Installing miniconda on biowulf can be a bit tricky due to some of the restrictions on biowulf users. Please follow the guide below to install miniconda on biowulf.
The process for installing miniconda can be somewhat surprisingly intensive. It is recommended to install it with an interactive node to avoid drawing the ire of the HPC staff, running
to request an interactive node. Once your node is allocated, you may proceed.
HPC does not allow users to use the commonly used /tmp
As a consequence, you'll have to allocate your own temporary directory.
You can do the following in shell or add it to your bashrc
(don't forget to source it via . .bashrc
if you want to proceed to
install immediately):
export TMPDIR=/data/$USER/tmp
If this directory does not exist, run
mkdir $TMPDIR
to create it. Enter the temporary directory so that you can keep the miniconda installer in a temporary location.
As of September 2021, the following should fetch the correct miniconda installation script:
Once it is fetched, you should make the script executable:
chmod +x
You can now run the installer:
You will be prompted to press Enter
to begin viewing the license
Go ahead and scroll through the sprawling license, reading oh so carefully
and precisely to make sure you understand the legal implications of this
software package even though you're just a researcher trying to make
your Python packaging manageable.
At some point when the license ends, you will be prompted to agree by
typing yes
, which you should do.
IMPORTANTLY, you should override the default conda install destination
(which is ~/miniconda3
by default).
INSTEAD, replace USER below with your username and use this as the
installation destination:
This is because your home directory has a very limited amount of storage allocated to it, but you can request an expansion of storage for your data directory. If you have a lot of miniconda environments, this can exhaust your home directory storage, which should be limited to lightweight configuration files only.
Lastly, you will be prompted to run conda init, which you should reply
As of late 2023, we are no longer allowed to use the open-sourced version of Anaconda. However, CIT has acquired Anaconda Professional Licenses for NIH users. To request a license, follow the instructions from CIT to receive a token.
Once you have recieved a token (usually within 48 business hours of requesting one from CIT), you will need to set it up. This token can be used both for your local laptop and Biowulf (no need to request a second token).
When you set up your token on your Mac laptop, please ensure that you are not on the NIH VPN, as this will cause problems with the setup. You may also have issues installing the token on your personal laptop if you are connected to the internet via Ethernet - if this is the case, try using the NIH-Staff or NIH-Guest wifi networks.
If you are setting up Anaconda/Miniconda from the command line (i.e. on Biowulf), first ensure that you are in your base environment:
conda activate base
Then you can install the conda-token
conda install conda-token -n base
You should enter 'y' when prompted to proceed with the installation. Once conda-token
is installed, run the following command:
# Replace <TOKEN> with the organization token you received in your email
conda token set <TOKEN>
Keep in mind you must complete this process for each computer where you use Anaconda/Miniconda - that is, you must complete this process both on your local laptop/desktop and your Biowulf acccount.
If you don't want to deal with all this, you can also consider installing Python via mamba.
For various reasons, it is not recommended to activate the base conda
environment on biowulf by default.
The instructions state to run conda config
, but if you have not sourced
your .bashrc this instruction will fail.
/data/$USER/miniconda3/bin/conda config --set auto_activate_base false
To properly configure conda to not activate. Then, the next time you source your .bashrc or log in, you should be able to activate the base environment via
conda activate base
If this is successful, you have a working miniconda installation on biowulf! If it is not successful, raise an issue in the repository and our scientific programmer will address it.