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Standard File Organization

team-nimblehq edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 11 revisions

Project Structure

To keep all current and upcoming iOS projects aligned, we standardize an iOS project’s file organization by following this below structure:

├── {ProjectName}
│   ├── Configurations
│   │   ├── Plists
│   │   └── XCConfigs
│   ├── Resources
│   │   ├── Assets
│   │   ├── Languages
│   │   └── LaunchScreen
│   └── Sources
│       ├── Application
│       │   ├── AppDelegate.swift
│       │   ├── Application.swift
│       │   └── SceneDelegate.swift
│       ├── Constants
│       │   ├── Constants+API.swift
│       │   └── Constants.swift
│       ├── Data
│       │   ├── Keychain
│       │   │   ├── Keychain.swift
│       │   │   ├── KeychainKey.swift
│       │   │   └── Models
│       │   ├── Models
│       │   ├── NetworkAPI
│       │   │   ├── AuthenticatedNetworkAPI.swift
│       │   │   ├── NetworkAPI.swift
│       │   │   ├── Core
│       │   │   ├── Interceptors
│       │   │   ├── Models
│       │   │   └── RequestConfigurations
│       │   └── Repositories
│       │       ├── RepositoryProvider.swift
│       │       ├── Authentication
│       │       └── User
│       ├── Domain
│       │   ├── Entities
│       │   │   ├── User.swift
│       │   │   └── Token.swift
│       │   ├── Interfaces
│       │   │   └── Repositories
│       │   └── UseCases
│       │       ├── UseCaseProvider.swift
│       │       ├── Authentication
│       │       └── User
│       ├── Presentation
│       │   ├── Modules
│       │   │   ├── Home
│       │   │   └── Login
│       │   ├── Navigator
│       │   │   ├── Navigator+Scene.swift
│       │   │   ├── Navigator+Transition.swift
│       │   │   └── Navigator.swift
│       │   └── Views
│       │       ├── Button
│       │       ├── CollectionView
│       │       ├── TextField
│       │       └── Transition
│       └── Supports
│           ├── Builder
│           │   └── Builder.swift
│           ├── Extensions
│           │   ├── Foundation
│           │   ├── Rx
│           │   └── UIKit
│           └── Helpers
│               ├── Rx
│               ├── Typealias
│               └── UIKit
├── {ProjectName}Tests
│   ├── Configurations
│   │   └── Plists
│   ├── Resources
│   └── Sources
│       ├── Dummy
│       │   ├── Data
│       │   │   └── Models
│       │   ├── Domain
│       │   │   └── Entities
│       │   └── Modules
│       │       └── Home
│       ├── Mocks
│       │   ├── NetworkAPIMock.swift
│       │   └── Sourcery
│       │       ├── AutoMockable.generated.swift
│       │       └── HomeViewModelProtocolMock+Equatable.swift
│       ├── Specs
│       │   ├── Data
│       │   │   └── Repositories
│       │   ├── Domain
│       │   │   └── UseCases
│       │   ├── Presentation
│       │   │   ├── Modules
│       │   │   └── Navigator
│       │   └── Supports
│       │       └── Extensions
│       └── Utilities
│           ├── Data+Decode.swift
│           ├── String+Data.swift
│           └── TestError.swift
└── {ProjectName}UITests
    ├── Configurations
    │   └── Plists
    ├── Resources
    └── Sources
        ├── AccessibilityIdentifiers
        │   ├── Login
        │   └── Home
        ├── Flows
        │   ├── Login
        │   └── Home
        ├── Screens
        │   ├── Login
        │   └── Home
        ├── Specs
        │   ├── Login
        │   └── Home
        └── Utilities
            ├── Data+Decode.swift
            ├── String+Data.swift
            └── TestError.swift introduces the overview of the project, for example:

  • What is the main feature of the project?
  • How to set up the project?
  • What are project configurations?


This folder contains the main sources of the project. There are three sub-folders:

  • Configurations: This folder contains only project configurations files, such as Info.plist, .xconfig, .entitlements, etc.
  • Resources: This folder contains only resources files, such as .plist, .json, .tff (fonts), .storyboard, .strings, .der (SSL certificates), etc.
  • Sources: This folder contains only .swift files - the main source code of the project.


This folder contains the unit testing and integration testing of the main project.


This folder contains the UI testing of the main project.