QOTD “If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”
"Welcome to nostrovia, where we bring you the most interesting projects happening on nostr every week. I'm bitkarrot with my cohost, gsovereignty."
Today is Jan 14, 2023, Episode 1.
You can now find us on multiple social media
- Twitter @nostroviapod
- Telegram https://t.me/nostroviadispatch
- fountain.fm and spotify as nostrovia
Links will be posted in show notes
If you would ike for us to feature our project on our show feel free to reach out to us any of these locations, DMs are always open.
- https://iris.to a beautiful web client, is in early beta with infinite scrolling and caches the latest 1000 notest
- strfry: a new #nostr relay written in C++ by Doug Hoyte ( https://hoytech.com/about )
- Nostr Stats from nostr.band
- 116,431 profiles with bios
- 254,237 pubkeys writing events.
- Shoutout to Rajwinder who got us listed on https://btcnews.today/
- Clubhouse nostr https://www.clubhouse.com/club/nostr
- Spaces on nostr at https://spaces.nostrplebs.com/
All right, now onto our guests for today's show:
Ricardo Arturo https://github.com/Cameri/
Nostream: A Nostr Relay written in TypeScript
Mining your own vanity pubkey:
Nostr.watch http://nostr.watch/relays/find
Rana https://github.com/grunch/rana
Concept of pay to relay
Ephemeral Notes in Nostr