Peak is language-agnostic. It includes syntax for Tumblr tags written to be compatible with any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript template language; where possible, it also parses conventional Tumblr tags. Peak also include special syntactical sugar to make Tumblr development more efficient.
HTML <!-- #(Photo) -->
<div class="post">
<!-- ## -->
Haml / #(Photo)
/ ##
Jade // #(Photo)
// ##
Sneak // #(Photo)
// ##
CSS /* #(Photo) */
.post {
background: #000;
/* ## */
Less // #(Photo)
background: #000;
// ##
Stylus // #(Photo)
background: #000;
// ##
JS // #(Photo)
console.log('A photo!')
// ##
Coffee / #(Photo)
console.log 'A photo!'
/ ##
HTML <header>!(name)</header>
Haml %header !(name)
Jade header !(name)
Sneak header !(name)
CSS .post {
color: !(name);
Less .post {
color: !(name);
Stylus .post
color: !(name)
JS console.log('!(name)')
Coffee console.log '!(name)'
Inline an external HTML, JavaScript or CSS theme. Peak will automatically compile with the appropriate template processor based on the external file's extension. If CSS or JavaScript is included in HTML, Peak will automatically wrap the output with the appropriate HTML tag and any additional attributes.
HTML <!-- +(src: "style.css" media: "all") -->
Haml / +(src: "style.css" media: "all")
Jade // +(src: "style.css" media: "all")
Sneak // +(src: "style.css" media: "all")
CSS /* +(src: "style.css") */
Less // +(src: "style.css")
Stylus // +(src: "style.css")
JS // +(src: "carousel.js")
Coffee // +(src: "")
An example:
<!-- index.html -->
<!-- +(src: 'style.css' media: 'all') -->
Assuming style.css
/* style.css */
body { background: black; }
The result is:
<!-- index.html -->
<style type="text/css" media="all">
body { background: black; }
Configure different base URLs for watching and deploying.
HTML <img src="@(images/peak.jpg)" />
Haml %img{src: "@(images/peak.jpg)"}
Jade img(src="@(images/peak.jpg)")
Sneak img(src: "@(images/peak.jpg)")
CSS body {
background: url("@(images/peak.jpg)")
Less body {
background: url("@(images/peak.jpg)")
Stylus body
background: url("@(images/peak.jpg)");
JS var logo = "@(images/peak.jpg)";
Coffee logo = "@(images/peak.jpg)"
Assume the following configuration:
url: ''
url: ''
URLs wrapped in @()
will be prepended with
on deploy and
when watched.