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SPRAS contribution guide

The SPRAS maintainers welcome external contributions. Code contributions will be licensed using the project's MIT license.

Contributing a new pathway reconstruction guide

This guide walks new contributors through the process of adding a new pathway reconstruction algorithm to SPRAS. It follows the checklist below step-by-step to add a simple algorithm called Local Neighborhood.


SPRAS builds on multiple technologies to run pathway reconstruction in a Snakemake workflow. Before following this guide, a contributor will need

It is not necessary to have experience with Snakemake, Python testing, or pandas before getting started, but it may help with more complex SPRAS contributions:

Step 0: Fork the repository and create a branch

From the SPRAS repository, click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner to create a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account. Do not change the "Repository name". Then click the green "Create fork" button.

The simplest way to set up SPRAS for local development is to clone your fork of the repository to your local machine. You can do that with a graphical development environment or from the command line. After cloning the repository, create a new git branch called local-neighborhood for local neighborhood development. In the following commands, replace the example username agitter with your GitHub username.

git clone
git checkout -b local-neighborhood

Then you can make commits and push them to your fork of the repository on the local-neighborhood branch

git push origin local-neighborhood

For this local neighborhood example only, you will not merge the changes back to the original SPRAS repository. Instead, you can open a pull request to your fork so that the SPRAS maintainers can still provide feedback. For example, use the "New pull request" button from and set agitter/spras as both the base repository and the head repository with local-neighborhood as the compare branch.

An alternative way to set up SPRAS for local development is to clone the Reed-CompBio version of the repository to your local machine and add your fork as another git remote so your can push changes to both.

git clone
git remote add agitter
git remote -v

The second line adds a new remote named agitter in addition to the default origin remote. Then it is possible to push commits to origin or agitter. This provides more flexibility. The third line shows all available remotes.

With this configuration, you push commits to your fork and then make a pull request to your fork as above, except now the remote has a different name.

git push agitter local-neighborhood

Step 1: Practice with the Local Neighborhood algorithm

The Local Neighborhood pathway reconstruction is implemented and described in the docker-wrappers/LocalNeighborhood directory. The readme in that directory describes the usage and the three required arguments. This algorithm does not require any third-party packages, only Python 3.x. Run from the command line. There are example input files ln-network.txt and ln-nodes.txt in test/LocalNeighborhood/input. Copy them to the LocalNeighborhood directory for testing. Confirm that the output file matches expectations.

Step 2: Create a Local Neighborhood Docker image

Complete the Dockerfile in the docker-wrappers/LocalNeighborhood directory to create a Docker image. The PathLinker Dockerfile demonstrates how to begin with a Python image and copy files into the image with COPY. Browse the official Python images to select a recent version of Python based on Alpine Linux, a small Linux distribution. Note that the PathLinker example uses an old version of Python, but this Local Neighborhood Docker image should be based on a more modern version of Python. In addition, not all pathway reconstruction algorithms are compatible with Alpine Linux, so the default Debian-based Python image is required. The Dockerfile does not need an ENTRYPOINT or CMD line. It will be used to run a Python command.

Build the Docker image by running

docker build -t <username>/local-neighborhood -f Dockerfile .

from the LocalNeighborhood directory, where <username> is your Docker Hub username. Docker must be running on your system before executing this command.

Test the image by running it with the example input files

docker run -w /data --mount type=bind,source=/${PWD},target=/data \
  <username>/local-neighborhood python \
  --network /data/ln-network.txt --nodes /data/ln-nodes.txt \
  --output /data/ln-output.txt

This will mount the current working directory to the directory /data inside the container so that the input files can be read and the output file can be written. It will set the working directory inside the container to /data. <username>/local-neighborhood specifies which container to run the command in.

The parts of the command starting with python are the command run inside the container, which is why the file paths like /data/ln-network.txt are relative to the container's file system instead of your local file system. The command assumes the test files have already been copied into the current working directory. Windows users may need to escape the absolute paths so that /data becomes //data, etc. Confirm that the output file matches expectations.

Push the new image to Docker Hub:

docker push <username>/local-neighborhood

Pushing an image requires being logged in, so run docker login first if needed using your Docker Hub username and password.

Step 3: Write the Local Neighborhood wrapper functions

Add a new Python file spras/ to implement the wrapper functions for the Local Neighborhood algorithm. Use as an example.

Call the new class within LocalNeighborhood and set __all__ so the class can be imported. Specify the list of required_input files to be network and nodes. These entries are used to tell Snakemake what input files should be present before running the Local Neighborhood algorithm.

Before implementing the generate_inputs function, explore the structure of the Dataset class interactively. In an interactive Python session, run the following commands to load the data0 dataset and explore the nodes and interactome.

> from spras.dataset import Dataset
> dataset_dict = {'label': 'data0', 'node_files': ['node-prizes.txt', 'sources.txt', 'targets.txt'], 'edge_files': ['network.txt'], 'other_files': [], 'data_dir': 'input'}
> data = Dataset(dataset_dict)
> data.node_table.head()
  NODEID  prize active sources targets
0      C    5.7   True     NaN    True
1      A    2.0   True    True     NaN
2      B    NaN    NaN     NaN     NaN
> data.interactome.head()
  Interactor1 Interactor2  Weight
0           A           B    0.98
1           B           C    0.77

Also test the functions available in the Dataset class.

> data.request_node_columns(['sources'])
  sources NODEID
0    True      A

Note the behaviors of the request_node_columns function when there are missing values in that column of the node table and when multiple columns are requested. request_node_columns always returns the NODEID column in addition to the requested columns.

Now implement the generate_inputs function. Start by inspecting the example, but note the differences in the expected file formats generated for the two algorithms with respect to the header rows and node prize column. The selected nodes should be any node in the dataset that has a prize set, any node that is active, any node that is a source, or any node that is a target. As shown in the example dataset above, "active", "sources", and "targets" are Boolean attributes. A "prize" is a term for a numeric score on a node in a network, so nodes that have non-empty prizes are considered relevant nodes for the Local Neighborhood algorithm along with active nodes, sources, and targets. The network should be all of the edges written in the format <vertex1>|<vertex2>, which also differs from the example. spras/ provides functions that provide access to node information and the interactome (edge list).

Implement the run function, following the PathLinker example. The prepare_volume utility function is needed to prepare the network and nodes input files to be mounted and used inside the container. It is also used to prepare the path for the output file, which is different from how the output is prepared in the PathLinker example. The functionality of prepare_volume is similar to how you had to manually specify paths relative to the container's file system when you interactive tested the container in Step 2. It is not necessary to create the output directory in advance because the Local Neighborhood algorithm will create it if it does not exist.

Prepare the command to run inside the container, which will resemble the command used when running Local Neighborhood in Step 1. Use the run_container utility function to run the command in the container <username>/local-neighborhood that was pushed to Docker Hub in Step 2.

Implement the parse_output function. The edges in the Local Neighborhood output have the same format as the input, <vertex1>|<vertex2>. Convert these to be tab-separated vertex pairs followed by a tab 1 and tab U at the end of every line, which indicates all edges have the same rank and are undirected. See the add_rank_column and raw_pathway_df function in and reinsert_direction_col_undirected function in Make sure header = True with column names: ['Node1', 'Node2', 'Rank', 'Direction'] when the file is created. The output should have the format <vertex1> <vertex2> 1 U.

Step 4: Make the Local Neighborhood wrapper accessible through SPRAS

Import the new class LocalNeighborhood in spras/ so the wrapper functions can be accessed. Add an entry for Local Neighborhood to the configuration file config/config.yaml and set include: true. As a convention, algorithm names are written in all lowercase without special characters. Local Neighborhood has no other parameters. Optionally set include: false for the other pathway reconstruction algorithms to make testing faster.

The config file has an option owner under the container_registry settings that controls which Docker Hub account will be used when pulling Docker images. The same Docker Hub account will be used for all images and cannot currently be set different for each algorithm. Set the owner to match your Docker Hub username from Step 2.

After completing this step, try running the Local Neighborhood algorithm through SPRAS with

snakemake --cores 1 --configfile config/config.yaml

Make sure to run the command inside the spras conda environment.

If installing via pip instead of using conda, install with the -e .[dev] options (the full command to run from the repo root is python -m pip install -e .[dev]) so that Python picks up any changes you make and installs all optional development packages. Omitting the -e flag will prevent your changes from being reflected unless you force re-install, and omitting .[dev] will prevent pip from installing pre-commit and pytest.

As a workflow manager, Snakemake will consider the work described in the configuration file to be completed once the necessary output files have been written to the relevant output directory (output in the config/config.yaml configuration). That means that if you change your code and rerun the Snakemake command above, nothing may happen if the output files already exist. To iteratively update code and test the workflow, you typically have to remove the output directory or all of its contents before rerunning the Snakemake command.

Step 5: Add Local Neighborhood to the tests

Add test functions to the test file test/ This file already has existing tests to test the correctness of the Local Neighborhood implementation that was added to the Docker image. The new tests will test that the run function of the LocalNeighborhood class works correctly. Use as an example. There are input files for testing in the test/LocalNeighborhood/input directory. The new test functions will be automatically run as part of the pytest testing.

Extend .github/workflows/test-spras.yml to pull and build the new Docker image. Follow the example for any of the other pathway reconstruction algorithm. First pull the image <username>/local-neighborhood from Docker Hub. Then build the Docker image using the Dockerfile that was completed in Step 2.

Modify generate inputs:

  1. Include a key-value pair in the algo_exp_file dictionary that links the specific algorithm to its expected network file.
  2. Obtain the expected network file from the workflow, manually confirm it is correct, and save it to test/generate-inputs/expected. Name it as {algorithm_name}-{network_file_name}-expected.txt.

Modify parse outputs:

  1. Obtain the raw-pathway output (e.g. from the run function in your wrapper by running the Snakemake workflow) and save it to test/parse-outputs/input. Name it as {algorithm_name}-raw-pathway.txt.
  2. Obtain the expected universal output from the workflow, manually confirm it is correct, and save it to test/parse-outputs/expected directory. Name it as {algorithm_name}-pathway-expected.txt.
  3. Add the new algorithm's name to the algorithms list in test/parse-outputs/

Step 6: Work with SPRAS maintainers to revise the pull request

Step 0 previously described how to create a local-neighborhood branch and create a pull request. Make sure to commit all of the new and modified files and push them to the local-neighborhood branch on your fork.

The SPRAS maintainers will review the pull request and provide feedback and suggested changes. If you are not already in communication with them, you can open a GitHub issue to request feedback. However, once the pull request has been approved, it will not be merged as usual. The pull request will be closed so that the master branch of the fork stays synchronized with the master branch of the main SPRAS repository.

General steps for contributing a new pathway reconstruction algorithm

  1. Open a GitHub issue to propose adding a new algorithm and discuss it with the SPRAS maintainers
  2. Add a new subdirectory to docker-wrappers with the name <algorithm>, write a Dockerfile to build an image for <algorithm>, and include any other files required to build that image in the subdirectory
  3. Build and push the Docker image to the reedcompbio Docker organization (SPRAS maintainer required)
  4. Add a new Python file spras/<algorithm>.py to implement the wrapper functions for <algorithm>: specify the list of required_input files and the generate_inputs, run, and parse_output functions
  5. Import the new class in spras/ so the wrapper functions can be accessed
  6. Document the usage of the Docker wrapper and the assumptions made when implementing the wrapper
  7. Add example usage for the new algorithm and its parameters to the template config file
  8. Write test functions and provide example input data in a new test subdirectory test/<algorithm>. Provide example data and algorithm/expected files names to lists or dicts in test/generate-inputs and test/parse-outputs. Use the full path with the names of the test files.
  9. Extend .github/workflows/test-spras.yml to pull and build the new Docker image

When adding new algorithms, there are many other considerations that are not relevant with the simple Local Neighborhood example. Most algorithms require dependencies that need to be installed in the Dockerfile. See the linked Carpentries Docker introduction above for instructions on creating a Dockerfile and the OmicsIntegrator1 example for an example of specifying Python dependencies.

Some algorithms may be custom implementations that are not available and maintained elsewhere. In that case, create a separate repository for the core pathway reconstruction algorithm source code and download it into the Docker image. See the MinCostFlow example. Note that when downloading code directly from GitHub that does not have versioned releases, it is recommended to specify a git commit hash.

Pre-commit hooks

SPRAS uses pre-commit hooks to automatically catch certain types of formatting and programming errors in source files. Example errors include a yaml file that cannot be parsed or a local variable that is referenced before assignment. These tests are run automatically on every commit through the GitHub Actions. However, developers will benefit from setting up their environment to run the same tests locally while they modify the SPRAS source.

The pre-commit package is installed as part of the conda environment in environment.yml, or when installing SPRAS with python -m pip install -e .[dev]. From there, the pre-commit quick start guide explains two primary ways to use it locally:

  • run against all source files with pre-commit run --all-files to identify errors and automatically fix them when possible
  • configure git to run the hooks before every git commit so that a commit will only succeed if the tests pass, ensuring new errors are not introduced

Currently, SPRAS only enforces a small number of Python formatting conventions and runs a small number of tests. Additional hooks are available. These are configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml. SPRAS also runs ruff as part of the pre-commit hooks to perform the Python code analysis, which supports many more rules. These are configured in pyproject.toml.

Reviewing pull requests

Contributors may help review pull requests from other contributors. Part of the review process includes running the updated code locally. This requires checking out a branch from the other contributor's fork.

We'll use pull request 170 as an example from the ntalluri fork with branch implement-eval. First, you need to add the ntalluri fork as a git remote from the command line so that you can pull branches from it.

git remote add ntalluri

The first ntalluri is the name we give to the new remote. It doesn't have to match the GitHub user name, but that is a convenient convention.

Then, confirm the new remote was added

git remote -v

You should see the new remote along with your origin remote and any others you added previously. Now you can pull and fetch branches from any of these remotes and push to any remotes where you have permissions.

To checkout the branch in the pull request locally run

git fetch ntalluri
git checkout implement-eval

Optionally run

git log

To confirm that the most recent commit matches the most recent commit in the pull request. Now your local version of SPRAS matches the code in the pull request and you can test the code to confirm it runs as expected.