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The stack module combines sub modules to create a complete stack with vpc, a default ecs cluster with auto scaling and a bastion node that enables you to access all instances.


module "stack" {
  source      = ""
  name        = "mystack"
  environment = "prod"


Name Description Default Required
name the name of your stack, e.g. "segment" - yes
environment the name of your environment, e.g. "prod-west" - yes
key_name the name of the ssh key to use, e.g. "internal-key" - yes
domain_name the internal DNS name to use with services "stack.local" no
domain_name_servers the internal DNS servers, defaults to the internal route53 server of the VPC "" no
region the AWS region in which resources are created, you must set the availability_zones variable as well if you define this value to something other than the default "us-west-2" no
cidr the CIDR block to provision for the VPC, if set to something other than the default, both internal_subnets and external_subnets have to be defined as well "" no
internal_subnets a list of CIDRs for internal subnets in your VPC, must be set if the cidr variable is defined, needs to have as many elements as there are availability zones - yes
external_subnets a list of CIDRs for external subnets in your VPC, must be set if the cidr variable is defined, needs to have as many elements as there are availability zones - yes
availability_zones a comma-separated list of availability zones, defaults to all AZ of the region, if set to something other than the defaults, both internal_subnets and external_subnets have to be defined as well - yes
bastion_instance_type Instance type for the bastion "t2.micro" no
ecs_cluster_name the name of the cluster, if not specified the variable name will be used "" no
ecs_instance_type the instance type to use for your default ecs cluster "m4.large" no
ecs_instance_ebs_optimized use EBS - not all instance types support EBS true no
ecs_min_size the minimum number of instances to use in the default ecs cluster 3 no
ecs_max_size the maximum number of instances to use in the default ecs cluster 100 no
ecs_desired_capacity the desired number of instances to use in the default ecs cluster 3 no
ecs_root_volume_size the size of the ecs instance root volume 25 no
ecs_docker_volume_size the size of the ecs instance docker volume 25 no
ecs_docker_auth_type The docker auth type, see for the possible values "" no
ecs_docker_auth_data A JSON object providing the docker auth data, see for the supported formats "" no
ecs_security_groups A comma separated list of security groups from which ingest traffic will be allowed on the ECS cluster, it defaults to allowing ingress traffic on port 22 and coming grom the ELBs "" no
ecs_ami The AMI that will be used to launch EC2 instances in the ECS cluster "" no


Name Description
region The region in which the infra lives.
bastion_ip The bastion host IP.
zone_id The internal route53 zone ID.
internal_elb Security group for internal ELBs.
external_elb Security group for external ELBs.
internal_subnets Comma separated list of internal subnet IDs.
external_subnets Comma separated list of external subnet IDs.
iam_role ECS Service IAM role.
log_bucket_id S3 bucket ID for ELB logs.
domain_name The internal domain name, e.g "stack.local".
environment The environment of the stack, e.g "prod".
cluster The default ECS cluster name.
availability_zones The VPC availability zones.
vpc_security_group The VPC security group ID.
vpc_id The VPC ID.
ecs_cluster_security_group_id The default ECS cluster security group ID.
internal_route_tables Comma separated list of internal route table IDs.
external_route_tables The external route table ID.


The bastion host acts as the "jump point" for the rest of the infrastructure. Since most of our instances aren't exposed to the external internet, the bastion acts as the gatekeeper for any direct SSH access. The bastion is provisioned using the key name that you pass to the stack (and hopefully have stored somewhere). If you ever need to access an instance directly, you can do it by "jumping through" the bastion.

$ terraform output # print the bastion ip
$ ssh -i <path/to/key> ubuntu@<bastion-ip> ssh ubuntu@<internal-ip>


module "bastion" {
  source            = ""
  region            = "us-west-2"
  security_groups   = "sg-1,sg-2"
  vpc_id            = "vpc-12"
  key_name          = "ssh-key"
  subnet_id         = "pub-1"
  environment       = "prod"


Name Description Default Required
instance_type Instance type, see a list at: "t2.micro" no
region AWS Region, e.g us-west-2 - yes
security_groups a comma separated lists of security group IDs - yes
vpc_id VPC ID - yes
key_name The SSH key pair, key name - yes
subnet_id A external subnet id - yes
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes


Name Description
external_ip Bastion external IP address.


This module is used to set configuration defaults for the AWS infrastructure. It doesn't provide much value when used on its own because terraform makes it hard to do dynamic generations of things like subnets, for now it's used as a helper module for the stack.


 module "defaults" {
   source = ""
   region = "us-east-1"
   cidr   = ""


Name Description Default Required
region The AWS region - yes
cidr The CIDR block to provision for the VPC - yes
default_ecs_ami <map> no
default_log_account_ids <map> no


Name Description



Name Description Default Required
name The domain name to setup DHCP for - yes
vpc_id The ID of the VPC to setup DHCP for - yes
servers A comma separated list of the IP addresses of internal DHCP servers - yes


The dns module creates a local route53 zone that serves as a service discovery utility. For example a service resource with the name auth and a dns module with the name stack.local, the service address will be auth.stack.local.


module "dns" {
  source = ""
  name   = "stack.local"


Name Description Default Required
name Zone name, e.g stack.local - yes
vpc_id The VPC ID (omit to create a public zone) "" no


Name Description
name The domain name.
zone_id The zone ID.
name_servers A comma separated list of the zone name servers.


ECS Cluster creates a cluster with the following features:

  • Autoscaling groups
  • Instance tags for filtering
  • EBS volume for docker resources


  module "cdn" {
    source               = ""
    environment          = "prod"
    name                 = "cdn"
    vpc_id               = "vpc-id"
    image_id             = "ami-id"
    subnet_ids           = ["1" ,"2"]
    key_name             = "ssh-key"
    security_groups      = "1,2"
    iam_instance_profile = "id"
    region               = "us-west-2"
    availability_zones   = ["a", "b"]
    instance_type        = "t2.small"


Name Description Default Required
name The cluster name, e.g cdn - yes
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes
vpc_id VPC ID - yes
image_id AMI Image ID - yes
subnet_ids List of subnet IDs - yes
key_name SSH key name to use - yes
security_groups Comma separated list of security groups - yes
iam_instance_profile Instance profile ARN to use in the launch configuration - yes
region AWS Region - yes
availability_zones List of AZs - yes
instance_type The instance type to use, e.g t2.small - yes
instance_ebs_optimized When set to true the instance will be launched with EBS optimized turned on true no
min_size Minimum instance count 3 no
max_size Maxmimum instance count 100 no
desired_capacity Desired instance count 3 no
associate_public_ip_address Should created instances be publicly accessible (if the SG allows) false no
root_volume_size Root volume size in GB 25 no
docker_volume_size Attached EBS volume size in GB 25 no
docker_auth_type The docker auth type, see for the possible values "" no
docker_auth_data A JSON object providing the docker auth data, see for the supported formats "" no


Name Description
name The cluster name, e.g cdn
security_group_id The cluster security group ID.


The ELB module creates an ELB, security group a route53 record and a service healthcheck. It is used by the service module.


Name Description Default Required
name ELB name, e.g cdn - yes
subnet_ids Comma separated list of subnet IDs - yes
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes
port Instance port - yes
security_groups Comma separated list of security group IDs - yes
dns_name Route53 record name - yes
healthcheck Healthcheck path - yes
protocol Protocol to use, HTTP or TCP - yes
zone_id Route53 zone ID to use for dns_name - yes
log_bucket S3 bucket name to write ELB logs into - yes


Name Description
name The ELB name.
id The ELB ID.
dns The ELB dns_name.
fqdn FQDN built using the zone domain and name
zone_id The zone id of the ELB


The module creates an IAM user.


module "my_user" {
  name = "user"
  policy = <<EOF


Name Description Default Required
name The user name, e.g my-user - yes
policy The raw json policy - yes


Name Description
access_key The aws access key id.
secret_key The aws secret access key.
arn The user ARN



Name Description Default Required
name The name will be used to prefix and tag the resources, e.g mydb - yes
environment The environment tag, e.g prod - yes
vpc_id The VPC ID to use - yes
zone_id The Route53 Zone ID where the DNS record will be created - yes
security_groups A list of security group IDs - yes
subnet_ids A list of subnet IDs - yes
availability_zones A list of availability zones - yes
database_name The database name - yes
master_username The master user username - yes
master_password The master user password - yes
instance_type The type of instances that the RDS cluster will be running on "db.r3.large" no
instance_count How many instances will be provisioned in the RDS cluster 1 no
preferred_backup_window The time window on which backups will be made (HH:mm-HH:mm) "07:00-09:00" no
backup_retention_period The backup retention period 5 no
publicly_accessible When set to true the RDS cluster can be reached from outside the VPC false no
dns_name Route53 record name for the RDS database, defaults to the database name if not set "" no
port The port at which the database listens for incoming connections 3306 no


Name Description
id The cluster identifier.



Name Description Default Required
name - yes
environment - yes
account_id - yes


Name Description


Creates basic security groups to be used by instances and ELBs.


Name Description Default Required
name The name of the security groups serves as a prefix, e.g stack - yes
vpc_id The VPC ID - yes
environment The environment, used for tagging, e.g prod - yes
cidr The cidr block to use for internal security groups - yes


Name Description
external_ssh External SSH allows ssh connections on port 22 from the world.
internal_ssh Internal SSH allows ssh connections from the external ssh security group.
internal_elb Internal ELB allows internal traffic.
external_elb External ELB allows traffic from the world.


The service module creates an ecs service, task definition elb and a route53 record under the local service zone (see the dns module).


  module "auth_service" {
    source    = ""
    name      = "auth-service"
    image     = "auth-service"
    cluster   = "default"


Name Description Default Required
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes
image The docker image name, e.g nginx - yes
name The service name, if empty the service name is defaulted to the image name "" no
version The docker image version "latest" no
subnet_ids Comma separated list of subnet IDs that will be passed to the ELB module - yes
security_groups Comma separated list of security group IDs that will be passed to the ELB module - yes
port The container host port - yes
cluster The cluster name or ARN - yes
dns_name The DNS name to use, e.g nginx - yes
log_bucket The S3 bucket ID to use for the ELB - yes
healthcheck Path to a healthcheck endpoint "/" no
container_port The container port 3000 no
command The raw json of the task command "[]" no
env_vars The raw json of the task env vars "[]" no
desired_count The desired count 2 no
memory The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container 512 no
cpu The number of cpu units to reserve for the container 512 no
protocol The ELB protocol, HTTP or TCP "HTTP" no
iam_role IAM Role ARN to use - yes
zone_id The zone ID to create the record in - yes
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent lower limit (% of desired_count) of # of running tasks during a deployment 100 no
deployment_maximum_percent upper limit (% of desired_count) of # of running tasks during a deployment 200 no


Name Description
name The name of the ELB
dns The DNS name of the ELB
elb The id of the ELB
zone_id The zone id of the ELB
fqdn FQDN built using the zone domain and name


The task module creates an ECS task definition.


 module "nginx" {
   source = ""
   name   = "nginx"
   image  = "nginx"


Name Description Default Required
image The docker image name, e.g nginx - yes
name The worker name, if empty the service name is defaulted to the image name - yes
cpu The number of cpu units to reserve for the container 512 no
env_vars The raw json of the task env vars "[]" no
command The raw json of the task command "[]" no
entry_point The docker container entry point "[]" no
ports The docker container ports "[]" no
image_version The docker image version "latest" no
memory The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container 512 no


Name Description
name The created task definition name
arn The created task definition ARN



Name Description Default Required
cidr The CIDR block for the VPC. - yes
external_subnets List of external subnets - yes
internal_subnets List of internal subnets - yes
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes
availability_zones List of availability zones - yes
name Name tag, e.g stack "stack" no


Name Description
id The VPC ID
external_subnets A comma-separated list of subnet IDs.
internal_subnets A list of subnet IDs.
security_group The default VPC security group ID.
availability_zones The list of availability zones of the VPC.
internal_rtb_id The internal route table ID.
external_rtb_id The external route table ID.
external_nat_ips A comma-separated list of internal NAT Gateways IPs.


The web-service is similar to the service module, but the it provides a public ELB instead.


  module "auth_service" {
    source    = ""
    name      = "auth-service"
    image     = "auth-service"
    cluster   = "default"


Name Description Default Required
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes
image The docker image name, e.g nginx - yes
name The service name, if empty the service name is defaulted to the image name "" no
version The docker image version "latest" no
subnet_ids Comma separated list of subnet IDs that will be passed to the ELB module - yes
security_groups Comma separated list of security group IDs that will be passed to the ELB module - yes
port The container host port - yes
cluster The cluster name or ARN - yes
log_bucket The S3 bucket ID to use for the ELB - yes
ssl_certificate_id SSL Certificate ID to use - yes
iam_role IAM Role ARN to use - yes
external_dns_name The subdomain under which the ELB is exposed externally, defaults to the task name "" no
internal_dns_name The subdomain under which the ELB is exposed internally, defaults to the task name "" no
external_zone_id The zone ID to create the record in - yes
internal_zone_id The zone ID to create the record in - yes
healthcheck Path to a healthcheck endpoint "/" no
container_port The container port 3000 no
command The raw json of the task command "[]" no
env_vars The raw json of the task env vars "[]" no
desired_count The desired count 2 no
memory The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container 512 no
cpu The number of cpu units to reserve for the container 512 no
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent lower limit (% of desired_count) of # of running tasks during a deployment 100 no
deployment_maximum_percent upper limit (% of desired_count) of # of running tasks during a deployment 200 no


Name Description
name The name of the ELB
dns The DNS name of the ELB
elb The id of the ELB
zone_id The zone id of the ELB
external_fqdn FQDN built using the zone domain and name (external)
internal_fqdn FQDN built using the zone domain and name (internal)


The worker module creates an ECS service that has no ELB attached.


 module "my_worker" {
   source       = ""
   environment  = "prod"
   name         = "worker"
   image        = "worker"
   cluster      = "default"


Name Description Default Required
environment Environment tag, e.g prod - yes
image The docker image name, e.g nginx - yes
name The worker name, if empty the service name is defaulted to the image name "" no
version The docker image version "latest" no
cluster The cluster name or ARN - yes
command The raw json of the task command "[]" no
env_vars The raw json of the task env vars "[]" no
desired_count The desired count 1 no
memory The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container 512 no
cpu The number of cpu units to reserve for the container 512 no
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent lower limit (% of desired_count) of # of running tasks during a deployment 100 no
deployment_maximum_percent upper limit (% of desired_count) of # of running tasks during a deployment 200 no