Project for integration Boost libraries into AOSP.
Project supports static and shared libraries linkage and includes:
- repo manifests - to get Boost source codes from https://[email protected]/boostorg/
- Android Soong build scripts - to compile Boost libraries in AOSP tree
- usage examples
- Add project to AOSP tree
Add this project to your AOSP manifest and use repo sync
to download it or simply clone it via git clone
mkdir -p vendor/nkh-lab
$ cd vendor/nkh-lab
$ git clone
- Fetch required version of Boost source codes
This is performed by selecting the appropriate manifest file from the manifests folder.
Manifest file can be copied to your AOSP repo local_manifests
folder: (e.g.: .repo/local_manifests/aosp-boost-1_72_0.xml
) or linked:
$ mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
$ cd .repo/local_manifests
$ ln -s ../../vendor/nkh-lab/aosp-boost/manifests/boost-1_72_0.xml boost-1_72_0.xml
or included from other manifest:
<include name="aosp-boost-1_72_0.xml" />
After manifest applying use repo sync
to fetch Boost source codes.
- Apply Boost build script to AOSP tree
Copy or use symlink:
$ cd external/boost
$ ln -s ../../vendor/nkh-lab/aosp-boost/make/boost-1_72_0.bp Android.bp
- Compile
All is ready to compile now, just source environment, lunch your target and compile Boost sources:
$ cd external/boost/
$ mm
NCAR Android Automotive Emulator Project can be used as a reference or example to see how the mentioned steps were applied to a real AOSP project.
This project contains a simple example of using the Boost libraries in AOSP, which can be found at examples/hello_boost.
Given example can be compiled via mm
make command (run it after setting environment and target):
$ cd examples/hello_boost
$ mm
or added to whole AOSP build by adding corresponding include in target config file, e.g to
for HiKey960 build:
include vendor/nkh-lab/aosp-boost/examples/
$(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/nkh-lab/aosp-boost/examples/
Below is shell output from running hello_boost_shared
and hello_boost_static
example binaries:
$ adb shell
generic_x86:/ # hello_boost_shared
Hello Boost
Hello from boost::thread
[2021-09-27 14:43:44.200203] [0xf6c75478] [trace] A trace severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:44.200690] [0xf6c75478] [debug] A debug severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:44.200720] [0xf6c75478] [info] An informational severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:44.200743] [0xf6c75478] [warning] A warning severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:44.200764] [0xf6c75478] [error] An error severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:44.200786] [0xf6c75478] [fatal] A fatal severity message
generic_x86:/ #
generic_x86:/ #
generic_x86:/ # hello_boost_static
Hello Boost
Hello from boost::thread
[2021-09-27 14:43:54.157263] [0xf5108478] [trace] A trace severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:54.157636] [0xf5108478] [debug] A debug severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:54.157662] [0xf5108478] [info] An informational severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:54.157684] [0xf5108478] [warning] A warning severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:54.157704] [0xf5108478] [error] An error severity message
[2021-09-27 14:43:54.157723] [0xf5108478] [fatal] A fatal severity message