Config Setup for esp32: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-esp32-feather-v2/arduino-ide-setup?gclid=Cj0KCQjwspKUBhCvARIsAB2IYuusW4fzIOAJFdCHOSUDSvPui8_epteo6yo4G-yMXP0KPlNABeTn2GUaAsT3EALw_wcB
Install esp32 dependencies:
- HTTPClient.h
- Preferences.h
- Wire.h
- LiquidCrystal_I2C.h
- TM1637Display.h
- NTPClient.h
- WiFiUdp.h
- WebServer.h
- TM1637Display.h
- ArduinoJson.h
- pitches.h
- TM1637Display.h
- TM1637Display.h
To run the project you need move the CoinSound, CustomerServer, Json, Tone32 and Wifi folders to
- Connect a device to the access point
. - Send the ETH wallet address to using the next body:
"wallet": "xxx"
- Send the wifi ssid and password to using the next body:
"ssid": "xxx",
"password": "xxx"
- Show hashrate.
- Show unpaid balance on ETH, USD and ARS.
- Show monthly profit on ETH, USD and ARS.
- Green → GPIO 12 - 220 OHM - GND
- RED → GPIO 13 - 220 OHM - GND
- Pull Up 220 OHM → GPIO 32 - GND 5V
- SDA → GPIO 23
- SCL → GPIO 22
- 5V - GND
- DIO → GPIO 16
- CLK → GPIO 17
- 5V - GND
- GPIO 2 - 220 OHM - GND