Source code for eddymotion.viz
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-"""Visualization utilities."""
-import numpy as np
-from nireports.reportlets.nuisance import plot_carpet as nw_plot_carpet
-def plot_carpet(
- nii,
- gtab,
- segmentation=None,
- sort_by_bval=False,
- output_file=None,
- segment_labels=None,
- detrend=False,
- """Return carpet plot using niworkflows carpet_plot
- Parameters
- ----------
- nii : Nifti1Image
- DW imaging data
- gtab : :obj:`GradientTable`
- DW imaging data gradient data
- segmentation : Nifti1Image
- Boolean or segmentation mask of DW imaging data
- sort_by_bval : :obj:`bool`
- Flag to reorder time points by bvalue
- output_file : :obj:`string`
- Path to save the plot
- segment_labels : :obj:`dict`
- Dictionary of segment labels, mapping segment name to list of integers
- e.g. {'Cerebral_White_Matter': [2, 41], ...}
- detrend : :obj:`bool`
- niworkflows plot_carpet detrend flag
- Returns
- ---------
- matplotlib GridSpec object
- """
- segments = None
- nii_data = nii.get_fdata()
- b0_data = nii_data[..., gtab.b0s_mask]
- dw_data = nii_data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]
- bzero = np.mean(b0_data, -1)
- nii_data_div_b0 = dw_data / bzero[..., np.newaxis]
- sort_inds = np.argsort(
- gtab.bvals[~gtab.b0s_mask] if sort_by_bval else np.arange(len(gtab.bvals[~gtab.b0s_mask]))
- )
- nii_data_div_b0 = nii_data_div_b0[..., sort_inds]
- # Reshape
- nii_data_reshaped = nii_data_div_b0.reshape(-1, nii_data_div_b0.shape[-1])
- if segmentation is not None:
- segmentation_data = np.asanyarray(segmentation.dataobj, dtype=np.int16)
- # Apply mask
- segmentation_reshaped = segmentation_data.reshape(-1)
- nii_data_masked = nii_data_reshaped[segmentation_reshaped > 0, :]
- segmentation_masked = segmentation_reshaped[segmentation_reshaped > 0]
- if segment_labels is not None:
- segments = {}
- labels = list(segment_labels.keys())
- for label in labels:
- indices = np.array([], dtype=int)
- for ii in segment_labels[label]:
- indices = np.concatenate([indices, np.where(segmentation_masked == ii)[0]])
- segments[label] = indices
- else:
- nii_data_masked = nii_data_reshaped
- bad_row_ind = np.where(~np.isfinite(nii_data_masked))[0]
- good_row_ind = np.ones(nii_data_masked.shape[0], dtype=bool)
- good_row_ind[bad_row_ind] = False
- nii_data_masked = nii_data_masked[good_row_ind, :]
- # Plot
- return nw_plot_carpet(
- nii_data_masked, detrend=detrend, segments=segments, output_file=output_file
- )
-def get_segment_labels(filepath, keywords, delimiter=" ", index_position=0, label_position=1):
- """
- Return segment labels for plot_carpet function
- Parameters
- ----------
- filepath : :obj:`string`
- Path to segment label text file, such as freesurfer label file
- keywords : list of :obj:`string`
- List of label keywords. All labels containing the keyword will be grouped together.
- e.g. ["Cerebral_White_Matter", "Cerebral_Cortex", "Ventricle"]
- delimiter : :obj:`string`
- Delimiter between label index and label string in label file
- (' ' for freesurfer label file)
- index_position : :obj:`int`
- Position of label index in label file
- (0 for freesurfer label file)
- label_position : :obj:`int`
- Position of label string in label file
- (1 for freesurfer label file)
- Returns
- ---------
- dict
- e.g. {'Cerebral_White_Matter': [2, 41],
- 'Cerebral_Cortex': [3, 42],
- 'Ventricle': [4, 14, 15, 43, 72]}
- """
- segment_labels = {}
- with open(filepath, "r") as f:
- labels =
- labels_s = [label.split(delimiter) for label in labels.split("\n") if label != ""]
- for keyword in keywords:
- ind = [int(i[index_position]) for i in labels_s if keyword in i[label_position]]
- segment_labels[keyword] = ind
- return segment_labels