Tracks the state of browser's network connection.
As of the standard it is not guaranteed that browser connected to the Internet, it only guarantees the network connection.
import {useNetworkState} from 'vue-next-use';
const Demo = () => {
const state = useNetworkState();
return () => (
{JSON.stringify(state, null, 2)}
interface IUseNetworkState {
* @desc Whether browser connected to the network or not.
online: boolean | undefined;
* @desc Previous value of `online` property. Helps to identify if browser
* just connected or lost connection.
previous: boolean | undefined;
* @desc The {Date} object pointing to the moment when state change occurred.
since: Date | undefined;
* @desc Effective bandwidth estimate in megabits per second, rounded to the
* nearest multiple of 25 kilobits per seconds.
downlink: number | undefined;
* @desc Maximum downlink speed, in megabits per second (Mbps), for the
* underlying connection technology
downlinkMax: number | undefined;
* @desc Effective type of the connection meaning one of 'slow-2g', '2g', '3g', or '4g'.
* This value is determined using a combination of recently observed round-trip time
* and downlink values.
effectiveType: 'slow-2g' | '2g' | '3g' | '4g' | undefined;
* @desc Estimated effective round-trip time of the current connection, rounded
* to the nearest multiple of 25 milliseconds
rtt: number | undefined;
* @desc Wheter user has set a reduced data usage option on the user agent.
saveData: boolen | undefined;
* @desc The type of connection a device is using to communicate with the network.
type: 'bluetooth' | 'cellular' | 'ethernet' | 'none' | 'wifi' | 'wimax' | 'other' | 'unknown' | undefined;
function useNetworkState(initialState?: IUseNetworkState | (() => IUseNetworkState)): IUseNetworkState;