The model is a Lightweight Online Detector of Anomalies (Loda) anomaly detector for intrusion detection use cases. Loda is trained to identify attacks in the form of bots from Netflow data. We used cic_ids2017
benchmark dataset for testing the performance of the model.
- Sharafaldin, I.,Lashkari, A. H., & Ghorbani, A. A. (2018, January). Toward generating a new intrusion detection dataset and intrusion traffic characterization
- Pevny,T. (2016). Loda: Lightweight on-line detector of anomalies. Machine Learning
Loda (lightweight online detector of anomalies), an ensemble of 1-D fixed histograms, where each histogram are built using random projection of features. The model is an unsupervised anomaly detector where detection is scored using a negative log-likelihood score.
Architecture Type:
Network Architecture:
- N/A
- The input is Netflow activity data collected in the form of a tabular format.
Input Parameters:
number_random_cuts = 1000
variance = 0.99
Input Format:
- CSV format
Other Properties Related to Output:
- None
- The Unsupervised anomaly detector produces negative log-likelihood as the anomaly score of each data point. A large score indicates anomalousness of data points
Output Parameters:
- None
Output Format:
- cupy
Supported Hardware Platform(s):
- Ampere/Turing
Supported Operating System(s):
- Linux
Properties (Quantity, Dataset Descriptions, Sensor(s)):
- The dataset is from Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC). The CICIDS2017 dataset contains benign and the most up-to-date common attacks, which resembles the true real-world data (PCAPs). It also includes the results of the network traffic analysis using CICFlowMeter with labeled flows based on the time stamp, source, and destination IPs, source and destination ports, protocols, and attack (CSV files). Also available is the extracted features definition.
Dataset License:
Properties (Quantity, Dataset Descriptions, Sensor(s)):
- Subset of CICIDS2017 with only botnet attacks.
Dataset License:
- python/cupy
Test Hardware:
- Other
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- English (100%)
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- The model is primarily designed for testing purposes and serves as a small pretrained model specifically used to evaluate and validate IDS application.
- This model is intended for developers that want to build IDS system.
- The intended beneficiaries of this model are developers who aim to test the performance and functionality of the IDS pipeline using public netflow datasets. It may not be suitable or provide significant value for real-world IDS.
- This model outputs anomalous score of netflow activities, with large score indicate as suspicious attack.
- Loda detects anomalies in a dataset by computing the likelihood of data points using an ensemble of one-dimensional histograms. These histograms serve as density estimators by approximating the joint probability of the data using sparse random projections
Name the adversely impacted groups (protected classes) this has been tested to deliver comparable outcomes regardless of:
- Not Applicable
- This model requires feature engineered netflow activity data in the format of CICIDS processed dataset format.
- AUC & average precision score
- Not Applicable
- None
- No
- None
- No
- Typically used to test identify abnormality out of Netflow activities
- The model is trained in the format of CICIDS dataset schema, the model might not be suitable for other applications.
- No
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
- No
- No
- No
- Neither
- Not Applicable, the data is obtained from simulated lab environment, for more information refer to the source of the dataset at CICIDS2017
Protected classes used to create this model? (The following were used in model the model's training:)
- Not applicable
- Not applicable, the dataset is fully hosted and maintained by external source, for more information refer to the source of the dataset at CICIDS2017
- No (data is from external source)
- Not applicable
- No
- No
- Yes at (CICIDS2017)
- Not applicable
Is data compliant with data subject requests for data correction or removal, if such a request was made?
- Not applicable