NumFOCUS is governed by an Administrative Board and a Technical Steering Committee. The former group deals with higher-level strategic and administrative decisions, while the latter deals with more hands-on day-to-day technical decisions.
This document broadly lists the responsibilities of each group.
The formal duties of are listed in the NumFOCUS Bylaws, Article 3 Section 4. Additionally, Board members perform the following activities:
- Define strategic direction for NumFOCUS
- Provide fiscal oversight and accountability
- Give final approval for budgets and quarterly reports
- Ensure commitment to compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- Help develop and participate in a fundraising plan
- Risk assessment to ensure legal and ethical compliance
- Provide oversight for:
- CoC working group
- Election committee
- Diversity & Inclusion in Scientific Computing (DISC) committee
Virtual meetings held quarterly. Directors not holding an office should plan on 5 hrs/month.
- Help to define the strategic direction for NumFOCUS
- Give final approvals for Member/Sponsored project selection
- Provide oversight for:
- Infrastructure committee
- Affiliated Project Selection committee
- Small Development Grants committee
- Approve preliminary budget (before sending to the Administrative Board for final approval)
- Participate in fundraising efforts
- Ensure the creation and curation of technical blogs and content from the project community.
- Support internal programs through technical support and insight on an as-needed basis
- Elect 1 member of the Administrative Board from the Technical Steering Committee. This individual will attend and have voting privileges for both groups.
Virtual meetings held monthly. Members should plan on 5 hrs/month.