch'.
-@@ LUA_COMPAT_OPENLIB controls compatibility with old 'luaL_openlib'
-@* behavior.
-** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as you replace to 'luaL_register'
-** your uses of 'luaL_openlib'
-@@ luai_apicheck is the assert macro used by the Lua-C API.
-** CHANGE luai_apicheck if you want Lua to perform some checks in the
-** parameters it gets from API calls. This may slow down the interpreter
-** a bit, but may be quite useful when debugging C code that interfaces
-** with Lua. A useful redefinition is to use assert.h.
-#if defined(LUA_USE_APICHECK)
-#define luai_apicheck(L,o) { (void)L; assert(o); }
-#define luai_apicheck(L,o) { (void)L; }
-@@ LUAI_BITSINT defines the number of bits in an int.
-** CHANGE here if Lua cannot automatically detect the number of bits of
-** your machine. Probably you do not need to change this.
-/* avoid overflows in comparison */
-#if INT_MAX-20 < 32760
-#define LUAI_BITSINT 16
-#elif INT_MAX > 2147483640L
-/* int has at least 32 bits */
-#define LUAI_BITSINT 32
-#error "you must define LUA_BITSINT with number of bits in an integer"
-@@ LUAI_UINT32 is an unsigned integer with at least 32 bits.
-@@ LUAI_INT32 is an signed integer with at least 32 bits.
-@@ LUAI_UMEM is an unsigned integer big enough to count the total
-@* memory used by Lua.
-@@ LUAI_MEM is a signed integer big enough to count the total memory
-@* used by Lua.
-** CHANGE here if for some weird reason the default definitions are not
-** good enough for your machine. (The definitions in the 'else'
-** part always works, but may waste space on machines with 64-bit
-** longs.) Probably you do not need to change this.
-#if LUAI_BITSINT >= 32
-#define LUAI_UINT32 unsigned int
-#define LUAI_INT32 int
-#define LUAI_UMEM size_t
-#define LUAI_MEM ptrdiff_t
-/* 16-bit ints */
-#define LUAI_UINT32 unsigned long
-#define LUAI_INT32 long
-#define LUAI_UMEM unsigned long
-#define LUAI_MEM long
-@@ LUAI_MAXCALLS limits the number of nested calls.
-** CHANGE it if you need really deep recursive calls. This limit is
-** arbitrary; its only purpose is to stop infinite recursion before
-** exhausting memory.
-#define LUAI_MAXCALLS 20000
-@@ LUAI_MAXCSTACK limits the number of Lua stack slots that a C function
-@* can use.
-** CHANGE it if you need lots of (Lua) stack space for your C
-** functions. This limit is arbitrary; its only purpose is to stop C
-** functions to consume unlimited stack space. (must be smaller than
-#define LUAI_MAXCSTACK 8000
-** {==================================================================
-** CHANGE (to smaller values) the following definitions if your system
-** has a small C stack. (Or you may want to change them to larger
-** values if your system has a large C stack and these limits are
-** too rigid for you.) Some of these constants control the size of
-** stack-allocated arrays used by the compiler or the interpreter, while
-** others limit the maximum number of recursive calls that the compiler
-** or the interpreter can perform. Values too large may cause a C stack
-** overflow for some forms of deep constructs.
-** ===================================================================
-@@ LUAI_MAXCCALLS is the maximum depth for nested C calls (short) and
-@* syntactical nested non-terminals in a program.
-#define LUAI_MAXCCALLS 200
-@@ LUAI_MAXVARS is the maximum number of local variables per function
-@* (must be smaller than 250).
-#define LUAI_MAXVARS 200
-@@ LUAI_MAXUPVALUES is the maximum number of upvalues per function
-@* (must be smaller than 250).
-@@ LUAL_BUFFERSIZE is the buffer size used by the lauxlib buffer system.
-/* }================================================================== */
-** {==================================================================
-@@ LUA_NUMBER is the type of numbers in Lua.
-** CHANGE the following definitions only if you want to build Lua
-** with a number type different from double. You may also need to
-** change lua_number2int & lua_number2integer.
-** ===================================================================
-#define LUA_NUMBER double
-@@ LUAI_UACNUMBER is the result of an 'usual argument conversion'
-@* over a number.
-#define LUAI_UACNUMBER double
-@@ LUA_NUMBER_SCAN is the format for reading numbers.
-@@ LUA_NUMBER_FMT is the format for writing numbers.
-@@ lua_number2str converts a number to a string.
-@@ LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR is maximum size of previous conversion.
-@@ lua_str2number converts a string to a number.
-#define LUA_NUMBER_SCAN "%lf"
-#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.14g"
-#define lua_number2str(s,n) sprintf((s), LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (n))
-#define LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR 32 /* 16 digits, sign, point, and \0 */
-#define lua_str2number(s,p) strtod((s), (p))
-@@ The luai_num* macros define the primitive operations over numbers.
-#if defined(LUA_CORE)
-#define luai_numadd(a,b) ((a)+(b))
-#define luai_numsub(a,b) ((a)-(b))
-#define luai_nummul(a,b) ((a)*(b))
-#define luai_numdiv(a,b) ((a)/(b))
-#define luai_nummod(a,b) ((a) - floor((a)/(b))*(b))
-#define luai_numpow(a,b) (pow(a,b))
-#define luai_numunm(a) (-(a))
-#define luai_numeq(a,b) ((a)==(b))
-#define luai_numlt(a,b) ((a)<(b))
-#define luai_numle(a,b) ((a)<=(b))
-#define luai_numisnan(a) (!luai_numeq((a), (a)))
-@@ lua_number2int is a macro to convert lua_Number to int.
-@@ lua_number2integer is a macro to convert lua_Number to lua_Integer.
-** CHANGE them if you know a faster way to convert a lua_Number to
-** int (with any rounding method and without throwing errors) in your
-** system. In Pentium machines, a naive typecast from double to int
-** in C is extremely slow, so any alternative is worth trying.
-/* On a Pentium, resort to a trick */
-#if defined(LUA_NUMBER_DOUBLE) && !defined(LUA_ANSI) && !defined(__SSE2__) && \
- (defined(__i386) || defined (_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__))
-/* On a Microsoft compiler, use assembler */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define lua_number2int(i,d) __asm fld d __asm fistp i
-#define lua_number2integer(i,n) lua_number2int(i, n)
-/* the next trick should work on any Pentium, but sometimes clashes
- with a DirectX idiosyncrasy */
-union luai_Cast { double l_d; long l_l; };
-#define lua_number2int(i,d) \
- { volatile union luai_Cast u; u.l_d = (d) + 6755399441055744.0; (i) = u.l_l; }
-#define lua_number2integer(i,n) lua_number2int(i, n)
-/* this option always works, but may be slow */
-#define lua_number2int(i,d) ((i)=(int)(d))
-#define lua_number2integer(i,d) ((i)=(lua_Integer)(d))
-/* }================================================================== */
-@@ LUAI_USER_ALIGNMENT_T is a type that requires maximum alignment.
-** CHANGE it if your system requires alignments larger than double. (For
-** instance, if your system supports long doubles and they must be
-** aligned in 16-byte boundaries, then you should add long double in the
-** union.) Probably you do not need to change this.
-#define LUAI_USER_ALIGNMENT_T union { double u; void *s; long l; }
-@@ LUAI_THROW/LUAI_TRY define how Lua does exception handling.
-** CHANGE them if you prefer to use longjmp/setjmp even with C++
-** or if want/don't to use _longjmp/_setjmp instead of regular
-** longjmp/setjmp. By default, Lua handles errors with exceptions when
-** compiling as C++ code, with _longjmp/_setjmp when asked to use them,
-** and with longjmp/setjmp otherwise.
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-/* C++ exceptions */
-#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) throw(c)
-#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) try { a } catch(...) \
- { if ((c)->status == 0) (c)->status = -1; }
-#define luai_jmpbuf int /* dummy variable */
-#elif defined(LUA_USE_ULONGJMP)
-/* in Unix, try _longjmp/_setjmp (more efficient) */
-#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) _longjmp((c)->b, 1)
-#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) if (_setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a }
-#define luai_jmpbuf jmp_buf
-/* default handling with long jumps */
-#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) longjmp((c)->b, 1)
-#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) if (setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a }
-#define luai_jmpbuf jmp_buf
-@@ LUA_MAXCAPTURES is the maximum number of captures that a pattern
-@* can do during pattern-matching.
-** CHANGE it if you need more captures. This limit is arbitrary.
-@@ lua_tmpnam is the function that the OS library uses to create a
-@* temporary name.
-@@ LUA_TMPNAMBUFSIZE is the maximum size of a name created by lua_tmpnam.
-** CHANGE them if you have an alternative to tmpnam (which is considered
-** insecure) or if you want the original tmpnam anyway. By default, Lua
-** uses tmpnam except when POSIX is available, where it uses mkstemp.
-#if defined(loslib_c) || defined(luaall_c)
-#if defined(LUA_USE_MKSTEMP)
-#define lua_tmpnam(b,e) { \
- strcpy(b, "/tmp/lua_XXXXXX"); \
- e = mkstemp(b); \
- if (e != -1) close(e); \
- e = (e == -1); }
-#define LUA_TMPNAMBUFSIZE L_tmpnam
-#define lua_tmpnam(b,e) { e = (tmpnam(b) == NULL); }
-@@ lua_popen spawns a new process connected to the current one through
-@* the file streams.
-** CHANGE it if you have a way to implement it in your system.
-#if defined(LUA_USE_POPEN)
-#define lua_popen(L,c,m) ((void)L, fflush(NULL), popen(c,m))
-#define lua_pclose(L,file) ((void)L, (pclose(file) != -1))
-#elif defined(LUA_WIN)
-#define lua_popen(L,c,m) ((void)L, _popen(c,m))
-#define lua_pclose(L,file) ((void)L, (_pclose(file) != -1))
-#define lua_popen(L,c,m) ((void)((void)c, m), \
- luaL_error(L, LUA_QL("popen") " not supported"), (FILE*)0)
-#define lua_pclose(L,file) ((void)((void)L, file), 0)
-@@ LUA_DL_* define which dynamic-library system Lua should use.
-** CHANGE here if Lua has problems choosing the appropriate
-** dynamic-library system for your platform (either Windows' DLL, Mac's
-** dyld, or Unix's dlopen). If your system is some kind of Unix, there
-** is a good chance that it has dlopen, so LUA_DL_DLOPEN will work for
-** it. To use dlopen you also need to adapt the src/Makefile (probably
-** adding -ldl to the linker options), so Lua does not select it
-** automatically. (When you change the makefile to add -ldl, you must
-** also add -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN.)
-** If you do not want any kind of dynamic library, undefine all these
-** options.
-** By default, _WIN32 gets LUA_DL_DLL and MAC OS X gets LUA_DL_DYLD.
-#if defined(LUA_USE_DLOPEN)
-#define LUA_DL_DLOPEN
-#if defined(LUA_WIN)
-#define LUA_DL_DLL
-@@ LUAI_EXTRASPACE allows you to add user-specific data in a lua_State
-@* (the data goes just *before* the lua_State pointer).
-** CHANGE (define) this if you really need that. This value must be
-** a multiple of the maximum alignment required for your machine.
-@@ luai_userstate* allow user-specific actions on threads.
-** CHANGE them if you defined LUAI_EXTRASPACE and need to do something
-** extra when a thread is created/deleted/resumed/yielded.
-#define luai_userstateopen(L) ((void)L)
-#define luai_userstateclose(L) ((void)L)
-#define luai_userstatethread(L,L1) ((void)L)
-#define luai_userstatefree(L) ((void)L)
-#define luai_userstateresume(L,n) ((void)L)
-#define luai_userstateyield(L,n) ((void)L)
-@@ LUA_INTFRMLEN is the length modifier for integer conversions
-@* in 'string.format'.
-@@ LUA_INTFRM_T is the integer type correspoding to the previous length
-@* modifier.
-** CHANGE them if your system supports long long or does not support long.
-#if defined(LUA_USELONGLONG)
-#define LUA_INTFRMLEN "ll"
-#define LUA_INTFRM_T long long
-#define LUA_INTFRMLEN "l"
-#define LUA_INTFRM_T long
-/* =================================================================== */
-** Local configuration. You can use this space to add your redefinitions
-** without modifying the main part of the file.
diff --git a/.lua/include/lualib.h b/.lua/include/lualib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 469417f67..000000000
--- a/.lua/include/lualib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-** $Id: lualib.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
-** Lua standard libraries
-** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
-#ifndef lualib_h
-#define lualib_h
-#include "lua.h"
-/* Key to file-handle type */
-#define LUA_COLIBNAME "coroutine"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_base) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_TABLIBNAME "table"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_table) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_IOLIBNAME "io"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_io) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_OSLIBNAME "os"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_os) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_STRLIBNAME "string"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_string) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_MATHLIBNAME "math"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_math) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_DBLIBNAME "debug"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_debug) (lua_State *L);
-#define LUA_LOADLIBNAME "package"
-LUALIB_API int (luaopen_package) (lua_State *L);
-/* open all previous libraries */
-LUALIB_API void (luaL_openlibs) (lua_State *L);
-#ifndef lua_assert
-#define lua_assert(x) ((void)0)
diff --git a/.lua/lib/liblua.a b/.lua/lib/liblua.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e58e4c71..000000000
Binary files a/.lua/lib/liblua.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.lua/man/man1/lua.1 b/.lua/man/man1/lua.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 24809cc6c..000000000
--- a/.lua/man/man1/lua.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-.\" $Id: lua.man,v 1.11 2006/01/06 16:03:34 lhf Exp $
-.TH LUA 1 "$Date: 2006/01/06 16:03:34 $"
-lua \- Lua interpreter
-.B lua
-.I options
-.I script
-.I args
-.B lua
-is the stand-alone Lua interpreter.
-It loads and executes Lua programs,
-either in textual source form or
-in precompiled binary form.
-(Precompiled binaries are output by
-.BR luac ,
-the Lua compiler.)
-.B lua
-can be used as a batch interpreter and also interactively.
-The given
-.I options
-(see below)
-are executed and then
-the Lua program in file
-.I script
-is loaded and executed.
-The given
-.I args
-are available to
-.I script
-as strings in a global table named
-.BR arg .
-If these arguments contain spaces or other characters special to the shell,
-then they should be quoted
-(but note that the quotes will be removed by the shell).
-The arguments in
-.B arg
-start at 0,
-which contains the string
-.RI ' script '.
-The index of the last argument is stored in
-.BR arg.n .
-The arguments given in the command line before
-.IR script ,
-including the name of the interpreter,
-are available in negative indices in
-.BR arg .
-At the very start,
-before even handling the command line,
-.B lua
-executes the contents of the environment variable
-if it is defined.
-If the value of
-is of the form
-.RI '@ filename ',
-.I filename
-is executed.
-Otherwise, the string is assumed to be a Lua statement and is executed.
-Options start with
-.B '\-'
-and are described below.
-You can use
-.B "'\--'"
-to signal the end of options.
-If no arguments are given,
-.B "\-v \-i"
-is assumed when the standard input is a terminal;
-.B "\-"
-is assumed.
-In interactive mode,
-.B lua
-prompts the user,
-reads lines from the standard input,
-and executes them as they are read.
-If a line does not contain a complete statement,
-then a secondary prompt is displayed and
-lines are read until a complete statement is formed or
-a syntax error is found.
-So, one way to interrupt the reading of an incomplete statement is
-to force a syntax error:
-adding a
-.B ';'
-in the middle of a statement is a sure way of forcing a syntax error
-(except inside multiline strings and comments; these must be closed explicitly).
-If a line starts with
-.BR '=' ,
-.B lua
-displays the values of all the expressions in the remainder of the
-line. The expressions must be separated by commas.
-The primary prompt is the value of the global variable
-if this value is a string;
-otherwise, the default prompt is used.
-Similarly, the secondary prompt is the value of the global variable
-to change the prompts,
-set the corresponding variable to a string of your choice.
-You can do that after calling the interpreter
-or on the command line
-(but in this case you have to be careful with quotes
-if the prompt string contains a space; otherwise you may confuse the shell.)
-The default prompts are "> " and ">> ".
-.B \-
-load and execute the standard input as a file,
-that is,
-not interactively,
-even when the standard input is a terminal.
-.BI \-e " stat"
-execute statement
-.IR stat .
-You need to quote
-.I stat
-if it contains spaces, quotes,
-or other characters special to the shell.
-.B \-i
-enter interactive mode after
-.I script
-is executed.
-.BI \-l " name"
-.BI require(' name ')
-before executing
-.IR script .
-Typically used to load libraries.
-.B \-v
-show version information.
-.BR luac (1)
-Error messages should be self explanatory.
-R. Ierusalimschy,
-L. H. de Figueiredo,
-W. Celes
-.\" EOF
diff --git a/.lua/man/man1/luac.1 b/.lua/man/man1/luac.1
deleted file mode 100644
index d8146782d..000000000
--- a/.lua/man/man1/luac.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-.\" $Id: luac.man,v 1.28 2006/01/06 16:03:34 lhf Exp $
-.TH LUAC 1 "$Date: 2006/01/06 16:03:34 $"
-luac \- Lua compiler
-.B luac
-.I options
-] [
-.I filenames
-.B luac
-is the Lua compiler.
-It translates programs written in the Lua programming language
-into binary files that can be later loaded and executed.
-The main advantages of precompiling chunks are:
-faster loading,
-protecting source code from accidental user changes,
-off-line syntax checking.
-Pre-compiling does not imply faster execution
-because in Lua chunks are always compiled into bytecodes before being executed.
-.B luac
-simply allows those bytecodes to be saved in a file for later execution.
-Pre-compiled chunks are not necessarily smaller than the corresponding source.
-The main goal in pre-compiling is faster loading.
-The binary files created by
-.B luac
-are portable only among architectures with the same word size and byte order.
-.B luac
-produces a single output file containing the bytecodes
-for all source files given.
-By default,
-the output file is named
-.BR luac.out ,
-but you can change this with the
-.B \-o
-In the command line,
-you can mix
-text files containing Lua source and
-binary files containing precompiled chunks.
-This is useful to combine several precompiled chunks,
-even from different (but compatible) platforms,
-into a single precompiled chunk.
-You can use
-.B "'\-'"
-to indicate the standard input as a source file
-.B "'\--'"
-to signal the end of options
-(that is,
-all remaining arguments will be treated as files even if they start with
-.BR "'\-'" ).
-The internal format of the binary files produced by
-.B luac
-is likely to change when a new version of Lua is released.
-save the source files of all Lua programs that you precompile.
-Options must be separate.
-.B \-l
-produce a listing of the compiled bytecode for Lua's virtual machine.
-Listing bytecodes is useful to learn about Lua's virtual machine.
-If no files are given, then
-.B luac
-.B luac.out
-and lists its contents.
-.BI \-o " file"
-output to
-.IR file ,
-instead of the default
-.BR luac.out .
-(You can use
-.B "'\-'"
-for standard output,
-but not on platforms that open standard output in text mode.)
-The output file may be a source file because
-all files are loaded before the output file is written.
-Be careful not to overwrite precious files.
-.B \-p
-load files but do not generate any output file.
-Used mainly for syntax checking and for testing precompiled chunks:
-corrupted files will probably generate errors when loaded.
-Lua always performs a thorough integrity test on precompiled chunks.
-Bytecode that passes this test is completely safe,
-in the sense that it will not break the interpreter.
-there is no guarantee that such code does anything sensible.
-(None can be given, because the halting problem is unsolvable.)
-If no files are given, then
-.B luac
-.B luac.out
-and tests its contents.
-No messages are displayed if the file passes the integrity test.
-.B \-s
-strip debug information before writing the output file.
-This saves some space in very large chunks,
-but if errors occur when running a stripped chunk,
-then the error messages may not contain the full information they usually do.
-For instance,
-line numbers and names of local variables are lost.
-.B \-v
-show version information.
-.TP 15
-.B luac.out
-default output file
-.BR lua (1)
-Error messages should be self explanatory.
-L. H. de Figueiredo,
-R. Ierusalimschy and
-W. Celes
-.\" EOF
diff --git a/.luarocks/bin/luarocks b/.luarocks/bin/luarocks
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e345f673..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/bin/luarocks
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package.loaded["luarocks.core.hardcoded"] = { SYSCONFDIR = [[/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks/etc/luarocks]] }
-package.path=[[/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;]] .. package.path
-local list = package.searchers or package.loaders; table.insert(list, 1, function(name) if name:match("^luarocks%.") then return loadfile([[/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/]] .. name:gsub([[%.]], [[/]]) .. [[.lua]]) end end)
--- Load cfg first so that the loader knows it is running inside LuaRocks
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local loader = require("luarocks.loader")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-local description = "LuaRocks main command-line interface"
-local commands = {
- init = "luarocks.cmd.init",
- pack = "luarocks.cmd.pack",
- unpack = "luarocks.cmd.unpack",
- build = "luarocks.cmd.build",
- install = "luarocks.cmd.install",
- search = "luarocks.cmd.search",
- list = "luarocks.cmd.list",
- remove = "luarocks.cmd.remove",
- make = "luarocks.cmd.make",
- download = "luarocks.cmd.download",
- path = "luarocks.cmd.path",
- show = "luarocks.cmd.show",
- new_version = "luarocks.cmd.new_version",
- lint = "luarocks.cmd.lint",
- write_rockspec = "luarocks.cmd.write_rockspec",
- purge = "luarocks.cmd.purge",
- doc = "luarocks.cmd.doc",
- upload = "luarocks.cmd.upload",
- config = "luarocks.cmd.config",
- which = "luarocks.cmd.which",
- test = "luarocks.cmd.test",
-cmd.run_command(description, commands, "luarocks.cmd.external", ...)
diff --git a/.luarocks/bin/luarocks-admin b/.luarocks/bin/luarocks-admin
deleted file mode 100755
index 89a986a6c..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/bin/luarocks-admin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package.loaded["luarocks.core.hardcoded"] = { SYSCONFDIR = [[/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks/etc/luarocks]] }
-package.path=[[/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;]] .. package.path
-local list = package.searchers or package.loaders; table.insert(list, 1, function(name) if name:match("^luarocks%.") then return loadfile([[/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/]] .. name:gsub([[%.]], [[/]]) .. [[.lua]]) end end)
--- Load cfg first so that luarocks.loader knows it is running inside LuaRocks
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local loader = require("luarocks.loader")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-local description = "LuaRocks repository administration interface"
-local commands = {
- make_manifest = "luarocks.admin.cmd.make_manifest",
- add = "luarocks.admin.cmd.add",
- remove = "luarocks.admin.cmd.remove",
- refresh_cache = "luarocks.admin.cmd.refresh_cache",
-cmd.run_command(description, commands, "luarocks.admin.cmd.external", ...)
diff --git a/.luarocks/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua b/.luarocks/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index cdaf4d7ca..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--- LuaRocks configuration
-rocks_trees = {
- { name = "user", root = home .. "/.luarocks" };
- { name = "system", root = "/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.luarocks" };
-lua_interpreter = "lua";
-variables = {
- LUA_DIR = "/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.lua";
- LUA_BINDIR = "/home/runner/work/rocks-binaries/rocks-binaries/.lua/bin";
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cache.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cache.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b273eaf..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cache.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
---- Module handling the LuaRocks local cache.
--- Adds a rock or rockspec to a rocks server.
-local cache = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-function cache.get_upload_server(server)
- if not server then server = cfg.upload_server end
- if not server then
- return nil, "No server specified and no default configured with upload_server."
- end
- return server, cfg.upload_servers and cfg.upload_servers[server]
-function cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
- local download_url = server
- local login_url = nil
- if upload_server then
- if upload_server.rsync then download_url = "rsync://"..upload_server.rsync
- elseif upload_server.http then download_url = "http://"..upload_server.http
- elseif upload_server.ftp then download_url = "ftp://"..upload_server.ftp
- end
- if upload_server.ftp then login_url = "ftp://"..upload_server.ftp
- elseif upload_server.sftp then login_url = "sftp://"..upload_server.sftp
- end
- end
- return download_url, login_url
-function cache.split_server_url(url, user, password)
- local protocol, server_path = dir.split_url(url)
- if protocol == "file" then
- server_path = fs.absolute_name(server_path)
- elseif server_path:match("@") then
- local credentials
- credentials, server_path = server_path:match("([^@]*)@(.*)")
- if credentials:match(":") then
- user, password = credentials:match("([^:]*):(.*)")
- else
- user = credentials
- end
- end
- local local_cache = cfg.local_cache .. "/" .. server_path:gsub("[\\/]", "_")
- return local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password
-local function download_cache(protocol, server_path, user, password)
- os.remove("index.html")
- -- TODO abstract away explicit 'wget' call
- if protocol == "rsync" then
- local srv, path = server_path:match("([^/]+)(/.+)")
- return fs.execute(cfg.variables.RSYNC.." "..cfg.variables.RSYNCFLAGS.." -e ssh "..user.."@"..srv..":"..path.."/ ./")
- elseif protocol == "file" then
- return fs.copy_contents(server_path, ".")
- else
- local login_info = ""
- if user then login_info = " --user="..user end
- if password then login_info = login_info .. " --password="..password end
- return fs.execute(cfg.variables.WGET.." --no-cache -q -m -np -nd "..protocol.."://"..server_path..login_info)
- end
-function cache.refresh_local_cache(url, given_user, given_password)
- local local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password = cache.split_server_url(url, given_user, given_password)
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(local_cache)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed creating local cache dir: "..err
- end
- fs.change_dir(local_cache)
- util.printout("Refreshing cache "..local_cache.."...")
- ok = download_cache(protocol, server_path, user, password)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed downloading cache."
- end
- return local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password
-return cache
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/add.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/add.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index aa444c506..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/add.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "add" command.
--- Adds a rock or rockspec to a rocks server.
-local add = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cache = require("luarocks.admin.cache")
-local index = require("luarocks.admin.index")
-function add.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("add", "Add a rock or rockspec to a rocks server.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("rock", "A local rockspec or rock file.")
- :args("+")
- cmd:option("--server", "The server to use. If not given, the default server "..
- "set in the upload_server variable from the configuration file is used instead.")
- :target("add_server")
- cmd:flag("--no-refresh", "Do not refresh the local cache prior to "..
- "generation of the updated manifest.")
- cmd:flag("--index", "Produce an index.html file for the manifest. This "..
- "flag is automatically set if an index.html file already exists.")
-local function zip_manifests()
- for ver in util.lua_versions() do
- local file = "manifest-"..ver
- local zip = file..".zip"
- fs.delete(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), zip))
- fs.zip(zip, file)
- end
-local function add_files_to_server(refresh, rockfiles, server, upload_server, do_index)
- assert(type(refresh) == "boolean" or not refresh)
- assert(type(rockfiles) == "table")
- assert(type(server) == "string")
- assert(type(upload_server) == "table" or not upload_server)
- local download_url, login_url = cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
- local at = fs.current_dir()
- local refresh_fn = refresh and cache.refresh_local_cache or cache.split_server_url
- local local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password = refresh_fn(download_url, cfg.upload_user, cfg.upload_password)
- if not local_cache then
- return nil, protocol
- end
- if not login_url then
- login_url = protocol.."://"..server_path
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(at)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local files = {}
- for _, rockfile in ipairs(rockfiles) do
- if fs.exists(rockfile) then
- util.printout("Copying file "..rockfile.." to "..local_cache.."...")
- local absolute = fs.absolute_name(rockfile)
- fs.copy(absolute, local_cache, "read")
- table.insert(files, dir.base_name(absolute))
- else
- util.printerr("File "..rockfile.." not found")
- end
- end
- if #files == 0 then
- return nil, "No files found"
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(local_cache)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- util.printout("Updating manifest...")
- writer.make_manifest(local_cache, "one", true)
- zip_manifests()
- if fs.exists("index.html") then
- do_index = true
- end
- if do_index then
- util.printout("Updating index.html...")
- index.make_index(local_cache)
- end
- local login_info = ""
- if user then login_info = " -u "..user end
- if password then login_info = login_info..":"..password end
- if not login_url:match("/$") then
- login_url = login_url .. "/"
- end
- if do_index then
- table.insert(files, "index.html")
- end
- table.insert(files, "manifest")
- for ver in util.lua_versions() do
- table.insert(files, "manifest-"..ver)
- table.insert(files, "manifest-"..ver..".zip")
- end
- -- TODO abstract away explicit 'curl' call
- local cmd
- if protocol == "rsync" then
- local srv, path = server_path:match("([^/]+)(/.+)")
- cmd = cfg.variables.RSYNC.." "..cfg.variables.RSYNCFLAGS.." -e ssh "..local_cache.."/ "..user.."@"..srv..":"..path.."/"
- elseif protocol == "file" then
- return fs.copy_contents(local_cache, server_path)
- elseif upload_server and upload_server.sftp then
- local part1, part2 = upload_server.sftp:match("^([^/]*)/(.*)$")
- cmd = cfg.variables.SCP.." "..table.concat(files, " ").." "..user.."@"..part1..":/"..part2
- else
- cmd = cfg.variables.CURL.." "..login_info.." -T '{"..table.concat(files, ",").."}' "..login_url
- end
- util.printout(cmd)
- return fs.execute(cmd)
-function add.command(args)
- local server, server_table = cache.get_upload_server(args.add_server or args.server)
- if not server then return nil, server_table end
- return add_files_to_server(not args.no_refresh, args.rock, server, server_table, args.index)
-return add
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/make_manifest.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/make_manifest.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 18f74b5db..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/make_manifest.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "make_manifest" command.
--- Compile a manifest file for a repository.
-local make_manifest = {}
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local index = require("luarocks.admin.index")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-function make_manifest.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("make_manifest", "Compile a manifest file for a repository.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("repository", "Local repository pathname.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--local-tree", "If given, do not write versioned versions of the manifest file.\n"..
- "Use this when rebuilding the manifest of a local rocks tree.")
- util.deps_mode_option(cmd)
---- Driver function for "make_manifest" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
--- or nil and an error message.
-function make_manifest.command(args)
- local repo = args.repository or cfg.rocks_dir
- util.printout("Making manifest for "..repo)
- if repo:match("/lib/luarocks") and not args.local_tree then
- util.warning("This looks like a local rocks tree, but you did not pass --local-tree.")
- end
- local ok, err = writer.make_manifest(repo, deps.get_deps_mode(args), not args.local_tree)
- if ok and not args.local_tree then
- util.printout("Generating index.html for "..repo)
- index.make_index(repo)
- end
- if args.local_tree then
- for luaver in util.lua_versions() do
- fs.delete(dir.path(repo, "manifest-"..luaver))
- end
- end
- return ok, err
-return make_manifest
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/refresh_cache.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/refresh_cache.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d51893f..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/refresh_cache.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "refresh_cache" command.
-local refresh_cache = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cache = require("luarocks.admin.cache")
-function refresh_cache.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("refresh_cache", "Refresh local cache of a remote rocks server.", util.see_also())
- cmd:option("--from", "The server to use. If not given, the default server "..
- "set in the upload_server variable from the configuration file is used instead.")
- :argname("")
-function refresh_cache.command(args)
- local server, upload_server = cache.get_upload_server(args.server)
- if not server then return nil, upload_server end
- local download_url = cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
- local ok, err = cache.refresh_local_cache(download_url, cfg.upload_user, cfg.upload_password)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- else
- return true
- end
-return refresh_cache
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/remove.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/remove.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d4c5fbb5..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/cmd/remove.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "remove" command.
--- Removes a rock or rockspec from a rocks server.
-local admin_remove = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cache = require("luarocks.admin.cache")
-local index = require("luarocks.admin.index")
-function admin_remove.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("remove", "Remove a rock or rockspec from a rocks server.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("rock", "A local rockspec or rock file.")
- :args("+")
- cmd:option("--server", "The server to use. If not given, the default server "..
- "set in the upload_server variable from the configuration file is used instead.")
- cmd:flag("--no-refresh", "Do not refresh the local cache prior to "..
- "generation of the updated manifest.")
-local function remove_files_from_server(refresh, rockfiles, server, upload_server)
- assert(type(refresh) == "boolean" or not refresh)
- assert(type(rockfiles) == "table")
- assert(type(server) == "string")
- assert(type(upload_server) == "table" or not upload_server)
- local download_url, login_url = cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
- local at = fs.current_dir()
- local refresh_fn = refresh and cache.refresh_local_cache or cache.split_server_url
- local local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password = refresh_fn(download_url, cfg.upload_user, cfg.upload_password)
- if not local_cache then
- return nil, protocol
- end
- if protocol ~= "rsync" then
- return nil, "This command requires 'rsync', check your configuration."
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(at)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local nr_files = 0
- for _, rockfile in ipairs(rockfiles) do
- local basename = dir.base_name(rockfile)
- local file = dir.path(local_cache, basename)
- util.printout("Removing file "..file.."...")
- fs.delete(file)
- if not fs.exists(file) then
- nr_files = nr_files + 1
- else
- util.printerr("Failed removing "..file)
- end
- end
- if nr_files == 0 then
- return nil, "No files removed."
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(local_cache)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- util.printout("Updating manifest...")
- writer.make_manifest(local_cache, "one", true)
- util.printout("Updating index.html...")
- index.make_index(local_cache)
- local srv, path = server_path:match("([^/]+)(/.+)")
- local cmd = cfg.variables.RSYNC.." "..cfg.variables.RSYNCFLAGS.." --delete -e ssh "..local_cache.."/ "..user.."@"..srv..":"..path.."/"
- util.printout(cmd)
- fs.execute(cmd)
- return true
-function admin_remove.command(args)
- local server, server_table = cache.get_upload_server(args.server)
- if not server then return nil, server_table end
- return remove_files_from_server(not args.no_refresh, args.rock, server, server_table)
-return admin_remove
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/index.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/index.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c8c1eb3..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/admin/index.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
---- Module which builds the index.html page to be used in rocks servers.
-local index = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local ext_url_target = ' target="_blank"'
-local index_header = [[
-Available rocks
-Available rocks
-Lua modules available from this location for use with LuaRocks:
-local index_package_begin = [[
- $package - $summary
- $detailed
-latest sources $homepage | License: $license
-local index_package_end = [[
- |
- |
-local index_footer_begin = [[
-manifest file
-local index_manifest_ver = [[
-• Lua $VER manifest file (zip)
-local index_footer_end = [[
-function index.format_external_dependencies(rockspec)
- if rockspec.external_dependencies then
- local deplist = {}
- local listed_set = {}
- local plats = nil
- for name, desc in util.sortedpairs(rockspec.external_dependencies) do
- if name ~= "platforms" then
- table.insert(deplist, name:lower())
- listed_set[name] = true
- else
- plats = desc
- end
- end
- if plats then
- for plat, entries in util.sortedpairs(plats) do
- for name, desc in util.sortedpairs(entries) do
- if not listed_set[name] then
- table.insert(deplist, name:lower() .. " (on "..plat..")")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 'External dependencies: ' .. table.concat(deplist, ', ').. '
- else
- return ""
- end
-function index.make_index(repo)
- if not fs.is_dir(repo) then
- return nil, "Cannot access repository at "..repo
- end
- local manifest = manif.load_manifest(repo)
- local out = io.open(dir.path(repo, "index.html"), "w")
- out:write(index_header)
- for package, version_list in util.sortedpairs(manifest.repository) do
- local latest_rockspec = nil
- local output = index_package_begin
- for version, data in util.sortedpairs(version_list, vers.compare_versions) do
- local versions = {}
- output = output..version..': '
- table.sort(data, function(a,b) return a.arch < b.arch end)
- for _, item in ipairs(data) do
- local file
- if item.arch == 'rockspec' then
- file = ("%s-%s.rockspec"):format(package, version)
- if not latest_rockspec then latest_rockspec = file end
- else
- file = ("%s-%s.%s.rock"):format(package, version, item.arch)
- end
- table.insert(versions, ''..item.arch..'')
- end
- output = output .. table.concat(versions, ', ') .. '
- end
- output = output .. index_package_end
- if latest_rockspec then
- local rockspec = persist.load_into_table(dir.path(repo, latest_rockspec))
- local descript = rockspec.description or {}
- local vars = {
- anchor = package,
- package = rockspec.package,
- original = rockspec.source.url,
- summary = descript.summary or "",
- detailed = descript.detailed or "",
- license = descript.license or "N/A",
- homepage = descript.homepage and ('| project homepage') or "",
- externaldependencies = index.format_external_dependencies(rockspec)
- }
- vars.detailed = vars.detailed:gsub("\n\n", "
"):gsub("%s+", " ")
- vars.detailed = vars.detailed:gsub("(https?://[a-zA-Z0-9%.%%-_%+%[%]=%?&/$@;:]+)", '%1')
- output = output:gsub("$(%w+)", vars)
- else
- output = output:gsub("$anchor", package)
- output = output:gsub("$package", package)
- output = output:gsub("$(%w+)", "")
- end
- out:write(output)
- end
- out:write(index_footer_begin)
- for ver in util.lua_versions() do
- out:write((index_manifest_ver:gsub("$VER", ver)))
- end
- out:write(index_footer_end)
- out:close()
-return index
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/argparse.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/argparse.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c2585ddb..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/argparse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2103 +0,0 @@
--- The MIT License (MIT)
--- Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018 Peter Melnichenko
--- 2019 Paul Ouellette
--- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
--- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
--- the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
--- use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
--- the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
--- subject to the following conditions:
--- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
--- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-local function deep_update(t1, t2)
- for k, v in pairs(t2) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- v = deep_update({}, v)
- end
- t1[k] = v
- end
- return t1
--- A property is a tuple {name, callback}.
--- properties.args is number of properties that can be set as arguments
--- when calling an object.
-local function class(prototype, properties, parent)
- -- Class is the metatable of its instances.
- local cl = {}
- cl.__index = cl
- if parent then
- cl.__prototype = deep_update(deep_update({}, parent.__prototype), prototype)
- else
- cl.__prototype = prototype
- end
- if properties then
- local names = {}
- -- Create setter methods and fill set of property names.
- for _, property in ipairs(properties) do
- local name, callback = property[1], property[2]
- cl[name] = function(self, value)
- if not callback(self, value) then
- self["_" .. name] = value
- end
- return self
- end
- names[name] = true
- end
- function cl.__call(self, ...)
- -- When calling an object, if the first argument is a table,
- -- interpret keys as property names, else delegate arguments
- -- to corresponding setters in order.
- if type((...)) == "table" then
- for name, value in pairs((...)) do
- if names[name] then
- self[name](self, value)
- end
- end
- else
- local nargs = select("#", ...)
- for i, property in ipairs(properties) do
- if i > nargs or i > properties.args then
- break
- end
- local arg = select(i, ...)
- if arg ~= nil then
- self[property[1]](self, arg)
- end
- end
- end
- return self
- end
- end
- -- If indexing class fails, fallback to its parent.
- local class_metatable = {}
- class_metatable.__index = parent
- function class_metatable.__call(self, ...)
- -- Calling a class returns its instance.
- -- Arguments are delegated to the instance.
- local object = deep_update({}, self.__prototype)
- setmetatable(object, self)
- return object(...)
- end
- return setmetatable(cl, class_metatable)
-local function typecheck(name, types, value)
- for _, type_ in ipairs(types) do
- if type(value) == type_ then
- return true
- end
- end
- error(("bad property '%s' (%s expected, got %s)"):format(name, table.concat(types, " or "), type(value)))
-local function typechecked(name, ...)
- local types = {...}
- return {name, function(_, value) typecheck(name, types, value) end}
-local multiname = {"name", function(self, value)
- typecheck("name", {"string"}, value)
- for alias in value:gmatch("%S+") do
- self._name = self._name or alias
- table.insert(self._aliases, alias)
- table.insert(self._public_aliases, alias)
- -- If alias contains '_', accept '-' also.
- if alias:find("_", 1, true) then
- table.insert(self._aliases, (alias:gsub("_", "-")))
- end
- end
- -- Do not set _name as with other properties.
- return true
-local multiname_hidden = {"hidden_name", function(self, value)
- typecheck("hidden_name", {"string"}, value)
- for alias in value:gmatch("%S+") do
- table.insert(self._aliases, alias)
- if alias:find("_", 1, true) then
- table.insert(self._aliases, (alias:gsub("_", "-")))
- end
- end
- return true
-local function parse_boundaries(str)
- if tonumber(str) then
- return tonumber(str), tonumber(str)
- end
- if str == "*" then
- return 0, math.huge
- end
- if str == "+" then
- return 1, math.huge
- end
- if str == "?" then
- return 0, 1
- end
- if str:match "^%d+%-%d+$" then
- local min, max = str:match "^(%d+)%-(%d+)$"
- return tonumber(min), tonumber(max)
- end
- if str:match "^%d+%+$" then
- local min = str:match "^(%d+)%+$"
- return tonumber(min), math.huge
- end
-local function boundaries(name)
- return {name, function(self, value)
- typecheck(name, {"number", "string"}, value)
- local min, max = parse_boundaries(value)
- if not min then
- error(("bad property '%s'"):format(name))
- end
- self["_min" .. name], self["_max" .. name] = min, max
- end}
-local actions = {}
-local option_action = {"action", function(_, value)
- typecheck("action", {"function", "string"}, value)
- if type(value) == "string" and not actions[value] then
- error(("unknown action '%s'"):format(value))
- end
-local option_init = {"init", function(self)
- self._has_init = true
-local option_default = {"default", function(self, value)
- if type(value) ~= "string" then
- self._init = value
- self._has_init = true
- return true
- end
-local add_help = {"add_help", function(self, value)
- typecheck("add_help", {"boolean", "string", "table"}, value)
- if self._help_option_idx then
- table.remove(self._options, self._help_option_idx)
- self._help_option_idx = nil
- end
- if value then
- local help = self:flag()
- :description "Show this help message and exit."
- :action(function()
- print(self:get_help())
- os.exit(0)
- end)
- if value ~= true then
- help = help(value)
- end
- if not help._name then
- help "-h" "--help"
- end
- self._help_option_idx = #self._options
- end
-local Parser = class({
- _arguments = {},
- _options = {},
- _commands = {},
- _mutexes = {},
- _groups = {},
- _require_command = true,
- _handle_options = true
-}, {
- args = 3,
- typechecked("name", "string"),
- typechecked("description", "string"),
- typechecked("epilog", "string"),
- typechecked("usage", "string"),
- typechecked("help", "string"),
- typechecked("require_command", "boolean"),
- typechecked("handle_options", "boolean"),
- typechecked("action", "function"),
- typechecked("command_target", "string"),
- typechecked("help_vertical_space", "number"),
- typechecked("usage_margin", "number"),
- typechecked("usage_max_width", "number"),
- typechecked("help_usage_margin", "number"),
- typechecked("help_description_margin", "number"),
- typechecked("help_max_width", "number"),
- add_help
-local Command = class({
- _aliases = {},
- _public_aliases = {}
-}, {
- args = 3,
- multiname,
- typechecked("description", "string"),
- typechecked("epilog", "string"),
- multiname_hidden,
- typechecked("summary", "string"),
- typechecked("target", "string"),
- typechecked("usage", "string"),
- typechecked("help", "string"),
- typechecked("require_command", "boolean"),
- typechecked("handle_options", "boolean"),
- typechecked("action", "function"),
- typechecked("command_target", "string"),
- typechecked("help_vertical_space", "number"),
- typechecked("usage_margin", "number"),
- typechecked("usage_max_width", "number"),
- typechecked("help_usage_margin", "number"),
- typechecked("help_description_margin", "number"),
- typechecked("help_max_width", "number"),
- typechecked("hidden", "boolean"),
- add_help
-}, Parser)
-local Argument = class({
- _minargs = 1,
- _maxargs = 1,
- _mincount = 1,
- _maxcount = 1,
- _defmode = "unused",
- _show_default = true
-}, {
- args = 5,
- typechecked("name", "string"),
- typechecked("description", "string"),
- option_default,
- typechecked("convert", "function", "table"),
- boundaries("args"),
- typechecked("target", "string"),
- typechecked("defmode", "string"),
- typechecked("show_default", "boolean"),
- typechecked("argname", "string", "table"),
- typechecked("choices", "table"),
- typechecked("hidden", "boolean"),
- option_action,
- option_init
-local Option = class({
- _aliases = {},
- _public_aliases = {},
- _mincount = 0,
- _overwrite = true
-}, {
- args = 6,
- multiname,
- typechecked("description", "string"),
- option_default,
- typechecked("convert", "function", "table"),
- boundaries("args"),
- boundaries("count"),
- multiname_hidden,
- typechecked("target", "string"),
- typechecked("defmode", "string"),
- typechecked("show_default", "boolean"),
- typechecked("overwrite", "boolean"),
- typechecked("argname", "string", "table"),
- typechecked("choices", "table"),
- typechecked("hidden", "boolean"),
- option_action,
- option_init
-}, Argument)
-function Parser:_inherit_property(name, default)
- local element = self
- while true do
- local value = element["_" .. name]
- if value ~= nil then
- return value
- end
- if not element._parent then
- return default
- end
- element = element._parent
- end
-function Argument:_get_argument_list()
- local buf = {}
- local i = 1
- while i <= math.min(self._minargs, 3) do
- local argname = self:_get_argname(i)
- if self._default and self._defmode:find "a" then
- argname = "[" .. argname .. "]"
- end
- table.insert(buf, argname)
- i = i+1
- end
- while i <= math.min(self._maxargs, 3) do
- table.insert(buf, "[" .. self:_get_argname(i) .. "]")
- i = i+1
- if self._maxargs == math.huge then
- break
- end
- end
- if i < self._maxargs then
- table.insert(buf, "...")
- end
- return buf
-function Argument:_get_usage()
- local usage = table.concat(self:_get_argument_list(), " ")
- if self._default and self._defmode:find "u" then
- if self._maxargs > 1 or (self._minargs == 1 and not self._defmode:find "a") then
- usage = "[" .. usage .. "]"
- end
- end
- return usage
-function actions.store_true(result, target)
- result[target] = true
-function actions.store_false(result, target)
- result[target] = false
-function actions.store(result, target, argument)
- result[target] = argument
-function actions.count(result, target, _, overwrite)
- if not overwrite then
- result[target] = result[target] + 1
- end
-function actions.append(result, target, argument, overwrite)
- result[target] = result[target] or {}
- table.insert(result[target], argument)
- if overwrite then
- table.remove(result[target], 1)
- end
-function actions.concat(result, target, arguments, overwrite)
- if overwrite then
- error("'concat' action can't handle too many invocations")
- end
- result[target] = result[target] or {}
- for _, argument in ipairs(arguments) do
- table.insert(result[target], argument)
- end
-function Argument:_get_action()
- local action, init
- if self._maxcount == 1 then
- if self._maxargs == 0 then
- action, init = "store_true", nil
- else
- action, init = "store", nil
- end
- else
- if self._maxargs == 0 then
- action, init = "count", 0
- else
- action, init = "append", {}
- end
- end
- if self._action then
- action = self._action
- end
- if self._has_init then
- init = self._init
- end
- if type(action) == "string" then
- action = actions[action]
- end
- return action, init
--- Returns placeholder for `narg`-th argument.
-function Argument:_get_argname(narg)
- local argname = self._argname or self:_get_default_argname()
- if type(argname) == "table" then
- return argname[narg]
- else
- return argname
- end
-function Argument:_get_choices_list()
- return "{" .. table.concat(self._choices, ",") .. "}"
-function Argument:_get_default_argname()
- if self._choices then
- return self:_get_choices_list()
- else
- return "<" .. self._name .. ">"
- end
-function Option:_get_default_argname()
- if self._choices then
- return self:_get_choices_list()
- else
- return "<" .. self:_get_default_target() .. ">"
- end
--- Returns labels to be shown in the help message.
-function Argument:_get_label_lines()
- if self._choices then
- return {self:_get_choices_list()}
- else
- return {self._name}
- end
-function Option:_get_label_lines()
- local argument_list = self:_get_argument_list()
- if #argument_list == 0 then
- -- Don't put aliases for simple flags like `-h` on different lines.
- return {table.concat(self._public_aliases, ", ")}
- end
- local longest_alias_length = -1
- for _, alias in ipairs(self._public_aliases) do
- longest_alias_length = math.max(longest_alias_length, #alias)
- end
- local argument_list_repr = table.concat(argument_list, " ")
- local lines = {}
- for i, alias in ipairs(self._public_aliases) do
- local line = (" "):rep(longest_alias_length - #alias) .. alias .. " " .. argument_list_repr
- if i ~= #self._public_aliases then
- line = line .. ","
- end
- table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- return lines
-function Command:_get_label_lines()
- return {table.concat(self._public_aliases, ", ")}
-function Argument:_get_description()
- if self._default and self._show_default then
- if self._description then
- return ("%s (default: %s)"):format(self._description, self._default)
- else
- return ("default: %s"):format(self._default)
- end
- else
- return self._description or ""
- end
-function Command:_get_description()
- return self._summary or self._description or ""
-function Option:_get_usage()
- local usage = self:_get_argument_list()
- table.insert(usage, 1, self._name)
- usage = table.concat(usage, " ")
- if self._mincount == 0 or self._default then
- usage = "[" .. usage .. "]"
- end
- return usage
-function Argument:_get_default_target()
- return self._name
-function Option:_get_default_target()
- local res
- for _, alias in ipairs(self._public_aliases) do
- if alias:sub(1, 1) == alias:sub(2, 2) then
- res = alias:sub(3)
- break
- end
- end
- res = res or self._name:sub(2)
- return (res:gsub("-", "_"))
-function Option:_is_vararg()
- return self._maxargs ~= self._minargs
-function Parser:_get_fullname(exclude_root)
- local parent = self._parent
- if exclude_root and not parent then
- return ""
- end
- local buf = {self._name}
- while parent do
- if not exclude_root or parent._parent then
- table.insert(buf, 1, parent._name)
- end
- parent = parent._parent
- end
- return table.concat(buf, " ")
-function Parser:_update_charset(charset)
- charset = charset or {}
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- command:_update_charset(charset)
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
- charset[alias:sub(1, 1)] = true
- end
- end
- return charset
-function Parser:argument(...)
- local argument = Argument(...)
- table.insert(self._arguments, argument)
- return argument
-function Parser:option(...)
- local option = Option(...)
- table.insert(self._options, option)
- return option
-function Parser:flag(...)
- return self:option():args(0)(...)
-function Parser:command(...)
- local command = Command():add_help(true)(...)
- command._parent = self
- table.insert(self._commands, command)
- return command
-function Parser:mutex(...)
- local elements = {...}
- for i, element in ipairs(elements) do
- local mt = getmetatable(element)
- assert(mt == Option or mt == Argument, ("bad argument #%d to 'mutex' (Option or Argument expected)"):format(i))
- end
- table.insert(self._mutexes, elements)
- return self
-function Parser:group(name, ...)
- assert(type(name) == "string", ("bad argument #1 to 'group' (string expected, got %s)"):format(type(name)))
- local group = {name = name, ...}
- for i, element in ipairs(group) do
- local mt = getmetatable(element)
- assert(mt == Option or mt == Argument or mt == Command,
- ("bad argument #%d to 'group' (Option or Argument or Command expected)"):format(i + 1))
- end
- table.insert(self._groups, group)
- return self
-local usage_welcome = "Usage: "
-function Parser:get_usage()
- if self._usage then
- return self._usage
- end
- local usage_margin = self:_inherit_property("usage_margin", #usage_welcome)
- local max_usage_width = self:_inherit_property("usage_max_width", 70)
- local lines = {usage_welcome .. self:_get_fullname()}
- local function add(s)
- if #lines[#lines]+1+#s <= max_usage_width then
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. " " .. s
- else
- lines[#lines+1] = (" "):rep(usage_margin) .. s
- end
- end
- -- Normally options are before positional arguments in usage messages.
- -- However, vararg options should be after, because they can't be reliable used
- -- before a positional argument.
- -- Mutexes come into play, too, and are shown as soon as possible.
- -- Overall, output usages in the following order:
- -- 1. Mutexes that don't have positional arguments or vararg options.
- -- 2. Options that are not in any mutexes and are not vararg.
- -- 3. Positional arguments - on their own or as a part of a mutex.
- -- 4. Remaining mutexes.
- -- 5. Remaining options.
- local elements_in_mutexes = {}
- local added_elements = {}
- local added_mutexes = {}
- local argument_to_mutexes = {}
- local function add_mutex(mutex, main_argument)
- if added_mutexes[mutex] then
- return
- end
- added_mutexes[mutex] = true
- local buf = {}
- for _, element in ipairs(mutex) do
- if not element._hidden and not added_elements[element] then
- if getmetatable(element) == Option or element == main_argument then
- table.insert(buf, element:_get_usage())
- added_elements[element] = true
- end
- end
- end
- if #buf == 1 then
- add(buf[1])
- elseif #buf > 1 then
- add("(" .. table.concat(buf, " | ") .. ")")
- end
- end
- local function add_element(element)
- if not element._hidden and not added_elements[element] then
- add(element:_get_usage())
- added_elements[element] = true
- end
- end
- for _, mutex in ipairs(self._mutexes) do
- local is_vararg = false
- local has_argument = false
- for _, element in ipairs(mutex) do
- if getmetatable(element) == Option then
- if element:_is_vararg() then
- is_vararg = true
- end
- else
- has_argument = true
- argument_to_mutexes[element] = argument_to_mutexes[element] or {}
- table.insert(argument_to_mutexes[element], mutex)
- end
- elements_in_mutexes[element] = true
- end
- if not is_vararg and not has_argument then
- add_mutex(mutex)
- end
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- if not elements_in_mutexes[option] and not option:_is_vararg() then
- add_element(option)
- end
- end
- -- Add usages for positional arguments, together with one mutex containing them, if they are in a mutex.
- for _, argument in ipairs(self._arguments) do
- -- Pick a mutex as a part of which to show this argument, take the first one that's still available.
- local mutex
- if elements_in_mutexes[argument] then
- for _, argument_mutex in ipairs(argument_to_mutexes[argument]) do
- if not added_mutexes[argument_mutex] then
- mutex = argument_mutex
- end
- end
- end
- if mutex then
- add_mutex(mutex, argument)
- else
- add_element(argument)
- end
- end
- for _, mutex in ipairs(self._mutexes) do
- add_mutex(mutex)
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- add_element(option)
- end
- if #self._commands > 0 then
- if self._require_command then
- add("")
- else
- add("[]")
- end
- add("...")
- end
- return table.concat(lines, "\n")
-local function split_lines(s)
- if s == "" then
- return {}
- end
- local lines = {}
- if s:sub(-1) ~= "\n" then
- s = s .. "\n"
- end
- for line in s:gmatch("([^\n]*)\n") do
- table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- return lines
-local function autowrap_line(line, max_length)
- -- Algorithm for splitting lines is simple and greedy.
- local result_lines = {}
- -- Preserve original indentation of the line, put this at the beginning of each result line.
- -- If the first word looks like a list marker ('*', '+', or '-'), add spaces so that starts
- -- of the second and the following lines vertically align with the start of the second word.
- local indentation = line:match("^ *")
- if line:find("^ *[%*%+%-]") then
- indentation = indentation .. " " .. line:match("^ *[%*%+%-]( *)")
- end
- -- Parts of the last line being assembled.
- local line_parts = {}
- -- Length of the current line.
- local line_length = 0
- -- Index of the next character to consider.
- local index = 1
- while true do
- local word_start, word_finish, word = line:find("([^ ]+)", index)
- if not word_start then
- -- Ignore trailing spaces, if any.
- break
- end
- local preceding_spaces = line:sub(index, word_start - 1)
- index = word_finish + 1
- if (#line_parts == 0) or (line_length + #preceding_spaces + #word <= max_length) then
- -- Either this is the very first word or it fits as an addition to the current line, add it.
- table.insert(line_parts, preceding_spaces) -- For the very first word this adds the indentation.
- table.insert(line_parts, word)
- line_length = line_length + #preceding_spaces + #word
- else
- -- Does not fit, finish current line and put the word into a new one.
- table.insert(result_lines, table.concat(line_parts))
- line_parts = {indentation, word}
- line_length = #indentation + #word
- end
- end
- if #line_parts > 0 then
- table.insert(result_lines, table.concat(line_parts))
- end
- if #result_lines == 0 then
- -- Preserve empty lines.
- result_lines[1] = ""
- end
- return result_lines
--- Automatically wraps lines within given array,
--- attempting to limit line length to `max_length`.
--- Existing line splits are preserved.
-local function autowrap(lines, max_length)
- local result_lines = {}
- for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
- local autowrapped_lines = autowrap_line(line, max_length)
- for _, autowrapped_line in ipairs(autowrapped_lines) do
- table.insert(result_lines, autowrapped_line)
- end
- end
- return result_lines
-function Parser:_get_element_help(element)
- local label_lines = element:_get_label_lines()
- local description_lines = split_lines(element:_get_description())
- local result_lines = {}
- -- All label lines should have the same length (except the last one, it has no comma).
- -- If too long, start description after all the label lines.
- -- Otherwise, combine label and description lines.
- local usage_margin_len = self:_inherit_property("help_usage_margin", 3)
- local usage_margin = (" "):rep(usage_margin_len)
- local description_margin_len = self:_inherit_property("help_description_margin", 25)
- local description_margin = (" "):rep(description_margin_len)
- local help_max_width = self:_inherit_property("help_max_width")
- if help_max_width then
- local description_max_width = math.max(help_max_width - description_margin_len, 10)
- description_lines = autowrap(description_lines, description_max_width)
- end
- if #label_lines[1] >= (description_margin_len - usage_margin_len) then
- for _, label_line in ipairs(label_lines) do
- table.insert(result_lines, usage_margin .. label_line)
- end
- for _, description_line in ipairs(description_lines) do
- table.insert(result_lines, description_margin .. description_line)
- end
- else
- for i = 1, math.max(#label_lines, #description_lines) do
- local label_line = label_lines[i]
- local description_line = description_lines[i]
- local line = ""
- if label_line then
- line = usage_margin .. label_line
- end
- if description_line and description_line ~= "" then
- line = line .. (" "):rep(description_margin_len - #line) .. description_line
- end
- table.insert(result_lines, line)
- end
- end
- return table.concat(result_lines, "\n")
-local function get_group_types(group)
- local types = {}
- for _, element in ipairs(group) do
- types[getmetatable(element)] = true
- end
- return types
-function Parser:_add_group_help(blocks, added_elements, label, elements)
- local buf = {label}
- for _, element in ipairs(elements) do
- if not element._hidden and not added_elements[element] then
- added_elements[element] = true
- table.insert(buf, self:_get_element_help(element))
- end
- end
- if #buf > 1 then
- table.insert(blocks, table.concat(buf, ("\n"):rep(self:_inherit_property("help_vertical_space", 0) + 1)))
- end
-function Parser:get_help()
- if self._help then
- return self._help
- end
- local blocks = {self:get_usage()}
- local help_max_width = self:_inherit_property("help_max_width")
- if self._description then
- local description = self._description
- if help_max_width then
- description = table.concat(autowrap(split_lines(description), help_max_width), "\n")
- end
- table.insert(blocks, description)
- end
- -- 1. Put groups containing arguments first, then other arguments.
- -- 2. Put remaining groups containing options, then other options.
- -- 3. Put remaining groups containing commands, then other commands.
- -- Assume that an element can't be in several groups.
- local groups_by_type = {
- [Argument] = {},
- [Option] = {},
- [Command] = {}
- }
- for _, group in ipairs(self._groups) do
- local group_types = get_group_types(group)
- for _, mt in ipairs({Argument, Option, Command}) do
- if group_types[mt] then
- table.insert(groups_by_type[mt], group)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local default_groups = {
- {name = "Arguments", type = Argument, elements = self._arguments},
- {name = "Options", type = Option, elements = self._options},
- {name = "Commands", type = Command, elements = self._commands}
- }
- local added_elements = {}
- for _, default_group in ipairs(default_groups) do
- local type_groups = groups_by_type[default_group.type]
- for _, group in ipairs(type_groups) do
- self:_add_group_help(blocks, added_elements, group.name .. ":", group)
- end
- local default_label = default_group.name .. ":"
- if #type_groups > 0 then
- default_label = "Other " .. default_label:gsub("^.", string.lower)
- end
- self:_add_group_help(blocks, added_elements, default_label, default_group.elements)
- end
- if self._epilog then
- local epilog = self._epilog
- if help_max_width then
- epilog = table.concat(autowrap(split_lines(epilog), help_max_width), "\n")
- end
- table.insert(blocks, epilog)
- end
- return table.concat(blocks, "\n\n")
-function Parser:add_help_command(value)
- if value then
- assert(type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "table",
- ("bad argument #1 to 'add_help_command' (string or table expected, got %s)"):format(type(value)))
- end
- local help = self:command()
- :description "Show help for commands."
- help:argument "command"
- :description "The command to show help for."
- :args "?"
- :action(function(_, _, cmd)
- if not cmd then
- print(self:get_help())
- os.exit(0)
- else
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- for _, alias in ipairs(command._aliases) do
- if alias == cmd then
- print(command:get_help())
- os.exit(0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- help:error(("unknown command '%s'"):format(cmd))
- end)
- if value then
- help = help(value)
- end
- if not help._name then
- help "help"
- end
- help._is_help_command = true
- return self
-function Parser:_is_shell_safe()
- if self._basename then
- if self._basename:find("[^%w_%-%+%.]") then
- return false
- end
- else
- for _, alias in ipairs(self._aliases) do
- if alias:find("[^%w_%-%+%.]") then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
- if alias:find("[^%w_%-%+%.]") then
- return false
- end
- end
- if option._choices then
- for _, choice in ipairs(option._choices) do
- if choice:find("[%s'\"]") then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _, argument in ipairs(self._arguments) do
- if argument._choices then
- for _, choice in ipairs(argument._choices) do
- if choice:find("[%s'\"]") then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- if not command:_is_shell_safe() then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
-function Parser:add_complete(value)
- if value then
- assert(type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "table",
- ("bad argument #1 to 'add_complete' (string or table expected, got %s)"):format(type(value)))
- end
- local complete = self:option()
- :description "Output a shell completion script for the specified shell."
- :args(1)
- :choices {"bash", "zsh", "fish"}
- :action(function(_, _, shell)
- io.write(self["get_" .. shell .. "_complete"](self))
- os.exit(0)
- end)
- if value then
- complete = complete(value)
- end
- if not complete._name then
- complete "--completion"
- end
- return self
-function Parser:add_complete_command(value)
- if value then
- assert(type(value) == "string" or type(value) == "table",
- ("bad argument #1 to 'add_complete_command' (string or table expected, got %s)"):format(type(value)))
- end
- local complete = self:command()
- :description "Output a shell completion script."
- complete:argument "shell"
- :description "The shell to output a completion script for."
- :choices {"bash", "zsh", "fish"}
- :action(function(_, _, shell)
- io.write(self["get_" .. shell .. "_complete"](self))
- os.exit(0)
- end)
- if value then
- complete = complete(value)
- end
- if not complete._name then
- complete "completion"
- end
- return self
-local function base_name(pathname)
- return pathname:gsub("[/\\]*$", ""):match(".*[/\\]([^/\\]*)") or pathname
-local function get_short_description(element)
- local short = element:_get_description():match("^(.-)%.%s")
- return short or element:_get_description():match("^(.-)%.?$")
-function Parser:_get_options()
- local options = {}
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
- table.insert(options, alias)
- end
- end
- return table.concat(options, " ")
-function Parser:_get_commands()
- local commands = {}
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- for _, alias in ipairs(command._aliases) do
- table.insert(commands, alias)
- end
- end
- return table.concat(commands, " ")
-function Parser:_bash_option_args(buf, indent)
- local opts = {}
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- if option._choices or option._minargs > 0 then
- local compreply
- if option._choices then
- compreply = 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "' .. table.concat(option._choices, " ") .. '" -- "$cur"))'
- else
- compreply = 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -- "$cur"))'
- end
- table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. table.concat(option._aliases, "|") .. ")")
- table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. compreply)
- table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. "return 0")
- table.insert(opts, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. ";;")
- end
- end
- if #opts > 0 then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. 'case "$prev" in')
- table.insert(buf, table.concat(opts, "\n"))
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "esac\n")
- end
-function Parser:_bash_get_cmd(buf, indent)
- if #self._commands == 0 then
- return
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. 'args=("${args[@]:1}")')
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. 'for arg in "${args[@]}"; do')
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. 'case "$arg" in')
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. table.concat(command._aliases, "|") .. ")")
- if self._parent then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. 'cmd="$cmd ' .. command._name .. '"')
- else
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. 'cmd="' .. command._name .. '"')
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. 'opts="$opts ' .. command:_get_options() .. '"')
- command:_bash_get_cmd(buf, indent + 12)
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. "break")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. ";;")
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. "esac")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "done")
-function Parser:_bash_cmd_completions(buf)
- local cmd_buf = {}
- if self._parent then
- self:_bash_option_args(cmd_buf, 12)
- end
- if #self._commands > 0 then
- table.insert(cmd_buf, (" "):rep(12) .. 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "' .. self:_get_commands() .. '" -- "$cur"))')
- elseif self._is_help_command then
- table.insert(cmd_buf, (" "):rep(12)
- .. 'COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "'
- .. self._parent:_get_commands()
- .. '" -- "$cur"))')
- end
- if #cmd_buf > 0 then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(8) .. "'" .. self:_get_fullname(true) .. "')")
- table.insert(buf, table.concat(cmd_buf, "\n"))
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(12) .. ";;")
- end
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- command:_bash_cmd_completions(buf)
- end
-function Parser:get_bash_complete()
- self._basename = base_name(self._name)
- assert(self:_is_shell_safe())
- local buf = {([[
-_%s() {
- local IFS=$' \t\n'
- local args cur prev cmd opts arg
- args=("${COMP_WORDS[@]}")
- prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
- opts="%s"
-]]):format(self._basename, self:_get_options())}
- self:_bash_option_args(buf, 4)
- self:_bash_get_cmd(buf, 4)
- if #self._commands > 0 then
- table.insert(buf, "")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(4) .. 'case "$cmd" in')
- self:_bash_cmd_completions(buf)
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(4) .. "esac\n")
- end
- table.insert(buf, ([=[
- if [[ "$cur" = -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$opts" -- "$cur"))
- fi
-complete -F _%s -o bashdefault -o default %s
-]=]):format(self._basename, self._basename))
- return table.concat(buf, "\n")
-function Parser:_zsh_arguments(buf, cmd_name, indent)
- if self._parent then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "options=(")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. "$options")
- else
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "local -a options=(")
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- local line = {}
- if #option._aliases > 1 then
- if option._maxcount > 1 then
- table.insert(line, '"*"')
- end
- table.insert(line, "{" .. table.concat(option._aliases, ",") .. '}"')
- else
- table.insert(line, '"')
- if option._maxcount > 1 then
- table.insert(line, "*")
- end
- table.insert(line, option._name)
- end
- if option._description then
- local description = get_short_description(option):gsub('["%]:`$]', "\\%0")
- table.insert(line, "[" .. description .. "]")
- end
- if option._maxargs == math.huge then
- table.insert(line, ":*")
- end
- if option._choices then
- table.insert(line, ": :(" .. table.concat(option._choices, " ") .. ")")
- elseif option._maxargs > 0 then
- table.insert(line, ": :_files")
- end
- table.insert(line, '"')
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. table.concat(line))
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. ")")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "_arguments -s -S \\")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. "$options \\")
- if self._is_help_command then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '": :(' .. self._parent:_get_commands() .. ')" \\')
- else
- for _, argument in ipairs(self._arguments) do
- local spec
- if argument._choices then
- spec = ": :(" .. table.concat(argument._choices, " ") .. ")"
- else
- spec = ": :_files"
- end
- if argument._maxargs == math.huge then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '"*' .. spec .. '" \\')
- break
- end
- for _ = 1, argument._maxargs do
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '"' .. spec .. '" \\')
- end
- end
- if #self._commands > 0 then
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '": :_' .. cmd_name .. '_cmds" \\')
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. '"*:: :->args" \\')
- end
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. "&& return 0")
-function Parser:_zsh_cmds(buf, cmd_name)
- table.insert(buf, "\n_" .. cmd_name .. "_cmds() {")
- table.insert(buf, " local -a commands=(")
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- local line = {}
- if #command._aliases > 1 then
- table.insert(line, "{" .. table.concat(command._aliases, ",") .. '}"')
- else
- table.insert(line, '"' .. command._name)
- end
- if command._description then
- table.insert(line, ":" .. get_short_description(command):gsub('["`$]', "\\%0"))
- end
- table.insert(buf, " " .. table.concat(line) .. '"')
- end
- table.insert(buf, ' )\n _describe "command" commands\n}')
-function Parser:_zsh_complete_help(buf, cmds_buf, cmd_name, indent)
- if #self._commands == 0 then
- return
- end
- self:_zsh_cmds(cmds_buf, cmd_name)
- table.insert(buf, "\n" .. (" "):rep(indent) .. "case $words[1] in")
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- local name = cmd_name .. "_" .. command._name
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 2) .. table.concat(command._aliases, "|") .. ")")
- command:_zsh_arguments(buf, name, indent + 4)
- command:_zsh_complete_help(buf, cmds_buf, name, indent + 4)
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. ";;\n")
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "esac")
-function Parser:get_zsh_complete()
- self._basename = base_name(self._name)
- assert(self:_is_shell_safe())
- local buf = {("#compdef %s\n"):format(self._basename)}
- local cmds_buf = {}
- table.insert(buf, "_" .. self._basename .. "() {")
- if #self._commands > 0 then
- table.insert(buf, " local context state state_descr line")
- table.insert(buf, " typeset -A opt_args\n")
- end
- self:_zsh_arguments(buf, self._basename, 2)
- self:_zsh_complete_help(buf, cmds_buf, self._basename, 2)
- table.insert(buf, "\n return 1")
- table.insert(buf, "}")
- local result = table.concat(buf, "\n")
- if #cmds_buf > 0 then
- result = result .. "\n" .. table.concat(cmds_buf, "\n")
- end
- return result .. "\n\n_" .. self._basename .. "\n"
-local function fish_escape(string)
- return string:gsub("[\\']", "\\%0")
-function Parser:_fish_get_cmd(buf, indent)
- if #self._commands == 0 then
- return
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "set -e cmdline[1]")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "for arg in $cmdline")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. "switch $arg")
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 8) .. "case " .. table.concat(command._aliases, " "))
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. "set cmd $cmd " .. command._name)
- command:_fish_get_cmd(buf, indent + 12)
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 12) .. "break")
- end
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent + 4) .. "end")
- table.insert(buf, (" "):rep(indent) .. "end")
-function Parser:_fish_complete_help(buf, basename)
- local prefix = "complete -c " .. basename
- table.insert(buf, "")
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- local aliases = table.concat(command._aliases, " ")
- local line
- if self._parent then
- line = ("%s -n '__fish_%s_using_command %s' -xa '%s'")
- :format(prefix, basename, self:_get_fullname(true), aliases)
- else
- line = ("%s -n '__fish_%s_using_command' -xa '%s'"):format(prefix, basename, aliases)
- end
- if command._description then
- line = ("%s -d '%s'"):format(line, fish_escape(get_short_description(command)))
- end
- table.insert(buf, line)
- end
- if self._is_help_command then
- local line = ("%s -n '__fish_%s_using_command %s' -xa '%s'")
- :format(prefix, basename, self:_get_fullname(true), self._parent:_get_commands())
- table.insert(buf, line)
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self._options) do
- local parts = {prefix}
- if self._parent then
- table.insert(parts, "-n '__fish_" .. basename .. "_seen_command " .. self:_get_fullname(true) .. "'")
- end
- for _, alias in ipairs(option._aliases) do
- if alias:match("^%-.$") then
- table.insert(parts, "-s " .. alias:sub(2))
- elseif alias:match("^%-%-.+") then
- table.insert(parts, "-l " .. alias:sub(3))
- end
- end
- if option._choices then
- table.insert(parts, "-xa '" .. table.concat(option._choices, " ") .. "'")
- elseif option._minargs > 0 then
- table.insert(parts, "-r")
- end
- if option._description then
- table.insert(parts, "-d '" .. fish_escape(get_short_description(option)) .. "'")
- end
- table.insert(buf, table.concat(parts, " "))
- end
- for _, command in ipairs(self._commands) do
- command:_fish_complete_help(buf, basename)
- end
-function Parser:get_fish_complete()
- self._basename = base_name(self._name)
- assert(self:_is_shell_safe())
- local buf = {}
- if #self._commands > 0 then
- table.insert(buf, ([[
-function __fish_%s_print_command
- set -l cmdline (commandline -poc)
- set -l cmd]]):format(self._basename))
- self:_fish_get_cmd(buf, 4)
- table.insert(buf, ([[
- echo "$cmd"
-function __fish_%s_using_command
- test (__fish_%s_print_command) = "$argv"
- and return 0
- or return 1
-function __fish_%s_seen_command
- string match -q "$argv*" (__fish_%s_print_command)
- and return 0
- or return 1
-end]]):format(self._basename, self._basename, self._basename, self._basename))
- end
- self:_fish_complete_help(buf, self._basename)
- return table.concat(buf, "\n") .. "\n"
-local function get_tip(context, wrong_name)
- local context_pool = {}
- local possible_name
- local possible_names = {}
- for name in pairs(context) do
- if type(name) == "string" then
- for i = 1, #name do
- possible_name = name:sub(1, i - 1) .. name:sub(i + 1)
- if not context_pool[possible_name] then
- context_pool[possible_name] = {}
- end
- table.insert(context_pool[possible_name], name)
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #wrong_name + 1 do
- possible_name = wrong_name:sub(1, i - 1) .. wrong_name:sub(i + 1)
- if context[possible_name] then
- possible_names[possible_name] = true
- elseif context_pool[possible_name] then
- for _, name in ipairs(context_pool[possible_name]) do
- possible_names[name] = true
- end
- end
- end
- local first = next(possible_names)
- if first then
- if next(possible_names, first) then
- local possible_names_arr = {}
- for name in pairs(possible_names) do
- table.insert(possible_names_arr, "'" .. name .. "'")
- end
- table.sort(possible_names_arr)
- return "\nDid you mean one of these: " .. table.concat(possible_names_arr, " ") .. "?"
- else
- return "\nDid you mean '" .. first .. "'?"
- end
- else
- return ""
- end
-local ElementState = class({
- invocations = 0
-function ElementState:__call(state, element)
- self.state = state
- self.result = state.result
- self.element = element
- self.target = element._target or element:_get_default_target()
- self.action, self.result[self.target] = element:_get_action()
- return self
-function ElementState:error(fmt, ...)
- self.state:error(fmt, ...)
-function ElementState:convert(argument, index)
- local converter = self.element._convert
- if converter then
- local ok, err
- if type(converter) == "function" then
- ok, err = converter(argument)
- elseif type(converter[index]) == "function" then
- ok, err = converter[index](argument)
- else
- ok = converter[argument]
- end
- if ok == nil then
- self:error(err and "%s" or "malformed argument '%s'", err or argument)
- end
- argument = ok
- end
- return argument
-function ElementState:default(mode)
- return self.element._defmode:find(mode) and self.element._default
-local function bound(noun, min, max, is_max)
- local res = ""
- if min ~= max then
- res = "at " .. (is_max and "most" or "least") .. " "
- end
- local number = is_max and max or min
- return res .. tostring(number) .. " " .. noun .. (number == 1 and "" or "s")
-function ElementState:set_name(alias)
- self.name = ("%s '%s'"):format(alias and "option" or "argument", alias or self.element._name)
-function ElementState:invoke()
- self.open = true
- self.overwrite = false
- if self.invocations >= self.element._maxcount then
- if self.element._overwrite then
- self.overwrite = true
- else
- local num_times_repr = bound("time", self.element._mincount, self.element._maxcount, true)
- self:error("%s must be used %s", self.name, num_times_repr)
- end
- else
- self.invocations = self.invocations + 1
- end
- self.args = {}
- if self.element._maxargs <= 0 then
- self:close()
- end
- return self.open
-function ElementState:check_choices(argument)
- if self.element._choices then
- for _, choice in ipairs(self.element._choices) do
- if argument == choice then
- return
- end
- end
- local choices_list = "'" .. table.concat(self.element._choices, "', '") .. "'"
- local is_option = getmetatable(self.element) == Option
- self:error("%s%s must be one of %s", is_option and "argument for " or "", self.name, choices_list)
- end
-function ElementState:pass(argument)
- self:check_choices(argument)
- argument = self:convert(argument, #self.args + 1)
- table.insert(self.args, argument)
- if #self.args >= self.element._maxargs then
- self:close()
- end
- return self.open
-function ElementState:complete_invocation()
- while #self.args < self.element._minargs do
- self:pass(self.element._default)
- end
-function ElementState:close()
- if self.open then
- self.open = false
- if #self.args < self.element._minargs then
- if self:default("a") then
- self:complete_invocation()
- else
- if #self.args == 0 then
- if getmetatable(self.element) == Argument then
- self:error("missing %s", self.name)
- elseif self.element._maxargs == 1 then
- self:error("%s requires an argument", self.name)
- end
- end
- self:error("%s requires %s", self.name, bound("argument", self.element._minargs, self.element._maxargs))
- end
- end
- local args
- if self.element._maxargs == 0 then
- args = self.args[1]
- elseif self.element._maxargs == 1 then
- if self.element._minargs == 0 and self.element._mincount ~= self.element._maxcount then
- args = self.args
- else
- args = self.args[1]
- end
- else
- args = self.args
- end
- self.action(self.result, self.target, args, self.overwrite)
- end
-local ParseState = class({
- result = {},
- options = {},
- arguments = {},
- argument_i = 1,
- element_to_mutexes = {},
- mutex_to_element_state = {},
- command_actions = {}
-function ParseState:__call(parser, error_handler)
- self.parser = parser
- self.error_handler = error_handler
- self.charset = parser:_update_charset()
- self:switch(parser)
- return self
-function ParseState:error(fmt, ...)
- self.error_handler(self.parser, fmt:format(...))
-function ParseState:switch(parser)
- self.parser = parser
- if parser._action then
- table.insert(self.command_actions, {action = parser._action, name = parser._name})
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(parser._options) do
- option = ElementState(self, option)
- table.insert(self.options, option)
- for _, alias in ipairs(option.element._aliases) do
- self.options[alias] = option
- end
- end
- for _, mutex in ipairs(parser._mutexes) do
- for _, element in ipairs(mutex) do
- if not self.element_to_mutexes[element] then
- self.element_to_mutexes[element] = {}
- end
- table.insert(self.element_to_mutexes[element], mutex)
- end
- end
- for _, argument in ipairs(parser._arguments) do
- argument = ElementState(self, argument)
- table.insert(self.arguments, argument)
- argument:set_name()
- argument:invoke()
- end
- self.handle_options = parser._handle_options
- self.argument = self.arguments[self.argument_i]
- self.commands = parser._commands
- for _, command in ipairs(self.commands) do
- for _, alias in ipairs(command._aliases) do
- self.commands[alias] = command
- end
- end
-function ParseState:get_option(name)
- local option = self.options[name]
- if not option then
- self:error("unknown option '%s'%s", name, get_tip(self.options, name))
- else
- return option
- end
-function ParseState:get_command(name)
- local command = self.commands[name]
- if not command then
- if #self.commands > 0 then
- self:error("unknown command '%s'%s", name, get_tip(self.commands, name))
- else
- self:error("too many arguments")
- end
- else
- return command
- end
-function ParseState:check_mutexes(element_state)
- if self.element_to_mutexes[element_state.element] then
- for _, mutex in ipairs(self.element_to_mutexes[element_state.element]) do
- local used_element_state = self.mutex_to_element_state[mutex]
- if used_element_state and used_element_state ~= element_state then
- self:error("%s can not be used together with %s", element_state.name, used_element_state.name)
- else
- self.mutex_to_element_state[mutex] = element_state
- end
- end
- end
-function ParseState:invoke(option, name)
- self:close()
- option:set_name(name)
- self:check_mutexes(option, name)
- if option:invoke() then
- self.option = option
- end
-function ParseState:pass(arg)
- if self.option then
- if not self.option:pass(arg) then
- self.option = nil
- end
- elseif self.argument then
- self:check_mutexes(self.argument)
- if not self.argument:pass(arg) then
- self.argument_i = self.argument_i + 1
- self.argument = self.arguments[self.argument_i]
- end
- else
- local command = self:get_command(arg)
- self.result[command._target or command._name] = true
- if self.parser._command_target then
- self.result[self.parser._command_target] = command._name
- end
- self:switch(command)
- end
-function ParseState:close()
- if self.option then
- self.option:close()
- self.option = nil
- end
-function ParseState:finalize()
- self:close()
- for i = self.argument_i, #self.arguments do
- local argument = self.arguments[i]
- if #argument.args == 0 and argument:default("u") then
- argument:complete_invocation()
- else
- argument:close()
- end
- end
- if self.parser._require_command and #self.commands > 0 then
- self:error("a command is required")
- end
- for _, option in ipairs(self.options) do
- option.name = option.name or ("option '%s'"):format(option.element._name)
- if option.invocations == 0 then
- if option:default("u") then
- option:invoke()
- option:complete_invocation()
- option:close()
- end
- end
- local mincount = option.element._mincount
- if option.invocations < mincount then
- if option:default("a") then
- while option.invocations < mincount do
- option:invoke()
- option:close()
- end
- elseif option.invocations == 0 then
- self:error("missing %s", option.name)
- else
- self:error("%s must be used %s", option.name, bound("time", mincount, option.element._maxcount))
- end
- end
- end
- for i = #self.command_actions, 1, -1 do
- self.command_actions[i].action(self.result, self.command_actions[i].name)
- end
-function ParseState:parse(args)
- for _, arg in ipairs(args) do
- local plain = true
- if self.handle_options then
- local first = arg:sub(1, 1)
- if self.charset[first] then
- if #arg > 1 then
- plain = false
- if arg:sub(2, 2) == first then
- if #arg == 2 then
- if self.options[arg] then
- local option = self:get_option(arg)
- self:invoke(option, arg)
- else
- self:close()
- end
- self.handle_options = false
- else
- local equals = arg:find "="
- if equals then
- local name = arg:sub(1, equals - 1)
- local option = self:get_option(name)
- if option.element._maxargs <= 0 then
- self:error("option '%s' does not take arguments", name)
- end
- self:invoke(option, name)
- self:pass(arg:sub(equals + 1))
- else
- local option = self:get_option(arg)
- self:invoke(option, arg)
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 2, #arg do
- local name = first .. arg:sub(i, i)
- local option = self:get_option(name)
- self:invoke(option, name)
- if i ~= #arg and option.element._maxargs > 0 then
- self:pass(arg:sub(i + 1))
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if plain then
- self:pass(arg)
- end
- end
- self:finalize()
- return self.result
-function Parser:error(msg)
- io.stderr:write(("%s\n\nError: %s\n"):format(self:get_usage(), msg))
- os.exit(1)
--- Compatibility with strict.lua and other checkers:
-local default_cmdline = rawget(_G, "arg") or {}
-function Parser:_parse(args, error_handler)
- return ParseState(self, error_handler):parse(args or default_cmdline)
-function Parser:parse(args)
- return self:_parse(args, self.error)
-local function xpcall_error_handler(err)
- if not debug then
- return tostring(err)
- end
- return tostring(err) .. "\noriginal " .. debug.traceback("", 2):sub(2)
-function Parser:pparse(args)
- local parse_error
- local ok, result = xpcall(function()
- return self:_parse(args, function(_, err)
- parse_error = err
- error(err, 0)
- end)
- end, xpcall_error_handler)
- if ok then
- return true, result
- elseif not parse_error then
- error(result, 0)
- else
- return false, parse_error
- end
-local argparse = {}
-argparse.version = "0.7.0"
-setmetatable(argparse, {__call = function(_, ...)
- return Parser(default_cmdline[0]):add_help(true)(...)
-return argparse
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b82174b0..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-local build = {}
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local deplocks = require("luarocks.deplocks")
-build.opts = util.opts_table("build.opts", {
- need_to_fetch = "boolean",
- minimal_mode = "boolean",
- deps_mode = "string",
- build_only_deps = "boolean",
- namespace = "string?",
- branch = "string?",
- verify = "boolean",
- check_lua_versions = "boolean",
- pin = "boolean",
- no_install = "boolean"
- --- Write to the current directory the contents of a table,
- -- where each key is a file name and its value is the file content.
- -- @param files table: The table of files to be written.
- local function extract_from_rockspec(files)
- for name, content in pairs(files) do
- local fd = io.open(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), name), "w+")
- fd:write(content)
- fd:close()
- end
- end
- --- Applies patches inlined in the build.patches section
- -- and extracts files inlined in the build.extra_files section
- -- of a rockspec.
- -- @param rockspec table: A rockspec table.
- -- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded or
- -- nil and an error message.
- function build.apply_patches(rockspec)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- if not (rockspec.build.extra_files or rockspec.build.patches) then
- return true
- end
- local fd = io.open(fs.absolute_name(".luarocks.patches.applied"), "r")
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true
- end
- if rockspec.build.extra_files then
- extract_from_rockspec(rockspec.build.extra_files)
- end
- if rockspec.build.patches then
- extract_from_rockspec(rockspec.build.patches)
- for patch, patchdata in util.sortedpairs(rockspec.build.patches) do
- util.printout("Applying patch "..patch.."...")
- local create_delete = rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0")
- local ok, err = fs.apply_patch(tostring(patch), patchdata, create_delete)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed applying patch "..patch
- end
- end
- end
- fd = io.open(fs.absolute_name(".luarocks.patches.applied"), "w")
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- end
- return true
- end
-local function check_macosx_deployment_target(rockspec)
- local target = rockspec.build.macosx_deployment_target
- local function patch_variable(var)
- if rockspec.variables[var]:match("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET") then
- rockspec.variables[var] = (rockspec.variables[var]):gsub("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=[^ ]*", "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="..target)
- else
- rockspec.variables[var] = "env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="..target.." "..rockspec.variables[var]
- end
- end
- if cfg.is_platform("macosx") and rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") and target then
- local version = util.popen_read("sw_vers -productVersion")
- if version:match("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+$") or version:match("^%d+%.%d+$") then
- if vers.compare_versions(target, version) then
- return nil, ("This rock requires Mac OSX %s, and you are running %s."):format(target, version)
- end
- end
- patch_variable("CC")
- patch_variable("LD")
- end
- return true
-local function process_dependencies(rockspec, opts)
- if not opts.build_only_deps then
- local ok, err, errcode = deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, "build")
- if err then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- end
- local ok, err, errcode = deps.check_lua_incdir(rockspec.variables)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- if cfg.link_lua_explicitly then
- local ok, err, errcode = deps.check_lua_libdir(rockspec.variables)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- end
- if opts.deps_mode == "none" then
- return true
- end
- if not opts.build_only_deps then
- if next(rockspec.build_dependencies) then
- local ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, "build_dependencies", opts.deps_mode, opts.verify)
- if err then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- end
- end
- ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, "dependencies", opts.deps_mode, opts.verify)
- if err then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- return true
-local function fetch_and_change_to_source_dir(rockspec, opts)
- if opts.minimal_mode or opts.build_only_deps then
- return true
- end
- if opts.need_to_fetch then
- if opts.branch then
- rockspec.source.branch = opts.branch
- end
- local ok, source_dir, errcode = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, true)
- if not ok then
- return nil, source_dir, errcode
- end
- local err
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(source_dir)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- elseif rockspec.source.file then
- local ok, err = fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- fs.change_dir(rockspec.source.dir)
- return true
-local function prepare_install_dirs(name, version)
- local dirs = {
- lua = { name = path.lua_dir(name, version), is_module_path = true, perms = "read" },
- lib = { name = path.lib_dir(name, version), is_module_path = true, perms = "exec" },
- bin = { name = path.bin_dir(name, version), is_module_path = false, perms = "exec" },
- conf = { name = path.conf_dir(name, version), is_module_path = false, perms = "read" },
- }
- for _, d in pairs(dirs) do
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(d.name)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- return dirs
-local function run_build_driver(rockspec, no_install)
- local btype = rockspec.build.type
- if btype == "none" then
- return true
- end
- -- Temporary compatibility
- if btype == "module" then
- util.printout("Do not use 'module' as a build type. Use 'builtin' instead.")
- btype = "builtin"
- rockspec.build.type = btype
- end
- if cfg.accepted_build_types and not fun.contains(cfg.accepted_build_types, btype) then
- return nil, "This rockspec uses the '"..btype.."' build type, which is blocked by the 'accepted_build_types' setting in your LuaRocks configuration."
- end
- local pok, driver = pcall(require, "luarocks.build." .. btype)
- if not pok or type(driver) ~= "table" then
- return nil, "Failed initializing build back-end for build type '"..btype.."': "..driver
- end
- local ok, err = driver.run(rockspec, no_install)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Build error: " .. err
- end
- return true
-local install_files
- --- Install files to a given location.
- -- Takes a table where the array part is a list of filenames to be copied.
- -- In the hash part, other keys, if is_module_path is set, are identifiers
- -- in Lua module format, to indicate which subdirectory the file should be
- -- copied to. For example, install_files({["foo.bar"] = "src/bar.lua"}, "boo")
- -- will copy src/bar.lua to boo/foo.
- -- @param files table or nil: A table containing a list of files to copy in
- -- the format described above. If nil is passed, this function is a no-op.
- -- Directories should be delimited by forward slashes as in internet URLs.
- -- @param location string: The base directory files should be copied to.
- -- @param is_module_path boolean: True if string keys in files should be
- -- interpreted as dotted module paths.
- -- @param perms string ("read" or "exec"): Permissions of the newly created
- -- files installed.
- -- Directories are always created with the default permissions.
- -- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded or
- -- nil and an error message.
- local function install_to(files, location, is_module_path, perms)
- assert(type(files) == "table" or not files)
- assert(type(location) == "string")
- if not files then
- return true
- end
- for k, file in pairs(files) do
- local dest = location
- local filename = dir.base_name(file)
- if type(k) == "string" then
- local modname = k
- if is_module_path then
- dest = dir.path(location, path.module_to_path(modname))
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(dest)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if filename:match("%.lua$") then
- local basename = modname:match("([^.]+)$")
- filename = basename..".lua"
- end
- else
- dest = dir.path(location, dir.dir_name(modname))
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(dest)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- filename = dir.base_name(modname)
- end
- else
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(dest)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- local ok = fs.copy(dir.path(file), dir.path(dest, filename), perms)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed copying "..file
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function install_default_docs(name, version)
- local patterns = { "readme", "license", "copying", ".*%.md" }
- local dest = dir.path(path.install_dir(name, version), "doc")
- local has_dir = false
- for file in fs.dir() do
- for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
- if file:lower():match("^"..pattern) then
- if not has_dir then
- fs.make_dir(dest)
- has_dir = true
- end
- fs.copy(file, dest, "read")
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- install_files = function(rockspec, dirs)
- local name, version = rockspec.name, rockspec.version
- if rockspec.build.install then
- for k, d in pairs(dirs) do
- local ok, err = install_to(rockspec.build.install[k], d.name, d.is_module_path, d.perms)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- end
- local copy_directories = rockspec.build.copy_directories
- local copying_default = false
- if not copy_directories then
- copy_directories = {"doc"}
- copying_default = true
- end
- local any_docs = false
- for _, copy_dir in pairs(copy_directories) do
- if fs.is_dir(copy_dir) then
- local dest = dir.path(path.install_dir(name, version), copy_dir)
- fs.make_dir(dest)
- fs.copy_contents(copy_dir, dest)
- any_docs = true
- else
- if not copying_default then
- return nil, "Directory '"..copy_dir.."' not found"
- end
- end
- end
- if not any_docs then
- install_default_docs(name, version)
- end
- return true
- end
-local function write_rock_dir_files(rockspec, opts)
- local name, version = rockspec.name, rockspec.version
- fs.copy(rockspec.local_abs_filename, path.rockspec_file(name, version), "read")
- local deplock_file = deplocks.get_abs_filename(rockspec.name)
- if deplock_file then
- fs.copy(deplock_file, dir.path(path.install_dir(name, version), "luarocks.lock"), "read")
- end
- local ok, err = writer.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = writer.make_namespace_file(name, version, opts.namespace)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- return true
---- Build and install a rock given a rockspec.
--- @param opts table: build options table
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
--- installed rock if succeeded or nil and an error message followed by an error code.
-function build.build_rockspec(rockspec, opts)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(opts:type() == "build.opts")
- if not rockspec.build then
- if rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- rockspec.build = {
- type = "builtin"
- }
- else
- return nil, "Rockspec error: build table not specified"
- end
- end
- if not rockspec.build.type then
- if rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- rockspec.build.type = "builtin"
- else
- return nil, "Rockspec error: build type not specified"
- end
- end
- local ok, err = fetch_and_change_to_source_dir(rockspec, opts)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if opts.pin then
- deplocks.init(rockspec.name, ".")
- end
- ok, err = process_dependencies(rockspec, opts)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local name, version = rockspec.name, rockspec.version
- if opts.build_only_deps then
- if opts.pin then
- deplocks.write_file()
- end
- return name, version
- end
- local dirs, err
- local rollback
- if not opts.no_install then
- if repos.is_installed(name, version) then
- repos.delete_version(name, version, opts.deps_mode)
- end
- dirs, err = prepare_install_dirs(name, version)
- if not dirs then return nil, err end
- rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
- fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))
- fs.remove_dir_if_empty(path.versions_dir(name))
- end)
- end
- ok, err = build.apply_patches(rockspec)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = check_macosx_deployment_target(rockspec)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = run_build_driver(rockspec, opts.no_install)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if opts.no_install then
- fs.pop_dir()
- if opts.need_to_fetch then
- fs.pop_dir()
- end
- return name, version
- end
- ok, err = install_files(rockspec, dirs)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- for _, d in pairs(dirs) do
- fs.remove_dir_if_empty(d.name)
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- if opts.need_to_fetch then
- fs.pop_dir()
- end
- if opts.pin then
- deplocks.write_file()
- end
- ok, err = write_rock_dir_files(rockspec, opts)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = repos.deploy_files(name, version, repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec), opts.deps_mode)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
- rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
- repos.delete_version(name, version, opts.deps_mode)
- end)
- ok, err = repos.run_hook(rockspec, "post_install")
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- util.announce_install(rockspec)
- util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
- return name, version
-return build
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/builtin.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/builtin.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e7c0ae38c..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/builtin.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
---- A builtin build system: back-end to provide a portable way of building C-based Lua modules.
-local builtin = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-function builtin.autodetect_external_dependencies(build)
- if not build or not build.modules then
- return nil
- end
- local extdeps = {}
- local any = false
- for _, data in pairs(build.modules) do
- if type(data) == "table" and data.libraries then
- local libraries = data.libraries
- if type(libraries) == "string" then
- libraries = { libraries }
- end
- local incdirs = {}
- local libdirs = {}
- for _, lib in ipairs(libraries) do
- local upper = lib:upper():gsub("%+", "P"):gsub("[^%w]", "_")
- any = true
- extdeps[upper] = { library = lib }
- table.insert(incdirs, "$(" .. upper .. "_INCDIR)")
- table.insert(libdirs, "$(" .. upper .. "_LIBDIR)")
- end
- if not data.incdirs then
- data.incdirs = incdirs
- end
- if not data.libdirs then
- data.libdirs = libdirs
- end
- end
- end
- return any and extdeps or nil
-local function autoextract_libs(external_dependencies, variables)
- if not external_dependencies then
- return nil, nil, nil
- end
- local libs = {}
- local incdirs = {}
- local libdirs = {}
- for name, data in pairs(external_dependencies) do
- if data.library then
- table.insert(libs, data.library)
- table.insert(incdirs, variables[name .. "_INCDIR"])
- table.insert(libdirs, variables[name .. "_LIBDIR"])
- end
- end
- return libs, incdirs, libdirs
- local function get_cmod_name(file)
- local fd = io.open(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), file), "r")
- if not fd then return nil end
- local data = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- return (data:match("int%s+luaopen_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)"))
- end
- local skiplist = {
- ["spec"] = true,
- [".luarocks"] = true,
- ["lua_modules"] = true,
- ["test.lua"] = true,
- ["tests.lua"] = true,
- }
- function builtin.autodetect_modules(libs, incdirs, libdirs)
- local modules = {}
- local install
- local copy_directories
- local prefix = ""
- for _, parent in ipairs({"src", "lua", "lib"}) do
- if fs.is_dir(parent) then
- fs.change_dir(parent)
- prefix = parent.."/"
- break
- end
- end
- for _, file in ipairs(fs.find()) do
- local base = file:match("^([^\\/]*)")
- if not skiplist[base] then
- local luamod = file:match("(.*)%.lua$")
- if luamod then
- modules[path.path_to_module(file)] = prefix..file
- else
- local cmod = file:match("(.*)%.c$")
- if cmod then
- local modname = get_cmod_name(file) or path.path_to_module(file:gsub("%.c$", ".lua"))
- modules[modname] = {
- sources = prefix..file,
- libraries = libs,
- incdirs = incdirs,
- libdirs = libdirs,
- }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if prefix ~= "" then
- fs.pop_dir()
- end
- local bindir = (fs.is_dir("src/bin") and "src/bin")
- or (fs.is_dir("bin") and "bin")
- if bindir then
- install = { bin = {} }
- for _, file in ipairs(fs.list_dir(bindir)) do
- table.insert(install.bin, dir.path(bindir, file))
- end
- end
- for _, directory in ipairs({ "doc", "docs", "samples", "tests" }) do
- if fs.is_dir(directory) then
- if not copy_directories then
- copy_directories = {}
- end
- table.insert(copy_directories, directory)
- end
- end
- return modules, install, copy_directories
- end
---- Run a command displaying its execution on standard output.
--- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
--- otherwise.
-local function execute(...)
- io.stdout:write(table.concat({...}, " ").."\n")
- return fs.execute(...)
---- Driver function for the builtin build back-end.
--- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors occurred,
--- nil and an error message otherwise.
-function builtin.run(rockspec, no_install)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- local compile_object, compile_library, compile_static_library
- local build = rockspec.build
- local variables = rockspec.variables
- local checked_lua_h = false
- for _, var in ipairs{ "CC", "CFLAGS", "LDFLAGS" } do
- variables[var] = variables[var] or os.getenv(var) or ""
- end
- local function add_flags(extras, flag, flags)
- if flags then
- if type(flags) ~= "table" then
- flags = { tostring(flags) }
- end
- util.variable_substitutions(flags, variables)
- for _, v in ipairs(flags) do
- table.insert(extras, flag:format(v))
- end
- end
- end
- if cfg.is_platform("mingw32") then
- compile_object = function(object, source, defines, incdirs)
- local extras = {}
- add_flags(extras, "-D%s", defines)
- add_flags(extras, "-I%s", incdirs)
- return execute(variables.CC.." "..variables.CFLAGS, "-c", "-o", object, "-I"..variables.LUA_INCDIR, source, unpack(extras))
- end
- compile_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs)
- local extras = { unpack(objects) }
- add_flags(extras, "-L%s", libdirs)
- add_flags(extras, "-l%s", libraries)
- extras[#extras+1] = dir.path(variables.LUA_LIBDIR, variables.LUALIB)
- extras[#extras+1] = "-l" .. (variables.MSVCRT or "m")
- local ok = execute(variables.LD.." "..variables.LDFLAGS.." "..variables.LIBFLAG, "-o", library, unpack(extras))
- return ok
- end
- --[[ TODO disable static libs until we fix the conflict in the manifest, which will take extending the manifest format.
- compile_static_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs, name)
- local ok = execute(variables.AR, "rc", library, unpack(objects))
- if ok then
- ok = execute(variables.RANLIB, library)
- end
- return ok
- end
- ]]
- elseif cfg.is_platform("win32") then
- compile_object = function(object, source, defines, incdirs)
- local extras = {}
- add_flags(extras, "-D%s", defines)
- add_flags(extras, "-I%s", incdirs)
- return execute(variables.CC.." "..variables.CFLAGS, "-c", "-Fo"..object, "-I"..variables.LUA_INCDIR, source, unpack(extras))
- end
- compile_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs, name)
- local extras = { unpack(objects) }
- add_flags(extras, "-libpath:%s", libdirs)
- add_flags(extras, "%s.lib", libraries)
- local basename = dir.base_name(library):gsub(".[^.]*$", "")
- local deffile = basename .. ".def"
- local def = io.open(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), deffile), "w+")
- local exported_name = name:gsub("%.", "_")
- exported_name = exported_name:match('^[^%-]+%-(.+)$') or exported_name
- def:write("EXPORTS\n")
- def:write("luaopen_"..exported_name.."\n")
- def:close()
- local ok = execute(variables.LD, "-dll", "-def:"..deffile, "-out:"..library, dir.path(variables.LUA_LIBDIR, variables.LUALIB), unpack(extras))
- local basedir = ""
- if name:find("%.") ~= nil then
- basedir = name:gsub("%.%w+$", "\\")
- basedir = basedir:gsub("%.", "\\")
- end
- local manifestfile = basedir .. basename..".dll.manifest"
- if ok and fs.exists(manifestfile) then
- ok = execute(variables.MT, "-manifest", manifestfile, "-outputresource:"..basedir..basename..".dll;2")
- end
- return ok
- end
- --[[ TODO disable static libs until we fix the conflict in the manifest, which will take extending the manifest format.
- compile_static_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs, name)
- local ok = execute(variables.AR, "-out:"..library, unpack(objects))
- return ok
- end
- ]]
- else
- compile_object = function(object, source, defines, incdirs)
- local extras = {}
- add_flags(extras, "-D%s", defines)
- add_flags(extras, "-I%s", incdirs)
- return execute(variables.CC.." "..variables.CFLAGS, "-I"..variables.LUA_INCDIR, "-c", source, "-o", object, unpack(extras))
- end
- compile_library = function (library, objects, libraries, libdirs)
- local extras = { unpack(objects) }
- add_flags(extras, "-L%s", libdirs)
- if cfg.gcc_rpath then
- add_flags(extras, "-Wl,-rpath,%s", libdirs)
- end
- add_flags(extras, "-l%s", libraries)
- if cfg.link_lua_explicitly then
- extras[#extras+1] = "-L"..variables.LUA_LIBDIR
- extras[#extras+1] = "-llua"
- end
- return execute(variables.LD.." "..variables.LDFLAGS.." "..variables.LIBFLAG, "-o", library, unpack(extras))
- end
- compile_static_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs, name) -- luacheck: ignore 211
- local ok = execute(variables.AR, "rc", library, unpack(objects))
- if ok then
- ok = execute(variables.RANLIB, library)
- end
- return ok
- end
- end
- local ok, err
- local lua_modules = {}
- local lib_modules = {}
- local luadir = path.lua_dir(rockspec.name, rockspec.version)
- local libdir = path.lib_dir(rockspec.name, rockspec.version)
- if not build.modules then
- if rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- local libs, incdirs, libdirs = autoextract_libs(rockspec.external_dependencies, rockspec.variables)
- local install, copy_directories
- build.modules, install, copy_directories = builtin.autodetect_modules(libs, incdirs, libdirs)
- build.install = build.install or install
- build.copy_directories = build.copy_directories or copy_directories
- else
- return nil, "Missing build.modules table"
- end
- end
- for name, info in pairs(build.modules) do
- local moddir = path.module_to_path(name)
- if type(info) == "string" then
- local ext = info:match("%.([^.]+)$")
- if ext == "lua" then
- local filename = dir.base_name(info)
- if filename == "init.lua" and not name:match("%.init$") then
- moddir = path.module_to_path(name..".init")
- else
- local basename = name:match("([^.]+)$")
- filename = basename..".lua"
- end
- local dest = dir.path(luadir, moddir, filename)
- lua_modules[info] = dest
- else
- info = {info}
- end
- end
- if type(info) == "table" then
- if not checked_lua_h then
- local lua_incdir, lua_h = variables.LUA_INCDIR, "lua.h"
- if not fs.exists(dir.path(lua_incdir, lua_h)) then
- return nil, "Lua header file "..lua_h.." not found (looked in "..lua_incdir.."). \n" ..
- "You need to install the Lua development package for your system."
- end
- checked_lua_h = true
- end
- local objects = {}
- local sources = info.sources
- if info[1] then sources = info end
- if type(sources) == "string" then sources = {sources} end
- for _, source in ipairs(sources) do
- local object = source:gsub("%.[^.]*$", "."..cfg.obj_extension)
- if not object then
- object = source.."."..cfg.obj_extension
- end
- ok = compile_object(object, source, info.defines, info.incdirs)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed compiling object "..object
- end
- table.insert(objects, object)
- end
- local module_name = name:match("([^.]*)$").."."..util.matchquote(cfg.lib_extension)
- if moddir ~= "" then
- module_name = dir.path(moddir, module_name)
- ok, err = fs.make_dir(moddir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- lib_modules[module_name] = dir.path(libdir, module_name)
- ok = compile_library(module_name, objects, info.libraries, info.libdirs, name)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed compiling module "..module_name
- end
- --[[ TODO disable static libs until we fix the conflict in the manifest, which will take extending the manifest format.
- module_name = name:match("([^.]*)$").."."..util.matchquote(cfg.static_lib_extension)
- if moddir ~= "" then
- module_name = dir.path(moddir, module_name)
- end
- lib_modules[module_name] = dir.path(libdir, module_name)
- ok = compile_static_library(module_name, objects, info.libraries, info.libdirs, name)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed compiling static library "..module_name
- end
- ]]
- end
- end
- if not no_install then
- for _, mods in ipairs({{ tbl = lua_modules, perms = "read" }, { tbl = lib_modules, perms = "exec" }}) do
- for name, dest in pairs(mods.tbl) do
- fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(dest))
- ok, err = fs.copy(name, dest, mods.perms)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed installing "..name.." in "..dest..": "..err
- end
- end
- end
- if fs.is_dir("lua") then
- ok, err = fs.copy_contents("lua", luadir)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed copying contents of 'lua' directory: "..err
- end
- end
- end
- return true
-return builtin
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/cmake.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/cmake.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a4786ef..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/cmake.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
---- Build back-end for CMake-based modules.
-local cmake = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
---- Driver function for the "cmake" build back-end.
--- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors occurred,
--- nil and an error message otherwise.
-function cmake.run(rockspec, no_install)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- local build = rockspec.build
- local variables = build.variables or {}
- -- Pass Env variables
- variables.CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=os.getenv("CMAKE_MODULE_PATH")
- util.variable_substitutions(variables, rockspec.variables)
- local ok, err_msg = fs.is_tool_available(rockspec.variables.CMAKE, "CMake")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err_msg
- end
- -- If inline cmake is present create CMakeLists.txt from it.
- if type(build.cmake) == "string" then
- local cmake_handler = assert(io.open(fs.current_dir().."/CMakeLists.txt", "w"))
- cmake_handler:write(build.cmake)
- cmake_handler:close()
- end
- -- Execute cmake with variables.
- local args = ""
- -- Try to pick the best generator. With msvc and x64, CMake does not select it by default so we need to be explicit.
- if cfg.cmake_generator then
- args = args .. ' -G"'..cfg.cmake_generator.. '"'
- elseif cfg.is_platform("windows") and cfg.target_cpu:match("x86_64$") then
- args = args .. " -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64"
- end
- for k,v in pairs(variables) do
- args = args .. ' -D' ..k.. '="' ..tostring(v).. '"'
- end
- if not fs.execute_string(rockspec.variables.CMAKE.." -H. -Bbuild.luarocks "..args) then
- return nil, "Failed cmake."
- end
- local do_build, do_install
- if rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- do_build = (build.build_pass == nil) and true or build.build_pass
- do_install = (build.install_pass == nil) and true or build.install_pass
- else
- do_build = true
- do_install = true
- end
- if do_build then
- if not fs.execute_string(rockspec.variables.CMAKE.." --build build.luarocks --config Release") then
- return nil, "Failed building."
- end
- end
- if do_install and not no_install then
- if not fs.execute_string(rockspec.variables.CMAKE.." --build build.luarocks --target install --config Release") then
- return nil, "Failed installing."
- end
- end
- return true
-return cmake
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/command.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/command.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c4aa791..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/command.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
---- Build back-end for raw listing of commands in rockspec files.
-local command = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
---- Driver function for the "command" build back-end.
--- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors occurred,
--- nil and an error message otherwise.
-function command.run(rockspec, not_install)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- local build = rockspec.build
- util.variable_substitutions(build, rockspec.variables)
- local env = {
- CC = cfg.variables.CC,
- --LD = cfg.variables.LD,
- --CFLAGS = cfg.variables.CFLAGS,
- }
- if build.build_command then
- util.printout(build.build_command)
- if not fs.execute_env(env, build.build_command) then
- return nil, "Failed building."
- end
- end
- if build.install_command and not not_install then
- util.printout(build.install_command)
- if not fs.execute_env(env, build.install_command) then
- return nil, "Failed installing."
- end
- end
- return true
-return command
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/make.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/make.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4345ddffb..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/build/make.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
---- Build back-end for using Makefile-based packages.
-local make = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
---- Call "make" with given target and variables
--- @param make_cmd string: the make command to be used (typically
--- configured through variables.MAKE in the config files, or
--- the appropriate platform-specific default).
--- @param pass boolean: If true, run make; if false, do nothing.
--- @param target string: The make target; an empty string indicates
--- the default target.
--- @param variables table: A table containing string-string key-value
--- pairs representing variable assignments to be passed to make.
--- @return boolean: false if any errors occurred, true otherwise.
-local function make_pass(make_cmd, pass, target, variables)
- assert(type(pass) == "boolean")
- assert(type(target) == "string")
- assert(type(variables) == "table")
- local assignments = {}
- for k,v in pairs(variables) do
- table.insert(assignments, k.."="..v)
- end
- if pass then
- return fs.execute(make_cmd.." "..target, unpack(assignments))
- else
- return true
- end
---- Driver function for the "make" build back-end.
--- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors occurred,
--- nil and an error message otherwise.
-function make.run(rockspec, not_install)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- local build = rockspec.build
- if build.build_pass == nil then build.build_pass = true end
- if build.install_pass == nil then build.install_pass = true end
- build.build_variables = build.build_variables or {}
- build.install_variables = build.install_variables or {}
- build.build_target = build.build_target or ""
- build.install_target = build.install_target or "install"
- local makefile = build.makefile or cfg.makefile
- if makefile then
- -- Assumes all make's accept -f. True for POSIX make, GNU make and Microsoft nmake.
- build.build_target = "-f "..makefile.." "..build.build_target
- build.install_target = "-f "..makefile.." "..build.install_target
- end
- if build.variables then
- for var, val in pairs(build.variables) do
- build.build_variables[var] = val
- build.install_variables[var] = val
- end
- end
- util.warn_if_not_used(build.build_variables, { CFLAGS=true }, "variable %s was not passed in build_variables")
- util.variable_substitutions(build.build_variables, rockspec.variables)
- util.variable_substitutions(build.install_variables, rockspec.variables)
- local auto_variables = { "CC" }
- for _, variable in pairs(auto_variables) do
- if not build.build_variables[variable] then
- build.build_variables[variable] = rockspec.variables[variable]
- end
- if not build.install_variables[variable] then
- build.install_variables[variable] = rockspec.variables[variable]
- end
- end
- -- backwards compatibility
- local make_cmd = cfg.make or rockspec.variables.MAKE
- local ok = make_pass(make_cmd, build.build_pass, build.build_target, build.build_variables)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed building."
- end
- if not not_install then
- ok = make_pass(make_cmd, build.install_pass, build.install_target, build.install_variables)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed installing."
- end
- end
- return true
-return make
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3abad7892..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
---- Functions for command-line scripts.
-local cmd = {}
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local argparse = require("luarocks.argparse")
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
-local pack = table.pack or function(...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... } end
-local hc_ok, hardcoded = pcall(require, "luarocks.core.hardcoded")
-if not hc_ok then
- hardcoded = {}
-local program = util.this_program("luarocks")
-cmd.errorcodes = {
- OK = 0,
- CRASH = 99
-local function check_popen()
- local popen_ok, popen_result = pcall(io.popen, "")
- if popen_ok then
- if popen_result then
- popen_result:close()
- end
- else
- io.stderr:write("Your version of Lua does not support io.popen,\n")
- io.stderr:write("which is required by LuaRocks. Please check your Lua installation.\n")
- os.exit(cmd.errorcodes.UNSPECIFIED)
- end
-local process_tree_args
- local function replace_tree(args, root, tree)
- root = dir.normalize(root)
- args.tree = root
- path.use_tree(tree or root)
- end
- local function strip_trailing_slashes()
- if type(cfg.root_dir) == "string" then
- cfg.root_dir = cfg.root_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
- else
- cfg.root_dir.root = cfg.root_dir.root:gsub("/+$", "")
- end
- cfg.rocks_dir = cfg.rocks_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
- cfg.deploy_bin_dir = cfg.deploy_bin_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
- cfg.deploy_lua_dir = cfg.deploy_lua_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
- cfg.deploy_lib_dir = cfg.deploy_lib_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
- end
- process_tree_args = function(args, project_dir)
- if args.global then
- cfg.local_by_default = false
- end
- if args.tree then
- local named = false
- for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
- if type(tree) == "table" and args.tree == tree.name then
- if not tree.root then
- return nil, "Configuration error: tree '"..tree.name.."' has no 'root' field."
- end
- replace_tree(args, tree.root, tree)
- named = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not named then
- local root_dir = fs.absolute_name(args.tree)
- replace_tree(args, root_dir)
- end
- elseif args["local"] then
- if fs.is_superuser() then
- return nil, "The --local flag is meant for operating in a user's home directory.\n"..
- "You are running as a superuser, which is intended for system-wide operation.\n"..
- "To force using the superuser's home, use --tree explicitly."
- else
- replace_tree(args, cfg.home_tree)
- end
- elseif args.project_tree then
- local tree = args.project_tree
- table.insert(cfg.rocks_trees, 1, { name = "project", root = tree } )
- manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests()
- path.use_tree(tree)
- elseif cfg.local_by_default then
- if cfg.home_tree then
- replace_tree(args, cfg.home_tree)
- end
- elseif project_dir then
- local project_tree = project_dir .. "/lua_modules"
- table.insert(cfg.rocks_trees, 1, { name = "project", root = project_tree } )
- manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests()
- path.use_tree(project_tree)
- else
- local trees = cfg.rocks_trees
- path.use_tree(trees[#trees])
- end
- strip_trailing_slashes()
- cfg.variables.ROCKS_TREE = cfg.rocks_dir
- cfg.variables.SCRIPTS_DIR = cfg.deploy_bin_dir
- return true
- end
-local function process_server_args(args)
- if args.server then
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(args.server)
- table.insert(cfg.rocks_servers, 1, protocol.."://"..pathname)
- end
- if args.dev then
- local append_dev = function(s) return dir.path(s, "dev") end
- local dev_servers = fun.traverse(cfg.rocks_servers, append_dev)
- cfg.rocks_servers = fun.concat(dev_servers, cfg.rocks_servers)
- end
- if args.only_server then
- if args.dev then
- return nil, "--only-server cannot be used with --dev"
- end
- if args.server then
- return nil, "--only-server cannot be used with --server"
- end
- cfg.rocks_servers = { args.only_server }
- end
- return true
-local function error_handler(err)
- if not debug then
- return err
- end
- local mode = "Arch.: " .. (cfg and cfg.arch or "unknown")
- if package.config:sub(1, 1) == "\\" then
- if cfg and cfg.fs_use_modules then
- mode = mode .. " (fs_use_modules = true)"
- end
- end
- if cfg and cfg.is_binary then
- mode = mode .. " (binary)"
- end
- return debug.traceback("LuaRocks "..cfg.program_version..
- " bug (please report at https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/issues).\n"..
- mode.."\n"..err, 2)
---- Display an error message and exit.
--- @param message string: The error message.
--- @param exitcode number: the exitcode to use
-local function die(message, exitcode)
- assert(type(message) == "string", "bad error, expected string, got: " .. type(message))
- assert(exitcode == nil or type(exitcode) == "number", "bad error, expected number, got: " .. type(exitcode) .. " - " .. tostring(exitcode))
- util.printerr("\nError: "..message)
- local ok, err = xpcall(util.run_scheduled_functions, error_handler)
- if not ok then
- util.printerr("\nError: "..err)
- exitcode = cmd.errorcodes.CRASH
- end
- os.exit(exitcode or cmd.errorcodes.UNSPECIFIED)
-local function search_lua_in_path(lua_version, verbose)
- local path_sep = (package.config:sub(1, 1) == "\\" and ";" or ":")
- local all_tried = {}
- for bindir in (os.getenv("PATH") or ""):gmatch("[^"..path_sep.."]+") do
- local parentdir = dir.path((bindir:gsub("[\\/][^\\/]+[\\/]?$", "")))
- local detected, tried = util.find_lua(parentdir, lua_version)
- if detected then
- return detected
- else
- table.insert(all_tried, tried)
- end
- bindir = dir.path(bindir)
- detected = util.find_lua(bindir, lua_version)
- if detected then
- return detected
- else
- table.insert(all_tried, tried)
- end
- end
- return nil, "Could not find " ..
- (lua_version and "Lua " .. lua_version or "Lua") ..
- " in PATH." ..
- (verbose and " Tried:\n" .. table.concat(all_tried, "\n") or "")
-local init_config
- local detect_config_via_args
- do
- local function find_project_dir(project_tree)
- if project_tree then
- return project_tree:gsub("[/\\][^/\\]+$", ""), true
- else
- local try = "."
- for _ = 1, 10 do -- FIXME detect when root dir was hit instead
- if util.exists(try .. "/.luarocks") and util.exists(try .. "/lua_modules") then
- return try, false
- elseif util.exists(try .. "/.luarocks-no-project") then
- break
- end
- try = try .. "/.."
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function find_default_lua_version(args, project_dir)
- if hardcoded.FORCE_CONFIG then
- return nil
- end
- local dirs = {}
- if project_dir then
- table.insert(dirs, dir.path(project_dir, ".luarocks"))
- end
- if cfg.homeconfdir then
- table.insert(dirs, cfg.homeconfdir)
- end
- table.insert(dirs, cfg.sysconfdir)
- for _, d in ipairs(dirs) do
- local f = dir.path(d, "default-lua-version.lua")
- local mod, err = loadfile(f, "t")
- if mod then
- local pok, ver = pcall(mod)
- if pok and type(ver) == "string" and ver:match("%d+.%d+") then
- if args.verbose then
- util.printout("Defaulting to Lua " .. ver .. " based on " .. f .. " ...")
- end
- return ver
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function find_version_from_config(dirname)
- return fun.find(util.lua_versions("descending"), function(v)
- if util.exists(dir.path(dirname, ".luarocks", "config-"..v..".lua")) then
- return v
- end
- end)
- end
- local function detect_lua_via_args(args, project_dir)
- local lua_version = args.lua_version
- or find_default_lua_version(args, project_dir)
- or (project_dir and find_version_from_config(project_dir))
- if args.lua_dir then
- local detected, err = util.find_lua(args.lua_dir, lua_version)
- if not detected then
- local suggestion = (not args.lua_version)
- and "\nYou may want to specify a different Lua version with --lua-version\n"
- or ""
- die(err .. suggestion)
- end
- return detected
- end
- if lua_version then
- local detected = search_lua_in_path(lua_version)
- if detected then
- return detected
- end
- return {
- lua_version = lua_version,
- }
- end
- return {}
- end
- detect_config_via_args = function(args)
- local project_dir, given
- if not args.no_project then
- project_dir, given = find_project_dir(args.project_tree)
- end
- local detected = detect_lua_via_args(args, project_dir)
- if args.lua_version then
- detected.given_lua_version = args.lua_version
- end
- if args.lua_dir then
- detected.given_lua_dir = args.lua_dir
- end
- if given then
- detected.given_project_dir = project_dir
- end
- detected.project_dir = project_dir
- return detected
- end
- end
- init_config = function(args)
- local detected = detect_config_via_args(args)
- local ok, err = cfg.init(detected, util.warning)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- return (detected.lua_dir ~= nil)
- end
-local variables_help = [[
- Variables from the "variables" table of the configuration file can be
- overridden with VAR=VALUE assignments.
-local function get_status(status)
- return status and "ok" or "not found"
-local function use_to_fix_location(key)
- local buf = " ****************************************\n"
- buf = buf .. " Use the command\n\n"
- buf = buf .. " luarocks config " .. key .. " \n\n"
- buf = buf .. " to fix the location\n"
- buf = buf .. " ****************************************\n"
- return buf
-local function get_config_text(cfg) -- luacheck: ignore 431
- local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
- local libdir_ok = deps.check_lua_libdir(cfg.variables)
- local incdir_ok = deps.check_lua_incdir(cfg.variables)
- local bindir_ok = fs.exists(cfg.variables.LUA_BINDIR)
- local luadir_ok = fs.exists(cfg.variables.LUA_DIR)
- local lua_ok = fs.exists(cfg.variables.LUA)
- local buf = "Configuration:\n"
- buf = buf.." Lua:\n"
- buf = buf.." Version : "..cfg.lua_version.."\n"
- if cfg.luajit_version then
- buf = buf.." LuaJIT : "..cfg.luajit_version.."\n"
- end
- buf = buf.." Interpreter: "..(cfg.variables.LUA or "").." ("..get_status(lua_ok)..")\n"
- buf = buf.." LUA_DIR : "..(cfg.variables.LUA_DIR or "").." ("..get_status(luadir_ok)..")\n"
- if not lua_ok then
- buf = buf .. use_to_fix_location("lua_dir")
- end
- buf = buf.." LUA_BINDIR : "..(cfg.variables.LUA_BINDIR or "").." ("..get_status(bindir_ok)..")\n"
- buf = buf.." LUA_INCDIR : "..(cfg.variables.LUA_INCDIR or "").." ("..get_status(incdir_ok)..")\n"
- if lua_ok and not incdir_ok then
- buf = buf .. use_to_fix_location("variables.LUA_INCDIR")
- end
- buf = buf.." LUA_LIBDIR : "..(cfg.variables.LUA_LIBDIR or "").." ("..get_status(libdir_ok)..")\n"
- if lua_ok and not libdir_ok then
- buf = buf .. use_to_fix_location("variables.LUA_LIBDIR")
- end
- buf = buf.."\n Configuration files:\n"
- local conf = cfg.config_files
- buf = buf.." System : "..fs.absolute_name(conf.system.file).." ("..get_status(conf.system.found)..")\n"
- if conf.user.file then
- buf = buf.." User : "..fs.absolute_name(conf.user.file).." ("..get_status(conf.user.found)..")\n"
- else
- buf = buf.." User : disabled in this LuaRocks installation.\n"
- end
- if conf.project then
- buf = buf.." Project : "..fs.absolute_name(conf.project.file).." ("..get_status(conf.project.found)..")\n"
- end
- buf = buf.."\n Rocks trees in use: \n"
- for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- buf = buf.." "..fs.absolute_name(tree)
- else
- local name = tree.name and " (\""..tree.name.."\")" or ""
- buf = buf.." "..fs.absolute_name(tree.root)..name
- end
- buf = buf .. "\n"
- end
- return buf
-local function get_parser(description, cmd_modules)
- local basename = dir.base_name(program)
- local parser = argparse(
- basename, "LuaRocks "..cfg.program_version..", the Lua package manager\n\n"..
- program.." - "..description, variables_help.."Run '"..basename..
- "' without any arguments to see the configuration.")
- :help_max_width(80)
- :add_help_command()
- :add_complete_command({
- help_max_width = 100,
- summary = "Output a shell completion script.",
- description = [[
-Output a shell completion script.
-Enabling completions for Bash:
- Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:
- source <(]]..basename..[[ completion bash)
- or save the completion script to the local completion directory:
- ]]..basename..[[ completion bash > ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/]]..basename..[[
-Enabling completions for Zsh:
- Save the completion script to a file in your $fpath.
- You can add a new directory to your $fpath by adding e.g.
- fpath=(~/.zfunc $fpath)
- to your ~/.zshrc.
- Then run:
- ]]..basename..[[ completion zsh > ~/.zfunc/_]]..basename..[[
-Enabling completion for Fish:
- Add the following line to your ~/.config/fish/config.fish:
- ]]..basename..[[ completion fish | source
- or save the completion script to the local completion directory:
- ]]..basename..[[ completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/]]..basename..[[.fish
- :command_target("command")
- :require_command(false)
- parser:flag("--version", "Show version info and exit.")
- :action(function()
- util.printout(program.." "..cfg.program_version)
- util.printout(description)
- util.printout()
- os.exit(cmd.errorcodes.OK)
- end)
- parser:flag("--dev", "Enable the sub-repositories in rocks servers for "..
- "rockspecs of in-development versions.")
- parser:option("--server", "Fetch rocks/rockspecs from this server "..
- "(takes priority over config file).")
- :hidden_name("--from")
- parser:option("--only-server", "Fetch rocks/rockspecs from this server only "..
- "(overrides any entries in the config file).")
- :argname("")
- :hidden_name("--only-from")
- parser:option("--only-sources", "Restrict downloads to paths matching the given URL.")
- :argname("")
- :hidden_name("--only-sources-from")
- parser:option("--namespace", "Specify the rocks server namespace to use.")
- :convert(string.lower)
- parser:option("--lua-dir", "Which Lua installation to use.")
- :argname("")
- parser:option("--lua-version", "Which Lua version to use.")
- :argname("")
- :convert(function(s) return (s:match("^%d+%.%d+$")) end)
- parser:option("--tree", "Which tree to operate on.")
- :hidden_name("--to")
- parser:flag("--local", "Use the tree in the user's home directory.\n"..
- "To enable it, see '"..program.." help path'.")
- parser:flag("--global", "Use the system tree when `local_by_default` is `true`.")
- parser:flag("--no-project", "Do not use project tree even if running from a project folder.")
- parser:flag("--verbose", "Display verbose output of commands executed.")
- parser:option("--timeout", "Timeout on network operations, in seconds.\n"..
- "0 means no timeout (wait forever). Default is "..
- tostring(cfg.connection_timeout)..".")
- :argname("")
- :convert(tonumber)
- -- Used internally to force the use of a particular project tree
- parser:option("--project-tree"):hidden(true)
- for _, module in util.sortedpairs(cmd_modules) do
- module.add_to_parser(parser)
- end
- return parser
---- Main command-line processor.
--- Parses input arguments and calls the appropriate driver function
--- to execute the action requested on the command-line, forwarding
--- to it any additional arguments passed by the user.
--- @param description string: Short summary description of the program.
--- @param commands table: contains the loaded modules representing commands.
--- @param external_namespace string: where to look for external commands.
--- @param ... string: Arguments given on the command-line.
-function cmd.run_command(description, commands, external_namespace, ...)
- check_popen()
- -- Preliminary initialization
- cfg.init()
- fs.init()
- for _, module_name in ipairs(fs.modules(external_namespace)) do
- if not commands[module_name] then
- commands[module_name] = external_namespace.."."..module_name
- end
- end
- local cmd_modules = {}
- for name, module in pairs(commands) do
- local pok, mod = pcall(require, module)
- if pok and type(mod) == "table" then
- local original_command = mod.command
- if original_command then
- if not mod.add_to_parser then
- mod.add_to_parser = function(parser)
- parser:command(name, mod.help, util.see_also())
- :summary(mod.help_summary)
- :handle_options(false)
- :argument("input")
- :args("*")
- end
- mod.command = function(args)
- return original_command(args, unpack(args.input))
- end
- end
- cmd_modules[name] = mod
- else
- util.warning("command module " .. module .. " does not implement command(), skipping")
- end
- else
- util.warning("failed to load command module " .. module)
- end
- end
- local function process_cmdline_vars(...)
- local args = pack(...)
- local cmdline_vars = {}
- local last = args.n
- for i = 1, args.n do
- if args[i] == "--" then
- last = i - 1
- break
- end
- end
- for i = last, 1, -1 do
- local arg = args[i]
- if arg:match("^[^-][^=]*=") then
- local var, val = arg:match("^([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)=(.*)")
- if val then
- cmdline_vars[var] = val
- table.remove(args, i)
- else
- die("Invalid assignment: "..arg)
- end
- end
- end
- return args, cmdline_vars
- end
- local args, cmdline_vars = process_cmdline_vars(...)
- local parser = get_parser(description, cmd_modules)
- args = parser:parse(args)
- -- Compatibility for old flag
- if args.nodeps then
- args.deps_mode = "none"
- end
- if args.timeout then -- setting it in the config file will kick-in earlier in the process
- cfg.connection_timeout = args.timeout
- end
- if args.command == "config" then
- if args.key == "lua_version" and args.value then
- args.lua_version = args.value
- elseif args.key == "lua_dir" and args.value then
- args.lua_dir = args.value
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local lua_found, err = init_config(args)
- if err then
- die(err)
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Now that the config is fully loaded, reinitialize fs using the full
- -- feature set.
- fs.init()
- -- if the Lua interpreter wasn't explicitly found before cfg.init,
- -- try again now.
- local tried
- if not lua_found then
- if cfg.variables.LUA_DIR then
- lua_found, tried = util.find_lua(cfg.variables.LUA_DIR, cfg.lua_version, args.verbose)
- else
- lua_found, tried = search_lua_in_path(cfg.lua_version, args.verbose)
- end
- end
- if not lua_found and args.command ~= "config" and args.command ~= "help" then
- util.warning(tried ..
- "\nModules may not install with the correct configurations. " ..
- "You may want to configure the path prefix to your build " ..
- "of Lua " .. cfg.lua_version .. " using\n\n" ..
- " luarocks config --local lua_dir \n")
- end
- cfg.lua_found = lua_found
- if cfg.project_dir then
- cfg.project_dir = fs.absolute_name(cfg.project_dir)
- end
- if args.verbose then
- cfg.verbose = true
- fs.verbose()
- end
- if (not fs.current_dir()) or fs.current_dir() == "" then
- die("Current directory does not exist. Please run LuaRocks from an existing directory.")
- end
- local ok, err = process_tree_args(args, cfg.project_dir)
- if not ok then
- die(err)
- end
- ok, err = process_server_args(args)
- if not ok then
- die(err)
- end
- if args.only_sources then
- cfg.only_sources_from = args.only_sources
- end
- for k, v in pairs(cmdline_vars) do
- cfg.variables[k] = v
- end
- -- if running as superuser, use system cache dir
- if fs.is_superuser() then
- cfg.local_cache = dir.path(fs.system_cache_dir(), "luarocks")
- end
- if args.no_manifest then
- cfg.no_manifest = true
- end
- if not args.command then
- parser:epilog(variables_help..get_config_text(cfg))
- util.printout()
- util.printout(parser:get_help())
- util.printout()
- os.exit(cmd.errorcodes.OK)
- end
- local cmd_mod = cmd_modules[args.command]
- local call_ok, ok, err, exitcode = xpcall(function()
- return cmd_mod.command(args)
- end, error_handler)
- if not call_ok then
- die(ok, cmd.errorcodes.CRASH)
- elseif not ok then
- die(err, exitcode)
- end
- util.run_scheduled_functions()
-return cmd
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/build.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/build.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f0e7576..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/build.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "build" command.
--- Builds a rock, compiling its C parts if any.
-local cmd_build = {}
-local pack = require("luarocks.pack")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local remove = require("luarocks.remove")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local build = require("luarocks.build")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local make = require("luarocks.cmd.make")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-function cmd_build.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("build", "Build and install a rock, compiling its C parts if any.\n".. -- luacheck: ignore 431
- "If the sources contain a luarocks.lock file, uses it as an authoritative source for "..
- "exact version of dependencies.\n"..
- "If no arguments are given, behaves as luarocks make.", util.see_also())
- :summary("Build/compile a rock.")
- cmd:argument("rock", "A rockspec file, a source rock file, or the name of "..
- "a rock to be fetched from a repository.")
- :args("?")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Rock version.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--only-deps --deps-only", "Install only the dependencies of the rock.")
- cmd:option("--branch", "Override the `source.branch` field in the loaded "..
- "rockspec. Allows to specify a different branch to fetch. Particularly "..
- 'for "dev" rocks.')
- :argname("")
- cmd:flag("--pin", "Create a luarocks.lock file listing the exact "..
- "versions of each dependency found for this rock (recursively), "..
- "and store it in the rock's directory. "..
- "Ignores any existing luarocks.lock file in the rock's sources.")
- make.cmd_options(cmd)
---- Build and install a rock.
--- @param rock_filename string: local or remote filename of a rock.
--- @param opts table: build options
--- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if build was successful,
--- or false and an error message and an optional error code.
-local function build_rock(rock_filename, opts)
- assert(type(rock_filename) == "string")
- assert(opts:type() == "build.opts")
- local ok, err, errcode
- local unpack_dir
- unpack_dir, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_filename, nil, opts.verify)
- if not unpack_dir then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- local rockspec_filename = path.rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_filename)
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(unpack_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local rockspec
- rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_filename)
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- ok, err, errcode = build.build_rockspec(rockspec, opts)
- fs.pop_dir()
- return ok, err, errcode
-local function do_build(name, namespace, version, opts)
- assert(type(name) == "string")
- assert(type(namespace) == "string" or not namespace)
- assert(version == nil or type(version) == "string")
- assert(opts:type() == "build.opts")
- local url, err
- if name:match("%.rockspec$") or name:match("%.rock$") then
- url = name
- else
- url, err = search.find_src_or_rockspec(name, namespace, version, opts.check_lua_versions)
- if not url then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- if url:match("%.rockspec$") then
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(url, nil, opts.verify)
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, err
- end
- return build.build_rockspec(rockspec, opts)
- end
- if url:match("%.src%.rock$") then
- opts.need_to_fetch = false
- end
- return build_rock(url, opts)
---- Driver function for "build" command.
--- If a package name is given, forwards the request to "search" and,
--- if returned a result, installs the matching rock.
--- When passing a package name, a version number may also be given.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string, exitcode): True if build was successful; nil and an
--- error message otherwise. exitcode is optionally returned.
-function cmd_build.command(args)
- if not args.rock then
- return make.command(args)
- end
- local opts = build.opts({
- need_to_fetch = true,
- minimal_mode = false,
- deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(args),
- build_only_deps = not not (args.only_deps and not args.pack_binary_rock),
- namespace = args.namespace,
- branch = args.branch,
- verify = not not args.verify,
- check_lua_versions = not not args.check_lua_versions,
- pin = not not args.pin,
- no_install = false
- })
- if args.sign and not args.pack_binary_rock then
- return nil, "In the build command, --sign is meant to be used only with --pack-binary-rock"
- end
- if args.pack_binary_rock then
- return pack.pack_binary_rock(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version, args.sign, function()
- local name, version = do_build(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version, opts)
- if name and args.no_doc then
- util.remove_doc_dir(name, version)
- end
- return name, version
- end)
- end
- local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(args)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err, cmd.errorcodes.PERMISSIONDENIED
- end
- local name, version = do_build(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version, opts)
- if not name then
- return nil, version
- end
- if args.no_doc then
- util.remove_doc_dir(name, version)
- end
- if opts.build_only_deps then
- util.printout("Stopping after installing dependencies for " ..name.." "..version)
- util.printout()
- else
- if (not args.keep) and not cfg.keep_other_versions then
- local ok, err, warn = remove.remove_other_versions(name, version, args.force, args.force_fast)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- elseif warn then
- util.printerr(err)
- end
- end
- end
- if opts.deps_mode ~= "none" then
- writer.check_dependencies(nil, deps.get_deps_mode(args))
- end
- return name, version
-return cmd_build
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/config.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/config.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a73c7ff1..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/config.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "config" command.
--- Queries information about the LuaRocks configuration.
-local config_cmd = {}
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-function config_cmd.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("config", [[
-Query information about the LuaRocks configuration.
-* When given a configuration key, it prints the value of that key according to
- the currently active configuration (taking into account all config files and
- any command-line flags passed)
- Examples:
- luarocks config lua_interpreter
- luarocks config variables.LUA_INCDIR
- luarocks config lua_version
-* When given a configuration key and a value, it overwrites the config file (see
- the --scope option below to determine which) and replaces the value of the
- given key with the given value.
- * `lua_dir` is a special key as it checks for a valid Lua installation
- (equivalent to --lua-dir) and sets several keys at once.
- * `lua_version` is a special key as it changes the default Lua version
- used by LuaRocks commands (equivalent to passing --lua-version).
- Examples:
- luarocks config variables.OPENSSL_DIR /usr/local/openssl
- luarocks config lua_dir /usr/local
- luarocks config lua_version 5.3
-* When given a configuration key and --unset, it overwrites the config file (see
- the --scope option below to determine which) and deletes that key from the
- file.
- Example: luarocks config variables.OPENSSL_DIR --unset
-* When given no arguments, it prints the entire currently active configuration,
- resulting from reading the config files from all scopes.
- Example: luarocks config]], util.see_also([[
- https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/Config-file-format
- for detailed information on the LuaRocks config file format.
- :summary("Query information about the LuaRocks configuration.")
- cmd:argument("key", "The configuration key.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("value", "The configuration value.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:option("--scope", "The scope indicates which config file should be rewritten.\n"..
- '* Using a wrapper created with `luarocks init`, the default is "project".\n'..
- '* Using --local (or when `local_by_default` is `true`), the default is "user".\n'..
- '* Otherwise, the default is "system".')
- :choices({"system", "user", "project"})
- cmd:flag("--unset", "Delete the key from the configuration file.")
- cmd:flag("--json", "Output as JSON.")
- -- Deprecated flags
- cmd:flag("--lua-incdir"):hidden(true)
- cmd:flag("--lua-libdir"):hidden(true)
- cmd:flag("--lua-ver"):hidden(true)
- cmd:flag("--system-config"):hidden(true)
- cmd:flag("--user-config"):hidden(true)
- cmd:flag("--rock-trees"):hidden(true)
-local function config_file(conf)
- print(dir.normalize(conf.file))
- if conf.found then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "file not found"
- end
-local cfg_skip = {
- errorcodes = true,
- flags = true,
- platforms = true,
- root_dir = true,
- upload_servers = true,
-local function should_skip(k, v)
- return type(v) == "function" or cfg_skip[k]
-local function cleanup(tbl)
- local copy = {}
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if not should_skip(k, v) then
- copy[k] = v
- end
- end
- return copy
-local function traverse_varstring(var, tbl, fn, missing_parent)
- local k, r = var:match("^%[([0-9]+)%]%.(.*)$")
- if k then
- k = tonumber(k)
- else
- k, r = var:match("^([^.[]+)%.(.*)$")
- if not k then
- k, r = var:match("^([^[]+)(%[.*)$")
- end
- end
- if k then
- if not tbl[k] and missing_parent then
- missing_parent(tbl, k)
- end
- if tbl[k] then
- return traverse_varstring(r, tbl[k], fn, missing_parent)
- else
- return nil, "Unknown entry " .. k
- end
- end
- local i = var:match("^%[([0-9]+)%]$")
- if i then
- var = tonumber(i)
- end
- return fn(tbl, var)
-local function print_json(value)
- local json_ok, json = util.require_json()
- if not json_ok then
- return nil, "A JSON library is required for this command. "..json
- end
- print(json.encode(value))
- return true
-local function print_entry(var, tbl, is_json)
- return traverse_varstring(var, tbl, function(t, k)
- if not t[k] then
- return nil, "Unknown entry " .. k
- end
- local val = t[k]
- if not should_skip(var, val) then
- if is_json then
- return print_json(val)
- elseif type(val) == "string" then
- print(val)
- else
- persist.write_value(io.stdout, val)
- end
- end
- return true
- end)
-local function infer_type(var)
- local typ
- traverse_varstring(var, cfg, function(t, k)
- if t[k] ~= nil then
- typ = type(t[k])
- end
- end)
- return typ
-local function write_entries(keys, scope, do_unset)
- if scope == "project" and not cfg.config_files.project then
- return nil, "Current directory is not part of a project. You may want to run `luarocks init`."
- end
- local tbl, err = persist.load_config_file_if_basic(cfg.config_files[scope].file, cfg)
- if not tbl then
- return nil, err
- end
- for var, val in util.sortedpairs(keys) do
- traverse_varstring(var, tbl, function(t, k)
- if do_unset then
- t[k] = nil
- else
- local typ = infer_type(var)
- local v
- if typ == "number" and tonumber(val) then
- v = tonumber(val)
- elseif typ == "boolean" and val == "true" then
- v = true
- elseif typ == "boolean" and val == "false" then
- v = false
- else
- v = val
- end
- t[k] = v
- keys[var] = v
- end
- return true
- end, function(p, k)
- p[k] = {}
- end)
- end
- local ok, err = persist.save_from_table(cfg.config_files[scope].file, tbl)
- if ok then
- print(do_unset and "Removed" or "Wrote")
- for var, val in util.sortedpairs(keys) do
- if do_unset then
- print(("\t%s"):format(var))
- else
- print(("\t%s = %q"):format(var, val))
- end
- end
- print(do_unset and "from" or "to")
- print("\t" .. cfg.config_files[scope].file)
- return true
- else
- return nil, err
- end
-local function get_scope(args)
- return args.scope
- or (args["local"] and "user")
- or (args.project_tree and "project")
- or (cfg.local_by_default and "user")
- or (fs.is_writable(cfg.config_files["system"].file and "system"))
- or "user"
---- Driver function for "config" command.
--- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
-function config_cmd.command(args)
- deps.check_lua_incdir(cfg.variables, args.lua_version or cfg.lua_version)
- deps.check_lua_libdir(cfg.variables, args.lua_version or cfg.lua_version)
- -- deprecated flags
- if args.lua_incdir then
- print(cfg.variables.LUA_INCDIR)
- return true
- end
- if args.lua_libdir then
- print(cfg.variables.LUA_LIBDIR)
- return true
- end
- if args.lua_ver then
- print(cfg.lua_version)
- return true
- end
- if args.system_config then
- return config_file(cfg.config_files.system)
- end
- if args.user_config then
- return config_file(cfg.config_files.user)
- end
- if args.rock_trees then
- for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- util.printout(dir.normalize(tree))
- else
- local name = tree.name and "\t"..tree.name or ""
- util.printout(dir.normalize(tree.root)..name)
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- if args.key == "lua_version" and args.value then
- local scope = get_scope(args)
- if scope == "project" and not cfg.config_files.project then
- return nil, "Current directory is not part of a project. You may want to run `luarocks init`."
- end
- local prefix = dir.dir_name(cfg.config_files[scope].file)
- local ok, err = persist.save_default_lua_version(prefix, args.value)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "could not set default Lua version: " .. err
- end
- print("Lua version will default to " .. args.value .. " in " .. prefix)
- end
- if args.key == "lua_dir" and args.value then
- local scope = get_scope(args)
- local keys = {
- ["variables.LUA_DIR"] = cfg.variables.LUA_DIR,
- ["variables.LUA_BINDIR"] = cfg.variables.LUA_BINDIR,
- ["variables.LUA_INCDIR"] = cfg.variables.LUA_INCDIR,
- ["variables.LUA_LIBDIR"] = cfg.variables.LUA_LIBDIR,
- ["lua_interpreter"] = cfg.lua_interpreter,
- }
- if args.lua_version then
- local prefix = dir.dir_name(cfg.config_files[scope].file)
- persist.save_default_lua_version(prefix, args.lua_version)
- end
- return write_entries(keys, scope, args.unset)
- end
- if args.key then
- if args.value or args.unset then
- local scope = get_scope(args)
- return write_entries({ [args.key] = args.value or args.unset }, scope, args.unset)
- else
- return print_entry(args.key, cfg, args.json)
- end
- end
- local cleancfg = cleanup(cfg)
- if args.json then
- return print_json(cleancfg)
- else
- print(persist.save_from_table_to_string(cleancfg))
- return true
- end
-return config_cmd
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/doc.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/doc.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ae4712302..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/doc.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "doc" command.
--- Shows documentation for an installed rock.
-local doc = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local download = require("luarocks.download")
-function doc.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("doc", "Show documentation for an installed rock.\n\n"..
- "Without any flags, tries to load the documentation using a series of heuristics.\n"..
- "With flags, return only the desired information.", util.see_also([[
- For more information about a rock, see the 'show' command.
- :summary("Show documentation for an installed rock.")
- cmd:argument("rock", "Name of the rock.")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Version of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--home", "Open the home page of project.")
- cmd:flag("--list", "List documentation files only.")
- cmd:flag("--porcelain", "Produce machine-friendly output.")
-local function show_homepage(homepage, name, namespace, version)
- if not homepage then
- return nil, "No 'homepage' field in rockspec for "..util.format_rock_name(name, namespace, version)
- end
- util.printout("Opening "..homepage.." ...")
- fs.browser(homepage)
- return true
-local function try_to_open_homepage(name, namespace, version)
- local temp_dir, err = fs.make_temp_dir("doc-"..name.."-"..(version or ""))
- if not temp_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory: "..err
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local filename, err = download.download("rockspec", name, namespace, version)
- if not filename then return nil, err end
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(filename)
- if not rockspec then return nil, err end
- fs.pop_dir()
- local descript = rockspec.description or {}
- return show_homepage(descript.homepage, name, namespace, version)
---- Driver function for "doc" command.
--- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
-function doc.command(args)
- local query = queries.new(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version)
- local iname, iversion, repo = search.pick_installed_rock(query, args.tree)
- if not iname then
- local rock = util.format_rock_name(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version)
- util.printout(rock.." is not installed. Looking for it in the rocks servers...")
- return try_to_open_homepage(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version)
- end
- local name, version = iname, iversion
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version, repo))
- if not rockspec then return nil,err end
- local descript = rockspec.description or {}
- if args.home then
- return show_homepage(descript.homepage, name, args.namespace, version)
- end
- local directory = path.install_dir(name, version, repo)
- local docdir
- local directories = { "doc", "docs" }
- for _, d in ipairs(directories) do
- local dirname = dir.path(directory, d)
- if fs.is_dir(dirname) then
- docdir = dirname
- break
- end
- end
- if not docdir then
- if descript.homepage and not args.list then
- util.printout("Local documentation directory not found -- opening "..descript.homepage.." ...")
- fs.browser(descript.homepage)
- return true
- end
- return nil, "Documentation directory not found for "..name.." "..version
- end
- docdir = dir.normalize(docdir):gsub("/+", "/")
- local files = fs.find(docdir)
- local htmlpatt = "%.html?$"
- local extensions = { htmlpatt, "%.md$", "%.txt$", "%.textile$", "" }
- local basenames = { "index", "readme", "manual" }
- local porcelain = args.porcelain
- if #files > 0 then
- util.title("Documentation files for "..name.." "..version, porcelain)
- if porcelain then
- for _, file in ipairs(files) do
- util.printout(docdir.."/"..file)
- end
- else
- util.printout(docdir.."/")
- for _, file in ipairs(files) do
- util.printout("\t"..file)
- end
- end
- end
- if args.list then
- return true
- end
- for _, extension in ipairs(extensions) do
- for _, basename in ipairs(basenames) do
- local filename = basename..extension
- local found
- for _, file in ipairs(files) do
- if file:lower():match(filename) and ((not found) or #file < #found) then
- found = file
- end
- end
- if found then
- local pathname = dir.path(docdir, found)
- util.printout()
- util.printout("Opening "..pathname.." ...")
- util.printout()
- local ok = fs.browser(pathname)
- if not ok and not pathname:match(htmlpatt) then
- local fd = io.open(pathname, "r")
- util.printout(fd:read("*a"))
- fd:close()
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return true
-return doc
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/download.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/download.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eae824395..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/download.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the luarocks "download" command.
--- Download a rock from the repository.
-local cmd_download = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local download = require("luarocks.download")
-function cmd_download.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("download", "Download a specific rock file from a rocks server.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("name", "Name of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Version of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--all", "Download all files if there are multiple matches.")
- cmd:mutex(
- cmd:flag("--source", "Download .src.rock if available."),
- cmd:flag("--rockspec", "Download .rockspec if available."),
- cmd:option("--arch", "Download rock for a specific architecture."))
- cmd:flag("--check-lua-versions", "If the rock can't be found, check repository "..
- "and report if it is available for another Lua version.")
---- Driver function for the "download" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
--- by an error message.
-function cmd_download.command(args)
- if not args.name and not args.all then
- return nil, "Argument missing. "..util.see_help("download")
- end
- args.name = args.name or ""
- local arch
- if args.source then
- arch = "src"
- elseif args.rockspec then
- arch = "rockspec"
- elseif args.arch then
- arch = args.arch
- end
- local dl, err = download.download(arch, args.name, args.namespace, args.version, args.all, args.check_lua_versions)
- return dl and true, err
-return cmd_download
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/init.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bccb23f0..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-local init = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local write_rockspec = require("luarocks.cmd.write_rockspec")
-function init.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("init", "Initialize a directory for a Lua project using LuaRocks.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("name", "The project name.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("version", "An optional project version.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--reset", "Delete .luarocks/config-5.x.lua and ./lua and generate new ones.")
- cmd:group("Options for specifying rockspec data", write_rockspec.cmd_options(cmd))
-local function write_gitignore(entries)
- local gitignore = ""
- local fd = io.open(".gitignore", "r")
- if fd then
- gitignore = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- gitignore = "\n" .. gitignore .. "\n"
- end
- fd = io.open(".gitignore", gitignore and "a" or "w")
- for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do
- entry = "/" .. entry
- if not gitignore:find("\n"..entry.."\n", 1, true) then
- fd:write(entry.."\n")
- end
- end
- fd:close()
---- Driver function for "init" command.
--- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
-function init.command(args)
- local pwd = fs.current_dir()
- if not args.name then
- args.name = dir.base_name(pwd)
- if args.name == "/" then
- return nil, "When running from the root directory, please specify the argument"
- end
- end
- util.title("Initializing project '" .. args.name .. "' for Lua " .. cfg.lua_version .. " ...")
- util.printout("Checking your Lua installation ...")
- if not cfg.lua_found then
- return nil, "Lua installation is not found."
- end
- local ok, err = deps.check_lua_incdir(cfg.variables)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local has_rockspec = false
- for file in fs.dir() do
- if file:match("%.rockspec$") then
- has_rockspec = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not has_rockspec then
- args.version = args.version or "dev"
- args.location = pwd
- local ok, err = write_rockspec.command(args)
- if not ok then
- util.printerr(err)
- end
- end
- local ext = cfg.wrapper_suffix
- local luarocks_wrapper = "luarocks" .. ext
- local lua_wrapper = "lua" .. ext
- util.printout("Adding entries to .gitignore ...")
- write_gitignore({ luarocks_wrapper, lua_wrapper, "lua_modules", ".luarocks" })
- util.printout("Preparing ./.luarocks/ ...")
- fs.make_dir(".luarocks")
- local config_file = ".luarocks/config-" .. cfg.lua_version .. ".lua"
- if args.reset then
- fs.delete(lua_wrapper)
- fs.delete(config_file)
- end
- local config_tbl, err = persist.load_config_file_if_basic(config_file, cfg)
- if config_tbl then
- local globals = {
- "lua_interpreter",
- }
- for _, v in ipairs(globals) do
- if cfg[v] then
- config_tbl[v] = cfg[v]
- end
- end
- local varnames = {
- "LUA_DIR",
- }
- for _, varname in ipairs(varnames) do
- if cfg.variables[varname] then
- config_tbl.variables = config_tbl.variables or {}
- config_tbl.variables[varname] = cfg.variables[varname]
- end
- end
- local ok, err = persist.save_from_table(config_file, config_tbl)
- if ok then
- util.printout("Wrote " .. config_file)
- else
- util.printout("Failed writing " .. config_file .. ": " .. err)
- end
- else
- util.printout("Will not attempt to overwrite " .. config_file)
- end
- ok, err = persist.save_default_lua_version(".luarocks", cfg.lua_version)
- if not ok then
- util.printout("Failed setting default Lua version: " .. err)
- end
- util.printout("Preparing ./lua_modules/ ...")
- fs.make_dir("lua_modules/lib/luarocks/rocks-" .. cfg.lua_version)
- local tree = dir.path(pwd, "lua_modules")
- luarocks_wrapper = dir.path(".", luarocks_wrapper)
- if not fs.exists(luarocks_wrapper) then
- util.printout("Preparing " .. luarocks_wrapper .. " ...")
- fs.wrap_script(arg[0], luarocks_wrapper, "none", nil, nil, "--project-tree", tree)
- else
- util.printout(luarocks_wrapper .. " already exists. Not overwriting it!")
- end
- lua_wrapper = dir.path(".", lua_wrapper)
- local write_lua_wrapper = true
- if fs.exists(lua_wrapper) then
- if not util.lua_is_wrapper(lua_wrapper) then
- util.printout(lua_wrapper .. " already exists and does not look like a wrapper script. Not overwriting.")
- write_lua_wrapper = false
- end
- end
- if write_lua_wrapper then
- local interp = dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)
- if util.check_lua_version(interp, cfg.lua_version) then
- util.printout("Preparing " .. lua_wrapper .. " for version " .. cfg.lua_version .. "...")
- path.use_tree(tree)
- fs.wrap_script(nil, lua_wrapper, "all")
- else
- util.warning("No Lua interpreter detected for version " .. cfg.lua_version .. ". Not creating " .. lua_wrapper)
- end
- end
- return true
-return init
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/install.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/install.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c2e947b20..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/install.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "install" command.
--- Installs binary rocks.
-local install = {}
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local remove = require("luarocks.remove")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-function install.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("install", "Install a rock.", util.see_also()) -- luacheck: ignore 431
- cmd:argument("rock", "The name of a rock to be fetched from a repository "..
- "or a filename of a locally available rock.")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Version of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--keep", "Do not remove previously installed versions of the "..
- "rock after building a new one. This behavior can be made permanent by "..
- "setting keep_other_versions=true in the configuration file.")
- cmd:flag("--force", "If --keep is not specified, force removal of "..
- "previously installed versions if it would break dependencies.")
- cmd:flag("--force-fast", "Like --force, but performs a forced removal "..
- "without reporting dependency issues.")
- cmd:flag("--only-deps --deps-only", "Install only the dependencies of the rock.")
- cmd:flag("--no-doc", "Install the rock without its documentation.")
- cmd:flag("--verify", "Verify signature of the rockspec or src.rock being "..
- "built. If the rockspec or src.rock is being downloaded, LuaRocks will "..
- "attempt to download the signature as well. Otherwise, the signature "..
- "file should be already available locally in the same directory.\n"..
- "You need the signer’s public key in your local keyring for this "..
- "option to work properly.")
- cmd:flag("--check-lua-versions", "If the rock can't be found, check repository "..
- "and report if it is available for another Lua version.")
- util.deps_mode_option(cmd)
- cmd:flag("--no-manifest", "Skip creating/updating the manifest")
- cmd:flag("--pin", "If the installed rock is a Lua module, create a "..
- "luarocks.lock file listing the exact versions of each dependency found for "..
- "this rock (recursively), and store it in the rock's directory. "..
- "Ignores any existing luarocks.lock file in the rock's sources.")
- -- luarocks build options
- parser:flag("--pack-binary-rock"):hidden(true)
- parser:option("--branch"):hidden(true)
- parser:flag("--sign"):hidden(true)
-install.opts = util.opts_table("install.opts", {
- namespace = "string?",
- keep = "boolean",
- force = "boolean",
- force_fast = "boolean",
- no_doc = "boolean",
- deps_mode = "string",
- verify = "boolean",
---- Install a binary rock.
--- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
--- @param opts table: installation options
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
--- installed rock if succeeded or nil and an error message followed by an error code.
-function install.install_binary_rock(rock_file, opts)
- assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
- assert(opts:type() == "install.opts")
- local namespace = opts.namespace
- local deps_mode = opts.deps_mode
- local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
- if not name then
- return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."
- end
- if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
- return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"
- end
- if repos.is_installed(name, version) then
- repos.delete_version(name, version, opts.deps_mode)
- end
- local install_dir = path.install_dir(name, version)
- local rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
- fs.delete(install_dir)
- fs.remove_dir_if_empty(path.versions_dir(name))
- end)
- local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, install_dir, opts.verify)
- if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
- if err then
- return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode
- end
- if opts.deps_mode ~= "none" then
- ok, err, errcode = deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, "install")
- if err then return nil, err, errcode end
- end
- -- For compatibility with .rock files built with LuaRocks 1
- if not fs.exists(path.rock_manifest_file(name, version)) then
- ok, err = writer.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if err then return nil, err end
- end
- if namespace then
- ok, err = writer.make_namespace_file(name, version, namespace)
- if err then return nil, err end
- end
- if deps_mode ~= "none" then
- ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, "dependencies", deps_mode, opts.verify, install_dir)
- if err then return nil, err, errcode end
- end
- ok, err = repos.deploy_files(name, version, repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec), deps_mode)
- if err then return nil, err end
- util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
- rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
- repos.delete_version(name, version, deps_mode)
- end)
- ok, err = repos.run_hook(rockspec, "post_install")
- if err then return nil, err end
- util.announce_install(rockspec)
- util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
- return name, version
---- Installs the dependencies of a binary rock.
--- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
--- @param opts table: installation options
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
--- the rock whose dependencies were installed if succeeded or nil and an error message
--- followed by an error code.
-function install.install_binary_rock_deps(rock_file, opts)
- assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
- assert(opts:type() == "install.opts")
- local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
- if not name then
- return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."
- end
- if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
- return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"
- end
- local install_dir = path.install_dir(name, version)
- local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, install_dir, opts.verify)
- if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
- if err then
- return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode
- end
- ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, "dependencies", opts.deps_mode, opts.verify, install_dir)
- if err then return nil, err, errcode end
- util.printout()
- util.printout("Successfully installed dependencies for " ..name.." "..version)
- return name, version
-local function install_rock_file_deps(filename, opts)
- assert(opts:type() == "install.opts")
- local name, version = install.install_binary_rock_deps(filename, opts)
- if not name then return nil, version end
- writer.check_dependencies(nil, opts.deps_mode)
- return name, version
-local function install_rock_file(filename, opts)
- assert(type(filename) == "string")
- assert(opts:type() == "install.opts")
- local name, version = install.install_binary_rock(filename, opts)
- if not name then return nil, version end
- if opts.no_doc then
- util.remove_doc_dir(name, version)
- end
- if (not opts.keep) and not cfg.keep_other_versions then
- local ok, err, warn = remove.remove_other_versions(name, version, opts.force, opts.force_fast)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- elseif warn then
- util.printerr(err)
- end
- end
- writer.check_dependencies(nil, opts.deps_mode)
- return name, version
---- Driver function for the "install" command.
--- If an URL or pathname to a binary rock is given, fetches and installs it.
--- If a rockspec or a source rock is given, forwards the request to the "build"
--- command.
--- If a package name is given, forwards the request to "search" and,
--- if returned a result, installs the matching rock.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string, exitcode): True if installation was
--- successful, nil and an error message otherwise. exitcode is optionally returned.
-function install.command(args)
- local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(args)
- if not ok then return nil, err, cmd.errorcodes.PERMISSIONDENIED end
- if args.rock:match("%.rockspec$") or args.rock:match("%.src%.rock$") then
- local build = require("luarocks.cmd.build")
- return build.command(args)
- elseif args.rock:match("%.rock$") then
- local deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(args)
- local opts = install.opts({
- namespace = args.namespace,
- keep = not not args.keep,
- force = not not args.force,
- force_fast = not not args.force_fast,
- no_doc = not not args.no_doc,
- deps_mode = deps_mode,
- verify = not not args.verify,
- })
- if args.only_deps then
- return install_rock_file_deps(args.rock, opts)
- else
- return install_rock_file(args.rock, opts)
- end
- else
- local url, err = search.find_rock_checking_lua_versions(
- queries.new(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version),
- args.check_lua_versions)
- if not url then
- return nil, err
- end
- util.printout("Installing "..url)
- args.rock = url
- return install.command(args)
- end
-return install
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/lint.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/lint.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a3da906..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/lint.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "lint" command.
--- Utility function that checks syntax of the rockspec.
-local lint = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local download = require("luarocks.download")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-function lint.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("lint", "Check syntax of a rockspec.\n\n"..
- "Returns success if the text of the rockspec is syntactically correct, else failure.",
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Check syntax of a rockspec.")
- cmd:argument("rockspec", "The rockspec to check.")
-function lint.command(args)
- local filename = args.rockspec
- if not filename:match(".rockspec$") then
- local err
- filename, err = download.download("rockspec", filename:lower())
- if not filename then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- local rs, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(filename)
- if not rs then
- return nil, "Failed loading rockspec: "..err
- end
- local ok = true
- -- This should have been done in the type checker,
- -- but it would break compatibility of other commands.
- -- Making 'lint' alone be stricter shouldn't be a problem,
- -- because extra-strict checks is what lint-type commands
- -- are all about.
- if not rs.description.license then
- util.printerr("Rockspec has no license field.")
- ok = false
- end
- return ok, ok or filename.." failed consistency checks."
-return lint
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/list.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/list.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b2682f64..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/list.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "list" command.
--- Lists currently installed rocks.
-local list = {}
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-function list.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("list", "List currently installed rocks.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("filter", "A substring of a rock name to filter by.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("version", "Rock version to filter by.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--outdated", "List only rocks for which there is a higher "..
- "version available in the rocks server.")
- cmd:flag("--porcelain", "Produce machine-friendly output.")
-local function check_outdated(trees, query)
- local results_installed = {}
- for _, tree in ipairs(trees) do
- search.local_manifest_search(results_installed, path.rocks_dir(tree), query)
- end
- local outdated = {}
- for name, versions in util.sortedpairs(results_installed) do
- versions = util.keys(versions)
- table.sort(versions, vers.compare_versions)
- local latest_installed = versions[1]
- local query_available = queries.new(name:lower())
- local results_available, err = search.search_repos(query_available)
- if results_available[name] then
- local available_versions = util.keys(results_available[name])
- table.sort(available_versions, vers.compare_versions)
- local latest_available = available_versions[1]
- local latest_available_repo = results_available[name][latest_available][1].repo
- if vers.compare_versions(latest_available, latest_installed) then
- table.insert(outdated, { name = name, installed = latest_installed, available = latest_available, repo = latest_available_repo })
- end
- end
- end
- return outdated
-local function list_outdated(trees, query, porcelain)
- util.title("Outdated rocks:", porcelain)
- local outdated = check_outdated(trees, query)
- for _, item in ipairs(outdated) do
- if porcelain then
- util.printout(item.name, item.installed, item.available, item.repo)
- else
- util.printout(item.name)
- util.printout(" "..item.installed.." < "..item.available.." at "..item.repo)
- util.printout()
- end
- end
- return true
---- Driver function for "list" command.
--- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
-function list.command(args)
- local query = queries.new(args.filter and args.filter:lower() or "", args.namespace, args.version, true)
- local trees = cfg.rocks_trees
- local title = "Rocks installed for Lua "..cfg.lua_version
- if args.tree then
- trees = { args.tree }
- title = title .. " in " .. args.tree
- end
- if args.outdated then
- return list_outdated(trees, query, args.porcelain)
- end
- local results = {}
- for _, tree in ipairs(trees) do
- local ok, err, errcode = search.local_manifest_search(results, path.rocks_dir(tree), query)
- if not ok and errcode ~= "open" then
- util.warning(err)
- end
- end
- util.title(title, args.porcelain)
- search.print_result_tree(results, args.porcelain)
- return true
-return list
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/make.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/make.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b313bb93..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/make.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "make" command.
--- Builds sources in the current directory, but unlike "build",
--- it does not fetch sources, etc., assuming everything is
--- available in the current directory.
-local make = {}
-local build = require("luarocks.build")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local pack = require("luarocks.pack")
-local remove = require("luarocks.remove")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-function make.cmd_options(parser)
- parser:flag("--no-install", "Do not install the rock.")
- parser:flag("--no-doc", "Install the rock without its documentation.")
- parser:flag("--pack-binary-rock", "Do not install rock. Instead, produce a "..
- ".rock file with the contents of compilation in the current directory.")
- parser:flag("--keep", "Do not remove previously installed versions of the "..
- "rock after building a new one. This behavior can be made permanent by "..
- "setting keep_other_versions=true in the configuration file.")
- parser:flag("--force", "If --keep is not specified, force removal of "..
- "previously installed versions if it would break dependencies.")
- parser:flag("--force-fast", "Like --force, but performs a forced removal "..
- "without reporting dependency issues.")
- parser:flag("--verify", "Verify signature of the rockspec or src.rock being "..
- "built. If the rockspec or src.rock is being downloaded, LuaRocks will "..
- "attempt to download the signature as well. Otherwise, the signature "..
- "file should be already available locally in the same directory.\n"..
- "You need the signer’s public key in your local keyring for this "..
- "option to work properly.")
- parser:flag("--sign", "To be used with --pack-binary-rock. Also produce a "..
- "signature file for the generated .rock file.")
- parser:flag("--check-lua-versions", "If the rock can't be found, check repository "..
- "and report if it is available for another Lua version.")
- parser:flag("--pin", "Pin the exact dependencies used for the rockspec"..
- "being built into a luarocks.lock file in the current directory.")
- parser:flag("--no-manifest", "Skip creating/updating the manifest")
- parser:flag("--only-deps --deps-only", "Install only the dependencies of the rock.")
- util.deps_mode_option(parser)
-function make.add_to_parser(parser)
- -- luacheck: push ignore 431
- local cmd = parser:command("make", [[
-Builds sources in the current directory, but unlike "build", it does not fetch
-sources, etc., assuming everything is available in the current directory. If no
-argument is given, it looks for a rockspec in the current directory and in
-"rockspec/" and "rockspecs/" subdirectories, picking the rockspec with newest
-version or without version name. If rockspecs for different rocks are found or
-there are several rockspecs without version, you must specify which to use,
-through the command-line.
-This command is useful as a tool for debugging rockspecs.
-To install rocks, you'll normally want to use the "install" and "build"
-commands. See the help on those for details.
-If the current directory contains a luarocks.lock file, it is used as the
-authoritative source for exact version of dependencies. The --pin flag
-overrides and recreates this file scanning dependency based on ranges.
-]], util.see_also())
- :summary("Compile package in current directory using a rockspec.")
- -- luacheck: pop
- cmd:argument("rockspec", "Rockspec for the rock to build.")
- :args("?")
- make.cmd_options(cmd)
---- Driver function for "make" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string, exitcode): True if build was successful; nil and an
--- error message otherwise. exitcode is optionally returned.
-function make.command(args)
- local rockspec_filename = args.rockspec
- if not rockspec_filename then
- local err
- rockspec_filename, err = util.get_default_rockspec()
- if not rockspec_filename then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- if not rockspec_filename:match("rockspec$") then
- return nil, "Invalid argument: 'make' takes a rockspec as a parameter. "..util.see_help("make")
- end
- local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_filename)
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, err
- end
- local name, namespace = util.split_namespace(rockspec.name)
- namespace = namespace or args.namespace
- local opts = build.opts({
- need_to_fetch = false,
- minimal_mode = true,
- deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(args),
- build_only_deps = not not (args.only_deps and not args.pack_binary_rock),
- namespace = namespace,
- branch = args.branch,
- verify = not not args.verify,
- check_lua_versions = not not args.check_lua_versions,
- pin = not not args.pin,
- no_install = not not args.no_install
- })
- if args.sign and not args.pack_binary_rock then
- return nil, "In the make command, --sign is meant to be used only with --pack-binary-rock"
- end
- if args.no_install then
- return build.build_rockspec(rockspec, opts)
- elseif args.pack_binary_rock then
- return pack.pack_binary_rock(name, namespace, rockspec.version, args.sign, function()
- local name, version = build.build_rockspec(rockspec, opts) -- luacheck: ignore 431
- if name and args.no_doc then
- util.remove_doc_dir(name, version)
- end
- return name, version
- end)
- else
- local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(args)
- if not ok then return nil, err, cmd.errorcodes.PERMISSIONDENIED end
- ok, err = build.build_rockspec(rockspec, opts)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local name, version = ok, err -- luacheck: ignore 421
- if opts.build_only_deps then
- util.printout("Stopping after installing dependencies for " ..name.." "..version)
- util.printout()
- return name, version
- end
- if args.no_doc then
- util.remove_doc_dir(name, version)
- end
- if (not args.keep) and not cfg.keep_other_versions then
- local ok, err, warn = remove.remove_other_versions(name, version, args.force, args.force_fast)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- elseif warn then
- util.printerr(warn)
- end
- end
- writer.check_dependencies(nil, deps.get_deps_mode(args))
- return name, version
- end
-return make
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/new_version.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/new_version.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 49479910c..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/new_version.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "new_version" command.
--- Utility function that writes a new rockspec, updating data from a previous one.
-local new_version = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local download = require("luarocks.download")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local type_rockspec = require("luarocks.type.rockspec")
-function new_version.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("new_version", [[
-This is a utility function that writes a new rockspec, updating data from a
-previous one.
-If a package name is given, it downloads the latest rockspec from the default
-server. If a rockspec is given, it uses it instead. If no argument is given, it
-looks for a rockspec same way 'luarocks make' does.
-If the version number is not given and tag is passed using --tag, it is used as
-the version, with 'v' removed from beginning. Otherwise, it only increments the
-revision number of the given (or downloaded) rockspec.
-If a URL is given, it replaces the one from the old rockspec with the given URL.
-If a URL is not given and a new version is given, it tries to guess the new URL
-by replacing occurrences of the version number in the URL or tag; if the guessed
-URL is invalid, the old URL is restored. It also tries to download the new URL
-to determine the new MD5 checksum.
-If a tag is given, it replaces the one from the old rockspec. If there is an old
-tag but no new one passed, it is guessed in the same way URL is.
-If a directory is not given, it defaults to the current directory.
-WARNING: it writes the new rockspec to the given directory, overwriting the file
-if it already exists.]], util.see_also())
- :summary("Auto-write a rockspec for a new version of a rock.")
- cmd:argument("rock", "Package name or rockspec.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("new_version", "New version of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("new_url", "New URL of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:option("--dir", "Output directory for the new rockspec.")
- cmd:option("--tag", "New SCM tag.")
-local function try_replace(tbl, field, old, new)
- if not tbl[field] then
- return false
- end
- local old_field = tbl[field]
- local new_field = tbl[field]:gsub(old, new)
- if new_field ~= old_field then
- util.printout("Guessing new '"..field.."' field as "..new_field)
- tbl[field] = new_field
- return true
- end
- return false
--- Try to download source file using URL from a rockspec.
--- If it specified MD5, update it.
--- @return (true, false) if MD5 was not specified or it stayed same,
--- (true, true) if MD5 changed, (nil, string) on error.
-local function check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs, invalid_is_error)
- local file, temp_dir = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(out_rs.source.url, "luarocks-new-version-"..out_rs.package)
- if not file then
- if invalid_is_error then
- return nil, "invalid URL - "..temp_dir
- end
- util.warning("invalid URL - "..temp_dir)
- return true, false
- end
- local inferred_dir, found_dir = fetch.find_base_dir(file, temp_dir, out_rs.source.url, out_rs.source.dir)
- if not inferred_dir then
- return nil, found_dir
- end
- if found_dir and found_dir ~= inferred_dir then
- out_rs.source.dir = found_dir
- end
- if file then
- if out_rs.source.md5 then
- util.printout("File successfully downloaded. Updating MD5 checksum...")
- local new_md5, err = fs.get_md5(file)
- if not new_md5 then
- return nil, err
- end
- local old_md5 = out_rs.source.md5
- out_rs.source.md5 = new_md5
- return true, new_md5 ~= old_md5
- else
- util.printout("File successfully downloaded.")
- return true, false
- end
- end
-local function update_source_section(out_rs, url, tag, old_ver, new_ver)
- if tag then
- out_rs.source.tag = tag
- end
- if url then
- out_rs.source.url = url
- return check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs)
- end
- if new_ver == old_ver then
- return true
- end
- if out_rs.source.dir then
- try_replace(out_rs.source, "dir", old_ver, new_ver)
- end
- if out_rs.source.file then
- try_replace(out_rs.source, "file", old_ver, new_ver)
- end
- local old_url = out_rs.source.url
- if try_replace(out_rs.source, "url", old_ver, new_ver) then
- local ok, md5_changed = check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs, true)
- if ok then
- return ok, md5_changed
- end
- out_rs.source.url = old_url
- end
- if tag or try_replace(out_rs.source, "tag", old_ver, new_ver) then
- return true
- end
- -- Couldn't replace anything significant, use the old URL.
- local ok, md5_changed = check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs)
- if not ok then
- return nil, md5_changed
- end
- if md5_changed then
- util.warning("URL is the same, but MD5 has changed. Old rockspec is broken.")
- end
- return true
-function new_version.command(args)
- if not args.rock then
- local err
- args.rock, err = util.get_default_rockspec()
- if not args.rock then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- local filename, err
- if args.rock:match("rockspec$") then
- filename, err = fetch.fetch_url(args.rock)
- if not filename then
- return nil, err
- end
- else
- filename, err = download.download("rockspec", args.rock:lower())
- if not filename then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- local valid_rs, err = fetch.load_rockspec(filename)
- if not valid_rs then
- return nil, err
- end
- local old_ver, old_rev = valid_rs.version:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
- local new_ver, new_rev
- if args.tag and not args.new_version then
- args.new_version = args.tag:gsub("^v", "")
- end
- local out_dir
- if args.dir then
- out_dir = dir.normalize(args.dir)
- end
- if args.new_version then
- new_ver, new_rev = args.new_version:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
- new_rev = tonumber(new_rev)
- if not new_rev then
- new_ver = args.new_version
- new_rev = 1
- end
- else
- new_ver = old_ver
- new_rev = tonumber(old_rev) + 1
- end
- local new_rockver = new_ver:gsub("-", "")
- local out_rs, err = persist.load_into_table(filename)
- local out_name = out_rs.package:lower()
- out_rs.version = new_rockver.."-"..new_rev
- local ok, err = update_source_section(out_rs, args.new_url, args.tag, old_ver, new_ver)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if out_rs.build and out_rs.build.type == "module" then
- out_rs.build.type = "builtin"
- end
- local out_filename = out_name.."-"..new_rockver.."-"..new_rev..".rockspec"
- if out_dir then
- out_filename = dir.path(out_dir, out_filename)
- fs.make_dir(out_dir)
- end
- persist.save_from_table(out_filename, out_rs, type_rockspec.order)
- util.printout("Wrote "..out_filename)
- local valid_out_rs, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(out_filename)
- if not valid_out_rs then
- return nil, "Failed loading generated rockspec: "..err
- end
- return true
-return new_version
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/pack.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/pack.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a43e7b0..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/pack.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "pack" command.
--- Creates a rock, packing sources or binaries.
-local cmd_pack = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local pack = require("luarocks.pack")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-function cmd_pack.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("pack", "Create a rock, packing sources or binaries.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("rock", "A rockspec file, for creating a source rock, or the "..
- "name of an installed package, for creating a binary rock.")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "A version may be given if the first argument is a rock name.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--sign", "Produce a signature file as well.")
---- Driver function for the "pack" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
--- by an error message.
-function cmd_pack.command(args)
- local file, err
- if args.rock:match(".*%.rockspec") then
- file, err = pack.pack_source_rock(args.rock)
- else
- local query = queries.new(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version)
- file, err = pack.pack_installed_rock(query, args.tree)
- end
- return pack.report_and_sign_local_file(file, err, args.sign)
-return cmd_pack
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/path.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/path.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b6fee71a..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/path.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
---- @module luarocks.path_cmd
--- Driver for the `luarocks path` command.
-local path_cmd = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-function path_cmd.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("path", [[
-Returns the package path currently configured for this installation
-of LuaRocks, formatted as shell commands to update LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH.
-On Unix systems, you may run:
- eval `luarocks path`
-And on Windows:
- luarocks path > "%temp%\_lrp.bat" && call "%temp%\_lrp.bat" && del "%temp%\_lrp.bat"]],
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Return the currently configured package path.")
- cmd:flag("--no-bin", "Do not export the PATH variable.")
- cmd:flag("--append", "Appends the paths to the existing paths. Default is "..
- "to prefix the LR paths to the existing paths.")
- cmd:flag("--lr-path", "Exports the Lua path (not formatted as shell command).")
- cmd:flag("--lr-cpath", "Exports the Lua cpath (not formatted as shell command).")
- cmd:flag("--lr-bin", "Exports the system path (not formatted as shell command).")
- cmd:flag("--bin"):hidden(true)
---- Driver function for "path" command.
--- @return boolean This function always succeeds.
-function path_cmd.command(args)
- local lr_path, lr_cpath, lr_bin = cfg.package_paths(args.tree)
- local path_sep = cfg.export_path_separator
- if args.lr_path then
- util.printout(util.cleanup_path(lr_path, ';', cfg.lua_version, true))
- return true
- elseif args.lr_cpath then
- util.printout(util.cleanup_path(lr_cpath, ';', cfg.lua_version, true))
- return true
- elseif args.lr_bin then
- util.printout(util.cleanup_path(lr_bin, path_sep, nil, true))
- return true
- end
- local clean_path = util.cleanup_path(os.getenv("PATH") or "", path_sep, nil, true)
- if args.append then
- lr_path = package.path .. ";" .. lr_path
- lr_cpath = package.cpath .. ";" .. lr_cpath
- lr_bin = clean_path .. path_sep .. lr_bin
- else
- lr_path = lr_path.. ";" .. package.path
- lr_cpath = lr_cpath .. ";" .. package.cpath
- lr_bin = lr_bin .. path_sep .. clean_path
- end
- local lpath_var, lcpath_var = util.lua_path_variables()
- util.printout(fs.export_cmd(lpath_var, util.cleanup_path(lr_path, ';', cfg.lua_version, args.append)))
- util.printout(fs.export_cmd(lcpath_var, util.cleanup_path(lr_cpath, ';', cfg.lua_version, args.append)))
- if not args.no_bin then
- util.printout(fs.export_cmd("PATH", util.cleanup_path(lr_bin, path_sep, nil, args.append)))
- end
- return true
-return path_cmd
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/purge.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/purge.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c300e286e..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/purge.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "purge" command.
--- Remove all rocks from a given tree.
-local purge = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local remove = require("luarocks.remove")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-function purge.add_to_parser(parser)
- -- luacheck: push ignore 431
- local cmd = parser:command("purge", [[
-This command removes rocks en masse from a given tree.
-By default, it removes all rocks from a tree.
-The --tree option is mandatory: luarocks purge does not assume a default tree.]],
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Remove all installed rocks from a tree.")
- -- luacheck: pop
- cmd:flag("--old-versions", "Keep the highest-numbered version of each "..
- "rock and remove the other ones. By default it only removes old "..
- "versions if they are not needed as dependencies. This can be "..
- "overridden with the flag --force.")
- cmd:flag("--force", "If --old-versions is specified, force removal of "..
- "previously installed versions if it would break dependencies.")
- cmd:flag("--force-fast", "Like --force, but performs a forced removal "..
- "without reporting dependency issues.")
-function purge.command(args)
- local tree = args.tree
- if type(tree) ~= "string" then
- return nil, "The --tree argument is mandatory. "..util.see_help("purge")
- end
- local results = {}
- if not fs.is_dir(tree) then
- return nil, "Directory not found: "..tree
- end
- local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(args)
- if not ok then return nil, err, cmd.errorcodes.PERMISSIONDENIED end
- search.local_manifest_search(results, path.rocks_dir(tree), queries.all())
- local sort = function(a,b) return vers.compare_versions(b,a) end
- if args.old_versions then
- sort = vers.compare_versions
- end
- for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(results) do
- for version, _ in util.sortedpairs(versions, sort) do
- if args.old_versions then
- util.printout("Keeping "..package.." "..version.."...")
- local ok, err, warn = remove.remove_other_versions(package, version, args.force, args.force_fast)
- if not ok then
- util.printerr(err)
- elseif warn then
- util.printerr(err)
- end
- break
- else
- util.printout("Removing "..package.." "..version.."...")
- local ok, err = repos.delete_version(package, version, "none", true)
- if not ok then
- util.printerr(err)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return writer.make_manifest(cfg.rocks_dir, "one")
-return purge
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/remove.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/remove.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bb69ad63..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/remove.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "remove" command.
--- Uninstalls rocks.
-local cmd_remove = {}
-local remove = require("luarocks.remove")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")
-function cmd_remove.add_to_parser(parser)
- -- luacheck: push ignore 431
- local cmd = parser:command("remove", [[
-Uninstall a rock.
-If a version is not given, try to remove all versions at once.
-Will only perform the removal if it does not break dependencies.
-To override this check and force the removal, use --force or --force-fast.]],
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Uninstall a rock.")
- -- luacheck: pop
- cmd:argument("rock", "Name of the rock to be uninstalled.")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Version of the rock to uninstall.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--force", "Force removal if it would break dependencies.")
- cmd:flag("--force-fast", "Perform a forced removal without reporting dependency issues.")
- util.deps_mode_option(cmd)
---- Driver function for the "remove" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string, exitcode): True if removal was
--- successful, nil and an error message otherwise. exitcode is optionally returned.
-function cmd_remove.command(args)
- local name = args.rock
- local deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(args)
- local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(args)
- if not ok then return nil, err, cmd.errorcodes.PERMISSIONDENIED end
- local rock_type = name:match("%.(rock)$") or name:match("%.(rockspec)$")
- local version = args.version
- local filename = name
- if rock_type then
- name, version = path.parse_name(filename)
- if not name then return nil, "Invalid "..rock_type.." filename: "..filename end
- end
- name = name:lower()
- local results = {}
- search.local_manifest_search(results, cfg.rocks_dir, queries.new(name, args.namespace, version))
- if not results[name] then
- local rock = util.format_rock_name(name, args.namespace, version)
- return nil, "Could not find rock '"..rock.."' in "..path.rocks_tree_to_string(cfg.root_dir)
- end
- ok, err = remove.remove_search_results(results, name, deps_mode, args.force, args.force_fast)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- writer.check_dependencies(nil, deps.get_deps_mode(args))
- return true
-return cmd_remove
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/search.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/search.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cab6d800..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/search.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "search" command.
--- Queries LuaRocks servers.
-local cmd_search = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local results = require("luarocks.results")
-function cmd_search.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("search", "Query the LuaRocks servers.", util.see_also())
- cmd:argument("name", "Name of the rock to search for.")
- :args("?")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Rock version to search for.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--source", "Return only rockspecs and source rocks, to be used "..
- 'with the "build" command.')
- cmd:flag("--binary", "Return only pure Lua and binary rocks (rocks that "..
- 'can be used with the "install" command without requiring a C toolchain).')
- cmd:flag("--all", "List all contents of the server that are suitable to "..
- "this platform, do not filter by name.")
- cmd:flag("--porcelain", "Return a machine readable format.")
---- Splits a list of search results into two lists, one for "source" results
--- to be used with the "build" command, and one for "binary" results to be
--- used with the "install" command.
--- @param result_tree table: A search results table.
--- @return (table, table): Two tables, one for source and one for binary
--- results.
-local function split_source_and_binary_results(result_tree)
- local sources, binaries = {}, {}
- for name, versions in pairs(result_tree) do
- for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
- for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
- local where = sources
- if repo.arch == "all" or repo.arch == cfg.arch then
- where = binaries
- end
- local entry = results.new(name, version, repo.repo, repo.arch)
- search.store_result(where, entry)
- end
- end
- end
- return sources, binaries
---- Driver function for "search" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if build was successful; nil and an
--- error message otherwise.
-function cmd_search.command(args)
- local name = args.name
- if args.all then
- name, args.version = "", nil
- end
- if not args.name and not args.all then
- return nil, "Enter name and version or use --all. "..util.see_help("search")
- end
- local query = queries.new(name, args.namespace, args.version, true)
- local result_tree, err = search.search_repos(query)
- local porcelain = args.porcelain
- local full_name = util.format_rock_name(name, args.namespace, args.version)
- util.title(full_name .. " - Search results for Lua "..cfg.lua_version..":", porcelain, "=")
- local sources, binaries = split_source_and_binary_results(result_tree)
- if next(sources) and not args.binary then
- util.title("Rockspecs and source rocks:", porcelain)
- search.print_result_tree(sources, porcelain)
- end
- if next(binaries) and not args.source then
- util.title("Binary and pure-Lua rocks:", porcelain)
- search.print_result_tree(binaries, porcelain)
- end
- return true
-return cmd_search
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/show.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/show.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d93459fd2..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/show.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "show" command.
--- Shows information about an installed rock.
-local show = {}
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local dir = require("luarocks.core.dir")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-function show.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("show", [[
-Show information about an installed rock.
-Without any flags, show all module information.
-With flags, return only the desired information.]], util.see_also())
- :summary("Show information about an installed rock.")
- cmd:argument("rock", "Name of an installed rock.")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Rock version.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--home", "Show home page of project.")
- cmd:flag("--modules", "Show all modules provided by the package as used by require().")
- cmd:flag("--deps", "Show packages the package depends on.")
- cmd:flag("--build-deps", "Show build-only dependencies for the package.")
- cmd:flag("--test-deps", "Show dependencies for testing the package.")
- cmd:flag("--rockspec", "Show the full path of the rockspec file.")
- cmd:flag("--mversion", "Show the package version.")
- cmd:flag("--rock-tree", "Show local tree where rock is installed.")
- cmd:flag("--rock-namespace", "Show rock namespace.")
- cmd:flag("--rock-dir", "Show data directory of the installed rock.")
- cmd:flag("--rock-license", "Show rock license.")
- cmd:flag("--issues", "Show URL for project's issue tracker.")
- cmd:flag("--labels", "List the labels of the rock.")
- cmd:flag("--porcelain", "Produce machine-friendly output.")
-local friendly_template = [[
- :
-?namespace:${namespace}/${package} ${version} - ${summary}
-!namespace:${package} ${version} - ${summary}
- :
-*detailed :${detailed}
-?detailed :
-?license :License: \t${license}
-?homepage :Homepage: \t${homepage}
-?issues :Issues: \t${issues}
-?labels :Labels: \t${labels}
-?location :Installed in: \t${location}
-?commands :
-?commands :Commands:
-*commands :\t${name} (${file})
-?modules :
-?modules :Modules:
-*modules :\t${name} (${file})
-?bdeps :
-?bdeps :Has build dependency on:
-*bdeps :\t${name} (${label})
-?tdeps :
-?tdeps :Tests depend on:
-*tdeps :\t${name} (${label})
-?deps :
-?deps :Depends on:
-*deps :\t${name} (${label})
-?ideps :
-?ideps :Indirectly pulling:
-*ideps :\t${name} (${label})
- :
-local porcelain_template = [[
-?package :package\t${package}
-?version :version\t${version}
-?summary :summary\t${summary}
-*detailed :detailed\t${detailed}
-?license :license\t${license}
-?homepage :homepage\t${homepage}
-?issues :issues\t${issues}
-?labels :labels\t${labels}
-?location :location\t${location}
-*commands :command\t${name}\t${file}
-*modules :module\t${name}\t${file}
-*bdeps :build_dependency\t${name}\t${label}
-*tdeps :test_dependency\t${name}\t${label}
-*deps :dependency\t${name}\t${label}
-*ideps :indirect_dependency\t${name}\t${label}
-local function keys_as_string(t, sep)
- local keys = util.keys(t)
- table.sort(keys)
- return table.concat(keys, sep or " ")
-local function word_wrap(line)
- local width = tonumber(os.getenv("COLUMNS")) or 80
- if width > 80 then width = 80 end
- if #line > width then
- local brk = width
- while brk > 0 and line:sub(brk, brk) ~= " " do
- brk = brk - 1
- end
- if brk > 0 then
- return line:sub(1, brk-1) .. "\n" .. word_wrap(line:sub(brk+1))
- end
- end
- return line
-local function format_text(text)
- text = text:gsub("^%s*",""):gsub("%s$", ""):gsub("\n[ \t]+","\n"):gsub("([^\n])\n([^\n])","%1 %2")
- local paragraphs = util.split_string(text, "\n\n")
- for n, line in ipairs(paragraphs) do
- paragraphs[n] = word_wrap(line)
- end
- return (table.concat(paragraphs, "\n\n"):gsub("%s$", ""))
-local function installed_rock_label(dep, tree)
- local installed, version
- local rocks_provided = util.get_rocks_provided()
- if rocks_provided[dep.name] then
- installed, version = true, rocks_provided[dep.name]
- else
- installed, version = search.pick_installed_rock(dep, tree)
- end
- return installed and "using "..version or "missing"
-local function render(template, data)
- local out = {}
- for cmd, var, line in template:gmatch("(.)([a-z]*)%s*:([^\n]*)\n") do
- line = line:gsub("\\t", "\t")
- local d = data[var]
- if cmd == " " then
- table.insert(out, line)
- elseif cmd == "?" or cmd == "*" or cmd == "!" then
- if (cmd == "!" and d == nil)
- or (cmd ~= "!" and (type(d) == "string"
- or (type(d) == "table" and next(d)))) then
- local n = cmd == "*" and #d or 1
- for i = 1, n do
- local tbl = cmd == "*" and d[i] or data
- if type(tbl) == "string" then
- tbl = tbl:gsub("%%", "%%%%")
- end
- table.insert(out, (line:gsub("${([a-z]+)}", tbl)))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return table.concat(out, "\n")
-local function adjust_path(name, version, basedir, pathname, suffix)
- pathname = dir.path(basedir, pathname)
- local vpathname = path.versioned_name(pathname, basedir, name, version)
- return (fs.exists(vpathname)
- and vpathname
- or pathname) .. (suffix or "")
-local function modules_to_list(name, version, repo)
- local ret = {}
- local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version, repo)
- local lua_dir = path.deploy_lua_dir(repo)
- local lib_dir = path.deploy_lib_dir(repo)
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.lua, function(pathname)
- table.insert(ret, {
- name = path.path_to_module(pathname),
- file = adjust_path(name, version, lua_dir, pathname),
- })
- end)
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.lib, function(pathname)
- table.insert(ret, {
- name = path.path_to_module(pathname),
- file = adjust_path(name, version, lib_dir, pathname),
- })
- end)
- table.sort(ret, function(a, b)
- if a.name == b.name then
- return a.file < b.file
- end
- return a.name < b.name
- end)
- return ret
-local function commands_to_list(name, version, repo)
- local ret = {}
- local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version, repo)
- local bin_dir = path.deploy_bin_dir(repo)
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.bin, function(pathname)
- pathname = adjust_path(name, version, bin_dir, pathname)
- table.insert(ret, {
- name = pathname,
- file = adjust_path(name, version, bin_dir, pathname, cfg.wrapper_suffix),
- })
- end)
- table.sort(ret, function(a, b)
- if a.name == b.name then
- return a.file < b.file
- end
- return a.name < b.name
- end)
- return ret
-local function deps_to_list(dependencies, tree)
- local ret = {}
- for _, dep in ipairs(dependencies or {}) do
- table.insert(ret, { name = tostring(dep), label = installed_rock_label(dep, tree) })
- end
- return ret
-local function indirect_deps(mdeps, rdeps, tree)
- local ret = {}
- local direct_deps = {}
- for _, dep in ipairs(rdeps) do
- direct_deps[dep] = true
- end
- for dep_name in util.sortedpairs(mdeps or {}) do
- if not direct_deps[dep_name] then
- table.insert(ret, { name = tostring(dep_name), label = installed_rock_label(queries.new(dep_name), tree) })
- end
- end
- return ret
-local function show_rock(template, namespace, name, version, rockspec, repo, minfo, tree)
- local desc = rockspec.description or {}
- local data = {
- namespace = namespace,
- package = rockspec.package,
- version = rockspec.version,
- summary = desc.summary or "",
- detailed = desc.detailed and util.split_string(format_text(desc.detailed), "\n"),
- license = desc.license,
- homepage = desc.homepage,
- issues = desc.issues_url,
- labels = desc.labels and table.concat(desc.labels, ", "),
- location = path.rocks_tree_to_string(repo),
- commands = commands_to_list(name, version, repo),
- modules = modules_to_list(name, version, repo),
- bdeps = deps_to_list(rockspec.build_dependencies, tree),
- tdeps = deps_to_list(rockspec.test_dependencies, tree),
- deps = deps_to_list(rockspec.dependencies, tree),
- ideps = indirect_deps(minfo.dependencies, rockspec.dependencies, tree),
- }
- util.printout(render(template, data))
---- Driver function for "show" command.
--- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
-function show.command(args)
- local query = queries.new(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version, true)
- local name, version, repo, repo_url = search.pick_installed_rock(query, args.tree)
- if not name then
- return nil, version
- end
- local tree = path.rocks_tree_to_string(repo)
- local directory = path.install_dir(name, version, repo)
- local namespace = path.read_namespace(name, version, tree)
- local rockspec_file = path.rockspec_file(name, version, repo)
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(rockspec_file)
- if not rockspec then return nil,err end
- local descript = rockspec.description or {}
- local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(repo_url)
- if not manifest then return nil,err end
- local minfo = manifest.repository[name][version][1]
- if args.rock_tree then util.printout(tree)
- elseif args.rock_namespace then util.printout(namespace)
- elseif args.rock_dir then util.printout(directory)
- elseif args.home then util.printout(descript.homepage)
- elseif args.rock_license then util.printout(descript.license)
- elseif args.issues then util.printout(descript.issues_url)
- elseif args.labels then util.printout(descript.labels and table.concat(descript.labels, "\n"))
- elseif args.modules then util.printout(keys_as_string(minfo.modules, "\n"))
- elseif args.deps then
- for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec.dependencies) do
- util.printout(tostring(dep))
- end
- elseif args.build_deps then
- for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec.build_dependencies) do
- util.printout(tostring(dep))
- end
- elseif args.test_deps then
- for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec.test_dependencies) do
- util.printout(tostring(dep))
- end
- elseif args.rockspec then util.printout(rockspec_file)
- elseif args.mversion then util.printout(version)
- elseif args.porcelain then
- show_rock(porcelain_template, namespace, name, version, rockspec, repo, minfo, args.tree)
- else
- show_rock(friendly_template, namespace, name, version, rockspec, repo, minfo, args.tree)
- end
- return true
-return show
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/test.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b353bd80b..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "test" command.
--- Tests a rock, compiling its C parts if any.
-local cmd_test = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local test = require("luarocks.test")
-function cmd_test.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("test", [[
-Run the test suite for the Lua project in the current directory.
-If the first argument is a rockspec, it will use it to determine the parameters
-for running tests; otherwise, it will attempt to detect the rockspec.
-Any additional arguments are forwarded to the test suite.
-To make sure that test suite flags are not interpreted as LuaRocks flags, use --
-to separate LuaRocks arguments from test suite arguments.]],
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Run the test suite in the current directory.")
- cmd:argument("rockspec", "Project rockspec.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("args", "Test suite arguments.")
- :args("*")
- cmd:flag("--prepare", "Only install dependencies needed for testing only, but do not run the test")
- cmd:option("--test-type", "Specify the test suite type manually if it was "..
- "not specified in the rockspec and it could not be auto-detected.")
- :argname("")
-function cmd_test.command(args)
- if args.rockspec and args.rockspec:match("rockspec$") then
- return test.run_test_suite(args.rockspec, args.test_type, args.args, args.prepare)
- end
- table.insert(args.args, 1, args.rockspec)
- local rockspec, err = util.get_default_rockspec()
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, err
- end
- return test.run_test_suite(rockspec, args.test_type, args.args, args.prepare)
-return cmd_test
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/unpack.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/unpack.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 94da2c9f8..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/unpack.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
---- Module implementing the LuaRocks "unpack" command.
--- Unpack the contents of a rock.
-local unpack = {}
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local build = require("luarocks.build")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-function unpack.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("unpack", [[
-Unpacks the contents of a rock in a newly created directory.
-Argument may be a rock file, or the name of a rock in a rocks server.
-In the latter case, the rock version may be given as a second argument.]],
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Unpack the contents of a rock.")
- cmd:argument("rock", "A rock file or the name of a rock.")
- :action(util.namespaced_name_action)
- cmd:argument("version", "Rock version.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--force", "Unpack files even if the output directory already exists.")
- cmd:flag("--check-lua-versions", "If the rock can't be found, check repository "..
- "and report if it is available for another Lua version.")
---- Load a rockspec file to the given directory, fetches the source
--- files specified in the rockspec, and unpack them inside the directory.
--- @param rockspec_file string: The URL for a rockspec file.
--- @param dir_name string: The directory where to store and unpack files.
--- @return table or (nil, string): the loaded rockspec table or
--- nil and an error message.
-local function unpack_rockspec(rockspec_file, dir_name)
- assert(type(rockspec_file) == "string")
- assert(type(dir_name) == "string")
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, "Failed loading rockspec "..rockspec_file..": "..err
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(dir_name)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local ok, sources_dir = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, true, ".")
- if not ok then
- return nil, sources_dir
- end
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(sources_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = build.apply_patches(rockspec)
- fs.pop_dir()
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- return rockspec
---- Load a .rock file to the given directory and unpack it inside it.
--- @param rock_file string: The URL for a .rock file.
--- @param dir_name string: The directory where to unpack.
--- @param kind string: the kind of rock file, as in the second-level
--- extension in the rock filename (eg. "src", "all", "linux-x86")
--- @return table or (nil, string): the loaded rockspec table or
--- nil and an error message.
-local function unpack_rock(rock_file, dir_name, kind)
- assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
- assert(type(dir_name) == "string")
- local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, dir_name)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(dir_name)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local rockspec_file = dir_name..".rockspec"
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, "Failed loading rockspec "..rockspec_file..": "..err
- end
- if kind == "src" then
- if rockspec.source.file then
- local ok, err = fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(rockspec.source.dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = build.apply_patches(rockspec)
- fs.pop_dir()
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- end
- return rockspec
---- Create a directory and perform the necessary actions so that
--- the sources for the rock and its rockspec are unpacked inside it,
--- laid out properly so that the 'make' command is able to build the module.
--- @param file string: A rockspec or .rock URL.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
--- by an error message.
-local function run_unpacker(file, force)
- assert(type(file) == "string")
- local base_name = dir.base_name(file)
- local dir_name, kind, extension = base_name:match("(.*)%.([^.]+)%.(rock)$")
- if not extension then
- dir_name, extension = base_name:match("(.*)%.(rockspec)$")
- kind = "rockspec"
- end
- if not extension then
- return nil, file.." does not seem to be a valid filename."
- end
- local exists = fs.exists(dir_name)
- if exists and not force then
- return nil, "Directory "..dir_name.." already exists."
- end
- if not exists then
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(dir_name)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- local rollback = util.schedule_function(fs.delete, fs.absolute_name(dir_name))
- local rockspec, err
- if extension == "rock" then
- rockspec, err = unpack_rock(file, dir_name, kind)
- elseif extension == "rockspec" then
- rockspec, err = unpack_rockspec(file, dir_name)
- end
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, err
- end
- if kind == "src" or kind == "rockspec" then
- if rockspec.source.dir ~= "." then
- local ok = fs.copy(rockspec.local_abs_filename, rockspec.source.dir, "read")
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed copying unpacked rockspec into unpacked source directory."
- end
- end
- util.printout()
- util.printout("Done. You may now enter directory ")
- util.printout(dir.path(dir_name, rockspec.source.dir))
- util.printout("and type 'luarocks make' to build.")
- end
- util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
- return true
---- Driver function for the "unpack" command.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
--- by an error message.
-function unpack.command(args)
- local url, err
- if args.rock:match(".*%.rock") or args.rock:match(".*%.rockspec") then
- url = args.rock
- else
- url, err = search.find_src_or_rockspec(args.rock, args.namespace, args.version, args.check_lua_versions)
- if not url then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- return run_unpacker(url, args.force)
-return unpack
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/upload.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/upload.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b84e452f..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/upload.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-local upload = {}
-local signing = require("luarocks.signing")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local pack = require("luarocks.pack")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local Api = require("luarocks.upload.api")
-function upload.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("upload", "Pack a source rock file (.src.rock extension) "..
- "and upload it and the rockspec to the public rocks repository.", util.see_also())
- :summary("Upload a rockspec to the public rocks repository.")
- cmd:argument("rockspec", "Rockspec for the rock to upload.")
- cmd:argument("src-rock", "A corresponding .src.rock file; if not given it will be generated.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:flag("--skip-pack", "Do not pack and send source rock.")
- cmd:option("--api-key", "Pass an API key. It will be stored for subsequent uses.")
- :argname("")
- cmd:option("--temp-key", "Use the given a temporary API key in this "..
- "invocation only. It will not be stored.")
- :argname("")
- cmd:flag("--force", "Replace existing rockspec if the same revision of a "..
- "module already exists. This should be used only in case of upload "..
- "mistakes: when updating a rockspec, increment the revision number "..
- "instead.")
- cmd:flag("--sign", "Upload a signature file alongside each file as well.")
- cmd:flag("--debug"):hidden(true)
-local function is_dev_version(version)
- return version:match("^dev") or version:match("^scm")
-function upload.command(args)
- local api, err = Api.new(args)
- if not api then
- return nil, err
- end
- if cfg.verbose then
- api.debug = true
- end
- local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(args.rockspec)
- if err then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- util.printout("Sending " .. tostring(args.rockspec) .. " ...")
- local res, err = api:method("check_rockspec", {
- package = rockspec.package,
- version = rockspec.version
- })
- if not res then return nil, err end
- if not res.module then
- util.printout("Will create new module (" .. tostring(rockspec.package) .. ")")
- end
- if res.version and not args.force then
- return nil, "Revision "..rockspec.version.." already exists on the server. "..util.see_help("upload")
- end
- local sigfname
- local rock_sigfname
- if args.sign then
- sigfname, err = signing.sign_file(args.rockspec)
- if err then
- return nil, "Failed signing rockspec: " .. err
- end
- util.printout("Signed rockspec: "..sigfname)
- end
- local rock_fname
- if args.src_rock then
- rock_fname = args.src_rock
- elseif not args.skip_pack and not is_dev_version(rockspec.version) then
- util.printout("Packing " .. tostring(rockspec.package))
- rock_fname, err = pack.pack_source_rock(args.rockspec)
- if not rock_fname then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- if rock_fname and args.sign then
- rock_sigfname, err = signing.sign_file(rock_fname)
- if err then
- return nil, "Failed signing rock: " .. err
- end
- util.printout("Signed packed rock: "..rock_sigfname)
- end
- local multipart = require("luarocks.upload.multipart")
- res, err = api:method("upload", nil, {
- rockspec_file = multipart.new_file(args.rockspec),
- rockspec_sig = sigfname and multipart.new_file(sigfname),
- })
- if not res then return nil, err end
- if res.is_new and #res.manifests == 0 then
- util.printerr("Warning: module not added to root manifest due to name taken.")
- end
- local module_url = res.module_url
- if rock_fname then
- if (not res.version) or (not res.version.id) then
- return nil, "Invalid response from server."
- end
- util.printout(("Sending " .. tostring(rock_fname) .. " ..."))
- res, err = api:method("upload_rock/" .. ("%d"):format(res.version.id), nil, {
- rock_file = multipart.new_file(rock_fname),
- rock_sig = rock_sigfname and multipart.new_file(rock_sigfname),
- })
- if not res then return nil, err end
- end
- util.printout()
- util.printout("Done: " .. tostring(module_url))
- util.printout()
- return true
-return upload
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/which.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/which.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f50a43c33..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/which.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
---- @module luarocks.which_cmd
--- Driver for the `luarocks which` command.
-local which_cmd = {}
-local loader = require("luarocks.loader")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-function which_cmd.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("which", 'Given a module name like "foo.bar", '..
- "output which file would be loaded to resolve that module by "..
- 'luarocks.loader, like "/usr/local/lua/'..cfg.lua_version..'/foo/bar.lua".',
- util.see_also())
- :summary("Tell which file corresponds to a given module name.")
- cmd:argument("modname", "Module name.")
---- Driver function for "which" command.
--- @return boolean This function terminates the interpreter.
-function which_cmd.command(args)
- local pathname, rock_name, rock_version, where = loader.which(args.modname, "lp")
- if pathname then
- util.printout(pathname)
- if where == "l" then
- util.printout("(provided by " .. tostring(rock_name) .. " " .. tostring(rock_version) .. ")")
- else
- local key = rock_name
- util.printout("(found directly via package." .. key.. " -- not installed as a rock?)")
- end
- return true
- end
- return nil, "Module '" .. args.modname .. "' not found."
-return which_cmd
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/write_rockspec.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/write_rockspec.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 871cdd44c..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/cmd/write_rockspec.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-local write_rockspec = {}
-local builtin = require("luarocks.build.builtin")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local rockspecs = require("luarocks.rockspecs")
-local type_rockspec = require("luarocks.type.rockspec")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local lua_versions = {
- "5.1",
- "5.2",
- "5.3",
- "5.4",
- "5.1,5.2",
- "5.2,5.3",
- "5.3,5.4",
- "5.1,5.2,5.3",
- "5.2,5.3,5.4",
- "5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4"
-function write_rockspec.cmd_options(parser)
- return parser:option("--output", "Write the rockspec with the given filename.\n"..
- "If not given, a file is written in the current directory with a "..
- "filename based on given name and version.")
- :argname(""),
- parser:option("--license", 'A license string, such as "MIT/X11" or "GNU GPL v3".')
- :argname(""),
- parser:option("--summary", "A short one-line description summary.")
- :argname(""),
- parser:option("--detailed", "A longer description string.")
- :argname(""),
- parser:option("--homepage", "Project homepage.")
- :argname(""),
- parser:option("--lua-versions", 'Supported Lua versions. Accepted values are: "'..
- table.concat(lua_versions, '", "')..'".')
- :argname("")
- :choices(lua_versions),
- parser:option("--rockspec-format", 'Rockspec format version, such as "1.0" or "1.1".')
- :argname(""),
- parser:option("--tag", "Tag to use. Will attempt to extract version number from it."),
- parser:option("--lib", "A comma-separated list of libraries that C files need to link to.")
- :argname("")
-function write_rockspec.add_to_parser(parser)
- local cmd = parser:command("write_rockspec", [[
-This command writes an initial version of a rockspec file,
-based on a name, a version, and a location (an URL or a local path).
-If only two arguments are given, the first one is considered the name and the
-second one is the location.
-If only one argument is given, it must be the location.
-If no arguments are given, current directory is used as the location.
-LuaRocks will attempt to infer name and version if not given,
-using 'dev' as a fallback default version.
-Note that the generated file is a _starting point_ for writing a
-rockspec, and is not guaranteed to be complete or correct. ]], util.see_also())
- :summary("Write a template for a rockspec file.")
- cmd:argument("name", "Name of the rock.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("version", "Rock version.")
- :args("?")
- cmd:argument("location", "URL or path to the rock sources.")
- :args("?")
- write_rockspec.cmd_options(cmd)
-local function open_file(name)
- return io.open(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), name), "r")
-local function fetch_url(rockspec)
- local file, temp_dir, err_code, err_file, err_temp_dir = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, false)
- if err_code == "source.dir" then
- file, temp_dir = err_file, err_temp_dir
- elseif not file then
- util.warning("Could not fetch sources - "..temp_dir)
- return false
- end
- util.printout("File successfully downloaded. Making checksum and checking base dir...")
- if dir.is_basic_protocol(rockspec.source.protocol) then
- rockspec.source.md5 = fs.get_md5(file)
- end
- local inferred_dir, found_dir = fetch.find_base_dir(file, temp_dir, rockspec.source.url)
- return true, found_dir or inferred_dir, temp_dir
-local lua_version_dep = {
- ["5.1"] = "lua ~> 5.1",
- ["5.2"] = "lua ~> 5.2",
- ["5.3"] = "lua ~> 5.3",
- ["5.4"] = "lua ~> 5.4",
- ["5.1,5.2"] = "lua >= 5.1, < 5.3",
- ["5.2,5.3"] = "lua >= 5.2, < 5.4",
- ["5.3,5.4"] = "lua >= 5.3, < 5.5",
- ["5.1,5.2,5.3"] = "lua >= 5.1, < 5.4",
- ["5.2,5.3,5.4"] = "lua >= 5.2, < 5.5",
- ["5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4"] = "lua >= 5.1, < 5.5",
-local simple_scm_protocols = {
- git = true,
- ["git+http"] = true,
- ["git+https"] = true,
- ["git+ssh"] = true,
- hg = true,
- ["hg+http"] = true,
- ["hg+https"] = true,
- ["hg+ssh"] = true,
-local detect_url
- local function detect_url_from_command(program, args, directory)
- local command = fs.Q(cfg.variables[program:upper()]).. " "..args
- local pipe = io.popen(fs.command_at(directory, fs.quiet_stderr(command)))
- if not pipe then return nil end
- local url = pipe:read("*a"):match("^([^\r\n]+)")
- pipe:close()
- if not url then return nil end
- if url:match("^[^@:/]+@[^@:/]+:.*$") then
- local u, h, p = url:match("^([^@]+)@([^:]+):(.*)$")
- url = program.."+ssh://"..u.."@"..h.."/"..p
- elseif not util.starts_with(url, program.."://") then
- url = program.."+"..url
- end
- if simple_scm_protocols[dir.split_url(url)] then
- return url
- end
- end
- local function detect_scm_url(directory)
- return detect_url_from_command("git", "config --get remote.origin.url", directory) or
- detect_url_from_command("hg", "paths default", directory)
- end
- detect_url = function(url_or_dir)
- if url_or_dir:match("://") then
- return url_or_dir
- else
- return detect_scm_url(url_or_dir) or "*** please add URL for source tarball, zip or repository here ***"
- end
- end
-local function detect_homepage(url, homepage)
- if homepage then
- return homepage
- end
- local url_protocol, url_path = dir.split_url(url)
- if simple_scm_protocols[url_protocol] then
- for _, domain in ipairs({"github.com", "bitbucket.org", "gitlab.com"}) do
- if util.starts_with(url_path, domain) then
- return "https://"..url_path:gsub("%.git$", "")
- end
- end
- end
- return "*** please enter a project homepage ***"
-local function detect_description()
- local fd = open_file("README.md") or open_file("README")
- if not fd then return end
- local data = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- local paragraph = data:match("\n\n([^%[].-)\n\n")
- if not paragraph then paragraph = data:match("\n\n(.*)") end
- local summary, detailed
- if paragraph then
- detailed = paragraph
- if #paragraph < 80 then
- summary = paragraph:gsub("\n", "")
- else
- summary = paragraph:gsub("\n", " "):match("([^.]*%.) ")
- end
- end
- return summary, detailed
-local licenses = {
- [78656] = "MIT",
- [49311] = "ISC",
-local function detect_license(data)
- local strip_copyright = (data:gsub("^Copyright [^\n]*\n", ""))
- local sum = 0
- for i = 1, #strip_copyright do
- local num = string.byte(strip_copyright:sub(i,i))
- if num > 32 and num <= 128 then
- sum = sum + num
- end
- end
- return licenses[sum]
-local function check_license()
- local fd = open_file("COPYING") or open_file("LICENSE") or open_file("MIT-LICENSE.txt")
- if not fd then return nil end
- local data = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- local license = detect_license(data)
- if license then
- return license, data
- end
- return nil, data
-local function fill_as_builtin(rockspec, libs)
- rockspec.build.type = "builtin"
- local incdirs, libdirs
- if libs then
- incdirs, libdirs = {}, {}
- for _, lib in ipairs(libs) do
- local upper = lib:upper()
- incdirs[#incdirs+1] = "$("..upper.."_INCDIR)"
- libdirs[#libdirs+1] = "$("..upper.."_LIBDIR)"
- end
- end
- rockspec.build.modules, rockspec.build.install, rockspec.build.copy_directories = builtin.autodetect_modules(libs, incdirs, libdirs)
-local function rockspec_cleanup(rockspec)
- rockspec.source.file = nil
- rockspec.source.protocol = nil
- rockspec.source.identifier = nil
- rockspec.source.dir = nil
- rockspec.source.dir_set = nil
- rockspec.source.pathname = nil
- rockspec.variables = nil
- rockspec.name = nil
- rockspec.format_is_at_least = nil
- rockspec.local_abs_filename = nil
- rockspec.rocks_provided = nil
- for _, list in ipairs({"dependencies", "build_dependencies", "test_dependencies"}) do
- if rockspec[list] and not next(rockspec[list]) then
- rockspec[list] = nil
- end
- end
- for _, list in ipairs({"dependencies", "build_dependencies", "test_dependencies"}) do
- if rockspec[list] then
- for i, entry in ipairs(rockspec[list]) do
- rockspec[list][i] = tostring(entry)
- end
- end
- end
-function write_rockspec.command(args)
- local name, version = args.name, args.version
- local location = args.location
- if not name then
- location = "."
- elseif not version then
- location = name
- name = nil
- elseif not location then
- location = version
- version = nil
- end
- if args.tag then
- if not version then
- version = args.tag:gsub("^v", "")
- end
- end
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(location)
- if protocol == "file" then
- if pathname == "." then
- name = name or dir.base_name(fs.current_dir())
- end
- elseif dir.is_basic_protocol(protocol) then
- local filename = dir.base_name(location)
- local newname, newversion = filename:match("(.*)-([^-]+)")
- if newname then
- name = name or newname
- version = version or newversion:gsub("%.[a-z]+$", ""):gsub("%.tar$", "")
- end
- else
- name = name or dir.base_name(location):gsub("%.[^.]+$", "")
- end
- if not name then
- return nil, "Could not infer rock name. "..util.see_help("write_rockspec")
- end
- version = version or "dev"
- local filename = args.output or dir.path(fs.current_dir(), name:lower().."-"..version.."-1.rockspec")
- local url = detect_url(location)
- local homepage = detect_homepage(url, args.homepage)
- local rockspec, err = rockspecs.from_persisted_table(filename, {
- rockspec_format = args.rockspec_format,
- package = name,
- version = version.."-1",
- source = {
- url = url,
- tag = args.tag,
- },
- description = {
- summary = args.summary or "*** please specify description summary ***",
- detailed = args.detailed or "*** please enter a detailed description ***",
- homepage = homepage,
- license = args.license or "*** please specify a license ***",
- },
- dependencies = {
- lua_version_dep[args.lua_versions],
- },
- build = {},
- })
- assert(not err, err)
- rockspec.source.protocol = protocol
- if not next(rockspec.dependencies) then
- util.warning("Please specify supported Lua versions with --lua-versions=. "..util.see_help("write_rockspec"))
- end
- local local_dir = location
- if location:match("://") then
- rockspec.source.file = dir.base_name(location)
- if not dir.is_basic_protocol(rockspec.source.protocol) then
- if version ~= "dev" then
- rockspec.source.tag = args.tag or "v" .. version
- end
- end
- rockspec.source.dir = nil
- local ok, base_dir, temp_dir = fetch_url(rockspec)
- if ok then
- if base_dir ~= dir.base_name(location) then
- rockspec.source.dir = base_dir
- end
- end
- if base_dir then
- local_dir = dir.path(temp_dir, base_dir)
- else
- local_dir = nil
- end
- end
- if not local_dir then
- local_dir = "."
- end
- local libs = nil
- if args.lib then
- libs = {}
- rockspec.external_dependencies = {}
- for lib in args.lib:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
- table.insert(libs, lib)
- rockspec.external_dependencies[lib:upper()] = {
- library = lib
- }
- end
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(local_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, "Failed reaching files from project - error entering directory "..local_dir end
- if not (args.summary and args.detailed) then
- local summary, detailed = detect_description()
- rockspec.description.summary = args.summary or summary
- rockspec.description.detailed = args.detailed or detailed
- end
- if not args.license then
- local license, fulltext = check_license()
- if license then
- rockspec.description.license = license
- elseif license then
- util.title("Could not auto-detect type for project license:")
- util.printout(fulltext)
- util.printout()
- util.title("Please fill in the source.license field manually or use --license.")
- end
- end
- fill_as_builtin(rockspec, libs)
- rockspec_cleanup(rockspec)
- persist.save_from_table(filename, rockspec, type_rockspec.order)
- util.printout()
- util.printout("Wrote template at "..filename.." -- you should now edit and finish it.")
- util.printout()
- return true
-return write_rockspec
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/cfg.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/cfg.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 623167822..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/cfg.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,904 +0,0 @@
---- Configuration for LuaRocks.
--- Tries to load the user's configuration file and
--- defines defaults for unset values. See the
--- config
--- file format documentation for details.
--- End-users shouldn't edit this file. They can override any defaults
--- set in this file using their system-wide or user-specific configuration
--- files. Run `luarocks` with no arguments to see the locations of
--- these files in your platform.
-local table, pairs, require, os, pcall, ipairs, package, type, assert =
- table, pairs, require, os, pcall, ipairs, package, type, assert
-local util = require("luarocks.core.util")
-local persist = require("luarocks.core.persist")
-local sysdetect = require("luarocks.core.sysdetect")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local program_version = "3.9.1"
-local is_windows = package.config:sub(1,1) == "\\"
--- Set order for platform overrides.
--- More general platform identifiers should be listed first,
--- more specific ones later.
-local platform_order = {
- -- Unixes
- "unix",
- "bsd",
- "solaris",
- "netbsd",
- "openbsd",
- "freebsd",
- "dragonfly",
- "linux",
- "macosx",
- "cygwin",
- "msys",
- "haiku",
- -- Windows
- "windows",
- "win32",
- "mingw",
- "mingw32",
- "msys2_mingw_w64",
-local function detect_sysconfdir()
- if not debug then
- return
- end
- local src = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("/+", "/")
- if src:sub(1, 1) == "@" then
- src = src:sub(2)
- end
- local basedir = src:match("^(.*)/luarocks/core/cfg.lua$")
- if not basedir then
- return
- end
- -- If installed in a Unix-like tree, use a Unix-like sysconfdir
- local installdir = basedir:match("^(.*)/share/lua/[^/]*$")
- if installdir then
- if installdir == "/usr" then
- return "/etc/luarocks"
- end
- return installdir .. "/etc/luarocks"
- end
- -- Otherwise, use base directory of sources
- return basedir
-local load_config_file
- -- Create global environment for the config files;
- local function env_for_config_file(cfg, platforms)
- local platforms_copy = {}
- for k,v in pairs(platforms) do
- platforms_copy[k] = v
- end
- local e
- e = {
- home = cfg.home,
- lua_version = cfg.lua_version,
- platforms = platforms_copy,
- processor = cfg.target_cpu, -- remains for compat reasons
- target_cpu = cfg.target_cpu, -- replaces `processor`
- os_getenv = os.getenv,
- variables = cfg.variables or {},
- dump_env = function()
- -- debug function, calling it from a config file will show all
- -- available globals to that config file
- print(util.show_table(e, "global environment"))
- end,
- }
- return e
- end
- -- Merge values from config files read into the `cfg` table
- local function merge_overrides(cfg, overrides)
- -- remove some stuff we do not want to integrate
- overrides.os_getenv = nil
- overrides.dump_env = nil
- -- remove tables to be copied verbatim instead of deeply merged
- if overrides.rocks_trees then cfg.rocks_trees = nil end
- if overrides.rocks_servers then cfg.rocks_servers = nil end
- -- perform actual merge
- util.deep_merge(cfg, overrides)
- end
- local function update_platforms(platforms, overrides)
- if overrides[1] then
- for k, _ in pairs(platforms) do
- platforms[k] = nil
- end
- for _, v in ipairs(overrides) do
- platforms[v] = true
- end
- -- set some fallback default in case the user provides an incomplete configuration.
- -- LuaRocks expects a set of defaults to be available.
- if not (platforms.unix or platforms.windows) then
- platforms[is_windows and "windows" or "unix"] = true
- end
- end
- end
- -- Load config file and merge its contents into the `cfg` module table.
- -- @return filepath of successfully loaded file or nil if it failed
- load_config_file = function(cfg, platforms, filepath)
- local result, err, errcode = persist.load_into_table(filepath, env_for_config_file(cfg, platforms))
- if (not result) and errcode ~= "open" then
- -- errcode is either "load" or "run"; bad config file, so error out
- return nil, err, "config"
- end
- if result then
- -- success in loading and running, merge contents and exit
- update_platforms(platforms, result.platforms)
- result.platforms = nil
- merge_overrides(cfg, result)
- return filepath
- end
- return nil -- nothing was loaded
- end
-local platform_sets = {
- freebsd = { unix = true, bsd = true, freebsd = true },
- openbsd = { unix = true, bsd = true, openbsd = true },
- dragonfly = { unix = true, bsd = true, dragonfly = true },
- solaris = { unix = true, solaris = true },
- windows = { windows = true, win32 = true },
- cygwin = { unix = true, cygwin = true },
- macosx = { unix = true, bsd = true, macosx = true, macos = true },
- netbsd = { unix = true, bsd = true, netbsd = true },
- haiku = { unix = true, haiku = true },
- linux = { unix = true, linux = true },
- mingw = { windows = true, win32 = true, mingw32 = true, mingw = true },
- msys = { unix = true, cygwin = true, msys = true },
- msys2_mingw_w64 = { windows = true, win32 = true, mingw32 = true, mingw = true, msys = true, msys2_mingw_w64 = true },
-local function make_platforms(system)
- -- fallback to Unix in unknown systems
- return platform_sets[system] or { unix = true }
-local function make_defaults(lua_version, target_cpu, platforms, home)
- -- Configure defaults:
- local defaults = {
- lua_interpreter = "lua",
- local_by_default = false,
- accept_unknown_fields = false,
- fs_use_modules = true,
- hooks_enabled = true,
- deps_mode = "one",
- no_manifest = false,
- check_certificates = false,
- cache_timeout = 60,
- cache_fail_timeout = 86400,
- lua_modules_path = "/share/lua/"..lua_version,
- lib_modules_path = "/lib/lua/"..lua_version,
- rocks_subdir = "/lib/luarocks/rocks-"..lua_version,
- arch = "unknown",
- lib_extension = "unknown",
- obj_extension = "unknown",
- link_lua_explicitly = false,
- rocks_servers = {
- {
- "https://luarocks.org",
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rocks-moonscript-org/moonrocks-mirror/master/",
- "https://luafr.org/luarocks/",
- }
- },
- disabled_servers = {},
- upload = {
- server = "https://luarocks.org",
- tool_version = "1.0.0",
- api_version = "1",
- },
- lua_extension = "lua",
- connection_timeout = 30, -- 0 = no timeout
- variables = {
- MAKE = "make",
- CC = "cc",
- LD = "ld",
- AR = "ar",
- RANLIB = "ranlib",
- CVS = "cvs",
- GIT = "git",
- SSCM = "sscm",
- SVN = "svn",
- HG = "hg",
- GPG = "gpg",
- RSYNC = "rsync",
- WGET = "wget",
- SCP = "scp",
- CURL = "curl",
- PWD = "pwd",
- MKDIR = "mkdir",
- RMDIR = "rmdir",
- CP = "cp",
- LS = "ls",
- RM = "rm",
- FIND = "find",
- CHMOD = "chmod",
- ICACLS = "icacls",
- MKTEMP = "mktemp",
- ZIP = "zip",
- UNZIP = "unzip -n",
- GUNZIP = "gunzip",
- BUNZIP2 = "bunzip2",
- TAR = "tar",
- MD5SUM = "md5sum",
- OPENSSL = "openssl",
- MD5 = "md5",
- TOUCH = "touch",
- CMAKE = "cmake",
- SEVENZ = "7z",
- RSYNCFLAGS = "--exclude=.git -Oavz",
- },
- external_deps_subdirs = {
- bin = "bin",
- lib = "lib",
- include = "include"
- },
- runtime_external_deps_subdirs = {
- bin = "bin",
- lib = "lib",
- include = "include"
- },
- }
- if platforms.windows then
- defaults.arch = "win32-"..target_cpu
- defaults.lib_extension = "dll"
- defaults.external_lib_extension = "dll"
- defaults.static_lib_extension = "lib"
- defaults.obj_extension = "obj"
- defaults.external_deps_dirs = { "c:/external/", "c:/windows/system32" }
- defaults.makefile = "Makefile.win"
- defaults.variables.PWD = "echo %cd%"
- defaults.variables.MAKE = "nmake"
- defaults.variables.CC = "cl"
- defaults.variables.RC = "rc"
- defaults.variables.LD = "link"
- defaults.variables.MT = "mt"
- defaults.variables.AR = "lib"
- defaults.variables.LUALIB = "lua"..lua_version..".lib"
- defaults.variables.CFLAGS = os.getenv("CFLAGS") or "/nologo /MD /O2"
- defaults.variables.LDFLAGS = os.getenv("LDFLAGS")
- defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "/nologo /dll"
- defaults.external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
- lib = { "?.lib", "?.dll", "lib?.dll" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
- lib = { "?.dll", "lib?.dll" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.export_path_separator = ";"
- defaults.wrapper_suffix = ".bat"
- local localappdata = os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
- if not localappdata then
- -- for Windows versions below Vista
- localappdata = (os.getenv("USERPROFILE") or "c:/Users/All Users").."/Local Settings/Application Data"
- end
- defaults.local_cache = localappdata.."/LuaRocks/Cache"
- defaults.web_browser = "start"
- defaults.external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "", "lib", "bin" }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "", "lib", "bin" }
- defaults.link_lua_explicitly = true
- defaults.fs_use_modules = false
- end
- if platforms.mingw32 then
- defaults.obj_extension = "o"
- defaults.static_lib_extension = "a"
- defaults.external_deps_dirs = { "c:/external/", "c:/mingw", "c:/windows/system32" }
- defaults.cmake_generator = "MinGW Makefiles"
- defaults.variables.MAKE = "mingw32-make"
- defaults.variables.CC = "mingw32-gcc"
- defaults.variables.RC = "windres"
- defaults.variables.LD = "mingw32-gcc"
- defaults.variables.AR = "ar"
- defaults.variables.RANLIB = "ranlib"
- defaults.variables.CFLAGS = os.getenv("CFLAGS") or "-O2"
- defaults.variables.LDFLAGS = os.getenv("LDFLAGS")
- defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
- defaults.makefile = "Makefile"
- defaults.external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
- -- mingw lookup list from http://stackoverflow.com/a/15853231/1793220
- -- ...should we keep ?.lib at the end? It's not in the above list.
- lib = { "lib?.dll.a", "?.dll.a", "lib?.a", "cyg?.dll", "lib?.dll", "?.dll", "?.lib" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
- lib = { "cyg?.dll", "?.dll", "lib?.dll" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.link_lua_explicitly = true
- end
- if platforms.unix then
- defaults.lib_extension = "so"
- defaults.static_lib_extension = "a"
- defaults.external_lib_extension = "so"
- defaults.obj_extension = "o"
- defaults.external_deps_dirs = { "/usr/local", "/usr", "/" }
- defaults.variables.CFLAGS = os.getenv("CFLAGS") or "-O2"
- -- we pass -fPIC via CFLAGS because of old Makefile-based Lua projects
- -- which didn't have -fPIC in their Makefiles but which honor CFLAGS
- if not defaults.variables.CFLAGS:match("-fPIC") then
- defaults.variables.CFLAGS = defaults.variables.CFLAGS.." -fPIC"
- end
- defaults.variables.LDFLAGS = os.getenv("LDFLAGS")
- defaults.cmake_generator = "Unix Makefiles"
- defaults.variables.CC = "gcc"
- defaults.variables.LD = "gcc"
- defaults.gcc_rpath = true
- defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
- defaults.variables.TEST = "test"
- defaults.external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?" },
- lib = { "lib?.a", "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?" },
- lib = { "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.export_path_separator = ":"
- defaults.wrapper_suffix = ""
- local xdg_cache_home = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME") or home.."/.cache"
- defaults.local_cache = xdg_cache_home.."/luarocks"
- defaults.web_browser = "xdg-open"
- end
- if platforms.cygwin then
- defaults.lib_extension = "so" -- can be overridden in the config file for mingw builds
- defaults.arch = "cygwin-"..target_cpu
- defaults.cmake_generator = "Unix Makefiles"
- defaults.variables.CC = "echo -llua | xargs gcc"
- defaults.variables.LD = "echo -llua | xargs gcc"
- defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
- defaults.link_lua_explicitly = true
- end
- if platforms.msys then
- -- msys is basically cygwin made out of mingw, meaning the subsytem is unixish
- -- enough, yet we can freely mix with native win32
- defaults.external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat", "?" },
- lib = { "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*", "lib?.dll.a", "?.dll.a",
- "lib?.a", "lib?.dll", "?.dll", "?.lib" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns = {
- bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
- lib = { "lib?.so", "?.dll", "lib?.dll" },
- include = { "?.h" }
- }
- if platforms.mingw then
- -- MSYS2 can build Windows programs that depend on
- -- msys-2.0.dll (based on Cygwin) but MSYS2 is also designed
- -- for building native Windows programs by MinGW. These
- -- programs don't depend on msys-2.0.dll.
- local pipe = io.popen("cygpath --windows %MINGW_PREFIX%")
- local mingw_prefix = pipe:read("*l")
- pipe:close()
- defaults.external_deps_dirs = { mingw_prefix, "c:/windows/system32" }
- defaults.makefile = "Makefile"
- defaults.cmake_generator = "MSYS Makefiles"
- defaults.local_cache = home.."/.cache/luarocks"
- defaults.variables.MAKE = "make"
- defaults.variables.CC = "gcc"
- defaults.variables.RC = "windres"
- defaults.variables.LD = "gcc"
- defaults.variables.MT = nil
- defaults.variables.AR = "ar"
- defaults.variables.RANLIB = "ranlib"
- defaults.variables.LUALIB = "liblua"..lua_version..".dll.a"
- defaults.variables.CFLAGS = os.getenv("CFLAGS") or "-O2 -fPIC"
- if not defaults.variables.CFLAGS:match("-fPIC") then
- defaults.variables.CFLAGS = defaults.variables.CFLAGS.." -fPIC"
- end
- defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
- end
- end
- if platforms.bsd then
- defaults.variables.MAKE = "gmake"
- defaults.gcc_rpath = false
- defaults.variables.CC = "cc"
- defaults.variables.LD = defaults.variables.CC
- end
- if platforms.macosx then
- defaults.variables.MAKE = "make"
- defaults.external_lib_extension = "dylib"
- defaults.arch = "macosx-"..target_cpu
- defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -all_load"
- local version = util.popen_read("sw_vers -productVersion")
- if not (version:match("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+$") or version:match("^%d+%.%d+$")) then
- version = "10.3"
- end
- version = vers.parse_version(version)
- if version >= vers.parse_version("11.0") then
- version = vers.parse_version("11.0")
- elseif version >= vers.parse_version("10.10") then
- version = vers.parse_version("10.8")
- elseif version >= vers.parse_version("10.5") then
- version = vers.parse_version("10.5")
- else
- defaults.gcc_rpath = false
- end
- defaults.variables.CC = "env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="..tostring(version).." gcc"
- defaults.variables.LD = "env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="..tostring(version).." gcc"
- defaults.web_browser = "open"
- -- XCode SDK
- local sdk_path = util.popen_read("xcrun --show-sdk-path 2>/dev/null")
- if sdk_path then
- table.insert(defaults.external_deps_dirs, sdk_path .. "/usr")
- table.insert(defaults.external_deps_patterns.lib, 1, "lib?.tbd")
- table.insert(defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns.lib, 1, "lib?.tbd")
- end
- -- Homebrew
- table.insert(defaults.external_deps_dirs, "/usr/local/opt")
- defaults.external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "", "lib", }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "", "lib", }
- table.insert(defaults.external_deps_patterns.lib, 1, "/?/lib/lib?.dylib")
- table.insert(defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns.lib, 1, "/?/lib/lib?.dylib")
- end
- if platforms.linux then
- defaults.arch = "linux-"..target_cpu
- local gcc_arch = util.popen_read("gcc -print-multiarch 2>/dev/null")
- if gcc_arch and gcc_arch ~= "" then
- defaults.external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "lib", "lib/" .. gcc_arch, "lib64" }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "lib", "lib/" .. gcc_arch, "lib64" }
- else
- defaults.external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "lib", "lib64" }
- defaults.runtime_external_deps_subdirs.lib = { "lib", "lib64" }
- end
- end
- if platforms.freebsd then
- defaults.arch = "freebsd-"..target_cpu
- elseif platforms.dragonfly then
- defaults.arch = "dragonfly-"..target_cpu
- elseif platforms.openbsd then
- defaults.arch = "openbsd-"..target_cpu
- elseif platforms.netbsd then
- defaults.arch = "netbsd-"..target_cpu
- elseif platforms.solaris then
- defaults.arch = "solaris-"..target_cpu
- defaults.variables.MAKE = "gmake"
- end
- -- Expose some more values detected by LuaRocks for use by rockspec authors.
- defaults.variables.LIB_EXTENSION = defaults.lib_extension
- defaults.variables.OBJ_EXTENSION = defaults.obj_extension
- return defaults
-local function use_defaults(cfg, defaults)
- -- Populate variables with values from their 'defaults' counterparts
- -- if they were not already set by user.
- if not cfg.variables then
- cfg.variables = {}
- end
- for k,v in pairs(defaults.variables) do
- if not cfg.variables[k] then
- cfg.variables[k] = v
- end
- end
- util.deep_merge_under(cfg, defaults)
- -- FIXME get rid of this
- if not cfg.check_certificates then
- cfg.variables.CURLNOCERTFLAG = "-k"
- cfg.variables.WGETNOCERTFLAG = "--no-check-certificate"
- end
-local function get_first_arg()
- if not arg then
- return
- end
- local first_arg = arg[0]
- local i = -1
- while arg[i] do
- first_arg = arg[i]
- i = i -1
- end
- return first_arg
-local cfg = {}
---- Initializes the LuaRocks configuration for variables, paths
--- and OS detection.
--- @param detected table containing information detected about the
--- environment. All fields below are optional:
--- * lua_version (in x.y format, e.g. "5.3")
--- * lua_bindir (e.g. "/usr/local/bin")
--- * lua_dir (e.g. "/usr/local")
--- * lua_interpreter (e.g. "lua-5.3")
--- * project_dir (a string with the path of the project directory
--- when using per-project environments, as created with `luarocks init`)
--- @param warning a logging function for warnings that takes a string
--- @return true on success; nil and an error message on failure.
-function cfg.init(detected, warning)
- detected = detected or {}
- local exit_ok = true
- local exit_err = nil
- local exit_what = nil
- local hc_ok, hardcoded = pcall(require, "luarocks.core.hardcoded")
- if not hc_ok then
- hardcoded = {}
- end
- local init = cfg.init
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Reset the cfg table.
- ----------------------------------------
- for k, _ in pairs(cfg) do
- cfg[k] = nil
- end
- cfg.program_version = program_version
- if hardcoded.IS_BINARY then
- cfg.is_binary = true
- end
- -- Use detected values as defaults, overridable via config files or CLI args
- local first_arg = get_first_arg()
- cfg.lua_version = detected.lua_version or hardcoded.LUA_VERSION or _VERSION:sub(5)
- cfg.lua_interpreter = detected.lua_interpreter or hardcoded.LUA_INTERPRETER or (first_arg and first_arg:gsub(".*[\\/]", "")) or (is_windows and "lua.exe" or "lua")
- cfg.project_dir = (not hardcoded.FORCE_CONFIG) and detected.project_dir
- do
- local lua_bindir = detected.lua_bindir or hardcoded.LUA_BINDIR or (first_arg and first_arg:gsub("[\\/][^\\/]+$", ""))
- local lua_dir = detected.lua_dir or hardcoded.LUA_DIR or (lua_bindir and lua_bindir:gsub("[\\/]bin$", ""))
- cfg.variables = {
- LUA_DIR = lua_dir,
- LUA_BINDIR = lua_bindir,
- LUA_LIBDIR = hardcoded.LUA_LIBDIR,
- LUA_INCDIR = hardcoded.LUA_INCDIR,
- }
- end
- cfg.init = init
- ----------------------------------------
- -- System detection.
- ----------------------------------------
- -- A proper build of LuaRocks will hardcode the system
- -- and proc values with hardcoded.SYSTEM and hardcoded.PROCESSOR.
- -- If that is not available, we try to identify the system.
- local system, processor = sysdetect.detect()
- if hardcoded.SYSTEM then
- system = hardcoded.SYSTEM
- end
- if hardcoded.PROCESSOR then
- processor = hardcoded.PROCESSOR
- end
- if system == "windows" then
- if os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR") then
- -- running from the Development Command prompt for VS 2017
- system = "windows"
- else
- local msystem = os.getenv("MSYSTEM")
- if msystem == nil then
- system = "mingw"
- elseif msystem == "MSYS" then
- system = "msys"
- else
- -- MINGW32 or MINGW64
- system = "msys2_mingw_w64"
- end
- end
- end
- cfg.target_cpu = processor
- local platforms = make_platforms(system)
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Platform is determined.
- -- Let's load the config files.
- ----------------------------------------
- local sys_config_file
- local home_config_file
- local project_config_file
- local config_file_name = "config-"..cfg.lua_version..".lua"
- do
- local sysconfdir = os.getenv("LUAROCKS_SYSCONFDIR") or hardcoded.SYSCONFDIR
- if platforms.windows and not platforms.msys2_mingw_w64 then
- cfg.home = os.getenv("APPDATA") or "c:"
- cfg.home_tree = cfg.home.."/luarocks"
- cfg.sysconfdir = sysconfdir or ((os.getenv("PROGRAMFILES") or "c:") .. "/luarocks")
- else
- cfg.home = os.getenv("HOME") or ""
- cfg.home_tree = cfg.home.."/.luarocks"
- cfg.sysconfdir = sysconfdir or detect_sysconfdir() or "/etc/luarocks"
- end
- end
- -- Load system configuration file
- sys_config_file = (cfg.sysconfdir .. "/" .. config_file_name):gsub("\\", "/")
- local sys_config_ok, err = load_config_file(cfg, platforms, sys_config_file)
- if err then
- exit_ok, exit_err, exit_what = nil, err, "config"
- end
- -- Load user configuration file (if allowed)
- local home_config_ok
- local project_config_ok
- if not hardcoded.FORCE_CONFIG then
- local env_var = "LUAROCKS_CONFIG_" .. cfg.lua_version:gsub("%.", "_")
- local env_value = os.getenv(env_var)
- if not env_value then
- env_var = "LUAROCKS_CONFIG"
- env_value = os.getenv(env_var)
- end
- -- first try environment provided file, so we can explicitly warn when it is missing
- if env_value then
- local env_ok, err = load_config_file(cfg, platforms, env_value)
- if err then
- exit_ok, exit_err, exit_what = nil, err, "config"
- elseif warning and not env_ok then
- warning("Warning: could not load configuration file `"..env_value.."` given in environment variable "..env_var.."\n")
- end
- if env_ok then
- home_config_ok = true
- home_config_file = env_value
- end
- end
- -- try XDG config home
- if platforms.unix and not home_config_ok then
- local xdg_config_home = os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") or cfg.home .. "/.config"
- cfg.homeconfdir = xdg_config_home .. "/luarocks"
- home_config_file = (cfg.homeconfdir .. "/" .. config_file_name):gsub("\\", "/")
- home_config_ok, err = load_config_file(cfg, platforms, home_config_file)
- if err then
- exit_ok, exit_err, exit_what = nil, err, "config"
- end
- end
- -- try the alternative defaults if there was no environment specified file or it didn't work
- if not home_config_ok then
- cfg.homeconfdir = cfg.home_tree
- home_config_file = (cfg.homeconfdir .. "/" .. config_file_name):gsub("\\", "/")
- home_config_ok, err = load_config_file(cfg, platforms, home_config_file)
- if err then
- exit_ok, exit_err, exit_what = nil, err, "config"
- end
- end
- -- finally, use the project-specific config file if any
- if cfg.project_dir then
- project_config_file = cfg.project_dir .. "/.luarocks/" .. config_file_name
- project_config_ok, err = load_config_file(cfg, platforms, project_config_file)
- if err then
- exit_ok, exit_err, exit_what = nil, err, "config"
- end
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Config files are loaded.
- -- Let's finish up the cfg table.
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Settings given via the CLI (i.e. --lua-dir) take precedence over config files.
- cfg.project_dir = detected.given_project_dir or cfg.project_dir
- cfg.lua_version = detected.given_lua_version or cfg.lua_version
- if detected.given_lua_dir then
- cfg.variables.LUA_DIR = detected.given_lua_dir
- cfg.variables.LUA_BINDIR = detected.lua_bindir
- cfg.variables.LUA_LIBDIR = nil
- cfg.variables.LUA_INCDIR = nil
- cfg.lua_interpreter = detected.lua_interpreter
- end
- -- Build a default list of rocks trees if not given
- if cfg.rocks_trees == nil then
- cfg.rocks_trees = {}
- if cfg.home_tree then
- table.insert(cfg.rocks_trees, { name = "user", root = cfg.home_tree } )
- end
- if hardcoded.PREFIX and hardcoded.PREFIX ~= cfg.home_tree then
- table.insert(cfg.rocks_trees, { name = "system", root = hardcoded.PREFIX } )
- end
- end
- local defaults = make_defaults(cfg.lua_version, processor, platforms, cfg.home)
- if platforms.windows and hardcoded.WIN_TOOLS then
- local tools = { "SEVENZ", "CP", "FIND", "LS", "MD5SUM", "WGET", }
- for _, tool in ipairs(tools) do
- defaults.variables[tool] = '"' .. hardcoded.WIN_TOOLS .. "/" .. defaults.variables[tool] .. '.exe"'
- end
- else
- defaults.fs_use_modules = true
- end
- use_defaults(cfg, defaults)
- cfg.variables.LUA = cfg.variables.LUA or (cfg.variables.LUA_BINDIR and (cfg.variables.LUA_BINDIR .. "/" .. cfg.lua_interpreter):gsub("//", "/"))
- cfg.user_agent = "LuaRocks/"..cfg.program_version.." "..cfg.arch
- cfg.config_files = {
- project = cfg.project_dir and {
- file = project_config_file,
- found = not not project_config_ok,
- },
- system = {
- file = sys_config_file,
- found = not not sys_config_ok,
- },
- user = {
- file = home_config_file,
- found = not not home_config_ok,
- },
- nearest = project_config_ok
- and project_config_file
- or (home_config_ok
- and home_config_file
- or sys_config_file),
- }
- cfg.cache = {}
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Attributes of cfg are set.
- -- Let's add some methods.
- ----------------------------------------
- do
- local function make_paths_from_tree(tree)
- local lua_path, lib_path, bin_path
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- lua_path = tree..cfg.lua_modules_path
- lib_path = tree..cfg.lib_modules_path
- bin_path = tree.."/bin"
- else
- lua_path = tree.lua_dir or tree.root..cfg.lua_modules_path
- lib_path = tree.lib_dir or tree.root..cfg.lib_modules_path
- bin_path = tree.bin_dir or tree.root.."/bin"
- end
- return lua_path, lib_path, bin_path
- end
- function cfg.package_paths(current)
- local new_path, new_cpath, new_bin = {}, {}, {}
- local function add_tree_to_paths(tree)
- local lua_path, lib_path, bin_path = make_paths_from_tree(tree)
- table.insert(new_path, lua_path.."/?.lua")
- table.insert(new_path, lua_path.."/?/init.lua")
- table.insert(new_cpath, lib_path.."/?."..cfg.lib_extension)
- table.insert(new_bin, bin_path)
- end
- if current then
- add_tree_to_paths(current)
- end
- for _,tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
- add_tree_to_paths(tree)
- end
- return table.concat(new_path, ";"), table.concat(new_cpath, ";"), table.concat(new_bin, cfg.export_path_separator)
- end
- end
- function cfg.init_package_paths()
- local lr_path, lr_cpath, lr_bin = cfg.package_paths()
- package.path = util.cleanup_path(package.path .. ";" .. lr_path, ";", cfg.lua_version, true)
- package.cpath = util.cleanup_path(package.cpath .. ";" .. lr_cpath, ";", cfg.lua_version, true)
- end
- --- Check if platform was detected
- -- @param name string: The platform name to check.
- -- @return boolean: true if LuaRocks is currently running on queried platform.
- function cfg.is_platform(name)
- assert(type(name) == "string")
- return platforms[name]
- end
- -- @param direction (optional) "least-specific-first" (default) or "most-specific-first"
- function cfg.each_platform(direction)
- direction = direction or "least-specific-first"
- local i, delta
- if direction == "least-specific-first" then
- i = 0
- delta = 1
- else
- i = #platform_order + 1
- delta = -1
- end
- return function()
- local p
- repeat
- i = i + delta
- p = platform_order[i]
- until (not p) or platforms[p]
- return p
- end
- end
- function cfg.print_platforms()
- local platform_keys = {}
- for k,_ in pairs(platforms) do
- table.insert(platform_keys, k)
- end
- table.sort(platform_keys)
- return table.concat(platform_keys, ", ")
- end
- return exit_ok, exit_err, exit_what
-return cfg
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/dir.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/dir.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da889979..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/dir.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-local dir = {}
-local require = nil
-local function unquote(c)
- local first, last = c:sub(1,1), c:sub(-1)
- if (first == '"' and last == '"') or
- (first == "'" and last == "'") then
- return c:sub(2,-2)
- end
- return c
---- Describe a path in a cross-platform way.
--- Use this function to avoid platform-specific directory
--- separators in other modules. Removes trailing slashes from
--- each component given, to avoid repeated separators.
--- Separators inside strings are kept, to handle URLs containing
--- protocols.
--- @param ... strings representing directories
--- @return string: a string with a platform-specific representation
--- of the path.
-function dir.path(...)
- local t = {...}
- while t[1] == "" do
- table.remove(t, 1)
- end
- for i, c in ipairs(t) do
- t[i] = unquote(c)
- end
- return (table.concat(t, "/"):gsub("([^:])/+", "%1/"):gsub("^/+", "/"):gsub("/*$", ""))
---- Split protocol and path from an URL or local pathname.
--- URLs should be in the "protocol://path" format.
--- For local pathnames, "file" is returned as the protocol.
--- @param url string: an URL or a local pathname.
--- @return string, string: the protocol, and the pathname without the protocol.
-function dir.split_url(url)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- url = unquote(url)
- local protocol, pathname = url:match("^([^:]*)://(.*)")
- if not protocol then
- protocol = "file"
- pathname = url
- end
- return protocol, pathname
---- Normalize a url or local path.
--- URLs should be in the "protocol://path" format. System independent
--- forward slashes are used, removing trailing and double slashes
--- @param url string: an URL or a local pathname.
--- @return string: Normalized result.
-function dir.normalize(name)
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(name)
- pathname = pathname:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("(.)/*$", "%1"):gsub("//", "/")
- local pieces = {}
- local drive = ""
- if pathname:match("^.:") then
- drive, pathname = pathname:match("^(.:)(.*)$")
- end
- for piece in pathname:gmatch("(.-)/") do
- if piece == ".." then
- local prev = pieces[#pieces]
- if not prev or prev == ".." then
- table.insert(pieces, "..")
- elseif prev ~= "" then
- table.remove(pieces)
- end
- elseif piece ~= "." then
- table.insert(pieces, piece)
- end
- end
- local basename = pathname:match("[^/]+$")
- if basename then
- table.insert(pieces, basename)
- end
- pathname = drive .. table.concat(pieces, "/")
- if protocol ~= "file" then pathname = protocol .."://"..pathname end
- return pathname
-return dir
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/manif.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/manif.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3925f6365..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/manif.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
---- Core functions for querying manifest files.
-local manif = {}
-local persist = require("luarocks.core.persist")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.core.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.core.util")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local path = require("luarocks.core.path")
-local require = nil
--- Table with repository identifiers as keys and tables mapping
--- Lua versions to cached loaded manifests as values.
-local manifest_cache = {}
---- Cache a loaded manifest.
--- @param repo_url string: The repository identifier.
--- @param lua_version string: Lua version in "5.x" format, defaults to installed version.
--- @param manifest table: the manifest to be cached.
-function manif.cache_manifest(repo_url, lua_version, manifest)
- lua_version = lua_version or cfg.lua_version
- manifest_cache[repo_url] = manifest_cache[repo_url] or {}
- manifest_cache[repo_url][lua_version] = manifest
---- Attempt to get cached loaded manifest.
--- @param repo_url string: The repository identifier.
--- @param lua_version string: Lua version in "5.x" format, defaults to installed version.
--- @return table or nil: loaded manifest or nil if cache is empty.
-function manif.get_cached_manifest(repo_url, lua_version)
- lua_version = lua_version or cfg.lua_version
- return manifest_cache[repo_url] and manifest_cache[repo_url][lua_version]
---- Back-end function that actually loads the manifest
--- and stores it in the manifest cache.
--- @param file string: The local filename of the manifest file.
--- @param repo_url string: The repository identifier.
--- @param lua_version string: Lua version in "5.x" format, defaults to installed version.
--- @return table or (nil, string, string): the manifest or nil,
--- error message and error code ("open", "load", "run").
-function manif.manifest_loader(file, repo_url, lua_version)
- local manifest, err, errcode = persist.load_into_table(file)
- if not manifest then
- return nil, "Failed loading manifest for "..repo_url..": "..err, errcode
- end
- manif.cache_manifest(repo_url, lua_version, manifest)
- return manifest, err, errcode
---- Load a local manifest describing a repository.
--- This is used by the luarocks.loader only.
--- @param repo_url string: URL or pathname for the repository.
--- @return table or (nil, string, string): A table representing the manifest,
--- or nil followed by an error message and an error code, see manifest_loader.
-function manif.fast_load_local_manifest(repo_url)
- assert(type(repo_url) == "string")
- local cached_manifest = manif.get_cached_manifest(repo_url)
- if cached_manifest then
- return cached_manifest
- end
- local pathname = dir.path(repo_url, "manifest")
- return manif.manifest_loader(pathname, repo_url, nil, true)
-function manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests(deps_mode)
- local trees = {}
- path.map_trees(deps_mode, function(tree)
- local manifest, err = manif.fast_load_local_manifest(path.rocks_dir(tree))
- if manifest then
- table.insert(trees, {tree=tree, manifest=manifest})
- end
- end)
- return trees
-function manif.scan_dependencies(name, version, tree_manifests, dest)
- if dest[name] then
- return
- end
- dest[name] = version
- for _, tree in ipairs(tree_manifests) do
- local manifest = tree.manifest
- local pkgdeps
- if manifest.dependencies and manifest.dependencies[name] then
- pkgdeps = manifest.dependencies[name][version]
- end
- if pkgdeps then
- for _, dep in ipairs(pkgdeps) do
- local pkg, constraints = dep.name, dep.constraints
- for _, t in ipairs(tree_manifests) do
- local entries = t.manifest.repository[pkg]
- if entries then
- for ver, _ in util.sortedpairs(entries, vers.compare_versions) do
- if (not constraints) or vers.match_constraints(vers.parse_version(ver), constraints) then
- manif.scan_dependencies(pkg, ver, tree_manifests, dest)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- end
-return manif
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/path.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/path.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bf6bdc2d5..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/path.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
---- Core LuaRocks-specific path handling functions.
-local path = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.core.dir")
-local require = nil
-function path.rocks_dir(tree)
- if tree == nil then
- tree = cfg.root_dir
- end
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- return dir.path(tree, cfg.rocks_subdir)
- end
- assert(type(tree) == "table")
- return tree.rocks_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.rocks_subdir)
---- Produce a versioned version of a filename.
--- @param file string: filename (must start with prefix)
--- @param prefix string: Path prefix for file
--- @param name string: Rock name
--- @param version string: Rock version
--- @return string: a pathname with the same directory parts and a versioned basename.
-function path.versioned_name(file, prefix, name, version)
- assert(type(file) == "string")
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local rest = file:sub(#prefix+1):gsub("^/*", "")
- local name_version = (name.."_"..version):gsub("%-", "_"):gsub("%.", "_")
- return dir.path(prefix, name_version.."-"..rest)
---- Convert a pathname to a module identifier.
--- In Unix, for example, a path "foo/bar/baz.lua" is converted to
--- "foo.bar.baz"; "bla/init.lua" returns "bla.init"; "foo.so" returns "foo".
--- @param file string: Pathname of module
--- @return string: The module identifier, or nil if given path is
--- not a conformant module path (the function does not check if the
--- path actually exists).
-function path.path_to_module(file)
- assert(type(file) == "string")
- local name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lua_extension.."$")
- if name then
- name = name:gsub("/", ".")
- else
- name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lib_extension.."$")
- if name then
- name = name:gsub("/", ".")
- --[[ TODO disable static libs until we fix the conflict in the manifest, which will take extending the manifest format.
- else
- name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.static_lib_extension.."$")
- if name then
- name = name:gsub("/", ".")
- end
- ]]
- end
- end
- if not name then name = file end
- name = name:gsub("^%.+", ""):gsub("%.+$", "")
- return name
-function path.deploy_lua_dir(tree)
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- return dir.path(tree, cfg.lua_modules_path)
- else
- assert(type(tree) == "table")
- return tree.lua_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lua_modules_path)
- end
-function path.deploy_lib_dir(tree)
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- return dir.path(tree, cfg.lib_modules_path)
- else
- assert(type(tree) == "table")
- return tree.lib_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lib_modules_path)
- end
-local is_src_extension = { [".lua"] = true, [".tl"] = true, [".tld"] = true, [".moon"] = true }
---- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module, indexed.
--- @param file_name string: module file name as in manifest (eg. "socket/core.so")
--- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
--- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
--- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
--- @param i number: the index, 1 if version is the current default, > 1 otherwise.
--- This is done this way for use by select_module in luarocks.loader.
--- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/core.so")
-function path.which_i(file_name, name, version, tree, i)
- local deploy_dir
- local extension = file_name:match("%.[a-z]+$")
- if is_src_extension[extension] then
- deploy_dir = path.deploy_lua_dir(tree)
- file_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, file_name)
- else
- deploy_dir = path.deploy_lib_dir(tree)
- file_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, file_name)
- end
- if i > 1 then
- file_name = path.versioned_name(file_name, deploy_dir, name, version)
- end
- return file_name
-function path.rocks_tree_to_string(tree)
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- return tree
- else
- assert(type(tree) == "table")
- return tree.root
- end
---- Apply a given function to the active rocks trees based on chosen dependency mode.
--- @param deps_mode string: Dependency mode: "one" for the current default tree,
--- "all" for all trees, "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default,
--- "none" for no trees (this function becomes a nop).
--- @param fn function: function to be applied, with the tree dir (string) as the first
--- argument and the remaining varargs of map_trees as the following arguments.
--- @return a table with all results of invocations of fn collected.
-function path.map_trees(deps_mode, fn, ...)
- local result = {}
- local current = cfg.root_dir or cfg.rocks_trees[1]
- if deps_mode == "one" then
- table.insert(result, (fn(current, ...)) or 0)
- else
- local use = false
- if deps_mode == "all" then
- use = true
- end
- for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees or {}) do
- if dir.normalize(path.rocks_tree_to_string(tree)) == dir.normalize(path.rocks_tree_to_string(current)) then
- use = true
- end
- if use then
- table.insert(result, (fn(tree, ...)) or 0)
- end
- end
- end
- return result
-return path
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/persist.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/persist.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 57e7b5d42..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/persist.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-local persist = {}
-local require = nil
---- Load and run a Lua file in an environment.
--- @param filename string: the name of the file.
--- @param env table: the environment table.
--- @return (true, any) or (nil, string, string): true and the return value
--- of the file, or nil, an error message and an error code ("open", "load"
--- or "run") in case of errors.
-function persist.run_file(filename, env)
- local fd, err = io.open(filename)
- if not fd then
- return nil, err, "open"
- end
- local str, err = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- if not str then
- return nil, err, "open"
- end
- str = str:gsub("^#![^\n]*\n", "")
- local chunk, ran
- if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then -- Lua 5.1
- chunk, err = loadstring(str, filename)
- if chunk then
- setfenv(chunk, env)
- ran, err = pcall(chunk)
- end
- else -- Lua 5.2
- chunk, err = load(str, filename, "t", env)
- if chunk then
- ran, err = pcall(chunk)
- end
- end
- if not chunk then
- return nil, "Error loading file: "..err, "load"
- end
- if not ran then
- return nil, "Error running file: "..err, "run"
- end
- return true, err
---- Load a Lua file containing assignments, storing them in a table.
--- The global environment is not propagated to the loaded file.
--- @param filename string: the name of the file.
--- @param tbl table or nil: if given, this table is used to store
--- loaded values.
--- @return (table, table) or (nil, string, string): a table with the file's assignments
--- as fields and set of undefined globals accessed in file,
--- or nil, an error message and an error code ("open"; couldn't open the file,
--- "load"; compile-time error, or "run"; run-time error)
--- in case of errors.
-function persist.load_into_table(filename, tbl)
- assert(type(filename) == "string")
- assert(type(tbl) == "table" or not tbl)
- local result = tbl or {}
- local globals = {}
- local globals_mt = {
- __index = function(t, k)
- globals[k] = true
- end
- }
- local save_mt = getmetatable(result)
- setmetatable(result, globals_mt)
- local ok, err, errcode = persist.run_file(filename, result)
- setmetatable(result, save_mt)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- return result, globals
-return persist
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/sysdetect.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/sysdetect.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d999203ae..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/sysdetect.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
--- Detect the operating system and architecture without forking a subprocess.
--- We are not going for exhaustive list of every historical system here,
--- but aiming to cover every platform where LuaRocks is known to run.
--- If your system is not detected, patches are welcome!
-local sysdetect = {}
-local function hex(s)
- return s:gsub("$(..)", function(x)
- return string.char(tonumber(x, 16))
- end)
-local function read_int8(fd)
- if io.type(fd) == "closed file" then
- return nil
- end
- local s = fd:read(1)
- if not s then
- fd:close()
- return nil
- end
- return s:byte()
-local LITTLE = 1
--- local BIG = 2
-local function bytes2number(s, endian)
- local r = 0
- if endian == LITTLE then
- for i = #s, 1, -1 do
- r = r*256 + s:byte(i,i)
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #s do
- r = r*256 + s:byte(i,i)
- end
- end
- return r
-local function read(fd, bytes, endian)
- if io.type(fd) == "closed file" then
- return nil
- end
- local s = fd:read(bytes)
- if not s
- then fd:close()
- return nil
- end
- return bytes2number(s, endian)
-local function read_int32le(fd)
- return read(fd, 4, LITTLE)
--- @section ELF
-local e_osabi = {
- [0x00] = "sysv",
- [0x01] = "hpux",
- [0x02] = "netbsd",
- [0x03] = "linux",
- [0x04] = "hurd",
- [0x06] = "solaris",
- [0x07] = "aix",
- [0x08] = "irix",
- [0x09] = "freebsd",
- [0x0c] = "openbsd",
-local e_machines = {
- [0x02] = "sparc",
- [0x03] = "x86",
- [0x08] = "mips",
- [0x0f] = "hppa",
- [0x12] = "sparcv8",
- [0x14] = "ppc",
- [0x15] = "ppc64",
- [0x16] = "s390",
- [0x28] = "arm",
- [0x2a] = "superh",
- [0x2b] = "sparcv9",
- [0x32] = "ia_64",
- [0x3E] = "x86_64",
- [0xB6] = "alpha",
- [0xB7] = "aarch64",
- [0xF3] = "riscv64",
- [0x9026] = "alpha",
-local SHT_NOTE = 7
-local function read_elf_section_headers(fd, hdr)
- local endian = hdr.endian
- local word = hdr.word
- local strtab_offset
- local sections = {}
- for i = 0, hdr.e_shnum - 1 do
- fd:seek("set", hdr.e_shoff + (i * hdr.e_shentsize))
- local section = {}
- section.sh_name_off = read(fd, 4, endian)
- section.sh_type = read(fd, 4, endian)
- section.sh_flags = read(fd, word, endian)
- section.sh_addr = read(fd, word, endian)
- section.sh_offset = read(fd, word, endian)
- section.sh_size = read(fd, word, endian)
- section.sh_link = read(fd, 4, endian)
- section.sh_info = read(fd, 4, endian)
- if section.sh_type == SHT_NOTE then
- fd:seek("set", section.sh_offset)
- section.namesz = read(fd, 4, endian)
- section.descsz = read(fd, 4, endian)
- section.type = read(fd, 4, endian)
- section.namedata = fd:read(section.namesz):gsub("%z.*", "")
- section.descdata = fd:read(section.descsz)
- elseif i == hdr.e_shstrndx then
- strtab_offset = section.sh_offset
- end
- table.insert(sections, section)
- end
- if strtab_offset then
- for _, section in ipairs(sections) do
- fd:seek("set", strtab_offset + section.sh_name_off)
- section.name = fd:read(32):gsub("%z.*", "")
- sections[section.name] = section
- end
- end
- return sections
-local function detect_elf_system(fd, hdr, sections)
- local system = e_osabi[hdr.osabi]
- local endian = hdr.endian
- if system == "sysv" then
- local abitag = sections[".note.ABI-tag"]
- if abitag then
- if abitag.namedata == "GNU" and abitag.type == 1
- and abitag.descdata:sub(0, 4) == "\0\0\0\0" then
- return "linux"
- end
- elseif sections[".SUNW_version"]
- or sections[".SUNW_signature"] then
- return "solaris"
- elseif sections[".note.netbsd.ident"] then
- return "netbsd"
- elseif sections[".note.openbsd.ident"] then
- return "openbsd"
- elseif sections[".note.tag"] and
- sections[".note.tag"].namedata == "DragonFly" then
- return "dragonfly"
- end
- local gnu_version_r = sections[".gnu.version_r"]
- if gnu_version_r then
- local dynstr = sections[".dynstr"].sh_offset
- local idx = 0
- for _ = 0, gnu_version_r.sh_info - 1 do
- fd:seek("set", gnu_version_r.sh_offset + idx)
- assert(read(fd, 2, endian)) -- vn_version
- local vn_cnt = read(fd, 2, endian)
- local vn_file = read(fd, 4, endian)
- local vn_next = read(fd, 2, endian)
- fd:seek("set", dynstr + vn_file)
- local libname = fd:read(64):gsub("%z.*", "")
- if hdr.e_type == 0x03 and libname == "libroot.so" then
- return "haiku"
- elseif libname:match("linux") then
- return "linux"
- end
- idx = idx + (vn_next * (vn_cnt + 1))
- end
- end
- local procfile = io.open("/proc/sys/kernel/ostype")
- if procfile then
- local version = procfile:read(6)
- procfile:close()
- if version == "Linux\n" then
- return "linux"
- end
- end
- end
- return system
-local function read_elf_header(fd)
- local hdr = {}
- hdr.bits = read_int8(fd)
- hdr.endian = read_int8(fd)
- hdr.elf_version = read_int8(fd)
- if hdr.elf_version ~= 1 then
- return nil
- end
- hdr.osabi = read_int8(fd)
- if not hdr.osabi then
- return nil
- end
- local endian = hdr.endian
- fd:seek("set", 0x10)
- hdr.e_type = read(fd, 2, endian)
- local machine = read(fd, 2, endian)
- local processor = e_machines[machine] or "unknown"
- if endian == 1 and processor == "ppc64" then
- processor = "ppc64le"
- end
- local elfversion = read(fd, 4, endian)
- if elfversion ~= 1 then
- return nil
- end
- local word = (hdr.bits == 1) and 4 or 8
- hdr.word = word
- hdr.e_entry = read(fd, word, endian)
- hdr.e_phoff = read(fd, word, endian)
- hdr.e_shoff = read(fd, word, endian)
- hdr.e_flags = read(fd, 4, endian)
- hdr.e_ehsize = read(fd, 2, endian)
- hdr.e_phentsize = read(fd, 2, endian)
- hdr.e_phnum = read(fd, 2, endian)
- hdr.e_shentsize = read(fd, 2, endian)
- hdr.e_shnum = read(fd, 2, endian)
- hdr.e_shstrndx = read(fd, 2, endian)
- return hdr, processor
-local function detect_elf(fd)
- local hdr, processor = read_elf_header(fd)
- if not hdr then
- return nil
- end
- local sections = read_elf_section_headers(fd, hdr)
- local system = detect_elf_system(fd, hdr, sections)
- return system, processor
--- @section Mach Objects (Apple)
-local mach_l64 = {
- [7] = "x86_64",
- [12] = "aarch64",
-local mach_b64 = {
- [0] = "ppc64",
-local mach_l32 = {
- [7] = "x86",
- [12] = "arm",
-local mach_b32 = {
- [0] = "ppc",
-local function detect_mach(magic, fd)
- if not magic then
- return nil
- end
- if magic == hex("$CA$FE$BA$BE") then
- -- fat binary, go for the first one
- fd:seek("set", 0x12)
- local offs = read_int8(fd)
- if not offs then
- return nil
- end
- fd:seek("set", offs * 256)
- magic = fd:read(4)
- return detect_mach(magic, fd)
- end
- local cputype = read_int8(fd)
- if magic == hex("$CF$FA$ED$FE") then
- return "macosx", mach_l64[cputype] or "unknown"
- elseif magic == hex("$FE$ED$CF$FA") then
- return "macosx", mach_b64[cputype] or "unknown"
- elseif magic == hex("$CE$FA$ED$FE") then
- return "macosx", mach_l32[cputype] or "unknown"
- elseif magic == hex("$FE$ED$FA$CE") then
- return "macosx", mach_b32[cputype] or "unknown"
- end
--- @section PE (Windows)
-local pe_machine = {
- [0x8664] = "x86_64",
- [0x01c0] = "arm",
- [0x01c4] = "armv7l",
- [0xaa64] = "arm64",
- [0x014c] = "x86",
-local function detect_pe(fd)
- fd:seek("set", 60) -- position of PE header position
- local peoffset = read_int32le(fd) -- read position of PE header
- if not peoffset then
- return nil
- end
- local system = "windows"
- fd:seek("set", peoffset + 4) -- move to position of Machine section
- local machine = read(fd, 2, LITTLE)
- local processor = pe_machine[machine]
- local rdata_pos = fd:read(736):match(".rdata%z%z............(....)")
- if rdata_pos then
- rdata_pos = bytes2number(rdata_pos, LITTLE)
- fd:seek("set", rdata_pos)
- local data = fd:read(512)
- if data:match("cygwin") or data:match("cyggcc") then
- system = "cygwin"
- end
- end
- return system, processor or "unknown"
--- @section API
-function sysdetect.detect_file(file)
- assert(type(file) == "string")
- local fd = io.open(file, "rb")
- if not fd then
- return nil
- end
- local magic = fd:read(4)
- if magic == hex("$7FELF") then
- return detect_elf(fd)
- end
- if magic == hex("MZ$90$00") then
- return detect_pe(fd)
- end
- return detect_mach(magic, fd)
-local cache_system
-local cache_processor
-function sysdetect.detect(input_file)
- local dirsep = package.config:sub(1,1)
- local files
- if input_file then
- files = { input_file }
- else
- if cache_system then
- return cache_system, cache_processor
- end
- local PATHsep
- local interp = arg and arg[-1]
- if dirsep == "/" then
- -- Unix
- files = {
- "/bin/sh", -- Unix: well-known POSIX path
- "/proc/self/exe", -- Linux: this should always have a working binary
- }
- PATHsep = ":"
- else
- -- Windows
- local systemroot = os.getenv("SystemRoot")
- files = {
- systemroot .. "\\system32\\notepad.exe", -- well-known Windows path
- systemroot .. "\\explorer.exe", -- well-known Windows path
- }
- if interp and not interp:lower():match("exe$") then
- interp = interp .. ".exe"
- end
- PATHsep = ";"
- end
- if interp then
- if interp:match(dirsep) then
- -- interpreter path is absolute
- table.insert(files, interp)
- else
- for d in (os.getenv("PATH") or ""):gmatch("[^"..PATHsep.."]+") do
- table.insert(files, d .. dirsep .. interp)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _, f in ipairs(files) do
- local system, processor = sysdetect.detect_file(f)
- if system then
- cache_system = system
- cache_processor = processor
- return system, processor
- end
- end
-return sysdetect
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/util.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/util.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 26e783698..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/util.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-local util = {}
-local require = nil
---- Run a process and read a its output.
--- Equivalent to io.popen(cmd):read("*l"), except that it
--- closes the fd right away.
--- @param cmd string: The command to execute
--- @param spec string: "*l" by default, to read a single line.
--- May be used to read more, passing, for instance, "*a".
--- @return string: the output of the program.
-function util.popen_read(cmd, spec)
- local dir_sep = package.config:sub(1, 1)
- local tmpfile = (dir_sep == "\\")
- and (os.getenv("TMP") .. "/luarocks-" .. tostring(math.floor(math.random() * 10000)))
- or os.tmpname()
- os.execute(cmd .. " > " .. tmpfile)
- local fd = io.open(tmpfile, "rb")
- if not fd then
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- return ""
- end
- local out = fd:read(spec or "*l")
- fd:close()
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- return out or ""
--- Formats tables with cycles recursively to any depth.
--- References to other tables are shown as values.
--- Self references are indicated.
--- The string returned is "Lua code", which can be processed
--- (in the case in which indent is composed by spaces or "--").
--- Userdata and function keys and values are shown as strings,
--- which logically are exactly not equivalent to the original code.
--- This routine can serve for pretty formating tables with
--- proper indentations, apart from printing them:
--- io.write(table.show(t, "t")) -- a typical use
--- Written by Julio Manuel Fernandez-Diaz,
--- Heavily based on "Saving tables with cycles", PIL2, p. 113.
--- @param t table: is the table.
--- @param tname string: is the name of the table (optional)
--- @param top_indent string: is a first indentation (optional).
--- @return string: the pretty-printed table
-function util.show_table(t, tname, top_indent)
- local cart -- a container
- local autoref -- for self references
- local function is_empty_table(tbl) return next(tbl) == nil end
- local function basic_serialize(o)
- local so = tostring(o)
- if type(o) == "function" then
- local info = debug and debug.getinfo(o, "S")
- if not info then
- return ("%q"):format(so)
- end
- -- info.name is nil because o is not a calling level
- if info.what == "C" then
- return ("%q"):format(so .. ", C function")
- else
- -- the information is defined through lines
- return ("%q"):format(so .. ", defined in (" .. info.linedefined .. "-" .. info.lastlinedefined .. ")" .. info.source)
- end
- elseif type(o) == "number" then
- return so
- else
- return ("%q"):format(so)
- end
- end
- local function add_to_cart(value, name, indent, saved, field)
- indent = indent or ""
- saved = saved or {}
- field = field or name
- cart = cart .. indent .. field
- if type(value) ~= "table" then
- cart = cart .. " = " .. basic_serialize(value) .. ";\n"
- else
- if saved[value] then
- cart = cart .. " = {}; -- " .. saved[value] .. " (self reference)\n"
- autoref = autoref .. name .. " = " .. saved[value] .. ";\n"
- else
- saved[value] = name
- if is_empty_table(value) then
- cart = cart .. " = {};\n"
- else
- cart = cart .. " = {\n"
- for k, v in pairs(value) do
- k = basic_serialize(k)
- local fname = ("%s[%s]"):format(name, k)
- field = ("[%s]"):format(k)
- -- three spaces between levels
- add_to_cart(v, fname, indent .. " ", saved, field)
- end
- cart = cart .. indent .. "};\n"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- tname = tname or "__unnamed__"
- if type(t) ~= "table" then
- return tname .. " = " .. basic_serialize(t)
- end
- cart, autoref = "", ""
- add_to_cart(t, tname, top_indent)
- return cart .. autoref
---- Merges contents of src on top of dst's contents
--- (i.e. if an key from src already exists in dst, replace it).
--- @param dst Destination table, which will receive src's contents.
--- @param src Table which provides new contents to dst.
-function util.deep_merge(dst, src)
- for k, v in pairs(src) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- if dst[k] == nil then
- dst[k] = {}
- end
- if type(dst[k]) == "table" then
- util.deep_merge(dst[k], v)
- else
- dst[k] = v
- end
- else
- dst[k] = v
- end
- end
---- Merges contents of src below those of dst's contents
--- (i.e. if an key from src already exists in dst, do not replace it).
--- @param dst Destination table, which will receive src's contents.
--- @param src Table which provides new contents to dst.
-function util.deep_merge_under(dst, src)
- for k, v in pairs(src) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- if dst[k] == nil then
- dst[k] = {}
- end
- if type(dst[k]) == "table" then
- util.deep_merge_under(dst[k], v)
- end
- elseif dst[k] == nil then
- dst[k] = v
- end
- end
---- Clean up a path-style string ($PATH, $LUA_PATH/package.path, etc.),
--- removing repeated entries and making sure only the relevant
--- Lua version is used.
--- Example: given ("a;b;c;a;b;d", ";"), returns "a;b;c;d".
--- @param list string: A path string (from $PATH or package.path)
--- @param sep string: The separator
--- @param lua_version (optional) string: The Lua version to use.
--- @param keep_first (optional) if true, keep first occurrence in case
--- of duplicates; otherwise keep last occurrence. The default is false.
-function util.cleanup_path(list, sep, lua_version, keep_first)
- assert(type(list) == "string")
- assert(type(sep) == "string")
- local parts = util.split_string(list, sep)
- local final, entries = {}, {}
- local start, stop, step
- if keep_first then
- start, stop, step = 1, #parts, 1
- else
- start, stop, step = #parts, 1, -1
- end
- for i = start, stop, step do
- local part = parts[i]:gsub("//", "/")
- if lua_version then
- part = part:gsub("/lua/([%d.]+)/", function(part_version)
- if part_version:sub(1, #lua_version) ~= lua_version then
- return "/lua/"..lua_version.."/"
- end
- end)
- end
- if not entries[part] then
- local at = keep_first and #final+1 or 1
- table.insert(final, at, part)
- entries[part] = true
- end
- end
- return table.concat(final, sep)
--- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin
--- by Philippe Lhoste
-function util.split_string(str, delim, maxNb)
- -- Eliminate bad cases...
- if string.find(str, delim) == nil then
- return { str }
- end
- if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then
- maxNb = 0 -- No limit
- end
- local result = {}
- local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()"
- local nb = 0
- local lastPos
- for part, pos in string.gmatch(str, pat) do
- nb = nb + 1
- result[nb] = part
- lastPos = pos
- if nb == maxNb then break end
- end
- -- Handle the last field
- if nb ~= maxNb then
- result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos)
- end
- return result
---- Return an array of keys of a table.
--- @param tbl table: The input table.
--- @return table: The array of keys.
-function util.keys(tbl)
- local ks = {}
- for k,_ in pairs(tbl) do
- table.insert(ks, k)
- end
- return ks
---- Print a line to standard error
-function util.printerr(...)
- io.stderr:write(table.concat({...},"\t"))
- io.stderr:write("\n")
---- Display a warning message.
--- @param msg string: the warning message
-function util.warning(msg)
- util.printerr("Warning: "..msg)
---- Simple sort function used as a default for util.sortedpairs.
-local function default_sort(a, b)
- local ta = type(a)
- local tb = type(b)
- if ta == "number" and tb == "number" then
- return a < b
- elseif ta == "number" then
- return true
- elseif tb == "number" then
- return false
- else
- return tostring(a) < tostring(b)
- end
---- A table iterator generator that returns elements sorted by key,
--- to be used in "for" loops.
--- @param tbl table: The table to be iterated.
--- @param sort_function function or table or nil: An optional comparison function
--- to be used by table.sort when sorting keys, or an array listing an explicit order
--- for keys. If a value itself is an array, it is taken so that the first element
--- is a string representing the field name, and the second element is a priority table
--- for that key, which is returned by the iterator as the third value after the key
--- and the value.
--- @return function: the iterator function.
-function util.sortedpairs(tbl, sort_function)
- sort_function = sort_function or default_sort
- local keys = util.keys(tbl)
- local sub_orders = {}
- if type(sort_function) == "function" then
- table.sort(keys, sort_function)
- else
- local order = sort_function
- local ordered_keys = {}
- local all_keys = keys
- keys = {}
- for _, order_entry in ipairs(order) do
- local key, sub_order
- if type(order_entry) == "table" then
- key = order_entry[1]
- sub_order = order_entry[2]
- else
- key = order_entry
- end
- if tbl[key] then
- ordered_keys[key] = true
- sub_orders[key] = sub_order
- table.insert(keys, key)
- end
- end
- table.sort(all_keys, default_sort)
- for _, key in ipairs(all_keys) do
- if not ordered_keys[key] then
- table.insert(keys, key)
- end
- end
- end
- local i = 1
- return function()
- local key = keys[i]
- i = i + 1
- return key, tbl[key], sub_orders[key]
- end
-return util
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/vers.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/vers.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e617984a..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/core/vers.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-local vers = {}
-local util = require("luarocks.core.util")
-local require = nil
-local deltas = {
- dev = 120000000,
- scm = 110000000,
- cvs = 100000000,
- rc = -1000,
- pre = -10000,
- beta = -100000,
- alpha = -1000000
-local version_mt = {
- --- Equality comparison for versions.
- -- All version numbers must be equal.
- -- If both versions have revision numbers, they must be equal;
- -- otherwise the revision number is ignored.
- -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
- -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
- -- @return boolean: true if they are considered equivalent.
- __eq = function(v1, v2)
- if #v1 ~= #v2 then
- return false
- end
- for i = 1, #v1 do
- if v1[i] ~= v2[i] then
- return false
- end
- end
- if v1.revision and v2.revision then
- return (v1.revision == v2.revision)
- end
- return true
- end,
- --- Size comparison for versions.
- -- All version numbers are compared.
- -- If both versions have revision numbers, they are compared;
- -- otherwise the revision number is ignored.
- -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
- -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
- -- @return boolean: true if v1 is considered lower than v2.
- __lt = function(v1, v2)
- for i = 1, math.max(#v1, #v2) do
- local v1i, v2i = v1[i] or 0, v2[i] or 0
- if v1i ~= v2i then
- return (v1i < v2i)
- end
- end
- if v1.revision and v2.revision then
- return (v1.revision < v2.revision)
- end
- return false
- end,
- -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
- -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
- -- @return boolean: true if v1 is considered lower than or equal to v2.
- __le = function(v1, v2)
- return not (v2 < v1) -- luacheck: ignore
- end,
- --- Return version as a string.
- -- @param v The version table.
- -- @return The string representation.
- __tostring = function(v)
- return v.string
- end,
-local version_cache = {}
-setmetatable(version_cache, {
- __mode = "kv"
---- Parse a version string, converting to table format.
--- A version table contains all components of the version string
--- converted to numeric format, stored in the array part of the table.
--- If the version contains a revision, it is stored numerically
--- in the 'revision' field. The original string representation of
--- the string is preserved in the 'string' field.
--- Returned version tables use a metatable
--- allowing later comparison through relational operators.
--- @param vstring string: A version number in string format.
--- @return table or nil: A version table or nil
--- if the input string contains invalid characters.
-function vers.parse_version(vstring)
- if not vstring then return nil end
- assert(type(vstring) == "string")
- local cached = version_cache[vstring]
- if cached then
- return cached
- end
- local version = {}
- local i = 1
- local function add_token(number)
- version[i] = version[i] and version[i] + number/100000 or number
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- trim leading and trailing spaces
- local v = vstring:match("^%s*(.*)%s*$")
- version.string = v
- -- store revision separately if any
- local main, revision = v:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
- if revision then
- v = main
- version.revision = tonumber(revision)
- end
- while #v > 0 do
- -- extract a number
- local token, rest = v:match("^(%d+)[%.%-%_]*(.*)")
- if token then
- add_token(tonumber(token))
- else
- -- extract a word
- token, rest = v:match("^(%a+)[%.%-%_]*(.*)")
- if not token then
- util.warning("version number '"..v.."' could not be parsed.")
- version[i] = 0
- break
- end
- version[i] = deltas[token] or (token:byte() / 1000)
- end
- v = rest
- end
- setmetatable(version, version_mt)
- version_cache[vstring] = version
- return version
---- Utility function to compare version numbers given as strings.
--- @param a string: one version.
--- @param b string: another version.
--- @return boolean: True if a > b.
-function vers.compare_versions(a, b)
- if a == b then
- return false
- end
- return vers.parse_version(a) > vers.parse_version(b)
---- A more lenient check for equivalence between versions.
--- This returns true if the requested components of a version
--- match and ignore the ones that were not given. For example,
--- when requesting "2", then "2", "2.1", "2.3.5-9"... all match.
--- When requesting "2.1", then "2.1", "2.1.3" match, but "2.2"
--- doesn't.
--- @param version string or table: Version to be tested; may be
--- in string format or already parsed into a table.
--- @param requested string or table: Version requested; may be
--- in string format or already parsed into a table.
--- @return boolean: True if the tested version matches the requested
--- version, false otherwise.
-local function partial_match(version, requested)
- assert(type(version) == "string" or type(version) == "table")
- assert(type(requested) == "string" or type(version) == "table")
- if type(version) ~= "table" then version = vers.parse_version(version) end
- if type(requested) ~= "table" then requested = vers.parse_version(requested) end
- if not version or not requested then return false end
- for i, ri in ipairs(requested) do
- local vi = version[i] or 0
- if ri ~= vi then return false end
- end
- if requested.revision then
- return requested.revision == version.revision
- end
- return true
---- Check if a version satisfies a set of constraints.
--- @param version table: A version in table format
--- @param constraints table: An array of constraints in table format.
--- @return boolean: True if version satisfies all constraints,
--- false otherwise.
-function vers.match_constraints(version, constraints)
- assert(type(version) == "table")
- assert(type(constraints) == "table")
- local ok = true
- setmetatable(version, version_mt)
- for _, constr in pairs(constraints) do
- if type(constr.version) == "string" then
- constr.version = vers.parse_version(constr.version)
- end
- local constr_version, constr_op = constr.version, constr.op
- setmetatable(constr_version, version_mt)
- if constr_op == "==" then ok = version == constr_version
- elseif constr_op == "~=" then ok = version ~= constr_version
- elseif constr_op == ">" then ok = version > constr_version
- elseif constr_op == "<" then ok = version < constr_version
- elseif constr_op == ">=" then ok = version >= constr_version
- elseif constr_op == "<=" then ok = version <= constr_version
- elseif constr_op == "~>" then ok = partial_match(version, constr_version)
- end
- if not ok then break end
- end
- return ok
-return vers
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/deplocks.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/deplocks.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d62908f46..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/deplocks.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-local deplocks = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local deptable = {}
-local deptable_mode = "start"
-local deplock_abs_filename
-local deplock_root_rock_name
-function deplocks.init(root_rock_name, dirname)
- if deptable_mode ~= "start" then
- return
- end
- deptable_mode = "create"
- local filename = dir.path(dirname, "luarocks.lock")
- deplock_abs_filename = fs.absolute_name(filename)
- deplock_root_rock_name = root_rock_name
- deptable = {}
-function deplocks.get_abs_filename(root_rock_name)
- if root_rock_name == deplock_root_rock_name then
- return deplock_abs_filename
- end
-function deplocks.load(root_rock_name, dirname)
- if deptable_mode ~= "start" then
- return true, nil
- end
- deptable_mode = "locked"
- local filename = dir.path(dirname, "luarocks.lock")
- local ok, result, errcode = persist.run_file(filename, {})
- if errcode == "load" or errcode == "run" then
- -- bad config file or depends on env, so error out
- return nil, nil, "Could not read existing lockfile " .. filename
- end
- if errcode == "open" then
- -- could not open, maybe file does not exist
- return true, nil
- end
- deplock_abs_filename = fs.absolute_name(filename)
- deplock_root_rock_name = root_rock_name
- deptable = result
- return true, filename
-function deplocks.add(depskey, name, version)
- if deptable_mode == "locked" then
- return
- end
- local dk = deptable[depskey]
- if not dk then
- dk = {}
- deptable[depskey] = dk
- end
- if not dk[name] then
- dk[name] = version
- end
-function deplocks.get(depskey, name)
- local dk = deptable[depskey]
- if not dk then
- return nil
- end
- return deptable[name]
-function deplocks.write_file()
- if deptable_mode ~= "create" then
- return true
- end
- return persist.save_as_module(deplock_abs_filename, deptable)
--- a table-like interface to deplocks
-function deplocks.proxy(depskey)
- return setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(_, k)
- return deplocks.get(depskey, k)
- end,
- __newindex = function(_, k, v)
- return deplocks.add(depskey, k, v)
- end,
- })
-function deplocks.each(depskey)
- return util.sortedpairs(deptable[depskey] or {})
-return deplocks
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/deps.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/deps.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8795ad4..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/deps.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
---- High-level dependency related functions.
-local deps = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local builtin = require("luarocks.build.builtin")
-local deplocks = require("luarocks.deplocks")
---- Generate a function that matches dep queries against the manifest,
--- taking into account rocks_provided, the list of versions to skip,
--- and the lockfile.
--- @param deps_mode "one", "none", "all" or "order"
--- @param rocks_provided a one-level table mapping names to versions,
--- listing rocks to consider provided by the VM
--- @param rocks_provided table: A table of auto-provided dependencies.
--- by this Lua implementation for the given dependency.
--- @param depskey key to use when matching the lockfile ("dependencies",
--- "build_dependencies", etc.)
--- @param skip_set a two-level table mapping names to versions to
--- boolean, listing rocks that should not be matched
--- @return function(dep): {string}, {string:string}, string, boolean
--- * array of matching versions
--- * map of versions to locations
--- * version matched via lockfile if any
--- * true if rock matched via rocks_provided
-local function prepare_get_versions(deps_mode, rocks_provided, depskey, skip_set)
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- assert(type(rocks_provided) == "table")
- assert(type(depskey) == "string")
- assert(type(skip_set) == "table" or skip_set == nil)
- return function(dep)
- local versions, locations
- local provided = rocks_provided[dep.name]
- if provided then
- -- Provided rocks have higher priority than manifest's rocks.
- versions, locations = { provided }, {}
- else
- if deps_mode == "none" then
- deps_mode = "one"
- end
- versions, locations = manif.get_versions(dep, deps_mode)
- end
- if skip_set and skip_set[dep.name] then
- for i = #versions, 1, -1 do
- local v = versions[i]
- if skip_set[dep.name][v] then
- table.remove(versions, i)
- end
- end
- end
- local lockversion = deplocks.get(depskey, dep.name)
- return versions, locations, lockversion, provided ~= nil
- end
---- Attempt to match a dependency to an installed rock.
--- @param get_versions a getter function obtained via prepare_get_versions
--- @return (string, string, table) or (nil, nil, table):
--- 1. latest installed version of the rock matching the dependency
--- 2. location where the installed version is installed
--- 3. the 'dep' query table
--- 4. true if provided via VM
--- or
--- 1. nil
--- 2. nil
--- 3. either 'dep' or an alternative query to be used
--- 4. false
-local function match_dep(dep, get_versions)
- assert(type(dep) == "table")
- assert(type(get_versions) == "function")
- local versions, locations, lockversion, provided = get_versions(dep)
- local latest_version
- local latest_vstring
- for _, vstring in ipairs(versions) do
- local version = vers.parse_version(vstring)
- if vers.match_constraints(version, dep.constraints) then
- if not latest_version or version > latest_version then
- latest_version = version
- latest_vstring = vstring
- end
- end
- end
- if lockversion and not locations[lockversion] then
- local latest_matching_msg = ""
- if latest_vstring and latest_vstring ~= lockversion then
- latest_matching_msg = " (latest matching is " .. latest_vstring .. ")"
- end
- util.printout("Forcing " .. dep.name .. " to pinned version " .. lockversion .. latest_matching_msg)
- return nil, nil, queries.new(dep.name, dep.namespace, lockversion)
- end
- return latest_vstring, locations[latest_vstring], dep, provided
-local function match_all_deps(dependencies, get_versions)
- assert(type(dependencies) == "table")
- assert(type(get_versions) == "function")
- local matched, missing, no_upgrade = {}, {}, {}
- for _, dep in ipairs(dependencies) do
- local found, _, provided
- found, _, dep, provided = match_dep(dep, get_versions)
- if found then
- if not provided then
- matched[dep] = {name = dep.name, version = found}
- end
- else
- if dep.constraints[1] and dep.constraints[1].no_upgrade then
- no_upgrade[dep.name] = dep
- else
- missing[dep.name] = dep
- end
- end
- end
- return matched, missing, no_upgrade
---- Attempt to match dependencies of a rockspec to installed rocks.
--- @param dependencies table: The table of dependencies.
--- @param rocks_provided table: The table of auto-provided dependencies.
--- @param skip_set table or nil: Program versions to not use as valid matches.
--- Table where keys are program names and values are tables where keys
--- are program versions and values are 'true'.
--- @param deps_mode string: Which trees to check dependencies for
--- @return table, table, table: A table where keys are dependencies parsed
--- in table format and values are tables containing fields 'name' and
--- version' representing matches; a table of missing dependencies
--- parsed as tables; and a table of "no-upgrade" missing dependencies
--- (to be used in plugin modules so that a plugin does not force upgrade of
--- its parent application).
-function deps.match_deps(dependencies, rocks_provided, skip_set, deps_mode)
- assert(type(dependencies) == "table")
- assert(type(rocks_provided) == "table")
- assert(type(skip_set) == "table" or skip_set == nil)
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- local get_versions = prepare_get_versions(deps_mode, rocks_provided, "dependencies", skip_set)
- return match_all_deps(dependencies, get_versions)
-local function rock_status(dep, get_versions)
- assert(dep:type() == "query")
- assert(type(get_versions) == "function")
- local installed, _, _, provided = match_dep(dep, get_versions)
- local installation_type = provided and "provided by VM" or "installed"
- return installed and installed.." "..installation_type or "not installed"
---- Check depenendencies of a package and report any missing ones.
--- @param name string: package name.
--- @param version string: package version.
--- @param dependencies table: array of dependencies.
--- @param deps_mode string: Which trees to check dependencies for
--- @param rocks_provided table: A table of auto-dependencies provided
--- by this Lua implementation for the given dependency.
--- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
--- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
-function deps.report_missing_dependencies(name, version, dependencies, deps_mode, rocks_provided)
- assert(type(name) == "string")
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(dependencies) == "table")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- assert(type(rocks_provided) == "table")
- if deps_mode == "none" then
- return
- end
- local get_versions = prepare_get_versions(deps_mode, rocks_provided, "dependencies")
- local first_missing_dep = true
- for _, dep in ipairs(dependencies) do
- local found, _
- found, _, dep = match_dep(dep, get_versions)
- if not found then
- if first_missing_dep then
- util.printout(("Missing dependencies for %s %s:"):format(name, version))
- first_missing_dep = false
- end
- util.printout((" %s (%s)"):format(tostring(dep), rock_status(dep, get_versions)))
- end
- end
-function deps.fulfill_dependency(dep, deps_mode, rocks_provided, verify, depskey)
- assert(dep:type() == "query")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string" or deps_mode == nil)
- assert(type(rocks_provided) == "table" or rocks_provided == nil)
- assert(type(verify) == "boolean" or verify == nil)
- assert(type(depskey) == "string")
- deps_mode = deps_mode or "all"
- rocks_provided = rocks_provided or {}
- local get_versions = prepare_get_versions(deps_mode, rocks_provided, depskey)
- local found, where
- found, where, dep = match_dep(dep, get_versions)
- if found then
- local tree_manifests = manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests(deps_mode)
- manif.scan_dependencies(dep.name, found, tree_manifests, deplocks.proxy(depskey))
- return true, found, where
- end
- local search = require("luarocks.search")
- local install = require("luarocks.cmd.install")
- local url, search_err = search.find_suitable_rock(dep)
- if not url then
- return nil, "Could not satisfy dependency "..tostring(dep)..": "..search_err
- end
- util.printout("Installing "..url)
- local install_args = {
- rock = url,
- deps_mode = deps_mode,
- namespace = dep.namespace,
- verify = verify,
- }
- local ok, install_err, errcode = install.command(install_args)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed installing dependency: "..url.." - "..install_err, errcode
- end
- found, where = match_dep(dep, get_versions)
- assert(found)
- return true, found, where
-local function check_supported_platforms(rockspec)
- if rockspec.supported_platforms and next(rockspec.supported_platforms) then
- local all_negative = true
- local supported = false
- for _, plat in pairs(rockspec.supported_platforms) do
- local neg
- neg, plat = plat:match("^(!?)(.*)")
- if neg == "!" then
- if cfg.is_platform(plat) then
- return nil, "This rockspec for "..rockspec.package.." does not support "..plat.." platforms."
- end
- else
- all_negative = false
- if cfg.is_platform(plat) then
- supported = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if supported == false and not all_negative then
- local plats = cfg.print_platforms()
- return nil, "This rockspec for "..rockspec.package.." does not support "..plats.." platforms."
- end
- end
- return true
---- Check dependencies of a rock and attempt to install any missing ones.
--- Packages are installed using the LuaRocks "install" command.
--- Aborts the program if a dependency could not be fulfilled.
--- @param rockspec table: A rockspec in table format.
--- @param depskey string: Rockspec key to fetch to get dependency table
--- ("dependencies", "build_dependencies", etc.).
--- @param deps_mode string
--- @param verify boolean
--- @param deplock_dir string: dirname of the deplock file
--- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if no errors occurred, or
--- nil and an error message if any test failed, followed by an optional
--- error code.
-function deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, depskey, deps_mode, verify, deplock_dir)
- assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
- assert(type(depskey) == "string")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- assert(type(verify) == "boolean" or verify == nil)
- assert(type(deplock_dir) == "string" or deplock_dir == nil)
- local name = rockspec.name
- local version = rockspec.version
- local rocks_provided = rockspec.rocks_provided
- local ok, filename, err = deplocks.load(name, deplock_dir or ".")
- if filename then
- util.printout("Using dependencies pinned in lockfile: " .. filename)
- local get_versions = prepare_get_versions("none", rocks_provided, depskey)
- for dnsname, dversion in deplocks.each(depskey) do
- local dname, dnamespace = util.split_namespace(dnsname)
- local dep = queries.new(dname, dnamespace, dversion)
- util.printout(("%s %s is pinned to %s (%s)"):format(
- name, version, tostring(dep), rock_status(dep, get_versions)))
- local ok, err = deps.fulfill_dependency(dep, "none", rocks_provided, verify, depskey)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- util.printout()
- return true
- elseif err then
- util.warning(err)
- end
- ok, err = check_supported_platforms(rockspec)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- deps.report_missing_dependencies(name, version, rockspec[depskey], deps_mode, rocks_provided)
- util.printout()
- local get_versions = prepare_get_versions(deps_mode, rocks_provided, depskey)
- for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec[depskey]) do
- util.printout(("%s %s depends on %s (%s)"):format(
- name, version, tostring(dep), rock_status(dep, get_versions)))
- local ok, found_or_err, _, no_upgrade = deps.fulfill_dependency(dep, deps_mode, rocks_provided, verify, depskey)
- if ok then
- deplocks.add(depskey, dep.name, found_or_err)
- else
- if no_upgrade then
- util.printerr("This version of "..name.." is designed for use with")
- util.printerr(tostring(dep)..", but is configured to avoid upgrading it")
- util.printerr("automatically. Please upgrade "..dep.name.." with")
- util.printerr(" luarocks install "..dep.name)
- util.printerr("or look for a suitable version of "..name.." with")
- util.printerr(" luarocks search "..name)
- end
- return nil, found_or_err
- end
- end
- return true
---- If filename matches a pattern, return the capture.
--- For example, given "libfoo.so" and "lib?.so" is a pattern,
--- returns "foo" (which can then be used to build names
--- based on other patterns.
--- @param file string: a filename
--- @param pattern string: a pattern, where ? is to be matched by the filename.
--- @return string The pattern, if found, or nil.
-local function deconstruct_pattern(file, pattern)
- local depattern = "^"..(pattern:gsub("%.", "%%."):gsub("%*", ".*"):gsub("?", "(.*)")).."$"
- return (file:match(depattern))
---- Construct all possible patterns for a name and add to the files array.
--- Run through the patterns array replacing all occurrences of "?"
--- with the given file name and store them in the files array.
--- @param file string A raw name (e.g. "foo")
--- @param array of string An array of patterns with "?" as the wildcard
--- (e.g. {"?.so", "lib?.so"})
--- @param files The array of constructed names
-local function add_all_patterns(file, patterns, files)
- for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
- table.insert(files, {#files + 1, (pattern:gsub("?", file))})
- end
-local function get_external_deps_dirs(mode)
- local patterns = cfg.external_deps_patterns
- local subdirs = cfg.external_deps_subdirs
- if mode == "install" then
- patterns = cfg.runtime_external_deps_patterns
- subdirs = cfg.runtime_external_deps_subdirs
- end
- local dirs = {
- BINDIR = { subdir = subdirs.bin, testfile = "program", pattern = patterns.bin },
- INCDIR = { subdir = subdirs.include, testfile = "header", pattern = patterns.include },
- LIBDIR = { subdir = subdirs.lib, testfile = "library", pattern = patterns.lib }
- }
- if mode == "install" then
- dirs.INCDIR = nil
- end
- return dirs
-local function resolve_prefix(prefix, dirs)
- if type(prefix) == "string" then
- return prefix
- elseif type(prefix) == "table" then
- if prefix.bin then
- dirs.BINDIR.subdir = prefix.bin
- end
- if prefix.include then
- if dirs.INCDIR then
- dirs.INCDIR.subdir = prefix.include
- end
- end
- if prefix.lib then
- dirs.LIBDIR.subdir = prefix.lib
- end
- return prefix.prefix
- end
-local function add_patterns_for_file(files, file, patterns)
- -- If it doesn't look like it contains a filename extension
- if not (file:match("%.[a-z]+$") or file:match("%.[a-z]+%.")) then
- add_all_patterns(file, patterns, files)
- else
- for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
- local matched = deconstruct_pattern(file, pattern)
- if matched then
- add_all_patterns(matched, patterns, files)
- end
- end
- table.insert(files, {#files + 1, file})
- end
-local function check_external_dependency_at(prefix, name, ext_files, vars, dirs, err_files, cache)
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- cache = cache or {}
- for dirname, dirdata in util.sortedpairs(dirs) do
- local paths
- local path_var_value = vars[name.."_"..dirname]
- if path_var_value then
- paths = { path_var_value }
- elseif type(dirdata.subdir) == "table" then
- paths = {}
- for i,v in ipairs(dirdata.subdir) do
- paths[i] = dir.path(prefix, v)
- end
- else
- paths = { dir.path(prefix, dirdata.subdir) }
- end
- dirdata.dir = paths[1]
- local file_or_files = ext_files[dirdata.testfile]
- if file_or_files then
- local files = {}
- if type(file_or_files) == "string" then
- add_patterns_for_file(files, file_or_files, dirdata.pattern)
- elseif type(file_or_files) == "table" then
- for _, f in ipairs(file_or_files) do
- add_patterns_for_file(files, f, dirdata.pattern)
- end
- end
- local found = false
- table.sort(files, function(a, b)
- if (not a[2]:match("%*")) and b[2]:match("%*") then
- return true
- elseif a[2]:match("%*") and (not b[2]:match("%*")) then
- return false
- else
- return a[1] < b[1]
- end
- end)
- for _, fa in ipairs(files) do
- local f = fa[2]
- -- small convenience hack
- if f:match("%.so$") or f:match("%.dylib$") or f:match("%.dll$") then
- f = f:gsub("%.[^.]+$", "."..cfg.external_lib_extension)
- end
- local pattern
- if f:match("%*") then
- pattern = "^" .. f:gsub("([-.+])", "%%%1"):gsub("%*", ".*") .. "$"
- f = "matching "..f
- end
- for _, d in ipairs(paths) do
- if pattern then
- if not cache[d] then
- cache[d] = fs.list_dir(d)
- end
- local match = string.match
- for _, entry in ipairs(cache[d]) do
- if match(entry, pattern) then
- found = true
- break
- end
- end
- else
- found = fs.is_file(dir.path(d, f))
- end
- if found then
- dirdata.dir = d
- dirdata.file = f
- break
- else
- table.insert(err_files[dirdata.testfile], f.." in "..d)
- end
- end
- if found then
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- return nil, dirname, dirdata.testfile
- end
- end
- end
- for dirname, dirdata in pairs(dirs) do
- vars[name.."_"..dirname] = dirdata.dir
- vars[name.."_"..dirname.."_FILE"] = dirdata.file
- end
- vars[name.."_DIR"] = prefix
- return true
-local function check_external_dependency(name, ext_files, vars, mode, cache)
- local ok
- local err_dirname
- local err_testfile
- local err_files = {program = {}, header = {}, library = {}}
- local dirs = get_external_deps_dirs(mode)
- local prefixes
- if vars[name .. "_DIR"] then
- prefixes = { vars[name .. "_DIR"] }
- elseif vars.DEPS_DIR then
- prefixes = { vars.DEPS_DIR }
- else
- prefixes = cfg.external_deps_dirs
- end
- for _, prefix in ipairs(prefixes) do
- prefix = resolve_prefix(prefix, dirs)
- if cfg.is_platform("mingw32") and name == "LUA" then
- dirs.LIBDIR.pattern = fun.filter(util.deep_copy(dirs.LIBDIR.pattern), function(s)
- return not s:match("%.a$")
- end)
- elseif cfg.is_platform("windows") and name == "LUA" then
- dirs.LIBDIR.pattern = fun.filter(util.deep_copy(dirs.LIBDIR.pattern), function(s)
- return not s:match("%.dll$")
- end)
- end
- ok, err_dirname, err_testfile = check_external_dependency_at(prefix, name, ext_files, vars, dirs, err_files, cache)
- if ok then
- return true
- end
- end
- return nil, err_dirname, err_testfile, err_files
---- Set up path-related variables for external dependencies.
--- For each key in the external_dependencies table in the
--- rockspec file, four variables are created: _DIR, _BINDIR,
--- _INCDIR and _LIBDIR. These are not overwritten
--- if already set (e.g. by the LuaRocks config file or through the
--- command-line). Values in the external_dependencies table
--- are tables that may contain a "header" or a "library" field,
--- with filenames to be tested for existence.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
--- @param mode string: if "build" is given, checks all files;
--- if "install" is given, do not scan for headers.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if no errors occurred, or
--- nil and an error message if any test failed.
-function deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, mode)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- if not rockspec.external_dependencies then
- rockspec.external_dependencies = builtin.autodetect_external_dependencies(rockspec.build)
- end
- if not rockspec.external_dependencies then
- return true
- end
- for name, ext_files in util.sortedpairs(rockspec.external_dependencies) do
- local ok, err_dirname, err_testfile, err_files = check_external_dependency(name, ext_files, rockspec.variables, mode)
- if not ok then
- local lines = {"Could not find "..err_testfile.." file for "..name}
- local err_paths = {}
- for _, err_file in ipairs(err_files[err_testfile]) do
- if not err_paths[err_file] then
- err_paths[err_file] = true
- table.insert(lines, " No file "..err_file)
- end
- end
- table.insert(lines, "You may have to install "..name.." in your system and/or pass "..name.."_DIR or "..name.."_"..err_dirname.." to the luarocks command.")
- table.insert(lines, "Example: luarocks install "..rockspec.name.." "..name.."_DIR=/usr/local")
- return nil, table.concat(lines, "\n"), "dependency"
- end
- end
- return true
---- Recursively add satisfied dependencies of a package to a table,
--- to build a transitive closure of all dependent packages.
--- Additionally ensures that `dependencies` table of the manifest is up-to-date.
--- @param results table: The results table being built, maps package names to versions.
--- @param manifest table: The manifest table containing dependencies.
--- @param name string: Package name.
--- @param version string: Package version.
-function deps.scan_deps(results, manifest, name, version, deps_mode)
- assert(type(results) == "table")
- assert(type(manifest) == "table")
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
- if results[name] then
- return
- end
- if not manifest.dependencies then manifest.dependencies = {} end
- local md = manifest.dependencies
- if not md[name] then md[name] = {} end
- local mdn = md[name]
- local dependencies = mdn[version]
- local rocks_provided
- if not dependencies then
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version), false)
- if not rockspec then
- util.printerr("Couldn't load rockspec for "..name.." "..version..": "..err)
- return
- end
- dependencies = rockspec.dependencies
- rocks_provided = rockspec.rocks_provided
- mdn[version] = dependencies
- else
- rocks_provided = util.get_rocks_provided()
- end
- local get_versions = prepare_get_versions(deps_mode, rocks_provided, "dependencies")
- local matched = match_all_deps(dependencies, get_versions)
- results[name] = version
- for _, match in pairs(matched) do
- deps.scan_deps(results, manifest, match.name, match.version, deps_mode)
- end
-local function lua_h_exists(d, luaver)
- local n = tonumber(luaver)
- local major = math.floor(n)
- local minor = (n - major) * 10
- local luanum = math.floor(major * 100 + minor)
- local lua_h = dir.path(d, "lua.h")
- local fd = io.open(lua_h)
- if fd then
- local data = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- if data:match("LUA_VERSION_NUM%s*" .. tostring(luanum)) then
- return d
- end
- return nil, "Lua header found at " .. d .. " does not match Lua version " .. luaver .. ". You may want to override this by configuring LUA_INCDIR.", "dependency", 2
- end
- return nil, "Failed finding Lua header files. You may need to install them or configure LUA_INCDIR.", "dependency", 1
-local function find_lua_incdir(prefix, luaver, luajitver)
- luajitver = luajitver and luajitver:gsub("%-.*", "")
- local shortv = luaver:gsub("%.", "")
- local incdirs = {
- prefix .. "/include/lua/" .. luaver,
- prefix .. "/include/lua" .. luaver,
- prefix .. "/include/lua-" .. luaver,
- prefix .. "/include/lua" .. shortv,
- prefix .. "/include",
- prefix,
- luajitver and (prefix .. "/include/luajit-" .. (luajitver:match("^(%d+%.%d+)") or "")),
- }
- local errprio = 0
- local mainerr
- for _, d in ipairs(incdirs) do
- local ok, err, _, prio = lua_h_exists(d, luaver)
- if ok then
- return d
- end
- if prio > errprio then
- mainerr = err
- errprio = prio
- end
- end
- -- not found, will fallback to a default
- return nil, mainerr
-function deps.check_lua_incdir(vars)
- local ljv = util.get_luajit_version()
- if vars.LUA_INCDIR then
- return lua_h_exists(vars.LUA_INCDIR, cfg.lua_version)
- end
- if vars.LUA_DIR then
- local d, err = find_lua_incdir(vars.LUA_DIR, cfg.lua_version, ljv)
- if d then
- vars.LUA_INCDIR = d
- return true
- end
- return nil, err
- end
- return nil, "Failed finding Lua header files. You may need to install them or configure LUA_INCDIR.", "dependency"
-function deps.check_lua_libdir(vars)
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- local ljv = util.get_luajit_version()
- if vars.LUA_LIBDIR and vars.LUALIB and fs.exists(dir.path(vars.LUA_LIBDIR, vars.LUALIB)) then
- return true
- end
- local shortv = cfg.lua_version:gsub("%.", "")
- local libnames = {
- "lua" .. cfg.lua_version,
- "lua" .. shortv,
- "lua-" .. cfg.lua_version,
- "lua-" .. shortv,
- "lua",
- }
- if ljv then
- table.insert(libnames, 1, "luajit-" .. cfg.lua_version)
- end
- local cache = {}
- local save_LUA_INCDIR = vars.LUA_INCDIR
- local ok = check_external_dependency("LUA", { library = libnames }, vars, "build", cache)
- local err
- if ok then
- local filename = dir.path(vars.LUA_LIBDIR, vars.LUA_LIBDIR_FILE)
- local fd = io.open(filename, "r")
- if fd then
- if not vars.LUA_LIBDIR_FILE:match((cfg.lua_version:gsub("%.", "%%.?"))) then
- -- if filename isn't versioned, check file contents
- local txt = fd:read("*a")
- ok = txt:match("Lua " .. cfg.lua_version, 1, true)
- or txt:match("lua" .. (cfg.lua_version:gsub("%.", "")), 1, true)
- if not ok then
- err = "Lua library at " .. filename .. " does not match Lua version " .. cfg.lua_version .. ". You may want to override this by configuring LUA_LIBDIR."
- end
- end
- fd:close()
- end
- end
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- err = err or "Failed finding Lua library. You may need to configure LUA_LIBDIR."
- return nil, err, "dependency"
- end
-function deps.get_deps_mode(args)
- return args.deps_mode or cfg.deps_mode
-return deps
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/dir.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/dir.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 74adbea2b..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/dir.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
---- Generic utilities for handling pathnames.
-local dir = {}
-local core = require("luarocks.core.dir")
-dir.path = core.path
-dir.split_url = core.split_url
-dir.normalize = core.normalize
---- Strip the path off a path+filename.
--- @param pathname string: A path+name, such as "/a/b/c"
--- or "\a\b\c".
--- @return string: The filename without its path, such as "c".
-function dir.base_name(pathname)
- assert(type(pathname) == "string")
- local base = pathname:gsub("[/\\]*$", ""):match(".*[/\\]([^/\\]*)")
- return base or pathname
---- Strip the name off a path+filename.
--- @param pathname string: A path+name, such as "/a/b/c".
--- @return string: The filename without its path, such as "/a/b".
--- For entries such as "/a/b/", "/a" is returned. If there are
--- no directory separators in input, "" is returned.
-function dir.dir_name(pathname)
- assert(type(pathname) == "string")
- return (pathname:gsub("/*$", ""):match("(.*)[/]+[^/]*")) or ""
---- Returns true if protocol does not require additional tools.
--- @param protocol The protocol name
-function dir.is_basic_protocol(protocol)
- return protocol == "http" or protocol == "https" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "file"
-function dir.deduce_base_dir(url)
- -- for extensions like foo.tar.gz, "gz" is stripped first
- local known_exts = {}
- for _, ext in ipairs{"zip", "git", "tgz", "tar", "gz", "bz2"} do
- known_exts[ext] = ""
- end
- local base = dir.base_name(url)
- return (base:gsub("%.([^.]*)$", known_exts):gsub("%.tar", ""))
-return dir
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/download.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/download.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 07a2a65f0..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/download.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-local download = {}
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local function get_file(filename)
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(filename)
- if protocol == "file" then
- local ok, err = fs.copy(pathname, fs.current_dir(), "read")
- if ok then
- return pathname
- else
- return nil, err
- end
- else
- -- discard third result
- local ok, err = fetch.fetch_url(filename)
- return ok, err
- end
-function download.download(arch, name, namespace, version, all, check_lua_versions)
- local substring = (all and name == "")
- local query = queries.new(name, namespace, version, substring, arch)
- local search_err
- if all then
- local results = search.search_repos(query)
- local has_result = false
- local all_ok = true
- local any_err = ""
- for name, result in pairs(results) do -- luacheck: ignore 422
- for version, items in pairs(result) do -- luacheck: ignore 422
- for _, item in ipairs(items) do
- -- Ignore provided rocks.
- if item.arch ~= "installed" then
- has_result = true
- local filename = path.make_url(item.repo, name, version, item.arch)
- local ok, err = get_file(filename)
- if not ok then
- all_ok = false
- any_err = any_err .. "\n" .. err
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if has_result then
- return all_ok, any_err
- end
- else
- local url
- url, search_err = search.find_rock_checking_lua_versions(query, check_lua_versions)
- if url then
- return get_file(url)
- end
- end
- local rock = util.format_rock_name(name, namespace, version)
- return nil, "Could not find a result named "..rock..(search_err and ": "..search_err or ".")
-return download
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e7c79ec..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
---- Functions related to fetching and loading local and remote files.
-local fetch = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local rockspecs = require("luarocks.rockspecs")
-local signing = require("luarocks.signing")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
---- Fetch a local or remote file, using a local cache directory.
--- Make a remote or local URL/pathname local, fetching the file if necessary.
--- Other "fetch" and "load" functions use this function to obtain files.
--- If a local pathname is given, it is returned as a result.
--- @param url string: a local pathname or a remote URL.
--- @param mirroring string: mirroring mode.
--- If set to "no_mirror", then rocks_servers mirror configuration is not used.
--- @return (string, nil, nil, boolean) or (nil, string, [string]):
--- in case of success:
--- * the absolute local pathname for the fetched file
--- * nil
--- * nil
--- * `true` if the file was fetched from cache
--- in case of failure:
--- * nil
--- * an error message
--- * an optional error code.
-function fetch.fetch_caching(url, mirroring)
- local repo_url, filename = url:match("^(.*)/([^/]+)$")
- local name = repo_url:gsub("[/:]","_")
- local cache_dir = dir.path(cfg.local_cache, name)
- local ok = fs.make_dir(cache_dir)
- if not ok then
- cfg.local_cache = fs.make_temp_dir("local_cache")
- cache_dir = dir.path(cfg.local_cache, name)
- ok = fs.make_dir(cache_dir)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary cache directory "..cache_dir
- end
- end
- local cachefile = dir.path(cache_dir, filename)
- if cfg.aggressive_cache and (not name:match("^manifest")) and fs.exists(cachefile) then
- return cachefile, nil, nil, true
- end
- local file, err, errcode, from_cache = fetch.fetch_url(url, cachefile, true, mirroring)
- if not file then
- return nil, err or "Failed downloading "..url, errcode
- end
- return file, nil, nil, from_cache
-local function ensure_trailing_slash(url)
- return (url:gsub("/*$", "/"))
-local function is_url_relative_to_rocks_servers(url, servers)
- for _, item in ipairs(servers) do
- if type(item) == "table" then
- for i, s in ipairs(item) do
- local base = ensure_trailing_slash(s)
- if string.find(url, base, 1, true) == 1 then
- return i, url:sub(#base + 1), item
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function download_with_mirrors(url, filename, cache, servers)
- local idx, rest, mirrors = is_url_relative_to_rocks_servers(url, servers)
- if not idx then
- -- URL is not from a rock server
- return fs.download(url, filename, cache)
- end
- -- URL is from a rock server: try to download it falling back to mirrors.
- local err = "\n"
- for i = idx, #mirrors do
- local try_url = ensure_trailing_slash(mirrors[i]) .. rest
- if i > idx then
- util.warning("Failed downloading. Attempting mirror at " .. try_url)
- end
- local ok, name, from_cache = fs.download(try_url, filename, cache)
- if ok then
- return ok, name, from_cache
- else
- err = err .. name .. "\n"
- end
- end
- return nil, err
---- Fetch a local or remote file.
--- Make a remote or local URL/pathname local, fetching the file if necessary.
--- Other "fetch" and "load" functions use this function to obtain files.
--- If a local pathname is given, it is returned as a result.
--- @param url string: a local pathname or a remote URL.
--- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
--- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
--- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
--- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
--- @param cache boolean: compare remote timestamps via HTTP HEAD prior to
--- re-downloading the file.
--- @param mirroring string: mirroring mode.
--- If set to "no_mirror", then rocks_servers mirror configuration is not used.
--- @return (string, nil, nil, boolean) or (nil, string, [string]):
--- in case of success:
--- * the absolute local pathname for the fetched file
--- * nil
--- * nil
--- * `true` if the file was fetched from cache
--- in case of failure:
--- * nil
--- * an error message
--- * an optional error code.
-function fetch.fetch_url(url, filename, cache, mirroring)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(url)
- if protocol == "file" then
- local fullname = dir.normalize(fs.absolute_name(pathname))
- if not fs.exists(fullname) then
- local hint = (not pathname:match("^/"))
- and (" - note that given path in rockspec is not absolute: " .. url)
- or ""
- return nil, "Local file not found: " .. fullname .. hint
- end
- filename = filename or dir.base_name(pathname)
- local dstname = dir.normalize(fs.absolute_name(dir.path(".", filename)))
- local ok, err
- if fullname == dstname then
- ok = true
- else
- ok, err = fs.copy(fullname, dstname)
- end
- if ok then
- return dstname
- else
- return nil, "Failed copying local file " .. fullname .. " to " .. dstname .. ": " .. err
- end
- elseif dir.is_basic_protocol(protocol) then
- local ok, name, from_cache
- if mirroring ~= "no_mirror" then
- ok, name, from_cache = download_with_mirrors(url, filename, cache, cfg.rocks_servers)
- else
- ok, name, from_cache = fs.download(url, filename, cache)
- end
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed downloading "..url..(name and " - "..name or ""), "network"
- end
- return name, nil, nil, from_cache
- else
- return nil, "Unsupported protocol "..protocol
- end
---- For remote URLs, create a temporary directory and download URL inside it.
--- This temporary directory will be deleted on program termination.
--- For local URLs, just return the local pathname and its directory.
--- @param url string: URL to be downloaded
--- @param tmpname string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
--- when creating temporary directory.
--- @param filename string or nil: local filename of URL to be downloaded,
--- in case it can't be inferred from the URL.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): absolute local pathname of
--- the fetched file and temporary directory name; or nil and an error message
--- followed by an optional error code
-function fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, tmpname, filename, cache)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- assert(type(tmpname) == "string")
- assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
- filename = filename or dir.base_name(url)
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(url)
- if protocol == "file" then
- if fs.exists(pathname) then
- return pathname, dir.dir_name(fs.absolute_name(pathname))
- else
- return nil, "File not found: "..pathname
- end
- else
- local temp_dir, err = fs.make_temp_dir(tmpname)
- if not temp_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory "..tmpname..": "..err
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local file, err, errcode
- if cache then
- local cachefile
- cachefile, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_caching(url)
- if cachefile then
- file = dir.path(temp_dir, filename)
- fs.copy(cachefile, file)
- end
- else
- file, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url(url, filename, cache)
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- if not file then
- return nil, "Error fetching file: "..err, errcode
- end
- return file, temp_dir
- end
--- Determine base directory of a fetched URL by extracting its
--- archive and looking for a directory in the root.
--- @param file string: absolute local pathname of the fetched file
--- @param temp_dir string: temporary directory in which URL was fetched.
--- @param src_url string: URL to use when inferring base directory.
--- @param src_dir string or nil: expected base directory (inferred
--- from src_url if not given).
--- @return (string, string) or (string, nil) or (nil, string):
--- The inferred base directory and the one actually found (which may
--- be nil if not found), or nil followed by an error message.
--- The inferred dir is returned first to avoid confusion with errors,
--- because it is never nil.
-function fetch.find_base_dir(file, temp_dir, src_url, src_dir)
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- fs.unpack_archive(file)
- local inferred_dir = src_dir or dir.deduce_base_dir(src_url)
- local found_dir = nil
- if fs.exists(inferred_dir) then
- found_dir = inferred_dir
- else
- util.printerr("Directory "..inferred_dir.." not found")
- local files = fs.list_dir()
- if files then
- table.sort(files)
- for i,filename in ipairs(files) do
- if fs.is_dir(filename) then
- util.printerr("Found "..filename)
- found_dir = filename
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- return inferred_dir, found_dir
-local function fetch_and_verify_signature_for(url, filename, tmpdir)
- local sig_url = signing.signature_url(url)
- local sig_file, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(sig_url, tmpdir)
- if not sig_file then
- return nil, "Could not fetch signature file for verification: " .. err, errcode
- end
- local ok, err = signing.verify_signature(filename, sig_file)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed signature verification: " .. err
- end
- return fs.absolute_name(sig_file)
---- Obtain a rock and unpack it.
--- If a directory is not given, a temporary directory will be created,
--- which will be deleted on program termination.
--- @param rock_file string: URL or filename of the rock.
--- @param dest string or nil: if given, directory will be used as
--- a permanent destination.
--- @param verify boolean: if true, download and verify signature for rockspec
--- @return string or (nil, string, [string]): the directory containing the contents
--- of the unpacked rock.
-function fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(url, dest, verify)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- assert(type(dest) == "string" or not dest)
- local name = dir.base_name(url):match("(.*)%.[^.]*%.rock")
- local tmpname = "luarocks-rock-" .. name
- local rock_file, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, tmpname, nil, true)
- if not rock_file then
- return nil, "Could not fetch rock file: " .. err, errcode
- end
- local sig_file
- if verify then
- sig_file, err = fetch_and_verify_signature_for(url, rock_file, tmpname)
- if err then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- rock_file = fs.absolute_name(rock_file)
- local unpack_dir
- if dest then
- unpack_dir = dest
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(unpack_dir)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed unpacking rock file: " .. err
- end
- else
- unpack_dir, err = fs.make_temp_dir(name)
- if not unpack_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary dir: " .. err
- end
- end
- if not dest then
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, unpack_dir)
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(unpack_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = fs.unzip(rock_file)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed unpacking rock file: " .. rock_file .. ": " .. err
- end
- if sig_file then
- ok, err = fs.copy(sig_file, ".")
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed copying signature file"
- end
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- return unpack_dir
---- Back-end function that actually loads the local rockspec.
--- Performs some validation and postprocessing of the rockspec contents.
--- @param rel_filename string: The local filename of the rockspec file.
--- @param quick boolean: if true, skips some steps when loading
--- rockspec.
--- @return table or (nil, string): A table representing the rockspec
--- or nil followed by an error message.
-function fetch.load_local_rockspec(rel_filename, quick)
- assert(type(rel_filename) == "string")
- local abs_filename = fs.absolute_name(rel_filename)
- local basename = dir.base_name(abs_filename)
- if basename ~= "rockspec" then
- if not basename:match("(.*)%-[^-]*%-[0-9]*") then
- return nil, "Expected filename in format 'name-version-revision.rockspec'."
- end
- end
- local tbl, err = persist.load_into_table(abs_filename)
- if not tbl then
- return nil, "Could not load rockspec file "..abs_filename.." ("..err..")"
- end
- local rockspec, err = rockspecs.from_persisted_table(abs_filename, tbl, err, quick)
- if not rockspec then
- return nil, abs_filename .. ": " .. err
- end
- local name_version = rockspec.package:lower() .. "-" .. rockspec.version
- if basename ~= "rockspec" and basename ~= name_version .. ".rockspec" then
- return nil, "Inconsistency between rockspec filename ("..basename..") and its contents ("..name_version..".rockspec)."
- end
- return rockspec
---- Load a local or remote rockspec into a table.
--- This is the entry point for the LuaRocks tools.
--- Only the LuaRocks runtime loader should use
--- load_local_rockspec directly.
--- @param filename string: Local or remote filename of a rockspec.
--- @param location string or nil: Where to download. If not given,
--- a temporary dir is created.
--- @param verify boolean: if true, download and verify signature for rockspec
--- @return table or (nil, string, [string]): A table representing the rockspec
--- or nil followed by an error message and optional error code.
-function fetch.load_rockspec(url, location, verify)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- local name
- local basename = dir.base_name(url)
- if basename == "rockspec" then
- name = "rockspec"
- else
- name = basename:match("(.*)%.rockspec")
- if not name then
- return nil, "Filename '"..url.."' does not look like a rockspec."
- end
- end
- local tmpname = "luarocks-rockspec-"..name
- local filename, err, errcode
- if location then
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(location)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- filename, err = fetch.fetch_url(url)
- fs.pop_dir()
- else
- filename, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, tmpname, nil, true)
- end
- if not filename then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- if verify then
- local _, err = fetch_and_verify_signature_for(url, filename, tmpname)
- if err then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- return fetch.load_local_rockspec(filename)
---- Download sources for building a rock using the basic URL downloader.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Whether to extract the sources from
--- the fetched source tarball or not.
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory;
--- if not given, will extract to a temporary directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message and optional error code.
-function fetch.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(extract) == "boolean")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- local url = rockspec.source.url
- local name = rockspec.name.."-"..rockspec.version
- local filename = rockspec.source.file
- local source_file, store_dir
- local ok, err, errcode
- if dest_dir then
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(dest_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err, "dest_dir" end
- source_file, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url(url, filename)
- fs.pop_dir()
- store_dir = dest_dir
- else
- source_file, store_dir, errcode = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, "luarocks-source-"..name, filename)
- end
- if not source_file then
- return nil, err or store_dir, errcode
- end
- if rockspec.source.md5 then
- if not fs.check_md5(source_file, rockspec.source.md5) then
- return nil, "MD5 check for "..filename.." has failed.", "md5"
- end
- end
- if extract then
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(store_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- ok, err = fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if not fs.exists(rockspec.source.dir) then
- -- If rockspec.source.dir can't be found, see if we only have one
- -- directory in store_dir. If that's the case, assume it's what
- -- we're looking for.
- -- We only do this if the rockspec source.dir was not set, and only
- -- with rockspecs newer than 3.0.
- local file_count, found_dir = 0
- if not rockspec.source.dir_set and rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- for file in fs.dir() do
- file_count = file_count + 1
- if fs.is_dir(file) then
- found_dir = file
- end
- end
- end
- if file_count == 1 and found_dir then
- rockspec.source.dir = found_dir
- else
- return nil, "Directory "..rockspec.source.dir.." not found inside archive "..rockspec.source.file, "source.dir", source_file, store_dir
- end
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- end
- return source_file, store_dir
---- Download sources for building a rock, calling the appropriate protocol method.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: When downloading compressed formats, whether to extract
--- the sources from the fetched archive or not.
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- if not given, will extract to a temporary directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(extract) == "boolean")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- -- auto-convert git://github.com URLs to use git+https
- -- see https://github.blog/2021-09-01-improving-git-protocol-security-github/
- if rockspec.source.url:match("^git://github%.com/")
- or rockspec.source.url:match("^git://www%.github%.com/") then
- rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^git://", "git+https://")
- rockspec.source.protocol = "git+https"
- end
- local protocol = rockspec.source.protocol
- local ok, proto
- if dir.is_basic_protocol(protocol) then
- proto = fetch
- else
- ok, proto = pcall(require, "luarocks.fetch."..protocol:gsub("[+-]", "_"))
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Unknown protocol "..protocol
- end
- end
- if cfg.only_sources_from
- and rockspec.source.pathname
- and #rockspec.source.pathname > 0 then
- if #cfg.only_sources_from == 0 then
- return nil, "Can't download "..rockspec.source.url.." -- download from remote servers disabled"
- elseif rockspec.source.pathname:find(cfg.only_sources_from, 1, true) ~= 1 then
- return nil, "Can't download "..rockspec.source.url.." -- only downloading from "..cfg.only_sources_from
- end
- end
- return proto.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
-return fetch
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/cvs.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/cvs.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d78e6e605..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/cvs.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from CVS.
-local cvs = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
---- Download sources for building a rock, using CVS.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function cvs.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- local cvs_cmd = rockspec.variables.CVS
- local ok, err_msg = fs.is_tool_available(cvs_cmd, "CVS")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err_msg
- end
- local name_version = rockspec.name .. "-" .. rockspec.version
- local module = rockspec.source.module or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
- local command = {cvs_cmd, "-d"..rockspec.source.pathname, "export", module}
- if rockspec.source.tag then
- table.insert(command, 4, "-r")
- table.insert(command, 5, rockspec.source.tag)
- end
- local store_dir
- if not dest_dir then
- store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
- if not store_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
- else
- store_dir = dest_dir
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(store_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
- return nil, "Failed fetching files from CVS."
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- return module, store_dir
-return cvs
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 29892e927..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from GIT.
-local git = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cached_git_version
---- Get git version.
--- @param git_cmd string: name of git command.
--- @return table: git version as returned by luarocks.core.vers.parse_version.
-local function git_version(git_cmd)
- if not cached_git_version then
- local version_line = io.popen(fs.Q(git_cmd)..' --version'):read()
- local version_string = version_line:match('%d-%.%d+%.?%d*')
- cached_git_version = vers.parse_version(version_string)
- end
- return cached_git_version
---- Check if git satisfies version requirement.
--- @param git_cmd string: name of git command.
--- @param version string: required version.
--- @return boolean: true if git matches version or is newer, false otherwise.
-local function git_is_at_least(git_cmd, version)
- return git_version(git_cmd) >= vers.parse_version(version)
---- Git >= 1.7.10 can clone a branch **or tag**, < 1.7.10 by branch only. We
--- need to know this in order to build the appropriate command; if we can't
--- clone by tag then we'll have to issue a subsequent command to check out the
--- given tag.
--- @param git_cmd string: name of git command.
--- @return boolean: Whether Git can clone by tag.
-local function git_can_clone_by_tag(git_cmd)
- return git_is_at_least(git_cmd, "1.7.10")
---- Git >= 1.8.4 can fetch submodules shallowly, saving bandwidth and time for
--- submodules with large history.
--- @param git_cmd string: name of git command.
--- @return boolean: Whether Git can fetch submodules shallowly.
-local function git_supports_shallow_submodules(git_cmd)
- return git_is_at_least(git_cmd, "1.8.4")
---- Git >= 2.10 can fetch submodules shallowly according to .gitmodules configuration, allowing more granularity.
--- @param git_cmd string: name of git command.
--- @return boolean: Whether Git can fetch submodules shallowly according to .gitmodules.
-local function git_supports_shallow_recommendations(git_cmd)
- return git_is_at_least(git_cmd, "2.10.0")
-local function git_identifier(git_cmd, ver)
- if not (ver:match("^dev%-%d+$") or ver:match("^scm%-%d+$")) then
- return nil
- end
- local pd = io.popen(fs.command_at(fs.current_dir(), fs.Q(git_cmd).." log --pretty=format:%ai_%h -n 1"))
- if not pd then
- return nil
- end
- local date_hash = pd:read("*l")
- pd:close()
- if not date_hash then
- return nil
- end
- local date, time, tz, hash = date_hash:match("([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) ([^%s]+)_([^%s]+)")
- date = date:gsub("%-", "")
- time = time:gsub(":", "")
- return date .. "." .. time .. "." .. hash
---- Download sources for building a rock, using git.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function git.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir, depth)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- local git_cmd = rockspec.variables.GIT
- local name_version = rockspec.name .. "-" .. rockspec.version
- local module = dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
- -- Strip off .git from base name if present
- module = module:gsub("%.git$", "")
- local ok, err_msg = fs.is_tool_available(git_cmd, "Git")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err_msg
- end
- local store_dir
- if not dest_dir then
- store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
- if not store_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
- else
- store_dir = dest_dir
- end
- store_dir = fs.absolute_name(store_dir)
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(store_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- local command = {fs.Q(git_cmd), "clone", depth or "--depth=1", rockspec.source.url, module}
- local tag_or_branch = rockspec.source.tag or rockspec.source.branch
- -- If the tag or branch is explicitly set to "master" in the rockspec, then
- -- we can avoid passing it to Git since it's the default.
- if tag_or_branch == "master" then tag_or_branch = nil end
- if tag_or_branch then
- if git_can_clone_by_tag(git_cmd) then
- -- The argument to `--branch` can actually be a branch or a tag as of
- -- Git 1.7.10.
- table.insert(command, 3, "--branch=" .. tag_or_branch)
- end
- end
- if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
- return nil, "Failed cloning git repository."
- end
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(module)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if tag_or_branch and not git_can_clone_by_tag() then
- if not fs.execute(fs.Q(git_cmd), "checkout", tag_or_branch) then
- return nil, 'Failed to check out the "' .. tag_or_branch ..'" tag or branch.'
- end
- end
- -- Fetching git submodules is supported only when rockspec format is >= 3.0.
- if rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- command = {fs.Q(git_cmd), "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"}
- if git_supports_shallow_recommendations(git_cmd) then
- table.insert(command, 5, "--recommend-shallow")
- elseif git_supports_shallow_submodules(git_cmd) then
- -- Fetch only the last commit of each submodule.
- table.insert(command, 5, "--depth=1")
- end
- if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
- return nil, 'Failed to fetch submodules.'
- end
- end
- if not rockspec.source.tag then
- rockspec.source.identifier = git_identifier(git_cmd, rockspec.version)
- end
- fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".git"))
- fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".gitignore"))
- fs.pop_dir()
- fs.pop_dir()
- return module, store_dir
-return git
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_file.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_file.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d46bbca3..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_file.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from local Git repositories.
-local git_file = {}
-local git = require("luarocks.fetch.git")
---- Fetch sources for building a rock from a local Git repository.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function git_file.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^git.file://", "")
- return git.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
-return git_file
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_http.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_http.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d85e2572d..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_http.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Git repositories
--- that use http:// transport. For example, for fetching a repository
--- that requires the following command line:
--- `git clone http://example.com/foo.git`
--- you can use this in the rockspec:
--- source = { url = "git+http://example.com/foo.git" }
--- Prefer using the normal git:// fetch mode as it is more widely
--- available in older versions of LuaRocks.
-local git_http = {}
-local git = require("luarocks.fetch.git")
---- Fetch sources for building a rock from a local Git repository.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function git_http.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^git.", "")
- return git.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir, "--")
-return git_http
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_https.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_https.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f8ad6cc..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_https.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Git repositories
--- that use https:// transport. For example, for fetching a repository
--- that requires the following command line:
--- `git clone https://example.com/foo.git`
--- you can use this in the rockspec:
--- source = { url = "git+https://example.com/foo.git" }
-return require "luarocks.fetch.git_http"
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_ssh.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_ssh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c2c0750f..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/git_ssh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Git repositories
--- that use ssh:// transport. For example, for fetching a repository
--- that requires the following command line:
--- `git clone ssh://git@example.com/path/foo.git
--- you can use this in the rockspec:
--- source = { url = "git+ssh://git@example.com/path/foo.git" }
--- It also handles scp-style ssh urls: git@example.com:path/foo.git,
--- but you have to prepend the "git+ssh://" and why not use the "newer"
--- style anyway?
-local git_ssh = {}
-local git = require("luarocks.fetch.git")
---- Fetch sources for building a rock from a local Git repository.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function git_ssh.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^git.", "")
- -- Handle old-style scp-like git ssh urls
- if rockspec.source.url:match("^ssh://[^/]+:[^%d]") then
- rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^ssh://", "")
- end
- return git.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir, "--")
-return git_ssh
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ef0f5e4a..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from HG.
-local hg = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
---- Download sources for building a rock, using hg.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function hg.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- local hg_cmd = rockspec.variables.HG
- local ok, err_msg = fs.is_tool_available(hg_cmd, "Mercurial")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err_msg
- end
- local name_version = rockspec.name .. "-" .. rockspec.version
- -- Strip off special hg:// protocol type
- local url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^hg://", "")
- local module = dir.base_name(url)
- local command = {hg_cmd, "clone", url, module}
- local tag_or_branch = rockspec.source.tag or rockspec.source.branch
- if tag_or_branch then
- command = {hg_cmd, "clone", "--rev", tag_or_branch, url, module}
- end
- local store_dir
- if not dest_dir then
- store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
- if not store_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
- else
- store_dir = dest_dir
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(store_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
- return nil, "Failed cloning hg repository."
- end
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(module)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".hg"))
- fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".hgignore"))
- fs.pop_dir()
- fs.pop_dir()
- return module, store_dir
-return hg
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_http.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_http.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f506daff..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_http.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from hg repositories
--- that use http:// transport. For example, for fetching a repository
--- that requires the following command line:
--- `hg clone http://example.com/foo`
--- you can use this in the rockspec:
--- source = { url = "hg+http://example.com/foo" }
-local hg_http = {}
-local hg = require("luarocks.fetch.hg")
---- Download sources for building a rock, using hg over http.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function hg_http.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^hg.", "")
- return hg.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
-return hg_http
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_https.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_https.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e67417fe8..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_https.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from hg repositories
--- that use https:// transport. For example, for fetching a repository
--- that requires the following command line:
--- `hg clone https://example.com/foo`
--- you can use this in the rockspec:
--- source = { url = "hg+https://example.com/foo" }
-return require "luarocks.fetch.hg_http"
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_ssh.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_ssh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c365fabe..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/hg_ssh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from hg repositories
--- that use ssh:// transport. For example, for fetching a repository
--- that requires the following command line:
--- `hg clone ssh://example.com/foo`
--- you can use this in the rockspec:
--- source = { url = "hg+ssh://example.com/foo" }
-return require "luarocks.fetch.hg_http"
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/sscm.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/sscm.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 32bb2eccf..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/sscm.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Surround SCM Server
-local sscm = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
---- Download sources via Surround SCM Server for building a rock.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function sscm.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- local sscm_cmd = rockspec.variables.SSCM
- local module = rockspec.source.module or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
- local branch, repository = string.match(rockspec.source.pathname, "^([^/]*)/(.*)")
- if not branch or not repository then
- return nil, "Error retrieving branch and repository from rockspec."
- end
- -- Search for working directory.
- local working_dir
- local tmp = io.popen(string.format(sscm_cmd..[[ property "/" -d -b%s -p%s]], branch, repository))
- for line in tmp:lines() do
- --%c because a chr(13) comes in the end.
- working_dir = string.match(line, "Working directory:[%s]*(.*)%c$")
- if working_dir then break end
- end
- tmp:close()
- if not working_dir then
- return nil, "Error retrieving working directory from SSCM."
- end
- if not fs.execute(sscm_cmd, "get", "*", "-e" , "-r", "-b"..branch, "-p"..repository, "-tmodify", "-wreplace") then
- return nil, "Failed fetching files from SSCM."
- end
- -- FIXME: This function does not honor the dest_dir parameter.
- return module, working_dir
-return sscm
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/svn.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/svn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b6618afcf..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fetch/svn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
---- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Subversion.
-local svn = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
---- Download sources for building a rock, using Subversion.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
--- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
--- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
--- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
--- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
--- store it; or nil and an error message.
-function svn.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
- local svn_cmd = rockspec.variables.SVN
- local ok, err_msg = fs.is_tool_available(svn_cmd, "Subversion")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err_msg
- end
- local name_version = rockspec.name .. "-" .. rockspec.version
- local module = rockspec.source.module or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
- local url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^svn://", "")
- local command = {svn_cmd, "checkout", url, module}
- if rockspec.source.tag then
- table.insert(command, 5, "-r")
- table.insert(command, 6, rockspec.source.tag)
- end
- local store_dir
- if not dest_dir then
- store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
- if not store_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
- else
- store_dir = dest_dir
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(store_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
- return nil, "Failed fetching files from Subversion."
- end
- ok, err = fs.change_dir(module)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- for _, d in ipairs(fs.find(".")) do
- if dir.base_name(d) == ".svn" then
- fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, d))
- end
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- fs.pop_dir()
- return module, store_dir
-return svn
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ecfc5a286..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
---- Proxy module for filesystem and platform abstractions.
--- All code using "fs" code should require "luarocks.fs",
--- and not the various platform-specific implementations.
--- However, see the documentation of the implementation
--- for the API reference.
-local pairs = pairs
-local fs = {}
--- To avoid a loop when loading the other fs modules.
-package.loaded["luarocks.fs"] = fs
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local pack = table.pack or function(...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... } end
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
-local fs_is_verbose = false
- local old_popen, old_execute
- -- patch io.popen and os.execute to display commands in verbose mode
- function fs.verbose()
- fs_is_verbose = true
- if old_popen or old_execute then return end
- old_popen = io.popen
- -- luacheck: push globals io os
- io.popen = function(one, two)
- if two == nil then
- print("\nio.popen: ", one)
- else
- print("\nio.popen: ", one, "Mode:", two)
- end
- return old_popen(one, two)
- end
- old_execute = os.execute
- os.execute = function(cmd)
- -- redact api keys if present
- print("\nos.execute: ", (cmd:gsub("(/api/[^/]+/)([^/]+)/", function(cap, key) return cap.."/" end)) )
- local code = pack(old_execute(cmd))
- print("Results: "..tostring(code.n))
- for i = 1,code.n do
- print(" "..tostring(i).." ("..type(code[i]).."): "..tostring(code[i]))
- end
- return unpack(code, 1, code.n)
- end
- -- luacheck: pop
- end
- local function load_fns(fs_table, inits)
- for name, fn in pairs(fs_table) do
- if name ~= "init" and not fs[name] then
- fs[name] = function(...)
- if fs_is_verbose then
- local args = pack(...)
- for i=1, args.n do
- local arg = args[i]
- local pok, v = pcall(string.format, "%q", arg)
- args[i] = pok and v or tostring(arg)
- end
- print("fs." .. name .. "(" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. ")")
- end
- return fn(...)
- end
- end
- end
- if fs_table.init then
- table.insert(inits, fs_table.init)
- end
- end
- local function load_platform_fns(patt, inits)
- local each_platform = cfg.each_platform
- -- FIXME A quick hack for the experimental Windows build
- if os.getenv("LUAROCKS_CROSS_COMPILING") then
- each_platform = function()
- local i = 0
- local plats = { "linux", "unix" }
- return function()
- i = i + 1
- return plats[i]
- end
- end
- end
- for platform in each_platform("most-specific-first") do
- local ok, fs_plat = pcall(require, patt:format(platform))
- if ok and fs_plat then
- load_fns(fs_plat, inits)
- end
- end
- end
- function fs.init()
- local inits = {}
- if fs.current_dir then
- -- unload luarocks fs so it can be reloaded using all modules
- -- providing extra functionality in the current package paths
- for k, _ in pairs(fs) do
- if k ~= "init" and k ~= "verbose" then
- fs[k] = nil
- end
- end
- for m, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do
- if m:match("luarocks%.fs%.") then
- package.loaded[m] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- -- Load platform-specific functions
- load_platform_fns("luarocks.fs.%s", inits)
- -- Load platform-independent pure-Lua functionality
- load_fns(require("luarocks.fs.lua"), inits)
- -- Load platform-specific fallbacks for missing Lua modules
- load_platform_fns("luarocks.fs.%s.tools", inits)
- -- Load platform-independent external tool functionality
- load_fns(require("luarocks.fs.tools"), inits)
- -- Run platform-specific initializations after everything is loaded
- for _, init in ipairs(inits) do
- init()
- end
- end
-return fs
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/linux.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/linux.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b057c23..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/linux.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---- Linux-specific implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions.
-local linux = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-function linux.is_dir(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file) .. "/."
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 2 then -- "No such file or directory"
- return false
- end
- if code == 20 then -- "Not a directory", regardless of permissions
- return false
- end
- if code == 13 then -- "Permission denied", but is a directory
- return true
- end
- if fd then
- local _, _, ecode = fd:read(1)
- fd:close()
- if ecode == 21 then -- "Is a directory"
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-function linux.is_file(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- if fs.is_dir(file) then
- return false
- end
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 2 then -- "No such file or directory"
- return false
- end
- if code == 13 then -- "Permission denied", but it exists
- return true
- end
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true
- end
- return false
-return linux
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/lua.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/lua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 145a60de1..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/lua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1226 +0,0 @@
---- Native Lua implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions,
--- using LuaFileSystem, LuaSocket, LuaSec, lua-zlib, LuaPosix, MD5.
--- module("luarocks.fs.lua")
-local fs_lua = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local pack = table.pack or function(...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... } end
-local socket_ok, zip_ok, lfs_ok, md5_ok, posix_ok, bz2_ok, _
-local http, ftp, zip, lfs, md5, posix, bz2
-if cfg.fs_use_modules then
- socket_ok, http = pcall(require, "socket.http")
- _, ftp = pcall(require, "socket.ftp")
- zip_ok, zip = pcall(require, "luarocks.tools.zip")
- bz2_ok, bz2 = pcall(require, "bz2")
- lfs_ok, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs")
- md5_ok, md5 = pcall(require, "md5")
- posix_ok, posix = pcall(require, "posix")
-local patch = require("luarocks.tools.patch")
-local tar = require("luarocks.tools.tar")
-local dir_stack = {}
---- Test is file/dir is writable.
--- Warning: testing if a file/dir is writable does not guarantee
--- that it will remain writable and therefore it is no replacement
--- for checking the result of subsequent operations.
--- @param file string: filename to test
--- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
-function fs_lua.is_writable(file)
- assert(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local result
- if fs.is_dir(file) then
- local file2 = dir.path(file, '.tmpluarockstestwritable')
- local fh = io.open(file2, 'wb')
- result = fh ~= nil
- if fh then fh:close() end
- os.remove(file2)
- else
- local fh = io.open(file, 'r+b')
- result = fh ~= nil
- if fh then fh:close() end
- end
- return result
-local function quote_args(command, ...)
- local out = { command }
- local args = pack(...)
- for i=1, args.n do
- local arg = args[i]
- assert(type(arg) == "string")
- out[#out+1] = fs.Q(arg)
- end
- return table.concat(out, " ")
---- Run the given command, quoting its arguments.
--- The command is executed in the current directory in the dir stack.
--- @param command string: The command to be executed. No quoting/escaping
--- is applied.
--- @param ... Strings containing additional arguments, which are quoted.
--- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
--- otherwise.
-function fs_lua.execute(command, ...)
- assert(type(command) == "string")
- return fs.execute_string(quote_args(command, ...))
---- Run the given command, quoting its arguments, silencing its output.
--- The command is executed in the current directory in the dir stack.
--- Silencing is omitted if 'verbose' mode is enabled.
--- @param command string: The command to be executed. No quoting/escaping
--- is applied.
--- @param ... Strings containing additional arguments, which will be quoted.
--- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
--- otherwise.
-function fs_lua.execute_quiet(command, ...)
- assert(type(command) == "string")
- if cfg.verbose then -- omit silencing output
- return fs.execute_string(quote_args(command, ...))
- else
- return fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(quote_args(command, ...)))
- end
-function fs.execute_env(env, command, ...)
- assert(type(command) == "string")
- local envstr = {}
- for var, val in pairs(env) do
- table.insert(envstr, fs.export_cmd(var, val))
- end
- return fs.execute_string(table.concat(envstr, "\n") .. "\n" .. quote_args(command, ...))
-local tool_available_cache = {}
-function fs_lua.set_tool_available(tool_name, value)
- assert(type(value) == "boolean")
- tool_available_cache[tool_name] = value
---- Checks if the given tool is available.
--- The tool is executed using a flag, usually just to ask its version.
--- @param tool_cmd string: The command to be used to check the tool's presence (e.g. hg in case of Mercurial)
--- @param tool_name string: The actual name of the tool (e.g. Mercurial)
-function fs_lua.is_tool_available(tool_cmd, tool_name)
- assert(type(tool_cmd) == "string")
- assert(type(tool_name) == "string")
- local ok
- if tool_available_cache[tool_name] ~= nil then
- ok = tool_available_cache[tool_name]
- else
- local tool_cmd_no_args = tool_cmd:gsub(" [^\"]*$", "")
- -- if it looks like the tool has a pathname, try that first
- if tool_cmd_no_args:match("[/\\]") then
- local fd = io.open(tool_cmd_no_args, "r")
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- ok = true
- end
- end
- if not ok then
- ok = fs.search_in_path(tool_cmd_no_args)
- end
- tool_available_cache[tool_name] = (ok == true)
- end
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- local msg = "'%s' program not found. Make sure %s is installed and is available in your PATH " ..
- "(or you may want to edit the 'variables.%s' value in file '%s')"
- return nil, msg:format(tool_cmd, tool_name, tool_name:upper(), cfg.config_files.nearest)
- end
---- Check the MD5 checksum for a file.
--- @param file string: The file to be checked.
--- @param md5sum string: The string with the expected MD5 checksum.
--- @return boolean: true if the MD5 checksum for 'file' equals 'md5sum', false + msg if not
--- or if it could not perform the check for any reason.
-function fs_lua.check_md5(file, md5sum)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local computed, msg = fs.get_md5(file)
- if not computed then
- return false, msg
- end
- if computed:match("^"..md5sum) then
- return true
- else
- return false, "Mismatch MD5 hash for file "..file
- end
---- List the contents of a directory.
--- @param at string or nil: directory to list (will be the current
--- directory if none is given).
--- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
--- the contents of a directory.
-function fs_lua.list_dir(at)
- local result = {}
- for file in fs.dir(at) do
- result[#result+1] = file
- end
- return result
---- Iterate over the contents of a directory.
--- @param at string or nil: directory to list (will be the current
--- directory if none is given).
--- @return function: an iterator function suitable for use with
--- the for statement.
-function fs_lua.dir(at)
- if not at then
- at = fs.current_dir()
- end
- at = dir.normalize(at)
- if not fs.is_dir(at) then
- return function() end
- end
- return coroutine.wrap(function() fs.dir_iterator(at) end)
---- List the Lua modules at a specific require path.
--- eg. `modules("luarocks.cmd")` would return a list of all LuaRocks command
--- modules, in the current Lua path.
-function fs_lua.modules(at)
- at = at or ""
- if #at > 0 then
- -- turn require path into file path
- at = at:gsub("%.", package.config:sub(1,1)) .. package.config:sub(1,1)
- end
- local path = package.path:sub(-1, -1) == ";" and package.path or package.path .. ";"
- local paths = {}
- for location in path:gmatch("(.-);") do
- if location:lower() == "?.lua" then
- location = "./?.lua"
- end
- local _, q_count = location:gsub("%?", "") -- only use the ones with a single '?'
- if location:match("%?%.[lL][uU][aA]$") and q_count == 1 then -- only use when ending with "?.lua"
- location = location:gsub("%?%.[lL][uU][aA]$", at)
- table.insert(paths, location)
- end
- end
- if #paths == 0 then
- return {}
- end
- local modules = {}
- local is_duplicate = {}
- for _, path in ipairs(paths) do -- luacheck: ignore 421
- local files = fs.list_dir(path)
- for _, filename in ipairs(files or {}) do
- if filename:match("%.[lL][uU][aA]$") then
- filename = filename:sub(1,-5) -- drop the extension
- if not is_duplicate[filename] then
- is_duplicate[filename] = true
- table.insert(modules, filename)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return modules
-function fs_lua.filter_file(fn, input_filename, output_filename)
- local fd, err = io.open(input_filename, "rb")
- if not fd then
- return nil, err
- end
- local input, err = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- if not input then
- return nil, err
- end
- local output, err = fn(input)
- if not output then
- return nil, err
- end
- fd, err = io.open(output_filename, "wb")
- if not fd then
- return nil, err
- end
- local ok, err = fd:write(output)
- fd:close()
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- return true
-function fs_lua.system_temp_dir()
- return os.getenv("TMPDIR") or os.getenv("TEMP") or "/tmp"
--- LuaFileSystem functions
-if lfs_ok then
---- Run the given command.
--- The command is executed in the current directory in the dir stack.
--- @param cmd string: No quoting/escaping is applied to the command.
--- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
--- otherwise.
-function fs_lua.execute_string(cmd)
- local code = os.execute(cmd)
- return (code == 0 or code == true)
---- Obtain current directory.
--- Uses the module's internal dir stack.
--- @return string: the absolute pathname of the current directory.
-function fs_lua.current_dir()
- return lfs.currentdir()
---- Change the current directory.
--- Uses the module's internal dir stack. This does not have exact
--- semantics of chdir, as it does not handle errors the same way,
--- but works well for our purposes for now.
--- @param d string: The directory to switch to.
-function fs_lua.change_dir(d)
- table.insert(dir_stack, lfs.currentdir())
- d = dir.normalize(d)
- return lfs.chdir(d)
---- Change directory to root.
--- Allows leaving a directory (e.g. for deleting it) in
--- a crossplatform way.
-function fs_lua.change_dir_to_root()
- local current = lfs.currentdir()
- if not current or current == "" then
- return false
- end
- table.insert(dir_stack, current)
- lfs.chdir("/") -- works on Windows too
- return true
---- Change working directory to the previous in the dir stack.
--- @return true if a pop occurred, false if the stack was empty.
-function fs_lua.pop_dir()
- local d = table.remove(dir_stack)
- if d then
- lfs.chdir(d)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
---- Create a directory if it does not already exist.
--- If any of the higher levels in the path name do not exist
--- too, they are created as well.
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to create.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success or (false, error message) on failure.
-function fs_lua.make_dir(directory)
- assert(type(directory) == "string")
- directory = dir.normalize(directory)
- local path = nil
- if directory:sub(2, 2) == ":" then
- path = directory:sub(1, 2)
- directory = directory:sub(4)
- else
- if directory:match("^/") then
- path = ""
- end
- end
- for d in directory:gmatch("([^/]+)/*") do
- path = path and path .. "/" .. d or d
- local mode = lfs.attributes(path, "mode")
- if not mode then
- local ok, err = lfs.mkdir(path)
- if not ok then
- return false, err
- end
- ok, err = fs.set_permissions(path, "exec", "all")
- if not ok then
- return false, err
- end
- elseif mode ~= "directory" then
- return false, path.." is not a directory"
- end
- end
- return true
---- Remove a directory if it is empty.
--- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
--- if already does not exist)
--- @param d string: pathname of directory to remove.
-function fs_lua.remove_dir_if_empty(d)
- assert(d)
- d = dir.normalize(d)
- lfs.rmdir(d)
---- Remove a directory if it is empty.
--- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
--- if already does not exist)
--- @param d string: pathname of directory to remove.
-function fs_lua.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(d)
- assert(d)
- d = dir.normalize(d)
- for i=1,10 do
- lfs.rmdir(d)
- d = dir.dir_name(d)
- end
-local function are_the_same_file(f1, f2)
- if f1 == f2 then
- return true
- end
- if cfg.is_platform("unix") then
- local i1 = lfs.attributes(f1, "ino")
- local i2 = lfs.attributes(f2, "ino")
- if i1 ~= nil and i1 == i2 then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
---- Copy a file.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @param perms string ("read" or "exec") or nil: Permissions for destination
--- file or nil to use the source file permissions
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function fs_lua.copy(src, dest, perms)
- assert(src and dest)
- src = dir.normalize(src)
- dest = dir.normalize(dest)
- local destmode = lfs.attributes(dest, "mode")
- if destmode == "directory" then
- dest = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(src))
- end
- if are_the_same_file(src, dest) then
- return nil, "The source and destination are the same files"
- end
- local src_h, err = io.open(src, "rb")
- if not src_h then return nil, err end
- local dest_h, err = io.open(dest, "w+b")
- if not dest_h then src_h:close() return nil, err end
- while true do
- local block = src_h:read(8192)
- if not block then break end
- dest_h:write(block)
- end
- src_h:close()
- dest_h:close()
- local fullattrs
- if not perms then
- fullattrs = lfs.attributes(src, "permissions")
- end
- if fullattrs and posix_ok then
- return posix.chmod(dest, fullattrs)
- else
- if not perms then
- perms = fullattrs:match("x") and "exec" or "read"
- end
- return fs.set_permissions(dest, perms, "all")
- end
---- Implementation function for recursive copy of directory contents.
--- Assumes paths are normalized.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @param perms string ("read" or "exec") or nil: Optional permissions.
--- If not given, permissions of the source are copied over to the destination.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure
-local function recursive_copy(src, dest, perms)
- local srcmode = lfs.attributes(src, "mode")
- if srcmode == "file" then
- local ok = fs.copy(src, dest, perms)
- if not ok then return false end
- elseif srcmode == "directory" then
- local subdir = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(src))
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(subdir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if pcall(lfs.dir, src) == false then
- return false
- end
- for file in lfs.dir(src) do
- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
- local ok = recursive_copy(dir.path(src, file), subdir, perms)
- if not ok then return false end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
---- Recursively copy the contents of a directory.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @param perms string ("read" or "exec") or nil: Optional permissions.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function fs_lua.copy_contents(src, dest, perms)
- assert(src and dest)
- src = dir.normalize(src)
- dest = dir.normalize(dest)
- if not fs.is_dir(src) then
- return false, src .. " is not a directory"
- end
- if pcall(lfs.dir, src) == false then
- return false, "Permission denied"
- end
- for file in lfs.dir(src) do
- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
- local ok = recursive_copy(dir.path(src, file), dest, perms)
- if not ok then
- return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
- end
- end
- end
- return true
---- Implementation function for recursive removal of directories.
--- Assumes paths are normalized.
--- @param name string: Pathname of file
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
--- or nil and an error message on failure.
-local function recursive_delete(name)
- local ok = os.remove(name)
- if ok then return true end
- local pok, ok, err = pcall(function()
- for file in lfs.dir(name) do
- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
- local ok, err = recursive_delete(dir.path(name, file))
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- end
- local ok, err = lfs.rmdir(name)
- return ok, (not ok) and err
- end)
- if pok then
- return ok, err
- else
- return pok, ok
- end
---- Delete a file or a directory and all its contents.
--- @param name string: Pathname of source
--- @return nil
-function fs_lua.delete(name)
- name = dir.normalize(name)
- recursive_delete(name)
---- Internal implementation function for fs.dir.
--- Yields a filename on each iteration.
--- @param at string: directory to list
--- @return nil or (nil and string): an error message on failure
-function fs_lua.dir_iterator(at)
- local pok, iter, arg = pcall(lfs.dir, at)
- if not pok then
- return nil, iter
- end
- for file in iter, arg do
- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
- coroutine.yield(file)
- end
- end
---- Implementation function for recursive find.
--- Assumes paths are normalized.
--- @param cwd string: Current working directory in recursion.
--- @param prefix string: Auxiliary prefix string to form pathname.
--- @param result table: Array of strings where results are collected.
-local function recursive_find(cwd, prefix, result)
- local pok, iter, arg = pcall(lfs.dir, cwd)
- if not pok then
- return nil
- end
- for file in iter, arg do
- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
- local item = prefix .. file
- table.insert(result, item)
- local pathname = dir.path(cwd, file)
- if lfs.attributes(pathname, "mode") == "directory" then
- recursive_find(pathname, item.."/", result)
- end
- end
- end
---- Recursively scan the contents of a directory.
--- @param at string or nil: directory to scan (will be the current
--- directory if none is given).
--- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
--- the contents of a directory.
-function fs_lua.find(at)
- assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
- if not at then
- at = fs.current_dir()
- end
- at = dir.normalize(at)
- local result = {}
- recursive_find(at, "", result)
- return result
---- Test for existence of a file.
--- @param file string: filename to test
--- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
-function fs_lua.exists(file)
- assert(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- return type(lfs.attributes(file)) == "table"
---- Test is pathname is a directory.
--- @param file string: pathname to test
--- @return boolean: true if it is a directory, false otherwise.
-function fs_lua.is_dir(file)
- assert(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- return lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "directory"
---- Test is pathname is a regular file.
--- @param file string: pathname to test
--- @return boolean: true if it is a file, false otherwise.
-function fs_lua.is_file(file)
- assert(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- return lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file"
--- Set access and modification times for a file.
--- @param filename File to set access and modification times for.
--- @param time may be a number containing the format returned
--- by os.time, or a table ready to be processed via os.time; if
--- nil, current time is assumed.
-function fs_lua.set_time(file, time)
- assert(time == nil or type(time) == "table" or type(time) == "number")
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- if type(time) == "table" then
- time = os.time(time)
- end
- return lfs.touch(file, time)
-else -- if not lfs_ok
-function fs_lua.exists(file)
- assert(file)
- file = dir.normalize(fs.absolute_name(file))
- -- check if file exists by attempting to open it
- return util.exists(file)
--- lua-bz2 functions
-if bz2_ok then
-local function bunzip2_string(data)
- local decompressor = bz2.initDecompress()
- local output, err = decompressor:update(data)
- if not output then
- return nil, err
- end
- decompressor:close()
- return output
---- Uncompresses a .bz2 file.
--- @param infile string: pathname of .bz2 file to be extracted.
--- @param outfile string or nil: pathname of output file to be produced.
--- If not given, name is derived from input file.
--- @return boolean: true on success; nil and error message on failure.
-function fs_lua.bunzip2(infile, outfile)
- assert(type(infile) == "string")
- assert(outfile == nil or type(outfile) == "string")
- if not outfile then
- outfile = infile:gsub("%.bz2$", "")
- end
- return fs.filter_file(bunzip2_string, infile, outfile)
--- luarocks.tools.zip functions
-if zip_ok then
-function fs_lua.zip(zipfile, ...)
- return zip.zip(zipfile, ...)
-function fs_lua.unzip(zipfile)
- return zip.unzip(zipfile)
-function fs_lua.gunzip(infile, outfile)
- return zip.gunzip(infile, outfile)
--- LuaSocket functions
-if socket_ok then
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
-local luasec_ok, https = pcall(require, "ssl.https")
-local redirect_protocols = {
- http = http,
- https = luasec_ok and https,
-local function request(url, method, http, loop_control) -- luacheck: ignore 431
- local result = {}
- if cfg.verbose then
- print(method, url)
- end
- local proxy = os.getenv("http_proxy")
- if type(proxy) ~= "string" then proxy = nil end
- -- LuaSocket's http.request crashes when given URLs missing the scheme part.
- if proxy and not proxy:find("://") then
- proxy = "http://" .. proxy
- end
- if cfg.show_downloads then
- io.write(method.." "..url.." ...\n")
- end
- local dots = 0
- if cfg.connection_timeout and cfg.connection_timeout > 0 then
- http.TIMEOUT = cfg.connection_timeout
- end
- local res, status, headers, err = http.request {
- url = url,
- proxy = proxy,
- method = method,
- redirect = false,
- sink = ltn12.sink.table(result),
- step = cfg.show_downloads and function(...)
- io.write(".")
- io.flush()
- dots = dots + 1
- if dots == 70 then
- io.write("\n")
- dots = 0
- end
- return ltn12.pump.step(...)
- end,
- headers = {
- ["user-agent"] = cfg.user_agent.." via LuaSocket"
- },
- }
- if cfg.show_downloads then
- io.write("\n")
- end
- if not res then
- return nil, status
- elseif status == 301 or status == 302 then
- local location = headers.location
- if location then
- local protocol, rest = dir.split_url(location)
- if redirect_protocols[protocol] then
- if not loop_control then
- loop_control = {}
- elseif loop_control[location] then
- return nil, "Redirection loop -- broken URL?"
- end
- loop_control[url] = true
- return request(location, method, redirect_protocols[protocol], loop_control)
- else
- return nil, "URL redirected to unsupported protocol - install luasec to get HTTPS support.", "https"
- end
- end
- return nil, err
- elseif status ~= 200 then
- return nil, err
- else
- return result, status, headers, err
- end
-local function write_timestamp(filename, data)
- local fd = io.open(filename, "w")
- if fd then
- fd:write(data)
- fd:close()
- end
-local function read_timestamp(filename)
- local fd = io.open(filename, "r")
- if fd then
- local data = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- return data
- end
-local function fail_with_status(filename, status, headers)
- write_timestamp(filename .. ".unixtime", os.time())
- write_timestamp(filename .. ".status", status)
- return nil, status, headers
--- @param url string: URL to fetch.
--- @param filename string: local filename of the file to fetch.
--- @param http table: The library to use (http from LuaSocket or LuaSec)
--- @param cache boolean: Whether to use a `.timestamp` file to check
--- via the HTTP Last-Modified header if the full download is needed.
--- @return (boolean | (nil, string, string?)): True if successful, or
--- nil, error message and optionally HTTPS error in case of errors.
-local function http_request(url, filename, http, cache) -- luacheck: ignore 431
- if cache then
- local status = read_timestamp(filename..".status")
- local timestamp = read_timestamp(filename..".timestamp")
- if status or timestamp then
- local unixtime = read_timestamp(filename..".unixtime")
- if tonumber(unixtime) then
- local diff = os.time() - tonumber(unixtime)
- if status then
- if diff < cfg.cache_fail_timeout then
- return nil, status, {}
- end
- else
- if diff < cfg.cache_timeout then
- return true, nil, nil, true
- end
- end
- end
- local result, status, headers, err = request(url, "HEAD", http) -- luacheck: ignore 421
- if not result then
- return fail_with_status(filename, status, headers)
- end
- if status == 200 and headers["last-modified"] == timestamp then
- write_timestamp(filename .. ".unixtime", os.time())
- return true, nil, nil, true
- end
- end
- end
- local result, status, headers, err = request(url, "GET", http)
- if not result then
- if status then
- return fail_with_status(filename, status, headers)
- end
- end
- if cache and headers["last-modified"] then
- write_timestamp(filename .. ".timestamp", headers["last-modified"])
- write_timestamp(filename .. ".unixtime", os.time())
- end
- local file = io.open(filename, "wb")
- if not file then return nil, 0, {} end
- for _, data in ipairs(result) do
- file:write(data)
- end
- file:close()
- return true
-local function ftp_request(url, filename)
- local content, err = ftp.get(url)
- if not content then
- return false, err
- end
- local file = io.open(filename, "wb")
- if not file then return false, err end
- file:write(content)
- file:close()
- return true
-local downloader_warning = false
---- Download a remote file.
--- @param url string: URL to be fetched.
--- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
--- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
--- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
--- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
--- @return (boolean, string, boolean):
--- In case of success:
--- * true
--- * a string with the filename
--- * true if the file was retrieved from local cache
--- In case of failure:
--- * false
--- * error message
-function fs_lua.download(url, filename, cache)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
- filename = fs.absolute_name(filename or dir.base_name(url))
- -- delegate to the configured downloader so we don't have to deal with whitelists
- if os.getenv("no_proxy") then
- return fs.use_downloader(url, filename, cache)
- end
- local ok, err, https_err, from_cache
- if util.starts_with(url, "http:") then
- ok, err, https_err, from_cache = http_request(url, filename, http, cache)
- elseif util.starts_with(url, "ftp:") then
- ok, err = ftp_request(url, filename)
- elseif util.starts_with(url, "https:") then
- -- skip LuaSec when proxy is enabled since it is not supported
- if luasec_ok and not os.getenv("https_proxy") then
- local _
- ok, err, _, from_cache = http_request(url, filename, https, cache)
- else
- https_err = true
- end
- else
- err = "Unsupported protocol"
- end
- if https_err then
- local downloader, err = fs.which_tool("downloader")
- if not downloader then
- return nil, err
- end
- if not downloader_warning then
- util.warning("falling back to "..downloader.." - install luasec to get native HTTPS support")
- downloader_warning = true
- end
- return fs.use_downloader(url, filename, cache)
- elseif not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- return true, filename, from_cache
-else --...if socket_ok == false then
-function fs_lua.download(url, filename, cache)
- return fs.use_downloader(url, filename, cache)
--- MD5 functions
-if md5_ok then
--- Support the interface of lmd5 by lhf in addition to md5 by Roberto
--- and the keplerproject.
-if not md5.sumhexa and md5.digest then
- md5.sumhexa = function(msg)
- return md5.digest(msg)
- end
-if md5.sumhexa then
---- Get the MD5 checksum for a file.
--- @param file string: The file to be computed.
--- @return string: The MD5 checksum or nil + error
-function fs_lua.get_md5(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- local file_handler = io.open(file, "rb")
- if not file_handler then return nil, "Failed to open file for reading: "..file end
- local computed = md5.sumhexa(file_handler:read("*a"))
- file_handler:close()
- if computed then return computed end
- return nil, "Failed to compute MD5 hash for file "..file
--- POSIX functions
-function fs_lua._unix_rwx_to_number(rwx, neg)
- local num = 0
- neg = neg or false
- for i = 1, 9 do
- local c = rwx:sub(10 - i, 10 - i) == "-"
- if neg == c then
- num = num + 2^(i-1)
- end
- end
- return math.floor(num)
-if posix_ok then
-local octal_to_rwx = {
- ["0"] = "---",
- ["1"] = "--x",
- ["2"] = "-w-",
- ["3"] = "-wx",
- ["4"] = "r--",
- ["5"] = "r-x",
- ["6"] = "rw-",
- ["7"] = "rwx",
- local umask_cache
- function fs_lua._unix_umask()
- if umask_cache then
- return umask_cache
- end
- -- LuaPosix (as of 34.0.4) only returns the umask as rwx
- local rwx = posix.umask()
- local num = fs_lua._unix_rwx_to_number(rwx, true)
- umask_cache = ("%03o"):format(num)
- return umask_cache
- end
-function fs_lua.set_permissions(filename, mode, scope)
- local perms
- if mode == "read" and scope == "user" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("600")
- elseif mode == "exec" and scope == "user" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("700")
- elseif mode == "read" and scope == "all" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("644")
- elseif mode == "exec" and scope == "all" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("755")
- else
- return false, "Invalid permission " .. mode .. " for " .. scope
- end
- -- LuaPosix (as of 5.1.15) does not support octal notation...
- local new_perms = {}
- for c in perms:sub(-3):gmatch(".") do
- table.insert(new_perms, octal_to_rwx[c])
- end
- perms = table.concat(new_perms)
- local err = posix.chmod(filename, perms)
- return err == 0
-function fs_lua.current_user()
- return posix.getpwuid(posix.geteuid()).pw_name
-function fs_lua.is_superuser()
- return posix.geteuid() == 0
--- This call is not available on all systems, see #677
-if posix.mkdtemp then
---- Create a temporary directory.
--- @param name_pattern string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
--- when creating temporary directory.
--- @return string or (nil, string): name of temporary directory or (nil, error message) on failure.
-function fs_lua.make_temp_dir(name_pattern)
- assert(type(name_pattern) == "string")
- name_pattern = dir.normalize(name_pattern)
- return posix.mkdtemp(fs.system_temp_dir() .. "/luarocks_" .. name_pattern:gsub("/", "_") .. "-XXXXXX")
-end -- if posix.mkdtemp
--- Other functions
-if lfs_ok and not fs_lua.make_temp_dir then
-function fs_lua.make_temp_dir(name_pattern)
- assert(type(name_pattern) == "string")
- name_pattern = dir.normalize(name_pattern)
- local pattern = fs.system_temp_dir() .. "/luarocks_" .. name_pattern:gsub("/", "_") .. "-"
- while true do
- local name = pattern .. tostring(math.random(10000000))
- if lfs.mkdir(name) then
- return name
- end
- end
---- Apply a patch.
--- @param patchname string: The filename of the patch.
--- @param patchdata string or nil: The actual patch as a string.
--- @param create_delete boolean: Support creating and deleting files in a patch.
-function fs_lua.apply_patch(patchname, patchdata, create_delete)
- local p, all_ok = patch.read_patch(patchname, patchdata)
- if not all_ok then
- return nil, "Failed reading patch "..patchname
- end
- if p then
- return patch.apply_patch(p, 1, create_delete)
- end
---- Move a file.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @param perms string ("read" or "exec") or nil: Permissions for destination
--- file or nil to use the source file permissions.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function fs_lua.move(src, dest, perms)
- assert(src and dest)
- if fs.exists(dest) and not fs.is_dir(dest) then
- return false, "File already exists: "..dest
- end
- local ok, err = fs.copy(src, dest, perms)
- if not ok then
- return false, err
- end
- fs.delete(src)
- if fs.exists(src) then
- return false, "Failed move: could not delete "..src.." after copy."
- end
- return true
---- Check if user has write permissions for the command.
--- Assumes the configuration variables under cfg have been previously set up.
--- @param args table: the args table passed to run() drivers.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function fs_lua.check_command_permissions(args)
- local ok = true
- local err = ""
- for _, directory in ipairs { cfg.rocks_dir, cfg.deploy_lua_dir, cfg.deploy_bin_dir, cfg.deploy_lua_dir } do
- if fs.exists(directory) then
- if not fs.is_writable(directory) then
- ok = false
- err = "Your user does not have write permissions in " .. directory
- break
- end
- else
- local root = fs.root_of(directory)
- local parent = directory
- repeat
- parent = dir.dir_name(parent)
- if parent == "" then
- parent = root
- end
- until parent == root or fs.exists(parent)
- if not fs.is_writable(parent) then
- ok = false
- err = directory.." does not exist and your user does not have write permissions in " .. parent
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- if args["local"] or cfg.local_by_default then
- err = err .. " \n-- please check your permissions."
- else
- err = err .. " \n-- you may want to run as a privileged user or use your local tree with --local."
- end
- return nil, err
- end
---- Check whether a file is a Lua script
--- When the file can be successfully compiled by the configured
--- Lua interpreter, it's considered to be a valid Lua file.
--- @param filename filename of file to check
--- @return boolean true, if it is a Lua script, false otherwise
-function fs_lua.is_lua(filename)
- filename = filename:gsub([[%\]],"/") -- normalize on fw slash to prevent escaping issues
- local lua = fs.Q(dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)) -- get lua interpreter configured
- -- execute on configured interpreter, might not be the same as the interpreter LR is run on
- local result = fs.execute_string(lua..[[ -e "if loadfile(']]..filename..[[') then os.exit(0) else os.exit(1) end"]])
- return (result == true)
---- Unpack an archive.
--- Extract the contents of an archive, detecting its format by
--- filename extension.
--- @param archive string: Filename of archive.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false and an error message on failure.
-function fs_lua.unpack_archive(archive)
- assert(type(archive) == "string")
- local ok, err
- archive = fs.absolute_name(archive)
- if archive:match("%.tar%.gz$") then
- local tar_filename = archive:gsub("%.gz$", "")
- ok, err = fs.gunzip(archive, tar_filename)
- if ok then
- ok, err = tar.untar(tar_filename, ".")
- end
- elseif archive:match("%.tgz$") then
- local tar_filename = archive:gsub("%.tgz$", ".tar")
- ok, err = fs.gunzip(archive, tar_filename)
- if ok then
- ok, err = tar.untar(tar_filename, ".")
- end
- elseif archive:match("%.tar%.bz2$") then
- local tar_filename = archive:gsub("%.bz2$", "")
- ok, err = fs.bunzip2(archive, tar_filename)
- if ok then
- ok, err = tar.untar(tar_filename, ".")
- end
- elseif archive:match("%.zip$") then
- ok, err = fs.unzip(archive)
- elseif archive:match("%.lua$") or archive:match("%.c$") then
- -- Ignore .lua and .c files; they don't need to be extracted.
- return true
- else
- return false, "Couldn't extract archive "..archive..": unrecognized filename extension"
- end
- if not ok then
- return false, "Failed extracting "..archive..": "..err
- end
- return true
-return fs_lua
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/macosx.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/macosx.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b71e7f12b..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/macosx.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---- macOS-specific implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions.
-local macosx = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-function macosx.is_dir(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file) .. "/."
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 2 then -- "No such file or directory"
- return false
- end
- if code == 20 then -- "Not a directory", regardless of permissions
- return false
- end
- if code == 13 then -- "Permission denied", but is a directory
- return true
- end
- if fd then
- local _, _, ecode = fd:read(1)
- fd:close()
- if ecode == 21 then -- "Is a directory"
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-function macosx.is_file(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- if fs.is_dir(file) then
- return false
- end
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 2 then -- "No such file or directory"
- return false
- end
- if code == 13 then -- "Permission denied", but it exists
- return true
- end
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true
- end
- return false
-return macosx
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/tools.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/tools.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c317f65a..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/tools.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
---- Common fs operations implemented with third-party tools.
-local tools = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local vars = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_,k) return cfg.variables[k] end })
-local dir_stack = {}
- local tool_cache = {}
- local tool_options = {
- downloader = {
- desc = "downloader",
- { var = "WGET", name = "wget" },
- { var = "CURL", name = "curl" },
- },
- md5checker = {
- desc = "MD5 checker",
- { var = "MD5SUM", name = "md5sum" },
- { var = "OPENSSL", name = "openssl", cmdarg = "md5" },
- { var = "MD5", name = "md5" },
- },
- }
- function tools.which_tool(tooltype)
- local tool = tool_cache[tooltype]
- local names = {}
- if not tool then
- for _, opt in ipairs(tool_options[tooltype]) do
- table.insert(names, opt.name)
- if fs.is_tool_available(vars[opt.var], opt.name) then
- tool = opt
- tool_cache[tooltype] = opt
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not tool then
- local tool_names = table.concat(names, ", ", 1, #names - 1) .. " or " .. names[#names]
- return nil, "no " .. tool_options[tooltype].desc .. " tool available," .. " please install " .. tool_names .. " in your system"
- end
- return tool.name, vars[tool.var] .. (tool.cmdarg and " "..tool.cmdarg or "")
- end
- local cache_pwd
- --- Obtain current directory.
- -- Uses the module's internal directory stack.
- -- @return string: the absolute pathname of the current directory.
- function tools.current_dir()
- local current = cache_pwd
- if not current then
- local pipe = io.popen(fs.quiet_stderr(vars.PWD))
- current = pipe:read("*a"):gsub("^%s*", ""):gsub("%s*$", "")
- pipe:close()
- cache_pwd = current
- end
- for _, directory in ipairs(dir_stack) do
- current = fs.absolute_name(directory, current)
- end
- return current
- end
---- Change the current directory.
--- Uses the module's internal directory stack. This does not have exact
--- semantics of chdir, as it does not handle errors the same way,
--- but works well for our purposes for now.
--- @param directory string: The directory to switch to.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, (nil, error message) if failed.
-function tools.change_dir(directory)
- assert(type(directory) == "string")
- if fs.is_dir(directory) then
- table.insert(dir_stack, directory)
- return true
- end
- return nil, "directory not found: "..directory
---- Change directory to root.
--- Allows leaving a directory (e.g. for deleting it) in
--- a crossplatform way.
-function tools.change_dir_to_root()
- local curr_dir = fs.current_dir()
- if not curr_dir or not fs.is_dir(curr_dir) then
- return false
- end
- table.insert(dir_stack, "/")
- return true
---- Change working directory to the previous in the directory stack.
-function tools.pop_dir()
- local directory = table.remove(dir_stack)
- return directory ~= nil
---- Run the given command.
--- The command is executed in the current directory in the directory stack.
--- @param cmd string: No quoting/escaping is applied to the command.
--- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
--- otherwise.
-function tools.execute_string(cmd)
- local current = fs.current_dir()
- if not current then return false end
- cmd = fs.command_at(current, cmd)
- local code = os.execute(cmd)
- if code == 0 or code == true then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
---- Internal implementation function for fs.dir.
--- Yields a filename on each iteration.
--- @param at string: directory to list
--- @return nil
-function tools.dir_iterator(at)
- local pipe = io.popen(fs.command_at(at, vars.LS, true))
- for file in pipe:lines() do
- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
- coroutine.yield(file)
- end
- end
- pipe:close()
---- Download a remote file.
--- @param url string: URL to be fetched.
--- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
--- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
--- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
--- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
--- @param cache boolean: compare remote timestamps via HTTP HEAD prior to
--- re-downloading the file.
--- @return (boolean, string): true and the filename on success,
--- false and the error message on failure.
-function tools.use_downloader(url, filename, cache)
- assert(type(url) == "string")
- assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
- filename = fs.absolute_name(filename or dir.base_name(url))
- local downloader, err = fs.which_tool("downloader")
- if not downloader then
- return nil, err
- end
- local ok = false
- if downloader == "wget" then
- local wget_cmd = vars.WGET.." "..vars.WGETNOCERTFLAG.." --no-cache --user-agent=\""..cfg.user_agent.." via wget\" --quiet "
- if cfg.connection_timeout and cfg.connection_timeout > 0 then
- wget_cmd = wget_cmd .. "--timeout="..tostring(cfg.connection_timeout).." --tries=1 "
- end
- if cache then
- -- --timestamping is incompatible with --output-document,
- -- but that's not a problem for our use cases.
- fs.delete(filename .. ".unixtime")
- fs.change_dir(dir.dir_name(filename))
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(wget_cmd.." --timestamping ", url)
- fs.pop_dir()
- elseif filename then
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(wget_cmd.." --output-document ", filename, url)
- else
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(wget_cmd, url)
- end
- elseif downloader == "curl" then
- local curl_cmd = vars.CURL.." "..vars.CURLNOCERTFLAG.." -f -L --user-agent \""..cfg.user_agent.." via curl\" "
- if cfg.connection_timeout and cfg.connection_timeout > 0 then
- curl_cmd = curl_cmd .. "--connect-timeout "..tostring(cfg.connection_timeout).." "
- end
- if cache then
- curl_cmd = curl_cmd .. " -R -z \"" .. filename .. "\" "
- end
- ok = fs.execute_string(fs.quiet_stderr(curl_cmd..fs.Q(url).." --output "..fs.Q(filename)))
- end
- if ok then
- return true, filename
- else
- os.remove(filename)
- return false, "failed downloading " .. url
- end
---- Get the MD5 checksum for a file.
--- @param file string: The file to be computed.
--- @return string: The MD5 checksum or nil + message
-function tools.get_md5(file)
- local ok, md5checker = fs.which_tool("md5checker")
- if not ok then
- return false, md5checker
- end
- local pipe = io.popen(md5checker.." "..fs.Q(fs.absolute_name(file)))
- local computed = pipe:read("*l")
- pipe:close()
- if computed then
- computed = computed:match("("..("%x"):rep(32)..")")
- end
- if computed then
- return computed
- else
- return nil, "Failed to compute MD5 hash for file "..tostring(fs.absolute_name(file))
- end
-return tools
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/unix.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/unix.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 61569e307..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/unix.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
---- Unix implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions.
-local unix = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
---- Annotate command string for quiet execution.
--- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
--- @return string: The command-line, with silencing annotation.
-function unix.quiet(cmd)
- return cmd.." 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null"
---- Annotate command string for execution with quiet stderr.
--- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
--- @return string: The command-line, with stderr silencing annotation.
-function unix.quiet_stderr(cmd)
- return cmd.." 2> /dev/null"
---- Quote argument for shell processing.
--- Adds single quotes and escapes.
--- @param arg string: Unquoted argument.
--- @return string: Quoted argument.
-function unix.Q(arg)
- assert(type(arg) == "string")
- return "'" .. arg:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'"
---- Return an absolute pathname from a potentially relative one.
--- @param pathname string: pathname to convert.
--- @param relative_to string or nil: path to prepend when making
--- pathname absolute, or the current dir in the dir stack if
--- not given.
--- @return string: The pathname converted to absolute.
-function unix.absolute_name(pathname, relative_to)
- assert(type(pathname) == "string")
- assert(type(relative_to) == "string" or not relative_to)
- local unquoted = pathname:match("^['\"](.*)['\"]$")
- if unquoted then
- pathname = unquoted
- end
- relative_to = (relative_to or fs.current_dir()):gsub("/*$", "")
- if pathname:sub(1,1) == "/" then
- return pathname
- else
- return relative_to .. "/" .. pathname
- end
---- Return the root directory for the given path.
--- In Unix, root is always "/".
--- @param pathname string: pathname to use.
--- @return string: The root of the given pathname.
-function unix.root_of(_)
- return "/"
---- Create a wrapper to make a script executable from the command-line.
--- @param script string: Pathname of script to be made executable.
--- @param target string: wrapper target pathname (without wrapper suffix).
--- @param name string: rock name to be used in loader context.
--- @param version string: rock version to be used in loader context.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
--- an error message.
-function unix.wrap_script(script, target, deps_mode, name, version, ...)
- assert(type(script) == "string" or not script)
- assert(type(target) == "string")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- assert(type(name) == "string" or not name)
- assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
- local wrapper = io.open(target, "w")
- if not wrapper then
- return nil, "Could not open "..target.." for writing."
- end
- local lpath, lcpath = path.package_paths(deps_mode)
- local luainit = {
- "package.path="..util.LQ(lpath..";").."..package.path",
- "package.cpath="..util.LQ(lcpath..";").."..package.cpath",
- }
- local remove_interpreter = false
- local base = dir.base_name(target):gsub("%..*$", "")
- if base == "luarocks" or base == "luarocks-admin" then
- if cfg.is_binary then
- remove_interpreter = true
- end
- luainit = {
- "package.path="..util.LQ(package.path),
- "package.cpath="..util.LQ(package.cpath),
- }
- end
- if name and version then
- local addctx = "local k,l,_=pcall(require,"..util.LQ("luarocks.loader")..") _=k " ..
- "and l.add_context("..util.LQ(name)..","..util.LQ(version)..")"
- table.insert(luainit, addctx)
- end
- local argv = {
- fs.Q(dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)),
- "-e",
- fs.Q(table.concat(luainit, ";")),
- script and fs.Q(script) or [[$([ "$*" ] || echo -i)]],
- ...
- }
- if remove_interpreter then
- table.remove(argv, 1)
- table.remove(argv, 1)
- table.remove(argv, 1)
- end
- wrapper:write("#!/bin/sh\n\n")
- wrapper:write("LUAROCKS_SYSCONFDIR="..fs.Q(cfg.sysconfdir) .. " ")
- wrapper:write("exec "..table.concat(argv, " ")..' "$@"\n')
- wrapper:close()
- if fs.set_permissions(target, "exec", "all") then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "Could not make "..target.." executable."
- end
---- Check if a file (typically inside path.bin_dir) is an actual binary
--- or a Lua wrapper.
--- @param filename string: the file name with full path.
--- @return boolean: returns true if file is an actual binary
--- (or if it couldn't check) or false if it is a Lua wrapper.
-function unix.is_actual_binary(filename)
- if filename:match("%.lua$") then
- return false
- end
- local file = io.open(filename)
- if not file then
- return true
- end
- local first = file:read(2)
- file:close()
- if not first then
- util.warning("could not read "..filename)
- return true
- end
- return first ~= "#!"
-function unix.copy_binary(filename, dest)
- return fs.copy(filename, dest, "exec")
---- Move a file on top of the other.
--- The new file ceases to exist under its original name,
--- and takes over the name of the old file.
--- On Unix this is done through a single rename operation.
--- @param old_file The name of the original file,
--- which will be the new name of new_file.
--- @param new_file The name of the new file,
--- which will replace old_file.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
--- an error message.
-function unix.replace_file(old_file, new_file)
- return os.rename(new_file, old_file)
-function unix.tmpname()
- return os.tmpname()
-function unix.export_cmd(var, val)
- return ("export %s='%s'"):format(var, val)
-local octal_to_rwx = {
- ["0"] = "---",
- ["1"] = "--x",
- ["2"] = "-w-",
- ["3"] = "-wx",
- ["4"] = "r--",
- ["5"] = "r-x",
- ["6"] = "rw-",
- ["7"] = "rwx",
-local rwx_to_octal = {}
-for octal, rwx in pairs(octal_to_rwx) do
- rwx_to_octal[rwx] = octal
---- Moderate the given permissions based on the local umask
--- @param perms string: permissions to moderate
--- @return string: the moderated permissions
-function unix._unix_moderate_permissions(perms)
- local umask = fs._unix_umask()
- local moderated_perms = ""
- for i = 1, 3 do
- local p_rwx = octal_to_rwx[perms:sub(i, i)]
- local u_rwx = octal_to_rwx[umask:sub(i, i)]
- local new_perm = ""
- for j = 1, 3 do
- local p_val = p_rwx:sub(j, j)
- local u_val = u_rwx:sub(j, j)
- if p_val == u_val then
- new_perm = new_perm .. "-"
- else
- new_perm = new_perm .. p_val
- end
- end
- moderated_perms = moderated_perms .. rwx_to_octal[new_perm]
- end
- return moderated_perms
-function unix.system_cache_dir()
- if fs.is_dir("/var/cache") then
- return "/var/cache"
- end
- return dir.path(fs.system_temp_dir(), "cache")
-function unix.search_in_path(program)
- for d in (os.getenv("PATH") or ""):gmatch("([^:]+)") do
- local fd = io.open(dir.path(d, program), "r")
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true, d
- end
- end
- return false
-return unix
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/unix/tools.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/unix/tools.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b7fd4de5e..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/unix/tools.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
---- fs operations implemented with third-party tools for Unix platform abstractions.
-local tools = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local vars = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_,k) return cfg.variables[k] end })
---- Adds prefix to command to make it run from a directory.
--- @param directory string: Path to a directory.
--- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
--- @return string: The command-line with prefix.
-function tools.command_at(directory, cmd)
- return "cd " .. fs.Q(fs.absolute_name(directory)) .. " && " .. cmd
---- Create a directory if it does not already exist.
--- If any of the higher levels in the path name does not exist
--- too, they are created as well.
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to create.
--- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
-function tools.make_dir(directory)
- assert(directory)
- local ok, err = fs.execute(vars.MKDIR.." -p", directory)
- if not ok then
- err = "failed making directory "..directory
- end
- return ok, err
---- Remove a directory if it is empty.
--- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
--- if already does not exist)
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
-function tools.remove_dir_if_empty(directory)
- assert(directory)
- fs.execute_quiet(vars.RMDIR, directory)
---- Remove a directory if it is empty.
--- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
--- if already does not exist)
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
-function tools.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(directory)
- assert(directory)
- fs.execute_quiet(vars.RMDIR, "-p", directory)
---- Copy a file.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @param perm string ("read" or "exec") or nil: Permissions for destination
--- file or nil to use the source permissions
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function tools.copy(src, dest, perm)
- assert(src and dest)
- if fs.execute(vars.CP, src, dest) then
- if perm then
- if fs.is_dir(dest) then
- dest = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(src))
- end
- if fs.set_permissions(dest, perm, "all") then
- return true
- else
- return false, "Failed setting permissions of "..dest
- end
- end
- return true
- else
- return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
- end
---- Recursively copy the contents of a directory.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function tools.copy_contents(src, dest)
- assert(src and dest)
- if fs.execute_quiet(vars.CP.." -pPR "..fs.Q(src).."/* "..fs.Q(dest)) then
- return true
- else
- return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
- end
---- Delete a file or a directory and all its contents.
--- For safety, this only accepts absolute paths.
--- @param arg string: Pathname of source
--- @return nil
-function tools.delete(arg)
- assert(arg)
- assert(arg:sub(1,1) == "/")
- fs.execute_quiet(vars.RM, "-rf", arg)
---- Recursively scan the contents of a directory.
--- @param at string or nil: directory to scan (will be the current
--- directory if none is given).
--- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
--- the contents of a directory.
-function tools.find(at)
- assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
- if not at then
- at = fs.current_dir()
- end
- if not fs.is_dir(at) then
- return {}
- end
- local result = {}
- local pipe = io.popen(fs.command_at(at, fs.quiet_stderr(vars.FIND.." *")))
- for file in pipe:lines() do
- table.insert(result, file)
- end
- pipe:close()
- return result
---- Compress files in a .zip archive.
--- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
--- @param ... Filenames to be stored in the archive are given as
--- additional arguments.
--- @return boolean: true on success, nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.zip(zipfile, ...)
- local ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(vars.ZIP, "zip")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- if fs.execute_quiet(vars.ZIP.." -r", zipfile, ...) then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "failed compressing " .. zipfile
- end
---- Uncompress files from a .zip archive.
--- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be extracted.
--- @return boolean: true on success, nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.unzip(zipfile)
- assert(zipfile)
- local ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(vars.UNZIP, "unzip")
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- if fs.execute_quiet(vars.UNZIP, zipfile) then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "failed extracting " .. zipfile
- end
-local function uncompress(default_ext, program, infile, outfile)
- assert(type(infile) == "string")
- assert(outfile == nil or type(outfile) == "string")
- if not outfile then
- outfile = infile:gsub("%."..default_ext.."$", "")
- end
- if fs.execute(fs.Q(program).." -c "..fs.Q(infile).." > "..fs.Q(outfile)) then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "failed extracting " .. infile
- end
---- Uncompresses a .gz file.
--- @param infile string: pathname of .gz file to be extracted.
--- @param outfile string or nil: pathname of output file to be produced.
--- If not given, name is derived from input file.
--- @return boolean: true on success; nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.gunzip(infile, outfile)
- return uncompress("gz", "gunzip", infile, outfile)
---- Uncompresses a .bz2 file.
--- @param infile string: pathname of .bz2 file to be extracted.
--- @param outfile string or nil: pathname of output file to be produced.
--- If not given, name is derived from input file.
--- @return boolean: true on success; nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.bunzip2(infile, outfile)
- return uncompress("bz2", "bunzip2", infile, outfile)
- local function rwx_to_octal(rwx)
- return (rwx:match "r" and 4 or 0)
- + (rwx:match "w" and 2 or 0)
- + (rwx:match "x" and 1 or 0)
- end
- local umask_cache
- function tools._unix_umask()
- if umask_cache then
- return umask_cache
- end
- local fd = assert(io.popen("umask -S"))
- local umask = assert(fd:read("*a"))
- fd:close()
- local u, g, o = umask:match("u=([rwx]*),g=([rwx]*),o=([rwx]*)")
- if not u then
- error("invalid umask result")
- end
- umask_cache = string.format("%d%d%d",
- 7 - rwx_to_octal(u),
- 7 - rwx_to_octal(g),
- 7 - rwx_to_octal(o))
- return umask_cache
- end
---- Set permissions for file or directory
--- @param filename string: filename whose permissions are to be modified
--- @param mode string ("read" or "exec"): permissions to set
--- @param scope string ("user" or "all"): the user(s) to whom the permission applies
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message
-function tools.set_permissions(filename, mode, scope)
- assert(filename and mode and scope)
- local perms
- if mode == "read" and scope == "user" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("600")
- elseif mode == "exec" and scope == "user" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("700")
- elseif mode == "read" and scope == "all" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("644")
- elseif mode == "exec" and scope == "all" then
- perms = fs._unix_moderate_permissions("755")
- else
- return false, "Invalid permission " .. mode .. " for " .. scope
- end
- return fs.execute(vars.CHMOD, perms, filename)
-function tools.browser(url)
- return fs.execute(cfg.web_browser, url)
--- Set access and modification times for a file.
--- @param filename File to set access and modification times for.
--- @param time may be a string or number containing the format returned
--- by os.time, or a table ready to be processed via os.time; if
--- nil, current time is assumed.
-function tools.set_time(file, time)
- assert(time == nil or type(time) == "table" or type(time) == "number")
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local flag = ""
- if type(time) == "number" then
- time = os.date("*t", time)
- end
- if type(time) == "table" then
- flag = ("-t %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%02d"):format(time.year, time.month, time.day, time.hour, time.min, time.sec)
- end
- return fs.execute(vars.TOUCH .. " " .. flag, file)
---- Create a temporary directory.
--- @param name_pattern string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
--- when creating temporary directory.
--- @return string or (nil, string): name of temporary directory or (nil, error message) on failure.
-function tools.make_temp_dir(name_pattern)
- assert(type(name_pattern) == "string")
- name_pattern = dir.normalize(name_pattern)
- local template = (os.getenv("TMPDIR") or "/tmp") .. "/luarocks_" .. name_pattern:gsub("/", "_") .. "-XXXXXX"
- local pipe = io.popen(vars.MKTEMP.." -d "..fs.Q(template))
- local dirname = pipe:read("*l")
- pipe:close()
- if dirname and dirname:match("^/") then
- return dirname
- end
- return nil, "Failed to create temporary directory "..tostring(dirname)
---- Test is file/directory exists
--- @param file string: filename to test
--- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
-function tools.exists(file)
- assert(file)
- return fs.execute(vars.TEST, "-e", file)
---- Test is pathname is a directory.
--- @param file string: pathname to test
--- @return boolean: true if it is a directory, false otherwise.
-function tools.is_dir(file)
- assert(file)
- return fs.execute(vars.TEST, "-d", file)
---- Test is pathname is a regular file.
--- @param file string: pathname to test
--- @return boolean: true if it is a regular file, false otherwise.
-function tools.is_file(file)
- assert(file)
- return fs.execute(vars.TEST, "-f", file)
-function tools.current_user()
- local user = os.getenv("USER")
- if user then
- return user
- end
- local pd = io.popen("whoami", "r")
- if not pd then
- return ""
- end
- user = pd:read("*l")
- pd:close()
- return user
-function tools.is_superuser()
- return fs.current_user() == "root"
-return tools
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/win32.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/win32.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c49f4477..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/win32.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
---- Windows implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions.
--- Download http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ for Windows GNU utilities
--- used by this module.
-local win32 = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
--- Monkey patch io.popen and os.execute to make sure quoting
--- works as expected.
--- See http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-11/msg00367.html
-local _prefix = "type NUL && "
-local _popen, _execute = io.popen, os.execute
--- luacheck: push globals io os
-io.popen = function(cmd, ...) return _popen(_prefix..cmd, ...) end
-os.execute = function(cmd, ...) return _execute(_prefix..cmd, ...) end
--- luacheck: pop
---- Annotate command string for quiet execution.
--- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
--- @return string: The command-line, with silencing annotation.
-function win32.quiet(cmd)
- return cmd.." 2> NUL 1> NUL"
---- Annotate command string for execution with quiet stderr.
--- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
--- @return string: The command-line, with stderr silencing annotation.
-function win32.quiet_stderr(cmd)
- return cmd.." 2> NUL"
--- Split path into drive, root and the rest.
--- Example: "c:\\hello\\world" becomes "c:" "\\" "hello\\world"
--- if any part is missing from input, it becomes an empty string.
-local function split_root(pathname)
- local drive = ""
- local root = ""
- local rest
- local unquoted = pathname:match("^['\"](.*)['\"]$")
- if unquoted then
- pathname = unquoted
- end
- if pathname:match("^.:") then
- drive = pathname:sub(1, 2)
- pathname = pathname:sub(3)
- end
- if pathname:match("^[\\/]") then
- root = pathname:sub(1, 1)
- rest = pathname:sub(2)
- else
- rest = pathname
- end
- return drive, root, rest
---- Quote argument for shell processing. Fixes paths on Windows.
--- Adds double quotes and escapes.
--- @param arg string: Unquoted argument.
--- @return string: Quoted argument.
-function win32.Q(arg)
- assert(type(arg) == "string")
- -- Use Windows-specific directory separator for paths.
- -- Paths should be converted to absolute by now.
- local drive, root, rest = split_root(arg)
- if root ~= "" then
- arg = arg:gsub("/", "\\")
- end
- if arg == "\\" then
- return '\\' -- CHDIR needs special handling for root dir
- end
- -- URLs and anything else
- arg = arg:gsub('\\(\\*)"', '\\%1%1"')
- arg = arg:gsub('\\+$', '%0%0')
- arg = arg:gsub('"', '\\"')
- arg = arg:gsub('(\\*)%%', '%1%1"%%"')
- return '"' .. arg .. '"'
---- Quote argument for shell processing in batch files.
--- Adds double quotes and escapes.
--- @param arg string: Unquoted argument.
--- @return string: Quoted argument.
-function win32.Qb(arg)
- assert(type(arg) == "string")
- -- Use Windows-specific directory separator for paths.
- -- Paths should be converted to absolute by now.
- local drive, root, rest = split_root(arg)
- if root ~= "" then
- arg = arg:gsub("/", "\\")
- end
- if arg == "\\" then
- return '\\' -- CHDIR needs special handling for root dir
- end
- -- URLs and anything else
- arg = arg:gsub('\\(\\*)"', '\\%1%1"')
- arg = arg:gsub('\\+$', '%0%0')
- arg = arg:gsub('"', '\\"')
- arg = arg:gsub('%%', '%%%%')
- return '"' .. arg .. '"'
---- Return an absolute pathname from a potentially relative one.
--- @param pathname string: pathname to convert.
--- @param relative_to string or nil: path to prepend when making
--- pathname absolute, or the current dir in the dir stack if
--- not given.
--- @return string: The pathname converted to absolute.
-function win32.absolute_name(pathname, relative_to)
- assert(type(pathname) == "string")
- assert(type(relative_to) == "string" or not relative_to)
- relative_to = (relative_to or fs.current_dir()):gsub("[\\/]*$", "")
- local drive, root, rest = split_root(pathname)
- if root:match("[\\/]$") then
- -- It's an absolute path already. Ensure is not quoted.
- return drive .. root .. rest
- else
- -- It's a relative path, join it with base path.
- -- This drops drive letter from paths like "C:foo".
- return relative_to .. "/" .. rest
- end
---- Return the root directory for the given path.
--- For example, for "c:\hello", returns "c:\"
--- @param pathname string: pathname to use.
--- @return string: The root of the given pathname.
-function win32.root_of(pathname)
- local drive, root, rest = split_root(fs.absolute_name(pathname))
- return drive .. root
---- Create a wrapper to make a script executable from the command-line.
--- @param script string: Pathname of script to be made executable.
--- @param target string: wrapper target pathname (without wrapper suffix).
--- @param name string: rock name to be used in loader context.
--- @param version string: rock version to be used in loader context.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
--- an error message.
-function win32.wrap_script(script, target, deps_mode, name, version, ...)
- assert(type(script) == "string" or not script)
- assert(type(target) == "string")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- assert(type(name) == "string" or not name)
- assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
- local wrapper = io.open(target, "wb")
- if not wrapper then
- return nil, "Could not open "..target.." for writing."
- end
- local lpath, lcpath = path.package_paths(deps_mode)
- local luainit = {
- "package.path="..util.LQ(lpath..";").."..package.path",
- "package.cpath="..util.LQ(lcpath..";").."..package.cpath",
- }
- local remove_interpreter = false
- local base = dir.base_name(target):gsub("%..*$", "")
- if base == "luarocks" or base == "luarocks-admin" then
- if cfg.is_binary then
- remove_interpreter = true
- end
- luainit = {
- "package.path="..util.LQ(package.path),
- "package.cpath="..util.LQ(package.cpath),
- }
- end
- if name and version then
- local addctx = "local k,l,_=pcall(require,'luarocks.loader') _=k " ..
- "and l.add_context('"..name.."','"..version.."')"
- table.insert(luainit, addctx)
- end
- local argv = {
- fs.Qb(dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)),
- "-e",
- fs.Qb(table.concat(luainit, ";")),
- script and fs.Qb(script) or "%I%",
- ...
- }
- if remove_interpreter then
- table.remove(argv, 1)
- table.remove(argv, 1)
- table.remove(argv, 1)
- end
- wrapper:write("@echo off\r\n")
- wrapper:write("setlocal\r\n")
- if not script then
- wrapper:write([[IF "%*"=="" (set I=-i) ELSE (set I=)]] .. "\r\n")
- end
- wrapper:write("set "..fs.Qb("LUAROCKS_SYSCONFDIR="..cfg.sysconfdir) .. "\r\n")
- wrapper:write(table.concat(argv, " ") .. " %*\r\n")
- wrapper:write("exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%\r\n")
- wrapper:close()
- return true
-function win32.is_actual_binary(name)
- name = name:lower()
- if name:match("%.bat$") or name:match("%.exe$") then
- return true
- end
- return false
-function win32.copy_binary(filename, dest)
- local ok, err = fs.copy(filename, dest)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local exe_pattern = "%.[Ee][Xx][Ee]$"
- local base = dir.base_name(filename)
- dest = dir.dir_name(dest)
- if base:match(exe_pattern) then
- base = base:gsub(exe_pattern, ".lua")
- local helpname = dest.."/"..base
- local helper = io.open(helpname, "w")
- if not helper then
- return nil, "Could not open "..helpname.." for writing."
- end
- helper:write('package.path=\"'..package.path:gsub("\\","\\\\")..';\"..package.path\n')
- helper:write('package.cpath=\"'..package.path:gsub("\\","\\\\")..';\"..package.cpath\n')
- helper:close()
- end
- return true
---- Move a file on top of the other.
--- The new file ceases to exist under its original name,
--- and takes over the name of the old file.
--- On Windows this is done by removing the original file and
--- renaming the new file to its original name.
--- @param old_file The name of the original file,
--- which will be the new name of new_file.
--- @param new_file The name of the new file,
--- which will replace old_file.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
--- an error message.
-function win32.replace_file(old_file, new_file)
- os.remove(old_file)
- return os.rename(new_file, old_file)
-function win32.is_dir(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 13 then -- directories return "Permission denied"
- fd, _, code = io.open(file .. "\\", "r")
- if code == 2 then -- directories return 2, files return 22
- return true
- end
- end
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- end
- return false
-function win32.is_file(file)
- file = fs.absolute_name(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 13 then -- if "Permission denied"
- fd, _, code = io.open(file .. "\\", "r")
- if code == 2 then -- directories return 2, files return 22
- return false
- elseif code == 22 then
- return true
- end
- end
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true
- end
- return false
---- Test is file/dir is writable.
--- Warning: testing if a file/dir is writable does not guarantee
--- that it will remain writable and therefore it is no replacement
--- for checking the result of subsequent operations.
--- @param file string: filename to test
--- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
-function win32.is_writable(file)
- assert(file)
- file = dir.normalize(file)
- local result
- local tmpname = 'tmpluarockstestwritable.deleteme'
- if fs.is_dir(file) then
- local file2 = dir.path(file, tmpname)
- local fh = io.open(file2, 'wb')
- result = fh ~= nil
- if fh then fh:close() end
- if result then
- -- the above test might give a false positive when writing to
- -- c:\program files\ because of VirtualStore redirection on Vista and up
- -- So check whether it's really there
- result = fs.exists(file2)
- end
- os.remove(file2)
- else
- local fh = io.open(file, 'r+b')
- result = fh ~= nil
- if fh then fh:close() end
- end
- return result
---- Create a temporary directory.
--- @param name_pattern string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
--- when creating temporary directory.
--- @return string or (nil, string): name of temporary directory or (nil, error message) on failure.
-function win32.make_temp_dir(name_pattern)
- assert(type(name_pattern) == "string")
- name_pattern = dir.normalize(name_pattern)
- local temp_dir = os.getenv("TMP") .. "/luarocks_" .. name_pattern:gsub("/", "_") .. "-" .. tostring(math.floor(math.random() * 10000))
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(temp_dir)
- if ok then
- return temp_dir
- else
- return nil, err
- end
-function win32.tmpname()
- local name = os.tmpname()
- local tmp = os.getenv("TMP")
- if tmp and name:sub(1, #tmp) ~= tmp then
- name = (tmp .. "\\" .. name):gsub("\\+", "\\")
- end
- return name
-function win32.current_user()
- return os.getenv("USERNAME")
-function win32.is_superuser()
- return false
-function win32.export_cmd(var, val)
- return ("SET %s=%s"):format(var, val)
-function win32.system_cache_dir()
- return dir.path(fs.system_temp_dir(), "cache")
-function win32.search_in_path(program)
- for d in (os.getenv("PATH") or ""):gmatch("([^;]+)") do
- local fd = io.open(dir.path(d, program .. ".exe"), "r")
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true, d
- end
- end
- return false
-return win32
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/win32/tools.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/win32/tools.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd050c60..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/win32/tools.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
---- fs operations implemented with third-party tools for Windows platform abstractions.
--- Download http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ for Windows GNU utilities
--- used by this module.
-local tools = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local vars = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_,k) return cfg.variables[k] end })
---- Adds prefix to command to make it run from a directory.
--- @param directory string: Path to a directory.
--- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
--- @param exit_on_error bool: Exits immediately if entering the directory failed.
--- @return string: The command-line with prefix.
-function tools.command_at(directory, cmd, exit_on_error)
- local drive = directory:match("^([A-Za-z]:)")
- local op = " & "
- if exit_on_error then
- op = " && "
- end
- local cmd_prefixed = "cd " .. fs.Q(directory) .. op .. cmd
- if drive then
- cmd_prefixed = drive .. " & " .. cmd_prefixed
- end
- return cmd_prefixed
---- Create a directory if it does not already exist.
--- If any of the higher levels in the path name does not exist
--- too, they are created as well.
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to create.
--- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
-function tools.make_dir(directory)
- assert(directory)
- directory = dir.normalize(directory)
- fs.execute_quiet(vars.MKDIR, directory)
- if not fs.is_dir(directory) then
- return false, "failed making directory "..directory
- end
- return true
---- Remove a directory if it is empty.
--- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
--- if already does not exist)
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
-function tools.remove_dir_if_empty(directory)
- assert(directory)
- fs.execute_quiet(vars.RMDIR, directory)
---- Remove a directory if it is empty.
--- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
--- if already does not exist)
--- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
-function tools.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(directory)
- assert(directory)
- while true do
- fs.execute_quiet(vars.RMDIR, directory)
- local parent = dir.dir_name(directory)
- if parent ~= directory then
- directory = parent
- else
- break
- end
- end
---- Copy a file.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function tools.copy(src, dest)
- assert(src and dest)
- if dest:match("[/\\]$") then dest = dest:sub(1, -2) end
- local ok = fs.execute(vars.CP, src, dest)
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
- end
---- Recursively copy the contents of a directory.
--- @param src string: Pathname of source
--- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message.
-function tools.copy_contents(src, dest)
- assert(src and dest)
- if not fs.is_dir(src) then
- return false, src .. " is not a directory"
- end
- if fs.make_dir(dest) and fs.execute_quiet(vars.CP, "-dR", src.."\\*.*", dest) then
- return true
- else
- return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
- end
---- Delete a file or a directory and all its contents.
--- For safety, this only accepts absolute paths.
--- @param arg string: Pathname of source
--- @return nil
-function tools.delete(arg)
- assert(arg)
- assert(arg:match("^[a-zA-Z]?:?[\\/]"))
- fs.execute_quiet("if exist "..fs.Q(arg.."\\*").." ( RMDIR /S /Q "..fs.Q(arg).." ) else ( DEL /Q /F "..fs.Q(arg).." )")
---- Recursively scan the contents of a directory.
--- @param at string or nil: directory to scan (will be the current
--- directory if none is given).
--- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
--- the contents of a directory. Paths are returned with forward slashes.
-function tools.find(at)
- assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
- if not at then
- at = fs.current_dir()
- end
- if not fs.is_dir(at) then
- return {}
- end
- local result = {}
- local pipe = io.popen(fs.command_at(at, fs.quiet_stderr(vars.FIND), true))
- for file in pipe:lines() do
- -- Windows find is a bit different
- local first_two = file:sub(1,2)
- if first_two == ".\\" or first_two == "./" then file=file:sub(3) end
- if file ~= "." then
- table.insert(result, (file:gsub("\\", "/")))
- end
- end
- pipe:close()
- return result
---- Compress files in a .zip archive.
--- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
--- @param ... Filenames to be stored in the archive are given as
--- additional arguments.
--- @return boolean: true on success, nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.zip(zipfile, ...)
- if fs.execute_quiet(vars.SEVENZ.." -aoa a -tzip", zipfile, ...) then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "failed compressing " .. zipfile
- end
---- Uncompress files from a .zip archive.
--- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be extracted.
--- @return boolean: true on success, nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.unzip(zipfile)
- assert(zipfile)
- if fs.execute_quiet(vars.SEVENZ.." -aoa x", zipfile) then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "failed extracting " .. zipfile
- end
-local function sevenz(default_ext, infile, outfile)
- assert(type(infile) == "string")
- assert(outfile == nil or type(outfile) == "string")
- local dropext = infile:gsub("%."..default_ext.."$", "")
- local outdir = dir.dir_name(dropext)
- infile = fs.absolute_name(infile)
- local cmdline = vars.SEVENZ.." -aoa -t* -o"..fs.Q(outdir).." x "..fs.Q(infile)
- local ok, err = fs.execute_quiet(cmdline)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "failed extracting " .. infile
- end
- if outfile then
- outfile = fs.absolute_name(outfile)
- dropext = fs.absolute_name(dropext)
- ok, err = os.rename(dropext, outfile)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "failed creating new file " .. outfile
- end
- end
- return true
---- Uncompresses a .gz file.
--- @param infile string: pathname of .gz file to be extracted.
--- @param outfile string or nil: pathname of output file to be produced.
--- If not given, name is derived from input file.
--- @return boolean: true on success; nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.gunzip(infile, outfile)
- return sevenz("gz", infile, outfile)
---- Uncompresses a .bz2 file.
--- @param infile string: pathname of .bz2 file to be extracted.
--- @param outfile string or nil: pathname of output file to be produced.
--- If not given, name is derived from input file.
--- @return boolean: true on success; nil and error message on failure.
-function tools.bunzip2(infile, outfile)
- return sevenz("bz2", infile, outfile)
---- Helper function for fs.set_permissions
--- @return table: an array of all system users
-local function get_system_users()
- local exclude = {
- [""] = true,
- ["Name"] = true,
- ["\128\164\172\168\173\168\225\226\224\160\226\174\224"] = true, -- Administrator in cp866
- ["Administrator"] = true,
- }
- local result = {}
- local fd = assert(io.popen("wmic UserAccount get name"))
- for user in fd:lines() do
- user = user:gsub("%s+$", "")
- if not exclude[user] then
- table.insert(result, user)
- end
- end
- return result
---- Set permissions for file or directory
--- @param filename string: filename whose permissions are to be modified
--- @param mode string ("read" or "exec"): permission to set
--- @param scope string ("user" or "all"): the user(s) to whom the permission applies
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
--- plus an error message
-function tools.set_permissions(filename, mode, scope)
- assert(filename and mode and scope)
- if scope == "user" then
- local perms
- if mode == "read" then
- perms = "(R,W,M)"
- elseif mode == "exec" then
- perms = "(F)"
- end
- local ok
- -- Take ownership of the given file
- ok = fs.execute_quiet("takeown /f " .. fs.Q(filename))
- if not ok then
- return false, "Could not take ownership of the given file"
- end
- local username = os.getenv('USERNAME')
- -- Grant the current user the proper rights
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(vars.ICACLS .. " " .. fs.Q(filename) .. " /inheritance:d /grant:r " .. fs.Q(username) .. ":" .. perms)
- if not ok then
- return false, "Failed setting permission " .. mode .. " for " .. scope
- end
- -- Finally, remove all the other users from the ACL in order to deny them access to the file
- for _, user in pairs(get_system_users()) do
- if username ~= user then
- local ok = fs.execute_quiet(vars.ICACLS .. " " .. fs.Q(filename) .. " /remove " .. fs.Q(user))
- if not ok then
- return false, "Failed setting permission " .. mode .. " for " .. scope
- end
- end
- end
- elseif scope == "all" then
- local my_perms, others_perms
- if mode == "read" then
- my_perms = "(R,W,M)"
- others_perms = "(R)"
- elseif mode == "exec" then
- my_perms = "(F)"
- others_perms = "(RX)"
- end
- local ok
- -- Grant permissions available to all users
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(vars.ICACLS .. " " .. fs.Q(filename) .. " /inheritance:d /grant:r *S-1-1-0:" .. others_perms)
- if not ok then
- return false, "Failed setting permission " .. mode .. " for " .. scope
- end
- -- Grant permissions available only to the current user
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(vars.ICACLS .. " " .. fs.Q(filename) .. " /inheritance:d /grant \"%USERNAME%\":" .. my_perms)
- -- This may not be necessary if the above syntax is correct,
- -- but I couldn't really test the extra quotes above, so if that
- -- fails we try again with the syntax used in previous releases
- -- just to be on the safe side
- if not ok then
- ok = fs.execute_quiet(vars.ICACLS .. " " .. fs.Q(filename) .. " /inheritance:d /grant %USERNAME%:" .. my_perms)
- end
- if not ok then
- return false, "Failed setting permission " .. mode .. " for " .. scope
- end
- end
- return true
-function tools.browser(url)
- return fs.execute(cfg.web_browser..' "Starting docs..." '..fs.Q(url))
--- Set access and modification times for a file.
--- @param filename File to set access and modification times for.
--- @param time may be a string or number containing the format returned
--- by os.time, or a table ready to be processed via os.time; if
--- nil, current time is assumed.
-function tools.set_time(filename, time)
- return true -- FIXME
-return tools
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fun.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fun.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 80bf7c206..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fun.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
---- A set of basic functional utilities
-local fun = {}
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
-function fun.concat(xs, ys)
- local rs = {}
- local n = #xs
- for i = 1, n do
- rs[i] = xs[i]
- end
- for i = 1, #ys do
- rs[i + n] = ys[i]
- end
- return rs
-function fun.contains(xs, v)
- for _, x in ipairs(xs) do
- if v == x then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-function fun.map(xs, f)
- local rs = {}
- for i = 1, #xs do
- rs[i] = f(xs[i])
- end
- return rs
-function fun.filter(xs, f)
- local rs = {}
- for i = 1, #xs do
- local v = xs[i]
- if f(v) then
- rs[#rs+1] = v
- end
- end
- return rs
-function fun.traverse(t, f)
- return fun.map(t, function(x)
- return type(x) == "table" and fun.traverse(x, f) or f(x)
- end)
-function fun.reverse_in(t)
- for i = 1, math.floor(#t/2) do
- local m, n = i, #t - i + 1
- local a, b = t[m], t[n]
- t[m] = b
- t[n] = a
- end
- return t
-function fun.sort_in(t, f)
- table.sort(t, f)
- return t
-function fun.flip(f)
- return function(a, b)
- return f(b, a)
- end
-function fun.find(xs, f)
- if type(xs) == "function" then
- for v in xs do
- local x = f(v)
- if x then
- return x
- end
- end
- elseif type(xs) == "table" then
- for _, v in ipairs(xs) do
- local x = f(v)
- if x then
- return x
- end
- end
- end
-function fun.partial(f, ...)
- local n = select("#", ...)
- if n == 1 then
- local a = ...
- return function(...)
- return f(a, ...)
- end
- elseif n == 2 then
- local a, b = ...
- return function(...)
- return f(a, b, ...)
- end
- else
- local pargs = { n = n, ... }
- return function(...)
- local m = select("#", ...)
- local fargs = { ... }
- local args = {}
- for i = 1, n do
- args[i] = pargs[i]
- end
- for i = 1, m do
- args[i+n] = fargs[i]
- end
- return f(unpack(args, 1, n+m))
- end
- end
-function fun.memoize(fn)
- local memory = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
- local errors = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
- local NIL = {}
- return function(arg)
- if memory[arg] then
- if memory[arg] == NIL then
- return nil, errors[arg]
- end
- return memory[arg]
- end
- local ret1, ret2 = fn(arg)
- if ret1 ~= nil then
- memory[arg] = ret1
- else
- memory[arg] = NIL
- errors[arg] = ret2
- end
- return ret1, ret2
- end
-return fun
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/loader.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/loader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 772fdfcb4..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/loader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
---- A module which installs a Lua package loader that is LuaRocks-aware.
--- This loader uses dependency information from the LuaRocks tree to load
--- correct versions of modules. It does this by constructing a "context"
--- table in the environment, which records which versions of packages were
--- used to load previous modules, so that the loader chooses versions
--- that are declared to be compatible with the ones loaded earlier.
--- luacheck: globals luarocks
-local loaders = package.loaders or package.searchers
-local require, ipairs, table, type, next, tostring, error =
- require, ipairs, table, type, next, tostring, error
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local loader = {}
-local is_clean = not package.loaded["luarocks.core.cfg"]
--- This loader module depends only on core modules.
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local cfg_ok, err = cfg.init()
-if cfg_ok then
- cfg.init_package_paths()
-local path = require("luarocks.core.path")
-local manif = require("luarocks.core.manif")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local require = nil -- luacheck: ignore 411
--- Workaround for wrappers produced by older versions of LuaRocks
-local temporary_global = false
-local status, luarocks_value = pcall(function() return luarocks end)
-if status and luarocks_value then
- -- The site_config.lua file generated by old versions uses module(),
- -- so it produces a global `luarocks` table. Since we have the table,
- -- add the `loader` field to make the old wrappers happy.
- luarocks.loader = loader
- -- When a new version is installed on top of an old version,
- -- site_config.lua may be replaced, and then it no longer creates
- -- a global.
- -- Detect when being called via -lluarocks.loader; this is
- -- most likely a wrapper.
- local info = debug and debug.getinfo(2, "nS")
- if info and info.what == "C" and not info.name then
- luarocks = { loader = loader }
- temporary_global = true
- -- For the other half of this hack,
- -- see the next use of `temporary_global` below.
- end
-loader.context = {}
---- Process the dependencies of a package to determine its dependency
--- chain for loading modules.
--- @param name string: The name of an installed rock.
--- @param version string: The version of the rock, in string format
-function loader.add_context(name, version)
- -- assert(type(name) == "string")
- -- assert(type(version) == "string")
- if temporary_global then
- -- The first thing a wrapper does is to call add_context.
- -- From here on, it's safe to clean the global environment.
- luarocks = nil
- temporary_global = false
- end
- local tree_manifests = manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests()
- if not tree_manifests then
- return nil
- end
- return manif.scan_dependencies(name, version, tree_manifests, loader.context)
---- Internal sorting function.
--- @param a table: A provider table.
--- @param b table: Another provider table.
--- @return boolean: True if the version of a is greater than that of b.
-local function sort_versions(a,b)
- return a.version > b.version
---- Request module to be loaded through other loaders,
--- once the proper name of the module has been determined.
--- For example, in case the module "socket.core" has been requested
--- to the LuaRocks loader and it determined based on context that
--- the version 2.0.2 needs to be loaded and it is not the current
--- version, the module requested for the other loaders will be
--- "socket.core_2_0_2".
--- @param module The module name requested by the user, such as "socket.core"
--- @param name The rock name, such as "luasocket"
--- @param version The rock version, such as "2.0.2-1"
--- @param module_name The actual module name, such as "socket.core" or "socket.core_2_0_2".
--- @return table or (nil, string): The module table as returned by some other loader,
--- or nil followed by an error message if no other loader managed to load the module.
-local function call_other_loaders(module, name, version, module_name)
- for _, a_loader in ipairs(loaders) do
- if a_loader ~= loader.luarocks_loader then
- local results = { a_loader(module_name) }
- if type(results[1]) == "function" then
- return unpack(results)
- end
- end
- end
- return "Failed loading module "..module.." in LuaRocks rock "..name.." "..version
-local function add_providers(providers, entries, tree, module, filter_file_name)
- for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
- local name, version = entry:match("^([^/]*)/(.*)$")
- local file_name = tree.manifest.repository[name][version][1].modules[module]
- if type(file_name) ~= "string" then
- error("Invalid data in manifest file for module "..tostring(module).." (invalid data for "..tostring(name).." "..tostring(version)..")")
- end
- file_name = filter_file_name(file_name, name, version, tree.tree, i)
- if loader.context[name] == version then
- return name, version, file_name
- end
- version = vers.parse_version(version)
- table.insert(providers, {name = name, version = version, module_name = file_name, tree = tree})
- end
---- Search for a module in the rocks trees
--- @param module string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
--- @param filter_file_name function(string, string, string, string, number):
--- a function that takes the module file name (eg "socket/core.so"), the rock name
--- (eg "luasocket"), the version (eg "2.0.2-1"), the path of the rocks tree
--- (eg "/usr/local"), and the numeric index of the matching entry, so the
--- filter function can know if the matching module was the first entry or not.
--- @return string, string, string, (string or table):
--- * name of the rock containing the module (eg. "luasocket")
--- * version of the rock (eg. "2.0.2-1")
--- * return value of filter_file_name
--- * tree of the module (string or table in `tree_manifests` format)
-local function select_module(module, filter_file_name)
- --assert(type(module) == "string")
- --assert(type(filter_module_name) == "function")
- local tree_manifests = manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests()
- if not tree_manifests then
- return nil
- end
- local providers = {}
- local initmodule
- for _, tree in ipairs(tree_manifests) do
- local entries = tree.manifest.modules[module]
- if entries then
- local n, v, f = add_providers(providers, entries, tree, module, filter_file_name)
- if n then
- return n, v, f
- end
- else
- initmodule = initmodule or module .. ".init"
- entries = tree.manifest.modules[initmodule]
- if entries then
- local n, v, f = add_providers(providers, entries, tree, initmodule, filter_file_name)
- if n then
- return n, v, f
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if next(providers) then
- table.sort(providers, sort_versions)
- local first = providers[1]
- return first.name, first.version.string, first.module_name, first.tree
- end
---- Search for a module
--- @param module string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
--- @return string, string, string, (string or table):
--- * name of the rock containing the module (eg. "luasocket")
--- * version of the rock (eg. "2.0.2-1")
--- * name of the module (eg. "socket.core", or "socket.core_2_0_2" if file is stored versioned).
--- * tree of the module (string or table in `tree_manifests` format)
-local function pick_module(module)
- return
- select_module(module, function(file_name, name, version, tree, i)
- if i > 1 then
- file_name = path.versioned_name(file_name, "", name, version)
- end
- return path.path_to_module(file_name)
- end)
---- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module.
--- @param module string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
--- @param where string: places to look for the module. If `where` contains
--- "l", it will search using the LuaRocks loader; if it contains "p",
--- it will look in the filesystem using package.path and package.cpath.
--- You can use both at the same time.
--- @return If successful, it will return four values.
--- * If found using the LuaRocks loader, it will return:
--- * filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/core.so"),
--- * rock name
--- * rock version
--- * "l" to indicate the match comes from the loader.
--- * If found scanning package.path and package.cpath, it will return:
--- * filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/core.so"),
--- * "path" or "cpath"
--- * nil
--- * "p" to indicate the match comes from scanning package.path and cpath.
--- If unsuccessful, nothing is returned.
-function loader.which(module, where)
- where = where or "l"
- if where:match("l") then
- local rock_name, rock_version, file_name = select_module(module, path.which_i)
- if rock_name then
- local fd = io.open(file_name)
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return file_name, rock_name, rock_version, "l"
- end
- end
- end
- if where:match("p") then
- local modpath = module:gsub("%.", "/")
- for _, v in ipairs({"path", "cpath"}) do
- for p in package[v]:gmatch("([^;]+)") do
- local file_name = p:gsub("%?", modpath) -- luacheck: ignore 421
- local fd = io.open(file_name)
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return file_name, v, nil, "p"
- end
- end
- end
- end
---- Package loader for LuaRocks support.
--- A module is searched in installed rocks that match the
--- current LuaRocks context. If module is not part of the
--- context, or if a context has not yet been set, the module
--- in the package with the highest version is used.
--- @param module string: The module name, like in plain require().
--- @return table: The module table (typically), like in plain
--- require(). See require()
--- in the Lua reference manual for details.
-function loader.luarocks_loader(module)
- local name, version, module_name = pick_module(module)
- if not name then
- return "No LuaRocks module found for "..module
- else
- loader.add_context(name, version)
- return call_other_loaders(module, name, version, module_name)
- end
-table.insert(loaders, 1, loader.luarocks_loader)
-if is_clean then
- for modname, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do
- if modname:match("^luarocks%.") then
- package.loaded[modname] = nil
- end
- end
-return loader
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/manif.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/manif.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ddda11e..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/manif.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
---- Module for handling manifest files and tables.
--- Manifest files describe the contents of a LuaRocks tree or server.
--- They are loaded into manifest tables, which are then used for
--- performing searches, matching dependencies, etc.
-local manif = {}
-local core = require("luarocks.core.manif")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local type_manifest = require("luarocks.type.manifest")
-manif.cache_manifest = core.cache_manifest
-manif.load_rocks_tree_manifests = core.load_rocks_tree_manifests
-manif.scan_dependencies = core.scan_dependencies
-manif.rock_manifest_cache = {}
-local function check_manifest(repo_url, manifest, globals)
- local ok, err = type_manifest.check(manifest, globals)
- if not ok then
- core.cache_manifest(repo_url, cfg.lua_version, nil)
- return nil, "Error checking manifest: "..err, "type"
- end
- return manifest
-local postprocess_dependencies
- local postprocess_check = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
- postprocess_dependencies = function(manifest)
- if postprocess_check[manifest] then
- return
- end
- if manifest.dependencies then
- for name, versions in pairs(manifest.dependencies) do
- for version, entries in pairs(versions) do
- for k, v in pairs(entries) do
- entries[k] = queries.from_persisted_table(v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- postprocess_check[manifest] = true
- end
-function manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version, root)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local name_version = name.."/"..version
- if manif.rock_manifest_cache[name_version] then
- return manif.rock_manifest_cache[name_version].rock_manifest
- end
- local pathname = path.rock_manifest_file(name, version, root)
- local rock_manifest = persist.load_into_table(pathname)
- if not rock_manifest then
- return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "..name.." "..version.." - not a LuaRocks tree?"
- end
- manif.rock_manifest_cache[name_version] = rock_manifest
- return rock_manifest.rock_manifest
---- Load a local or remote manifest describing a repository.
--- All functions that use manifest tables assume they were obtained
--- through this function.
--- @param repo_url string: URL or pathname for the repository.
--- @param lua_version string: Lua version in "5.x" format, defaults to installed version.
--- @param versioned_only boolean: If true, do not fall back to the main manifest
--- if a versioned manifest was not found.
--- @return table or (nil, string, [string]): A table representing the manifest,
--- or nil followed by an error message and an optional error code.
-function manif.load_manifest(repo_url, lua_version, versioned_only)
- assert(type(repo_url) == "string")
- assert(type(lua_version) == "string" or not lua_version)
- lua_version = lua_version or cfg.lua_version
- local cached_manifest = core.get_cached_manifest(repo_url, lua_version)
- if cached_manifest then
- postprocess_dependencies(cached_manifest)
- return cached_manifest
- end
- local filenames = {
- "manifest-"..lua_version..".zip",
- "manifest-"..lua_version,
- not versioned_only and "manifest" or nil,
- }
- local protocol, repodir = dir.split_url(repo_url)
- local pathname, from_cache
- if protocol == "file" then
- for _, filename in ipairs(filenames) do
- pathname = dir.path(repodir, filename)
- if fs.exists(pathname) then
- break
- end
- end
- else
- local err, errcode
- for _, filename in ipairs(filenames) do
- pathname, err, errcode, from_cache = fetch.fetch_caching(dir.path(repo_url, filename), "no_mirror")
- if pathname then
- break
- end
- end
- if not pathname then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- end
- if pathname:match(".*%.zip$") then
- pathname = fs.absolute_name(pathname)
- local nozip = pathname:match("(.*)%.zip$")
- if not from_cache then
- local dirname = dir.dir_name(pathname)
- fs.change_dir(dirname)
- fs.delete(nozip)
- local ok, err = fs.unzip(pathname)
- fs.pop_dir()
- if not ok then
- fs.delete(pathname)
- fs.delete(pathname..".timestamp")
- return nil, "Failed extracting manifest file: " .. err
- end
- end
- pathname = nozip
- end
- local manifest, err, errcode = core.manifest_loader(pathname, repo_url, lua_version)
- if not manifest then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- postprocess_dependencies(manifest)
- return check_manifest(repo_url, manifest, err)
---- Get type and name of an item (a module or a command) provided by a file.
--- @param deploy_type string: rock manifest subtree the file comes from ("bin", "lua", or "lib").
--- @param file_path string: path to the file relatively to deploy_type subdirectory.
--- @return (string, string): item type ("module" or "command") and name.
-function manif.get_provided_item(deploy_type, file_path)
- assert(type(deploy_type) == "string")
- assert(type(file_path) == "string")
- local item_type = deploy_type == "bin" and "command" or "module"
- local item_name = item_type == "command" and file_path or path.path_to_module(file_path)
- return item_type, item_name
-local function get_providers(item_type, item_name, repo)
- assert(type(item_type) == "string")
- assert(type(item_name) == "string")
- local rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(repo or cfg.root_dir)
- local manifest = manif.load_manifest(rocks_dir)
- return manifest and manifest[item_type .. "s"][item_name]
---- Given a name of a module or a command, figure out which rock name and version
--- correspond to it in the rock tree manifest.
--- @param item_type string: "module" or "command".
--- @param item_name string: module or command name.
--- @param root string or nil: A local root dir for a rocks tree. If not given, the default is used.
--- @return (string, string) or nil: name and version of the provider rock or nil if there
--- is no provider.
-function manif.get_current_provider(item_type, item_name, repo)
- local providers = get_providers(item_type, item_name, repo)
- if providers then
- return providers[1]:match("([^/]*)/([^/]*)")
- end
-function manif.get_next_provider(item_type, item_name, repo)
- local providers = get_providers(item_type, item_name, repo)
- if providers and providers[2] then
- return providers[2]:match("([^/]*)/([^/]*)")
- end
---- Get all versions of a package listed in a manifest file.
--- @param name string: a package name.
--- @param deps_mode string: "one", to use only the currently
--- configured tree; "order" to select trees based on order
--- (use the current tree and all trees below it on the list)
--- or "all", to use all trees.
--- @return table: An array of strings listing installed
--- versions of a package, and a table indicating where they are found.
-function manif.get_versions(dep, deps_mode)
- assert(type(dep) == "table")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- local name = dep.name
- local namespace = dep.namespace
- local version_set = {}
- path.map_trees(deps_mode, function(tree)
- local manifest = manif.load_manifest(path.rocks_dir(tree))
- if manifest and manifest.repository[name] then
- for version in pairs(manifest.repository[name]) do
- if dep.namespace then
- local ns_file = path.rock_namespace_file(name, version, tree)
- local fd = io.open(ns_file, "r")
- if fd then
- local ns = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- if ns == namespace then
- version_set[version] = tree
- end
- end
- else
- version_set[version] = tree
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- return util.keys(version_set), version_set
-return manif
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/manif/writer.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/manif/writer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a435d29ed..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/manif/writer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-local writer = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
---- Update storage table to account for items provided by a package.
--- @param storage table: a table storing items in the following format:
--- keys are item names and values are arrays of packages providing each item,
--- where a package is specified as string `name/version`.
--- @param items table: a table mapping item names to paths.
--- @param name string: package name.
--- @param version string: package version.
-local function store_package_items(storage, name, version, items)
- assert(type(storage) == "table")
- assert(type(items) == "table")
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local package_identifier = name.."/"..version
- for item_name, path in pairs(items) do -- luacheck: ignore 431
- if not storage[item_name] then
- storage[item_name] = {}
- end
- table.insert(storage[item_name], package_identifier)
- end
---- Update storage table removing items provided by a package.
--- @param storage table: a table storing items in the following format:
--- keys are item names and values are arrays of packages providing each item,
--- where a package is specified as string `name/version`.
--- @param items table: a table mapping item names to paths.
--- @param name string: package name.
--- @param version string: package version.
-local function remove_package_items(storage, name, version, items)
- assert(type(storage) == "table")
- assert(type(items) == "table")
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local package_identifier = name.."/"..version
- for item_name, path in pairs(items) do -- luacheck: ignore 431
- local key = item_name
- local all_identifiers = storage[key]
- if not all_identifiers then
- key = key .. ".init"
- all_identifiers = storage[key]
- end
- if all_identifiers then
- for i, identifier in ipairs(all_identifiers) do
- if identifier == package_identifier then
- table.remove(all_identifiers, i)
- break
- end
- end
- if #all_identifiers == 0 then
- storage[key] = nil
- end
- else
- util.warning("Cannot find entry for " .. item_name .. " in manifest -- corrupted manifest?")
- end
- end
---- Process the dependencies of a manifest table to determine its dependency
--- chains for loading modules. The manifest dependencies information is filled
--- and any dependency inconsistencies or missing dependencies are reported to
--- standard error.
--- @param manifest table: a manifest table.
--- @param deps_mode string: Dependency mode: "one" for the current default tree,
--- "all" for all trees, "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default,
--- "none" for no trees.
-local function update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
- assert(type(manifest) == "table")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- for pkg, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
- for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
- for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
- if repo.arch == "installed" then
- repo.dependencies = {}
- deps.scan_deps(repo.dependencies, manifest, pkg, version, deps_mode)
- repo.dependencies[pkg] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
---- Sort function for ordering rock identifiers in a manifest's
--- modules table. Rocks are ordered alphabetically by name, and then
--- by version which greater first.
--- @param a string: Version to compare.
--- @param b string: Version to compare.
--- @return boolean: The comparison result, according to the
--- rule outlined above.
-local function sort_pkgs(a, b)
- assert(type(a) == "string")
- assert(type(b) == "string")
- local na, va = a:match("(.*)/(.*)$")
- local nb, vb = b:match("(.*)/(.*)$")
- return (na == nb) and vers.compare_versions(va, vb) or na < nb
---- Sort items of a package matching table by version number (higher versions first).
--- @param tbl table: the package matching table: keys should be strings
--- and values arrays of strings with packages names in "name/version" format.
-local function sort_package_matching_table(tbl)
- assert(type(tbl) == "table")
- if next(tbl) then
- for item, pkgs in pairs(tbl) do
- if #pkgs > 1 then
- table.sort(pkgs, sort_pkgs)
- -- Remove duplicates from the sorted array.
- local prev = nil
- local i = 1
- while pkgs[i] do
- local curr = pkgs[i]
- if curr == prev then
- table.remove(pkgs, i)
- else
- prev = curr
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
---- Filter manifest table by Lua version, removing rockspecs whose Lua version
--- does not match.
--- @param manifest table: a manifest table.
--- @param lua_version string or nil: filter by Lua version
--- @param repodir string: directory of repository being scanned
--- @param cache table: temporary rockspec cache table
-local function filter_by_lua_version(manifest, lua_version, repodir, cache)
- assert(type(manifest) == "table")
- assert(type(repodir) == "string")
- assert((not cache) or type(cache) == "table")
- cache = cache or {}
- lua_version = vers.parse_version(lua_version)
- for pkg, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
- local to_remove = {}
- for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
- for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
- if repo.arch == "rockspec" then
- local pathname = dir.path(repodir, pkg.."-"..version..".rockspec")
- local rockspec, err = cache[pathname]
- if not rockspec then
- rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(pathname, true)
- end
- if rockspec then
- cache[pathname] = rockspec
- for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec.dependencies) do
- if dep.name == "lua" then
- if not vers.match_constraints(lua_version, dep.constraints) then
- table.insert(to_remove, version)
- end
- break
- end
- end
- else
- util.printerr("Error loading rockspec for "..pkg.." "..version..": "..err)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if next(to_remove) then
- for _, incompat in ipairs(to_remove) do
- versions[incompat] = nil
- end
- if not next(versions) then
- manifest.repository[pkg] = nil
- end
- end
- end
---- Store search results in a manifest table.
--- @param results table: The search results as returned by search.disk_search.
--- @param manifest table: A manifest table (must contain repository, modules, commands tables).
--- It will be altered to include the search results.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true in case of success, or nil followed by an error message.
-local function store_results(results, manifest)
- assert(type(results) == "table")
- assert(type(manifest) == "table")
- for name, versions in pairs(results) do
- local pkgtable = manifest.repository[name] or {}
- for version, entries in pairs(versions) do
- local versiontable = {}
- for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do
- local entrytable = {}
- entrytable.arch = entry.arch
- if entry.arch == "installed" then
- local rock_manifest, err = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if not rock_manifest then return nil, err end
- entrytable.modules = repos.package_modules(name, version)
- store_package_items(manifest.modules, name, version, entrytable.modules)
- entrytable.commands = repos.package_commands(name, version)
- store_package_items(manifest.commands, name, version, entrytable.commands)
- end
- table.insert(versiontable, entrytable)
- end
- pkgtable[version] = versiontable
- end
- manifest.repository[name] = pkgtable
- end
- sort_package_matching_table(manifest.modules)
- sort_package_matching_table(manifest.commands)
- return true
---- Commit a table to disk in given local path.
--- @param where string: The directory where the table should be saved.
--- @param name string: The filename.
--- @param tbl table: The table to be saved.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, or nil and a
--- message in case of errors.
-local function save_table(where, name, tbl)
- assert(type(where) == "string")
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(tbl) == "table")
- local filename = dir.path(where, name)
- local ok, err = persist.save_from_table(filename..".tmp", tbl)
- if ok then
- ok, err = fs.replace_file(filename, filename..".tmp")
- end
- return ok, err
-function writer.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
- local install_dir = path.install_dir(name, version)
- local tree = {}
- for _, file in ipairs(fs.find(install_dir)) do
- local full_path = dir.path(install_dir, file)
- local walk = tree
- local last
- local last_name
- for filename in file:gmatch("[^/]+") do
- local next = walk[filename]
- if not next then
- next = {}
- walk[filename] = next
- end
- last = walk
- last_name = filename
- walk = next
- end
- if fs.is_file(full_path) then
- local sum, err = fs.get_md5(full_path)
- if not sum then
- return nil, "Failed producing checksum: "..tostring(err)
- end
- last[last_name] = sum
- end
- end
- local rock_manifest = { rock_manifest=tree }
- manif.rock_manifest_cache[name.."/"..version] = rock_manifest
- save_table(install_dir, "rock_manifest", rock_manifest )
- return true
--- Writes a 'rock_namespace' file in a locally installed rock directory.
--- @param name string: the rock name, without a namespace
--- @param version string: the rock version
--- @param namespace string?: the namespace
--- @return true if successful (or unnecessary, if there is no namespace),
--- or nil and an error message.
-function writer.make_namespace_file(name, version, namespace)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(namespace) == "string" or not namespace)
- if not namespace then
- return true
- end
- local fd, err = io.open(path.rock_namespace_file(name, version), "w")
- if not fd then
- return nil, err
- end
- local ok, err = fd:write(namespace)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- fd:close()
- return true
---- Scan a LuaRocks repository and output a manifest file.
--- A file called 'manifest' will be written in the root of the given
--- repository directory.
--- @param repo A local repository directory.
--- @param deps_mode string: Dependency mode: "one" for the current default tree,
--- "all" for all trees, "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default,
--- "none" for the default dependency mode from the configuration.
--- @param remote boolean: 'true' if making a manifest for a rocks server.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
--- or nil and an error message.
-function writer.make_manifest(repo, deps_mode, remote)
- assert(type(repo) == "string")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end
- if not fs.is_dir(repo) then
- return nil, "Cannot access repository at "..repo
- end
- local query = queries.all("any")
- local results = search.disk_search(repo, query)
- local manifest = { repository = {}, modules = {}, commands = {} }
- manif.cache_manifest(repo, nil, manifest)
- local ok, err = store_results(results, manifest)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if remote then
- local cache = {}
- for luaver in util.lua_versions() do
- local vmanifest = { repository = {}, modules = {}, commands = {} }
- local ok, err = store_results(results, vmanifest)
- filter_by_lua_version(vmanifest, luaver, repo, cache)
- if not cfg.no_manifest then
- save_table(repo, "manifest-"..luaver, vmanifest)
- end
- end
- else
- update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
- end
- if cfg.no_manifest then
- -- We want to have cache updated; but exit before save_table is called
- return true
- end
- return save_table(repo, "manifest", manifest)
---- Update manifest file for a local repository
--- adding information about a version of a package installed in that repository.
--- @param name string: Name of a package from the repository.
--- @param version string: Version of a package from the repository.
--- @param repo string or nil: Pathname of a local repository. If not given,
--- the default local repository is used.
--- @param deps_mode string: Dependency mode: "one" for the current default tree,
--- "all" for all trees, "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default,
--- "none" for using the default dependency mode from the configuration.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was updated successfully,
--- or nil and an error message.
-function writer.add_to_manifest(name, version, repo, deps_mode)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(repo or cfg.root_dir)
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end
- local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(rocks_dir)
- if not manifest then
- util.printerr("No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild...")
- -- Manifest built by `writer.make_manifest` should already
- -- include information about given name and version,
- -- no need to update it.
- return writer.make_manifest(rocks_dir, deps_mode)
- end
- local results = {[name] = {[version] = {{arch = "installed", repo = rocks_dir}}}}
- local ok, err = store_results(results, manifest)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
- if cfg.no_manifest then
- return true
- end
- return save_table(rocks_dir, "manifest", manifest)
---- Update manifest file for a local repository
--- removing information about a version of a package.
--- @param name string: Name of a package removed from the repository.
--- @param version string: Version of a package removed from the repository.
--- @param repo string or nil: Pathname of a local repository. If not given,
--- the default local repository is used.
--- @param deps_mode string: Dependency mode: "one" for the current default tree,
--- "all" for all trees, "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default,
--- "none" for using the default dependency mode from the configuration.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was updated successfully,
--- or nil and an error message.
-function writer.remove_from_manifest(name, version, repo, deps_mode)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(repo or cfg.root_dir)
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end
- local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(rocks_dir)
- if not manifest then
- util.printerr("No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild...")
- -- Manifest built by `writer.make_manifest` should already
- -- include up-to-date information, no need to update it.
- return writer.make_manifest(rocks_dir, deps_mode)
- end
- local package_entry = manifest.repository[name]
- if package_entry == nil or package_entry[version] == nil then
- -- entry is already missing from repository, no need to do anything
- return true
- end
- local version_entry = package_entry[version][1]
- if not version_entry then
- -- manifest looks corrupted, rebuild
- return writer.make_manifest(rocks_dir, deps_mode)
- end
- remove_package_items(manifest.modules, name, version, version_entry.modules)
- remove_package_items(manifest.commands, name, version, version_entry.commands)
- package_entry[version] = nil
- manifest.dependencies[name][version] = nil
- if not next(package_entry) then
- -- No more versions of this package.
- manifest.repository[name] = nil
- manifest.dependencies[name] = nil
- end
- update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
- if cfg.no_manifest then
- return true
- end
- return save_table(rocks_dir, "manifest", manifest)
---- Report missing dependencies for all rocks installed in a repository.
--- @param repo string or nil: Pathname of a local repository. If not given,
--- the default local repository is used.
--- @param deps_mode string: Dependency mode: "one" for the current default tree,
--- "all" for all trees, "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default,
--- "none" for using the default dependency mode from the configuration.
-function writer.check_dependencies(repo, deps_mode)
- local rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(repo or cfg.root_dir)
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end
- local manifest = manif.load_manifest(rocks_dir)
- if not manifest then
- return
- end
- for name, versions in util.sortedpairs(manifest.repository) do
- for version, version_entries in util.sortedpairs(versions, vers.compare_versions) do
- for _, entry in ipairs(version_entries) do
- if entry.arch == "installed" then
- if manifest.dependencies[name] and manifest.dependencies[name][version] then
- deps.report_missing_dependencies(name, version, manifest.dependencies[name][version], deps_mode, util.get_rocks_provided())
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-return writer
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/pack.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/pack.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d70a854c..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/pack.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
--- Create rock files, packing sources or binaries.
-local pack = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local signing = require("luarocks.signing")
---- Create a source rock.
--- Packages a rockspec and its required source files in a rock
--- file with the .src.rock extension, which can later be built and
--- installed with the "build" command.
--- @param rockspec_file string: An URL or pathname for a rockspec file.
--- @return string or (nil, string): The filename of the resulting
--- .src.rock file; or nil and an error message.
-function pack.pack_source_rock(rockspec_file)
- assert(type(rockspec_file) == "string")
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
- if err then
- return nil, "Error loading rockspec: "..err
- end
- rockspec_file = rockspec.local_abs_filename
- local name_version = rockspec.name .. "-" .. rockspec.version
- local rock_file = fs.absolute_name(name_version .. ".src.rock")
- local temp_dir, err = fs.make_temp_dir("pack-"..name_version)
- if not temp_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory: "..err
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
- local source_file, source_dir = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, true, temp_dir)
- if not source_file then
- return nil, source_dir
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(source_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- fs.delete(rock_file)
- fs.copy(rockspec_file, source_dir, "read")
- ok, err = fs.zip(rock_file, dir.base_name(rockspec_file), dir.base_name(source_file))
- if not ok then
- return nil, "Failed packing "..rock_file.." - "..err
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- return rock_file
-local function copy_back_files(name, version, file_tree, deploy_dir, pack_dir, perms)
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(pack_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- for file, sub in pairs(file_tree) do
- local source = dir.path(deploy_dir, file)
- local target = dir.path(pack_dir, file)
- if type(sub) == "table" then
- local ok, err = copy_back_files(name, version, sub, source, target)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- else
- local versioned = path.versioned_name(source, deploy_dir, name, version)
- if fs.exists(versioned) then
- fs.copy(versioned, target, perms)
- else
- fs.copy(source, target, perms)
- end
- end
- end
- return true
--- @param name string: Name of package to pack.
--- @param version string or nil: A version number may also be passed.
--- @param tree string or nil: An optional tree to pick the package from.
--- @return string or (nil, string): The filename of the resulting
--- .src.rock file; or nil and an error message.
-function pack.pack_installed_rock(query, tree)
- local name, version, repo, repo_url = search.pick_installed_rock(query, tree)
- if not name then
- return nil, version
- end
- local root = path.root_from_rocks_dir(repo_url)
- local prefix = path.install_dir(name, version, root)
- if not fs.exists(prefix) then
- return nil, "'"..name.." "..version.."' does not seem to be an installed rock."
- end
- local rock_manifest, err = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version, root)
- if not rock_manifest then return nil, err end
- local name_version = name .. "-" .. version
- local rock_file = fs.absolute_name(name_version .. "."..cfg.arch..".rock")
- local temp_dir = fs.make_temp_dir("pack")
- fs.copy_contents(prefix, temp_dir)
- local is_binary = false
- if rock_manifest.lib then
- local ok, err = copy_back_files(name, version, rock_manifest.lib, path.deploy_lib_dir(repo), dir.path(temp_dir, "lib"), "exec")
- if not ok then return nil, "Failed copying back files: " .. err end
- is_binary = true
- end
- if rock_manifest.lua then
- local ok, err = copy_back_files(name, version, rock_manifest.lua, path.deploy_lua_dir(repo), dir.path(temp_dir, "lua"), "read")
- if not ok then return nil, "Failed copying back files: " .. err end
- end
- local ok, err = fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- if not is_binary and not repos.has_binaries(name, version) then
- rock_file = rock_file:gsub("%."..cfg.arch:gsub("%-","%%-").."%.", ".all.")
- end
- fs.delete(rock_file)
- if not fs.zip(rock_file, unpack(fs.list_dir())) then
- return nil, "Failed packing "..rock_file
- end
- fs.pop_dir()
- fs.delete(temp_dir)
- return rock_file
-function pack.report_and_sign_local_file(file, err, sign)
- if err then
- return nil, err
- end
- local sigfile
- if sign then
- sigfile, err = signing.sign_file(file)
- util.printout()
- end
- util.printout("Packed: "..file)
- if sigfile then
- util.printout("Signature stored in: "..sigfile)
- end
- if err then
- return nil, err
- end
- return true
-function pack.pack_binary_rock(name, namespace, version, sign, cmd)
- -- The --pack-binary-rock option for "luarocks build" basically performs
- -- "luarocks build" on a temporary tree and then "luarocks pack". The
- -- alternative would require refactoring parts of luarocks.build and
- -- luarocks.pack, which would save a few file operations: the idea would be
- -- to shave off the final deploy steps from the build phase and the initial
- -- collect steps from the pack phase.
- local temp_dir, err = fs.make_temp_dir("luarocks-build-pack-"..dir.base_name(name))
- if not temp_dir then
- return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory: "..err
- end
- util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
- path.use_tree(temp_dir)
- local ok, err = cmd()
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local rname, rversion = path.parse_name(name)
- if not rname then
- rname, rversion = name, version
- end
- local query = queries.new(rname, namespace, rversion)
- local file, err = pack.pack_installed_rock(query, temp_dir)
- return pack.report_and_sign_local_file(file, err, sign)
-return pack
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/path.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/path.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f04ef05..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/path.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
---- LuaRocks-specific path handling functions.
--- All paths are configured in this module, making it a single
--- point where the layout of the local installation is defined in LuaRocks.
-local path = {}
-local core = require("luarocks.core.path")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-path.rocks_dir = core.rocks_dir
-path.versioned_name = core.versioned_name
-path.path_to_module = core.path_to_module
-path.deploy_lua_dir = core.deploy_lua_dir
-path.deploy_lib_dir = core.deploy_lib_dir
-path.map_trees = core.map_trees
-path.rocks_tree_to_string = core.rocks_tree_to_string
---- Infer rockspec filename from a rock filename.
--- @param rock_name string: Pathname of a rock file.
--- @return string: Filename of the rockspec, without path.
-function path.rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_name)
- assert(type(rock_name) == "string")
- local base_name = dir.base_name(rock_name)
- return base_name:match("(.*)%.[^.]*.rock") .. ".rockspec"
-function path.root_from_rocks_dir(rocks_dir)
- assert(type(rocks_dir) == "string")
- return rocks_dir:match("(.*)" .. util.matchquote(cfg.rocks_subdir) .. ".*$")
-function path.root_dir(tree)
- if type(tree) == "string" then
- return tree
- else
- assert(type(tree) == "table")
- return tree.root
- end
-function path.deploy_bin_dir(tree)
- return dir.path(path.root_dir(tree), "bin")
-function path.manifest_file(tree)
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), "manifest")
---- Get the directory for all versions of a package in a tree.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.versions_dir(name, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name)
---- Get the local installation directory (prefix) for a package.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.install_dir(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version)
---- Get the local filename of the rockspec of an installed rock.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
-function path.rockspec_file(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, name.."-"..version..".rockspec")
---- Get the local filename of the rock_manifest file of an installed rock.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
-function path.rock_manifest_file(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "rock_manifest")
---- Get the local filename of the rock_namespace file of an installed rock.
--- @param name string: The package name (without a namespace).
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
-function path.rock_namespace_file(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "rock_namespace")
---- Get the local installation directory for C libraries of a package.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.lib_dir(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lib")
---- Get the local installation directory for Lua modules of a package.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.lua_dir(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lua")
---- Get the local installation directory for documentation of a package.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.doc_dir(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "doc")
---- Get the local installation directory for configuration files of a package.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.conf_dir(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "conf")
---- Get the local installation directory for command-line scripts
--- of a package.
--- @param name string: The package name.
--- @param version string: The package version.
--- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
--- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
--- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
-function path.bin_dir(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return dir.path(path.rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "bin")
---- Extract name, version and arch of a rock filename,
--- or name, version and "rockspec" from a rockspec name.
--- @param file_name string: pathname of a rock or rockspec
--- @return (string, string, string) or nil: name, version and arch
--- or nil if name could not be parsed
-function path.parse_name(file_name)
- assert(type(file_name) == "string")
- if file_name:match("%.rock$") then
- return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.([^.]+)%.rock$")
- else
- return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.(rockspec)")
- end
---- Make a rockspec or rock URL.
--- @param pathname string: Base URL or pathname.
--- @param name string: Package name.
--- @param version string: Package version.
--- @param arch string: Architecture identifier, or "rockspec" or "installed".
--- @return string: A URL or pathname following LuaRocks naming conventions.
-function path.make_url(pathname, name, version, arch)
- assert(type(pathname) == "string")
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(arch) == "string")
- local filename = name.."-"..version
- if arch == "installed" then
- filename = dir.path(name, version, filename..".rockspec")
- elseif arch == "rockspec" then
- filename = filename..".rockspec"
- else
- filename = filename.."."..arch..".rock"
- end
- return dir.path(pathname, filename)
---- Obtain the directory name where a module should be stored.
--- For example, on Unix, "foo.bar.baz" will return "foo/bar".
--- @param mod string: A module name in Lua dot-separated format.
--- @return string: A directory name using the platform's separator.
-function path.module_to_path(mod)
- assert(type(mod) == "string")
- return (mod:gsub("[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.", "/"))
-function path.use_tree(tree)
- cfg.root_dir = tree
- cfg.rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(tree)
- cfg.deploy_bin_dir = path.deploy_bin_dir(tree)
- cfg.deploy_lua_dir = path.deploy_lua_dir(tree)
- cfg.deploy_lib_dir = path.deploy_lib_dir(tree)
- -- TODO Do we want LuaRocks itself to use whatever tree is in use?
- -- package.path = dir.path(path.deploy_lua_dir(tree), "?.lua") .. ";"
- -- .. dir.path(path.deploy_lua_dir(tree), "?/init.lua") .. ";"
- -- .. package.path
- -- package.cpath = dir.path(path.deploy_lib_dir(tree), "?." .. cfg.lib_extension) .. ";"
- -- .. package.cpath
---- Get the namespace of a locally-installed rock, if any.
--- @param name string: The rock name, without a namespace.
--- @param version string: The rock version.
--- @param tree string: The local tree to use.
--- @return string?: The namespace if it exists, or nil.
-function path.read_namespace(name, version, tree)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(tree) == "string")
- local namespace
- local fd = io.open(path.rock_namespace_file(name, version, tree), "r")
- if fd then
- namespace = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- end
- return namespace
-function path.package_paths(deps_mode)
- local lpaths = {}
- local lcpaths = {}
- path.map_trees(deps_mode, function(tree)
- local root = path.root_dir(tree)
- table.insert(lpaths, dir.path(root, cfg.lua_modules_path, "?.lua"))
- table.insert(lpaths, dir.path(root, cfg.lua_modules_path, "?/init.lua"))
- table.insert(lcpaths, dir.path(root, cfg.lib_modules_path, "?." .. cfg.lib_extension))
- end)
- return table.concat(lpaths, ";"), table.concat(lcpaths, ";")
-return path
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/persist.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/persist.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c5016ca..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/persist.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
---- Utility module for loading files into tables and
--- saving tables into files.
-local persist = {}
-local core = require("luarocks.core.persist")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-persist.run_file = core.run_file
-persist.load_into_table = core.load_into_table
-local write_table
---- Write a value as Lua code.
--- This function handles only numbers and strings, invoking write_table
--- to write tables.
--- @param out table or userdata: a writer object supporting :write() method.
--- @param v: the value to be written.
--- @param level number: the indentation level
--- @param sub_order table: optional prioritization table
--- @see write_table
-function persist.write_value(out, v, level, sub_order)
- if type(v) == "table" then
- level = level or 0
- write_table(out, v, level + 1, sub_order)
- elseif type(v) == "string" then
- if v:match("[\r\n]") then
- local open, close = "[[", "]]"
- local equals = 0
- local v_with_bracket = v.."]"
- while v_with_bracket:find(close, 1, true) do
- equals = equals + 1
- local eqs = ("="):rep(equals)
- open, close = "["..eqs.."[", "]"..eqs.."]"
- end
- out:write(open.."\n"..v..close)
- else
- out:write(("%q"):format(v))
- end
- else
- out:write(tostring(v))
- end
-local is_valid_plain_key
- local keywords = {
- ["and"] = true,
- ["break"] = true,
- ["do"] = true,
- ["else"] = true,
- ["elseif"] = true,
- ["end"] = true,
- ["false"] = true,
- ["for"] = true,
- ["function"] = true,
- ["goto"] = true,
- ["if"] = true,
- ["in"] = true,
- ["local"] = true,
- ["nil"] = true,
- ["not"] = true,
- ["or"] = true,
- ["repeat"] = true,
- ["return"] = true,
- ["then"] = true,
- ["true"] = true,
- ["until"] = true,
- ["while"] = true,
- }
- function is_valid_plain_key(k)
- return type(k) == "string"
- and k:match("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
- and not keywords[k]
- end
-local function write_table_key_assignment(out, k, level)
- if is_valid_plain_key(k) then
- out:write(k)
- else
- out:write("[")
- persist.write_value(out, k, level)
- out:write("]")
- end
- out:write(" = ")
---- Write a table as Lua code in curly brackets notation to a writer object.
--- Only numbers, strings and tables (containing numbers, strings
--- or other recursively processed tables) are supported.
--- @param out table or userdata: a writer object supporting :write() method.
--- @param tbl table: the table to be written.
--- @param level number: the indentation level
--- @param field_order table: optional prioritization table
-write_table = function(out, tbl, level, field_order)
- out:write("{")
- local sep = "\n"
- local indentation = " "
- local indent = true
- local i = 1
- for k, v, sub_order in util.sortedpairs(tbl, field_order) do
- out:write(sep)
- if indent then
- for _ = 1, level do out:write(indentation) end
- end
- if k == i then
- i = i + 1
- else
- write_table_key_assignment(out, k, level)
- end
- persist.write_value(out, v, level, sub_order)
- if type(v) == "number" then
- sep = ", "
- indent = false
- else
- sep = ",\n"
- indent = true
- end
- end
- if sep ~= "\n" then
- out:write("\n")
- for _ = 1, level - 1 do out:write(indentation) end
- end
- out:write("}")
---- Write a table as series of assignments to a writer object.
--- @param out table or userdata: a writer object supporting :write() method.
--- @param tbl table: the table to be written.
--- @param field_order table: optional prioritization table
--- @return true if successful; nil and error message if failed.
-local function write_table_as_assignments(out, tbl, field_order)
- for k, v, sub_order in util.sortedpairs(tbl, field_order) do
- if not is_valid_plain_key(k) then
- return nil, "cannot store '"..tostring(k).."' as a plain key."
- end
- out:write(k.." = ")
- persist.write_value(out, v, 0, sub_order)
- out:write("\n")
- end
- return true
---- Write a table using Lua table syntax to a writer object.
--- @param out table or userdata: a writer object supporting :write() method.
--- @param tbl table: the table to be written.
-local function write_table_as_table(out, tbl)
- out:write("return {\n")
- for k, v, sub_order in util.sortedpairs(tbl) do
- out:write(" ")
- write_table_key_assignment(out, k, 1)
- persist.write_value(out, v, 1, sub_order)
- out:write(",\n")
- end
- out:write("}\n")
---- Save the contents of a table to a string.
--- Each element of the table is saved as a global assignment.
--- Only numbers, strings and tables (containing numbers, strings
--- or other recursively processed tables) are supported.
--- @param tbl table: the table containing the data to be written
--- @param field_order table: an optional array indicating the order of top-level fields.
--- @return persisted data as string; or nil and an error message
-function persist.save_from_table_to_string(tbl, field_order)
- local out = {buffer = {}}
- function out:write(data) table.insert(self.buffer, data) end
- local ok, err = write_table_as_assignments(out, tbl, field_order)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- return table.concat(out.buffer)
---- Save the contents of a table in a file.
--- Each element of the table is saved as a global assignment.
--- Only numbers, strings and tables (containing numbers, strings
--- or other recursively processed tables) are supported.
--- @param filename string: the output filename
--- @param tbl table: the table containing the data to be written
--- @param field_order table: an optional array indicating the order of top-level fields.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, or nil and a
--- message in case of errors.
-function persist.save_from_table(filename, tbl, field_order)
- local out = io.open(filename, "w")
- if not out then
- return nil, "Cannot create file at "..filename
- end
- local ok, err = write_table_as_assignments(out, tbl, field_order)
- out:close()
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- return true
---- Save the contents of a table as a module.
--- The module contains a 'return' statement that returns the table.
--- Only numbers, strings and tables (containing numbers, strings
--- or other recursively processed tables) are supported.
--- @param filename string: the output filename
--- @param tbl table: the table containing the data to be written
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, or nil and a
--- message in case of errors.
-function persist.save_as_module(filename, tbl)
- local out = io.open(filename, "w")
- if not out then
- return nil, "Cannot create file at "..filename
- end
- write_table_as_table(out, tbl)
- out:close()
- return true
-function persist.load_config_file_if_basic(filename, cfg)
- local env = {
- home = cfg.home
- }
- local result, err, errcode = persist.load_into_table(filename, env)
- if errcode == "load" or errcode == "run" then
- -- bad config file or depends on env, so error out
- return nil, "Could not read existing config file " .. filename
- end
- local tbl
- if errcode == "open" then
- -- could not open, maybe file does not exist
- tbl = {}
- else
- tbl = result
- tbl.home = nil
- end
- return tbl
-function persist.save_default_lua_version(prefix, lua_version)
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(prefix)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local fd, err = io.open(dir.path(prefix, "default-lua-version.lua"), "w")
- if not fd then
- return nil, err
- end
- fd:write('return "' .. lua_version .. '"\n')
- fd:close()
- return true
-return persist
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/queries.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/queries.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df61296e..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/queries.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-local queries = {}
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local query_mt = {}
-query_mt.__index = query_mt
-function query_mt.type()
- return "query"
--- Fallback default value for the `arch` field, if not explicitly set.
-query_mt.arch = {
- src = true,
- all = true,
- rockspec = true,
- installed = true,
- -- [cfg.arch] = true, -- this is set later
--- Fallback default value for the `substring` field, if not explicitly set.
-query_mt.substring = false
---- Convert the arch field of a query table to table format.
--- @param input string, table or nil
-local function arch_to_table(input)
- if type(input) == "table" then
- return input
- elseif type(input) == "string" then
- local arch = {}
- for a in input:gmatch("[%w_-]+") do
- arch[a] = true
- end
- return arch
- end
---- Prepare a query in dependency table format.
--- @param name string: the package name.
--- @param namespace string?: the package namespace.
--- @param version string?: the package version.
--- @param substring boolean?: match substrings of the name
--- (default is false, match full name)
--- @param arch string?: a string with pipe-separated accepted arch values
--- @param operator string?: operator for version matching (default is "==")
--- @return table: A query in table format
-function queries.new(name, namespace, version, substring, arch, operator)
- assert(type(name) == "string")
- assert(type(namespace) == "string" or not namespace)
- assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
- assert(type(substring) == "boolean" or not substring)
- assert(type(arch) == "string" or not arch)
- assert(type(operator) == "string" or not operator)
- operator = operator or "=="
- local self = {
- name = name,
- namespace = namespace,
- constraints = {},
- substring = substring,
- arch = arch_to_table(arch),
- }
- if version then
- table.insert(self.constraints, { op = operator, version = vers.parse_version(version)})
- end
- query_mt.arch[cfg.arch] = true
- return setmetatable(self, query_mt)
--- Query for all packages
--- @param arch string (optional)
-function queries.all(arch)
- assert(type(arch) == "string" or not arch)
- return queries.new("", nil, nil, true, arch)
- local parse_constraints
- do
- local parse_constraint
- do
- local operators = {
- ["=="] = "==",
- ["~="] = "~=",
- [">"] = ">",
- ["<"] = "<",
- [">="] = ">=",
- ["<="] = "<=",
- ["~>"] = "~>",
- -- plus some convenience translations
- [""] = "==",
- ["="] = "==",
- ["!="] = "~="
- }
- --- Consumes a constraint from a string, converting it to table format.
- -- For example, a string ">= 1.0, > 2.0" is converted to a table in the
- -- format {op = ">=", version={1,0}} and the rest, "> 2.0", is returned
- -- back to the caller.
- -- @param input string: A list of constraints in string format.
- -- @return (table, string) or nil: A table representing the same
- -- constraints and the string with the unused input, or nil if the
- -- input string is invalid.
- parse_constraint = function(input)
- assert(type(input) == "string")
- local no_upgrade, op, version, rest = input:match("^(@?)([<>=~!]*)%s*([%w%.%_%-]+)[%s,]*(.*)")
- local _op = operators[op]
- version = vers.parse_version(version)
- if not _op then
- return nil, "Encountered bad constraint operator: '"..tostring(op).."' in '"..input.."'"
- end
- if not version then
- return nil, "Could not parse version from constraint: '"..input.."'"
- end
- return { op = _op, version = version, no_upgrade = no_upgrade=="@" and true or nil }, rest
- end
- end
- --- Convert a list of constraints from string to table format.
- -- For example, a string ">= 1.0, < 2.0" is converted to a table in the format
- -- {{op = ">=", version={1,0}}, {op = "<", version={2,0}}}.
- -- Version tables use a metatable allowing later comparison through
- -- relational operators.
- -- @param input string: A list of constraints in string format.
- -- @return table or nil: A table representing the same constraints,
- -- or nil if the input string is invalid.
- parse_constraints = function(input)
- assert(type(input) == "string")
- local constraints, oinput, constraint = {}, input
- while #input > 0 do
- constraint, input = parse_constraint(input)
- if constraint then
- table.insert(constraints, constraint)
- else
- return nil, "Failed to parse constraint '"..tostring(oinput).."' with error: ".. input
- end
- end
- return constraints
- end
- end
- --- Prepare a query in dependency table format.
- -- @param depstr string: A dependency in string format
- -- as entered in rockspec files.
- -- @return table: A query in table format, or nil and an error message in case of errors.
- function queries.from_dep_string(depstr)
- assert(type(depstr) == "string")
- local ns_name, rest = depstr:match("^%s*([a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*/?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*([^/]*)")
- if not ns_name then
- return nil, "failed to extract dependency name from '"..depstr.."'"
- end
- local constraints, err = parse_constraints(rest)
- if not constraints then
- return nil, err
- end
- local name, namespace = util.split_namespace(ns_name)
- local self = {
- name = name,
- namespace = namespace,
- constraints = constraints,
- }
- query_mt.arch[cfg.arch] = true
- return setmetatable(self, query_mt)
- end
-function queries.from_persisted_table(tbl)
- query_mt.arch[cfg.arch] = true
- return setmetatable(tbl, query_mt)
---- Build a string representation of a query package name.
--- Includes namespace, name and version, but not arch or constraints.
--- @param query table: a query table
--- @return string: a result such as `my_user/my_rock 1.0` or `my_rock`.
-function query_mt:__tostring()
- local out = {}
- if self.namespace then
- table.insert(out, self.namespace)
- table.insert(out, "/")
- end
- table.insert(out, self.name)
- if #self.constraints > 0 then
- local pretty = {}
- for _, c in ipairs(self.constraints) do
- local v = c.version.string
- if c.op == "==" then
- table.insert(pretty, v)
- else
- table.insert(pretty, c.op .. " " .. v)
- end
- end
- table.insert(out, " ")
- table.insert(out, table.concat(pretty, ", "))
- end
- return table.concat(out)
-return queries
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/remove.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/remove.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a24b54ba8..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/remove.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-local remove = {}
-local search = require("luarocks.search")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
---- Obtain a list of packages that depend on the given set of packages
--- (where all packages of the set are versions of one program).
--- @param name string: the name of a program
--- @param versions array of string: the versions to be deleted.
--- @return array of string: an empty table if no packages depend on any
--- of the given list, or an array of strings in "name/version" format.
-local function check_dependents(name, versions, deps_mode)
- local dependents = {}
- local skip_set = {}
- skip_set[name] = {}
- for version, _ in pairs(versions) do
- skip_set[name][version] = true
- end
- local local_rocks = {}
- local query_all = queries.all()
- search.local_manifest_search(local_rocks, cfg.rocks_dir, query_all)
- local_rocks[name] = nil
- for rock_name, rock_versions in pairs(local_rocks) do
- for rock_version, _ in pairs(rock_versions) do
- local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(rock_name, rock_version))
- if rockspec then
- local _, missing = deps.match_deps(rockspec.dependencies, rockspec.rocks_provided, skip_set, deps_mode)
- if missing[name] then
- table.insert(dependents, { name = rock_name, version = rock_version })
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return dependents
---- Delete given versions of a program.
--- @param name string: the name of a program
--- @param versions array of string: the versions to be deleted.
--- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
--- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
--- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true on success or nil and an error message.
-local function delete_versions(name, versions, deps_mode)
- for version, _ in pairs(versions) do
- util.printout("Removing "..name.." "..version.."...")
- local ok, err = repos.delete_version(name, version, deps_mode)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- return true
-function remove.remove_search_results(results, name, deps_mode, force, fast)
- local versions = results[name]
- local version = next(versions)
- local second = next(versions, version)
- local dependents = {}
- if not fast then
- util.printout("Checking stability of dependencies in the absence of")
- util.printout(name.." "..table.concat(util.keys(versions), ", ").."...")
- util.printout()
- dependents = check_dependents(name, versions, deps_mode)
- end
- if #dependents > 0 then
- if force or fast then
- util.printerr("The following packages may be broken by this forced removal:")
- for _, dependent in ipairs(dependents) do
- util.printerr(dependent.name.." "..dependent.version)
- end
- util.printerr()
- else
- if not second then
- util.printerr("Will not remove "..name.." "..version..".")
- util.printerr("Removing it would break dependencies for: ")
- else
- util.printerr("Will not remove installed versions of "..name..".")
- util.printerr("Removing them would break dependencies for: ")
- end
- for _, dependent in ipairs(dependents) do
- util.printerr(dependent.name.." "..dependent.version)
- end
- util.printerr()
- util.printerr("Use --force to force removal (warning: this may break modules).")
- return nil, "Failed removing."
- end
- end
- local ok, err = delete_versions(name, versions, deps_mode)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- util.printout("Removal successful.")
- return true
-function remove.remove_other_versions(name, version, force, fast)
- local results = {}
- local query = queries.new(name, nil, version, false, nil, "~=")
- search.local_manifest_search(results, cfg.rocks_dir, query)
- local warn
- if results[name] then
- local ok, err = remove.remove_search_results(results, name, cfg.deps_mode, force, fast)
- if not ok then -- downgrade failure to a warning
- warn = err
- end
- end
- if not fast then
- -- since we're not using --keep, this means that all files of the rock being installed
- -- should be available as non-versioned variants. Double-check that:
- local rock_manifest, load_err = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- local ok, err = repos.check_everything_is_installed(name, version, rock_manifest, cfg.root_dir, false)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- return true, nil, warn
-return remove
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/repos.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/repos.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 764fe3ad6..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/repos.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
---- Functions for managing the repository on disk.
-local repos = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: ignore 211
---- Get type and name of an item (a module or a command) provided by a file.
--- @param deploy_type string: rock manifest subtree the file comes from ("bin", "lua", or "lib").
--- @param file_path string: path to the file relatively to deploy_type subdirectory.
--- @return (string, string): item type ("module" or "command") and name.
-local function get_provided_item(deploy_type, file_path)
- assert(type(deploy_type) == "string")
- assert(type(file_path) == "string")
- local item_type = deploy_type == "bin" and "command" or "module"
- local item_name = item_type == "command" and file_path or path.path_to_module(file_path)
- return item_type, item_name
--- Tree of files installed by a package are stored
--- in its rock manifest. Some of these files have to
--- be deployed to locations where Lua can load them as
--- modules or where they can be used as commands.
--- These files are characterised by pair
--- (deploy_type, file_path), where deploy_type is the first
--- component of the file path and file_path is the rest of the
--- path. Only files with deploy_type in {"lua", "lib", "bin"}
--- are deployed somewhere.
--- Each deployed file provides an "item". An item is
--- characterised by pair (item_type, item_name).
--- item_type is "command" for files with deploy_type
--- "bin" and "module" for deploy_type in {"lua", "lib"}.
--- item_name is same as file_path for commands
--- and is produced using path.path_to_module(file_path)
--- for modules.
---- Get all installed versions of a package.
--- @param name string: a package name.
--- @return table or nil: An array of strings listing installed
--- versions of a package, or nil if none is available.
-local function get_installed_versions(name)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- local dirs = fs.list_dir(path.versions_dir(name))
- return (dirs and #dirs > 0) and dirs or nil
---- Check if a package exists in a local repository.
--- Version numbers are compared as exact string comparison.
--- @param name string: name of package
--- @param version string: package version in string format
--- @return boolean: true if a package is installed,
--- false otherwise.
-function repos.is_installed(name, version)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- return fs.is_dir(path.install_dir(name, version))
-function repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(entry, action)
- assert(type(action) == "function")
- if entry == nil then
- return true
- end
- local function do_recurse_rock_manifest_entry(tree, parent_path)
- for file, sub in pairs(tree) do
- local sub_path = (parent_path and (parent_path .. "/") or "") .. file
- local ok, err -- luacheck: ignore 231
- if type(sub) == "table" then
- ok, err = do_recurse_rock_manifest_entry(sub, sub_path)
- else
- ok, err = action(sub_path)
- end
- if err then return nil, err end
- end
- return true
- end
- return do_recurse_rock_manifest_entry(entry)
-local function store_package_data(result, rock_manifest, deploy_type)
- if rock_manifest[deploy_type] then
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest[deploy_type], function(file_path)
- local _, item_name = get_provided_item(deploy_type, file_path)
- result[item_name] = file_path
- return true
- end)
- end
---- Obtain a table of modules within an installed package.
--- @param name string: The package name; for example "luasocket"
--- @param version string: The exact version number including revision;
--- for example "2.0.1-1".
--- @return table: A table of modules where keys are module names
--- and values are file paths of files providing modules
--- relative to "lib" or "lua" rock manifest subtree.
--- If no modules are found or if package name or version
--- are invalid, an empty table is returned.
-function repos.package_modules(name, version)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local result = {}
- local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if not rock_manifest then return result end
- store_package_data(result, rock_manifest, "lib")
- store_package_data(result, rock_manifest, "lua")
- return result
---- Obtain a table of command-line scripts within an installed package.
--- @param name string: The package name; for example "luasocket"
--- @param version string: The exact version number including revision;
--- for example "2.0.1-1".
--- @return table: A table of commands where keys and values are command names
--- as strings - file paths of files providing commands
--- relative to "bin" rock manifest subtree.
--- If no commands are found or if package name or version
--- are invalid, an empty table is returned.
-function repos.package_commands(name, version)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local result = {}
- local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if not rock_manifest then return result end
- store_package_data(result, rock_manifest, "bin")
- return result
---- Check if a rock contains binary executables.
--- @param name string: name of an installed rock
--- @param version string: version of an installed rock
--- @return boolean: returns true if rock contains platform-specific
--- binary executables, or false if it is a pure-Lua rock.
-function repos.has_binaries(name, version)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if rock_manifest and rock_manifest.bin then
- for bin_name, md5 in pairs(rock_manifest.bin) do
- -- TODO verify that it is the same file. If it isn't, find the actual command.
- if fs.is_actual_binary(dir.path(cfg.deploy_bin_dir, bin_name)) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-function repos.run_hook(rockspec, hook_name)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- assert(type(hook_name) == "string")
- local hooks = rockspec.hooks
- if not hooks then
- return true
- end
- if cfg.hooks_enabled == false then
- return nil, "This rockspec contains hooks, which are blocked by the 'hooks_enabled' setting in your LuaRocks configuration."
- end
- if not hooks.substituted_variables then
- util.variable_substitutions(hooks, rockspec.variables)
- hooks.substituted_variables = true
- end
- local hook = hooks[hook_name]
- if hook then
- util.printout(hook)
- if not fs.execute(hook) then
- return nil, "Failed running "..hook_name.." hook."
- end
- end
- return true
-function repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec)
- assert(rockspec:type() == "rockspec")
- if cfg.wrap_bin_scripts ~= nil then
- return cfg.wrap_bin_scripts
- end
- if rockspec.deploy and rockspec.deploy.wrap_bin_scripts == false then
- return false
- end
- return true
-local function find_suffixed(file, suffix)
- local filenames = {file}
- if suffix and suffix ~= "" then
- table.insert(filenames, 1, file .. suffix)
- end
- for _, filename in ipairs(filenames) do
- if fs.exists(filename) then
- return filename
- end
- end
- return nil, table.concat(filenames, ", ") .. " not found"
-local function check_suffix(filename, suffix)
- local suffixed_filename, err = find_suffixed(filename, suffix)
- if not suffixed_filename then
- return ""
- end
- return suffixed_filename:sub(#filename + 1)
--- Files can be deployed using versioned and non-versioned names.
--- Several items with same type and name can exist if they are
--- provided by different packages or versions. In any case
--- item from the newest version of lexicographically smallest package
--- is deployed using non-versioned name and others use versioned names.
-local function get_deploy_paths(name, version, deploy_type, file_path, repo)
- assert(type(name) == "string")
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(deploy_type) == "string")
- assert(type(file_path) == "string")
- repo = repo or cfg.root_dir
- local deploy_dir = path["deploy_" .. deploy_type .. "_dir"](repo)
- local non_versioned = dir.path(deploy_dir, file_path)
- local versioned = path.versioned_name(non_versioned, deploy_dir, name, version)
- return { nv = non_versioned, v = versioned }
-local function check_spot_if_available(name, version, deploy_type, file_path)
- local item_type, item_name = get_provided_item(deploy_type, file_path)
- local cur_name, cur_version = manif.get_current_provider(item_type, item_name)
- -- older versions of LuaRocks (< 3) registered "foo.init" files as "foo"
- -- (which caused problems, so that behavior was changed). But look for that
- -- in the manifest anyway for backward compatibility.
- if not cur_name and deploy_type == "lua" and item_name:match("%.init$") then
- cur_name, cur_version = manif.get_current_provider(item_type, (item_name:gsub("%.init$", "")))
- end
- if (not cur_name)
- or (name < cur_name)
- or (name == cur_name and (version == cur_version
- or vers.compare_versions(version, cur_version))) then
- return "nv", cur_name, cur_version, item_name
- else
- -- Existing version has priority, deploy new version using versioned name.
- return "v", cur_name, cur_version, item_name
- end
-local function backup_existing(should_backup, target)
- if not should_backup then
- fs.delete(target)
- return
- end
- if fs.exists(target) then
- local backup = target
- repeat
- backup = backup.."~"
- until not fs.exists(backup) -- Slight race condition here, but shouldn't be a problem.
- util.warning(target.." is not tracked by this installation of LuaRocks. Moving it to "..backup)
- local move_ok, move_err = os.rename(target, backup)
- if not move_ok then
- return nil, move_err
- end
- return backup
- end
-local function prepare_op_install()
- local mkdirs = {}
- local rmdirs = {}
- local function memoize_mkdir(d)
- if mkdirs[d] then
- return true
- end
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(d)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- mkdirs[d] = true
- return true
- end
- local function op_install(op)
- local ok, err = memoize_mkdir(dir.dir_name(op.dst))
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local backup, err = backup_existing(op.backup, op.dst)
- if err then
- return nil, err
- end
- if backup then
- op.backup_file = backup
- end
- ok, err = op.fn(op.src, op.dst, op.backup)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- rmdirs[dir.dir_name(op.src)] = true
- return true
- end
- local function done_op_install()
- for d, _ in pairs(rmdirs) do
- fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(d)
- end
- end
- return op_install, done_op_install
-local function rollback_install(op)
- fs.delete(op.dst)
- if op.backup_file then
- os.rename(op.backup_file, op.dst)
- end
- fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(op.dst))
- return true
-local function op_rename(op)
- if op.suffix then
- local suffix = check_suffix(op.src, op.suffix)
- op.src = op.src .. suffix
- op.dst = op.dst .. suffix
- end
- if fs.exists(op.src) then
- fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(op.dst))
- fs.delete(op.dst)
- local ok, err = os.rename(op.src, op.dst)
- fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(op.src))
- return ok, err
- else
- return true
- end
-local function rollback_rename(op)
- return op_rename({ src = op.dst, dst = op.src })
-local function prepare_op_delete()
- local deletes = {}
- local rmdirs = {}
- local function done_op_delete()
- for _, f in ipairs(deletes) do
- os.remove(f)
- end
- for d, _ in pairs(rmdirs) do
- fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(d)
- end
- end
- local function op_delete(op)
- if op.suffix then
- local suffix = check_suffix(op.name, op.suffix)
- op.name = op.name .. suffix
- end
- table.insert(deletes, op.name)
- rmdirs[dir.dir_name(op.name)] = true
- end
- return op_delete, done_op_delete
-local function rollback_ops(ops, op_fn, n)
- for i = 1, n do
- op_fn(ops[i])
- end
---- Double check that all files referenced in `rock_manifest` are installed in `repo`.
-function repos.check_everything_is_installed(name, version, rock_manifest, repo, accept_versioned)
- local missing = {}
- local suffix = cfg.wrapper_suffix or ""
- for _, category in ipairs({"bin", "lua", "lib"}) do
- if rock_manifest[category] then
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest[category], function(file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, category, file_path, repo)
- if category == "bin" then
- if (fs.exists(paths.nv) or fs.exists(paths.nv .. suffix))
- or (accept_versioned and (fs.exists(paths.v) or fs.exists(paths.v .. suffix))) then
- return
- end
- else
- if fs.exists(paths.nv) or (accept_versioned and fs.exists(paths.v)) then
- return
- end
- end
- table.insert(missing, paths.nv)
- end)
- end
- end
- if #missing > 0 then
- return nil, "failed deploying files. " ..
- "The following files were not installed:\n" ..
- table.concat(missing, "\n")
- end
- return true
---- Deploy a package from the rocks subdirectory.
--- @param name string: name of package
--- @param version string: exact package version in string format
--- @param wrap_bin_scripts bool: whether commands written in Lua should be wrapped.
--- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
--- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
--- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
-function repos.deploy_files(name, version, wrap_bin_scripts, deps_mode)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(wrap_bin_scripts) == "boolean")
- local rock_manifest, load_err = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if not rock_manifest then return nil, load_err end
- local repo = cfg.root_dir
- local renames = {}
- local installs = {}
- local function install_binary(source, target)
- if wrap_bin_scripts and fs.is_lua(source) then
- return fs.wrap_script(source, target, deps_mode, name, version)
- else
- return fs.copy_binary(source, target)
- end
- end
- local function move_lua(source, target)
- return fs.move(source, target, "read")
- end
- local function move_lib(source, target)
- return fs.move(source, target, "exec")
- end
- if rock_manifest.bin then
- local source_dir = path.bin_dir(name, version)
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.bin, function(file_path)
- local source = dir.path(source_dir, file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, "bin", file_path, repo)
- local mode, cur_name, cur_version = check_spot_if_available(name, version, "bin", file_path)
- if mode == "nv" and cur_name then
- local cur_paths = get_deploy_paths(cur_name, cur_version, "bin", file_path, repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = cur_paths.nv, dst = cur_paths.v, suffix = cfg.wrapper_suffix })
- end
- local target = mode == "nv" and paths.nv or paths.v
- local backup = name ~= cur_name or version ~= cur_version
- if wrap_bin_scripts and fs.is_lua(source) then
- target = target .. (cfg.wrapper_suffix or "")
- end
- table.insert(installs, { fn = install_binary, src = source, dst = target, backup = backup })
- end)
- end
- if rock_manifest.lua then
- local source_dir = path.lua_dir(name, version)
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.lua, function(file_path)
- local source = dir.path(source_dir, file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, "lua", file_path, repo)
- local mode, cur_name, cur_version = check_spot_if_available(name, version, "lua", file_path)
- if mode == "nv" and cur_name then
- local cur_paths = get_deploy_paths(cur_name, cur_version, "lua", file_path, repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = cur_paths.nv, dst = cur_paths.v })
- cur_paths = get_deploy_paths(cur_name, cur_version, "lib", file_path:gsub("%.lua$", "." .. cfg.lib_extension), repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = cur_paths.nv, dst = cur_paths.v })
- end
- local target = mode == "nv" and paths.nv or paths.v
- local backup = name ~= cur_name or version ~= cur_version
- table.insert(installs, { fn = move_lua, src = source, dst = target, backup = backup })
- end)
- end
- if rock_manifest.lib then
- local source_dir = path.lib_dir(name, version)
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.lib, function(file_path)
- local source = dir.path(source_dir, file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, "lib", file_path, repo)
- local mode, cur_name, cur_version = check_spot_if_available(name, version, "lib", file_path)
- if mode == "nv" and cur_name then
- local cur_paths = get_deploy_paths(cur_name, cur_version, "lua", file_path:gsub("%.[^.]+$", ".lua"), repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = cur_paths.nv, dst = cur_paths.v })
- cur_paths = get_deploy_paths(cur_name, cur_version, "lib", file_path, repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = cur_paths.nv, dst = cur_paths.v })
- end
- local target = mode == "nv" and paths.nv or paths.v
- local backup = name ~= cur_name or version ~= cur_version
- table.insert(installs, { fn = move_lib, src = source, dst = target, backup = backup })
- end)
- end
- for i, op in ipairs(renames) do
- local ok, err = op_rename(op)
- if not ok then
- rollback_ops(renames, rollback_rename, i - 1)
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- local op_install, done_op_install = prepare_op_install()
- for i, op in ipairs(installs) do
- local ok, err = op_install(op)
- if not ok then
- rollback_ops(installs, rollback_install, i - 1)
- rollback_ops(renames, rollback_rename, #renames)
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- done_op_install()
- local ok, err = repos.check_everything_is_installed(name, version, rock_manifest, repo, true)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
- return writer.add_to_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
-local function add_to_double_checks(double_checks, name, version)
- double_checks[name] = double_checks[name] or {}
- double_checks[name][version] = true
-local function double_check_all(double_checks, repo)
- local errs = {}
- for next_name, versions in pairs(double_checks) do
- for next_version in pairs(versions) do
- local rock_manifest, load_err = manif.load_rock_manifest(next_name, next_version)
- local ok, err = repos.check_everything_is_installed(next_name, next_version, rock_manifest, repo, true)
- if not ok then
- table.insert(errs, err)
- end
- end
- end
- if next(errs) then
- return nil, table.concat(errs, "\n")
- end
- return true
---- Delete a package from the local repository.
--- @param name string: name of package
--- @param version string: exact package version in string format
--- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
--- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
--- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
--- @param quick boolean: do not try to fix the versioned name
--- of another version that provides the same module that
--- was deleted. This is used during 'purge', as every module
--- will be eventually deleted.
-function repos.delete_version(name, version, deps_mode, quick)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
- local rock_manifest, load_err = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
- if not rock_manifest then
- if not quick then
- local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
- writer.remove_from_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
- return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "..name.." "..version.." - removed entry from the manifest"
- end
- return nil, load_err
- end
- local repo = cfg.root_dir
- local renames = {}
- local deletes = {}
- local double_checks = {}
- if rock_manifest.bin then
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.bin, function(file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, "bin", file_path, repo)
- local mode, cur_name, cur_version, item_name = check_spot_if_available(name, version, "bin", file_path)
- if mode == "v" then
- table.insert(deletes, { name = paths.v, suffix = cfg.wrapper_suffix })
- else
- table.insert(deletes, { name = paths.nv, suffix = cfg.wrapper_suffix })
- local next_name, next_version = manif.get_next_provider("command", item_name)
- if next_name then
- add_to_double_checks(double_checks, next_name, next_version)
- local next_paths = get_deploy_paths(next_name, next_version, "bin", file_path, repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = next_paths.v, dst = next_paths.nv, suffix = cfg.wrapper_suffix })
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- if rock_manifest.lua then
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.lua, function(file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, "lua", file_path, repo)
- local mode, cur_name, cur_version, item_name = check_spot_if_available(name, version, "lua", file_path)
- if mode == "v" then
- table.insert(deletes, { name = paths.v })
- else
- table.insert(deletes, { name = paths.nv })
- local next_name, next_version = manif.get_next_provider("module", item_name)
- if next_name then
- add_to_double_checks(double_checks, next_name, next_version)
- local next_lua_paths = get_deploy_paths(next_name, next_version, "lua", file_path, repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = next_lua_paths.v, dst = next_lua_paths.nv })
- local next_lib_paths = get_deploy_paths(next_name, next_version, "lib", file_path:gsub("%.[^.]+$", ".lua"), repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = next_lib_paths.v, dst = next_lib_paths.nv })
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- if rock_manifest.lib then
- repos.recurse_rock_manifest_entry(rock_manifest.lib, function(file_path)
- local paths = get_deploy_paths(name, version, "lib", file_path, repo)
- local mode, cur_name, cur_version, item_name = check_spot_if_available(name, version, "lib", file_path)
- if mode == "v" then
- table.insert(deletes, { name = paths.v })
- else
- table.insert(deletes, { name = paths.nv })
- local next_name, next_version = manif.get_next_provider("module", item_name)
- if next_name then
- add_to_double_checks(double_checks, next_name, next_version)
- local next_lua_paths = get_deploy_paths(next_name, next_version, "lua", file_path:gsub("%.[^.]+$", ".lua"), repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = next_lua_paths.v, dst = next_lua_paths.nv })
- local next_lib_paths = get_deploy_paths(next_name, next_version, "lib", file_path, repo)
- table.insert(renames, { src = next_lib_paths.v, dst = next_lib_paths.nv })
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- local op_delete, done_op_delete = prepare_op_delete()
- for _, op in ipairs(deletes) do
- op_delete(op)
- end
- done_op_delete()
- if not quick then
- for _, op in ipairs(renames) do
- op_rename(op)
- end
- local ok, err = double_check_all(double_checks, repo)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))
- if not get_installed_versions(name) then
- fs.delete(dir.path(cfg.rocks_dir, name))
- end
- if quick then
- return true
- end
- local writer = require("luarocks.manif.writer")
- return writer.remove_from_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
-return repos
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/require.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/require.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 902bd1a3c..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/require.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
---- Retained for compatibility reasons only. Use luarocks.loader instead.
-return require("luarocks.loader")
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/results.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/results.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c14862de7..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/results.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-local results = {}
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local result_mt = {}
-result_mt.__index = result_mt
-function result_mt.type()
- return "result"
-function results.new(name, version, repo, arch, namespace)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(repo) == "string")
- assert(type(arch) == "string" or not arch)
- assert(type(namespace) == "string" or not namespace)
- if not namespace then
- name, namespace = util.split_namespace(name)
- end
- local self = {
- name = name,
- version = version,
- namespace = namespace,
- arch = arch,
- repo = repo,
- }
- return setmetatable(self, result_mt)
---- Test the name field of a query.
--- If query has a boolean field substring set to true,
--- then substring match is performed; otherwise, exact string
--- comparison is done.
--- @param query table: A query in dependency table format.
--- @param name string: A package name.
--- @return boolean: True if names match, false otherwise.
-local function match_name(query, name)
- if query.substring then
- return name:find(query.name, 0, true) and true or false
- else
- return name == query.name
- end
---- Returns true if the result satisfies a given query.
--- @param query: a query.
--- @return boolean.
-function result_mt:satisfies(query)
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- return match_name(query, self.name)
- and (query.arch[self.arch] or query.arch["any"])
- and ((not query.namespace) or (query.namespace == self.namespace))
- and vers.match_constraints(vers.parse_version(self.version), query.constraints)
-return results
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/rockspecs.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/rockspecs.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 94462951a..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/rockspecs.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-local rockspecs = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local type_rockspec = require("luarocks.type.rockspec")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local rockspec_mt = {}
-rockspec_mt.__index = rockspec_mt
-function rockspec_mt.type()
- return "rockspec"
---- Perform platform-specific overrides on a table.
--- Overrides values of table with the contents of the appropriate
--- subset of its "platforms" field. The "platforms" field should
--- be a table containing subtables keyed with strings representing
--- platform names. Names that match the contents of the global
--- detected platforms setting are used. For example, if
--- platform "unix" is detected, then the fields of
--- tbl.platforms.unix will overwrite those of tbl with the same
--- names. For table values, the operation is performed recursively
--- (tbl.platforms.foo.x.y.z overrides tbl.x.y.z; other contents of
--- tbl.x are preserved).
--- @param tbl table or nil: Table which may contain a "platforms" field;
--- if it doesn't (or if nil is passed), this function does nothing.
-local function platform_overrides(tbl)
- assert(type(tbl) == "table" or not tbl)
- if not tbl then return end
- if tbl.platforms then
- for platform in cfg.each_platform() do
- local platform_tbl = tbl.platforms[platform]
- if platform_tbl then
- util.deep_merge(tbl, platform_tbl)
- end
- end
- end
- tbl.platforms = nil
-local function convert_dependencies(rockspec, key)
- if rockspec[key] then
- for i = 1, #rockspec[key] do
- local parsed, err = queries.from_dep_string(rockspec[key][i])
- if not parsed then
- return nil, "Parse error processing dependency '"..rockspec[key][i].."': "..tostring(err)
- end
- rockspec[key][i] = parsed
- end
- else
- rockspec[key] = {}
- end
- return true
---- Set up path-related variables for a given rock.
--- Create a "variables" table in the rockspec table, containing
--- adjusted variables according to the configuration file.
--- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
-local function configure_paths(rockspec)
- local vars = {}
- for k,v in pairs(cfg.variables) do
- vars[k] = v
- end
- local name, version = rockspec.name, rockspec.version
- vars.PREFIX = path.install_dir(name, version)
- vars.LUADIR = path.lua_dir(name, version)
- vars.LIBDIR = path.lib_dir(name, version)
- vars.CONFDIR = path.conf_dir(name, version)
- vars.BINDIR = path.bin_dir(name, version)
- vars.DOCDIR = path.doc_dir(name, version)
- rockspec.variables = vars
-function rockspecs.from_persisted_table(filename, rockspec, globals, quick)
- assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
- assert(type(globals) == "table" or globals == nil)
- assert(type(filename) == "string")
- assert(type(quick) == "boolean" or quick == nil)
- if rockspec.rockspec_format then
- if vers.compare_versions(rockspec.rockspec_format, type_rockspec.rockspec_format) then
- return nil, "Rockspec format "..rockspec.rockspec_format.." is not supported, please upgrade LuaRocks."
- end
- end
- if not quick then
- local ok, err = type_rockspec.check(rockspec, globals or {})
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- --- Check if rockspec format version satisfies version requirement.
- -- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
- -- @param version string: required version.
- -- @return boolean: true if rockspec format matches version or is newer, false otherwise.
- do
- local parsed_format = vers.parse_version(rockspec.rockspec_format or "1.0")
- rockspec.format_is_at_least = function(self, version)
- return parsed_format >= vers.parse_version(version)
- end
- end
- platform_overrides(rockspec.build)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.dependencies)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.build_dependencies)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.test_dependencies)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.external_dependencies)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.source)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.hooks)
- platform_overrides(rockspec.test)
- rockspec.name = rockspec.package:lower()
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(rockspec.source.url)
- if dir.is_basic_protocol(protocol) then
- rockspec.source.file = rockspec.source.file or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
- end
- rockspec.source.protocol, rockspec.source.pathname = protocol, pathname
- -- Temporary compatibility
- if rockspec.source.cvs_module then rockspec.source.module = rockspec.source.cvs_module end
- if rockspec.source.cvs_tag then rockspec.source.tag = rockspec.source.cvs_tag end
- rockspec.local_abs_filename = filename
- local filebase = rockspec.source.file or rockspec.source.url
- local base = dir.deduce_base_dir(filebase)
- rockspec.source.dir_set = rockspec.source.dir ~= nil
- rockspec.source.dir = rockspec.source.dir
- or rockspec.source.module
- or ( (filebase:match("%.lua$") or filebase:match("%.c$"))
- and (rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0")
- and (dir.is_basic_protocol(protocol) and "." or base)
- or ".") )
- or base
- rockspec.rocks_provided = util.get_rocks_provided(rockspec)
- for _, key in ipairs({"dependencies", "build_dependencies", "test_dependencies"}) do
- local ok, err = convert_dependencies(rockspec, key)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- if not quick then
- configure_paths(rockspec)
- end
- return setmetatable(rockspec, rockspec_mt)
-return rockspecs
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/search.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/search.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e76d45912..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/search.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-local search = {}
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local results = require("luarocks.results")
---- Store a search result (a rock or rockspec) in the result tree.
--- @param result_tree table: The result tree, where keys are package names and
--- values are tables matching version strings to arrays of
--- tables with fields "arch" and "repo".
--- @param result table: A result.
-function search.store_result(result_tree, result)
- assert(type(result_tree) == "table")
- assert(result:type() == "result")
- local name = result.name
- local version = result.version
- if not result_tree[name] then result_tree[name] = {} end
- if not result_tree[name][version] then result_tree[name][version] = {} end
- table.insert(result_tree[name][version], {
- arch = result.arch,
- repo = result.repo,
- namespace = result.namespace,
- })
---- Store a match in a result tree if version matches query.
--- Name, version, arch and repository path are stored in a given
--- table, optionally checking if version and arch (if given) match
--- a query.
--- @param result_tree table: The result tree, where keys are package names and
--- values are tables matching version strings to arrays of
--- tables with fields "arch" and "repo".
--- @param result table: a result object.
--- @param query table: a query object.
-local function store_if_match(result_tree, result, query)
- assert(result:type() == "result")
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- if result:satisfies(query) then
- search.store_result(result_tree, result)
- end
---- Perform search on a local repository.
--- @param repo string: The pathname of the local repository.
--- @param query table: a query object.
--- @param result_tree table or nil: If given, this table will store the
--- result tree; if not given, a new table will be created.
--- @return table: The result tree, where keys are package names and
--- values are tables matching version strings to arrays of
--- tables with fields "arch" and "repo".
--- If a table was given in the "result_tree" parameter, that is the result value.
-function search.disk_search(repo, query, result_tree)
- assert(type(repo) == "string")
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- assert(type(result_tree) == "table" or not result_tree)
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- if not result_tree then
- result_tree = {}
- end
- for name in fs.dir(repo) do
- local pathname = dir.path(repo, name)
- local rname, rversion, rarch = path.parse_name(name)
- if rname and (pathname:match(".rockspec$") or pathname:match(".rock$")) then
- local result = results.new(rname, rversion, repo, rarch)
- store_if_match(result_tree, result, query)
- elseif fs.is_dir(pathname) then
- for version in fs.dir(pathname) do
- if version:match("-%d+$") then
- local namespace = path.read_namespace(name, version, repo)
- local result = results.new(name, version, repo, "installed", namespace)
- store_if_match(result_tree, result, query)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return result_tree
---- Perform search on a rocks server or tree.
--- @param result_tree table: The result tree, where keys are package names and
--- values are tables matching version strings to arrays of
--- tables with fields "arch" and "repo".
--- @param repo string: The URL of a rocks server or
--- the pathname of a rocks tree (as returned by path.rocks_dir()).
--- @param query table: a query object.
--- @param lua_version string: Lua version in "5.x" format, defaults to installed version.
--- @param is_local boolean
--- @return true or, in case of errors, nil, an error message and an optional error code.
-local function manifest_search(result_tree, repo, query, lua_version, is_local)
- assert(type(result_tree) == "table")
- assert(type(repo) == "string")
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- -- FIXME do not add this in local repos
- if (not is_local) and query.namespace then
- repo = repo .. "/manifests/" .. query.namespace
- end
- local manifest, err, errcode = manif.load_manifest(repo, lua_version, not is_local)
- if not manifest then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- for name, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
- for version, items in pairs(versions) do
- local namespace = is_local and path.read_namespace(name, version, repo) or query.namespace
- for _, item in ipairs(items) do
- local result = results.new(name, version, repo, item.arch, namespace)
- store_if_match(result_tree, result, query)
- end
- end
- end
- return true
-local function remote_manifest_search(result_tree, repo, query, lua_version)
- return manifest_search(result_tree, repo, query, lua_version, false)
-function search.local_manifest_search(result_tree, repo, query, lua_version)
- return manifest_search(result_tree, repo, query, lua_version, true)
---- Search on all configured rocks servers.
--- @param query table: a query object.
--- @param lua_version string: Lua version in "5.x" format, defaults to installed version.
--- @return table: A table where keys are package names
--- and values are tables matching version strings to arrays of
--- tables with fields "arch" and "repo".
-function search.search_repos(query, lua_version)
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- local result_tree = {}
- for _, repo in ipairs(cfg.rocks_servers) do
- if type(repo) == "string" then
- repo = { repo }
- end
- for _, mirror in ipairs(repo) do
- if not cfg.disabled_servers[mirror] then
- local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(mirror)
- if protocol == "file" then
- mirror = pathname
- end
- local ok, err, errcode = remote_manifest_search(result_tree, mirror, query, lua_version)
- if errcode == "network" then
- cfg.disabled_servers[mirror] = true
- end
- if ok then
- break
- else
- util.warning("Failed searching manifest: "..err)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- search through rocks in rocks_provided
- local provided_repo = "provided by VM or rocks_provided"
- for name, version in pairs(util.get_rocks_provided()) do
- local result = results.new(name, version, provided_repo, "installed")
- store_if_match(result_tree, result, query)
- end
- return result_tree
---- Get the URL for the latest in a set of versions.
--- @param name string: The package name to be used in the URL.
--- @param versions table: An array of version informations, as stored
--- in search result trees.
--- @return string or nil: the URL for the latest version if one could
--- be picked, or nil.
-local function pick_latest_version(name, versions)
- assert(type(name) == "string" and not name:match("/"))
- assert(type(versions) == "table")
- local vtables = {}
- for v, _ in pairs(versions) do
- table.insert(vtables, vers.parse_version(v))
- end
- table.sort(vtables)
- local version = vtables[#vtables].string
- local items = versions[version]
- if items then
- local pick = 1
- for i, item in ipairs(items) do
- if (item.arch == 'src' and items[pick].arch == 'rockspec')
- or (item.arch ~= 'src' and item.arch ~= 'rockspec') then
- pick = i
- end
- end
- return path.make_url(items[pick].repo, name, version, items[pick].arch)
- end
- return nil
--- Find out which other Lua versions provide rock versions matching a query,
--- @param query table: a query object.
--- @return table: array of Lua versions supported, in "5.x" format.
-local function supported_lua_versions(query)
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- local result_tree = {}
- for lua_version in util.lua_versions() do
- if lua_version ~= cfg.lua_version then
- util.printout("Checking for Lua " .. lua_version .. "...")
- if search.search_repos(query, lua_version)[query.name] then
- table.insert(result_tree, lua_version)
- end
- end
- end
- return result_tree
---- Attempt to get a single URL for a given search for a rock.
--- @param query table: a query object.
--- @return string or (nil, string, string): URL for latest matching version
--- of the rock if it was found, or nil followed by an error message
--- and an error code.
-function search.find_suitable_rock(query)
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- local rocks_provided = util.get_rocks_provided()
- if rocks_provided[query.name] ~= nil then
- -- Do not install versions listed in rocks_provided.
- return nil, "Rock "..query.name.." "..rocks_provided[query.name]..
- " is already provided by VM or via 'rocks_provided' in the config file.", "provided"
- end
- local result_tree = search.search_repos(query)
- local first_rock = next(result_tree)
- if not first_rock then
- return nil, "No results matching query were found for Lua " .. cfg.lua_version .. ".", "notfound"
- elseif next(result_tree, first_rock) then
- -- Shouldn't happen as query must match only one package.
- return nil, "Several rocks matched query.", "manyfound"
- else
- return pick_latest_version(query.name, result_tree[first_rock])
- end
-function search.find_src_or_rockspec(name, namespace, version, check_lua_versions)
- local query = queries.new(name, namespace, version, false, "src|rockspec")
- local url, err = search.find_rock_checking_lua_versions(query, check_lua_versions)
- if not url then
- return nil, "Could not find a result named "..tostring(query)..": "..err
- end
- return url
-function search.find_rock_checking_lua_versions(query, check_lua_versions)
- local url, err, errcode = search.find_suitable_rock(query)
- if url then
- return url
- end
- if errcode == "notfound" then
- local add
- if check_lua_versions then
- util.printout(query.name .. " not found for Lua " .. cfg.lua_version .. ".")
- util.printout("Checking if available for other Lua versions...")
- -- Check if constraints are satisfiable with other Lua versions.
- local lua_versions = supported_lua_versions(query)
- if #lua_versions ~= 0 then
- -- Build a nice message in "only Lua 5.x and 5.y but not 5.z." format
- for i, lua_version in ipairs(lua_versions) do
- lua_versions[i] = "Lua "..lua_version
- end
- local versions_message = "only "..table.concat(lua_versions, " and ")..
- " but not Lua "..cfg.lua_version.."."
- if #query.constraints == 0 then
- add = query.name.." supports "..versions_message
- elseif #query.constraints == 1 and query.constraints[1].op == "==" then
- add = query.name.." "..query.constraints[1].version.string.." supports "..versions_message
- else
- add = "Matching "..query.name.." versions support "..versions_message
- end
- else
- add = query.name.." is not available for any Lua versions."
- end
- else
- add = "To check if it is available for other Lua versions, use --check-lua-versions."
- end
- err = err .. "\n" .. add
- end
- return nil, err
---- Print a list of rocks/rockspecs on standard output.
--- @param result_tree table: A result tree.
--- @param porcelain boolean or nil: A flag to force machine-friendly output.
-function search.print_result_tree(result_tree, porcelain)
- assert(type(result_tree) == "table")
- assert(type(porcelain) == "boolean" or not porcelain)
- if porcelain then
- for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(result_tree) do
- for version, repos in util.sortedpairs(versions, vers.compare_versions) do
- for _, repo in ipairs(repos) do
- local nrepo = dir.normalize(repo.repo)
- util.printout(package, version, repo.arch, nrepo, repo.namespace)
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(result_tree) do
- local namespaces = {}
- for version, repos in util.sortedpairs(versions, vers.compare_versions) do
- for _, repo in ipairs(repos) do
- local key = repo.namespace or ""
- local list = namespaces[key] or {}
- namespaces[key] = list
- repo.repo = dir.normalize(repo.repo)
- table.insert(list, " "..version.." ("..repo.arch..") - "..path.root_dir(repo.repo))
- end
- end
- for key, list in util.sortedpairs(namespaces) do
- util.printout(key == "" and package or key .. "/" .. package)
- for _, line in ipairs(list) do
- util.printout(line)
- end
- util.printout()
- end
- end
-function search.pick_installed_rock(query, given_tree)
- assert(query:type() == "query")
- local result_tree = {}
- local tree_map = {}
- local trees = cfg.rocks_trees
- if given_tree then
- trees = { given_tree }
- end
- for _, tree in ipairs(trees) do
- local rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(tree)
- tree_map[rocks_dir] = tree
- search.local_manifest_search(result_tree, rocks_dir, query)
- end
- if not next(result_tree) then
- return nil, "cannot find package "..tostring(query).."\nUse 'list' to find installed rocks."
- end
- if not result_tree[query.name] and next(result_tree, next(result_tree)) then
- local out = { "multiple installed packages match the name '"..tostring(query).."':\n\n" }
- for name, _ in util.sortedpairs(result_tree) do
- table.insert(out, " " .. name .. "\n")
- end
- table.insert(out, "\nPlease specify a single rock.\n")
- return nil, table.concat(out)
- end
- local repo_url
- local name, versions
- if result_tree[query.name] then
- name, versions = query.name, result_tree[query.name]
- else
- name, versions = util.sortedpairs(result_tree)()
- end
- local version, repositories = util.sortedpairs(versions, vers.compare_versions)()
- for _, rp in ipairs(repositories) do repo_url = rp.repo end
- local repo = tree_map[repo_url]
- return name, version, repo, repo_url
-return search
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/signing.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/signing.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index cb91643a1..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/signing.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-local signing = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local function get_gpg()
- local vars = cfg.variables
- local gpg = vars.GPG
- local gpg_ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(gpg, "gpg")
- if not gpg_ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- return gpg
-function signing.signature_url(url)
- return url .. ".asc"
-function signing.sign_file(file)
- local gpg, err = get_gpg()
- if not gpg then
- return nil, err
- end
- local sigfile = file .. ".asc"
- if fs.execute(gpg, "--armor", "--output", sigfile, "--detach-sign", file) then
- return sigfile
- else
- return nil, "failed running " .. gpg .. " to sign " .. file
- end
-function signing.verify_signature(file, sigfile)
- local gpg, err = get_gpg()
- if not gpg then
- return nil, err
- end
- if fs.execute(gpg, "--verify", sigfile, file) then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "GPG returned a verification error"
- end
-return signing
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ef801a9dc..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-local test = {}
-local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local test_types = {
- "busted",
- "command",
-local test_modules = {}
-for _, test_type in ipairs(test_types) do
- local mod = require("luarocks.test." .. test_type)
- table.insert(test_modules, mod)
- test_modules[test_type] = mod
- test_modules[mod] = test_type
-local function get_test_type(rockspec)
- if rockspec.test and rockspec.test.type then
- return rockspec.test.type
- end
- for _, test_module in ipairs(test_modules) do
- if test_module.detect_type() then
- return test_modules[test_module]
- end
- end
- return nil, "could not detect test type -- no test suite for " .. rockspec.package .. "?"
--- Run test suite as configured in rockspec in the current directory.
-function test.run_test_suite(rockspec_arg, test_type, args, prepare)
- local rockspec
- if type(rockspec_arg) == "string" then
- local err, errcode
- rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_arg)
- if err then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- else
- assert(type(rockspec_arg) == "table")
- rockspec = rockspec_arg
- end
- if not test_type then
- local err
- test_type, err = get_test_type(rockspec, test_type)
- if not test_type then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- assert(test_type)
- if next(rockspec.test_dependencies) then
- local ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, "test_dependencies", "all")
- if err then
- return nil, err, errcode
- end
- end
- local mod_name = "luarocks.test." .. test_type
- local pok, test_mod = pcall(require, mod_name)
- if not pok then
- return nil, "failed loading test execution module " .. mod_name
- end
- if prepare then
- return test_mod.run_tests(rockspec_arg, {"--version"})
- else
- local flags = rockspec.test and rockspec.test.flags
- if type(flags) == "table" then
- util.variable_substitutions(flags, rockspec.variables)
- -- insert any flags given in test.flags at the front of args
- for i = 1, #flags do
- table.insert(args, i, flags[i])
- end
- end
- return test_mod.run_tests(rockspec.test, args)
- end
-return test
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test/busted.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test/busted.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c73909cf0..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test/busted.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-local busted = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
-local path = require("luarocks.path")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local queries = require("luarocks.queries")
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
-function busted.detect_type()
- if fs.exists(".busted") then
- return true
- end
- return false
-function busted.run_tests(test, args)
- if not test then
- test = {}
- end
- local ok, bustedver, where = deps.fulfill_dependency(queries.new("busted"), nil, nil, nil, "test_dependencies")
- if not ok then
- return nil, bustedver
- end
- local busted_exe
- if test.busted_executable then
- busted_exe = test.busted_executable
- else
- busted_exe = dir.path(path.root_dir(where), "bin", "busted")
- -- Windows fallback
- local busted_bat = dir.path(path.root_dir(where), "bin", "busted.bat")
- if not fs.exists(busted_exe) and not fs.exists(busted_bat) then
- return nil, "'busted' executable failed to be installed"
- end
- end
- local err
- ok, err = fs.execute(busted_exe, unpack(args))
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- return nil, err or "test suite failed."
- end
-return busted
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test/command.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test/command.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 58fa22cbd..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/test/command.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-local command = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
-function command.detect_type()
- if fs.exists("test.lua") then
- return true
- end
- return false
-function command.run_tests(test, args)
- if not test then
- test = {
- script = "test.lua"
- }
- end
- if not test.script and not test.command then
- test.script = "test.lua"
- end
- local ok
- if test.script then
- if not fs.exists(test.script) then
- return nil, "Test script " .. test.script .. " does not exist"
- end
- local lua = fs.Q(dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)) -- get lua interpreter configured
- ok = fs.execute(lua, test.script, unpack(args))
- elseif test.command then
- ok = fs.execute(test.command, unpack(args))
- end
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- return nil, "tests failed with non-zero exit code"
- end
-return command
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/patch.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/patch.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f36d7131..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/patch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
---- Patch utility to apply unified diffs.
--- http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaPatch
--- (c) 2008 David Manura, Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT license).
--- Code is heavily based on the Python-based patch.py version 8.06-1
--- Copyright (c) 2008 rainforce.org, MIT License
--- Project home: http://code.google.com/p/python-patch/ .
--- Version 0.1
-local patch = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local io = io
-local os = os
-local string = string
-local table = table
-local format = string.format
--- logging
-local debugmode = false
-local function debug(_) end
-local function info(_) end
-local function warning(s) io.stderr:write(s .. '\n') end
--- Returns boolean whether string s2 starts with string s.
-local function startswith(s, s2)
- return s:sub(1, #s2) == s2
--- Returns boolean whether string s2 ends with string s.
-local function endswith(s, s2)
- return #s >= #s2 and s:sub(#s-#s2+1) == s2
--- Returns string s after filtering out any new-line characters from end.
-local function endlstrip(s)
- return s:gsub('[\r\n]+$', '')
--- Returns shallow copy of table t.
-local function table_copy(t)
- local t2 = {}
- for k,v in pairs(t) do t2[k] = v end
- return t2
-local function exists(filename)
- local fh = io.open(filename)
- local result = fh ~= nil
- if fh then fh:close() end
- return result
-local function isfile() return true end --FIX?
-local function string_as_file(s)
- return {
- at = 0,
- str = s,
- len = #s,
- eof = false,
- read = function(self, n)
- if self.eof then return nil end
- local chunk = self.str:sub(self.at, self.at + n - 1)
- self.at = self.at + n
- if self.at > self.len then
- self.eof = true
- end
- return chunk
- end,
- close = function(self)
- self.eof = true
- end,
- }
--- file_lines(f) is similar to f:lines() for file f.
--- The main difference is that read_lines includes
--- new-line character sequences ("\n", "\r\n", "\r"),
--- if any, at the end of each line. Embedded "\0" are also handled.
--- Caution: The newline behavior can depend on whether f is opened
--- in binary or ASCII mode.
--- (file_lines - version 20080913)
-local function file_lines(f)
- local CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
- local buffer = ""
- local pos_beg = 1
- return function()
- local pos, chars
- while 1 do
- pos, chars = buffer:match('()([\r\n].)', pos_beg)
- if pos or not f then
- break
- elseif f then
- local chunk = f:read(CHUNK_SIZE)
- if chunk then
- buffer = buffer:sub(pos_beg) .. chunk
- pos_beg = 1
- else
- f = nil
- end
- end
- end
- if not pos then
- pos = #buffer
- elseif chars == '\r\n' then
- pos = pos + 1
- end
- local line = buffer:sub(pos_beg, pos)
- pos_beg = pos + 1
- if #line > 0 then
- return line
- end
- end
-local function match_linerange(line)
- local m1, m2, m3, m4 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+),(%d+) %+(%d+),(%d+)")
- if not m1 then m1, m3, m4 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+) %+(%d+),(%d+)") end
- if not m1 then m1, m2, m3 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+),(%d+) %+(%d+)") end
- if not m1 then m1, m3 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+) %+(%d+)") end
- return m1, m2, m3, m4
-local function match_epoch(str)
- return str:match("[^0-9]1969[^0-9]") or str:match("[^0-9]1970[^0-9]")
-function patch.read_patch(filename, data)
- -- define possible file regions that will direct the parser flow
- local state = 'header'
- -- 'header' - comments before the patch body
- -- 'filenames' - lines starting with --- and +++
- -- 'hunkhead' - @@ -R +R @@ sequence
- -- 'hunkbody'
- -- 'hunkskip' - skipping invalid hunk mode
- local all_ok = true
- local lineends = {lf=0, crlf=0, cr=0}
- local files = {source={}, target={}, epoch={}, hunks={}, fileends={}, hunkends={}}
- local nextfileno = 0
- local nexthunkno = 0 --: even if index starts with 0 user messages
- -- number hunks from 1
- -- hunkinfo holds parsed values, hunkactual - calculated
- local hunkinfo = {
- startsrc=nil, linessrc=nil, starttgt=nil, linestgt=nil,
- invalid=false, text={}
- }
- local hunkactual = {linessrc=nil, linestgt=nil}
- info(format("reading patch %s", filename))
- local fp
- if data then
- fp = string_as_file(data)
- else
- fp = filename == '-' and io.stdin or assert(io.open(filename, "rb"))
- end
- local lineno = 0
- for line in file_lines(fp) do
- lineno = lineno + 1
- if state == 'header' then
- if startswith(line, "--- ") then
- state = 'filenames'
- end
- -- state is 'header' or 'filenames'
- end
- if state == 'hunkbody' then
- -- skip hunkskip and hunkbody code until definition of hunkhead read
- if line:match"^[\r\n]*$" then
- -- prepend space to empty lines to interpret them as context properly
- line = " " .. line
- end
- -- process line first
- if line:match"^[- +\\]" then
- -- gather stats about line endings
- local he = files.hunkends[nextfileno]
- if endswith(line, "\r\n") then
- he.crlf = he.crlf + 1
- elseif endswith(line, "\n") then
- he.lf = he.lf + 1
- elseif endswith(line, "\r") then
- he.cr = he.cr + 1
- end
- if startswith(line, "-") then
- hunkactual.linessrc = hunkactual.linessrc + 1
- elseif startswith(line, "+") then
- hunkactual.linestgt = hunkactual.linestgt + 1
- elseif startswith(line, "\\") then
- -- nothing
- else
- hunkactual.linessrc = hunkactual.linessrc + 1
- hunkactual.linestgt = hunkactual.linestgt + 1
- end
- table.insert(hunkinfo.text, line)
- -- todo: handle \ No newline cases
- else
- warning(format("invalid hunk no.%d at %d for target file %s",
- nexthunkno, lineno, files.target[nextfileno]))
- -- add hunk status node
- table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
- files.hunks[nextfileno][nexthunkno].invalid = true
- all_ok = false
- state = 'hunkskip'
- end
- -- check exit conditions
- if hunkactual.linessrc > hunkinfo.linessrc or
- hunkactual.linestgt > hunkinfo.linestgt
- then
- warning(format("extra hunk no.%d lines at %d for target %s",
- nexthunkno, lineno, files.target[nextfileno]))
- -- add hunk status node
- table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
- files.hunks[nextfileno][nexthunkno].invalid = true
- state = 'hunkskip'
- elseif hunkinfo.linessrc == hunkactual.linessrc and
- hunkinfo.linestgt == hunkactual.linestgt
- then
- table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
- state = 'hunkskip'
- -- detect mixed window/unix line ends
- local ends = files.hunkends[nextfileno]
- if (ends.cr~=0 and 1 or 0) + (ends.crlf~=0 and 1 or 0) +
- (ends.lf~=0 and 1 or 0) > 1
- then
- warning(format("inconsistent line ends in patch hunks for %s",
- files.source[nextfileno]))
- end
- end
- -- state is 'hunkbody' or 'hunkskip'
- end
- if state == 'hunkskip' then
- if match_linerange(line) then
- state = 'hunkhead'
- elseif startswith(line, "--- ") then
- state = 'filenames'
- if debugmode and #files.source > 0 then
- debug(format("- %2d hunks for %s", #files.hunks[nextfileno],
- files.source[nextfileno]))
- end
- end
- -- state is 'hunkskip', 'hunkhead', or 'filenames'
- end
- local advance
- if state == 'filenames' then
- if startswith(line, "--- ") then
- if fun.contains(files.source, nextfileno) then
- all_ok = false
- warning(format("skipping invalid patch for %s",
- files.source[nextfileno+1]))
- table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
- -- double source filename line is encountered
- -- attempt to restart from this second line
- end
- -- Accept a space as a terminator, like GNU patch does.
- -- Breaks patches containing filenames with spaces...
- -- FIXME Figure out what does GNU patch do in those cases.
- local match, rest = line:match("^%-%-%- ([^ \t\r\n]+)(.*)")
- if not match then
- all_ok = false
- warning(format("skipping invalid filename at line %d", lineno+1))
- state = 'header'
- else
- if match_epoch(rest) then
- files.epoch[nextfileno + 1] = true
- end
- table.insert(files.source, match)
- end
- elseif not startswith(line, "+++ ") then
- if fun.contains(files.source, nextfileno) then
- all_ok = false
- warning(format("skipping invalid patch with no target for %s",
- files.source[nextfileno+1]))
- table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
- else
- -- this should be unreachable
- warning("skipping invalid target patch")
- end
- state = 'header'
- else
- if fun.contains(files.target, nextfileno) then
- all_ok = false
- warning(format("skipping invalid patch - double target at line %d",
- lineno+1))
- table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
- table.remove(files.target, nextfileno+1)
- nextfileno = nextfileno - 1
- -- double target filename line is encountered
- -- switch back to header state
- state = 'header'
- else
- -- Accept a space as a terminator, like GNU patch does.
- -- Breaks patches containing filenames with spaces...
- -- FIXME Figure out what does GNU patch do in those cases.
- local re_filename = "^%+%+%+ ([^ \t\r\n]+)(.*)$"
- local match, rest = line:match(re_filename)
- if not match then
- all_ok = false
- warning(format(
- "skipping invalid patch - no target filename at line %d",
- lineno+1))
- state = 'header'
- else
- table.insert(files.target, match)
- nextfileno = nextfileno + 1
- if match_epoch(rest) then
- files.epoch[nextfileno] = true
- end
- nexthunkno = 0
- table.insert(files.hunks, {})
- table.insert(files.hunkends, table_copy(lineends))
- table.insert(files.fileends, table_copy(lineends))
- state = 'hunkhead'
- advance = true
- end
- end
- end
- -- state is 'filenames', 'header', or ('hunkhead' with advance)
- end
- if not advance and state == 'hunkhead' then
- local m1, m2, m3, m4 = match_linerange(line)
- if not m1 then
- if not fun.contains(files.hunks, nextfileno-1) then
- all_ok = false
- warning(format("skipping invalid patch with no hunks for file %s",
- files.target[nextfileno]))
- end
- state = 'header'
- else
- hunkinfo.startsrc = tonumber(m1)
- hunkinfo.linessrc = tonumber(m2 or 1)
- hunkinfo.starttgt = tonumber(m3)
- hunkinfo.linestgt = tonumber(m4 or 1)
- hunkinfo.invalid = false
- hunkinfo.text = {}
- hunkactual.linessrc = 0
- hunkactual.linestgt = 0
- state = 'hunkbody'
- nexthunkno = nexthunkno + 1
- end
- -- state is 'header' or 'hunkbody'
- end
- end
- if state ~= 'hunkskip' then
- warning(format("patch file incomplete - %s", filename))
- all_ok = false
- -- os.exit(?)
- else
- -- duplicated message when an eof is reached
- if debugmode and #files.source > 0 then
- debug(format("- %2d hunks for %s", #files.hunks[nextfileno],
- files.source[nextfileno]))
- end
- end
- local sum = 0; for _,hset in ipairs(files.hunks) do sum = sum + #hset end
- info(format("total files: %d total hunks: %d", #files.source, sum))
- fp:close()
- return files, all_ok
-local function find_hunk(file, h, hno)
- for fuzz=0,2 do
- local lineno = h.startsrc
- for i=0,#file do
- local found = true
- local location = lineno
- for l, hline in ipairs(h.text) do
- if l > fuzz then
- -- todo: \ No newline at the end of file
- if startswith(hline, " ") or startswith(hline, "-") then
- local line = file[lineno]
- lineno = lineno + 1
- if not line or #line == 0 then
- found = false
- break
- end
- if endlstrip(line) ~= endlstrip(hline:sub(2)) then
- found = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if found then
- local offset = location - h.startsrc - fuzz
- if offset ~= 0 then
- warning(format("Hunk %d found at offset %d%s...", hno, offset, fuzz == 0 and "" or format(" (fuzz %d)", fuzz)))
- end
- h.startsrc = location
- h.starttgt = h.starttgt + offset
- for _=1,fuzz do
- table.remove(h.text, 1)
- table.remove(h.text, #h.text)
- end
- return true
- end
- lineno = i
- end
- end
- return false
-local function load_file(filename)
- local fp = assert(io.open(filename))
- local file = {}
- local readline = file_lines(fp)
- while true do
- local line = readline()
- if not line then break end
- table.insert(file, line)
- end
- fp:close()
- return file
-local function find_hunks(file, hunks)
- for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
- find_hunk(file, h, hno)
- end
-local function check_patched(file, hunks)
- local lineno = 1
- local ok, err = pcall(function()
- if #file == 0 then
- error('nomatch', 0)
- end
- for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
- -- skip to line just before hunk starts
- if #file < h.starttgt then
- error('nomatch', 0)
- end
- lineno = h.starttgt
- for _, hline in ipairs(h.text) do
- -- todo: \ No newline at the end of file
- if not startswith(hline, "-") and not startswith(hline, "\\") then
- local line = file[lineno]
- lineno = lineno + 1
- if #line == 0 then
- error('nomatch', 0)
- end
- if endlstrip(line) ~= endlstrip(hline:sub(2)) then
- warning(format("file is not patched - failed hunk: %d", hno))
- error('nomatch', 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- -- todo: display failed hunk, i.e. expected/found
- return err ~= 'nomatch'
-local function patch_hunks(srcname, tgtname, hunks)
- local src = assert(io.open(srcname, "rb"))
- local tgt = assert(io.open(tgtname, "wb"))
- local src_readline = file_lines(src)
- -- todo: detect linefeeds early - in apply_files routine
- -- to handle cases when patch starts right from the first
- -- line and no lines are processed. At the moment substituted
- -- lineends may not be the same at the start and at the end
- -- of patching. Also issue a warning about mixed lineends
- local srclineno = 1
- local lineends = {['\n']=0, ['\r\n']=0, ['\r']=0}
- for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
- debug(format("processing hunk %d for file %s", hno, tgtname))
- -- skip to line just before hunk starts
- while srclineno < h.startsrc do
- local line = src_readline()
- -- Python 'U' mode works only with text files
- if endswith(line, "\r\n") then
- lineends["\r\n"] = lineends["\r\n"] + 1
- elseif endswith(line, "\n") then
- lineends["\n"] = lineends["\n"] + 1
- elseif endswith(line, "\r") then
- lineends["\r"] = lineends["\r"] + 1
- end
- tgt:write(line)
- srclineno = srclineno + 1
- end
- for _,hline in ipairs(h.text) do
- -- todo: check \ No newline at the end of file
- if startswith(hline, "-") or startswith(hline, "\\") then
- src_readline()
- srclineno = srclineno + 1
- else
- if not startswith(hline, "+") then
- src_readline()
- srclineno = srclineno + 1
- end
- local line2write = hline:sub(2)
- -- detect if line ends are consistent in source file
- local sum = 0
- for _,v in pairs(lineends) do if v > 0 then sum=sum+1 end end
- if sum == 1 then
- local newline
- for k,v in pairs(lineends) do if v ~= 0 then newline = k end end
- tgt:write(endlstrip(line2write) .. newline)
- else -- newlines are mixed or unknown
- tgt:write(line2write)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for line in src_readline do
- tgt:write(line)
- end
- tgt:close()
- src:close()
- return true
-local function strip_dirs(filename, strip)
- if strip == nil then return filename end
- for _=1,strip do
- filename=filename:gsub("^[^/]*/", "")
- end
- return filename
-local function write_new_file(filename, hunk)
- local fh = io.open(filename, "wb")
- if not fh then return false end
- for _, hline in ipairs(hunk.text) do
- local c = hline:sub(1,1)
- if c ~= "+" and c ~= "-" and c ~= " " then
- return false, "malformed patch"
- end
- fh:write(hline:sub(2))
- end
- fh:close()
- return true
-local function patch_file(source, target, epoch, hunks, strip, create_delete)
- local create_file = false
- if create_delete then
- local is_src_epoch = epoch and #hunks == 1 and hunks[1].startsrc == 0 and hunks[1].linessrc == 0
- if is_src_epoch or source == "/dev/null" then
- info(format("will create %s", target))
- create_file = true
- end
- end
- if create_file then
- return write_new_file(fs.absolute_name(strip_dirs(target, strip)), hunks[1])
- end
- source = strip_dirs(source, strip)
- local f2patch = source
- if not exists(f2patch) then
- f2patch = strip_dirs(target, strip)
- f2patch = fs.absolute_name(f2patch)
- if not exists(f2patch) then --FIX:if f2patch nil
- warning(format("source/target file does not exist\n--- %s\n+++ %s",
- source, f2patch))
- return false
- end
- end
- if not isfile(f2patch) then
- warning(format("not a file - %s", f2patch))
- return false
- end
- source = f2patch
- -- validate before patching
- local file = load_file(source)
- local hunkno = 1
- local hunk = hunks[hunkno]
- local hunkfind = {}
- local validhunks = 0
- local canpatch = false
- local hunklineno
- if not file then
- return nil, "failed reading file " .. source
- end
- if create_delete then
- if epoch and #hunks == 1 and hunks[1].starttgt == 0 and hunks[1].linestgt == 0 then
- local ok = os.remove(source)
- if not ok then
- return false
- end
- info(format("successfully removed %s", source))
- return true
- end
- end
- find_hunks(file, hunks)
- local function process_line(line, lineno)
- if not hunk or lineno < hunk.startsrc then
- return false
- end
- if lineno == hunk.startsrc then
- hunkfind = {}
- for _,x in ipairs(hunk.text) do
- if x:sub(1,1) == ' ' or x:sub(1,1) == '-' then
- hunkfind[#hunkfind+1] = endlstrip(x:sub(2))
- end
- end
- hunklineno = 1
- -- todo \ No newline at end of file
- end
- -- check hunks in source file
- if lineno < hunk.startsrc + #hunkfind - 1 then
- if endlstrip(line) == hunkfind[hunklineno] then
- hunklineno = hunklineno + 1
- else
- debug(format("hunk no.%d doesn't match source file %s",
- hunkno, source))
- -- file may be already patched, but check other hunks anyway
- hunkno = hunkno + 1
- if hunkno <= #hunks then
- hunk = hunks[hunkno]
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- -- check if processed line is the last line
- if lineno == hunk.startsrc + #hunkfind - 1 then
- debug(format("file %s hunk no.%d -- is ready to be patched",
- source, hunkno))
- hunkno = hunkno + 1
- validhunks = validhunks + 1
- if hunkno <= #hunks then
- hunk = hunks[hunkno]
- else
- if validhunks == #hunks then
- -- patch file
- canpatch = true
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local done = false
- for lineno, line in ipairs(file) do
- done = process_line(line, lineno)
- if done then
- break
- end
- end
- if not done then
- if hunkno <= #hunks and not create_file then
- warning(format("premature end of source file %s at hunk %d",
- source, hunkno))
- return false
- end
- end
- if validhunks < #hunks then
- if check_patched(file, hunks) then
- warning(format("already patched %s", source))
- elseif not create_file then
- warning(format("source file is different - %s", source))
- return false
- end
- end
- if not canpatch then
- return true
- end
- local backupname = source .. ".orig"
- if exists(backupname) then
- warning(format("can't backup original file to %s - aborting",
- backupname))
- return false
- end
- local ok = os.rename(source, backupname)
- if not ok then
- warning(format("failed backing up %s when patching", source))
- return false
- end
- patch_hunks(backupname, source, hunks)
- info(format("successfully patched %s", source))
- os.remove(backupname)
- return true
-function patch.apply_patch(the_patch, strip, create_delete)
- local all_ok = true
- local total = #the_patch.source
- for fileno, source in ipairs(the_patch.source) do
- local target = the_patch.target[fileno]
- local hunks = the_patch.hunks[fileno]
- local epoch = the_patch.epoch[fileno]
- info(format("processing %d/%d:\t %s", fileno, total, source))
- local ok = patch_file(source, target, epoch, hunks, strip, create_delete)
- all_ok = all_ok and ok
- end
- -- todo: check for premature eof
- return all_ok
-return patch
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/tar.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/tar.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d5920b0..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/tar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
---- A pure-Lua implementation of untar (unpacking .tar archives)
-local tar = {}
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local blocksize = 512
-local function get_typeflag(flag)
- if flag == "0" or flag == "\0" then return "file"
- elseif flag == "1" then return "link"
- elseif flag == "2" then return "symlink" -- "reserved" in POSIX, "symlink" in GNU
- elseif flag == "3" then return "character"
- elseif flag == "4" then return "block"
- elseif flag == "5" then return "directory"
- elseif flag == "6" then return "fifo"
- elseif flag == "7" then return "contiguous" -- "reserved" in POSIX, "contiguous" in GNU
- elseif flag == "x" then return "next file"
- elseif flag == "g" then return "global extended header"
- elseif flag == "L" then return "long name"
- elseif flag == "K" then return "long link name"
- end
- return "unknown"
-local function octal_to_number(octal)
- local exp = 0
- local number = 0
- octal = octal:gsub("%s", "")
- for i = #octal,1,-1 do
- local digit = tonumber(octal:sub(i,i))
- if not digit then
- break
- end
- number = number + (digit * 8^exp)
- exp = exp + 1
- end
- return number
-local function checksum_header(block)
- local sum = 256
- for i = 1,148 do
- local b = block:byte(i) or 0
- sum = sum + b
- end
- for i = 157,500 do
- local b = block:byte(i) or 0
- sum = sum + b
- end
- return sum
-local function nullterm(s)
- return s:match("^[^%z]*")
-local function read_header_block(block)
- local header = {}
- header.name = nullterm(block:sub(1,100))
- header.mode = nullterm(block:sub(101,108)):gsub(" ", "")
- header.uid = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(109,116)))
- header.gid = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(117,124)))
- header.size = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(125,136)))
- header.mtime = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(137,148)))
- header.chksum = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(149,156)))
- header.typeflag = get_typeflag(block:sub(157,157))
- header.linkname = nullterm(block:sub(158,257))
- header.magic = block:sub(258,263)
- header.version = block:sub(264,265)
- header.uname = nullterm(block:sub(266,297))
- header.gname = nullterm(block:sub(298,329))
- header.devmajor = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(330,337)))
- header.devminor = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(338,345)))
- header.prefix = block:sub(346,500)
- -- if header.magic ~= "ustar " and header.magic ~= "ustar\0" then
- -- return false, ("Invalid header magic %6x"):format(bestring_to_number(header.magic))
- -- end
- -- if header.version ~= "00" and header.version ~= " \0" then
- -- return false, "Unknown version "..header.version
- -- end
- if checksum_header(block) ~= header.chksum then
- return false, "Failed header checksum"
- end
- return header
-function tar.untar(filename, destdir)
- assert(type(filename) == "string")
- assert(type(destdir) == "string")
- local tar_handle = io.open(filename, "rb")
- if not tar_handle then return nil, "Error opening file "..filename end
- local long_name, long_link_name
- local ok, err
- local make_dir = fun.memoize(fs.make_dir)
- while true do
- local block
- repeat
- block = tar_handle:read(blocksize)
- until (not block) or checksum_header(block) > 256
- if not block then break end
- if #block < blocksize then
- ok, err = nil, "Invalid block size -- corrupted file?"
- break
- end
- local header
- header, err = read_header_block(block)
- if not header then
- ok = false
- break
- end
- local file_data = tar_handle:read(math.ceil(header.size / blocksize) * blocksize):sub(1,header.size)
- if header.typeflag == "long name" then
- long_name = nullterm(file_data)
- elseif header.typeflag == "long link name" then
- long_link_name = nullterm(file_data)
- else
- if long_name then
- header.name = long_name
- long_name = nil
- end
- if long_link_name then
- header.name = long_link_name
- long_link_name = nil
- end
- end
- local pathname = dir.path(destdir, header.name)
- pathname = fs.absolute_name(pathname)
- if header.typeflag == "directory" then
- ok, err = make_dir(pathname)
- if not ok then
- break
- end
- elseif header.typeflag == "file" then
- local dirname = dir.dir_name(pathname)
- if dirname ~= "" then
- ok, err = make_dir(dirname)
- if not ok then
- break
- end
- end
- local file_handle
- file_handle, err = io.open(pathname, "wb")
- if not file_handle then
- ok = nil
- break
- end
- file_handle:write(file_data)
- file_handle:close()
- fs.set_time(pathname, header.mtime)
- if header.mode:match("[75]") then
- fs.set_permissions(pathname, "exec", "all")
- else
- fs.set_permissions(pathname, "read", "all")
- end
- end
- --[[
- for k,v in pairs(header) do
- util.printout("[\""..tostring(k).."\"] = "..(type(v)=="number" and v or "\""..v:gsub("%z", "\\0").."\""))
- end
- util.printout()
- --]]
- end
- tar_handle:close()
- return ok, err
-return tar
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/zip.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/zip.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d582fa8..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/tools/zip.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
---- A Lua implementation of .zip and .gz file compression and decompression,
--- using only lzlib or lua-lzib.
-local zip = {}
-local zlib = require("zlib")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local pack = table.pack or function(...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... } end
-local function shr(n, m)
- return math.floor(n / 2^m)
-local function shl(n, m)
- return n * 2^m
-local function lowbits(n, m)
- return n % 2^m
-local function mode_to_windowbits(mode)
- if mode == "gzip" then
- return 31
- elseif mode == "zlib" then
- return 0
- elseif mode == "raw" then
- return -15
- end
--- zlib module can be provided by both lzlib and lua-lzib packages.
--- Create a compatibility layer.
-local zlib_compress, zlib_uncompress, zlib_crc32
-if zlib._VERSION:match "^lua%-zlib" then
- function zlib_compress(data, mode)
- return (zlib.deflate(6, mode_to_windowbits(mode))(data, "finish"))
- end
- function zlib_uncompress(data, mode)
- return (zlib.inflate(mode_to_windowbits(mode))(data))
- end
- function zlib_crc32(data)
- return zlib.crc32()(data)
- end
-elseif zlib._VERSION:match "^lzlib" then
- function zlib_compress(data, mode)
- return zlib.compress(data, -1, nil, mode_to_windowbits(mode))
- end
- function zlib_uncompress(data, mode)
- return zlib.decompress(data, mode_to_windowbits(mode))
- end
- function zlib_crc32(data)
- return zlib.crc32(zlib.crc32(), data)
- end
- error("unknown zlib library", 0)
-local function number_to_lestring(number, nbytes)
- local out = {}
- for _ = 1, nbytes do
- local byte = number % 256
- table.insert(out, string.char(byte))
- number = (number - byte) / 256
- end
- return table.concat(out)
-local function lestring_to_number(str)
- local n = 0
- local bytes = { string.byte(str, 1, #str) }
- for b = 1, #str do
- n = n + shl(bytes[b], (b-1)*8)
- end
- return math.floor(n)
-local LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE = number_to_lestring(0x04034b50, 4)
-local DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE = number_to_lestring(0x08074b50, 4)
-local CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE = number_to_lestring(0x02014b50, 4)
-local END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE = number_to_lestring(0x06054b50, 4)
---- Begin a new file to be stored inside the zipfile.
--- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
--- @param filename filenome of the file to be added to the zipfile.
--- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
-local function zipwriter_open_new_file_in_zip(self, filename)
- if self.in_open_file then
- self:close_file_in_zip()
- return nil
- end
- local lfh = {}
- self.local_file_header = lfh
- lfh.last_mod_file_time = 0 -- TODO
- lfh.last_mod_file_date = 0 -- TODO
- lfh.file_name_length = #filename
- lfh.extra_field_length = 0
- lfh.file_name = filename:gsub("\\", "/")
- lfh.external_attr = shl(493, 16) -- TODO proper permissions
- self.in_open_file = true
- return true
---- Write data to the file currently being stored in the zipfile.
--- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
--- @param data string containing full contents of the file.
--- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
-local function zipwriter_write_file_in_zip(self, data)
- if not self.in_open_file then
- return nil
- end
- local lfh = self.local_file_header
- local compressed = zlib_compress(data, "raw")
- lfh.crc32 = zlib_crc32(data)
- lfh.compressed_size = #compressed
- lfh.uncompressed_size = #data
- self.data = compressed
- return true
---- Complete the writing of a file stored in the zipfile.
--- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
--- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
-local function zipwriter_close_file_in_zip(self)
- local zh = self.ziphandle
- if not self.in_open_file then
- return nil
- end
- -- Local file header
- local lfh = self.local_file_header
- lfh.offset = zh:seek()
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(20, 2)) -- version needed to extract: 2.0
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(4, 2)) -- general purpose bit flag
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(8, 2)) -- compression method: deflate
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.last_mod_file_time, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.last_mod_file_date, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.crc32, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.compressed_size, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.uncompressed_size, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.file_name_length, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.extra_field_length, 2))
- zh:write(lfh.file_name)
- -- File data
- zh:write(self.data)
- -- Data descriptor
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.crc32, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.compressed_size, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.uncompressed_size, 4))
- table.insert(self.files, lfh)
- self.in_open_file = false
- return true
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
--- false and an error message on failure.
-local function zipwriter_add(self, file)
- local fin
- local ok, err = self:open_new_file_in_zip(file)
- if not ok then
- err = "error in opening "..file.." in zipfile"
- else
- fin = io.open(fs.absolute_name(file), "rb")
- if not fin then
- ok = false
- err = "error opening "..file.." for reading"
- end
- end
- if ok then
- local data = fin:read("*a")
- if not data then
- err = "error reading "..file
- ok = false
- else
- ok = self:write_file_in_zip(data)
- if not ok then
- err = "error in writing "..file.." in the zipfile"
- end
- end
- end
- if fin then
- fin:close()
- end
- if ok then
- ok = self:close_file_in_zip()
- if not ok then
- err = "error in writing "..file.." in the zipfile"
- end
- end
- return ok == true, err
---- Complete the writing of the zipfile.
--- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
--- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
-local function zipwriter_close(self)
- local zh = self.ziphandle
- local central_directory_offset = zh:seek()
- local size_of_central_directory = 0
- -- Central directory structure
- for _, lfh in ipairs(self.files) do
- zh:write(CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE) -- signature
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(3, 2)) -- version made by: UNIX
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(20, 2)) -- version needed to extract: 2.0
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- general purpose bit flag
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(8, 2)) -- compression method: deflate
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.last_mod_file_time, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.last_mod_file_date, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.crc32, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.compressed_size, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.uncompressed_size, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.file_name_length, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.extra_field_length, 2))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- file comment length
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- disk number start
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- internal file attributes
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.external_attr, 4)) -- external file attributes
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(lfh.offset, 4)) -- relative offset of local header
- zh:write(lfh.file_name)
- size_of_central_directory = size_of_central_directory + 46 + lfh.file_name_length
- end
- -- End of central directory record
- zh:write(END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE) -- signature
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- number of this disk
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- number of disk with start of central directory
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(#self.files, 2)) -- total number of entries in the central dir on this disk
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(#self.files, 2)) -- total number of entries in the central dir
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(size_of_central_directory, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(central_directory_offset, 4))
- zh:write(number_to_lestring(0, 2)) -- zip file comment length
- zh:close()
- return true
---- Return a zip handle open for writing.
--- @param name filename of the zipfile to be created.
--- @return a zip handle, or nil in case of error.
-function zip.new_zipwriter(name)
- local zw = {}
- zw.ziphandle = io.open(fs.absolute_name(name), "wb")
- if not zw.ziphandle then
- return nil
- end
- zw.files = {}
- zw.in_open_file = false
- zw.add = zipwriter_add
- zw.close = zipwriter_close
- zw.open_new_file_in_zip = zipwriter_open_new_file_in_zip
- zw.write_file_in_zip = zipwriter_write_file_in_zip
- zw.close_file_in_zip = zipwriter_close_file_in_zip
- return zw
---- Compress files in a .zip archive.
--- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
--- @param ... Filenames to be stored in the archive are given as
--- additional arguments.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
--- false and an error message on failure.
-function zip.zip(zipfile, ...)
- local zw = zip.new_zipwriter(zipfile)
- if not zw then
- return nil, "error opening "..zipfile
- end
- local args = pack(...)
- local ok, err
- for i=1, args.n do
- local file = args[i]
- if fs.is_dir(file) then
- for _, entry in pairs(fs.find(file)) do
- local fullname = dir.path(file, entry)
- if fs.is_file(fullname) then
- ok, err = zw:add(fullname)
- if not ok then break end
- end
- end
- else
- ok, err = zw:add(file)
- if not ok then break end
- end
- end
- zw:close()
- return ok, err
-local function ziptime_to_luatime(ztime, zdate)
- local date = {
- year = shr(zdate, 9) + 1980,
- month = shr(lowbits(zdate, 9), 5),
- day = lowbits(zdate, 5),
- hour = shr(ztime, 11),
- min = shr(lowbits(ztime, 11), 5),
- sec = lowbits(ztime, 5) * 2,
- }
- if date.month == 0 then date.month = 1 end
- if date.day == 0 then date.day = 1 end
- return date
-local function read_file_in_zip(zh, cdr)
- local sig = zh:read(4)
- return nil, "failed reading Local File Header signature"
- end
- -- Skip over the rest of the zip file header. See
- -- zipwriter_close_file_in_zip for the format.
- zh:seek("cur", 22)
- local file_name_length = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- local extra_field_length = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- zh:read(file_name_length)
- zh:read(extra_field_length)
- local data = zh:read(cdr.compressed_size)
- local uncompressed
- if cdr.compression_method == 8 then
- uncompressed = zlib_uncompress(data, "raw")
- elseif cdr.compression_method == 0 then
- uncompressed = data
- else
- return nil, "unknown compression method " .. cdr.compression_method
- end
- if #uncompressed ~= cdr.uncompressed_size then
- return nil, "uncompressed size doesn't match"
- end
- if cdr.crc32 ~= zlib_crc32(uncompressed) then
- return nil, "crc32 failed (expected " .. cdr.crc32 .. ") - data: " .. uncompressed
- end
- return uncompressed
-local function process_end_of_central_dir(zh)
- local at, err = zh:seek("end", -22)
- if not at then
- return nil, err
- end
- while true do
- local sig = zh:read(4)
- break
- end
- at = at - 1
- local at1, err = zh:seek("set", at)
- if at1 ~= at then
- return nil, "Could not find End of Central Directory signature"
- end
- end
- -- number of this disk (2 bytes)
- -- number of the disk with the start of the central directory (2 bytes)
- -- total number of entries in the central directory on this disk (2 bytes)
- -- total number of entries in the central directory (2 bytes)
- zh:seek("cur", 6)
- local central_directory_entries = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- -- central directory size (4 bytes)
- zh:seek("cur", 4)
- local central_directory_offset = lestring_to_number(zh:read(4))
- return central_directory_entries, central_directory_offset
-local function process_central_dir(zh, cd_entries)
- local files = {}
- for i = 1, cd_entries do
- local sig = zh:read(4)
- return nil, "failed reading Central Directory signature"
- end
- local cdr = {}
- files[i] = cdr
- cdr.version_made_by = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.version_needed = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.bitflag = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.compression_method = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.last_mod_file_time = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.last_mod_file_date = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.last_mod_luatime = ziptime_to_luatime(cdr.last_mod_file_time, cdr.last_mod_file_date)
- cdr.crc32 = lestring_to_number(zh:read(4))
- cdr.compressed_size = lestring_to_number(zh:read(4))
- cdr.uncompressed_size = lestring_to_number(zh:read(4))
- cdr.file_name_length = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.extra_field_length = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.file_comment_length = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.disk_number_start = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.internal_attr = lestring_to_number(zh:read(2))
- cdr.external_attr = lestring_to_number(zh:read(4))
- cdr.offset = lestring_to_number(zh:read(4))
- cdr.file_name = zh:read(cdr.file_name_length)
- cdr.extra_field = zh:read(cdr.extra_field_length)
- cdr.file_comment = zh:read(cdr.file_comment_length)
- end
- return files
---- Uncompress files from a .zip archive.
--- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
--- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
--- false and an error message on failure.
-function zip.unzip(zipfile)
- zipfile = fs.absolute_name(zipfile)
- local zh, err = io.open(zipfile, "rb")
- if not zh then
- return nil, err
- end
- local cd_entries, cd_offset = process_end_of_central_dir(zh)
- if not cd_entries then
- return nil, cd_offset
- end
- local ok, err = zh:seek("set", cd_offset)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local files, err = process_central_dir(zh, cd_entries)
- if not files then
- return nil, err
- end
- for _, cdr in ipairs(files) do
- local file = cdr.file_name
- if file:sub(#file) == "/" then
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), file))
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- else
- local base = dir.dir_name(file)
- if base ~= "" then
- base = dir.path(fs.current_dir(), base)
- if not fs.is_dir(base) then
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(base)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- end
- local ok, err = zh:seek("set", cdr.offset)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local contents, err = read_file_in_zip(zh, cdr)
- if not contents then
- return nil, err
- end
- local pathname = dir.path(fs.current_dir(), file)
- local wf, err = io.open(pathname, "wb")
- if not wf then
- zh:close()
- return nil, err
- end
- wf:write(contents)
- wf:close()
- if cdr.external_attr > 0 then
- fs.set_permissions(pathname, "exec", "all")
- else
- fs.set_permissions(pathname, "read", "all")
- end
- fs.set_time(pathname, cdr.last_mod_luatime)
- end
- end
- zh:close()
- return true
-function zip.gzip(input_filename, output_filename)
- assert(type(input_filename) == "string")
- assert(output_filename == nil or type(output_filename) == "string")
- if not output_filename then
- output_filename = input_filename .. ".gz"
- end
- local fn = fun.partial(fun.flip(zlib_compress), "gzip")
- return fs.filter_file(fn, input_filename, output_filename)
-function zip.gunzip(input_filename, output_filename)
- assert(type(input_filename) == "string")
- assert(output_filename == nil or type(output_filename) == "string")
- if not output_filename then
- output_filename = input_filename:gsub("%.gz$", "")
- end
- local fn = fun.partial(fun.flip(zlib_uncompress), "gzip")
- return fs.filter_file(fn, input_filename, output_filename)
-return zip
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type/manifest.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type/manifest.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 043366eac..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type/manifest.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-local type_manifest = {}
-local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
-local manifest_formats = type_check.declare_schemas({
- ["3.0"] = {
- repository = {
- _mandatory = true,
- -- packages
- _any = {
- -- versions
- _any = {
- -- items
- _any = {
- arch = { _type = "string", _mandatory = true },
- modules = { _any = { _type = "string" } },
- commands = { _any = { _type = "string" } },
- dependencies = { _any = { _type = "string" } },
- -- TODO: to be extended with more metadata.
- }
- }
- }
- },
- modules = {
- _mandatory = true,
- -- modules
- _any = {
- -- providers
- _any = { _type = "string" }
- }
- },
- commands = {
- _mandatory = true,
- -- modules
- _any = {
- -- commands
- _any = { _type = "string" }
- }
- },
- dependencies = {
- -- each module
- _any = {
- -- each version
- _any = {
- -- each dependency
- _any = {
- name = { _type = "string" },
- namespace = { _type = "string" },
- constraints = {
- _any = {
- no_upgrade = { _type = "boolean" },
- op = { _type = "string" },
- version = {
- string = { _type = "string" },
- _any = { _type = "number" },
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
---- Type check a manifest table.
--- Verify the correctness of elements from a
--- manifest table, reporting on unknown fields and type
--- mismatches.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
--- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
-function type_manifest.check(manifest, globals)
- assert(type(manifest) == "table")
- local format = manifest_formats["3.0"]
- local ok, err = type_check.check_undeclared_globals(globals, format)
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- return type_check.type_check_table("3.0", manifest, format, "")
-return type_manifest
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type/rockspec.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type/rockspec.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b4b5dcfe..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type/rockspec.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-local type_rockspec = {}
-local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
-type_rockspec.rockspec_format = "3.0"
--- Syntax for type-checking tables:
--- A type-checking table describes typing data for a value.
--- Any key starting with an underscore has a special meaning:
--- _type (string) is the Lua type of the value. Default is "table".
--- _mandatory (boolean) indicates if the value is a mandatory key in its container table. Default is false.
--- For "string" types only:
--- _pattern (string) is the string-matching pattern, valid for string types only. Default is ".*".
--- For "table" types only:
--- _any (table) is the type-checking table for unspecified keys, recursively checked.
--- _more (boolean) indicates that the table accepts unspecified keys and does not type-check them.
--- Any other string keys that don't start with an underscore represent known keys and are type-checking tables, recursively checked.
-local rockspec_formats, versions = type_check.declare_schemas({
- ["1.0"] = {
- rockspec_format = { _type = "string" },
- package = { _type = "string", _mandatory = true },
- version = { _type = "string", _pattern = "[%w.]+-[%d]+", _mandatory = true },
- description = {
- summary = { _type = "string" },
- detailed = { _type = "string" },
- homepage = { _type = "string" },
- license = { _type = "string" },
- maintainer = { _type = "string" },
- },
- dependencies = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- _any = {
- _type = "string",
- _name = "a valid dependency string",
- _pattern = "%s*([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*([^/]*)",
- },
- },
- supported_platforms = {
- _any = { _type = "string" },
- },
- external_dependencies = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- _any = {
- program = { _type = "string" },
- header = { _type = "string" },
- library = { _type = "string" },
- }
- },
- source = {
- _mandatory = true,
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- url = { _type = "string", _mandatory = true },
- md5 = { _type = "string" },
- file = { _type = "string" },
- dir = { _type = "string" },
- tag = { _type = "string" },
- branch = { _type = "string" },
- module = { _type = "string" },
- cvs_tag = { _type = "string" },
- cvs_module = { _type = "string" },
- },
- build = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- type = { _type = "string" },
- install = {
- lua = {
- _more = true
- },
- lib = {
- _more = true
- },
- conf = {
- _more = true
- },
- bin = {
- _more = true
- }
- },
- copy_directories = {
- _any = { _type = "string" },
- },
- _more = true,
- _mandatory = true
- },
- hooks = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- post_install = { _type = "string" },
- },
- },
- ["1.1"] = {
- deploy = {
- wrap_bin_scripts = { _type = "boolean" },
- }
- },
- ["3.0"] = {
- description = {
- labels = {
- _any = { _type = "string" }
- },
- issues_url = { _type = "string" },
- },
- dependencies = {
- _any = {
- _pattern = "%s*([a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*/?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*([^/]*)",
- },
- },
- build_dependencies = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- _any = {
- _type = "string",
- _name = "a valid dependency string",
- _pattern = "%s*([a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*/?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*([^/]*)",
- },
- },
- test_dependencies = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- _any = {
- _type = "string",
- _name = "a valid dependency string",
- _pattern = "%s*([a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*/?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*([^/]*)",
- },
- },
- build = {
- _mandatory = false,
- },
- test = {
- platforms = type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS,
- type = { _type = "string" },
- _more = true,
- },
- }
-type_rockspec.order = {"rockspec_format", "package", "version",
- { "source", { "url", "tag", "branch", "md5" } },
- { "description", {"summary", "detailed", "homepage", "license" } },
- "supported_platforms", "dependencies", "build_dependencies", "external_dependencies",
- { "build", {"type", "modules", "copy_directories", "platforms"} },
- "test_dependencies", { "test", {"type"} },
- "hooks"}
-local function check_rockspec_using_version(rockspec, globals, version)
- local schema = rockspec_formats[version]
- if not schema then
- return nil, "unknown rockspec format " .. version
- end
- local ok, err = type_check.check_undeclared_globals(globals, schema)
- if ok then
- ok, err = type_check.type_check_table(version, rockspec, schema, "")
- end
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- return nil, err
- end
---- Type check a rockspec table.
--- Verify the correctness of elements from a
--- rockspec table, reporting on unknown fields and type
--- mismatches.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
--- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
-function type_rockspec.check(rockspec, globals)
- assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
- local version = rockspec.rockspec_format or "1.0"
- local ok, err = check_rockspec_using_version(rockspec, globals, version)
- if ok then
- return true
- end
- -- Rockspec parsing failed.
- -- Let's see if it would pass using a later version.
- local found = false
- for _, v in ipairs(versions) do
- if not found then
- if v == version then
- found = true
- end
- else
- local v_ok, v_err = check_rockspec_using_version(rockspec, globals, v)
- if v_ok then
- return nil, err .. " (using rockspec format " .. version .. " -- " ..
- [[adding 'rockspec_format = "]] .. v .. [["' to the rockspec ]] ..
- [[will fix this)]]
- end
- end
- end
- return nil, err .. " (using rockspec format " .. version .. ")"
-return type_rockspec
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type_check.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type_check.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21085ef9a..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/type_check.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-local type_check = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fun = require("luarocks.fun")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
--- A magic constant that is not used anywhere in a schema definition
--- and retains equality when the table is deep-copied.
- local function fill_in_version(tbl, version)
- for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- if v._version == nil then
- v._version = version
- end
- fill_in_version(v)
- end
- end
- end
- local function expand_magic_platforms(tbl)
- for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
- if v == type_check.MAGIC_PLATFORMS then
- tbl[k] = {
- _any = util.deep_copy(tbl)
- }
- tbl[k]._any[k] = nil
- elseif type(v) == "table" then
- expand_magic_platforms(v)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Build a table of schemas.
- -- @param versions a table where each key is a version number as a string,
- -- and the value is a schema specification. Schema versions are considered
- -- incremental: version "2.0" only needs to specify what's new/changed from
- -- version "1.0".
- function type_check.declare_schemas(inputs)
- local schemas = {}
- local parent_version
- local versions = fun.reverse_in(fun.sort_in(util.keys(inputs), vers.compare_versions))
- for _, version in ipairs(versions) do
- local schema = inputs[version]
- if parent_version ~= nil then
- local copy = util.deep_copy(schemas[parent_version])
- util.deep_merge(copy, schema)
- schema = copy
- end
- fill_in_version(schema, version)
- expand_magic_platforms(schema)
- parent_version = version
- schemas[version] = schema
- end
- return schemas, versions
- end
-local function check_version(version, typetbl, context)
- local typetbl_version = typetbl._version or "1.0"
- if vers.compare_versions(typetbl_version, version) then
- if context == "" then
- return nil, "Invalid rockspec_format version number in rockspec? Please fix rockspec accordingly."
- else
- return nil, context.." is not supported in rockspec format "..version.." (requires version "..typetbl_version.."), please fix the rockspec_format field accordingly."
- end
- end
- return true
---- Type check an object.
--- The object is compared against an archetypical value
--- matching the expected type -- the actual values don't matter,
--- only their types. Tables are type checked recursively.
--- @param version string: The version of the item.
--- @param item any: The object being checked.
--- @param typetbl any: The type-checking table for the object.
--- @param context string: A string indicating the "context" where the
--- error occurred (the full table path), for error messages.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
--- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
--- @see type_check_table
-local function type_check_item(version, item, typetbl, context)
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- if typetbl._version and typetbl._version ~= "1.0" then
- local ok, err = check_version(version, typetbl, context)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- local item_type = type(item) or "nil"
- local expected_type = typetbl._type or "table"
- if expected_type == "number" then
- if not tonumber(item) then
- return nil, "Type mismatch on field "..context..": expected a number"
- end
- elseif expected_type == "string" then
- if item_type ~= "string" then
- return nil, "Type mismatch on field "..context..": expected a string, got "..item_type
- end
- local pattern = typetbl._pattern
- if pattern then
- if not item:match("^"..pattern.."$") then
- local what = typetbl._name or ("'"..pattern.."'")
- return nil, "Type mismatch on field "..context..": invalid value '"..item.."' does not match " .. what
- end
- end
- elseif expected_type == "table" then
- if item_type ~= expected_type then
- return nil, "Type mismatch on field "..context..": expected a table"
- else
- return type_check.type_check_table(version, item, typetbl, context)
- end
- elseif item_type ~= expected_type then
- return nil, "Type mismatch on field "..context..": expected "..expected_type
- end
- return true
-local function mkfield(context, field)
- if context == "" then
- return tostring(field)
- elseif type(field) == "string" then
- return context.."."..field
- else
- return context.."["..tostring(field).."]"
- end
---- Type check the contents of a table.
--- The table's contents are compared against a reference table,
--- which contains the recognized fields, with archetypical values
--- matching the expected types -- the actual values of items in the
--- reference table don't matter, only their types (ie, for field x
--- in tbl that is correctly typed, type(tbl.x) == type(types.x)).
--- If the reference table contains a field called MORE, then
--- unknown fields in the checked table are accepted.
--- If it contains a field called ANY, then its type will be
--- used to check any unknown fields. If a field is prefixed
--- with MUST_, it is mandatory; its absence from the table is
--- a type error.
--- Tables are type checked recursively.
--- @param version string: The version of tbl.
--- @param tbl table: The table to be type checked.
--- @param typetbl table: The type-checking table, containing
--- values for recognized fields in the checked table.
--- @param context string: A string indicating the "context" where the
--- error occurred (such as the name of the table the item is a part of),
--- to be used by error messages.
--- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
--- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
-function type_check.type_check_table(version, tbl, typetbl, context)
- assert(type(version) == "string")
- assert(type(tbl) == "table")
- assert(type(typetbl) == "table")
- local ok, err = check_version(version, typetbl, context)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- local t = typetbl[k] or typetbl._any
- if t then
- local ok, err = type_check_item(version, v, t, mkfield(context, k))
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- elseif typetbl._more then
- -- Accept unknown field
- else
- if not cfg.accept_unknown_fields then
- return nil, "Unknown field "..k
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(typetbl) do
- if k:sub(1,1) ~= "_" and v._mandatory then
- if not tbl[k] then
- return nil, "Mandatory field "..mkfield(context, k).." is missing."
- end
- end
- end
- return true
-function type_check.check_undeclared_globals(globals, typetbl)
- local undeclared = {}
- for glob, _ in pairs(globals) do
- if not (typetbl[glob] or typetbl["MUST_"..glob]) then
- table.insert(undeclared, glob)
- end
- end
- if #undeclared == 1 then
- return nil, "Unknown variable: "..undeclared[1]
- elseif #undeclared > 1 then
- return nil, "Unknown variables: "..table.concat(undeclared, ", ")
- end
- return true
-return type_check
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/upload/api.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/upload/api.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index df57fc802..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/upload/api.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-local api = {}
-local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
-local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
-local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
-local util = require("luarocks.util")
-local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
-local multipart = require("luarocks.upload.multipart")
-local Api = {}
-local function upload_config_file()
- if not cfg.config_files.user.file then
- return nil
- end
- return (cfg.config_files.user.file:gsub("/[^/]+$", "/upload_config.lua"))
-function Api:load_config()
- local upload_conf = upload_config_file()
- if not upload_conf then return nil end
- local config, err = persist.load_into_table(upload_conf)
- return config
-function Api:save_config()
- -- Test configuration before saving it.
- local res, err = self:raw_method("status")
- if not res then
- return nil, err
- end
- if res.errors then
- util.printerr("Server says: " .. tostring(res.errors[1]))
- return
- end
- local upload_conf = upload_config_file()
- if not upload_conf then return nil end
- local ok, err = fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(upload_conf))
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- persist.save_from_table(upload_conf, self.config)
- fs.set_permissions(upload_conf, "read", "user")
-function Api:check_version()
- if not self._server_tool_version then
- local tool_version = cfg.upload.tool_version
- local res, err = self:request(tostring(self.config.server) .. "/api/tool_version", {
- current = tool_version
- })
- if not res then
- return nil, err
- end
- if not res.version then
- return nil, "failed to fetch tool version"
- end
- self._server_tool_version = res.version
- if res.force_update then
- return nil, "Your upload client is too out of date to continue, please upgrade LuaRocks."
- end
- if res.version ~= tool_version then
- util.warning("your LuaRocks is out of date, consider upgrading.")
- end
- end
- return true
-function Api:method(...)
- local res, err = self:raw_method(...)
- if not res then
- return nil, err
- end
- if res.errors then
- if res.errors[1] == "Invalid key" then
- return nil, res.errors[1] .. " (use the --api-key flag to change)"
- end
- local msg = table.concat(res.errors, ", ")
- return nil, "API Failed: " .. msg
- end
- return res
-function Api:raw_method(path, ...)
- self:check_version()
- local url = tostring(self.config.server) .. "/api/" .. tostring(cfg.upload.api_version) .. "/" .. tostring(self.config.key) .. "/" .. tostring(path)
- return self:request(url, ...)
-local function encode_query_string(t, sep)
- if sep == nil then
- sep = "&"
- end
- local i = 0
- local buf = { }
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- if type(k) == "number" and type(v) == "table" then
- k, v = v[1], v[2]
- end
- buf[i + 1] = multipart.url_escape(k)
- buf[i + 2] = "="
- buf[i + 3] = multipart.url_escape(v)
- buf[i + 4] = sep
- i = i + 4
- end
- buf[i] = nil
- return table.concat(buf)
-local function redact_api_url(url)
- url = tostring(url)
- return (url:gsub(".*/api/[^/]+/[^/]+", "")) or ""
-local ltn12_ok, ltn12 = pcall(require, "ltn12")
-if not ltn12_ok then -- If not using LuaSocket and/or LuaSec...
-function Api:request(url, params, post_params)
- local vars = cfg.variables
- local json_ok, json = util.require_json()
- if not json_ok then return nil, "A JSON library is required for this command. "..json end
- if fs.which_tool("downloader") == "wget" then
- local curl_ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(vars.CURL, "curl")
- if not curl_ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- if not self.config.key then
- return nil, "Must have API key before performing any actions."
- end
- if params and next(params) then
- url = url .. ("?" .. encode_query_string(params))
- end
- local method = "GET"
- local out
- local tmpfile = fs.tmpname()
- if post_params then
- method = "POST"
- local curl_cmd = vars.CURL.." -f -k -L --silent --user-agent \""..cfg.user_agent.." via curl\" "
- for k,v in pairs(post_params) do
- local var = v
- if type(v) == "table" then
- var = "@"..v.fname
- end
- curl_cmd = curl_cmd .. "--form \""..k.."="..var.."\" "
- end
- if cfg.connection_timeout and cfg.connection_timeout > 0 then
- curl_cmd = curl_cmd .. "--connect-timeout "..tonumber(cfg.connection_timeout).." "
- end
- local ok = fs.execute_string(curl_cmd..fs.Q(url).." -o "..fs.Q(tmpfile))
- if not ok then
- return nil, "API failure: " .. redact_api_url(url)
- end
- else
- local ok, err = fs.download(url, tmpfile)
- if not ok then
- return nil, "API failure: " .. tostring(err) .. " - " .. redact_api_url(url)
- end
- end
- local tmpfd = io.open(tmpfile)
- if not tmpfd then
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- return nil, "API failure reading temporary file - " .. redact_api_url(url)
- end
- out = tmpfd:read("*a")
- tmpfd:close()
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- if self.debug then
- util.printout("[" .. tostring(method) .. " via curl] " .. redact_api_url(url) .. " ... ")
- end
- return json.decode(out)
-else -- use LuaSocket and LuaSec
-local warned_luasec = false
-function Api:request(url, params, post_params)
- local json_ok, json = util.require_json()
- if not json_ok then return nil, "A JSON library is required for this command. "..json end
- local server = tostring(self.config.server)
- local http_ok, http
- local via = "luasocket"
- if server:match("^https://") then
- http_ok, http = pcall(require, "ssl.https")
- if http_ok then
- via = "luasec"
- else
- if not warned_luasec then
- util.printerr("LuaSec is not available; using plain HTTP. Install 'luasec' to enable HTTPS.")
- warned_luasec = true
- end
- http_ok, http = pcall(require, "socket.http")
- url = url:gsub("^https", "http")
- via = "luasocket"
- end
- else
- http_ok, http = pcall(require, "socket.http")
- end
- if not http_ok then
- return nil, "Failed loading socket library!"
- end
- if not self.config.key then
- return nil, "Must have API key before performing any actions."
- end
- local body
- local headers = {}
- if params and next(params) then
- url = url .. ("?" .. encode_query_string(params))
- end
- if post_params then
- local boundary
- body, boundary = multipart.encode(post_params)
- headers["Content-length"] = #body
- headers["Content-type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" .. tostring(boundary)
- end
- local method = post_params and "POST" or "GET"
- if self.debug then
- util.printout("[" .. tostring(method) .. " via "..via.."] " .. redact_api_url(url) .. " ... ")
- end
- local out = {}
- local _, status = http.request({
- url = url,
- headers = headers,
- method = method,
- sink = ltn12.sink.table(out),
- source = body and ltn12.source.string(body)
- })
- if self.debug then
- util.printout(tostring(status))
- end
- local pok, ret, err = pcall(json.decode, table.concat(out))
- if pok and ret then
- return ret
- end
- return nil, "API returned " .. tostring(status) .. " - " .. redact_api_url(url)
-function api.new(args)
- local self = {}
- setmetatable(self, { __index = Api })
- self.config = self:load_config() or {}
- self.config.server = args.server or self.config.server or cfg.upload.server
- self.config.version = self.config.version or cfg.upload.version
- self.config.key = args.temp_key or args.api_key or self.config.key
- self.debug = args.debug
- if not self.config.key then
- return nil, "You need an API key to upload rocks.\n" ..
- "Navigate to "..self.config.server.."/settings to get a key\n" ..
- "and then pass it through the --api-key= flag."
- end
- if args.api_key then
- self:save_config()
- end
- return self
-return api
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/upload/multipart.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/upload/multipart.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ae873e6..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/upload/multipart.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-local multipart = {}
-local File = {}
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
--- socket.url.escape(s) from LuaSocket 3.0rc1
-function multipart.url_escape(s)
- return (string.gsub(s, "([^A-Za-z0-9_])", function(c)
- return string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(c))
- end))
-function File:mime()
- if not self.mimetype then
- local mimetypes_ok, mimetypes = pcall(require, "mimetypes")
- if mimetypes_ok then
- self.mimetype = mimetypes.guess(self.fname)
- end
- self.mimetype = self.mimetype or "application/octet-stream"
- end
- return self.mimetype
-function File:content()
- local fd = io.open(self.fname, "rb")
- if not fd then
- return nil, "Failed to open file: "..self.fname
- end
- local data = fd:read("*a")
- fd:close()
- return data
-local function rand_string(len)
- local shuffled = {}
- for i = 1, len do
- local r = math.random(97, 122)
- if math.random() >= 0.5 then
- r = r - 32
- end
- shuffled[i] = r
- end
- return string.char(unpack(shuffled))
--- multipart encodes params
--- returns encoded string,boundary
--- params is an a table of tuple tables:
--- params = {
--- {key1, value2},
--- {key2, value2},
--- key3: value3
--- }
-function multipart.encode(params)
- local tuples = { }
- for i = 1, #params do
- tuples[i] = params[i]
- end
- for k,v in pairs(params) do
- if type(k) == "string" then
- table.insert(tuples, {k, v})
- end
- end
- local chunks = {}
- for _, tuple in ipairs(tuples) do
- local k,v = unpack(tuple)
- k = multipart.url_escape(k)
- local buffer = { 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' .. k .. '"' }
- local content
- if type(v) == "table" and v.__class == File then
- buffer[1] = buffer[1] .. ('; filename="' .. v.fname:gsub(".*/", "") .. '"')
- table.insert(buffer, "Content-type: " .. v:mime())
- content = v:content()
- else
- content = v
- end
- table.insert(buffer, "")
- table.insert(buffer, content)
- table.insert(chunks, table.concat(buffer, "\r\n"))
- end
- local boundary
- while not boundary do
- boundary = "Boundary" .. rand_string(16)
- for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do
- if chunk:find(boundary) then
- boundary = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local inner = "\r\n--" .. boundary .. "\r\n"
- return table.concat({ "--", boundary, "\r\n",
- table.concat(chunks, inner),
- "\r\n", "--", boundary, "--", "\r\n" }), boundary
-function multipart.new_file(fname, mime)
- local self = {}
- setmetatable(self, { __index = File })
- self.__class = File
- self.fname = fname
- self.mimetype = mime
- return self
-return multipart
diff --git a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/util.lua b/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/util.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fa3a628ed..000000000
--- a/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/util.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
---- Assorted utilities for managing tables, plus a scheduler for rollback functions.
--- Does not requires modules directly (only as locals
--- inside specific functions) to avoid interdependencies,
--- as this is used in the bootstrapping stage of luarocks.core.cfg.
-local util = {}
-local core = require("luarocks.core.util")
-util.cleanup_path = core.cleanup_path
-util.split_string = core.split_string
-util.sortedpairs = core.sortedpairs
-util.deep_merge = core.deep_merge
-util.deep_merge_under = core.deep_merge_under
-util.popen_read = core.popen_read
-util.show_table = core.show_table
-util.printerr = core.printerr
-util.warning = core.warning
-util.keys = core.keys
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local pack = table.pack or function(...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... } end
-local scheduled_functions = {}
---- Schedule a function to be executed upon program termination.
--- This is useful for actions such as deleting temporary directories
--- or failure rollbacks.
--- @param f function: Function to be executed.
--- @param ... arguments to be passed to function.
--- @return table: A token representing the scheduled execution,
--- which can be used to remove the item later from the list.
-function util.schedule_function(f, ...)
- assert(type(f) == "function")
- local item = { fn = f, args = pack(...) }
- table.insert(scheduled_functions, item)
- return item
---- Unschedule a function.
--- This is useful for cancelling a rollback of a completed operation.
--- @param item table: The token representing the scheduled function that was
--- returned from the schedule_function call.
-function util.remove_scheduled_function(item)
- for k, v in pairs(scheduled_functions) do
- if v == item then
- table.remove(scheduled_functions, k)
- return
- end
- end
---- Execute scheduled functions.
--- Some calls create temporary files and/or directories and register
--- corresponding cleanup functions. Calling this function will run
--- these function, erasing temporaries.
--- Functions are executed in the inverse order they were scheduled.
-function util.run_scheduled_functions()
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- if fs.change_dir_to_root then
- fs.change_dir_to_root()
- end
- for i = #scheduled_functions, 1, -1 do
- local item = scheduled_functions[i]
- item.fn(unpack(item.args, 1, item.args.n))
- end
---- Produce a Lua pattern that matches precisely the given string
--- (this is suitable to be concatenating to other patterns,
--- so it does not include beginning- and end-of-string markers (^$)
--- @param s string: The input string
--- @return string: The equivalent pattern
-function util.matchquote(s)
- return (s:gsub("[?%-+*%[%].%%()$^]","%%%1"))
-local var_format_pattern = "%$%((%a[%a%d_]+)%)"
--- Check if a set of needed variables are referenced
--- somewhere in a list of definitions, warning the user
--- about any unused ones. Each key in needed_set should
--- appear as a $(XYZ) variable at least once as a
--- substring of some value of var_defs.
--- @param var_defs: a table with string keys and string
--- values, containing variable definitions.
--- @param needed_set: a set where keys are the names of
--- needed variables.
--- @param msg string: the warning message to display.
-function util.warn_if_not_used(var_defs, needed_set, msg)
- local seen = {}
- for _, val in pairs(var_defs) do
- for used in val:gmatch(var_format_pattern) do
- seen[used] = true
- end
- end
- for var, _ in pairs(needed_set) do
- if not seen[var] then
- util.warning(msg:format(var))
- end
- end
--- Output any entries that might remain in $(XYZ) format,
--- warning the user that substitutions have failed.
--- @param line string: the input string
-local function warn_failed_matches(line)
- local any_failed = false
- if line:match(var_format_pattern) then
- for unmatched in line:gmatch(var_format_pattern) do
- util.warning("unmatched variable " .. unmatched)
- any_failed = true
- end
- end
- return any_failed
---- Perform make-style variable substitutions on string values of a table.
--- For every string value tbl.x which contains a substring of the format
--- "$(XYZ)" will have this substring replaced by vars["XYZ"], if that field
--- exists in vars. Only string values are processed; this function
--- does not scan subtables recursively.
--- @param tbl table: Table to have its string values modified.
--- @param vars table: Table containing string-string key-value pairs
--- representing variables to replace in the strings values of tbl.
-function util.variable_substitutions(tbl, vars)
- assert(type(tbl) == "table")
- assert(type(vars) == "table")
- local updated = {}
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- updated[k] = v:gsub(var_format_pattern, vars)
- if warn_failed_matches(updated[k]) then
- updated[k] = updated[k]:gsub(var_format_pattern, "")
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(updated) do
- tbl[k] = v
- end
-function util.lua_versions(sort)
- local versions = { "5.1", "5.2", "5.3", "5.4" }
- local i = 0
- if sort == "descending" then
- i = #versions + 1
- return function()
- i = i - 1
- return versions[i]
- end
- else
- return function()
- i = i + 1
- return versions[i]
- end
- end
-function util.lua_path_variables()
- local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
- local lpath_var = "LUA_PATH"
- local lcpath_var = "LUA_CPATH"
- local lv = cfg.lua_version:gsub("%.", "_")
- if lv ~= "5_1" then
- if os.getenv("LUA_PATH_" .. lv) then
- lpath_var = "LUA_PATH_" .. lv
- end
- if os.getenv("LUA_CPATH_" .. lv) then
- lcpath_var = "LUA_CPATH_" .. lv
- end
- end
- return lpath_var, lcpath_var
-function util.starts_with(s, prefix)
- return s:sub(1,#prefix) == prefix
---- Print a line to standard output
-function util.printout(...)
- io.stdout:write(table.concat({...},"\t"))
- io.stdout:write("\n")
-function util.title(msg, porcelain, underline)
- if porcelain then return end
- util.printout()
- util.printout(msg)
- util.printout((underline or "-"):rep(#msg))
- util.printout()
-function util.this_program(default)
- local i = 1
- local last, cur = default, default
- while i do
- local dbg = debug and debug.getinfo(i,"S")
- if not dbg then break end
- last = cur
- cur = dbg.source
- i=i+1
- end
- local prog = last:sub(1,1) == "@" and last:sub(2) or last
- -- Check if we found the true path of a script that has a wrapper
- local lrdir, binpath = prog:match("^(.*)/lib/luarocks/rocks%-[0-9.]*/[^/]+/[^/]+(/bin/[^/]+)$")
- if lrdir then
- -- Return the wrapper instead
- return lrdir .. binpath
- end
- return prog
-function util.format_rock_name(name, namespace, version)
- return (namespace and namespace.."/" or "")..name..(version and " "..version or "")
-function util.deps_mode_option(parser, program)
- local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
- parser:option("--deps-mode", "How to handle dependencies. Four modes are supported:\n"..
- "* all - use all trees from the rocks_trees list for finding dependencies\n"..
- "* one - use only the current tree (possibly set with --tree)\n"..
- "* order - use trees based on order (use the current tree and all "..
- "trees below it on the rocks_trees list)\n"..
- "* none - ignore dependencies altogether.\n"..
- "The default mode may be set with the deps_mode entry in the configuration file.\n"..
- 'The current default is "'..cfg.deps_mode..'".\n'..
- "Type '"..util.this_program(program or "luarocks").."' with no "..
- "arguments to see your list of rocks trees.")
- :argname("")
- :choices({"all", "one", "order", "none"})
- parser:flag("--nodeps"):hidden(true)
-function util.see_help(command, program)
- return "See '"..util.this_program(program or "luarocks")..' help'..(command and " "..command or "").."'."
-function util.see_also(text)
- local see_also = "See also:\n"
- if text then
- see_also = see_also..text.."\n"
- end
- return see_also.." '"..util.this_program("luarocks").." help' for general options and configuration."
-function util.announce_install(rockspec)
- local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
- local path = require("luarocks.path")
- local suffix = ""
- if rockspec.description and rockspec.description.license then
- suffix = " (license: "..rockspec.description.license..")"
- end
- util.printout(rockspec.name.." "..rockspec.version.." is now installed in "..path.root_dir(cfg.root_dir)..suffix)
- util.printout()
---- Collect rockspecs located in a subdirectory.
--- @param versions table: A table mapping rock names to newest rockspec versions.
--- @param paths table: A table mapping rock names to newest rockspec paths.
--- @param unnamed_paths table: An array of rockspec paths that don't contain rock
--- name and version in regular format.
--- @param subdir string: path to subdirectory.
-local function collect_rockspecs(versions, paths, unnamed_paths, subdir)
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
- local path = require("luarocks.path")
- local vers = require("luarocks.core.vers")
- if fs.is_dir(subdir) then
- for file in fs.dir(subdir) do
- file = dir.path(subdir, file)
- if file:match("rockspec$") and fs.is_file(file) then
- local rock, version = path.parse_name(file)
- if rock then
- if not versions[rock] or vers.compare_versions(version, versions[rock]) then
- versions[rock] = version
- paths[rock] = file
- end
- else
- table.insert(unnamed_paths, file)
- end
- end
- end
- end
---- Get default rockspec name for commands that take optional rockspec name.
--- @return string or (nil, string): path to the rockspec or nil and error message.
-function util.get_default_rockspec()
- local versions, paths, unnamed_paths = {}, {}, {}
- -- Look for rockspecs in some common locations.
- collect_rockspecs(versions, paths, unnamed_paths, ".")
- collect_rockspecs(versions, paths, unnamed_paths, "rockspec")
- collect_rockspecs(versions, paths, unnamed_paths, "rockspecs")
- if #unnamed_paths > 0 then
- -- There are rockspecs not following "name-version.rockspec" format.
- -- More than one are ambiguous.
- if #unnamed_paths > 1 then
- return nil, "Please specify which rockspec file to use."
- else
- return unnamed_paths[1]
- end
- else
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
- local basename = dir.base_name(fs.current_dir())
- if paths[basename] then
- return paths[basename]
- end
- local rock = next(versions)
- if rock then
- -- If there are rockspecs for multiple rocks it's ambiguous.
- if next(versions, rock) then
- return nil, "Please specify which rockspec file to use."
- else
- return paths[rock]
- end
- else
- return nil, "Argument missing: please specify a rockspec to use on current directory."
- end
- end
--- Quote Lua string, analogous to fs.Q.
--- @param s A string, such as "hello"
--- @return string: A quoted string, such as '"hello"'
-function util.LQ(s)
- return ("%q"):format(s)
--- Split name and namespace of a package name.
--- @param ns_name a name that may be in "namespace/name" format
--- @return string, string? - name and optionally a namespace
-function util.split_namespace(ns_name)
- local p1, p2 = ns_name:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$")
- if p1 then
- return p2, p1
- end
- return ns_name
---- Argparse action callback for namespaced rock arguments.
-function util.namespaced_name_action(args, target, ns_name)
- assert(type(args) == "table")
- assert(type(target) == "string")
- assert(type(ns_name) == "string" or not ns_name)
- if not ns_name then
- return
- end
- if ns_name:match("%.rockspec$") or ns_name:match("%.rock$") then
- args[target] = ns_name
- else
- local name, namespace = util.split_namespace(ns_name)
- args[target] = name:lower()
- if namespace then
- args.namespace = namespace:lower()
- end
- end
-function util.deep_copy(tbl)
- local copy = {}
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- copy[k] = util.deep_copy(v)
- else
- copy[k] = v
- end
- end
- return copy
--- An ode to the multitude of JSON libraries out there...
-function util.require_json()
- local list = { "cjson", "dkjson", "json" }
- for _, lib in ipairs(list) do
- local json_ok, json = pcall(require, lib)
- if json_ok then
- pcall(json.use_lpeg) -- optional feature in dkjson
- return json_ok, json
- end
- end
- local errmsg = "Failed loading "
- for i, name in ipairs(list) do
- if i == #list then
- errmsg = errmsg .."and '"..name.."'. Use 'luarocks search ' to search for a library and 'luarocks install ' to install one."
- else
- errmsg = errmsg .."'"..name.."', "
- end
- end
- return nil, errmsg
--- A portable version of fs.exists that can be used at early startup,
--- before the platform has been determined and luarocks.fs has been
--- initialized.
-function util.exists(file)
- local fd, _, code = io.open(file, "r")
- if code == 13 then
- -- code 13 means "Permission denied" on both Unix and Windows
- -- io.open on folders always fails with code 13 on Windows
- return true
- end
- if fd then
- fd:close()
- return true
- end
- return false
- local function Q(pathname)
- if pathname:match("^.:") then
- return pathname:sub(1, 2) .. '"' .. pathname:sub(3) .. '"'
- end
- return '"' .. pathname .. '"'
- end
- function util.check_lua_version(lua_exe, luaver)
- if not util.exists(lua_exe) then
- return nil
- end
- local lv, err = util.popen_read(Q(lua_exe) .. ' -e "io.write(_VERSION:sub(5))"')
- if lv == "" then
- return nil
- end
- if luaver and luaver ~= lv then
- return nil
- end
- return lv
- end
- function util.get_luajit_version()
- local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
- if cfg.cache.luajit_version_checked then
- return cfg.cache.luajit_version
- end
- cfg.cache.luajit_version_checked = true
- local ljv
- if cfg.lua_version == "5.1" then
- ljv = util.popen_read(Q(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"] .. "/" .. cfg.lua_interpreter) .. ' -e "io.write(tostring(jit and jit.version:gsub([[^%S+ ]], [[]])))"')
- if ljv == "nil" then
- ljv = nil
- end
- end
- cfg.cache.luajit_version = ljv
- return ljv
- end
- local find_lua_bindir
- do
- local exe_suffix = (package.config:sub(1, 1) == "\\" and ".exe" or "")
- local function insert_lua_variants(names, luaver)
- local variants = {
- "lua" .. luaver .. exe_suffix,
- "lua" .. luaver:gsub("%.", "") .. exe_suffix,
- "lua-" .. luaver .. exe_suffix,
- "lua-" .. luaver:gsub("%.", "") .. exe_suffix,
- }
- for _, name in ipairs(variants) do
- names[name] = luaver
- table.insert(names, name)
- end
- end
- find_lua_bindir = function(prefix, luaver, verbose)
- local names = {}
- if luaver then
- insert_lua_variants(names, luaver)
- else
- for v in util.lua_versions("descending") do
- insert_lua_variants(names, v)
- end
- end
- if luaver == "5.1" or not luaver then
- table.insert(names, "luajit" .. exe_suffix)
- end
- table.insert(names, "lua" .. exe_suffix)
- local tried = {}
- local dir_sep = package.config:sub(1, 1)
- for _, d in ipairs({ prefix .. dir_sep .. "bin", prefix }) do
- for _, name in ipairs(names) do
- local lua_exe = d .. dir_sep .. name
- local is_wrapper, err = util.lua_is_wrapper(lua_exe)
- if is_wrapper == false then
- local lv = util.check_lua_version(lua_exe, luaver)
- if lv then
- return name, d, lv
- end
- elseif is_wrapper == true or err == nil then
- table.insert(tried, lua_exe)
- else
- table.insert(tried, string.format("%-13s (%s)", lua_exe, err))
- end
- end
- end
- local interp = luaver
- and ("Lua " .. luaver .. " interpreter")
- or "Lua interpreter"
- return nil, interp .. " not found at " .. prefix .. "\n" ..
- (verbose and "Tried:\t" .. table.concat(tried, "\n\t") or "")
- end
- end
- function util.find_lua(prefix, luaver, verbose)
- local lua_interpreter, bindir
- lua_interpreter, bindir, luaver = find_lua_bindir(prefix, luaver, verbose)
- if not lua_interpreter then
- return nil, bindir
- end
- return {
- lua_version = luaver,
- lua_interpreter = lua_interpreter,
- lua_dir = prefix,
- lua_bindir = bindir,
- }
- end
-function util.lua_is_wrapper(interp)
- local fd, err = io.open(interp, "r")
- if not fd then
- return nil, err
- end
- local data, err = fd:read(1000)
- fd:close()
- if not data then
- return nil, err
- end
- return not not data:match("LUAROCKS_SYSCONFDIR")
-function util.opts_table(type_name, valid_opts)
- local opts_mt = {}
- opts_mt.__index = opts_mt
- function opts_mt.type()
- return type_name
- end
- return function(opts)
- for k, v in pairs(opts) do
- local tv = type(v)
- if not valid_opts[k] then
- error("invalid option: "..k)
- end
- local vo, optional = valid_opts[k]:match("^(.-)(%??)$")
- if not (tv == vo or (optional == "?" and tv == nil)) then
- error("invalid type option: "..k.." - got "..tv..", expected "..vo)
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(valid_opts) do
- if (not v:find("?", 1, true)) and opts[k] == nil then
- error("missing option: "..k)
- end
- end
- return setmetatable(opts, opts_mt)
- end
---- Return a table of modules that are already provided by the VM, which
--- can be specified as dependencies without having to install an actual rock.
--- @param rockspec (optional) a rockspec table, so that rockspec format
--- version compatibility can be checked. If not given, maximum compatibility
--- is assumed.
--- @return a table with rock names as keys and versions and values,
--- specifying modules that are already provided by the VM (including
--- "lua" for the Lua version and, for format 3.0+, "luajit" if detected).
-function util.get_rocks_provided(rockspec)
- local cfg = require("luarocks.core.cfg")
- if not rockspec and cfg.cache.rocks_provided then
- return cfg.cache.rocks_provided
- end
- local rocks_provided = {}
- local lv = cfg.lua_version
- rocks_provided["lua"] = lv.."-1"
- if lv == "5.2" then
- rocks_provided["bit32"] = lv.."-1"
- end
- if lv == "5.3" or lv == "5.4" then
- rocks_provided["utf8"] = lv.."-1"
- end
- if lv == "5.1" then
- local ljv = util.get_luajit_version()
- if ljv then
- rocks_provided["luabitop"] = ljv.."-1"
- if (not rockspec) or rockspec:format_is_at_least("3.0") then
- rocks_provided["luajit"] = ljv.."-1"
- end
- end
- end
- if cfg.rocks_provided then
- util.deep_merge_under(rocks_provided, cfg.rocks_provided)
- end
- if not rockspec then
- cfg.cache.rocks_provided = rocks_provided
- end
- return rocks_provided
-function util.remove_doc_dir(name, version)
- local path = require("luarocks.path")
- local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
- local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
- local install_dir = path.install_dir(name, version)
- for _, f in ipairs(fs.list_dir(install_dir)) do
- local doc_dirs = { "doc", "docs" }
- for _, d in ipairs(doc_dirs) do
- if f == d then
- fs.delete(dir.path(install_dir, f))
- end
- end
- end
-return util