NOTE This software is still under developement
Filter is a php library to find string like patterns or regular expressions in strings, files, directorys and urls.
Via Composer
$ composer require duitni/filter dev-master
require 'Filter.class.php';
use \Duitni\Filter\Search as Search;
Or via remote import
raw_include_clean_cache(); # at file end clearing cache
The raw_include source can be found here:
$options = array(
'trimResult' => true
$search = new Search($options, 'MyPattern', 'Subject1', 'Subject2', 'Subject3');
$matches = $search->getMatches();
$stats = $search->getStats();
foreach ($matches as $match) {
echo 'Found '.$match['pattern'].' on position '.$match['position'].' in '.$match['subject'].'<br>';
echo 'Scan finished in : '.$stats[0]['time'];
Available options
* patternIsRegex > Search with regex instead of pattern
* trimResult > Trim the outputted result
* maxLineLen > Define max line length
* colored > Colored output
* hColor > Define highlight color
// build options array
$options = array(
'patternIsRegex' => false,
'trimResult' => true,
'maxLineLen' => 50 ,
'colored' => true,
'hColor' => 'red',
NOTE: More examples can be find in examples
GNU General Public License v3. Please see License File for more information.
The author takes NO responsibility and/or liability for how you choose to use any of the tools/source code/any files provided. The author and anyone affiliated with will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with use of ANY files provided with Filter. By using Filter or any files included, you understand that you are AGREEING to that.