- Always run scripts from the project root directory (composer.json, .env also live here).
- For ubuntu you need php-cli (sudo nala install php-curl php-xml php-mysql)
- Install Composer
echo "Please enter the project name:"; read MYPRO; wget 4lt.ca/nyphp; bash nyphp $MYPRO; rm nyphp;
Now you should change your dotenv file;
Then run sudo docker-compose up -d
Your development server is configured, use sass to modify the look.
- Build websites fast
- A url should be modern, no GET statements (question marks).
- You should not have to define controllers, routes should be based on the url and the system should be able to figure them out.
- Docker is king
- Apache is not that bad
I went with bash for the automation process for two reasons:
- I'm more familiar with bash.
- It seemed more appropriate when working with docker containers.
add this to project composer:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Nickyeoman\\Framework\\Controllers\\": "app/Controllers/"