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AngularJS 1.x Workshop

An intensive, practical introduction to AngularJS 1.x.

Slides are here


AngularJS 00 : Setup

A polyfill is a piece of code that provides the technology that you expect the browser to provide natively. A shim that mimics a future API providing fallback functionality to older browsers

JSPM is (another) JavaScript Package Manager. It uses SystemJS, an universal module loader for JavaScript: it can load CommonJS modules, AMD and globals. It can also translate from ES6 to ES5, i.e. we don't need another tool for that.


  • start with a blank HTML file

  • add some content

    <h1>Hello Zaiste</h1>
  • install JSPM

    npm install jspm
  • initialize the project

    jspm init
  • add JSPM initialization at the bottom

    <script src="jspm_packages/system.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="config.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
  • add app/main.js with console.log("Hello World")

  • jspm install jquery

  • import jQuery

    import $ from 'jquery';
    $('h1').css({'color': 'red'});


AngularJS 01 : Bindings

Curly braces in AngularJS represent binding, they render expressions out:

  • {{ "This is foo" }} string values
  • {{ 1 + 3 }} arithmetic expressions

Binding with object's property: AngularJS engine will watch for changes to each defined property.

ng-model directive creates a binding between an object and the view layer element (input, select, textarea, etc.). It is a representation of a view model i.e. an abstraction of the view exposing public properties and commands.

ng-bind directive can be used to render a property value from a binding instead of curly braces.

To bootstrap the framework we need AngularJS script and ng-app attribute on <html> tag.


  • start with JSPM stub

  • jspm install angular

  • import AngularJS

    import angular from 'angular';
  • bootstrap Angular with ng-app directive

  • create some binding using ng-model directive

    <input type="text" name="name" value="" ng-model="">
    <input type="text" name="name" value="" ng-model="foo.class">
    <div class="callout {{ foo.class }}">
      <h1>Hello {{ }}</h1>


  • replace curly brackets bindings with ng-bind directive, what is different ?

AngularJS 02 : Controllers

Controllers are used to set up initial state or to add behavior to modify the current state.

ng-controller="MainController as propertyName" binds methods and properties directly onto the controller using this. Controller's properties will be available in the view through propertyName.


  • start with JSPM

  • jspm install angular

  • import AngularJS

    import angular from 'angular';
  • define a controller in app/main.js

    class MainController {
      constructor() {
        this.title = "This is my favorite title";
  • use ng-controller to add a controller to the view; use as to define an alias for it i.e. a more convenient name to use in the view

    <body ng-controller='MainController as mc'>
  • define a module with angular.module and attach defined controller to it

    angular.module('app', [])
      .controller('MainController', MainController);

angular.module defines where controllers will be stored; 1st parameter is the name of the module, 2nd parameter is a list of dependencies.

  • make sure module name must match up with ng-app value
<html ng-app='app'>


  • add a method named foo() to the controller which returns a string and display it using ng-bind

AngularJS 03 : ngClick

ngClick allows to specify a custom behavior when an element is clicked.


  • start from [AngularJS 02 : Controllers]
  • use ng-click to add a button with associated behavior
<button class="button" ng-click="mc.alertMe()">Alert me</button>
  • add alertMe() method to MainController
class MainController {
  alertMe() {
    alert("Hello World");


  • use ng-click to change the current title

AngularJS 04 : ngIf / ngShow / ngHide

ngIf directive removes or re-creates an DOM element based on an expression.

ngShow and ngHide show and hide elements based on an expression using CSS and without modifying DOM


  • add ngIf directive to the view
<button class="button" ng-click="foo.toggle = !foo.toggle">Show</button>
<div id="toggler" ng-if="foo.toggle">
  Lorem ipsum sit arithmetic


  • extract the expression into a method in MainController which toggles div visibility
  • reimplement the example using ngShow or ngHide, check CSS attributes for div#toggler element

AngularJS 05 : ngRepeat

ngRepeat directive allows to iterate over a collection.

ngRepeat provide special properties for each iterated element

  • $index : integer current element
  • $first : boolean true if current element is first element
  • $middle : boolean true if current element is last element
  • $last : boolean true if current element is last element
  • $even : boolean true if current element has even index
  • $odd : boolean true if current element has odd index


  • initialize tasks collection in MainController
class MainController {
  constructor() {
    this.tasks = [
      "Do laundry",
      "Buy socks",
      "Buy milk",
      "Laminate kitchen",
      "Buy apples"
  • add ng-repeat directive to iterate over a collection in the view
<ul ng-repeat="task in mc.tasks">
  <li ng-bind="task"></li>


  • add CSS class to differentiate even and odd elements from a collection
  • display first element in bold
  • create a form for adding tasks and use ng-click to submit it

AngularJS 06 : Using standard filters on the view

  • json serializes an object into a JSON
  • uppercase lowercase transforms string into uppercase or lowercase
  • currency formats number as a currency
  • date:format formats a date as a string based on given format


  • make the title uppercase

    <div ng-bind="mc.title | uppercase"></div>
  • add a field price with value 1234.50 and a field today with current date to MainController

    class MainController {
      constructor() {
        this.price = 1234.527; =;
  • format price field as a currency

    <div ng-bind="price | currency"></div>
  • format today field as a date

    <div ng-bind="today | date:'fullDate'"></div>


  • format price using EUR
  • format price to 2 decimal digits
  • format today so it displays only day name

AngularJS 07 : Dependency injection using $filter

Dependency injection is a software design pattern that deals with how components get hold of their dependencies. The Angular injector subsystem is in charge of creating components, resolving their dependencies, and providing them to other components as requested.

$filter is a service provided by AngularJS used for formatting data that can be used in controllers through DI.

Injections in AngularJS happen through constructor.


  • inject $filter into MainController

    class MainController {
      constructor($filter) {
        this.title = $filter('uppercase')("This is a simple title");


  • use $filter's filter filter to select a subset of tasks (named To Buy) to buy and display that list

AngularJS 08 : Realtime search with ngRepeat using filter filter 1


  • add filter filter on the view and connect it with search model using ng-model

    <input ng-model="" type="text" />
    <ul ng-repeat="task in mc.tasks | filter:search">
      <li ng-bind="task"></li>


  • replace strings from tasks collection with objects having two fields name and done i.e. Buy socks becomes { "name": "Buy socks", "done": "false"}

AngularJS 09 : Realtime search with ngRepeat using filter filter 2


  • we change previous example to deal with JavaScript objects

    <input ng-model="" type="text" />
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="search.done"/>
    <ul ng-repeat="task in mc.tasks | filter:search ">
        <input type="checkbox" ng-model="task.done" />
        <span ng-bind=""></span>


  • add an input to specify a limit of tasks to display, use its value for limitTo filter

AngularJS 10 : Project organization

There are 3 major directory structures for AngularJS applications:

  • Basic Structure files are directly placed in app folder
  • Standard Structure files are grouped by their purposes (separation of concerns). Once each concern grows big enough it will be more convenient to group files as modules/components.
  • Modular Structure we distinguish shared and components directories. Each component is a independent set of files: its static views, directives, services etc. In that structure a component can be seen as a small MVC application.



  • create SecondController that displays I'm second from its property desc on a div inside body
  • create a module named controllers inside controllers/index.js and include it in app module inside main.js

AngularJS 11 : Creating filters

  • start from [AngularJS 02 : Controllers]
  • define a filter in app/filters.js
let reverse = () => {
  return (text) => {
    return text.split("").reverse().join("");
export { reverse };
  • attach defined filter to the module
import { reverse } from './filters';
angular.module('app', [])
  .filter('reverse', reverse);


  • create a filter name startsWithK that is compatible with ngRepeat where we only want to show names from a collection starting with K

  • use the following this.friends collection

    this.friends = [
        "name": "Andrew Kazinski",
        "name": "Andrew Kazinski",
        "name": "Andrew Kazinski",
  • use the startsWithK filter on the view

AngularJS 12: Constructor function & Service

function BasicService() {
  this.widget = 'Widget 1';

BasicService.prototype.makeWidget = function() {
  return "Preparing " +

service = new BasicService();

When you use new on a function, JavaScript will create a variable this and assign it an empty object. Then, it will augment this variable with defined variables and/or with methods you assigned to the prototype. Lastly, it returns this out of the function.

Use .service on a module to tell Angular that passed function is a constructor function.


  • start from [AngularJS 02 : Controllers](#AngularJS 02 : Controllers)

  • define a service in app/main.js

    export default class WidgetService {
      constructor() {
        this.widget = "Widget 1";
      makeWidget() {
        return "Making widget: " + this.widget;
  • attach defined service to the module

    angular.module('app', [])
      .controller('MainController', MainController)
      .service('widget', WidgetService)
  • inject widget service inside MainController

    class MainController
      constructor(basic) {
        this.message = basic.makeWidget();

AngularJS 13: Using services / $http


  • get your projects from Github using the following API:{username}/repos

AngularJS 14: RESTful API

Task model

  • id
  • status enum { open, closed }
  • name
  • created_at DateTime

Create an API using preferred programming language that implements a CRUD operations for Task model

  • GET /tasks get all tasks
  • GET /tasks/:id get a single task
  • POST /tasks create a new task
  • PUT /tasks/:id update a single task
  • DELETE /tasks/:id delete a single tasks

API should use JSON as its format.

Create a dedicated service called TaskService that wraps $http and allows to call CRUD action from defined API.

Create a form on the view and connect its submission with TaskService.

AngularJS 15: Promises

AngularJS 16: Module pattern & Factory

Module pattern involves returning an object (defining your public API) from the function.

function widgetFactory() {
  return {
    name: 'Widget 1',
    makeWidget: function() {
      return "Preparing... " +;

To create an instance of an object using our factory, we just invoke the (factory) function.

widget = widgetFactory();

Use .factory on a module to tell Angular that passed function is a factory (module pattern).

AngularJS 17: Config

We define a state for a controller using .config which allows to configure the

AngularJS 18: Directive

AngularJS 19: Router

It is preferred to use one controller per application state instead of using it on an element.

ui.router needs to be added as a dependency.

application before it boots up.

$stateProvider on which we define our states.

Each state has a name and its configuration.

$stateProvider.state("main", {
  url: "",
  controller: "MainController",
  templateUrl: "templates/main.html"


ui-view places a template based on given application state.

Module : Project

TasksController : v1

  • Define a controller
  • Define a template
  • Display JSON from memory

Create your own API : v2

  • Define GET /tasks for fetching all tasks
    http GET localhost:9292/tasks
  • Define POST /tasks for creating a task
    http POST localhost:9292/tasks name="This is example" state=open
  • Install angular-resource
    jspm install angular-resource
  • Use $resource to fetch data from the API
  • Create services module and add as a dependency to controllers

Router using ui-router

  • By default there is ngRoute
  • ui-router is a better alternative, it supports states and nested views
  • Install ui-router
    jspm install angular-ui-router
  • Add ui-router as a dependency
  • Define two routes using Angular module .config: / and /tasks for dashboard and task list respectively
  • Extract index into tasks and home templates and move them to view directory

Creating new task

Single view with TaskController

  • Define view for a single task
  • Define get for TaskService
  • Define router's state
  • Use ui-sref for state management

Creating tasks

Editing tasks