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Let's play Tic Tac Toe with Vue.js 🤓

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yarn install


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Run unit tests

yarn test:unit

🧑‍🏫 Rules

  • The game is played on a grid that's 3 squares by 3 squares.
  • The first player is X, the second player is O (both players are human).
  • The first player to get 3 of her marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
  • When all 9 squares are full, the game is over.

👉 Step 0

  • Clone the repository on your computer: git clone
  • Install the dependencies: yarn install
  • Start the development server: yarn serve
  • Go to http://localhost:8080 and open the devtools 👀

👉 Step 1

The square logic


Display an X when the player X clicks on an empty square, and display an O when the player O clicks on an empty square.


  • Inspect Board.vue component in the Vue.js devtools and add some "X" and "O" to the squares data, see how the view automatically updates.
  • Refactor the Board component template to use a v-for loop instead of 9 hard coded squares.
  • To handle the logic of a square, create a Square.vue component with the following template:
<div class="game__box">
  <span>{{ value }}</span>
  • The Square component should contain a prop value and emits an event called "click" when the user clicks on <div class="game__box">.
  • The Board component should now use the Square component, pass the value of each square and react to the click events.
  • A click event should update the value of the given square ("X" or "O") and update the player. Use this.$set(array, index, value) so that squares updates reflect on the view.

👉 Step 2

The game status


Display X and O with different colors, display the game status (next player, winner or draw game).


  • In the Square component, on the root tag, dynamically add the classes game__box--x when value is "X" and game__box--o when value is "O".
  • Create a Status.vue component with the following template:
  <div class="game__status">
    <span>Next player is X</span>
  • The Status component should contain 3 props:

    • winner: String
    • player: String
    • isDRawGame: Boolean
  • Use these props in the template to display:

    • "Winner is X" (or "Winner is O") if there's a winner.
    • "That's a draw game" if there's a draw game.
    • "Next player is X" (or "Next player is O") if the game is still in progress
  • Use the Status component in the Board component just bellow the root tag : <div class="game"> and pass the required props.

  • The player prop is the current player. winner and isDrawGame are 2 computed that you should implement.

    • A function to find the winner is provided in src/utils/winner.js.

👉 Step 3

Highlight the winner


Improve the UI by highlighting the winner row and disabling the hover and click animations on empty squares when the game is over.


  • In the Square component, add 2 props:

    • isGameOver: Boolean
    • isWinner: Boolean
  • Then, dynamically add the classes game__box--over when the game is over and game__box--winner when the square is in a winning combination.

  • In Board component, create a new computed isGameOver that returns true when there's a winner or there's a draw game. Also, create a method isSquareWinner that returns true if the given square position is included in the winner positions.

  • Finally, pass the computed and the method call as props to the Square component.

👉 Step 4

Restart the game


Improve the UX (User eXperience) by allowing users to restart the game without reloading the whole application.


  • Create a Restart.vue component with the following template:
  <div class="game__action">
    <button>Restart game</button>
  • This component should emit an event called "click" when the user clicks on the button.
  • In the Board component template, add the Restart component on the last position inside the <div class="game"> tag.
  • Add a method restartGame that will reset the game on the click event of the Restart component.

👉 Step 5 (advanced workshop)

Routing and shared state


Add a lobby page before starting the game. In this lobby, you shall be able to name the players.


The Lobby.vue component

  • Create a new component Lobby.vue that should allow you to set two player names. Use the following template:
<form class="lobby">
    <label>Player 1</label>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Name for player 1" />
    <label>Player 2</label>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Name for player 2" />

  <div class="lobby__action">
    <button type="submit">Start the game</button>
  • The button "Start the game" should launch the game using the Vue navigation mechanism.

Configure Vue-Router

  • Add the dependency vue-router to your package.json with the command yarn add vue-router.
  • Configure two paths for your app, one for the Lobby component and the other one to your Board component.
  • Change App.vue to hold routing logic.
  • The app should now point by default to the Lobby component and the restart button should also bring you back to the Lobby.

Configure VueX

  • Add the dependency vuex to your package.json with the command yarn add vuex.
  • Add player names to the Vuex store to share these data across your components.
  • The Status component can now retrieve player names from the store.

👉 Step 6 (bonus)

Unit Tests


Add unit tests to make sure that the game meets all expectations and to prevent breaking changes.


The winner function

  • Test the winner function by creating a spec file in /tests/unit/utils/winner.spec.js with the following content:
import winner from "@/utils/winner";
import winningCombinations from "../fixtures/winning-combinations";

describe("winner function", () => {
  it("should return no winner for empty squares", () => {
    // Given
    const squares = ...;

    // When
    const { player, positions } = winner(squares);

    // Then
    // Do expectations on player and positions

  it("should return no winner for a draw game", () => {
    // Given
    const squares = ...;

    // When
    const { player, positions } = winner(squares);

    // Then
    // Do expectations on player and positions

  it("should return X as a winner and the winning positions", () => {
    // Given
    winningCombinations.forEach(([squares, winningCombination]) => {
      const { player, positions } = winner(squares);

      // Then
      // Do expectations on player and positions
  • To pass the tests, you need to:
    • Update squares value for 1st and 2nd tests.
    • Add expectations on player and positions for the all tests

The Board.vue component

  • Add more tests for the Board.vue component by updating the spec file in /tests/unit/components/Board.spec.js with the following content:
describe("Board.vue", () => {

  it("should be possible to play on an empty square when game is not over", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should not be possible to play on a non empty square when game is not over", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should not be possible to play when game has a winner", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should display the next player when game is not over", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should display the winner", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should display when game is a draw", () => {
    // TODO