$ brew install redis, pipenv
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv run python crypto_flask.py
$ redis-server
$ pipenv run celery worker -A crypto_celery.worker --loglevel=info -B
$ pipenv run flower -A crypto_celery.worker --port=5555
What is a task queue?
- mechanism to distribute small units of work or tasks that can be
executed without interfering with the request-response cycle of
most web-based applications
Flask -> Redis -> Celery
Why Celery?
- scalable (allows more workers to be added on-demand to cater to increased
load or traffic)
- easy to integrate into multiple web frameworks
- in active development
Why "force=True"?
- by default this call is lazy so that the actual auto-discovery won’t happen
until an application imports the default modules.
- forcing will cause the auto-discovery to happen immediately.