Generative adversarial network considered as one of the hotest research fileds in deep learning has been well developed recently. This repo mainly focuses on newers, give a guidence, and provied some practical projects for learning.
In Python3_Tutorial, basics about how to use python and python libraries like scipy, Pillow, matplotlib, numpy etc are provided.
In Tensorflow_Practice, I give you some examples about how to use tensorflow to build your tensorflow projects, more details show below.
In GAN_Practice, some classical GAN models like vanilla GAN, DCGAN, CGAN, WGAN, WGAN-GP, VAE-GAN, Cycle-GAN, Pix2Pix etc. are provided.
- tensorflow >= 1.3.0
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy
- tqdm
pip & python2.*
$ sudo apt-get install pip # upgrade pip $ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 & python3.*
$ sudo apt-get install pip # upgrade pip $ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
$ sudo apt-get install python-numpy
$ sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
$ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
$ sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
$ sudo apt-get install python-scipy
$ sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
$ sudo pip install tqdm
$ sudo pip3 install tqdm
pip install
# cpu version: $ pip install tensorflow # gpu version: $ pip install tensorflow-gpu # upgrade: $ pip install -U tensorflow
conda install
$ anaconda search -t conda tensorflow $ anaconda show [tensorflow version] $ conda install --channel [the show list]
|——— Example0_Basics
| |——— 42_00_input_ouput.py
| |——— 42_01_basic_types.py
| |——— 42_02_list.py
| |——— 42_03_tuple.py
| |——— 42_04_dictionary.py
| |——— 42_05_condition.py
| |——— 42_06_loops.py
| |——— 42_07_iteration.py
| |——— 42_08_function.py
| |——— 42_09_yield.py
| |——— 42_10_class.py
|——— Example1_Numpy
| |——— 42_11_numpy.py
|——— Example2_PIL
| |——— 42_12_PIL.py
|——— Example3_Scipy
| |——— 42_12_scipy.py
|——— Example4_Matplotlib
| |——— 42_13_matplotlib.py
|——— Example0_Basics
| |——— 400_constant.py
| |——— 401_variable.py
| |——— 402_get_variable.py
| |——— 403_placeholder.py
| |——— 404_session.py
| |——— 405_dataloader.py
| |——— 406_optimizer.py
| |——— 407_tensorboard.py
| |——— 408_saver.py
| |——— 409_simple_regression_model.py
|——— Example1_FCN
| |——— FCN.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example2_CNN
| |——— CNN.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example3_AE
| |——— AutoEncoder.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example4_GAN
| |——— GAN.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example5_RNN
| |——— RNN.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example6_DQN
| |——— waiting for updating
|——— Example1_GAN
| |——— GAN.py
| |——— main_GAN.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example2_CGAN
| |——— CGAN.py
| |——— main_CGAN.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example3_DCGAN
| |——— DCGAN.py
| |——— main_DCGAN.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example4_WGAN
| |——— WGAN.py
| |——— main_WGAN.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example5_WGANGP
| |——— WGAN_GP.py
| |——— main_WGAN_GP.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example6_VAEGAN
| |——— VAE_GAN.py
| |——— main_VAE_GAN.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
|——— Example7_pix2pix
| |——— pix2pix.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
| |——— dataset_download.sh # download datasets
|——— Example8_CycleGAN
| |——— CycleGAN.py
| |——— main.py
| |——— ops.py
| |——— utils.py
# clone repo to local
$ git clone https://github.com/nnUyi/GAN-From-Zero-to-One.git
Email: [email protected]