This first version was built to create .glTF
3D files from SDK130 PDK .gds
Lot of the work is based on the gdsiistl repo:
Python libraries requirements:
python3 file.gds
Outputs a file.gds.gltf
in the same folder as the original gds file
Due to a limitation of the library used to triangulate the polygonal boundaries of the GDSII geometry, the polygon borders (i.e., all geometry) are shifted slightly (by a hardcoded delta of about 0.00001 units, or 0.01 nanometers in standard micron units) before export. Furthermore, due to another related limitation/bug (not yet completely understood; see source code comments), extra triangles are sometimes created covering holes in polygons.
So the output mesh is not guaranteed to be watertight, perfectly dimensioned, or retain all polygon holes, but it should be arbitrarily close and err on the side of extra triangles, so a program (e.g., Blender) can edit the mesh by deleting faces and produce a negligibly-far-from perfect visualization.