This code was used to examine how different natural mortality scenarios performed in two management strategies.
# load pkgs set options ----
+#devtools::install_github("r4ss/r4ss", ref = "155a521")
+# specify locations, create folders ----
+cod_mod_path <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", package = "SSMSE")
+datfile_path <- file.path(cod_mod_path, "ss3.dat")
+fig_path <- "figures"
+runs_path <- "model_runs"
+mods_path <- "input_models"
+# define the scenarios ----
+niters <- 100
+start_iters <- 1
+# the scenarios are:
+# three levels of M changes in the OM (none, more frequent, less frequent)
+# 2 different management scenarios
+# in all scenarios, uncertainty in the selectivity moving forward
+# metrics: long term avg catch, long term catch variability, long term biomass
+scen_red_tide <- c("no-red-tide", "low-red-tide", "hi-red-tide")
+scen_HCR <- c("F-spr-30", "F-spr-45")
+scenarios <- data.frame(
+ scen_name = c(paste0(scen_red_tide, "-",scen_HCR[1]),
+ paste0(scen_red_tide, "-", scen_HCR[2])),
+ EM_path = rep(c(file.path(mods_path, scen_HCR)), times = c(3,3))
+# manipulate EM Forecasting ----
+# no need to re-run model for the EM,
+if(start_iters == 1) {
+ # dont need to re run this for each new set of runs
+ for (i in scen_HCR) {
+ tmp_cod_path <- file.path(mods_path, i)
+ file.copy(from = cod_mod_path, to = mods_path, recursive = TRUE)
+ file.rename(from = file.path(mods_path, "cod"), to = tmp_cod_path)
+ fore <- r4ss::SS_readforecast(file.path(tmp_cod_path, ""),
+ verbose = FALSE)
+ forecast_method <- switch(i,
+ "F-msy" = 2,
+ "F-spr-30" = 1,
+ "F-spr-45" = 1)
+ fcast_target <- switch(i,
+ "F-msy" = 0.45,
+ "F-spr-30" = 0.3,
+ "F-spr-45" = 0.45)
+ # manipulate the forecasting file.
+ fore$MSY <- 2 # calculate Fmsy, needed for F-msy scenario
+ fore$SPRtarget <- fcast_target # differs between scenarios
+ fore$Forecast <- forecast_method # differs between scenarios
+ fore$ControlRuleMethod <- 0 # don't use a ramp HCR at all
+ r4ss::SS_writeforecast(fore, tmp_cod_path, verbose = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
+ file.remove(file.path(tmp_cod_path, "forecast.ss_new")) # to make sure it is not used.
+ }
+# set up the future om deviations ----
+# Set this up for the 3 different operating mode scenarios
+# in all cases, we want to use random fluctuations on selectivity
+# changing M depends on the scenario.
+# put together the change for selectivity (random values around the orig val, with
+# an sd of 0.2)
+template_mod_change <- create_future_om_list()
+mod_change_sel <- template_mod_change[[1]]
+mod_change_sel$scen[2] <- "all"
+mod_change_sel$input$last_yr_orig_val <- 100
+mod_change_sel$input$first_yr_final_val <- 101
+mod_change_sel$input$ts_param <- "sd"
+mod_change_sel$input$value <- 0.2
+# put together change for M
+# more stochasisity could be added, but starting with this is still interesting
+template_custom_change <- create_future_om_list(example_type = "custom")
+mod_change_M <- template_custom_change[[1]]
+M_no_scen <- rep(rep(0.2, 50), times = niters)
+M_low_scen <- rep(rep(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3), length.out = 50), times = niters)
+M_hi_scen <- rep(rep(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4), length.out = 50), times = niters)
+M_custom_dataframe <- data.frame(
+ par = "NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1",
+ scen = rep(scenarios$scen_name, times = rep(50*niters, 6)),
+ iter = rep(rep(seq(from = start_iters, to = start_iters + niters - 1), times = rep(50, niters)), times = 6),
+ yr = rep(101:150, times = 6*niters),
+ value = c(M_no_scen, M_low_scen, M_hi_scen,
+ M_no_scen, M_low_scen, M_hi_scen))
+mod_change_M$pars <- "NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1"
+mod_change_M$scen <- c("replicate", "all")
+mod_change_M$input <- M_custom_dataframe
+# add recruitment deviations
+rec_dev_specify <- template_mod_change[[1]]
+rec_dev_specify$pars <- "rec_devs"
+rec_dev_specify$scen <- c("replicate", "all")
+rec_dev_specify$input$first_yr_averaging <- 1 # use same sd as from the orig model.
+rec_dev_specify$input$last_yr_averaging <- 100
+rec_dev_specify$input$last_yr_orig_val <- 100
+rec_dev_specify$input$first_yr_final_val <- 101
+rec_dev_specify$input$ts_param <- "sd"
+rec_dev_specify$input$value <- NA
+# put together a complete list
+future_om_list <- list(mod_change_M, mod_change_sel, rec_dev_specify)
+# get the sampling scheme ----
+# use the historical sampling scheme, so don' t need to create one
+# for sampling scheme in the projections, use the historical sampling scheme to
+# the extent possible; if no pattern found, then create a manual one.
+sample_struct <- SSMSE::create_sample_struct(dat = datfile_path, nyrs = 50)
+sample_struct$meanbodywt <- NULL
+sample_struct$MeanSize_at_Age_obs <- NULL
+# modify, because there were NAs
+sample_struct$lencomp <- data.frame(Yr = seq(105, 150, by = 5),
+ Seas = sample_struct$lencomp$Seas,
+ FltSvy = sample_struct$lencomp$FltSvy,
+ Sex = sample_struct$lencomp$Sex,
+ Part = sample_struct$lencomp$Part,
+ Nsamp = sample_struct$lencomp$Nsamp)
+sample_struct_list <- list(sample_struct,
+ sample_struct,
+ sample_struct,
+ sample_struct,
+ sample_struct,
+ sample_struct
+ )
+# call SSSMSE ----
+out <- SSMSE::run_SSMSE(out_dir_scen_vec = rep("model_runs", 6),
+ scen_name_vec = scenarios$scen_name,
+ iter_vec = rep(niters, 6),
+ OM_name_vec = rep("cod", 6),
+ OM_in_dir_vec = NULL,
+ EM_in_dir_vec = scenarios$EM_path,
+ run_EM_last_yr = FALSE,
+ MS_vec = "EM",
+ use_SS_boot_vec = TRUE,
+ nyrs_vec = rep(50, 6),
+ nyrs_assess_vec = rep(5, 6),
+ sample_struct_list = sample_struct_list,
+ future_om_list = future_om_list,
+ verbose = FALSE,
+ seed = 456, # changing each time a chunk of runs is done will help ensure there is stochacisity
+ run_parallel = TRUE,
+ n_cores = 6
+ )
+saveRDS(out, file = file.path("model_runs", "run_SSMSE_out.rda"))
+# # look at results ----
+summary <- SSMSE::SSMSE_summary_all(dir = "model_runs", run_parallel = TRUE)
+# #check for errored iterations
+lapply(out, function(x) x$errored_iterations)
To examine simulations for non-convergance, calculate, and plot performance metrics:
# Look at results from all runs (100 each iter) ----
+# Load packages set options ----
+# functions for convergence and performance metrics, get from other gh repo
+# uncomment if using SSMSE v0.2.6 and lower
+# note: no need to source functions if using SSMSE >0.2.6, as these functions were moved into SSMSE
+# source("")
+# path names ----
+mods_path <- "input_models"
+# define the scenarios ----
+scen_red_tide <- c("no-red-tide", "low-red-tide", "hi-red-tide")
+scen_HCR <- c("F-spr-30", "F-spr-45")
+scenarios <- data.frame(
+ scen_name = c(paste0(scen_red_tide, "-",scen_HCR[1]),
+ paste0(scen_red_tide, "-", scen_HCR[2])),
+ EM_path = rep(c(file.path(mods_path, scen_HCR)), times = c(3,3))
+# get the files that had issuse running ----
+error_mods <- lapply(out, function(x) {
+ tmp <- x$errored_iterations
+ if(isTRUE(tmp == "No errored iterations")) {
+ tmp <- NULL
+ }
+ tmp
+error_mods_df <-, error_mods)
+error_mods_key <- error_mods_df[,c("iteration", "scenario")]
+# remove the models with issues
+summary$ts <- dplyr::anti_join(summary$ts, error_mods_key)
+summary$scalar <- dplyr::anti_join(summary$scalar, error_mods_key)
+## check convergence ----
+check_scalar <- summary$scalar[,c("max_grad", "iteration", "scenario")]
+too_high_max_grad_key <- na.omit(summary$scalar[summary$scalar$max_grad>2, c("iteration", "scenario")])
+summary$ts <- dplyr::anti_join(summary$ts, too_high_max_grad_key)
+summary$scalar <- dplyr::anti_join(summary$scalar, too_high_max_grad_key)
+SSB_df <- check_convergence(summary, n_EMs = 6, max_yr = 150)
+SSB_df# no params on bounds, there are some relatively low or high SSB's.
+# how many iterations per scenario are left?
+n_iters_per_scen <- summary$scalar[summary$scalar$model_run == "cod_OM", c("iteration", "scenario")] %>%
+ group_by(scenario) %>%
+ summarize(n = n())
+write.csv(n_iters_per_scen, "model_runs/n_iter_per_scen.csv")
+# write problem scenarios to afile
+write.csv(too_high_max_grad_key, "model_runs/too_high_max_grad.csv")
+write.csv(error_mods_key, "model_runs/error_mods_key.csv")
+all_errors <- rbind(too_high_max_grad_key, error_mods_key)
+# calculate performance metrics ----
+# look at catch in OM from yrs 125:150
+OM_metrics <- NULL
+for (i in scenarios$scen_name) { # scenarios$scen_name to make general
+ iterations <- list.dirs(file.path("model_runs", i), recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
+ # remove iterations that had errors/convergence issues
+ test_df <- data.frame( iteration = as.double(iterations), scenario = i)
+ test_df <- dplyr::anti_join(test_df, all_errors)
+ iterations <- as.character(as.integer(test_df$iteration))
+ OM_name <- grep("_OM$",
+ list.dirs(file.path("model_runs", i, iterations[1]), full.names = FALSE),
+ value = TRUE)
+ OM_dat <- file.path("model_runs", i, iterations, OM_name, "ss3.dat")
+ avg_catch <- unlist(lapply(OM_dat, function(x) get_avg_catch(x, yrs = 126:150)))
+ catch_sd <- unlist(lapply(OM_dat, function(x) get_catch_sd(x, yrs = 126:150)))
+ short_term_catch <- unlist(lapply(OM_dat, function (x) get_avg_catch(x, yrs = 101:110)))
+ tmp_df <- data.frame(iteration = as.integer(iterations), scenario = i,
+ avg_catch = avg_catch, catch_sd = catch_sd, short_term_catch = short_term_catch)
+ OM_metrics <- rbind(OM_metrics, tmp_df)
+SSB_avg <- get_SSB_avg(summary, min_yr = 126, max_yr = 150)
+all_metrics <- full_join(OM_metrics, SSB_avg)
+all_metrics_long <- tidyr::gather(all_metrics, "metric", "value", 3:ncol(all_metrics))
+all_metrics_long$value_bils <- all_metrics_long$value/1000000000
+all_metrics_long$scen_fac <- factor(all_metrics_long$scenario,
+ levels = c("no-red-tide-F-spr-30", "low-red-tide-F-spr-30", "hi-red-tide-F-spr-30",
+ "no-red-tide-F-spr-45", "low-red-tide-F-spr-45", "hi-red-tide-F-spr-45" ),
+ labels = c("no", "low", "high", "no", "low", "high"))
+all_metrics_long <- all_metrics_long %>%
+ tidyr::separate(col = scenario,
+ into = c("OM_scen", "MS"),
+ sep = "-F-",
+ remove = FALSE)
+all_metrics_long$MS <- factor(all_metrics_long$MS, levels = c("spr-30", "spr-45"),
+ labels = c("spr-30 (less precautionary)", "spr-45 (more precautionary)"))
+metrics <- unique(all_metrics_long$metric)
+plots <- lapply(metrics, function(i, all_metrics_long) {
+ title_lab <- switch(i,
+ avg_catch = "Long-term average catch",
+ avg_SSB = "Long-term average SSB",
+ catch_sd = "Long-term catch variability",
+ short_term_catch = "Short-term average catch")
+ yaxis_lab <- switch(i,
+ avg_catch = "Catch (billion metric tons)",
+ avg_SSB = "Biomass (billion metric tons)",
+ catch_sd = "Catch (billion metric tons)",
+ short_term_catch = "Catch (billion metric tons)")
+ plot <- ggplot(data = all_metrics_long[all_metrics_long$metric == i, ],
+ aes(x = scen_fac, y = value_bils))
+ if(i == "avg_SSB") {
+ plot <- plot + geom_hline(yintercept = 1342470000/1000000000)
+ }
+ plot <- plot +
+ geom_violin(draw_quantiles = 0.5, aes(fill = MS)) +
+ scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA))+
+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2", direction = -1)+
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(title = "Management Strategy")) +
+ labs(title = title_lab, x = "OM natural mortality pulses", y = yaxis_lab) +
+ theme_classic(base_size = 22)
+ plot
+}, all_metrics_long = all_metrics_long)
+for (i in seq_len(length(plots))) {
+ ggsave(file.path("figures", paste0("run_red_tide_scens_", metrics[i], ".png")),
+ plot = plots[[i]], width = 8, height = 6, units = "in", device = "png")
+# get cv catch ----
+catch_cv_df <- NULL
+for (i in scenarios$scen_name) { # scenarios$scen_name to make general
+ iterations <- list.dirs(file.path("model_runs", i), recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
+ test_df <- data.frame( iteration = as.double(iterations), scenario = i)
+ test_df <- dplyr::anti_join(test_df, all_errors)
+ iterations <- as.character(as.integer(test_df$iteration))
+ OM_name <- grep("_OM$",
+ list.dirs(file.path("model_runs", i, iterations[1]), full.names = FALSE),
+ value = TRUE)
+ OM_dat <- file.path("model_runs", i, iterations, OM_name, "ss3.dat")
+ catch_cv <- unlist(lapply(OM_dat, function(x) get_catch_cv(x, yrs = 126:150)))
+ tmp_df <- data.frame(iteration = as.integer(iterations), scenario = i,
+ catch_cv = catch_cv)
+ catch_cv_df <- rbind(catch_cv_df, tmp_df)
+catch_cv_df$scen_fac <- factor(catch_cv_df$scenario,
+ levels = c("no-red-tide-F-spr-30", "low-red-tide-F-spr-30", "hi-red-tide-F-spr-30",
+ "no-red-tide-F-spr-45", "low-red-tide-F-spr-45", "hi-red-tide-F-spr-45"),
+ labels = c("no", "low", "high", "no", "low", "high"))
+catch_cv_df <- catch_cv_df %>%
+ tidyr::separate(col = scenario,
+ into = c("OM_scen", "MS"),
+ sep = "-F-",
+ remove = FALSE)
+catch_cv_df$MS <- factor(catch_cv_df$MS, levels = c("spr-30", "spr-45"),
+ labels = c("spr-30 (less precautionary)", "spr-45 (more precautionary)"))
+plot_cv <- ggplot(data = catch_cv_df, aes(x = scen_fac, y = catch_cv)) +
+ geom_violin(draw_quantiles = 0.5, aes(fill = MS)) +
+ scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA)) +
+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2", direction = -1)+
+ guides(fill=guide_legend(title = "Management Strategy")) +
+ labs(title = "Long-term catch variability",
+ x = "OM natural mortality pulses", y = "coefficient of variation") +
+ theme_classic(base_size = 22)
+ggsave(file.path("figures", paste0("run_sel_btarget_scens_", "catch_CV", ".png")),
+ width = 8, height = 6, units = "in", device = "png")
+plots_no_legend <- lapply(plots, function(x) x + theme(legend.position = "none"))
+patchwork_plot <- (plots_no_legend[[1]]+ plot_cv) / (plots_no_legend[[3]] + plots_no_legend[[4]])
+ggsave("figures/run_red_tide_scens_perf_metrics.png", patchwork_plot, width = 6*2.5, height = 4*2.5, units = "in")