I hope use it and enjoy.
I use Stm32f407vg and Keil Compiler and Stm32CubeMX wizard.
Please Do This ...
1) Enable FreeRTOS.
2) Config your usart and enable RX interrupt and TX DMA on CubeMX.
3) If you want Turn On By Microcontroller, One control Pin needed. (PowerKey>>>>output,open drain,default to SET)
PowerKey connect to Sim800 Power Key.(if Needed,See Sim80xConfig.h)
4) Select "General peripheral Initalizion as a pair of '.c/.h' file per peripheral" on project settings.
5) Config your Sim80xConfig.h file.
6) Add Sim80x_RxCallBack() on usart interrupt routin.
7) call Sim80x_Init(osPriorityLow) on your app.
8) Config your app on Sim80xUser.c,GsmUser.c,BlutoothUser.c,GprsUser.c.