This document describes details of the ArDemo that utilizes ARModule
The default directory where the demo is installed is the following:
Fetch the source etc:
git clone
cd ~/nubomedia/armoduledemos/ar3d
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g bower
bower install --allow-root
mv bower_components src/main/resources/static/
Ar3D Kurento Client gets the data that is passes to the filter as json either from the browser ie javascipt or from the file system For this demo the default json data is gotten from the browser if you execute:
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="fi.vtt.nubomedia.kurento.Ar3DApp"
But json data is gotten from the file system if executed with a valid json file eg local.json
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="fi.vtt.nubomedia.kurento.Ar3DApp" -Dexec.args="local.json"
Ar3D Kurento Client passes data related to the augmentation via key-value pairs eg {”model”, ”/opt/cube.ply”}, {”scale”, 0.5f}. This is described in kmd of the ARModule armarkerdetector.ArMarkerdetector.kmd.json Please refer to this kmd to find out more about the syntax of json currently in use.
The models, images etc are loaded from the file system or via URL.
Thus, please check that the paths/URLs are correct ie that eg /opt/cube.ply is readable.
An example about the syntax
'{"id":0, "type":"3D", "strings":[{"model":"/opt/faerie.md2"}, {"texture":"/opt/faerie2.bmp"}], "floats":[{"scale":0.09}]},
"id":0 = Alvar Marker 0 ie Zero Marker
"type":"3D" = render as 3D model (2D for flat models)
"model":"/opt/faerie.md2" = 3D model that to be rendered
"texture":"/opt/faerie2.bmp" = texture for the 3D model in md2 format
"scale":0.09} = scaling of the 3D model
The API for Kurento Client to communicate with the AR filter is available at:
Basically, the following functionality is available:
ArMarkerdetector arFilter = new ArMarkerdetector.Builder(pipeline).build();
arFilter.setMarkerPoseFrequency(false/true, 1);
arFilter.setMarkerPoseFrameFrequency(false/true, 10);