Release 3.0
What changed
- Support DSTT flashcarts (chip list)
- UI changed
- In my test, sometimes process was a freeze. Don't know the reason yet.
Warning for R4i users
If you don't have a same type extra cartridge, DO NOT POWEROFF NDS/NDSL before restore.
If flashed ntrboothax, you will lose flashcart feature & cannot recover until getting backup binary.
But have a backup, you can restore using ntrboot_flasher
Warning for DSTT users
I haven't DSTT any flashcarts, so flasher isn't able to work and can make a flashcart brick.
Please consider your risk.
If you have brave and got a problem, report bug to flashcart_core.
And my suggestion is waiting for new version ntrboot_flasher first.(for backup and restore)
How to use
Follow the guide for single system, guide for nds or guide for dsi