Create my-site folder
Create a personal site about you, something that you're passionate about or it can be your site as web developer
The site must include everything that we saw so far
It will have at least 6 linked html documents
Think about this exercise as if you owned a real web application
All images must be in assets/img folders
All html documents must have a good HTML structure and indentation
Create different documents sections using divs with proper id or class depending the case
All document title (head) must describe the document content
Every html document must have a main title
Use other titles (h2, h3, h4, h5 & h6) if needed
Add an Horizontal Rule to divide different sections
If the paragraph content gets too long add some break lines to it
Some texts or words must be strong depending upon the content
Use generic inline container (spans) to highlight some words
<span style="color: red;">
- Use this code to highlight the selected spans. You can choose the color
- Each document must have a multiline comment with the updates you'll have to do
- Create at least one of each type of lists. They should make sense depending the content of the document
- Please use paragraphs for the text content instead of just leaving it on the document without a structure
- Add a external link (with absolute URL)
- Use relative paths to link your site documents
- One of the html document must have anchors and you need to call them from a different html document
- Add a contact email link
- Search and add images from google. You can use absolute URLs or download some and use relative paths
- Add an image gallery using figure and figure caption elements
- Create at least 2 content tables (please use all table section body, head and foot)
- Create a favicon using an online site
- Add your favicon to your html documents