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File metadata and controls

53 lines (36 loc) · 3 KB



A fork of an anime tracker that is a file CMS. In early dev.

See for all the changes.

ツー translates to "tsuu" and is the onomatopoeia of a buzzing insect/bee.

Setting up for development

This project uses the latest version of Python (development started on 3.9). Development mainly occurs on Windows, but other OSes should be supported.

Code Quality

  • Before we get any deeper, remember to follow PEP8 style guidelines and run ./ lint before committing to see a list of warnings/problems.
    • You may also use ./ fix && ./ isort to automatically fix some of the issues reported by the previous command.
  • Other than PEP8, try to keep your code clean and easy to understand, as well. It's only polite!

Install dependencies

  • Set up a virtualenv: python -mvenv venv and activate it (source venv/bin/activate on linux, venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1 on Windows)
  • Make sure wheel is installed (saves you all the compiletime for deps): pip install -U wheel
  • Install the deps: python install -Ur requirements.txt

Finishing up

The default storage backend is SQLite.

  • Run python to create the database and import categories
    • Follow the advice of and run ./ stamp head to mark the database version for Alembic
  • Start the dev server with python
  • When you are finished developing, deactivate your virtualenv with pyenv deactivate or source deactivate (or just close your shell session)

Database migrations

  • Database migrations are done with flask-Migrate, a wrapper around Alembic.
  • If someone has made changes in the database schema and included a new migration script:
    • If your database has never been marked by Alembic (you're on a database from before the migrations), run ./ stamp head before pulling the new migration script(s).
      • If you already have the new scripts, check the output of ./ history instead and choose a hash that matches your current database state, then run ./ stamp <hash>.
    • Update your branch (eg. git fetch && git rebase origin/master)
    • Run ./ upgrade head to run the migration. Done!
  • If you have made a change in the database schema:
    • Save your changes in and ensure the database schema matches the previous version (ie. your new tables/columns are not added to the live database)
    • Run ./ migrate -m "Short description of changes" to automatically generate a migration script for the changes
      • Check the script (migrations/versions/...) and make sure it works! Alembic may not able to notice all changes.
    • Run ./ upgrade to run the migration and verify the upgrade works.
      • (Run ./ downgrade to verify the downgrade works as well, then upgrade again)
