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257 lines (257 loc) · 16.7 KB
Command Description
#acceptrules [acceptrules] - Accept the EQEmu Agreement
#advnpcspawn [maketype|makegroup|addgroupentry|addgroupspawn][removegroupspawn|movespawn|editgroupbox|cleargroupbox]
#aggro (range) [-v] - Display aggro information for all mobs 'range' distance from your target. -v is verbose faction info.
#aggrozone [aggro] - Aggro every mob in the zone with X aggro. Default is 0. Not recommend if you are not invulnerable.
#ai [factionid/spellslist/con/guard/roambox/stop/start] - Modify AI on NPC target
#altactivate [argument] - activates alternate advancement abilities, use altactivate help for more information
#appearance [type] [value] - Send an appearance packet for you or your target
#attack [targetname] - Make your NPC target attack targetname
#ban [name] - Ban by character name
#bestz Ask map for a good Z coord for your x,y coords.
#bind Sets your targets bind spot to their current location
#bot Type "#bot help" to the see the list of available commands for bots.
#bugtrack [bug description] - Report a bug
#cast [spellid] - Cast a spell
#castspell [spellid] - Cast a spell
#charbackup [list/restore] - Query or restore character backups
#chat [channel num] [message] - Send a channel message to all zones
#checklos Check for line of sight to your target
#clearquestitems Clears quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc.
#connectworld Make zone attempt to connect to worldserver
#connectworldserver Make zone attempt to connect to worldserver
#copychar [character name] [new character] [new account id] - Create a copy of a character
#corpse Manipulate corpses, use with no arguments for help
#crashtest Crash the zoneserver
#cvs Summary of client versions currently online.
#d1 [type] [spell] [damage] - Send an OP_Action packet with the specified values
#damage [amount] - Damage your target
#datarate [rate] - Query/set datarate
#date [yyyy] [mm] [dd] [HH] [MM] - Set EQ time
#dbspawn [npctypeid] [factionid] - Spawn an NPC from the db
#dbspawn2 [spawngroup] [respawn] [variance] - Spawn an NPC from a predefined row in the spawn2 table
#delacct [accountname] - Delete an account
#deletegraveyard [zone name] - Deletes the graveyard for the specified zone.
#depop Depop your NPC target
#depopzone Depop the zone
#disablerecipe [recipe id] - Disabled the specified recipe ID.
#distance Reports the distance between you and your target.
#doanim [animnum] [type] - Send an EmoteAnim for you or your target
#emote ['name'/'world'/'zone'] [type] [message] - Send an emote message
#emotesearch Searches loaded NPC emotes
#emoteview Lists all of a NPCs loaded emotes
#enablerecipe [recipe id] - Enables the specified recipe ID.
#equipitem [slotid(0-21)] - Equip the item on your cursor into the specified slot
#face [number of face] - Sets you or your target's face to face number, temporarily.
#fear View and edit fear grids and hints
#finditem Finds an item by name or ID.
#findnpctype [search criteria] - Search database NPC types
#findspell [searchstring] - Search for a spell
#findzone [search criteria] - Search database for zone
#fixmob [nextrace|prevrace|gender|nexttexture|prevtexture|nexthelm|prevhelm] - Manipulate appearance of your NPC target
#flag [status] [acctname] - Refresh your admin status, or set an account's admin status if arguments provided
#flagedit Edit zone flags on your target
#flags Displays the flags of you or your target
#flymode [0/1/2] - Set your or your player target's flymode to off/on/levitate
#fov Check wether you're behind or in your target's field of view
#freeze Freeze your target
#fz [search criteria] - Search database for zone
#gassign [id] - Assign targetted NPC to predefined wandering grid id
#gender [0/1/2] - Change your or your target's gender to male/female/neuter
#getplayerburriedcorp Get the target's total number of burried player corpses.
#getvariable [varname] - Get the value of a variable from the database
#gi [itemid] - Gives your target an item.
#ginfo Get group info on target.
#giveitem [itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your target's cursor. Charges are optional.
#givemoney [pp] [gp] [sp] [cp] - Gives specified amount of money to the target player.
#globalview Lists all qglobals in cache if you were to do a quest with this target.
#gm Turn player target's or your GM flag on or off
#gmhideme Hides you from /who and /who all and makes you invisible to players.
#gmspeed [on/off] - Turn GM speed hack on/off for you or your player target
#goto [x] [y] [z] - Teleport to the provided coordinates or to your target
#grid [add/delete] [grid_num] [wandertype] [pausetype] - Create/delete a wandering grid
#guild help Guild manipulation commands. Use argument help for more info.
#guildapprove [guildapproveid] - Approve a guild with specified ID (guild creator receives the id)
#guildcreate [guildname] - Creates an approval setup for guild name specified
#guildlist [guildapproveid] - Lists character names who have approved the guild specified by the approve id
#haste [percentage] - Set your haste percentage
#hatelist Display hate list for target.
#heal Completely heal your target
#help [search term] - List available commands and their description, specify partial command as argument to search
#hideme [on/off] - Hide yourself from spawn lists.
#hp Refresh your HP bar from the server.
#incstat Increases or Decreases a client's stats permanently.
#instance Modify Instances
#interrogateinv use [help] argument for available options
#interrupt [message id] [color] - Interrupt your casting. Arguments are optional.
#invul [on/off] - Turn player target's or your invulnerable flag on or off
#invulnerable [on/off] - Turn player target's or your invulnerable flag on or off
#ipban [IP address] - Ban IP by character name
#ipc Toggle an NPC's interactive flag
#iplookup [charname] - Look up IP address of charname
#iteminfo Get information about the item on your cursor
#itemsearch [search criteria] - Search for an item
#kick [charname] - Disconnect charname
#kill Kill your target
#lastname [new lastname] - Set your or your player target's lastname
#level [level] - Set your or your target's level
#listnpcs [name/range] - Search NPCs
#loc Print out your or your target's current location and heading
#lock Lock the worldserver
#log Search character event log
#logs [status
#logsql Enable SQL logging
#los [on/off] - Tells you if you have line of sight to your target.
#makepet [level] [class] [race] [texture] - Make a pet
#mana Fill your or your target's mana
#manaburn Use AA Wizard class skill manaburn on target
#manastat Report your or your target's cur/max mana
#memspell [slotid] [spellid] - Memorize spellid in the specified slot
#mlog Manage log settings
#modifynpcstat Modifys a NPC's stats
#motd [new motd] - Set message of the day
#movechar [charname] [zonename] - Move charname to zonename
#mysql Mysql CLI, see 'help' for options.
#mystats Show details about you or your pet.
#name [newname] - Rename your player target
#nologs [status
#npccast [targetname/entityid] [spellid] - Causes NPC target to cast spellid on targetname/entityid
#npcedit [column] [value] - Mega NPC editing command
#npcemote [message] - Make your NPC target emote a message.
#npcloot [show/money/add/remove] [itemid/all/money: pp gp sp cp] - Manipulate the loot an NPC is carrying
#npcsay [message] - Make your NPC target say a message.
#npcshout [message] - Make your NPC target shout a message.
#npcspawn [create/add/update/remove/delete] - Manipulate spawn DB
#npcspecialatk [flagchar] [perm] - Set NPC special attack flags. Flags are E(nrage) F(lurry) R(ampage) S(ummon).
#npcspecialattack [flagchar] [perm] - Set NPC special attack flags. Flags are E(nrage) F(lurry) R(ampage) S(ummon).
#npcspecialattk [flagchar] [perm] - Set NPC special attack flags. Flags are E(nrage) F(lurry) R(ampage) S(ummon).
#npcstats Show stats about target NPC
#npctypespawn [npctypeid] [factionid] - Spawn an NPC from the db
#nukebuffs Strip all buffs on you or your target
#nukeitem [itemid] - Remove itemid from your player target's inventory
#object List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Copy|Save|Undo|Delete - Manipulate static and tradeskill objects within the zone
#oocmute [1/0] - Mutes OOC chat
#path View and edit pathing
#peekinv [worn/cursor/inv/bank/trade/all] - Print out contents of your player target's inventory
#peqzone [zonename] - Go to specified zone, if you have > 75% health
#permaclass [classnum] - Change your or your player target's class (target is disconnected)
#permagender [gendernum] - Change your or your player target's gender (zone to take effect)
#permarace [racenum] - Change your or your player target's race (zone to take effect)
#peval (expression) - execute some perl
#pf Useless information.
#picklock Used to pick locks.
#plugin (sub) [args] - execute a plugin
#printquestitems Returns available quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc.
#profiledump Dump profiling info to logs
#profilereset Reset profiling info
#pvp [on/off] - Set your or your player target's PVP status
#qglobal [on/off/view] - Toggles qglobal functionality on an NPC
#qtest QueryServ testing command.
#race [racenum] - Change you or your target's race. Use #race 0 to return to normal. This is temporary, you revert back to normal upon zoning.
#raidloot LEADER
#randomfeatures Randomly changes the Facial Features of your target
#refreshgroup Refreshes Group.
#refundaa Refunds your target's AA points, will disconnect them in the process as well.
#reloademote Reloads NPC emotes
#reloadpl Reloads quest scripts. -- Doesn't work with Lua!
#reloadqst Reloads quest scripts. -- Doesn't work with Lua!
#reloadquest Clear quest cache
#reloadstatic Reload Static Zone Data
#reloadworld Reloads all scripts and repops all NPC's globally.
#reloadzonepoints Reload zone points from database
#reloadzps Reload zone points from database
#repop Repop the zone with optional delay. Using #repop force forcefully resets spawn timers.
#resetaa Resets a Player's AA in their profile.
#revoke [charname] [1/0] - Makes charname unable to talk on OOC and unable to use /tell.
#rules (subcommand) - Manage server rules
#save Force your player or player corpse target to be saved to the database
#scribespell [spellid] - Scribe specified spell in your target's spell book.
#scribespells [maxlevel], [minlevel] - Scribe all spells for you or your player target that are usable by them, up to level specified.
#search Finds an item by name or ID.
#sendzonespawns Refresh spawn list for all clients in zone
#serverinfo Get OS info about server host
#serverrules Read this server's rules
#serversidename Prints target's server side name
#setaaexp [amount] - Adds the amount of AA experience you specified to you or your target.
#setaapoints [AA|group|raid] [new AA points value] - Increase your AA points based on amount specified.
#setaapts [value] - Set your or your player target's available AA points
#setaaxp [value] - Set your or your player target's AA experience
#setadventurepoints Set you or your player target's available adventure points
#setallskill [amount] - Sets all your skills to any amount, from 0 to 400.
#setanim [animnum] - Set target's appearance to animnum
#setcrystals Set your or your player targets available radiant or ebon crystals
#setexp [amount] - Adds the amount of experience you specified to you or your target.
#setfaction [faction number] - Sets targeted NPC's faction in the database
#setgraveyard [zone name] - Creates a graveyard for the specified zone based on your target's LOC.
#setitemstatus [itemid] [status] - Set the minimum admin status required to use itemid
#setlanguage [language ID] [value] - Set your target's language skillnum to value
#setlsinfo [email] [password] - Set login server email address and password.
#setpass [accountname] [password] - Set local password for accountname
#setpvppoints Set your or your player targets PVP points
#setskill [skillnum] [value] - Set your target's skill skillnum to value
#setskillall [value] - Set all of your target's skills to value
#setstartzone [zoneid] - Set target's starting zone. Set to zero to allow the player to use /setstartcity
#setstat Sets the stats to a specific value.
#setxp [value] - Set your or your player target's experience
#showbuffs List buffs active on your target or you if no target
#showpetspell [spellid/searchstring] - search pet summoning spells
#showskills Show the values of your or your player target's skills
#showstats Show details about you or your target
#shutdown Shut this zone process down
#si [itemid], [charges] - Spawns an item with the chosen charges.
#size [size] - Change size of you or your target
#spawn [name] [race] [level] [material] [hp] [gender] [class] [priweapon] [secweapon] [merchantid] - Spawn an NPC
#spawnfix Find targeted NPC in database based on its X/Y/heading and update the database to make it spawn at your current location/heading.
#spawnstatus Show respawn timer status
#spellinfo [spellid] - Get detailed info about a spell
#spfind [searchstring] - Search for a spell
#stun [duration] - Stuns you or your target for duration
#summon [charname] - Summons your player/npc/corpse target, or charname if specified
#summonburriedplayerc Summons the target's oldest burried corpse, if any exist.
#summonitem [itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your cursor. Charges are optional.
#suspend Suspend by character name and for specificed number of days
#synctod Send a time of day update to every client in zone
#task (subcommand) - Task system commands
#testspawn [memloc] [value] - spawns a NPC for you only, with the specified values set in the spawn struct
#testspawnkill Sends an OP_Death packet for spawn made with #testspawn
#texture [texture] [helmtexture] - Change your or your target's appearance, use 255 to show equipment
#time [HH] [MM] - Set EQ time
#timers Display persisten timers for target
#timezone [HH] [MM] - Set timezone. Minutes are optional
#title [text] - Set your or your player target's title
#traindisc [level] - Trains all the disciplines usable by the target, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds)
#undyeme Remove dye from all of your armor slots
#unfreeze Unfreeze your target
#unlock Unlock the worldserver
#unscribespell [spellid] - Unscribe specified spell from your target's spell book.
#unscribespells Clear out your or your player target's spell book.
#uptime [zone server id] - Get uptime of worldserver, or zone server if argument provided
#version Display current version of EQEmu server
#viewmessage [id] - View messages in your tell queue
#viewmessages [id] - View messages in your tell queue
#viewnpctype [npctype id] - Show info about an npctype
#viewpetition [petition number] - View a petition
#wc [wear slot] [material] - Sends an OP_WearChange for your target
#weather [0/1/2/3] (Off/Rain/Snow/Manual) - Change the weather
#worldshutdown Shut down world and all zones
#wp [add/delete] [grid_num] [pause] [wp_num] - Add/delete a waypoint to/from a wandering grid
#wpadd [pause] - Add your current location as a waypoint to your NPC targets AI path
#wpinfo Show waypoint info about your NPC target
#xtargets Show your targets Extended Targets and optionally set how many xtargets they can have
#zclip [min] [max] - modifies and resends zhdr packet
#zcolor [red] [green] [blue] - Change sky color
#zhdr [zonename] - Load zheader for zonename from the database
#zheader [zonename] - Load zheader for zonename from the database
#zone [zonename] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified zone (co-ordinates optional)
#zonebootup [ZoneServerID] [shortname] - Make a zone server boot a specific zone
#zoneinstance [instanceid] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified instance zone (co-ordinates optional)
#zonelock [list/lock/unlock] - Set/query lock flag for zoneservers
#zoneshutdown [shortname] - Shut down a zone server
#zonestatus Show connected zoneservers, synonymous with /servers
#zsafecoords [x] [y] [z] - Set safe co-ordinates
#zsave Saves zheader to the database
#zsky [skytype] - Change zone sky type
#zstats Show info about zone header
#zunderworld [zcoord] - Sets the underworld using zcoord
#zuwcoords [z coord] - Set underworld coord