From 43e6374080c8b045ec6b744084a1e2e560c2ad2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Noel Palo Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 13:58:08 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] feature/BWA-9-weather-app-readme - Add ReadMe info --- | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index a088f61..2cfcee5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,2 +1,136 @@ # Bizmates Ph Weather App Coding Exam +![Weather APP BUILD]( + A simple weather forecasting application built with Laravel that can display weather update from Japan as a coding exam for Bizmates Ph + +---- + +# About the Weather App +- Is a simple web application built with laravel that can search a for a given location's coordinates and get the weather update and forecast. +- Uses Geoapify geocoding Api to get the geolocation and Open Weather Map Api to get weather data +- This project observes: + - PSR Coding Standards + - Object-Oriented Principles / DRY / KISS + - SOLID Principles / Clean Code + - Automated coding standard checking using PhpStan & Easy Coding Standard + - Automated testing using PhpUnit + +## Web Stack +- Docker +- NginX stable-alpine +- PHP 8.1 fpm-alpine +- Composer 2.6.1 +- Node 20.6-alpine +- Laravel 9 +- Bootstrap 5 + +### Pre-requisite +- Docker +- Geoapify Account + - Generate API Key +- Open Weather Map Account + - Generate API Key +- Configure the API Keys in the `.env` file + - `See: /src/.env` + - For more info, check `/src/config/services.php` + +## Set Up Procedure +### Step 1: Service containers - Building, Starting, and Stopping +``` +// Building the services/containers +> ./scripts/ + +// Starting the services/containers +// - optionally add the -d (detach) flag to run in the background +> ./scripts/ -d + +// Or do a one-liner command for the build and start process +> ./scripts/ -d --build + +// Stoping the services/containers +// - To stop a specific service add the continer name +> ./scripts/ <_ContainerName_> + +// Tear down routine +// - optionally add the -v to remove the images +> ./scripts/ -v +``` + +### Step 2: Packages and Dependencies +``` +// Running composer install +> ./scripts/ install +> ./scripts/ dump-autoload + +// Running NPM +> ./scripts/ npm install +> ./scripts/ npm run build + +// Copying Laravel .env file +> ./scripts/ run post-root-package-install + +// Generating Key +> ./scripts/ key:generate + +``` + +### Step 3: Accessing the site +Hit the browser at `localhost:8080` + +### API Endpoint +`localhost:8080/api/weather-update?location=Some-Location` + +where `?location=` is query string for the location to check for weather update/forecast + + +---- + +## Code Quality and Testing +``` +// Running PhpStan +> ./scripts/ run phpstan + +// Running Easy Coding Standards for the entire project +./scripts/ run ecs-all + +// Running Easy Coding Standards for App or Test ONLY +./scripts/ run ecs-app +./scripts/ run ecs-test + +// Running Auto-Fix for ecs +./scripts/ run ecs-fix-app +./scripts/ run ecs-fix-test + +// Running Automated Test with PhpUnit +./scripts/ run phpunit + +``` + +---- + +## BizmatesPh Coding Exam Requirements +### Background +- This page aims to provide travel information of Japan for foreign tourists visiting Japan for the first time. + +### Tech Stack +- PHP (version 8+ preferred) +- Framework Laravel (any version) +- HTML5, CSS3, Javascript ES5/ES6 or any JS Library preferred (VueJS is a plus) +- Responsive Design (Desktop and Mobile) +- API Endpoints +- Automated Testing + +### Submission method +- Provide a github repository once finished +- Development should be within 4 - 5days + +### API Service +- Open Weather Map's Daily API +- Foursquare Search Venue API + +### Code Quality +- PSR Coding Standards 1,2,4 & 12 +- Object-Oriented Principles + Clean Code & SOLID Principles +- Google JavaScript Style Guide +- Google HTML/CSS Style Guide