An extension that converts your selected values into popular units. Saves time, Makes life easier:dancer:
Click on the image below to view the video
- Convert $ to ¥ when you are shopping abroad
- Convert kilometers to miles when you are planning routes before driving
- Convert kilograms to pounds when you are buying food
- Convert celcius to fahrenheit when you are talking about weather
- Convert hours to seconds when you are calculating time
- Convert celcius to Fahrenheit when you are calculating temperature
- Convert Mb/s to b/s when you are calculating internet speed
- Convert square meter to square feet when you are calculating the measure of area
- Convert litres to gallons when you are calculating the volume for liquid items online
- Convert TB to GB when you are buying data storage devices
Clone the repository using
git clone
In the chrome browser open
Enable developer settings if it is not enabled
Choose Load Unpacked
Select the repository folder that was cloned in the first step
Screenshot of working of the extension
Click on view all button to view all of the converted units for that metric
- JavaScript
- Node.js
npm install standard --global
in comand line interface to install globally
npm install standard --save-dev
in command line interface to install locally
Running Standard Js
go to root of project and type standard
if StandardJs is installed globally
go to root of project and type npx standard
if StandardJs is installed locally
Instead of installing it using npm, you can also use the extension available on VS Code
IDE and Style Checker: VSCode
Code Style Formatter: Beautify
Code Syntax Checker : Eslint for Vscode plugin.
VS Code uses js-beautify internally, but it lacks the ability to modify the style you wish to use. This extension enables running js-beautify in VS Code, AND honouring any .jsbeautifyrc file in the open file's path tree to load your code styling. Run with F1 Beautify (to beautify a selection) or F1 Beautify file.
From the repository root, run:
npm install --save-dev mocha chai
Then run:
npm test [filename]
npm will then attempt to run all test files that end with
, if you do not specify filename.
Documentation (Wiki)
Think about the case when you shopping on Amazon. When you want to purchase Dumbbells on the website, the weight unit is somewhat you are not familiar with. You will google search the conversion of two units. But now, we have units converter, helping you to covert the unit by a single select with the mouse.
<!-- This model was created online using SPLOT's Feature Model Editor ( -->
<feature_model name="Unit Converter Extension">
:r Unit Converter Extension(_r)
:m Length(_r_1)
:m Mass(_r_3)
:m Temperature(_r_4)
:m Time(_r_5)
:m Currency(_r_6)
:m Area(_r_7)
:m Datarate(_r_8)
:m Speed(_r_10)
constraint_1:_r_1 or _r_7
constraint_2:_r_1 or _r_5 or _r_10