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Go-framework for cloud/kubernetes-friendly microservices


This package is meant to streamline the development of simple microservice without requiring each developer to handle the overhead of parsing http-headers, request- and response-body.

My definition of a successful microservice, specially in kubernetes is this:

  • Handles the health-probes
  • Separate response-status by 'Data found', 'Data not found/No-data' and 'Route/handler not found'
  • Handle different encodings on both request- and response-body
  • Consistent tracing/tracking on both request and application logging
  • Automatic and consistent error-handling on parameters
  • Graceful shutdown (close incoming connections, but keep processing those already received)

With all that in mind (and more) I'm building this framework: the Butler - makes life easier



  • Gracefull shutdown of http-server
  • Liveness and Readyness-probes for Kubernetes
  • Parameter-validation
    • min/max and default-values
    • optional or required
    • from path, query, header or body
  • Handle the Accept & Content-Type headers (json, xml)
  • Enable handlers to use functional-programming
    • Return the actual result
    • Accept context.Context argument
  • Wrapped handling of Request-Id and Correlation-Id
  • Automatic log-support with json to pipe/stream and pretty-printed to console/tty
  • Automatic 204 'No Content' on empty result


  • Easy job/cronjob (run-then-exit) with health-probes
  • Startup/initialization-phase

...planned for future updates

  • Metrics for Prometheus
  • More dataformats (yaml, toml)
  • Regex-validation of parameters
  • Support custom datatypes (ex: UUID)
  • More documentation
  • ETag-calculation
  • Easily detect/handle closed/cancelled requests



import (

var routes = []router.Route{
	{Name: "hello", Method: "GET", Path: "/", Handler: helloWorld},

func main() {
	defer butler.Cleanup(nil)

	err := router.Serve(routes, 10000)
	if err != nil {


func helloWorld() string {
	return "Hello World!"

API with arguments and return-values

import (


type handlerArgs struct {
	A float64 `from:"query" json:"a" required:""`
	B float64 `from:"query" json:"b" required:""`

type handlerResult struct {
	Sum float64 `json:"sum"`

func handler(ctx context.Context, args *handlerArgs) *handlerResult {
	log := log.FromCtx(ctx)
	log.Info().Msgf("handler called with a=%v and b=%v", args.B, args.B)
	return &handlerResult{
		Sum: args.A + args.B,
GET http://localhost/handler?a=3&b=0.14
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 12
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Correlation-Id: ...tas0
Request-Id: ...targ
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2021 13:57:17 GMT
Connection: close

  "sum": 3.14

and the log also prints (to console/tty)

13:57:17.351 INF handler called with a=0.14 and b=0.14 corr_id=...tas0 req_id=...tas0

External packages

  • - is a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
  • - Painless middleware chaining for Go
  • - xid is a globally unique id generator thought for the web
  • - Zero Allocation JSON Logger