Note that all tools might rely on all other tools (including asciiworld itself) to be available in your $PATH
This, again, is very much influenced by trehn's termtrack.
Get satellite data:
asciiworld-sat-get 25544
Here's an index: Master TLE Index.
The script simply prints the data on STDOUT.
- curl
This scripts reads TLE data from STDIN.
asciiworld-sat-get 25544 | asciiworld-sat-calc
It creates a point and three tracks for asciiworld: The current position of the satellite itself, the next full orbit, 5% of the previous orbit and a track which marks the satellite's footprint (i.e., "visibility radius").
You can also specify -F
to omit the footprint track.
- Python 2 or 3
- pyephem
specifies the location of you, the observer, followed by all satellites you want to track:
asciiworld-sat-track -o '50 8' 25544 25078
Note that -o
is optional. If it's not given, the script will try to auto-detect your public IP using asciiworld-ip-geo.
You can also specify -d 5
to quit after 5 seconds.
You can also specify -F
to omit the footprint track.
You can pass raw arguments to asciiworld using -r
, e.g. -r '-p ham -Sb'
- tput from ncurses
Performs a GeoIP database lookup:
It prints latitude and longitude on STDOUT. If you omit the argument, the script tries to auto-detect your public IP by querying
- pygeoip
- The GeoIP City Database. For Arch Linux, install geoip-citydata from the AUR.
The script contains the path to the database. Packagers should replace that path during packaging.
specifies the location of you, the observer:
asciiworld-tcp-monitor -o '50 8'
Note that -o
is optional. If it's not given, the script will try to auto-detect your public IP using asciiworld-ip-geo.
You can also specify -d 5
to quit after 5 seconds.
You can pass raw arguments to asciiworld using -r
, e.g. -r '-p ham -Sb'
- GNU awk
- ss from iproute2
- tput from ncurses
Given a series of locations, this script can calculate tracks between them. For example, this takes you from Mainz over New York City, Hawaii, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Perth to Cape Town:
asciiworld-waypoints '50 8' '40 -74' '21 -157' '35 139' '13 100' '-31 115' '-33 18'
The script prints the resulting tracks on STDOUT.