- Fix: resourcesPath not found
- Fix: sticky header style
- Feat: add base packages info cache
- Feat: support view app or tool details
- Feat: enhance app updates and show the changelog
- Feat: support build an asar package
- Feat: support install tnpm or cnpm
- Feat: support install mac app
- Feat: support install chrome extension
- Feat: smaller window size
- Chore: update readme
- Fix: fail to get internal npm package info
- Feat: use default shell to execute sh file
- Feat: add global dependencies prefix path
- Feat: add recommend icon to registry
- Feat: update log to sls
- Fix: page header component style and node install style
- Feat: git manager, including global config, user config and SSH key
- Feat: npm register manager, fast switch between different registries, e.g: npm, yarn, taobao
- Feat: npm package manager, fast install, upgrade, reinstall and uninstall global dependencies
- Feat: record DAU
- Feat: download package automatically
- Fix: nvm install fail when bash profile files exist
- Fix: icon size
- Fix: code command was not found
- Feat: fast install packages, including VS Code/Git/Node.js/AppWorks/Chrome
- Feat: node version manager