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File metadata and controls

296 lines (218 loc) · 10.6 KB

Part 5: Graphics extraction from the external ROM

In the previous part, we managed to extract the content of the external flash on the board. We obainted a 16MB ext.bin binary.

How do we dissect it? The first thing I tried was using binwalk, but that didn't yield any result. Note that I'm expecting graphical elements because 1) Firmware updates contain can a UI file (see on chitu website), and 2) I've used the machine, there are a bunch of diffrent UI screens. The graphics have to be somewhere

We can look at the binary visually. This time, instead of using binvis, we'll use our good old friend, ImageMagick. It's a command line tool to manipulate images, and we'll be using it extensively in this section.

Let's look at this binary as a 8bit (1 byte) gray scale square image. I'm picking a size of 4096*4096*1 = 16MB. We typically always want to have X*Y*bytes_per_pixel = file_size. Because we picked a bytes_per_pixel = 1, gray scale, each byte of the file is represented as a pixel which brightness is the byte value (0 is black, 255 is white). The image is constructed like we would construct a text page, with a stream letters: line by line, left to right, top to bottom.

convert -size 4096x4096 -depth 8 GRAY:ext.bin ext.png

Only the first half (the first 8MB of the binary) of the image contains non-white pixels. Here they are:


We observe 31 chunks of data of the same size, and 5 other chunks of different sizes. All are separated with white pixels (0xff in the binary).

Extracting the chunks

Let's extract each chunk and work with them separately. A python script will do. We'll use regular expression! (weird, right?)

ext_bin = open('ext.bin', 'rb').read()
for (i, chunk) in enumerate(re.split(b'\xff{1024,}', ext_bin)):
    with open(f"chunk-{i:02}.bin", 'wb') as fout:

Essentially, we read the binary in memory and get a byte buffer (it's like a string, but not UTF8, just bytes). And then do a split() on that (long) string of bytes over '\xff{1024,}'. This means at least 1KB of white pixels.

Et voila:

chunks » ls -l
total 13512
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  153600 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-00.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  153600 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-01.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  153600 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-29.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  153600 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-30.bin

-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  831744 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-31.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  574720 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-32.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  174592 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-33.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff  438272 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-34.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 pafy  staff   65536 Jan  9 01:40 chunk-35.bin

Decoding the first 31 chunks

Let's throw a guess at the image format. We are expecting a color image, so 3 bytes per pixel (RGB), rectangular shape with an aspect ratio of 5:4 (like the touch screen, roughly). The file size is 153600. Let's try something, like 256*200*3 = 153600.

convert -size 256x200 -depth 8 RGB:chunk-00.bin try1.png


Okay, not good. There's some faint patterns. Maybe the size is not just right. Let's bruteforce sizing. We can because we assume that all the bytes from the file must be used, and so there's only a few image dimentions that'll work.

file_size = 153600
num_pixels = file_size/3 # /3 because RGB
for x in range(100, 1000):
    if num_pixels % x == 0:
        y = int(num_pixels / x)

This program gives us the following sizes to try: 100x512, 128x400, 160x320, 200x256, 256x200, 320x160, 400x128, 512x100, 640x80, 800x64.

Among all these sizes, only 640x80 is giving us something a little better:


I can distinguish the main menu if I squint sufficiently. After some more unsuccessful trial and error, it's time to revisit our initial assumption. Maybe the pixel format is not 8 bit per channel. After all, we are in a size constrained environment.

Let's poke in the middle of the file:

» hexdump -s 50000 -C chunk-00.bin | head
0000c350  eb 01 cb 01 ca 01 cb 01  ca 01 d5 04 b5 04 2c 02  |..............,.|
0000c360  2c 02 2c 02 2c 02 4c 02  4c 02 2c 02 2c 02 2c 02  |,.,.,.L.L.,.,.,.|
0000c370  2c 02 2c 02 2c 02 2c 02  2c 02 4c 02 4c 02 4c 02  |,.,.,.,.,.L.L.L.|
0000c380  4c 02 4c 02 4c 02 4c 02  4c 02 4c 02 4c 02 4c 02  |L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.|
0000c390  4c 02 2c 02 4d 02 4d 02  4c 02 4c 02 2c 02 4c 02  |L.,.M.M.L.L.,.L.|
0000c3a0  4c 02 4d 02 ef 02 0f 03  0f 03 30 03 30 03 0f 03  |L.M.......0.0...|

In an image, most neighbouring pixels are similar. So we should be able to see some patterns to recognize the pixel format. Do you see them? It looks like group of two bytes are repeated.

Splitting 2 bytes (16 bits) in 3 channels (RGB) is tricky so let's punt on the color, and look at the binary as a 16 bits grayscale image. There's 20 dimensions for which we can solve x*y*2 = 153600. One of them work well, 320x240:

convert -size 320x240 -depth 16 GRAY:chunk-00.bin try3.png


This look good! Now what about the color? 16/3 = 5.333 bits per RGB channel. Either we could have 5 bits per channel, but that would be wasting 1 bit. Turns out, there a way to pack 3 channels (RGB) into 16 bits: RGB565. Let's try that! The green channel gets the extra bit because humans are more sensitive to the green channel. Camera sensors have typically twice the number of green pixels than red and blue ones.

convert -size 320x240 RGB565:chunk-00.bin try4.png


Check this out! We got it right! We can generate all the other images and tile them.

for i in `seq -w 0 30`; do convert -size 320x240 RGB565:chunk-$i.bin ui-$i.png; done
# -geometry +0+0 means we don't want any separation between tiles
# -tiles 5x so we have 5 tiles on the x axis.
montage -background none -label %f ui-* -geometry +5+5 -tile 5x ui.png


There 15 different UI screens per language (chinese and english). The last image is the boot splash image.

Note that each image starts at the offset i*0x30000 in the ROM, i being the index of the image.

Decoding chunk-31.bin

This chunk is the first of the irregular ones. Its file size is 831744. I tried a few pixel depths, sizes, and wasn't getting much success, until I tried a really narrow size of 256x25992 with 1 bit per pixel:


We can see some something across and 16 bands. This tells me to try using an X resolution of 256/16 = 16px.

# Note the '[0]' to avoid ImageMagick to output lots of files.
# As we are using a small Y=200 size (instead of Y=415872px)
convert -size 16x400 -depth 1 GRAY:chunk-31.bin'[0]' try6.png


It's the chinese character font!

Notice the 5th character from the bottom, it's vertically flipped (not that my chinese is any good, but I can recognize a few characters). We can use the -flop option of ImageMagick.

convert -size 16x300 -depth 1 GRAY:chunk-31.bin'[0]' -rotate 90 -flop try7.png


There we go. Each character is 16x16 in size, 1 bit per pixel. So 16 bytes per character. The font has 51,984 characters! Massive!

ImageMagick can be used to generate an image of the whole font:

montage -size 16x16 -depth 1 GRAY:chunk-31.bin -rotate 90 -flop -geometry +0+0
-tile 190x font1.png


Decoding chunk-32.bin

Same command as for the previous chunk. It's another font, but this time as a 12x12 font.

montage -size 16x12 -depth 1 GRAY:chunk-32.bin'[0-23939]' -rotate 90 -flop -crop
12x12+0+0 -geometry +0+0 -tile 190x font2.png


Decoding chunk-33.bin

This files of 174592 bytes contains a bunch of 16bits values. Here's an image representation.

convert -size 256x341 -depth 16 GRAY:chunk-33.bin chunk-33.png

Chunk 33

This one doesn't appear to contain graphics. It looks like a (key:u16, value:u16)lookup table. Interestingly, if we find the pair (key, value), we find (value, key) somewhere in the file. Look:

Chunk 33 hexdump

We can have an image representation of the keys and values ith image magick with some obscure command line:

convert -size 256x341 -depth 16 GRAY:chunk-33.bin -sample 50%x100% chunk-33-a.png
convert -size 256x341 -depth 16 GRAY:chunk-33.bin -define sample:offset=100 -sample 50%x100% chunk-33-b.png

Chunk 33 keys values

This whole lookup table describes a permutation and its inverse.

Marijn van der Werf (@marijnvdwerf) figured out its meaning. It's to convert UTF-16 codepoints to GB18030 and vice versa. Marijn theorized that this can be used to display UTF-16 encoded filenames from an exFAT USB drive.

By the way, a tool I find really useful when trying different image interpretation is VSCode. It automatically reloads the image that is opened in a tab whenever it changes, even when the window is not in focus, and it keeps the zoom factor when it reloads the image.

Decoding chunk-34.bin and chunk-35.bin

convert -size 480x456 RGB565:<(tail -c +513 chunk-34.bin) chunk-34.png
convert -size 480x68 RGB565:chunk-35.bin'[0]' chunk-35.png


The first part of chunk-34 looks like a font, but I'm not sure how to decode it.

Then we have junk because there's no 480x320 display on this machine. Our touchscreen resulution is 320x240. @marijnvdwerf discovered that these images are contained in the Mono SE firmware. This junk data can be found in the Mono SE UI firmware file at the exact same offset. I'm not sure how these leftovers made it on the Mono 4K. Maybe the engineers were in a hurry and dumped the ROM of the development board used for multiple machines onto the production machines.

But we can conclude that the Mono 4K firmware is most likely based on the Mono SE firmware. This means that the FPGA firmware that can be downloaded is likely to be very similar to what is on the board of the Mono 4K.

All the individual UI images can be found in /firmware/ui

Next, we are going to interface with the touch screen display

Go to Part 6