A demonstration of a native plugin built with the .NET SDK, using Windows Forms
Install the tools listed in the general build requirements.
Launch the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt or PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu.
Change into the same directory as this README and run:
dotnet publish -f net8.0-windows -c $(BUILD_CONFIGURATION) -r $(TARGET_RUNTIME) -o $(PLUGIN_FOLDER_PATH)
The command line arguments are the following:
Release OR Debug |
win-x64 OR win-arm64 |
the full path to the plugin folder created above |
Plugins built from this project will crash Notepad++ on start-up!
If you would like to help further the development of Native AOT plugins, choose "Debug" for the $(BUILD_CONFIGURATION)
Start a portable Notepad++ with a debugger attached, and try to capture a stack trace before the fatal error occurs.