From afbbff115feea5fdb7ca008434264877ef292dfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nick Peihl Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 11:35:13 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] [Dashboard] Public CRUD API MVP (#193067) Closes #[192618]( Adds public CRUD+List endpoints for the Dashboards API. The schema for the endpoints are generated from Content Management schemas so that the RPC and Public APIs use the same schemas for CRUD operations. A new version (v3) has been added to the Dashboards content management specification that decouples Content from Saved Objects using a translation layer in Content Management. When retrieving a saved object the Content Management layer parses and validates the panelJSON, optionsListJSON, and savedSearchJSON properties against the defines schema and passes the translated content to the consumer (user interface or API). When writing a saved object, the Content Management layer serializes (`JSON.stringify`) the Content object into the saved object schema. So the saved object schema continues to store as stringified JSON, but the user interface and public API see and use the JSON objects. These planned features are out of scope for this PR and may be added in subsequent PRs. 1) 2) Reviewers, please test both UI and endpoints. # cURL examples: First, `yarn start --no-base-path`. Assumes `elastic:changeme` is the username:password. ## Create
Create an empty dashboard with the minimum required properties ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "title": "my empty dashboard" } }' ```
Create a dashboard of a specific ID with some ES|QL panels ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard/foo-123' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "description": "", "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "attributes": { "references": [], "state": { "adHocDataViews": { "32eec79c9673ab1b9265f3e422e8f952778f02c82eaf13147a9c0ba86290337a": { "allowHidden": false, "allowNoIndex": false, "fieldFormats": {}, "id": "32eec79c9673ab1b9265f3e422e8f952778f02c82eaf13147a9c0ba86290337a", "name": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce", "runtimeFieldMap": {}, "sourceFilters": [], "title": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce", "type": "esql" } }, "datasourceStates": { "textBased": { "indexPatternRefs": [ { "id": "32eec79c9673ab1b9265f3e422e8f952778f02c82eaf13147a9c0ba86290337a", "title": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce" } ], "layers": { 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Create a dashboard with a Links panel ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "attributes": { "layout": "vertical", "links": [ { "destinationRefName": "link_1981a00f-8120-4c80-b37f-ed38969afe09_dashboard", "id": "1981a00f-8120-4c80-b37f-ed38969afe09", "order": 0, "type": "dashboardLink" }, { "destinationRefName": "link_f2e1a75c-fbca-4f41-a290-d5d89a60a797_dashboard", "id": "f2e1a75c-fbca-4f41-a290-d5d89a60a797", "order": 1, "type": "dashboardLink" }, { "destination": "", "id": "63342ea6-f686-42b2-a526-ec0bcf4476b0", "order": 2, "type": "externalLink" } ] }, "enhancements": {}, "id": "abbbaedc-62f5-46ee-9d17-8367dcf4f52b" }, "gridData": { "h": 7, "i": "abbbaedc-62f5-46ee-9d17-8367dcf4f52b", "w": 8, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "panelIndex": "abbbaedc-62f5-46ee-9d17-8367dcf4f52b", "type": "links" } ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "a links panel", "version": 3 }, "references": [ { "id": "722b74f0-b882-11e8-a6d9-e546fe2bba5f", "name": "abbbaedc-62f5-46ee-9d17-8367dcf4f52b:link_1981a00f-8120-4c80-b37f-ed38969afe09_dashboard", "type": "dashboard" }, { "id": "edf84fe0-e1a0-11e7-b6d5-4dc382ef7f5b", "name": "abbbaedc-62f5-46ee-9d17-8367dcf4f52b:link_f2e1a75c-fbca-4f41-a290-d5d89a60a797_dashboard", "type": "dashboard" } ] }' ```
Create a dashboard with a Maps panel ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "attributes": { "description": "", "layerListJSON": "[{\"locale\":\"autoselect\",\"sourceDescriptor\":{\"type\":\"EMS_TMS\",\"isAutoSelect\":true,\"lightModeDefault\":\"road_map_desaturated\"},\"id\":\"db63eee8-3dfc-48c6-8c8b-7f2c4e32329d\",\"label\":null,\"minZoom\":0,\"maxZoom\":24,\"alpha\":1,\"visible\":true,\"style\":{\"type\":\"EMS_VECTOR_TILE\",\"color\":\"\"},\"includeInFitToBounds\":true,\"type\":\"EMS_VECTOR_TILE\"},{\"sourceDescriptor\":{\"geoField\":\"geoip.location\",\"scalingType\":\"MVT\",\"id\":\"9ee192e4-18f0-41b2-b8b7-89eb91d0e529\",\"type\":\"ES_SEARCH\",\"applyGlobalQuery\":true,\"applyGlobalTime\":true,\"applyForceRefresh\":true,\"filterByMapBounds\":true,\"tooltipProperties\":[],\"sortField\":\"\",\"sortOrder\":\"desc\",\"topHitsGroupByTimeseries\":false,\"topHitsSplitField\":\"\",\"topHitsSize\":1,\"indexPatternRefName\":\"layer_1_source_index_pattern\"},\"id\":\"65710bbc-f41c-4fe7-b0c3-a6dbc0613220\",\"label\":null,\"minZoom\":0,\"maxZoom\":24,\"alpha\":0.75,\"visible\":true,\"style\":{\"type\":\"VECTOR\",\"properties\":{\"icon\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"value\":\"marker\"}},\"fillColor\":{\"type\":\"DYNAMIC\",\"options\":{\"color\":\"Blues\",\"colorCategory\":\"palette_0\",\"field\":{\"name\":\"category.keyword\",\"origin\":\"source\"},\"fieldMetaOptions\":{\"isEnabled\":true,\"sigma\":3},\"type\":\"CATEGORICAL\"}},\"lineColor\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"color\":\"#41937c\"}},\"lineWidth\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"size\":0}},\"iconSize\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"size\":6}},\"iconOrientation\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"orientation\":0}},\"labelText\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"value\":\"\"}},\"labelColor\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"color\":\"#000000\"}},\"labelSize\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"size\":14}},\"labelZoomRange\":{\"options\":{\"useLayerZoomRange\":true,\"minZoom\":0,\"maxZoom\":24}},\"labelBorderColor\":{\"type\":\"STATIC\",\"options\":{\"color\":\"#FFFFFF\"}},\"symbolizeAs\":{\"options\":{\"value\":\"circle\"}},\"labelBorderSize\":{\"options\":{\"size\":\"SMALL\"}},\"labelPosition\":{\"options\":{\"position\":\"CENTER\"}}},\"isTimeAware\":true},\"includeInFitToBounds\":true,\"type\":\"MVT_VECTOR\",\"joins\":[],\"disableTooltips\":false}]", "mapStateJSON": "{\"adHocDataViews\":[],\"zoom\":1.57,\"center\":{\"lon\":0,\"lat\":19.94277},\"timeFilters\":{\"from\":\"now-7d\",\"to\":\"now\"},\"refreshConfig\":{\"isPaused\":true,\"interval\":60000},\"query\":{\"query\":\"\",\"language\":\"kuery\"},\"filters\":[{\"meta\":{\"disabled\":false,\"negate\":false,\"alias\":\"males only\",\"index\":\"ff959d40-b880-11e8-a6d9-e546fe2bba5f\",\"key\":\"customer_gender\",\"field\":\"customer_gender\",\"params\":{\"query\":\"MALE\"},\"type\":\"phrase\"},\"query\":{\"match_phrase\":{\"customer_gender\":\"MALE\"}},\"$state\":{\"store\":\"appState\"}}],\"settings\":{\"autoFitToDataBounds\":false,\"backgroundColor\":\"#ffffff\",\"customIcons\":[],\"disableInteractive\":false,\"disableTooltipControl\":false,\"hideToolbarOverlay\":false,\"hideLayerControl\":false,\"hideViewControl\":false,\"initialLocation\":\"LAST_SAVED_LOCATION\",\"fixedLocation\":{\"lat\":0,\"lon\":0,\"zoom\":2},\"browserLocation\":{\"zoom\":2},\"keydownScrollZoom\":false,\"maxZoom\":24,\"minZoom\":0,\"showScaleControl\":false,\"showSpatialFilters\":true,\"showTimesliderToggleButton\":true,\"spatialFiltersAlpa\":0.3,\"spatialFiltersFillColor\":\"#DA8B45\",\"spatialFiltersLineColor\":\"#DA8B45\"}}", "title": "", "uiStateJSON": "{\"isLayerTOCOpen\":true,\"openTOCDetails\":[\"65710bbc-f41c-4fe7-b0c3-a6dbc0613220\"]}" }, "enhancements": { "dynamicActions": { "events": [] } }, "hiddenLayers": [], "id": "108b2f72-0101-4e09-b8a9-22f7aa9573b0", "isLayerTOCOpen": false, "mapBuffer": { "maxLat": 85.05113, "maxLon": 180, "minLat": -66.51326, "minLon": -180 }, "mapCenter": { "lat": 19.94277, "lon": 0, "zoom": 1.57 }, "openTOCDetails": [ "65710bbc-f41c-4fe7-b0c3-a6dbc0613220" ] }, "gridData": { "h": 25, "i": "108b2f72-0101-4e09-b8a9-22f7aa9573b0", "w": 38, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "panelIndex": "108b2f72-0101-4e09-b8a9-22f7aa9573b0", "type": "map" } ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "a maps panel", "version": 3 }, "references": [ { "type": "tag", "id": "662b28f2-71e4-4c04-b4e5-0c6249b1c08a", "name": "tag-ref-662b28f2-71e4-4c04-b4e5-0c6249b1c08a" }, { "name": "108b2f72-0101-4e09-b8a9-22f7aa9573b0:layer_1_source_index_pattern", "type": "index-pattern", "id": "ff959d40-b880-11e8-a6d9-e546fe2bba5f" } ] }' ```
Create a dashboard with a Filter pill and a Field statistics panel ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "description": "", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": { "searchSource": { "filter": [ { "$state": { "store": "appState" }, "meta": { "alias": "gnomehouse", "disabled": false, "field": "products.manufacturer.keyword", "indexRefName": "kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.filter[0].meta.index", "key": "products.manufacturer.keyword", "negate": false, "params": [ "Gnomehouse", "Gnomehouse mom" ], "type": "phrases" }, "query": { "bool": { "minimum_should_match": 1, "should": [ { "match_phrase": { "products.manufacturer.keyword": "Gnomehouse" } }, { "match_phrase": { "products.manufacturer.keyword": "Gnomehouse mom" } } ] } } } ], "query": { "language": "kuery", "query": "" } } }, "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "dataViewId": "32eec79c9673ab1b9265f3e422e8f952778f02c82eaf13147a9c0ba86290337a", "enhancements": {}, "id": "3c9dee70-4a01-4c2f-9ccd-0c2812e2a5d4", "query": { "esql": "from kibana_sample_data_ecommerce | limit 10" }, "viewType": "esql" }, "gridData": { "h": 18, "i": "3c9dee70-4a01-4c2f-9ccd-0c2812e2a5d4", "w": 48, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "panelIndex": "3c9dee70-4a01-4c2f-9ccd-0c2812e2a5d4", "type": "field_stats_table" } ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "field stats panel", "version": 2 }, "references": [ { "id": "32eec79c9673ab1b9265f3e422e8f952778f02c82eaf13147a9c0ba86290337a", "name": "kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.filter[0].meta.index", "type": "index-pattern" }, { "id": "662b28f2-71e4-4c04-b4e5-0c6249b1c08a", "name": "tag-ref-662b28f2-71e4-4c04-b4e5-0c6249b1c08a", "type": "tag" }, { "id": "32eec79c9673ab1b9265f3e422e8f952778f02c82eaf13147a9c0ba86290337a", "name": "3c9dee70-4a01-4c2f-9ccd-0c2812e2a5d4:fieldStatsTableDataViewId", "type": "index-pattern" } ] }' ```
Create a dashboard with a Lens panel ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard/' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "title": "a lens panel", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": { "searchSource": {} }, "timeRestore": false, "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "attributes": { "title": "", "visualizationType": "lnsDatatable", "type": "lens", "references": [ { "type": "index-pattern", "id": "d3d7af60-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d", "name": "indexpattern-datasource-layer-b9789655-f916-4732-9bf2-641a88075210" } ], "state": { "visualization": { "layerId": "b9789655-f916-4732-9bf2-641a88075210", "layerType": "data", "columns": [ { "isTransposed": false, "columnId": "4175e737-76b9-46db-894b-57106a06b9cb" }, { "isTransposed": false, "columnId": "1494f183-3bfa-4602-a780-6a41624f6c69" }, { "isTransposed": false, "columnId": "8eb92ea9-5b76-45a2-865e-d78511c1e506" } ] }, "query": { "query": "", "language": "kuery" }, "filters": [], "datasourceStates": { "formBased": { "layers": { "b9789655-f916-4732-9bf2-641a88075210": { "columns": { "4175e737-76b9-46db-894b-57106a06b9cb": { "label": "Top 5 values of Carrier", "dataType": "string", "operationType": "terms", "scale": "ordinal", "sourceField": "Carrier", "isBucketed": true, "params": { "size": 5, "orderBy": { "type": "column", "columnId": "1494f183-3bfa-4602-a780-6a41624f6c69" }, "orderDirection": "desc", "otherBucket": true, "missingBucket": false, "parentFormat": { "id": "terms" }, "include": [], "exclude": [], "includeIsRegex": false, "excludeIsRegex": false } }, "1494f183-3bfa-4602-a780-6a41624f6c69": { "label": "Count of records", "dataType": "number", "operationType": "count", "isBucketed": false, "scale": "ratio", "sourceField": "___records___", "params": { "emptyAsNull": true } }, "8eb92ea9-5b76-45a2-865e-d78511c1e506": { "label": "Median of AvgTicketPrice", "dataType": "number", "operationType": "median", "sourceField": "AvgTicketPrice", "isBucketed": false, "scale": "ratio", "params": { "emptyAsNull": true } } }, "columnOrder": [ "4175e737-76b9-46db-894b-57106a06b9cb", "1494f183-3bfa-4602-a780-6a41624f6c69", "8eb92ea9-5b76-45a2-865e-d78511c1e506" ], "incompleteColumns": {}, "sampling": 1 } } }, "indexpattern": { "layers": {} }, "textBased": { "layers": {} } }, "internalReferences": [], "adHocDataViews": {} } }, "enhancements": {} }, "gridData": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 24, "h": 15 }, "type": "lens" } ], "options": { "hidePanelTitles": false, "useMargins": true, "syncColors": false, "syncTooltips": true, "syncCursor": true }, "version": 3 }, "references": [ { "type": "index-pattern", "id": "d3d7af60-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d", "name": "indexpattern-datasource-layer-b9789655-f916-4732-9bf2-641a88075210" } ] }' ```
Create a dashboard in a specific Space ``` curl -X POST \ 'http://localhost:5601/s/space-1/api/dashboards/dashboard/' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "title": "my other demo dashboard", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": { "searchSource": {} }, "timeRestore": false, "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "savedVis": { "description": "", "type": "markdown", "params": { "fontSize": 12, "openLinksInNewTab": false, "markdown": "## Sample eCommerce Data\nThis dashboard contains sample data for you to play with. You can view it, search it, and interact with the visualizations. For more information about Kibana, check our [docs](" }, "uiState": {}, "data": { "aggs": [], "searchSource": { "query": { "query": "", "language": "kuery" }, "filter": [] } } }, "enhancements": {} }, "gridData": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 24, "h": 15, "i": "1" }, "type": "visualization", "version": "7.9.2" } ], "options": { "hidePanelTitles": false, "useMargins": true, "syncColors": false, "syncTooltips": true, "syncCursor": true }, "version": 3 }, "references": [], "spaces": ["space-1"] }' ```
## Update
Update an existing dashboard ``` curl -X PUT \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard/foo-123' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": { "title": "my demo dashboard", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": { "searchSource": {} }, "timeRestore": false, "panels": [ { "panelConfig": { "savedVis": { "description": "", "type": "markdown", "params": { "fontSize": 12, "openLinksInNewTab": false, "markdown": "## Sample eCommerce Data\nThis dashboard contains sample data for you to play with. You can view it, search it, and interact with the visualizations. For more information about Kibana, check our [docs](\nWubba lubba dub-dub!" }, "uiState": {}, "data": { "aggs": [], "searchSource": { "query": { "query": "", "language": "kuery" }, "filter": [] } } }, "enhancements": {} }, "gridData": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 24, "h": 15 }, "type": "visualization" } ], "version": 3 }, "references": [] }' ```
## Get / List
Get a dashboard ``` curl -X GET \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard/foo-123' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' ```
Get a paginated list of dashboards ``` curl -X GET \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' ```
## Delete
Delete a dashboard ``` curl -X DELETE \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard/foo-123' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31' \ --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' ```
## Open API specification
Retrieve the Open API specification ``` curl -X GET \ 'http://localhost:5601/api/oas?pathStartsWith=%2Fapi%2Fdashboard' \ --user elastic:changeme \ --header 'Accept: */*' ```
--------- Co-authored-by: kibanamachine <> (cherry picked from commit a227021302455ce74a1da2fa01b2da071e30897b) --- src/plugins/controls/common/constants.ts | 18 +- .../controls/common/control_group/types.ts | 18 +- src/plugins/controls/common/index.ts | 6 + src/plugins/controls/common/types.ts | 10 +- .../control_group_renderer.tsx | 18 +- .../get_control_group_factory.tsx | 22 +- .../control_group/init_controls_manager.ts | 15 +- .../utils/initialization_utils.ts | 19 +- .../utils/serialization_utils.ts | 28 +- .../control_group_migrations.test.ts | 6 +- .../control_group/control_group_migrations.ts | 2 +- .../control_group_persistable_state.ts | 2 +- .../control_group_persistence.ts | 51 +- .../control_group_telemetry.test.ts | 15 +- .../control_group/control_group_telemetry.ts | 32 +- .../controls/server/control_group/types.ts | 47 ++ src/plugins/controls/server/index.ts | 11 +- src/plugins/controls/tsconfig.json | 2 +- src/plugins/dashboard/common/bwc/types.ts | 2 +- .../common/content_management/constants.ts | 14 +- .../common/content_management/index.ts | 17 +- .../common/content_management/v1/types.ts | 15 +- .../common/content_management/v2/index.ts | 2 +- .../common/content_management/v2/types.ts | 19 +- .../common/dashboard_container/types.ts | 3 +- .../dashboard_saved_object_references.test.ts | 250 ++++++-- .../dashboard_saved_object_references.ts | 34 +- src/plugins/dashboard/common/index.ts | 11 +- .../common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.ts | 96 ++- src/plugins/dashboard/common/types.ts | 16 +- .../load_dashboard_history_location_state.ts | 4 +- .../top_nav/share/show_share_modal.test.tsx | 10 +- .../top_nav/share/show_share_modal.tsx | 4 +- .../url/search_sessions_integration.ts | 4 +- .../public/dashboard_app/url/url_utils.ts | 27 +- .../embeddable/api/run_save_functions.tsx | 10 +- .../embeddable/dashboard_container.tsx | 30 +- .../place_clone_panel_strategy.ts | 8 +- .../place_new_panel_strategies.ts | 6 +- .../panel_placement/types.ts | 2 +- .../public/dashboard_container/types.ts | 6 +- .../dashboard_unsaved_listing.tsx | 2 +- .../hooks/use_dashboard_listing_table.tsx | 8 +- .../dashboard_content_management_cache.ts | 8 +- .../check_for_duplicate_dashboard_title.ts | 6 +- .../lib/delete_dashboards.ts | 9 +- .../lib/find_dashboards.ts | 31 +- .../lib/load_dashboard_state.ts | 46 +- .../lib/save_dashboard_state.test.ts | 8 +- .../lib/save_dashboard_state.ts | 60 +- .../lib/update_dashboard_meta.ts | 7 +- .../types.ts | 9 +- .../dashboard/public/services/mocks.ts | 3 +- src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/constants.ts | 12 + .../schema/v2 => api}/index.ts | 6 +- .../dashboard/server/api/register_routes.ts | 327 +++++++++++ .../{schema => }/cm_services.ts | 2 + .../content_management/dashboard_storage.ts | 380 +++++++++++- .../server/content_management/index.ts | 20 + .../content_management/latest.ts | 4 +- .../{schema => }/v1/cm_services.ts | 52 +- .../{schema => }/v1/index.ts | 7 +- .../{schema => }/v2/cm_services.ts | 31 +- .../server/content_management/v2/index.ts | 10 + .../content_management/v3/cm_services.ts | 539 +++++++++++++++++ .../server/content_management/v3/index.ts | 42 ++ .../v3/transform_utils.test.ts | 551 ++++++++++++++++++ .../content_management/v3/transform_utils.ts | 365 ++++++++++++ .../server/content_management/v3/types.ts | 90 +++ .../dashboard_saved_object.ts | 8 +- .../server/dashboard_saved_object/index.ts | 6 +- .../dashboard_saved_object_migrations.test.ts | 7 +- .../migrate_by_value_dashboard_panels.ts | 12 +- .../migrate_extract_panel_references.ts | 26 +- .../migrations/migrate_hidden_titles.ts | 8 +- .../migrate_to_730/migrate_to_730_panels.ts | 4 +- .../migrate_to_730/migrations_730.ts | 2 +- .../migrations/migrate_to_730/types.ts | 10 +- .../migrations/utils.test.ts} | 32 +- .../migrations/utils.ts | 50 ++ .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/index.ts | 11 + .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/latest.ts | 16 + .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/index.ts | 11 + .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/types.ts | 13 + .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/v1.ts | 55 ++ .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/index.ts | 11 + .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/types.ts | 35 ++ .../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/v2.ts | 36 ++ src/plugins/dashboard/server/index.ts | 4 + src/plugins/dashboard/server/plugin.ts | 7 + .../server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.test.ts | 2 +- .../server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.ts | 4 +- .../dashboard_telemetry_collection_task.ts | 35 +- src/plugins/links/public/types.ts | 4 +- .../apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/index.ts | 30 + .../apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/main.ts | 216 +++++++ .../dashboards/create_dashboard/validation.ts | 63 ++ .../apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/index.ts | 29 + .../apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/main.ts | 42 ++ .../apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/index.ts | 29 + .../apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/main.ts | 34 ++ test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/index.ts | 20 + .../apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/index.ts | 47 ++ .../apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/main.ts | 52 ++ .../apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/index.ts | 29 + .../apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/main.ts | 74 +++ .../dashboards/update_dashboard/validation.ts | 63 ++ test/api_integration/apis/index.ts | 1 + .../apps/dashboard/group3/dashboard_state.ts | 14 +- .../lens/common/embeddable_factory/index.ts | 4 +- .../custom_urls/custom_url_editor/utils.ts | 11 +- .../actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx | 3 +- .../actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx | 3 +- .../tabs/dashboards/dashboards.tsx | 4 +- .../routes/get_dashboards_by_tags.ts | 4 +- .../lib/gen_ai/create_gen_ai_dashboard.ts | 8 +- .../lib/gen_ai/gen_ai_dashboard.ts | 4 +- 117 files changed, 4057 insertions(+), 683 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/types.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/constants.ts rename src/plugins/dashboard/server/{content_management/schema/v2 => api}/index.ts (80%) create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/register_routes.ts rename src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/{schema => }/cm_services.ts (94%) rename src/plugins/dashboard/{common => server}/content_management/latest.ts (91%) rename src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/{schema => }/v1/cm_services.ts (61%) rename src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/{schema => }/v1/index.ts (77%) rename src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/{schema => }/v2/cm_services.ts (70%) create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/index.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/cm_services.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/index.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.test.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/types.ts rename src/plugins/dashboard/{common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.test.ts => server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.test.ts} (82%) create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/index.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/latest.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/index.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/types.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/v1.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/index.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/types.ts create mode 100644 src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/v2.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/index.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/main.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/validation.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/index.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/main.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/index.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/main.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/index.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/index.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/main.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/index.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/main.ts create mode 100644 test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/validation.ts diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/common/constants.ts b/src/plugins/controls/common/constants.ts index e375a7b2315bc..d1434d4df2ae0 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/common/constants.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/common/constants.ts @@ -7,11 +7,25 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ +import { ControlGroupChainingSystem } from './control_group'; import { ControlLabelPosition, ControlWidth } from './types'; -export const DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH: ControlWidth = 'medium'; +export const CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS = { SMALL: 'small', MEDIUM: 'medium', LARGE: 'large' } as const; +export const CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS = { ONE_LINE: 'oneLine', TWO_LINE: 'twoLine' } as const; +export const CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS = { NONE: 'NONE', HIERARCHICAL: 'HIERARCHICAL' } as const; +export const DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH: ControlWidth = CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS.MEDIUM; +export const DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION: ControlLabelPosition = + CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS.ONE_LINE; export const DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW: boolean = true; -export const DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION: ControlLabelPosition = 'oneLine'; +export const DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING: ControlGroupChainingSystem = + CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS.HIERARCHICAL; +export const DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS = { + ignoreFilters: false, + ignoreQuery: false, + ignoreTimerange: false, + ignoreValidations: false, +} as const; +export const DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS = true; export const TIME_SLIDER_CONTROL = 'timeSlider'; export const RANGE_SLIDER_CONTROL = 'rangeSliderControl'; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/common/control_group/types.ts b/src/plugins/controls/common/control_group/types.ts index eb47d8b13eb79..ff1e4455046b8 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/common/control_group/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/common/control_group/types.ts @@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ import { DataViewField } from '@kbn/data-views-plugin/common'; import { ControlLabelPosition, DefaultControlState, ParentIgnoreSettings } from '../types'; +import { CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS } from '../constants'; export const CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE = 'control_group'; -export type ControlGroupChainingSystem = 'HIERARCHICAL' | 'NONE'; +export type ControlGroupChainingSystem = + (typeof CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS)[keyof typeof CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS]; export type FieldFilterPredicate = (f: DataViewField) => boolean; @@ -45,15 +47,11 @@ export interface ControlGroupRuntimeState { - panelsJSON: string; // stringified version of ControlSerializedState - ignoreParentSettingsJSON: string; - // In runtime state, we refer to this property as `labelPosition`; - // to avoid migrations, we will continue to refer to this property as `controlStyle` in the serialized state - controlStyle: ControlLabelPosition; - // In runtime state, we refer to the inverse of this property as `autoApplySelections` - // to avoid migrations, we will continue to refer to this property as `showApplySelections` in the serialized state - showApplySelections?: boolean; + extends Omit { + // In runtime state, we refer to this property as `initialChildControlState`, but in + // the serialized state we transform the state object into an array of state objects + // to make it easier for API consumers to add new controls without specifying a uuid key. + controls: Array; } /** diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/common/index.ts b/src/plugins/controls/common/index.ts index dd9c56778bb68..031d3b348272f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/common/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/common/index.ts @@ -17,9 +17,15 @@ export type { } from './types'; export { + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS, + CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS, + CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS, OPTIONS_LIST_CONTROL, RANGE_SLIDER_CONTROL, TIME_SLIDER_CONTROL, diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/common/types.ts b/src/plugins/controls/common/types.ts index d3a6261aeb9da..d38ca80cb3815 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/common/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/common/types.ts @@ -7,12 +7,16 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export type ControlWidth = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; -export type ControlLabelPosition = 'twoLine' | 'oneLine'; +import { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; +import { CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS, CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS } from './constants'; + +export type ControlWidth = (typeof CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS)[keyof typeof CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS]; +export type ControlLabelPosition = + (typeof CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS)[keyof typeof CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS]; export type TimeSlice = [number, number]; -export interface ParentIgnoreSettings { +export interface ParentIgnoreSettings extends SerializableRecord { ignoreFilters?: boolean; ignoreQuery?: boolean; ignoreTimerange?: boolean; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/control_group_renderer/control_group_renderer.tsx b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/control_group_renderer/control_group_renderer.tsx index 6a50c60c4e597..1a05d4b25e22c 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/control_group_renderer/control_group_renderer.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/control_group_renderer/control_group_renderer.tsx @@ -19,8 +19,11 @@ import { useSearchApi, type ViewMode as ViewModeType } from '@kbn/presentation-p import type { ControlGroupApi } from '../..'; import { CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, type ControlGroupRuntimeState, type ControlGroupSerializedState, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, } from '../../../common'; import { type ControlGroupStateBuilder, @@ -136,16 +139,19 @@ export const ControlGroupRenderer = ({ ...initialState, editorConfig, }); - const state = { - ...omit(initialState, ['initialChildControlState', 'ignoreParentSettings']), + const state: ControlGroupSerializedState = { + ...omit(initialState, ['initialChildControlState']), editorConfig, - controlStyle: initialState?.labelPosition, - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(initialState?.initialChildControlState ?? {}), - ignoreParentSettingsJSON: JSON.stringify(initialState?.ignoreParentSettings ?? {}), + autoApplySelections: initialState?.autoApplySelections ?? DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + labelPosition: initialState?.labelPosition ?? DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + chainingSystem: initialState?.chainingSystem ?? DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + controls: Object.entries(initialState?.initialChildControlState ?? {}).map( + ([controlId, value]) => ({ ...value, id: controlId }) + ), }; if (!cancelled) { - setSerializedState(state as ControlGroupSerializedState); + setSerializedState(state); } })(); return () => { diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/get_control_group_factory.tsx b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/get_control_group_factory.tsx index 62af1d1f868a9..c8ee296d8a305 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/get_control_group_factory.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/get_control_group_factory.tsx @@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ import type { ControlPanelsState, ParentIgnoreSettings, } from '../../common'; -import { CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE, DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION } from '../../common'; +import { + CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, +} from '../../common'; import { openDataControlEditor } from '../controls/data_controls/open_data_control_editor'; import { coreServices, dataViewsService } from '../services/kibana_services'; import { ControlGroup } from './components/control_group'; @@ -45,8 +49,6 @@ import { initSelectionsManager } from './selections_manager'; import type { ControlGroupApi } from './types'; import { deserializeControlGroup } from './utils/serialization_utils'; -const DEFAULT_CHAINING_SYSTEM = 'HIERARCHICAL'; - export const getControlGroupEmbeddableFactory = () => { const controlGroupEmbeddableFactory: ReactEmbeddableFactory< ControlGroupSerializedState, @@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ export const getControlGroupEmbeddableFactory = () => { }); const dataViews = new BehaviorSubject(undefined); const chainingSystem$ = new BehaviorSubject( - chainingSystem ?? DEFAULT_CHAINING_SYSTEM + chainingSystem ?? DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING ); const ignoreParentSettings$ = new BehaviorSubject( ignoreParentSettings @@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ export const getControlGroupEmbeddableFactory = () => { chainingSystem: [ chainingSystem$, (next: ControlGroupChainingSystem) => chainingSystem$.next(next), - (a, b) => (a ?? DEFAULT_CHAINING_SYSTEM) === (b ?? DEFAULT_CHAINING_SYSTEM), + (a, b) => (a ?? DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING) === (b ?? DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING), ], ignoreParentSettings: [ ignoreParentSettings$, @@ -187,14 +189,14 @@ export const getControlGroupEmbeddableFactory = () => { }); }, serializeState: () => { - const { panelsJSON, references } = controlsManager.serializeControls(); + const { controls, references } = controlsManager.serializeControls(); return { rawState: { chainingSystem: chainingSystem$.getValue(), - controlStyle: labelPosition$.getValue(), - showApplySelections: !autoApplySelections$.getValue(), - ignoreParentSettingsJSON: JSON.stringify(ignoreParentSettings$.getValue()), - panelsJSON, + labelPosition: labelPosition$.getValue(), + autoApplySelections: autoApplySelections$.getValue(), + ignoreParentSettings: ignoreParentSettings$.getValue(), + controls, }, references, }; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/init_controls_manager.ts b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/init_controls_manager.ts index ee020bf1fbd59..935845327131e 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/init_controls_manager.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/init_controls_manager.ts @@ -147,9 +147,8 @@ export function initControlsManager( }, serializeControls: () => { const references: Reference[] = []; - const explicitInputPanels: { - [panelId: string]: ControlPanelState & { explicitInput: object }; - } = {}; + + const controls: Array = []; controlsInOrder$.getValue().forEach(({ id }, index) => { const controlApi = getControlApi(id); @@ -166,18 +165,18 @@ export function initControlsManager( references.push(...controlReferences); } - explicitInputPanels[id] = { + controls.push({ grow, order: index, type: controlApi.type, width, - /** Re-add the `explicitInput` layer on serialize so control group saved object retains shape */ - explicitInput: { id, }, - }; + /** Re-add the `controlConfig` layer on serialize so control group saved object retains shape */ + controlConfig: { id, }, + }); }); return { - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(explicitInputPanels), + controls, references, }; }, diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/initialization_utils.ts b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/initialization_utils.ts index ea785d05ac735..a35572387e1e1 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/initialization_utils.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/initialization_utils.ts @@ -7,17 +7,18 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, type ControlGroupRuntimeState } from '../../../common'; +import { + type ControlGroupRuntimeState, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, +} from '../../../common'; export const getDefaultControlGroupRuntimeState = (): ControlGroupRuntimeState => ({ initialChildControlState: {}, labelPosition: DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, - chainingSystem: 'HIERARCHICAL', - autoApplySelections: true, - ignoreParentSettings: { - ignoreFilters: false, - ignoreQuery: false, - ignoreTimerange: false, - ignoreValidations: false, - }, + chainingSystem: DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + autoApplySelections: DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + ignoreParentSettings: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, }); diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/serialization_utils.ts b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/serialization_utils.ts index ad7dea5827507..0a046244b732f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/serialization_utils.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/utils/serialization_utils.ts @@ -16,37 +16,31 @@ import { parseReferenceName } from '../../controls/data_controls/reference_name_ export const deserializeControlGroup = ( state: SerializedPanelState ): ControlGroupRuntimeState => { - const panels = JSON.parse(state.rawState.panelsJSON); - const ignoreParentSettings = JSON.parse(state.rawState.ignoreParentSettingsJSON); + const { controls } = state.rawState; + const controlsMap = Object.fromEntries({ id, }) => [id, rest])); /** Inject data view references into each individual control */ const references = state.references ?? []; references.forEach((reference) => { const referenceName =; const { controlId } = parseReferenceName(referenceName); - if (panels[controlId]) { - panels[controlId].dataViewId =; + if (controlsMap[controlId]) { + controlsMap[controlId].dataViewId =; } }); - /** Flatten the state of each panel by removing `explicitInput` */ - const flattenedPanels = Object.keys(panels).reduce((prev, panelId) => { - const currentPanel = panels[panelId]; - const currentPanelExplicitInput = panels[panelId].explicitInput; + /** Flatten the state of each control by removing `controlConfig` */ + const flattenedControls = Object.keys(controlsMap).reduce((prev, controlId) => { + const currentControl = controlsMap[controlId]; + const currentControlExplicitInput = controlsMap[controlId].controlConfig; return { ...prev, - [panelId]: { ...omit(currentPanel, 'explicitInput'), ...currentPanelExplicitInput }, + [controlId]: { ...omit(currentControl, 'controlConfig'), ...currentControlExplicitInput }, }; }, {}); return { - ...omit(state.rawState, ['panelsJSON', 'ignoreParentSettingsJSON']), - initialChildControlState: flattenedPanels, - ignoreParentSettings, - autoApplySelections: - typeof state.rawState.showApplySelections === 'boolean' - ? !state.rawState.showApplySelections - : true, // Rename "showApplySelections" to "autoApplySelections" - labelPosition: state.rawState.controlStyle, // Rename "controlStyle" to "labelPosition" + ...state.rawState, + initialChildControlState: flattenedControls, }; }; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.test.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.test.ts index 69b19225218e3..59643d3aa19c7 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.test.ts @@ -18,10 +18,8 @@ import { import { OptionsListControlState } from '../../common/options_list'; import { mockDataControlState, mockOptionsListControlState } from '../mocks'; import { removeHideExcludeAndHideExists } from './control_group_migrations'; -import { - SerializableControlGroupState, - getDefaultControlGroupState, -} from './control_group_persistence'; +import { getDefaultControlGroupState } from './control_group_persistence'; +import type { SerializableControlGroupState } from './types'; describe('migrate control group', () => { const getOptionsListControl = ( diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.ts index a3d3d06aadafc..e737441cde717 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_migrations.ts @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { type SerializedControlState, } from '../../common'; import { OptionsListControlState } from '../../common/options_list'; -import { SerializableControlGroupState } from './control_group_persistence'; +import { SerializableControlGroupState } from './types'; export const makeControlOrdersZeroBased = (state: SerializableControlGroupState) => { if ( diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistable_state.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistable_state.ts index d59ffb2161934..9e880242df12b 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistable_state.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistable_state.ts @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { makeControlOrdersZeroBased, removeHideExcludeAndHideExists, } from './control_group_migrations'; -import type { SerializableControlGroupState } from './control_group_persistence'; +import { SerializableControlGroupState } from './types'; const getPanelStatePrefix = (state: SerializedControlState) => `${}:`; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistence.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistence.ts index e90aa850c6d1a..bcf61b3bcc1b2 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistence.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_persistence.ts @@ -9,37 +9,22 @@ import { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; +import { ControlGroupSavedObjectState, SerializableControlGroupState } from './types'; import { + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, - type ControlGroupRuntimeState, - type ControlGroupSerializedState, - type ControlPanelState, - type SerializedControlState, + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, } from '../../common'; export const getDefaultControlGroupState = (): SerializableControlGroupState => ({ panels: {}, labelPosition: DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, - chainingSystem: 'HIERARCHICAL', - autoApplySelections: true, - ignoreParentSettings: { - ignoreFilters: false, - ignoreQuery: false, - ignoreTimerange: false, - ignoreValidations: false, - }, + chainingSystem: DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + autoApplySelections: DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + ignoreParentSettings: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, }); -// using SerializableRecord to force type to be read as serializable -export type SerializableControlGroupState = SerializableRecord & - Omit< - ControlGroupRuntimeState, - 'initialChildControlState' | 'ignoreParentSettings' | 'editorConfig' // editor config is not persisted - > & { - ignoreParentSettings: Record; - panels: Record> | {}; - }; - const safeJSONParse = (jsonString?: string): OutType | undefined => { if (!jsonString && typeof jsonString !== 'string') return; try { @@ -49,22 +34,26 @@ const safeJSONParse = (jsonString?: string): OutType | undefined => { } }; -export const controlGroupSerializedStateToSerializableRuntimeState = ( - serializedState: ControlGroupSerializedState +export const controlGroupSavedObjectStateToSerializableRuntimeState = ( + savedObjectState: ControlGroupSavedObjectState ): SerializableControlGroupState => { const defaultControlGroupInput = getDefaultControlGroupState(); return { - chainingSystem: serializedState?.chainingSystem, - labelPosition: serializedState?.controlStyle ?? defaultControlGroupInput.labelPosition, - autoApplySelections: !serializedState?.showApplySelections, - ignoreParentSettings: safeJSONParse(serializedState?.ignoreParentSettingsJSON) ?? {}, - panels: safeJSONParse(serializedState?.panelsJSON) ?? {}, + chainingSystem: + (savedObjectState?.chainingSystem as SerializableControlGroupState['chainingSystem']) ?? + defaultControlGroupInput.chainingSystem, + labelPosition: + (savedObjectState?.controlStyle as SerializableControlGroupState['labelPosition']) ?? + defaultControlGroupInput.labelPosition, + autoApplySelections: !savedObjectState?.showApplySelections, + ignoreParentSettings: safeJSONParse(savedObjectState?.ignoreParentSettingsJSON) ?? {}, + panels: safeJSONParse(savedObjectState?.panelsJSON) ?? {}, }; }; -export const serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSerializedState = ( +export const serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSavedObjectState = ( serializable: SerializableRecord // It is safe to treat this as SerializableControlGroupState -): ControlGroupSerializedState => { +): ControlGroupSavedObjectState => { return { controlStyle: serializable.labelPosition as SerializableControlGroupState['labelPosition'], chainingSystem: serializable.chainingSystem as SerializableControlGroupState['chainingSystem'], diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.test.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.test.ts index da2800a7d744f..3647a23d36a17 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.test.ts @@ -7,16 +7,11 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; -import { type ControlGroupSerializedState } from '../../common'; -import { - type ControlGroupTelemetry, - controlGroupTelemetry, - initializeControlGroupTelemetry, -} from './control_group_telemetry'; +import { controlGroupTelemetry, initializeControlGroupTelemetry } from './control_group_telemetry'; +import { ControlGroupSavedObjectState, ControlGroupTelemetry } from './types'; // controls attributes with all settings ignored + 3 options lists + hierarchical chaining + label above -const rawControlAttributes1: SerializableRecord & ControlGroupSerializedState = { +const rawControlAttributes1: ControlGroupSavedObjectState = { controlStyle: 'twoLine', chainingSystem: 'NONE', showApplySelections: true, @@ -27,7 +22,7 @@ const rawControlAttributes1: SerializableRecord & ControlGroupSerializedState = }; // controls attributes with some settings ignored + 2 range sliders, 1 time slider + No chaining + label inline -const rawControlAttributes2: SerializableRecord & ControlGroupSerializedState = { +const rawControlAttributes2: ControlGroupSavedObjectState = { controlStyle: 'oneLine', chainingSystem: 'NONE', showApplySelections: false, @@ -38,7 +33,7 @@ const rawControlAttributes2: SerializableRecord & ControlGroupSerializedState = }; // controls attributes with no settings ignored + 2 options lists, 1 range slider, 1 time slider + hierarchical chaining + label inline -const rawControlAttributes3: SerializableRecord & ControlGroupSerializedState = { +const rawControlAttributes3: ControlGroupSavedObjectState = { controlStyle: 'oneLine', chainingSystem: 'HIERARCHICAL', showApplySelections: false, diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.ts index 21d1baf40116c..72944202b9550 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/control_group_telemetry.ts @@ -9,31 +9,15 @@ import { PersistableStateService } from '@kbn/kibana-utils-plugin/common'; import { set } from '@kbn/safer-lodash-set'; -import type { ControlGroupSerializedState } from '../../common'; import { - type SerializableControlGroupState, - controlGroupSerializedStateToSerializableRuntimeState, + controlGroupSavedObjectStateToSerializableRuntimeState, getDefaultControlGroupState, } from './control_group_persistence'; - -export interface ControlGroupTelemetry { - total: number; - chaining_system: { - [key: string]: number; - }; - label_position: { - [key: string]: number; - }; - ignore_settings: { - [key: string]: number; - }; - by_type: { - [key: string]: { - total: number; - details: { [key: string]: number }; - }; - }; -} +import { + ControlGroupSavedObjectState, + ControlGroupTelemetry, + SerializableControlGroupState, +} from './types'; export const initializeControlGroupTelemetry = ( statsSoFar: Record @@ -113,8 +97,8 @@ export const controlGroupTelemetry: PersistableStateService['telemetry'] = ( const controlGroupStats = initializeControlGroupTelemetry(stats); const controlGroupState = { ...getDefaultControlGroupState(), - ...controlGroupSerializedStateToSerializableRuntimeState( - state as unknown as ControlGroupSerializedState + ...controlGroupSavedObjectStateToSerializableRuntimeState( + state as unknown as ControlGroupSavedObjectState ), }; if (!controlGroupState) return controlGroupStats; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/types.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9aa0aaddc4a12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/control_group/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; +import { ControlGroupRuntimeState, ControlPanelState, SerializedControlState } from '../../common'; + +// using SerializableRecord to force type to be read as serializable +export type SerializableControlGroupState = SerializableRecord & + Omit< + ControlGroupRuntimeState, + 'initialChildControlState' | 'editorConfig' // editor config is not persisted + > & { + panels: Record> | {}; + }; + +export type ControlGroupSavedObjectState = SerializableRecord & { + chainingSystem: SerializableControlGroupState['chainingSystem']; + controlStyle: SerializableControlGroupState['labelPosition']; + showApplySelections: boolean; + ignoreParentSettingsJSON: string; + panelsJSON: string; +}; + +export interface ControlGroupTelemetry { + total: number; + chaining_system: { + [key: string]: number; + }; + label_position: { + [key: string]: number; + }; + ignore_settings: { + [key: string]: number; + }; + by_type: { + [key: string]: { + total: number; + details: { [key: string]: number }; + }; + }; +} diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/server/index.ts b/src/plugins/controls/server/index.ts index 541d9e2a46204..40261f8a3013e 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/server/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/controls/server/index.ts @@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ export const plugin = async () => { }; export { - controlGroupSerializedStateToSerializableRuntimeState, - serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSerializedState, + controlGroupSavedObjectStateToSerializableRuntimeState, + serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSavedObjectState, } from './control_group/control_group_persistence'; -export { - type ControlGroupTelemetry, - initializeControlGroupTelemetry, -} from './control_group/control_group_telemetry'; +export { initializeControlGroupTelemetry } from './control_group/control_group_telemetry'; + +export type { ControlGroupTelemetry } from './control_group/types'; diff --git a/src/plugins/controls/tsconfig.json b/src/plugins/controls/tsconfig.json index e1040faecc1b0..41ab33dc18969 100644 --- a/src/plugins/controls/tsconfig.json +++ b/src/plugins/controls/tsconfig.json @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "@kbn/field-formats-plugin", "@kbn/presentation-panel-plugin", "@kbn/shared-ux-utility", - "@kbn/std" + "@kbn/std", ], "exclude": ["target/**/*"] } diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/bwc/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/bwc/types.ts index b1b97fa31485d..ae409d143656b 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/bwc/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/bwc/types.ts @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import type { SavedObjectReference } from '@kbn/core/public'; import type { Serializable } from '@kbn/utility-types'; -import { GridData } from '../content_management'; +import type { GridData } from '../../server/dashboard_saved_object'; interface KibanaAttributes { kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/constants.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/constants.ts index 29c679872a9e0..978271680af12 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/constants.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/constants.ts @@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export const LATEST_VERSION = 2; +export const LATEST_VERSION = 3; export const CONTENT_ID = 'dashboard'; + +export const DASHBOARD_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT = 48; +export const DEFAULT_PANEL_WIDTH = DASHBOARD_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT / 2; +export const DEFAULT_PANEL_HEIGHT = 15; + +export const DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS = { + hidePanelTitles: false, + useMargins: true, + syncColors: true, + syncCursor: true, + syncTooltips: true, +} as const; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/index.ts index d87d65a61d4f0..b87b54520d7ab 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/index.ts @@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export { LATEST_VERSION, CONTENT_ID } from './constants'; +export { + LATEST_VERSION, + CONTENT_ID, + DASHBOARD_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT, + DEFAULT_PANEL_HEIGHT, + DEFAULT_PANEL_WIDTH, + DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS, +} from './constants'; export type { DashboardContentType } from './types'; - -export type { - GridData, - DashboardItem, - DashboardCrudTypes, - DashboardAttributes, - SavedDashboardPanel, -} from './latest'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v1/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v1/types.ts index 9b7c2973d9713..3b3317c0bd13e 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v1/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v1/types.ts @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import type { } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; import { Serializable } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import { RefreshInterval } from '@kbn/data-plugin/common'; -import { ControlGroupSerializedState } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; +import { ControlGroupChainingSystem, ControlLabelPosition } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; import { DashboardContentType } from '../types'; @@ -62,10 +62,13 @@ export interface SavedDashboardPanel { version?: string; } -type ControlGroupAttributesV1 = Pick< - ControlGroupSerializedState, - 'panelsJSON' | 'chainingSystem' | 'controlStyle' | 'ignoreParentSettingsJSON' ->; +// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions +export type ControlGroupAttributesV1 = { + chainingSystem?: ControlGroupChainingSystem; + panelsJSON: string; // stringified version of ControlSerializedState + ignoreParentSettingsJSON: string; + controlStyle?: ControlLabelPosition; +}; /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions */ export type DashboardAttributes = { @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ export type DashboardAttributes = { description: string; panelsJSON: string; timeFrom?: string; - version: number; + version?: number; timeTo?: string; title: string; kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/index.ts index b0b10669699cf..bd687ff0dd609 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/index.ts @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ */ export type { GridData, DashboardItem, SavedDashboardPanel } from '../v1/types'; // no changes made to types from v1 to v2 -export type { DashboardCrudTypes, DashboardAttributes } from './types'; +export type { ControlGroupAttributes, DashboardCrudTypes, DashboardAttributes } from './types'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/types.ts index 3f009b749a2ab..ae2c2a798d813 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/v2/types.ts @@ -12,21 +12,18 @@ import type { SavedObjectCreateOptions, SavedObjectUpdateOptions, } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; -import { ControlGroupSerializedState } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; import { DashboardContentType } from '../types'; -import { DashboardAttributes as DashboardAttributesV1 } from '../v1/types'; +import { + ControlGroupAttributesV1, + DashboardAttributes as DashboardAttributesV1, +} from '../v1/types'; -type ControlGroupAttributesV2 = Pick< - ControlGroupSerializedState, - | 'panelsJSON' - | 'chainingSystem' - | 'controlStyle' - | 'ignoreParentSettingsJSON' - | 'showApplySelections' ->; +export type ControlGroupAttributes = ControlGroupAttributesV1 & { + showApplySelections?: boolean; +}; export type DashboardAttributes = Omit & { - controlGroupInput?: ControlGroupAttributesV2; + controlGroupInput?: ControlGroupAttributes; }; export type DashboardCrudTypes = ContentManagementCrudTypes< diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_container/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_container/types.ts index bcb7670f18e12..dd3f7302038c0 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_container/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_container/types.ts @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; import { RefreshInterval } from '@kbn/data-plugin/common'; import { KibanaExecutionContext } from '@kbn/core-execution-context-common'; -import { DashboardOptions } from '../types'; -import { GridData } from '../content_management'; +import type { DashboardOptions, GridData } from '../../server/content_management'; export interface DashboardPanelMap { [key: string]: DashboardPanelState; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.test.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.test.ts index 689db61b0cb27..e9bd6aff0fe12 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.test.ts @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ import { createInject, } from '../../dashboard_container/persistable_state/dashboard_container_references'; import { createEmbeddablePersistableStateServiceMock } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common/mocks'; -import { DashboardAttributes } from '../../content_management'; +import type { DashboardAttributes, DashboardItem } from '../../../server/content_management'; +import { DashboardAttributesAndReferences } from '../../types'; const embeddablePersistableStateServiceMock = createEmbeddablePersistableStateServiceMock(); const dashboardInject = createInject(embeddablePersistableStateServiceMock); @@ -44,28 +45,37 @@ const deps: InjectExtractDeps = { }; const commonAttributes: DashboardAttributes = { - kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSourceJSON: '' }, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSource: {} }, timeRestore: false, - panelsJSON: '', version: 1, + options: { + hidePanelTitles: false, + useMargins: true, + syncColors: true, + syncCursor: true, + syncTooltips: true, + }, + panels: [], description: '', title: '', }; describe('extractReferences', () => { - test('extracts references from panelsJSON', () => { + test('extracts references from panels', () => { const doc = { id: '1', attributes: { ...commonAttributes, foo: true, - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + panels: [ { panelIndex: 'panel-1', type: 'visualization', id: '1', title: 'Title 1', version: '7.9.1', + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1, i: 'panel-1' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, { panelIndex: 'panel-2', @@ -73,8 +83,10 @@ describe('extractReferences', () => { id: '2', title: 'Title 2', version: '7.9.1', + gridData: { x: 1, y: 1, w: 2, h: 2, i: 'panel-2' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, - ]), + ], }, references: [], }; @@ -86,9 +98,47 @@ describe('extractReferences', () => { "description": "", "foo": true, "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { - "searchSourceJSON": "", + "searchSource": Object {}, + }, + "options": Object { + "hidePanelTitles": false, + "syncColors": true, + "syncCursor": true, + "syncTooltips": true, + "useMargins": true, }, - "panelsJSON": "[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.1\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"panelIndex\\":\\"panel-1\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 1\\",\\"panelRefName\\":\\"panel_panel-1\\"},{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.1\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"panelIndex\\":\\"panel-2\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 2\\",\\"panelRefName\\":\\"panel_panel-2\\"}]", + "panels": Array [ + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 1, + "i": "panel-1", + "w": 1, + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + }, + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "panel-1", + "panelRefName": "panel_panel-1", + "title": "Title 1", + "type": "visualization", + "version": "7.9.1", + }, + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 2, + "i": "panel-2", + "w": 2, + "x": 1, + "y": 1, + }, + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "panel-2", + "panelRefName": "panel_panel-2", + "title": "Title 2", + "type": "visualization", + "version": "7.9.1", + }, + ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "", "version": 1, @@ -115,18 +165,18 @@ describe('extractReferences', () => { attributes: { ...commonAttributes, foo: true, - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + panels: [ { id: '1', title: 'Title 1', version: '7.9.1', }, - ]), + ], }, references: [], - }; + } as unknown as DashboardAttributesAndReferences; expect(() => extractReferences(doc, deps)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( - `"\\"type\\" attribute is missing from panel \\"undefined\\""` + `"\\"type\\" attribute is missing from panel \\"0\\""` ); }); @@ -136,25 +186,49 @@ describe('extractReferences', () => { attributes: { ...commonAttributes, foo: true, - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + panels: [ { type: 'visualization', title: 'Title 1', version: '7.9.1', + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1, i: 'panel-1' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, - ]), + ], }, references: [], }; - expect(extractReferences(doc, deps)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` + expect(extractReferences(doc as unknown as DashboardItem, deps)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "attributes": Object { "description": "", "foo": true, "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { - "searchSourceJSON": "", + "searchSource": Object {}, + }, + "options": Object { + "hidePanelTitles": false, + "syncColors": true, + "syncCursor": true, + "syncTooltips": true, + "useMargins": true, }, - "panelsJSON": "[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.1\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 1\\"}]", + "panels": Array [ + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 1, + "i": "panel-1", + "w": 1, + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + }, + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "0", + "title": "Title 1", + "type": "visualization", + "version": "7.9.1", + }, + ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "", "version": 1, @@ -171,18 +245,26 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { ...commonAttributes, id: '1', title: 'test', - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + panels: [ { + type: 'visualization', panelRefName: 'panel_0', + panelIndex: '0', title: 'Title 1', version: '7.9.0', + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1, i: '0' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, { + type: 'visualization', panelRefName: 'panel_1', + panelIndex: '1', title: 'Title 2', version: '7.9.0', + gridData: { x: 1, y: 1, w: 2, h: 2, i: '1' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, - ]), + ], }; const references = [ { @@ -203,9 +285,47 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { "description": "", "id": "1", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { - "searchSourceJSON": "", + "searchSource": Object {}, }, - "panelsJSON": "[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.0\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 1\\",\\"id\\":\\"1\\"},{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.0\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 2\\",\\"id\\":\\"2\\"}]", + "options": Object { + "hidePanelTitles": false, + "syncColors": true, + "syncCursor": true, + "syncTooltips": true, + "useMargins": true, + }, + "panels": Array [ + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 1, + "i": "0", + "w": 1, + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + }, + "id": "1", + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "0", + "title": "Title 1", + "type": "visualization", + "version": "7.9.0", + }, + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 2, + "i": "1", + "w": 2, + "x": 1, + "y": 1, + }, + "id": "2", + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "1", + "title": "Title 2", + "type": "visualization", + "version": "7.9.0", + }, + ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "test", "version": 1, @@ -213,7 +333,7 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { `); }); - test('skips when panelsJSON is missing', () => { + test('skips when panels is missing', () => { const attributes = { id: '1', title: 'test', @@ -222,31 +342,8 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { expect(newAttributes).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "id": "1", - "panelsJSON": "[]", - "title": "test", - } - `); - }); - - test('skips when panelsJSON is not an array', () => { - const attributes = { - ...commonAttributes, - id: '1', - panelsJSON: '{}', - title: 'test', - }; - const newAttributes = injectReferences({ attributes, references: [] }, deps); - expect(newAttributes).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` - Object { - "description": "", - "id": "1", - "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { - "searchSourceJSON": "", - }, - "panelsJSON": "[]", - "timeRestore": false, + "panels": Array [], "title": "test", - "version": 1, } `); }); @@ -256,15 +353,23 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { ...commonAttributes, id: '1', title: 'test', - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + panels: [ { + type: 'visualization', panelRefName: 'panel_0', + panelIndex: '0', title: 'Title 1', + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1, i: '0' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, { + type: 'visualization', + panelIndex: '1', title: 'Title 2', + gridData: { x: 1, y: 1, w: 2, h: 2, i: '1' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, - ]), + ], }; const references = [ { @@ -279,9 +384,46 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { "description": "", "id": "1", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { - "searchSourceJSON": "", + "searchSource": Object {}, + }, + "options": Object { + "hidePanelTitles": false, + "syncColors": true, + "syncCursor": true, + "syncTooltips": true, + "useMargins": true, }, - "panelsJSON": "[{\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 1\\",\\"id\\":\\"1\\"},{\\"embeddableConfig\\":{},\\"title\\":\\"Title 2\\"}]", + "panels": Array [ + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 1, + "i": "0", + "w": 1, + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + }, + "id": "1", + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "0", + "title": "Title 1", + "type": "visualization", + "version": undefined, + }, + Object { + "gridData": Object { + "h": 2, + "i": "1", + "w": 2, + "x": 1, + "y": 1, + }, + "panelConfig": Object {}, + "panelIndex": "1", + "title": "Title 2", + "type": "visualization", + "version": undefined, + }, + ], "timeRestore": false, "title": "test", "version": 1, @@ -294,12 +436,16 @@ describe('injectReferences', () => { ...commonAttributes, id: '1', title: 'test', - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + panels: [ { + panelIndex: '0', panelRefName: 'panel_0', title: 'Title 1', + type: 'visualization', + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1, i: '0' }, + panelConfig: {}, }, - ]), + ], }; expect(() => injectReferences({ attributes, references: [] }, deps) diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.ts index 1ede56a2b67a7..9b9290accb513 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references.ts @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; import { EmbeddablePersistableStateService } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common/types'; import { - convertPanelMapToSavedPanels, - convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap, + convertPanelMapToPanelsArray, + convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap, } from '../../lib/dashboard_panel_converters'; import { DashboardAttributesAndReferences, ParsedDashboardAttributesWithType } from '../../types'; -import { DashboardAttributes, SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../content_management'; +import type { DashboardAttributes } from '../../../server/content_management'; import { createExtract, createInject, @@ -25,20 +25,12 @@ export interface InjectExtractDeps { embeddablePersistableStateService: EmbeddablePersistableStateService; } -function parseDashboardAttributesWithType( - attributes: DashboardAttributes -): ParsedDashboardAttributesWithType { - let parsedPanels = [] as SavedDashboardPanel[]; - if (typeof attributes.panelsJSON === 'string') { - const parsedJSON = JSON.parse(attributes.panelsJSON); - if (Array.isArray(parsedJSON)) { - parsedPanels = parsedJSON as SavedDashboardPanel[]; - } - } - +function parseDashboardAttributesWithType({ + panels, +}: DashboardAttributes): ParsedDashboardAttributesWithType { return { type: 'dashboard', - panels: convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap(parsedPanels), + panels: convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap(panels), } as ParsedDashboardAttributesWithType; } @@ -51,12 +43,12 @@ export function injectReferences( // inject references back into panels via the Embeddable persistable state service. const inject = createInject(deps.embeddablePersistableStateService); const injectedState = inject(parsedAttributes, references) as ParsedDashboardAttributesWithType; - const injectedPanels = convertPanelMapToSavedPanels(injectedState.panels); + const injectedPanels = convertPanelMapToPanelsArray(injectedState.panels); const newAttributes = { ...attributes, - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(injectedPanels), - } as DashboardAttributes; + panels: injectedPanels, + }; return newAttributes; } @@ -81,12 +73,12 @@ export function extractReferences( references: Reference[]; state: ParsedDashboardAttributesWithType; }; - const extractedPanels = convertPanelMapToSavedPanels(extractedState.panels); + const extractedPanels = convertPanelMapToPanelsArray(extractedState.panels); const newAttributes = { ...attributes, - panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(extractedPanels), - } as DashboardAttributes; + panels: extractedPanels, + }; return { references: [...references, ...extractedReferences], diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/index.ts index 8de0c49c41eec..be2cedf889e85 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/index.ts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export type { DashboardOptions, DashboardCapabilities, SharedDashboardState } from './types'; +export type { DashboardCapabilities, SharedDashboardState } from './types'; export type { DashboardPanelMap, @@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ export type { DashboardContainerByReferenceInput, } from './dashboard_container/types'; -export type { DashboardAttributes, SavedDashboardPanel } from './content_management'; - export { + type InjectExtractDeps, injectReferences, extractReferences, } from './dashboard_saved_object/persistable_state/dashboard_saved_object_references'; @@ -31,10 +30,8 @@ export { export { prefixReferencesFromPanel } from './dashboard_container/persistable_state/dashboard_container_references'; export { - convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel, - convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState, - convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap, - convertPanelMapToSavedPanels, + convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap, + convertPanelMapToPanelsArray, } from './lib/dashboard_panel_converters'; export const UI_SETTINGS = { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.ts index a8c2d1f7c7b87..67317083b445d 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.ts @@ -9,77 +9,63 @@ import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import { omit } from 'lodash'; -import { EmbeddableInput, SavedObjectEmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; +import type { SavedObjectEmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; -import { DashboardPanelMap, DashboardPanelState } from '..'; -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../content_management'; +import type { DashboardPanelMap } from '..'; +import type { DashboardPanel } from '../../server/content_management'; + import { getReferencesForPanelId, prefixReferencesFromPanel, } from '../dashboard_container/persistable_state/dashboard_container_references'; -export function convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState< - TEmbeddableInput extends EmbeddableInput | SavedObjectEmbeddableInput = SavedObjectEmbeddableInput ->(savedDashboardPanel: SavedDashboardPanel): DashboardPanelState { - return { - type: savedDashboardPanel.type, - gridData: savedDashboardPanel.gridData, - panelRefName: savedDashboardPanel.panelRefName, - explicitInput: { - id: savedDashboardPanel.panelIndex, - ...( !== undefined && { savedObjectId: }), - ...(savedDashboardPanel.title !== undefined && { title: savedDashboardPanel.title }), - ...savedDashboardPanel.embeddableConfig, - } as TEmbeddableInput, - - /** - * Version information used to be stored in the panel until 8.11 when it was moved - * to live inside the explicit Embeddable Input. If version information is given here, we'd like to keep it. - * It will be removed on Dashboard save - */ - version: savedDashboardPanel.version, - }; -} - -export function convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel( - panelState: DashboardPanelState, - removeLegacyVersion?: boolean -): SavedDashboardPanel { - const savedObjectId = (panelState.explicitInput as SavedObjectEmbeddableInput).savedObjectId; - return { - /** - * Version information used to be stored in the panel until 8.11 when it was moved to live inside the - * explicit Embeddable Input. If removeLegacyVersion is not passed, we'd like to keep this information for - * the time being. - */ - ...(!removeLegacyVersion ? { version: panelState.version } : {}), - - type: panelState.type, - gridData: panelState.gridData, - panelIndex:, - embeddableConfig: omit(panelState.explicitInput, ['id', 'savedObjectId', 'title']), - ...(panelState.explicitInput.title !== undefined && { title: panelState.explicitInput.title }), - ...(savedObjectId !== undefined && { id: savedObjectId }), - ...(panelState.panelRefName !== undefined && { panelRefName: panelState.panelRefName }), - }; -} - -export const convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap = (panels?: SavedDashboardPanel[]): DashboardPanelMap => { +export const convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap = (panels?: DashboardPanel[]): DashboardPanelMap => { const panelsMap: DashboardPanelMap = {}; panels?.forEach((panel, idx) => { - panelsMap![panel.panelIndex ?? String(idx)] = convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState(panel); + const panelIndex = panel.panelIndex ?? String(idx); + panelsMap![panel.panelIndex ?? String(idx)] = { + type: panel.type, + gridData: panel.gridData, + panelRefName: panel.panelRefName, + explicitInput: { + id: panelIndex, + ...( !== undefined && { savedObjectId: }), + ...(panel.title !== undefined && { title: panel.title }), + ...panel.panelConfig, + }, + version: panel.version, + }; }); return panelsMap; }; -export const convertPanelMapToSavedPanels = ( +export const convertPanelMapToPanelsArray = ( panels: DashboardPanelMap, removeLegacyVersion?: boolean ) => { - return Object.values(panels).map((panel) => - convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel(panel, removeLegacyVersion) - ); + return Object.values(panels).map((panelState) => { + const savedObjectId = (panelState.explicitInput as SavedObjectEmbeddableInput).savedObjectId; + const panelIndex =; + return { + /** + * Version information used to be stored in the panel until 8.11 when it was moved to live inside the + * explicit Embeddable Input. If removeLegacyVersion is not passed, we'd like to keep this information for + * the time being. + */ + ...(!removeLegacyVersion ? { version: panelState.version } : {}), + + type: panelState.type, + gridData: panelState.gridData, + panelIndex, + panelConfig: omit(panelState.explicitInput, ['id', 'savedObjectId', 'title']), + ...(panelState.explicitInput.title !== undefined && { + title: panelState.explicitInput.title, + }), + ...(savedObjectId !== undefined && { id: savedObjectId }), + ...(panelState.panelRefName !== undefined && { panelRefName: panelState.panelRefName }), + }; + }); }; /** diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/types.ts index b3b4b1e983b29..c8ecc237ed348 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/common/types.ts @@ -8,17 +8,9 @@ */ import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; -import { EmbeddableStateWithType } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; -import { DashboardAttributes, SavedDashboardPanel } from './content_management'; -import { DashboardContainerInput, DashboardPanelMap } from './dashboard_container/types'; - -export interface DashboardOptions { - hidePanelTitles: boolean; - useMargins: boolean; - syncColors: boolean; - syncTooltips: boolean; - syncCursor: boolean; -} +import type { EmbeddableStateWithType } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; +import type { DashboardContainerInput, DashboardPanelMap } from './dashboard_container/types'; +import type { DashboardAttributes, DashboardPanel } from '../server/content_management'; export interface DashboardCapabilities { showWriteControls: boolean; @@ -32,7 +24,7 @@ export interface DashboardCapabilities { * For BWC reasons, dashboard state is stored with panels as an array instead of a map */ export type SharedDashboardState = Partial< - Omit & { panels: SavedDashboardPanel[] } + Omit & { panels: DashboardPanel[] } >; /** diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/locator/load_dashboard_history_location_state.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/locator/load_dashboard_history_location_state.ts index 73832625cf11f..99aa14fe6225f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/locator/load_dashboard_history_location_state.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/locator/load_dashboard_history_location_state.ts @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { ScopedHistory } from '@kbn/core-application-browser'; import { ForwardedDashboardState } from './locator'; -import { convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap, DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../common'; +import { convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap, DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../common'; export const loadDashboardHistoryLocationState = ( getScopedHistory: () => ScopedHistory @@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ export const loadDashboardHistoryLocationState = ( return { ...restOfState, - ...{ panels: convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap(panels) }, + ...{ panels: convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap(panels) }, }; }; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.test.tsx b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.test.tsx index 41c4a55f6ab8d..de7a1584dc9bf 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.test.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.test.tsx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ */ import { Capabilities } from '@kbn/core/public'; -import { convertPanelMapToSavedPanels, DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../../common'; +import { convertPanelMapToPanelsArray, DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../../common'; import { DashboardLocatorParams } from '../../../dashboard_container'; import { shareService } from '../../../services/kibana_services'; @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ describe('ShowShareModal', () => { ).locatorParams.params; const rawDashboardState = { ...unsavedDashboardState, - panels: convertPanelMapToSavedPanels(unsavedDashboardState.panels), + panels: convertPanelMapToPanelsArray(unsavedDashboardState.panels), }; unsavedStateKeys.forEach((key) => { expect(shareLocatorParams[key]).toStrictEqual( @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ describe('ShowShareModal', () => { ).locatorParams.params; expect(shareLocatorParams.panels).toBeDefined(); - expect(shareLocatorParams.panels![0].embeddableConfig.changedKey1).toBe('changed'); - expect(shareLocatorParams.panels![1].embeddableConfig.changedKey2).toBe('definitely changed'); - expect(shareLocatorParams.panels![2].embeddableConfig.changedKey3).toBe('should still exist'); + expect(shareLocatorParams.panels![0].panelConfig.changedKey1).toBe('changed'); + expect(shareLocatorParams.panels![1].panelConfig.changedKey2).toBe('definitely changed'); + expect(shareLocatorParams.panels![2].panelConfig.changedKey3).toBe('should still exist'); }); }); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.tsx b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.tsx index 5dd56465de920..2e3690e40d4ee 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/top_nav/share/show_share_modal.tsx @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { ViewMode } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public'; import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n'; import { getStateFromKbnUrl, setStateToKbnUrl, unhashUrl } from '@kbn/kibana-utils-plugin/public'; -import { convertPanelMapToSavedPanels, DashboardPanelMap } from '../../../../common'; +import { convertPanelMapToPanelsArray, DashboardPanelMap } from '../../../../common'; import { DashboardLocatorParams } from '../../../dashboard_container'; import { getDashboardBackupService, @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ export function ShowShareModal({ ...latestPanels, ...modifiedPanels, }; - return convertPanelMapToSavedPanels(allUnsavedPanelsMap); + return convertPanelMapToPanelsArray(allUnsavedPanelsMap); })(); if (unsavedDashboardState) { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/search_sessions_integration.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/search_sessions_integration.ts index e9ae3d6a15050..0fc8ce7173e6f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/search_sessions_integration.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/search_sessions_integration.ts @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import type { ViewMode } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; import { DASHBOARD_APP_LOCATOR } from '@kbn/deeplinks-analytics'; import { SEARCH_SESSION_ID } from '../../dashboard_constants'; import { DashboardLocatorParams } from '../../dashboard_container'; -import { convertPanelMapToSavedPanels } from '../../../common'; +import { convertPanelMapToPanelsArray } from '../../../common'; import { dataService } from '../../services/kibana_services'; import { DashboardApi } from '../../dashboard_api/types'; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function getLocatorParams({ : undefined, panels: savedObjectId ? undefined - : (convertPanelMapToSavedPanels( + : (convertPanelMapToPanelsArray( dashboardApi.panels$.value ) as DashboardLocatorParams['panels']), }; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/url_utils.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/url_utils.ts index b748909eac9ac..87faf87b026f8 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/url_utils.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_app/url/url_utils.ts @@ -19,24 +19,29 @@ import { DashboardContainerInput, DashboardPanelMap, SharedDashboardState, - convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap, + convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap, } from '../../../common'; -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardPanel } from '../../../server/content_management'; +import type { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../../server/dashboard_saved_object'; import { DashboardApi } from '../../dashboard_api/types'; import { DASHBOARD_STATE_STORAGE_KEY, createDashboardEditUrl } from '../../dashboard_constants'; import { migrateLegacyQuery } from '../../services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/load_dashboard_state'; import { coreServices } from '../../services/kibana_services'; import { getPanelTooOldErrorString } from '../_dashboard_app_strings'; +const panelIsLegacy = (panel: unknown): panel is SavedDashboardPanel => { + return (panel as SavedDashboardPanel).embeddableConfig !== undefined; +}; + /** * We no longer support loading panels from a version older than 7.3 in the URL. * @returns whether or not there is a panel in the URL state saved with a version before 7.3 */ -export const isPanelVersionTooOld = (panels: SavedDashboardPanel[]) => { +export const isPanelVersionTooOld = (panels: DashboardPanel[] | SavedDashboardPanel[]) => { for (const panel of panels) { if ( !panel.gridData || - !panel.embeddableConfig || + !((panel as DashboardPanel).panelConfig || (panel as SavedDashboardPanel).embeddableConfig) || (panel.version && semverSatisfies(panel.version, '<7.3')) ) return true; @@ -58,7 +63,19 @@ function getPanelsMap(appStateInUrl: SharedDashboardState): DashboardPanelMap | return undefined; } - return convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap(appStateInUrl.panels); + // convert legacy embeddableConfig keys to panelConfig + const panels = => { + if (panelIsLegacy(panel)) { + const { embeddableConfig, } = panel; + return { +, + panelConfig: embeddableConfig, + }; + } + return panel; + }); + + return convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap(panels); } /** diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/api/run_save_functions.tsx b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/api/run_save_functions.tsx index 444bac28c9e66..e5355bdb2988c 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/api/run_save_functions.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/api/run_save_functions.tsx @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { DashboardPanelMap, prefixReferencesFromPanel, } from '../../../../common'; +import type { DashboardAttributes } from '../../../../server/content_management'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, SAVED_OBJECT_POST_TIME } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; import { SaveDashboardReturn, @@ -95,7 +96,11 @@ export async function runQuickSave(this: DashboardContainer) { const { rawState: controlGroupSerializedState, references: extractedReferences } = await controlGroupApi.serializeState(); controlGroupReferences = extractedReferences; - stateToSave = { ...stateToSave, controlGroupInput: controlGroupSerializedState }; + stateToSave = { + ...stateToSave, + controlGroupInput: + controlGroupSerializedState as unknown as DashboardAttributes['controlGroupInput'], + }; } const saveResult = await getDashboardContentManagementService().saveDashboardState({ @@ -186,7 +191,8 @@ export async function runInteractiveSave(this: DashboardContainer, interactionMo controlGroupReferences = references; dashboardStateToSave = { ...dashboardStateToSave, - controlGroupInput: controlGroupSerializedState, + controlGroupInput: + controlGroupSerializedState as unknown as DashboardAttributes['controlGroupInput'], }; } diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/dashboard_container.tsx b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/dashboard_container.tsx index a6765732c064c..35137075befe4 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/dashboard_container.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/embeddable/dashboard_container.tsx @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import { METRIC_TYPE } from '@kbn/analytics'; import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; -import { ControlGroupApi, ControlGroupSerializedState } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/public'; +import { ControlGroupApi } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/public'; import type { KibanaExecutionContext, OverlayRef } from '@kbn/core/public'; import { RefreshInterval } from '@kbn/data-plugin/public'; import type { DataView } from '@kbn/data-views-plugin/public'; @@ -69,12 +69,8 @@ import { LocatorPublic } from '@kbn/share-plugin/common'; import { ExitFullScreenButtonKibanaProvider } from '@kbn/shared-ux-button-exit-full-screen'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTAINER_TYPE, DashboardApi, DashboardLocatorParams } from '../..'; -import { - DashboardAttributes, - DashboardContainerInput, - DashboardPanelMap, - DashboardPanelState, -} from '../../../common'; +import type { DashboardAttributes } from '../../../server/content_management'; +import { DashboardContainerInput, DashboardPanelMap, DashboardPanelState } from '../../../common'; import { getReferencesForControls, getReferencesForPanelId, @@ -887,15 +883,19 @@ export class DashboardContainer public getSerializedStateForControlGroup = () => { return { rawState: this.controlGroupInput - ? (this.controlGroupInput as ControlGroupSerializedState) - : ({ - controlStyle: 'oneLine', + ? this.controlGroupInput + : { + labelPosition: 'oneLine', chainingSystem: 'HIERARCHICAL', - showApplySelections: false, - panelsJSON: '{}', - ignoreParentSettingsJSON: - '{"ignoreFilters":false,"ignoreQuery":false,"ignoreTimerange":false,"ignoreValidations":false}', - } as ControlGroupSerializedState), + autoApplySelections: true, + controls: [], + ignoreParentSettings: { + ignoreFilters: false, + ignoreQuery: false, + ignoreTimerange: false, + ignoreValidations: false, + }, + }, references: getReferencesForControls(this.savedObjectReferences), }; }; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_clone_panel_strategy.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_clone_panel_strategy.ts index 8386df50717f3..bdf5a39df34b8 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_clone_panel_strategy.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_clone_panel_strategy.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { cloneDeep, forOwn } from 'lodash'; import { PanelNotFoundError } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public'; import { DashboardPanelState } from '../../../common'; -import { GridData } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import type { GridData } from '../../../server/content_management'; import { PanelPlacementProps, PanelPlacementReturn } from './types'; import { DASHBOARD_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT } from '../../dashboard_constants'; @@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ export function placeClonePanel({ for (let j = position + 1; j < grid.length; j++) { originalPositionInTheGrid = grid[j].i; - const movedPanel = cloneDeep(otherPanels[originalPositionInTheGrid]); - movedPanel.gridData.y = movedPanel.gridData.y + diff; - otherPanels[originalPositionInTheGrid] = movedPanel; + const { gridData, ...movedPanel } = cloneDeep(otherPanels[originalPositionInTheGrid]); + const newGridData = { ...gridData, y: gridData.y + diff }; + otherPanels[originalPositionInTheGrid] = { ...movedPanel, gridData: newGridData }; } return { newPanelPlacement: bottomPlacement.grid, otherPanels }; } diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_new_panel_strategies.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_new_panel_strategies.ts index 821a5e6eed1c3..a6c0aaba43467 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_new_panel_strategies.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/place_new_panel_strategies.ts @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ export const runPanelPlacementStrategy = ( case PanelPlacementStrategy.placeAtTop: const otherPanels = { ...currentPanels }; for (const [id, panel] of Object.entries(currentPanels)) { - const currentPanel = cloneDeep(panel); - currentPanel.gridData.y = currentPanel.gridData.y + height; - otherPanels[id] = currentPanel; + const { gridData, ...currentPanel } = cloneDeep(panel); + const newGridData = { ...gridData, y: gridData.y + height }; + otherPanels[id] = { ...currentPanel, gridData: newGridData }; } return { newPanelPlacement: { x: 0, y: 0, w: width, h: height }, diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/types.ts index df34a9158c11a..2dd826f9a5821 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/panel_placement/types.ts @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { EmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public'; import { MaybePromise } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import { DashboardPanelState } from '../../../common'; -import { GridData } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import type { GridData } from '../../../server/content_management'; import { PanelPlacementStrategy } from '../../dashboard_constants'; export interface PanelPlacementSettings { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/types.ts index f0b6ea2621abd..cf307924e00fe 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_container/types.ts @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import type { ReduxEmbeddableState } from '@kbn/presentation-util-plugin/public' import { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import { ControlGroupRuntimeState } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/public'; -import type { DashboardContainerInput, DashboardOptions } from '../../common'; -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardContainerInput } from '../../common'; +import type { DashboardOptions, DashboardPanel } from '../../server/content_management'; export interface UnsavedPanelState { [key: string]: object | undefined; @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export type DashboardLocatorParams = Partial< /** * List of dashboard panels */ - panels?: Array; // used SerializableRecord here to force the GridData type to be read as serializable + panels?: Array; // used SerializableRecord here to force the GridData type to be read as serializable /** * Control group changes diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/dashboard_unsaved_listing.tsx b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/dashboard_unsaved_listing.tsx index 0e23583801309..04f40a199e83b 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/dashboard_unsaved_listing.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/dashboard_unsaved_listing.tsx @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { ViewMode } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public'; -import { DashboardAttributes } from '../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardAttributes } from '../../server/content_management'; import { DASHBOARD_PANELS_UNSAVED_ID, getDashboardBackupService, diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/hooks/use_dashboard_listing_table.tsx b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/hooks/use_dashboard_listing_table.tsx index 31bfa88120a5e..6c8c8f11d6a13 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/hooks/use_dashboard_listing_table.tsx +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/dashboard_listing/hooks/use_dashboard_listing_table.tsx @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { reportPerformanceMetricEvent } from '@kbn/ebt-tools'; import { ViewMode } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public'; import { DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../common'; -import { DashboardItem } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardSearchOut } from '../../../server/content_management'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, SAVED_OBJECT_DELETE_TIME, @@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ type GetDetailViewLink = const SAVED_OBJECTS_LIMIT_SETTING = 'savedObjects:listingLimit'; const SAVED_OBJECTS_PER_PAGE_SETTING = 'savedObjects:perPage'; -const toTableListViewSavedObject = (hit: DashboardItem): DashboardSavedObjectUserContent => { +const toTableListViewSavedObject = ( + hit: DashboardSearchOut['hits'][number] +): DashboardSavedObjectUserContent => { const { title, description, timeRestore } = hit.attributes; return { type: 'dashboard', @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ const toTableListViewSavedObject = (hit: DashboardItem): DashboardSavedObjectUse createdAt: hit.createdAt, createdBy: hit.createdBy, updatedBy: hit.updatedBy, - references: hit.references, + references: hit.references ?? [], managed: hit.managed, attributes: { title, diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/dashboard_content_management_cache.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/dashboard_content_management_cache.ts index 1b54f9dda9eb4..e72e3f23fdaba 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/dashboard_content_management_cache.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/dashboard_content_management_cache.ts @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ */ import LRUCache from 'lru-cache'; -import { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardGetOut } from '../../../server/content_management'; import { DASHBOARD_CACHE_SIZE, DASHBOARD_CACHE_TTL } from '../../dashboard_constants'; export class DashboardContentManagementCache { - private cache: LRUCache; + private cache: LRUCache; constructor() { - this.cache = new LRUCache({ + this.cache = new LRUCache({ max: DASHBOARD_CACHE_SIZE, maxAge: DASHBOARD_CACHE_TTL, }); @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export class DashboardContentManagementCache { } /** Add the fetched dashboard to the cache */ - public addDashboard({ item: dashboard, meta }: DashboardCrudTypes['GetOut']) { + public addDashboard({ item: dashboard, meta }: DashboardGetOut) { this.cache.set(, { meta, item: dashboard, diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/check_for_duplicate_dashboard_title.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/check_for_duplicate_dashboard_title.ts index 0d12cb446129b..2865663dec3c0 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/check_for_duplicate_dashboard_title.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/check_for_duplicate_dashboard_title.ts @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ +import type { DashboardSearchIn, DashboardSearchOut } from '../../../../server/content_management'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; -import { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../../common/content_management'; import { extractTitleAndCount } from '../../../dashboard_container/embeddable/api/lib/extract_title_and_count'; import { contentManagementService } from '../../kibana_services'; @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ export async function checkForDuplicateDashboardTitle({ const [baseDashboardName] = extractTitleAndCount(title); const { hits } = await< - DashboardCrudTypes['SearchIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['SearchOut'] + DashboardSearchIn, + DashboardSearchOut >({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, query: { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/delete_dashboards.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/delete_dashboards.ts index 0be9355ddb606..976a5579b1988 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/delete_dashboards.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/delete_dashboards.ts @@ -7,18 +7,15 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { getDashboardContentManagementCache } from '..'; -import { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../../common/content_management'; +import type { DeleteIn, DeleteResult } from '@kbn/content-management-plugin/common'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; +import { getDashboardContentManagementCache } from '..'; import { contentManagementService } from '../../kibana_services'; export const deleteDashboards = async (ids: string[]) => { const deletePromises = => { getDashboardContentManagementCache().deleteDashboard(id); - return contentManagementService.client.delete< - DashboardCrudTypes['DeleteIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['DeleteOut'] - >({ + return contentManagementService.client.delete({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, id, }); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/find_dashboards.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/find_dashboards.ts index 2f9a2c2e9a033..4afdefb8d13e1 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/find_dashboards.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/find_dashboards.ts @@ -10,17 +10,20 @@ import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; import { SavedObjectError, SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference } from '@kbn/core/public'; -import { getDashboardContentManagementCache } from '..'; -import { +import type { DashboardAttributes, - DashboardCrudTypes, - DashboardItem, -} from '../../../../common/content_management'; + DashboardGetIn, + DashboardGetOut, + DashboardSearchIn, + DashboardSearchOut, + DashboardSearchOptions, +} from '../../../../server/content_management'; +import { getDashboardContentManagementCache } from '..'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; import { contentManagementService } from '../../kibana_services'; export interface SearchDashboardsArgs { - options?: DashboardCrudTypes['SearchIn']['options']; + options?: DashboardSearchOptions; hasNoReference?: SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference[]; hasReference?: SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference[]; search: string; @@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ export interface SearchDashboardsArgs { export interface SearchDashboardsResponse { total: number; - hits: DashboardItem[]; + hits: DashboardSearchOut['hits']; } export async function searchDashboards({ @@ -42,10 +45,7 @@ export async function searchDashboards({ const { hits, pagination: { total }, - } = await< - DashboardCrudTypes['SearchIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['SearchOut'] - >({ + } = await{ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, query: { text: search ? `${search}*` : undefined, @@ -84,10 +84,7 @@ export async function findDashboardById(id: string): Promise({ + const response = await contentManagementService.client.get({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, id, }); @@ -119,8 +116,8 @@ export async function findDashboardsByIds(ids: string[]): Promise { const { hits } = await< - DashboardCrudTypes['SearchIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['SearchOut'] + DashboardSearchIn, + DashboardSearchOut >({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, query: { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/load_dashboard_state.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/load_dashboard_state.ts index 17102e2fe7d0a..2694411ed001a 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/load_dashboard_state.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/load_dashboard_state.ts @@ -10,19 +10,15 @@ import { has } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; -import { injectSearchSourceReferences, parseSearchSourceJSON } from '@kbn/data-plugin/public'; +import { injectSearchSourceReferences } from '@kbn/data-plugin/public'; import { ViewMode } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public'; import { Filter, Query } from '@kbn/es-query'; import { SavedObjectNotFound } from '@kbn/kibana-utils-plugin/public'; import { cleanFiltersForSerialize } from '@kbn/presentation-util-plugin/public'; import { getDashboardContentManagementCache } from '..'; -import { - convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap, - injectReferences, - type DashboardOptions, -} from '../../../../common'; -import { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../../common/content_management'; +import { convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap, injectReferences } from '../../../../common'; +import type { DashboardGetIn, DashboardGetOut } from '../../../../server/content_management'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_INPUT } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; import { contentManagementService, @@ -30,7 +26,11 @@ import { embeddableService, savedObjectsTaggingService, } from '../../kibana_services'; -import type { LoadDashboardFromSavedObjectProps, LoadDashboardReturn } from '../types'; +import type { + DashboardSearchSource, + LoadDashboardFromSavedObjectProps, + LoadDashboardReturn, +} from '../types'; import { convertNumberToDashboardVersion } from './dashboard_versioning'; import { migrateDashboardInput } from './migrate_dashboard_input'; @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ /** * Load the saved object from Content Management */ - let rawDashboardContent: DashboardCrudTypes['GetOut']['item']; - let resolveMeta: DashboardCrudTypes['GetOut']['meta']; + let rawDashboardContent: DashboardGetOut['item']; + let resolveMeta: DashboardGetOut['meta']; const cachedDashboard = dashboardContentManagementCache.fetchDashboard(id); if (cachedDashboard) { @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ } else { /** Otherwise, fetch and load the dashboard from the content management client, and add it to the cache */ const result = await contentManagementService.client - .get({ + .get({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, id, }) @@ -127,14 +127,16 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ /** * Create search source and pull filters and query from it. */ - const searchSourceJSON = attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON; + let searchSourceValues = attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSource; const searchSource = await (async () => { - if (!searchSourceJSON) { + if (!searchSourceValues) { return await dataSearchService.searchSource.create(); } try { - let searchSourceValues = parseSearchSourceJSON(searchSourceJSON); - searchSourceValues = injectSearchSourceReferences(searchSourceValues as any, references); + searchSourceValues = injectSearchSourceReferences( + searchSourceValues as any, + references + ) as DashboardSearchSource; return await dataSearchService.searchSource.create(searchSourceValues); } catch (error: any) { return await dataSearchService.searchSource.create(); @@ -151,8 +153,8 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ refreshInterval, description, timeRestore, - optionsJSON, - panelsJSON, + options, + panels, timeFrom, version, timeTo, @@ -167,11 +169,7 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ } : undefined; - /** - * Parse panels and options from JSON - */ - const options: DashboardOptions = optionsJSON ? JSON.parse(optionsJSON) : undefined; - const panels = convertSavedPanelsToPanelMap(panelsJSON ? JSON.parse(panelsJSON) : []); + const panelMap = convertPanelsArrayToPanelMap(panels ?? []); const { dashboardInput, anyMigrationRun } = migrateDashboardInput({ ...DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_INPUT, @@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ description, timeRange, filters, - panels, + panels: panelMap, query, title, @@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ export const loadDashboardState = async ({ controlGroupInput: attributes.controlGroupInput, - version: convertNumberToDashboardVersion(version), + ...(version && { version: convertNumberToDashboardVersion(version) }), }); return { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.test.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.test.ts index 8327397a66068..7e35b0ec1c163 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.test.ts @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ describe('Save dashboard state', () => { currentState: { ...getSampleDashboardInput(), title: 'BooThree', - panels: { idOne: { type: 'boop' } }, + panels: { aVerySpecialVeryUniqueId: { type: 'boop' } }, } as unknown as DashboardContainerInput, lastSavedId: 'Boogatoonie', saveOptions: { saveAsCopy: true }, @@ -106,7 +106,11 @@ describe('Save dashboard state', () => { expect(contentManagementService.client.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ data: expect.objectContaining({ - panelsJSON: expect.not.stringContaining('neverGonnaGetThisId'), + panels: expect.arrayContaining([ + expect.objectContaining({ + panelIndex: expect.not.stringContaining('aVerySpecialVeryUniqueId'), + }), + ]), }), }) ); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.ts index 283ed5eed7f5b..27e6a53da1f9a 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/save_dashboard_state.ts @@ -13,9 +13,16 @@ import moment, { Moment } from 'moment'; import { extractSearchSourceReferences, RefreshInterval } from '@kbn/data-plugin/public'; import { isFilterPinned } from '@kbn/es-query'; +import type { SavedObjectReference } from '@kbn/core/server'; import { getDashboardContentManagementCache } from '..'; -import { convertPanelMapToSavedPanels, extractReferences } from '../../../../common'; -import { DashboardAttributes, DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../../common/content_management'; +import { convertPanelMapToPanelsArray, extractReferences } from '../../../../common'; +import type { + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardCreateIn, + DashboardCreateOut, + DashboardUpdateIn, + DashboardUpdateOut, +} from '../../../../server/content_management'; import { generateNewPanelIds } from '../../../../common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; import { LATEST_DASHBOARD_CONTAINER_VERSION } from '../../../dashboard_container'; @@ -28,7 +35,7 @@ import { embeddableService, savedObjectsTaggingService, } from '../../kibana_services'; -import { SaveDashboardProps, SaveDashboardReturn } from '../types'; +import { DashboardSearchSource, SaveDashboardProps, SaveDashboardReturn } from '../types'; import { convertDashboardVersionToNumber } from './dashboard_versioning'; export const convertTimeToUTCString = (time?: string | Moment): undefined | string => { @@ -88,33 +95,30 @@ export const saveDashboardState = async ({ // } - /** - * Stringify filters and query into search source JSON - */ - const { searchSourceJSON, searchSourceReferences } = await (async () => { - const searchSource = await dataSearchService.searchSource.create(); - searchSource.setField( + const { searchSource, searchSourceReferences } = await (async () => { + const searchSourceFields = await dataSearchService.searchSource.create(); + searchSourceFields.setField( 'filter', // save only unpinned filters filters.filter((filter) => !isFilterPinned(filter)) ); - searchSource.setField('query', query); - - const rawSearchSourceFields = searchSource.getSerializedFields(); - const [fields, references] = extractSearchSourceReferences(rawSearchSourceFields); - return { searchSourceReferences: references, searchSourceJSON: JSON.stringify(fields) }; + searchSourceFields.setField('query', query); + + const rawSearchSourceFields = searchSourceFields.getSerializedFields(); + const [fields, references] = extractSearchSourceReferences(rawSearchSourceFields) as [ + DashboardSearchSource, + SavedObjectReference[] + ]; + return { searchSourceReferences: references, searchSource: fields }; })(); - /** - * Stringify options and panels - */ - const optionsJSON = JSON.stringify({ + const options = { useMargins, syncColors, syncCursor, syncTooltips, hidePanelTitles, - }); - const panelsJSON = JSON.stringify(convertPanelMapToSavedPanels(panels, true)); + }; + const savedPanels = convertPanelMapToPanelsArray(panels, true); /** * Parse global time filter settings @@ -134,12 +138,12 @@ export const saveDashboardState = async ({ const rawDashboardAttributes: DashboardAttributes = { version: convertDashboardVersionToNumber(LATEST_DASHBOARD_CONTAINER_VERSION), controlGroupInput, - kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSourceJSON }, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSource }, description: description ?? '', refreshInterval, timeRestore, - optionsJSON, - panelsJSON, + options, + panels: savedPanels, timeFrom, title, timeTo, @@ -174,10 +178,7 @@ export const saveDashboardState = async ({ try { const result = idToSaveTo - ? await contentManagementService.client.update< - DashboardCrudTypes['UpdateIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['UpdateOut'] - >({ + ? await contentManagementService.client.update({ id: idToSaveTo, contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, data: attributes, @@ -187,10 +188,7 @@ export const saveDashboardState = async ({ mergeAttributes: false, }, }) - : await contentManagementService.client.create< - DashboardCrudTypes['CreateIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['CreateOut'] - >({ + : await contentManagementService.client.create({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, data: attributes, options: { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/update_dashboard_meta.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/update_dashboard_meta.ts index 2fd57738f17aa..90f31cfdc05c6 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/update_dashboard_meta.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/lib/update_dashboard_meta.ts @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../../common'; import { DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID } from '../../../dashboard_constants'; -import { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardUpdateIn, DashboardUpdateOut } from '../../../../server/content_management'; import { findDashboardsByIds } from './find_dashboards'; import { contentManagementService, savedObjectsTaggingService } from '../../kibana_services'; @@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ export const updateDashboardMeta = async ({ ? savedObjectsTaggingApi.ui.updateTagsReferences(dashboard.references, tags) : dashboard.references; - await contentManagementService.client.update< - DashboardCrudTypes['UpdateIn'], - DashboardCrudTypes['UpdateOut'] - >({ + await contentManagementService.client.update({ contentTypeId: DASHBOARD_CONTENT_ID, id, data: { title, description }, diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/types.ts index 3294bb06c0d42..0f4fe1c86a56d 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/dashboard_content_management_service/types.ts @@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ */ import type { Reference } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; +import type { Query, SerializedSearchSourceFields } from '@kbn/data-plugin/common'; import { ControlGroupRuntimeState } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/public'; import { SavedObjectSaveOpts } from '@kbn/saved-objects-plugin/public'; import { DashboardContainerInput } from '../../../common'; -import { DashboardAttributes, DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardAttributes, DashboardGetOut } from '../../../server/content_management'; import { DashboardDuplicateTitleCheckProps } from './lib/check_for_duplicate_dashboard_title'; import { FindDashboardsByIdResponse, @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ export interface LoadDashboardFromSavedObjectProps { id?: string; } -type DashboardResolveMeta = DashboardCrudTypes['GetOut']['meta']; +type DashboardResolveMeta = DashboardGetOut['meta']; export type SavedDashboardInput = DashboardContainerInput & { /** @@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ export type SavedDashboardInput = DashboardContainerInput & { controlGroupState?: Partial; }; +export type DashboardSearchSource = Omit & { + query?: Query; +}; + export interface LoadDashboardReturn { dashboardFound: boolean; newDashboardCreated?: boolean; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/mocks.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/mocks.ts index 255098ecd8196..c39c665ed55da 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/mocks.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/public/services/mocks.ts @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ import { urlForwardingPluginMock } from '@kbn/url-forwarding-plugin/public/mocks import { visualizationsPluginMock } from '@kbn/visualizations-plugin/public/mocks'; import { setKibanaServices } from './kibana_services'; -import { DashboardAttributes, DashboardCapabilities } from '../../common'; +import { DashboardAttributes } from '../../server/content_management'; +import { DashboardCapabilities } from '../../common'; import { LoadDashboardReturn } from './dashboard_content_management_service/types'; import { SearchDashboardsResponse } from './dashboard_content_management_service/lib/find_dashboards'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/constants.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/constants.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..458165d797869 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/constants.ts @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +export const PUBLIC_API_VERSION = '2023-10-31'; +export const PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION = 3; +export const PUBLIC_API_PATH = '/api/dashboards/dashboard'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v2/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/index.ts similarity index 80% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v2/index.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/index.ts index 66beda1385d00..ccf84609b2b10 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v2/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/index.ts @@ -7,8 +7,4 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export { - serviceDefinition, - dashboardSavedObjectSchema, - dashboardAttributesSchema, -} from './cm_services'; +export { registerAPIRoutes } from './register_routes'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/register_routes.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/register_routes.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..692942e1bd1bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/api/register_routes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import type { ContentManagementServerSetup } from '@kbn/content-management-plugin/server'; +import type { HttpServiceSetup } from '@kbn/core/server'; +import type { UsageCounter } from '@kbn/usage-collection-plugin/server'; +import type { Logger } from '@kbn/logging'; + +import { CONTENT_ID } from '../../common/content_management'; +import { + PUBLIC_API_PATH, + PUBLIC_API_VERSION, + PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION, +} from './constants'; +import { + dashboardAttributesSchema, + dashboardGetResultSchema, + dashboardCreateResultSchema, + dashboardSearchResultsSchema, + referenceSchema, +} from '../content_management/v3'; + +interface RegisterAPIRoutesArgs { + http: HttpServiceSetup; + contentManagement: ContentManagementServerSetup; + restCounter?: UsageCounter; + logger: Logger; +} + +const TECHNICAL_PREVIEW_WARNING = + 'This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.'; + +export function registerAPIRoutes({ + http, + contentManagement, + restCounter, + logger, +}: RegisterAPIRoutesArgs) { + const { versioned: versionedRouter } = http.createRouter(); + + // Create API route + const createRoute ={ + path: `${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/{id?}`, + access: 'public', + summary: 'Create a dashboard', + description: TECHNICAL_PREVIEW_WARNING, + options: { + tags: ['oas-tag:Dashboards'], + }, + }); + + createRoute.addVersion( + { + version: PUBLIC_API_VERSION, + validate: { + request: { + params: schema.object({ + id: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + }), + body: schema.object({ + attributes: dashboardAttributesSchema, + references: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(referenceSchema)), + spaces: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(schema.string())), + }), + }, + response: { + 200: { + body: () => dashboardCreateResultSchema, + }, + }, + }, + }, + async (ctx, req, res) => { + const { id } = req.params; + const { attributes, references, spaces: initialNamespaces } = req.body; + const client = contentManagement.contentClient + .getForRequest({ request: req, requestHandlerContext: ctx }) + .for(CONTENT_ID, PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION); + let result; + try { + ({ result } = await client.create(attributes, { + id, + references, + initialNamespaces, + })); + } catch (e) { + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 409) { + return res.conflict({ + body: { + message: `A dashboard with saved object ID ${id} already exists.`, + }, + }); + } + + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 403) { + return res.forbidden(); + } + + return res.badRequest(); + } + + return res.ok({ body: result }); + } + ); + + // Update API route + + const updateRoute = versionedRouter.put({ + path: `${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/{id}`, + access: 'public', + summary: `Update an existing dashboard.`, + description: TECHNICAL_PREVIEW_WARNING, + options: { + tags: ['oas-tag:Dashboards'], + }, + }); + + updateRoute.addVersion( + { + version: PUBLIC_API_VERSION, + validate: { + request: { + params: schema.object({ + id: schema.string(), + }), + body: schema.object({ + attributes: dashboardAttributesSchema, + references: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(referenceSchema)), + }), + }, + response: { + 200: { + body: () => dashboardCreateResultSchema, + }, + }, + }, + }, + async (ctx, req, res) => { + const { attributes, references } = req.body; + const client = contentManagement.contentClient + .getForRequest({ request: req, requestHandlerContext: ctx }) + .for(CONTENT_ID, PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION); + let result; + try { + ({ result } = await client.update(, attributes, { references })); + } catch (e) { + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 404) { + return res.notFound({ + body: { + message: `A dashboard with saved object ID ${} was not found.`, + }, + }); + } + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 403) { + return res.forbidden(); + } + return res.badRequest(e.message); + } + + return res.created({ body: result }); + } + ); + + // List API route + const listRoute = versionedRouter.get({ + path: `${PUBLIC_API_PATH}`, + access: 'public', + summary: `Get a list of dashboards.`, + description: TECHNICAL_PREVIEW_WARNING, + options: { + tags: ['oas-tag:Dashboards'], + }, + }); + + listRoute.addVersion( + { + version: PUBLIC_API_VERSION, + validate: { + request: { + query: schema.object({ + page: schema.number({ defaultValue: 1 }), + perPage: schema.maybe(schema.number()), + }), + }, + response: { + 200: { + body: () => + schema.object({ + items: schema.arrayOf(dashboardSearchResultsSchema), + total: schema.number(), + }), + }, + }, + }, + }, + async (ctx, req, res) => { + const { page, perPage: limit } = req.query; + const client = contentManagement.contentClient + .getForRequest({ request: req, requestHandlerContext: ctx }) + .for(CONTENT_ID, PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION); + let result; + try { + // TODO add filtering + ({ result } = await{ cursor: page.toString(), limit })); + } catch (e) { + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 403) { + return res.forbidden(); + } + + return res.badRequest(); + } + + const body = { + items: result.hits, + total:, + }; + return res.ok({ body }); + } + ); + + // Get API route + const getRoute = versionedRouter.get({ + path: `${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/{id}`, + access: 'public', + summary: `Get a dashboard.`, + description: TECHNICAL_PREVIEW_WARNING, + options: { + tags: ['oas-tag:Dashboards'], + }, + }); + + getRoute.addVersion( + { + version: PUBLIC_API_VERSION, + validate: { + request: { + params: schema.object({ + id: schema.string(), + }), + }, + response: { + 200: { + body: () => dashboardGetResultSchema, + }, + }, + }, + }, + async (ctx, req, res) => { + const client = contentManagement.contentClient + .getForRequest({ request: req, requestHandlerContext: ctx }) + .for(CONTENT_ID, PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION); + let result; + try { + ({ result } = await client.get(; + } catch (e) { + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 404) { + return res.notFound({ + body: { + message: `A dashboard with saved object ID ${}] was not found.`, + }, + }); + } + + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 403) { + return res.forbidden(); + } + + return res.badRequest(e.message); + } + + return res.ok({ body: result }); + } + ); + + // Delete API route + const deleteRoute = versionedRouter.delete({ + path: `${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/{id}`, + access: 'public', + summary: `Delete a dashboard.`, + description: TECHNICAL_PREVIEW_WARNING, + options: { + tags: ['oas-tag:Dashboards'], + }, + }); + + deleteRoute.addVersion( + { + version: PUBLIC_API_VERSION, + validate: { + request: { + params: schema.object({ + id: schema.string(), + }), + }, + }, + }, + async (ctx, req, res) => { + const client = contentManagement.contentClient + .getForRequest({ request: req, requestHandlerContext: ctx }) + .for(CONTENT_ID, PUBLIC_API_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_VERSION); + try { + await client.delete(; + } catch (e) { + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 404) { + return res.notFound({ + body: { + message: `A dashboard with saved object ID ${} was not found.`, + }, + }); + } + if (e.isBoom && e.output.statusCode === 403) { + return res.forbidden(); + } + return res.badRequest(); + } + + return res.ok(); + } + ); +} diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/cm_services.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/cm_services.ts similarity index 94% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/cm_services.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/cm_services.ts index 10fbbd7f44ba8..081d7ad8a39d4 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/cm_services.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/cm_services.ts @@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ import type { import { serviceDefinition as v1 } from './v1'; import { serviceDefinition as v2 } from './v2'; +import { serviceDefinition as v3 } from './v3'; export const cmServicesDefinition: { [version: Version]: ServicesDefinition } = { 1: v1, 2: v2, + 3: v3, }; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/dashboard_storage.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/dashboard_storage.ts index 248979032132a..e65002802989f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/dashboard_storage.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/dashboard_storage.ts @@ -7,23 +7,40 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { SOContentStorage, tagsToFindOptions } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; -import { SavedObjectsFindOptions } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; +import Boom from '@hapi/boom'; +import { tagsToFindOptions } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; +import { + SavedObjectsFindOptions, + SavedObjectsFindResult, +} from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; import type { Logger } from '@kbn/logging'; -import { CONTENT_ID } from '../../common/content_management'; -import { cmServicesDefinition } from './schema/cm_services'; -import type { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../common/content_management'; +import { CreateResult, DeleteResult, SearchQuery } from '@kbn/content-management-plugin/common'; +import { StorageContext } from '@kbn/content-management-plugin/server'; +import { DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE } from '../dashboard_saved_object'; +import { cmServicesDefinition } from './cm_services'; +import { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '../dashboard_saved_object'; +import { itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs, savedObjectToItem } from './latest'; +import type { + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardItem, + DashboardCreateOut, + DashboardCreateOptions, + DashboardGetOut, + DashboardSearchOut, + DashboardUpdateOptions, + DashboardUpdateOut, + DashboardSearchOptions, +} from './latest'; const searchArgsToSOFindOptions = ( - args: DashboardCrudTypes['SearchIn'] + query: SearchQuery, + options: DashboardSearchOptions ): SavedObjectsFindOptions => { - const { query, contentTypeId, options } = args; - return { - type: contentTypeId, + type: DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, searchFields: options?.onlyTitle ? ['title'] : ['title^3', 'description'], - fields: ['description', 'title', 'timeRestore'], + fields: options?.fields ?? ['title', 'description', 'timeRestore'], search: query.text, perPage: query.limit, page: query.cursor ? +query.cursor : undefined, @@ -32,7 +49,16 @@ const searchArgsToSOFindOptions = ( }; }; -export class DashboardStorage extends SOContentStorage { +const savedObjectClientFromRequest = async (ctx: StorageContext) => { + if (!ctx.requestHandlerContext) { + throw new Error('Storage context.requestHandlerContext missing.'); + } + + const { savedObjects } = await ctx.requestHandlerContext.core; + return savedObjects.client; +}; + +export class DashboardStorage { constructor({ logger, throwOnResultValidationError, @@ -40,26 +66,316 @@ export class DashboardStorage extends SOContentStorage { logger: Logger; throwOnResultValidationError: boolean; }) { - super({ - savedObjectType: CONTENT_ID, - cmServicesDefinition, - searchArgsToSOFindOptions, - enableMSearch: true, - allowedSavedObjectAttributes: [ - 'kibanaSavedObjectMeta', - 'controlGroupInput', - 'refreshInterval', - 'description', - 'timeRestore', - 'optionsJSON', - 'panelsJSON', - 'timeFrom', - 'version', - 'timeTo', - 'title', - ], - logger, - throwOnResultValidationError, - }); + this.logger = logger; + this.throwOnResultValidationError = throwOnResultValidationError ?? false; + this.mSearch = { + savedObjectType: DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, + additionalSearchFields: [], + toItemResult: (ctx: StorageContext, savedObject: SavedObjectsFindResult): DashboardItem => { + const transforms = ctx.utils.getTransforms(cmServicesDefinition); + + const { item, error: itemError } = savedObjectToItem( + savedObject as SavedObjectsFindResult, + false + ); + if (itemError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${itemError.message}`); + } + + const validationError = transforms.mSearch.out.result.validate(item); + if (validationError) { + if (this.throwOnResultValidationError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } else { + this.logger.warn(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } + } + + // Validate DB response and DOWN transform to the request version + const { value, error: resultError } = transforms.mSearch.out.result.down< + DashboardItem, + DashboardItem + >( + item, + undefined, // do not override version + { validate: false } // validation is done above + ); + + if (resultError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${resultError.message}`); + } + + return value; + }, + }; + } + + private logger: Logger; + private throwOnResultValidationError: boolean; + + mSearch: { + savedObjectType: string; + toItemResult: (ctx: StorageContext, savedObject: SavedObjectsFindResult) => DashboardItem; + additionalSearchFields?: string[]; + }; + + async get(ctx: StorageContext, id: string): Promise { + const transforms = ctx.utils.getTransforms(cmServicesDefinition); + const soClient = await savedObjectClientFromRequest(ctx); + + // Save data in DB + const { + saved_object: savedObject, + alias_purpose: aliasPurpose, + alias_target_id: aliasTargetId, + outcome, + } = await soClient.resolve(DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, id); + + const { item, error: itemError } = savedObjectToItem(savedObject, false); + if (itemError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${itemError.message}`); + } + + const response = { item, meta: { aliasPurpose, aliasTargetId, outcome } }; + + const validationError = transforms.get.out.result.validate(response); + if (validationError) { + if (this.throwOnResultValidationError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } else { + this.logger.warn(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } + } + + // Validate response and DOWN transform to the request version + const { value, error: resultError } = transforms.get.out.result.down< + DashboardGetOut, + DashboardGetOut + >( + response, + undefined, // do not override version + { validate: false } // validation is done above + ); + + if (resultError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${resultError.message}`); + } + + return value; + } + + async bulkGet(): Promise { + // Not implemented + throw new Error(`[bulkGet] has not been implemented. See DashboardStorage class.`); + } + + async create( + ctx: StorageContext, + data: DashboardAttributes, + options: DashboardCreateOptions + ): Promise { + const transforms = ctx.utils.getTransforms(cmServicesDefinition); + const soClient = await savedObjectClientFromRequest(ctx); + + // Validate input (data & options) & UP transform them to the latest version + const { value: dataToLatest, error: dataError } =< + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardAttributes + >(data); + if (dataError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid data. ${dataError.message}`); + } + + const { value: optionsToLatest, error: optionsError } =< + DashboardCreateOptions, + DashboardCreateOptions + >(options); + if (optionsError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid options. ${optionsError.message}`); + } + + const { attributes: soAttributes, error: attributesError } = + itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs(dataToLatest); + if (attributesError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid data. ${attributesError.message}`); + } + + // Save data in DB + const savedObject = await soClient.create( + DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, + soAttributes, + optionsToLatest + ); + + const { item, error: itemError } = savedObjectToItem(savedObject, false); + if (itemError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${itemError.message}`); + } + + const validationError = transforms.create.out.result.validate({ item }); + if (validationError) { + if (this.throwOnResultValidationError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } else { + this.logger.warn(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } + } + + // Validate DB response and DOWN transform to the request version + const { value, error: resultError } = transforms.create.out.result.down< + CreateResult + >( + { item }, + undefined, // do not override version + { validate: false } // validation is done above + ); + + if (resultError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${resultError.message}`); + } + + return value; + } + + async update( + ctx: StorageContext, + id: string, + data: DashboardAttributes, + options: DashboardUpdateOptions + ): Promise { + const transforms = ctx.utils.getTransforms(cmServicesDefinition); + const soClient = await savedObjectClientFromRequest(ctx); + + // Validate input (data & options) & UP transform them to the latest version + const { value: dataToLatest, error: dataError } =< + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardAttributes + >(data); + if (dataError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid data. ${dataError.message}`); + } + + const { value: optionsToLatest, error: optionsError } =< + DashboardUpdateOptions, + DashboardUpdateOptions + >(options); + if (optionsError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid options. ${optionsError.message}`); + } + + const { attributes: soAttributes, error: attributesError } = + itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs(dataToLatest); + if (attributesError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid data. ${attributesError.message}`); + } + + // Save data in DB + const partialSavedObject = await soClient.update( + DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, + id, + soAttributes, + optionsToLatest + ); + + const { item, error: itemError } = savedObjectToItem(partialSavedObject, true); + if (itemError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${itemError.message}`); + } + + const validationError = transforms.update.out.result.validate({ item }); + if (validationError) { + if (this.throwOnResultValidationError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } else { + this.logger.warn(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } + } + + // Validate DB response and DOWN transform to the request version + const { value, error: resultError } = transforms.update.out.result.down< + DashboardUpdateOut, + DashboardUpdateOut + >( + { item }, + undefined, // do not override version + { validate: false } // validation is done above + ); + + if (resultError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${resultError.message}`); + } + + return value; + } + + async delete( + ctx: StorageContext, + id: string, + // force is necessary to delete saved objects that exist in multiple namespaces + options?: { force: boolean } + ): Promise { + const soClient = await savedObjectClientFromRequest(ctx); + await soClient.delete(DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, id, { force: options?.force ?? false }); + return { success: true }; + } + + async search( + ctx: StorageContext, + query: SearchQuery, + options: DashboardSearchOptions + ): Promise { + const transforms = ctx.utils.getTransforms(cmServicesDefinition); + const soClient = await savedObjectClientFromRequest(ctx); + + // Validate and UP transform the options + const { value: optionsToLatest, error: optionsError } =< + DashboardSearchOptions, + DashboardSearchOptions + >(options); + if (optionsError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid payload. ${optionsError.message}`); + } + + const soQuery = searchArgsToSOFindOptions(query, optionsToLatest); + // Execute the query in the DB + const soResponse = await soClient.find(soQuery); + const hits = soResponse.saved_objects + .map((so) => { + const { item } = savedObjectToItem(so, false, soQuery.fields); + return item; + }) + // Ignore any saved objects that failed to convert to items. + .filter((item) => item !== null); + const response = { + hits, + pagination: { + total:, + }, + }; + + const validationError =; + if (validationError) { + if (this.throwOnResultValidationError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } else { + this.logger.warn(`Invalid response. ${validationError.message}`); + } + } + + // Validate the response and DOWN transform to the request version + const { value, error: resultError } =< + DashboardSearchOut, + DashboardSearchOut + >( + response, + undefined, // do not override version + { validate: false } // validation is done above + ); + + if (resultError) { + throw Boom.badRequest(`Invalid response. ${resultError.message}`); + } + + return value; } } diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/index.ts index 6539241912671..8ff43345aa9ce 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/index.ts @@ -7,4 +7,24 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ +export type { + ControlGroupAttributes, + GridData, + DashboardPanel, + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardItem, + DashboardGetIn, + DashboardGetOut, + DashboardCreateIn, + DashboardCreateOut, + DashboardCreateOptions, + DashboardSearchIn, + DashboardSearchOut, + DashboardSearchOptions, + DashboardUpdateIn, + DashboardUpdateOut, + DashboardUpdateOptions, + DashboardOptions, +} from './latest'; + export { DashboardStorage } from './dashboard_storage'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/latest.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/latest.ts similarity index 91% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/latest.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/latest.ts index 82b84de84f8bf..e35d4011f84f0 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/content_management/latest.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/latest.ts @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -// Latest version is 2 -export * from './v2'; +// Latest version is 3 +export * from './v3'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v1/cm_services.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v1/cm_services.ts similarity index 61% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v1/cm_services.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v1/cm_services.ts index f54cf0add822a..0cee0bb23f450 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v1/cm_services.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v1/cm_services.ts @@ -16,51 +16,7 @@ import { updateOptionsSchema, createResultSchema, } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; - -export const controlGroupInputSchema = schema - .object({ - panelsJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - controlStyle: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - chainingSystem: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - ignoreParentSettingsJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - }) - .extends({}, { unknowns: 'ignore' }); - -export const dashboardAttributesSchema = schema.object( - { - // General - title: schema.string(), - description: schema.string({ defaultValue: '' }), - - // Search - kibanaSavedObjectMeta: schema.object({ - searchSourceJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - }), - - // Time - timeRestore: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), - timeFrom: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - timeTo: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - refreshInterval: schema.maybe( - schema.object({ - pause: schema.boolean(), - value: schema.number(), - display: schema.maybe(schema.string()), - section: schema.maybe(schema.number()), - }) - ), - - // Dashboard Content - controlGroupInput: schema.maybe(controlGroupInputSchema), - panelsJSON: schema.string({ defaultValue: '[]' }), - optionsJSON: schema.string({ defaultValue: '{}' }), - - // Legacy - hits: schema.maybe(schema.number()), - version: schema.maybe(schema.number()), - }, - { unknowns: 'forbid' } -); +import { dashboardAttributesSchema } from '../../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1'; export const dashboardSavedObjectSchema = savedObjectSchema(dashboardAttributesSchema); @@ -84,8 +40,10 @@ const dashboardUpdateOptionsSchema = schema.object({ mergeAttributes: schema.maybe(updateOptionsSchema.mergeAttributes), }); -// Content management service definition. -// We need it for BWC support between different versions of the content +/** + * Content management service definition v1. + * Dashboard attributes in content management version v1 are tightly coupled with the v1 model version saved object schema. + */ export const serviceDefinition: ServicesDefinition = { get: { out: { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v1/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v1/index.ts similarity index 77% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v1/index.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v1/index.ts index c26552457e5f9..163b952218bc8 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v1/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v1/index.ts @@ -7,9 +7,4 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export { - serviceDefinition, - dashboardSavedObjectSchema, - controlGroupInputSchema, - dashboardAttributesSchema, -} from './cm_services'; +export { serviceDefinition } from './cm_services'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v2/cm_services.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/cm_services.ts similarity index 70% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v2/cm_services.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/cm_services.ts index 9e81945e4c718..3b560b8416731 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/schema/v2/cm_services.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/cm_services.ts @@ -7,36 +7,23 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema'; import { createResultSchema, objectTypeToGetResultSchema, savedObjectSchema, } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; import type { ContentManagementServicesDefinition as ServicesDefinition } from '@kbn/object-versioning'; -import { - controlGroupInputSchema as controlGroupInputSchemaV1, - dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardAttributesSchemaV1, - serviceDefinition as serviceDefinitionV1, -} from '../v1'; - -export const dashboardAttributesSchema = dashboardAttributesSchemaV1.extends( - { - controlGroupInput: schema.maybe( - controlGroupInputSchemaV1.extends( - { - showApplySelections: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), - }, - { unknowns: 'ignore' } - ) - ), - }, - { unknowns: 'ignore' } -); +import type { DashboardCrudTypes } from '../../../common/content_management/v2'; +import { serviceDefinition as serviceDefinitionV1 } from '../v1'; +import { dashboardAttributesOut as attributesTov3 } from '../v3'; +import { dashboardAttributesSchema } from '../../dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2'; export const dashboardSavedObjectSchema = savedObjectSchema(dashboardAttributesSchema); -// Content management service definition. +/** + * Content management service definition v2. + * Dashboard attributes in content management version v2 are tightly coupled with the v2 model version saved object schema. + */ export const serviceDefinition: ServicesDefinition = { get: { out: { @@ -50,6 +37,7 @@ export const serviceDefinition: ServicesDefinition = { ...serviceDefinitionV1?.create?.in, data: { schema: dashboardAttributesSchema, + up: (data: DashboardCrudTypes['CreateIn']['data']) => attributesTov3(data), }, }, out: { @@ -63,6 +51,7 @@ export const serviceDefinition: ServicesDefinition = { ...serviceDefinitionV1.update?.in, data: { schema: dashboardAttributesSchema, + up: (data: DashboardCrudTypes['UpdateIn']['data']) => attributesTov3(data), }, }, }, diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..163b952218bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v2/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +export { serviceDefinition } from './cm_services'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/cm_services.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/cm_services.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e086d1cc1460a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/cm_services.ts @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; +import { schema, Type } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { createOptionsSchemas, updateOptionsSchema } from '@kbn/content-management-utils'; +import type { ContentManagementServicesDefinition as ServicesDefinition } from '@kbn/object-versioning'; +import { + type ControlGroupChainingSystem, + type ControlLabelPosition, + type ControlWidth, + CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS, + CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS, + CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, +} from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; +import { FilterStateStore } from '@kbn/es-query'; +import { SortDirection } from '@kbn/data-plugin/common/search'; +import { + DASHBOARD_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT, + DEFAULT_PANEL_HEIGHT, + DEFAULT_PANEL_WIDTH, + DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS, +} from '../../../common/content_management'; +import { getResultV3ToV2 } from './transform_utils'; + +const apiError = schema.object({ + error: schema.string(), + message: schema.string(), + statusCode: schema.number(), + metadata: schema.maybe(schema.object({}, { unknowns: 'allow' })), +}); + +// This schema should be provided by the controls plugin. Perhaps we can resolve this with the embeddable registry. +// See +export const controlGroupInputSchema = schema.object({ + controls: schema.arrayOf( + schema.object( + { + type: schema.string({ meta: { description: 'The type of the control panel.' } }), + controlConfig: schema.maybe(schema.recordOf(schema.string(), schema.any())), + id: schema.string({ + defaultValue: uuidv4(), + meta: { description: 'The unique ID of the control.' }, + }), + order: schema.number({ + meta: { + description: 'The order of the control panel in the control group.', + }, + }), + width: schema.oneOf( + Object.values(CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS).map((value) => schema.literal(value)) as [ + Type + ], + { + defaultValue: DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + meta: { description: 'Minimum width of the control panel in the control group.' }, + } + ), + grow: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, + meta: { description: 'Expand width of the control panel to fit available space.' }, + }), + }, + { unknowns: 'allow' } + ), + { + defaultValue: [], + meta: { description: 'An array of control panels and their state in the control group.' }, + } + ), + labelPosition: schema.oneOf( + Object.values(CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION_OPTIONS).map((value) => schema.literal(value)) as [ + Type + ], + { + defaultValue: DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + meta: { + description: 'Position of the labels for controls. For example, "oneLine", "twoLine".', + }, + } + ), + chainingSystem: schema.oneOf( + Object.values(CONTROL_CHAINING_OPTIONS).map((value) => schema.literal(value)) as [ + Type + ], + { + defaultValue: DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + meta: { + description: + 'The chaining strategy for multiple controls. For example, "HIERARCHICAL" or "NONE".', + }, + } + ), + enhancements: schema.maybe(schema.recordOf(schema.string(), schema.any())), + ignoreParentSettings: schema.object({ + ignoreFilters: schema.boolean({ + meta: { description: 'Ignore global filters in controls.' }, + defaultValue: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreFilters, + }), + ignoreQuery: schema.boolean({ + meta: { description: 'Ignore the global query bar in controls.' }, + defaultValue: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreQuery, + }), + ignoreTimerange: schema.boolean({ + meta: { description: 'Ignore the global time range in controls.' }, + defaultValue: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreTimerange, + }), + ignoreValidations: schema.boolean({ + meta: { description: 'Ignore validations in controls.' }, + defaultValue: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreValidations, + }), + }), + autoApplySelections: schema.boolean({ + meta: { description: 'Show apply selections button in controls.' }, + defaultValue: DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + }), +}); + +const searchSourceSchema = schema.object( + { + type: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + query: schema.maybe( + schema.object({ + query: schema.oneOf([ + schema.string({ + meta: { + description: + 'A text-based query such as Kibana Query Language (KQL) or Lucene query language.', + }, + }), + schema.recordOf(schema.string(), schema.any()), + ]), + language: schema.string({ + meta: { description: 'The query language such as KQL or Lucene.' }, + }), + }) + ), + filter: schema.maybe( + schema.arrayOf( + schema.object( + { + meta: schema.object( + { + alias: schema.maybe(schema.nullable(schema.string())), + disabled: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + negate: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + controlledBy: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + group: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + index: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + isMultiIndex: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + type: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + key: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + params: schema.maybe(schema.any()), + value: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + field: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + }, + { unknowns: 'allow' } + ), + query: schema.maybe(schema.recordOf(schema.string(), schema.any())), + $state: schema.maybe( + schema.object({ + store: schema.oneOf( + [ + schema.literal(FilterStateStore.APP_STATE), + schema.literal(FilterStateStore.GLOBAL_STATE), + ], + { + meta: { + description: + "Denote whether a filter is specific to an application's context (e.g. 'appState') or whether it should be applied globally (e.g. 'globalState').", + }, + } + ), + }) + ), + }, + { meta: { description: 'A filter for the search source.' } } + ) + ) + ), + sort: schema.maybe( + schema.arrayOf( + schema.recordOf( + schema.string(), + schema.oneOf([ + schema.oneOf([schema.literal(SortDirection.asc), schema.literal(SortDirection.desc)]), + schema.object({ + order: schema.oneOf([ + schema.literal(SortDirection.asc), + schema.literal(SortDirection.desc), + ]), + format: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + }), + schema.object({ + order: schema.oneOf([ + schema.literal(SortDirection.asc), + schema.literal(SortDirection.desc), + ]), + numeric_type: schema.maybe( + schema.oneOf([ + schema.literal('double'), + schema.literal('long'), + schema.literal('date'), + schema.literal('date_nanos'), + ]) + ), + }), + ]) + ) + ) + ), + }, + /** + The Dashboard _should_ only ever uses the query and filters fields on the search + source. But we should be liberal in what we accept, so we allow unknowns. + */ + { defaultValue: {}, unknowns: 'allow' } +); + +export const gridDataSchema = schema.object({ + x: schema.number({ meta: { description: 'The x coordinate of the panel in grid units' } }), + y: schema.number({ meta: { description: 'The y coordinate of the panel in grid units' } }), + w: schema.number({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_PANEL_WIDTH, + min: 1, + max: DASHBOARD_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT, + meta: { description: 'The width of the panel in grid units' }, + }), + h: schema.number({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_PANEL_HEIGHT, + min: 1, + meta: { description: 'The height of the panel in grid units' }, + }), + i: schema.string({ + meta: { description: 'The unique identifier of the panel' }, + defaultValue: uuidv4(), + }), +}); + +export const panelSchema = schema.object({ + panelConfig: schema.object( + { + version: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ + meta: { description: 'The version of the embeddable in the panel.' }, + }) + ), + title: schema.maybe(schema.string({ meta: { description: 'The title of the panel' } })), + description: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ meta: { description: 'The description of the panel' } }) + ), + savedObjectId: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ + meta: { description: 'The unique id of the library item to construct the embeddable.' }, + }) + ), + hidePanelTitles: schema.maybe( + schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: false, + meta: { description: 'Set to true to hide the panel title in its container.' }, + }) + ), + enhancements: schema.maybe(schema.recordOf(schema.string(), schema.any())), + }, + { + unknowns: 'allow', + } + ), + id: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ meta: { description: 'The saved object id for by reference panels' } }) + ), + type: schema.string({ meta: { description: 'The embeddable type' } }), + panelRefName: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + gridData: gridDataSchema, + panelIndex: schema.string({ + meta: { description: 'The unique ID of the panel.' }, + defaultValue: schema.siblingRef('gridData.i'), + }), + title: schema.maybe(schema.string({ meta: { description: 'The title of the panel' } })), + version: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ + meta: { + description: + "The version was used to store Kibana version information from versions 7.3.0 -> 8.11.0. As of version 8.11.0, the versioning information is now per-embeddable-type and is stored on the embeddable's input. (panelConfig in this type).", + deprecated: true, + }, + }) + ), +}); + +export const optionsSchema = schema.object({ + hidePanelTitles: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.hidePanelTitles, + meta: { description: 'Hide the panel titles in the dashboard.' }, + }), + useMargins: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.useMargins, + meta: { description: 'Show margins between panels in the dashboard layout.' }, + }), + syncColors: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.syncColors, + meta: { description: 'Synchronize colors between related panels in the dashboard.' }, + }), + syncTooltips: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.syncTooltips, + meta: { description: 'Synchronize tooltips between related panels in the dashboard.' }, + }), + syncCursor: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.syncCursor, + meta: { description: 'Synchronize cursor position between related panels in the dashboard.' }, + }), +}); + +// These are the attributes that are returned in search results +export const searchResultsAttributesSchema = schema.object({ + title: schema.string({ meta: { description: 'A human-readable title for the dashboard' } }), + description: schema.string({ defaultValue: '', meta: { description: 'A short description.' } }), + timeRestore: schema.boolean({ + defaultValue: false, + meta: { description: 'Whether to restore time upon viewing this dashboard' }, + }), +}); + +export const dashboardAttributesSchema = searchResultsAttributesSchema.extends({ + // Search + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: schema.object( + { + searchSource: schema.maybe(searchSourceSchema), + }, + { + meta: { + description: 'A container for various metadata', + }, + defaultValue: {}, + } + ), + // Time + timeFrom: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ meta: { description: 'An ISO string indicating when to restore time from' } }) + ), + timeTo: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ meta: { description: 'An ISO string indicating when to restore time from' } }) + ), + refreshInterval: schema.maybe( + schema.object( + { + pause: schema.boolean({ + meta: { + description: + 'Whether the refresh interval is set to be paused while viewing the dashboard.', + }, + }), + value: schema.number({ + meta: { + description: 'A numeric value indicating refresh frequency in milliseconds.', + }, + }), + display: schema.maybe( + schema.string({ + meta: { + description: + 'A human-readable string indicating the refresh frequency. No longer used.', + deprecated: true, + }, + }) + ), + section: schema.maybe( + schema.number({ + meta: { + description: 'No longer used.', // TODO what is this legacy property? + deprecated: true, + }, + }) + ), + }, + { + meta: { + description: 'A container for various refresh interval settings', + }, + } + ) + ), + + // Dashboard Content + controlGroupInput: schema.maybe(controlGroupInputSchema), + panels: schema.arrayOf(panelSchema, { defaultValue: [] }), + options: optionsSchema, + version: schema.maybe(schema.number({ meta: { deprecated: true } })), +}); + +export const referenceSchema = schema.object( + { + name: schema.string(), + type: schema.string(), + id: schema.string(), + }, + { unknowns: 'forbid' } +); + +export const dashboardItemSchema = schema.object( + { + id: schema.string(), + type: schema.string(), + version: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + createdAt: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + updatedAt: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + createdBy: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + updatedBy: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + managed: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + error: schema.maybe(apiError), + attributes: dashboardAttributesSchema, + references: schema.arrayOf(referenceSchema), + namespaces: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(schema.string())), + originId: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + }, + { unknowns: 'allow' } +); + +export const dashboardSearchResultsSchema = dashboardItemSchema.extends({ + attributes: searchResultsAttributesSchema, +}); + +export const dashboardSearchOptionsSchema = schema.maybe( + schema.object( + { + onlyTitle: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + fields: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(schema.string())), + kuery: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + cursor: schema.maybe(schema.number()), + limit: schema.maybe(schema.number()), + }, + { unknowns: 'forbid' } + ) +); + +export const dashboardCreateOptionsSchema = schema.object({ + id: schema.maybe(, + overwrite: schema.maybe(createOptionsSchemas.overwrite), + references: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(referenceSchema)), + initialNamespaces: schema.maybe(createOptionsSchemas.initialNamespaces), +}); + +export const dashboardUpdateOptionsSchema = schema.object({ + references: schema.maybe(schema.arrayOf(referenceSchema)), + mergeAttributes: schema.maybe(updateOptionsSchema.mergeAttributes), +}); + +export const dashboardGetResultSchema = schema.object( + { + item: dashboardItemSchema, + meta: schema.object( + { + outcome: schema.oneOf([ + schema.literal('exactMatch'), + schema.literal('aliasMatch'), + schema.literal('conflict'), + ]), + aliasTargetId: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + aliasPurpose: schema.maybe( + schema.oneOf([ + schema.literal('savedObjectConversion'), + schema.literal('savedObjectImport'), + ]) + ), + }, + { unknowns: 'forbid' } + ), + }, + { unknowns: 'forbid' } +); + +export const dashboardCreateResultSchema = schema.object( + { + item: dashboardItemSchema, + }, + { unknowns: 'forbid' } +); + +export const serviceDefinition: ServicesDefinition = { + get: { + out: { + result: { + schema: dashboardGetResultSchema, + down: getResultV3ToV2, + }, + }, + }, + create: { + in: { + options: { + schema: dashboardCreateOptionsSchema, + }, + data: { + schema: dashboardAttributesSchema, + }, + }, + out: { + result: { + schema: dashboardCreateResultSchema, + }, + }, + }, + update: { + in: { + options: { + schema: dashboardUpdateOptionsSchema, + }, + data: { + schema: dashboardAttributesSchema, + }, + }, + }, + search: { + in: { + options: { + schema: dashboardSearchOptionsSchema, + }, + }, + }, + mSearch: { + out: { + result: { + schema: dashboardItemSchema, + }, + }, + }, +}; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7be9313c3210e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +export type { + ControlGroupAttributes, + GridData, + DashboardPanel, + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardItem, + DashboardGetIn, + DashboardGetOut, + DashboardCreateIn, + DashboardCreateOut, + DashboardCreateOptions, + DashboardSearchIn, + DashboardSearchOut, + DashboardSearchOptions, + DashboardUpdateIn, + DashboardUpdateOut, + DashboardUpdateOptions, + DashboardOptions, +} from './types'; +export { + serviceDefinition, + dashboardAttributesSchema, + dashboardGetResultSchema, + dashboardCreateResultSchema, + dashboardItemSchema, + dashboardSearchResultsSchema, + referenceSchema, +} from './cm_services'; +export { + dashboardAttributesOut, + itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs, + savedObjectToItem, +} from './transform_utils'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.test.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..627f1c4211033 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import type { SavedObject } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; +import type { + DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, + SavedDashboardPanel, +} from '../../dashboard_saved_object'; +import type { DashboardAttributes, DashboardItem } from './types'; +import { + dashboardAttributesOut, + getResultV3ToV2, + itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs, + savedObjectToItem, +} from './transform_utils'; +import { + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, + ControlLabelPosition, + ControlGroupChainingSystem, + ControlWidth, +} from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; +import { DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS } from '../../../common/content_management'; + +describe('dashboardAttributesOut', () => { + const controlGroupInputControlsSo = { + explicitInput: { anyKey: 'some value' }, + type: 'type1', + order: 0, + }; + + const panelsSo: SavedDashboardPanel[] = [ + { + embeddableConfig: { enhancements: {} }, + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, i: '1' }, + id: '1', + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'ref1', + title: 'title1', + type: 'type1', + version: '2', + }, + ]; + + it('should set default values if not provided', () => { + const input: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes = { + controlGroupInput: { + panelsJSON: JSON.stringify({ foo: controlGroupInputControlsSo }), + }, + panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(panelsSo), + optionsJSON: JSON.stringify({ + hidePanelTitles: false, + }), + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: {}, + title: 'my title', + description: 'my description', + }; + expect(dashboardAttributesOut(input)).toEqual({ + controlGroupInput: { + chainingSystem: DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + labelPosition: DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + ignoreParentSettings: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, + autoApplySelections: DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + controls: [ + { + controlConfig: { anyKey: 'some value' }, + grow: DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, + id: 'foo', + order: 0, + type: 'type1', + width: DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + }, + ], + }, + description: 'my description', + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: {}, + options: { + ...DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS, + hidePanelTitles: false, + }, + panels: [ + { + panelConfig: { enhancements: {} }, + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, i: '1' }, + id: '1', + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'ref1', + title: 'title1', + type: 'type1', + version: '2', + }, + ], + timeRestore: false, + title: 'my title', + }); + }); + + it('should transform full attributes correctly', () => { + const input: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes = { + controlGroupInput: { + panelsJSON: JSON.stringify({ + foo: { + ...controlGroupInputControlsSo, + grow: false, + width: 'small', + }, + }), + ignoreParentSettingsJSON: JSON.stringify({ ignoreFilters: true }), + controlStyle: 'twoLine', + chainingSystem: 'NONE', + showApplySelections: true, + }, + description: 'description', + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { + searchSourceJSON: JSON.stringify({ query: { query: 'test', language: 'KQL' } }), + }, + optionsJSON: JSON.stringify({ + hidePanelTitles: true, + useMargins: false, + syncColors: false, + syncTooltips: false, + syncCursor: false, + }), + panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(panelsSo), + refreshInterval: { pause: true, value: 1000 }, + timeFrom: 'now-15m', + timeRestore: true, + timeTo: 'now', + title: 'title', + }; + expect(dashboardAttributesOut(input)).toEqual({ + controlGroupInput: { + chainingSystem: 'NONE', + labelPosition: 'twoLine', + ignoreParentSettings: { + ignoreFilters: true, + ignoreQuery: false, + ignoreTimerange: false, + ignoreValidations: false, + }, + autoApplySelections: false, + controls: [ + { + controlConfig: { + anyKey: 'some value', + }, + id: 'foo', + grow: false, + width: 'small', + order: 0, + type: 'type1', + }, + ], + }, + description: 'description', + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { + searchSource: { query: { query: 'test', language: 'KQL' } }, + }, + options: { + hidePanelTitles: true, + useMargins: false, + syncColors: false, + syncTooltips: false, + syncCursor: false, + }, + panels: [ + { + panelConfig: { + enhancements: {}, + }, + gridData: { + x: 0, + y: 0, + w: 10, + h: 10, + i: '1', + }, + id: '1', + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'ref1', + title: 'title1', + type: 'type1', + version: '2', + }, + ], + refreshInterval: { + pause: true, + value: 1000, + }, + timeFrom: 'now-15m', + timeRestore: true, + timeTo: 'now', + title: 'title', + }); + }); +}); + +describe('itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs', () => { + it('should transform item attributes to saved object attributes correctly', () => { + const input: DashboardAttributes = { + controlGroupInput: { + chainingSystem: 'NONE', + labelPosition: 'twoLine', + controls: [ + { + controlConfig: { anyKey: 'some value' }, + grow: false, + id: 'foo', + order: 0, + type: 'type1', + width: 'small', + }, + ], + ignoreParentSettings: { + ignoreFilters: true, + ignoreQuery: true, + ignoreTimerange: true, + ignoreValidations: true, + }, + autoApplySelections: false, + }, + description: 'description', + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSource: { query: { query: 'test', language: 'KQL' } } }, + options: { + hidePanelTitles: true, + useMargins: false, + syncColors: false, + syncTooltips: false, + syncCursor: false, + }, + panels: [ + { + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, i: '1' }, + id: '1', + panelConfig: { enhancements: {} }, + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'ref1', + title: 'title1', + type: 'type1', + version: '2', + }, + ], + timeRestore: true, + title: 'title', + refreshInterval: { pause: true, value: 1000 }, + timeFrom: 'now-15m', + timeTo: 'now', + }; + + const output = itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs(input); + expect(output).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` + Object { + "attributes": Object { + "controlGroupInput": Object { + "chainingSystem": "NONE", + "controlStyle": "twoLine", + "ignoreParentSettingsJSON": "{\\"ignoreFilters\\":true,\\"ignoreQuery\\":true,\\"ignoreTimerange\\":true,\\"ignoreValidations\\":true}", + "panelsJSON": "{\\"foo\\":{\\"grow\\":false,\\"order\\":0,\\"type\\":\\"type1\\",\\"width\\":\\"small\\",\\"explicitInput\\":{\\"anyKey\\":\\"some value\\",\\"id\\":\\"foo\\"}}}", + "showApplySelections": true, + }, + "description": "description", + "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { + "searchSourceJSON": "{\\"query\\":{\\"query\\":\\"test\\",\\"language\\":\\"KQL\\"}}", + }, + "optionsJSON": "{\\"hidePanelTitles\\":true,\\"useMargins\\":false,\\"syncColors\\":false,\\"syncTooltips\\":false,\\"syncCursor\\":false}", + "panelsJSON": "[{\\"id\\":\\"1\\",\\"panelRefName\\":\\"ref1\\",\\"title\\":\\"title1\\",\\"type\\":\\"type1\\",\\"version\\":\\"2\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{\\"enhancements\\":{}},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"1\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":0,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":10,\\"h\\":10,\\"i\\":\\"1\\"}}]", + "refreshInterval": Object { + "pause": true, + "value": 1000, + }, + "timeFrom": "now-15m", + "timeRestore": true, + "timeTo": "now", + "title": "title", + }, + "error": null, + } + `); + }); + + it('should handle missing optional attributes', () => { + const input: DashboardAttributes = { + title: 'title', + description: 'my description', + timeRestore: false, + panels: [], + options: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: {}, + }; + + const output = itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs(input); + expect(output).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` + Object { + "attributes": Object { + "description": "my description", + "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { + "searchSourceJSON": "{}", + }, + "optionsJSON": "{\\"hidePanelTitles\\":false,\\"useMargins\\":true,\\"syncColors\\":true,\\"syncCursor\\":true,\\"syncTooltips\\":true}", + "panelsJSON": "[]", + "timeRestore": false, + "title": "title", + }, + "error": null, + } + `); + }); +}); + +describe('savedObjectToItem', () => { + const commonSavedObject: SavedObject = { + references: [], + id: '3d8459d9-0f1a-403d-aa82-6d93713a54b5', + type: 'dashboard', + attributes: {}, + }; + + const getSavedObjectForAttributes = ( + attributes: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes + ): SavedObject => { + return { + ...commonSavedObject, + attributes, + }; + }; + it('should convert saved object to item with all attributes', () => { + const input = getSavedObjectForAttributes({ + title: 'title', + description: 'description', + timeRestore: true, + panelsJSON: JSON.stringify([ + { + embeddableConfig: { enhancements: {} }, + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, i: '1' }, + id: '1', + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'ref1', + title: 'title1', + type: 'type1', + version: '2', + }, + ]), + optionsJSON: JSON.stringify({ + hidePanelTitles: true, + useMargins: false, + syncColors: false, + syncTooltips: false, + syncCursor: false, + }), + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { + searchSourceJSON: '{"query":{"query":"test","language":"KQL"}}', + }, + }); + + const { item, error } = savedObjectToItem(input, false); + expect(error).toBeNull(); + expect(item).toEqual({ + ...commonSavedObject, + attributes: { + title: 'title', + description: 'description', + timeRestore: true, + panels: [ + { + panelConfig: { enhancements: {} }, + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, i: '1' }, + id: '1', + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'ref1', + title: 'title1', + type: 'type1', + version: '2', + }, + ], + options: { + hidePanelTitles: true, + useMargins: false, + syncColors: false, + syncTooltips: false, + syncCursor: false, + }, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { + searchSource: { query: { query: 'test', language: 'KQL' } }, + }, + }, + }); + }); + + it('should handle missing optional attributes', () => { + const input = getSavedObjectForAttributes({ + title: 'title', + description: 'description', + timeRestore: false, + panelsJSON: '[]', + optionsJSON: '{}', + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: {}, + }); + + const { item, error } = savedObjectToItem(input, false); + expect(error).toBeNull(); + expect(item).toEqual({ + ...commonSavedObject, + attributes: { + title: 'title', + description: 'description', + timeRestore: false, + panels: [], + options: DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: {}, + }, + }); + }); + + it('should handle partial saved object', () => { + const input = { + ...commonSavedObject, + references: undefined, + attributes: { + title: 'title', + description: 'my description', + timeRestore: false, + }, + }; + + const { item, error } = savedObjectToItem(input, true, ['title', 'description']); + expect(error).toBeNull(); + expect(item).toEqual({ + ...commonSavedObject, + references: undefined, + attributes: { + title: 'title', + description: 'my description', + }, + }); + }); + + it('should return an error if attributes can not be parsed', () => { + const input = { + ...commonSavedObject, + references: undefined, + attributes: { + title: 'title', + panelsJSON: 'not stringified json', + }, + }; + const { item, error } = savedObjectToItem(input, true); + expect(item).toBeNull(); + expect(error).not.toBe(null); + }); +}); + +describe('getResultV3ToV2', () => { + const commonAttributes = { + description: 'description', + refreshInterval: { pause: true, value: 1000 }, + timeFrom: 'now-15m', + timeRestore: true, + timeTo: 'now', + title: 'title', + }; + it('should transform a v3 result to a v2 result with all attributes', () => { + const v3Result = { + meta: { outcome: 'exactMatch' as const }, + item: { + id: '1', + type: 'dashboard', + attributes: { + ...commonAttributes, + controlGroupInput: { + chainingSystem: 'NONE' as ControlGroupChainingSystem, + labelPosition: 'twoLine' as ControlLabelPosition, + controls: [ + { + controlConfig: { bizz: 'buzz' }, + grow: false, + order: 0, + id: 'foo', + type: 'type1', + width: 'small' as ControlWidth, + }, + ], + ignoreParentSettings: { + ignoreFilters: true, + ignoreQuery: true, + ignoreTimerange: true, + ignoreValidations: true, + }, + autoApplySelections: false, + }, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSource: { query: { query: 'test', language: 'KQL' } } }, + options: { + hidePanelTitles: true, + useMargins: false, + syncColors: false, + syncCursor: false, + syncTooltips: false, + }, + panels: [ + { + id: '1', + type: 'visualization', + panelConfig: { title: 'my panel' }, + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 15, h: 15, i: 'foo' }, + panelIndex: 'foo', + }, + ], + }, + references: [], + }, + }; + + const output = getResultV3ToV2(v3Result); + + // Common attributes should match between v2 and v3 + expect(output.item.attributes).toMatchObject(commonAttributes); + expect(output.item.attributes.controlGroupInput).toMatchObject({ + chainingSystem: 'NONE', + controlStyle: 'twoLine', + showApplySelections: true, + }); + + // Check transformed attributes + expect(output.item.attributes.controlGroupInput!.panelsJSON).toMatchInlineSnapshot( + `"{\\"foo\\":{\\"grow\\":false,\\"order\\":0,\\"type\\":\\"type1\\",\\"width\\":\\"small\\",\\"explicitInput\\":{\\"bizz\\":\\"buzz\\",\\"id\\":\\"foo\\"}}}"` + ); + expect( + output.item.attributes.controlGroupInput!.ignoreParentSettingsJSON + ).toMatchInlineSnapshot( + `"{\\"ignoreFilters\\":true,\\"ignoreQuery\\":true,\\"ignoreTimerange\\":true,\\"ignoreValidations\\":true}"` + ); + expect(output.item.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON).toMatchInlineSnapshot( + `"{\\"query\\":{\\"query\\":\\"test\\",\\"language\\":\\"KQL\\"}}"` + ); + expect(output.item.attributes.optionsJSON).toMatchInlineSnapshot( + `"{\\"hidePanelTitles\\":true,\\"useMargins\\":false,\\"syncColors\\":false,\\"syncCursor\\":false,\\"syncTooltips\\":false}"` + ); + expect(output.item.attributes.panelsJSON).toMatchInlineSnapshot( + `"[{\\"id\\":\\"1\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{\\"title\\":\\"my panel\\"},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"foo\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":0,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":15,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"foo\\"}}]"` + ); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..843dd59f849f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/transform_utils.ts @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; +import { pick } from 'lodash'; + +import type { Query } from '@kbn/es-query'; +import { + type ControlGroupChainingSystem, + type ControlLabelPosition, + type ControlPanelsState, + type SerializedControlState, + DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS, +} from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; +import { SerializedSearchSourceFields, parseSearchSourceJSON } from '@kbn/data-plugin/common'; + +import type { SavedObject, SavedObjectReference } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; +import type { + ControlGroupAttributes, + DashboardAttributes, + DashboardGetOut, + DashboardItem, + DashboardOptions, + ItemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrsReturn, + PartialDashboardItem, + SavedObjectToItemReturn, +} from './types'; +import type { + DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, + SavedDashboardPanel, +} from '../../dashboard_saved_object'; +import type { + ControlGroupAttributes as ControlGroupAttributesV2, + DashboardCrudTypes as DashboardCrudTypesV2, +} from '../../../common/content_management/v2'; +import { DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS } from '../../../common/content_management'; + +function controlGroupInputOut( + controlGroupInput?: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes['controlGroupInput'] +): ControlGroupAttributes | undefined { + if (!controlGroupInput) { + return; + } + const { + panelsJSON, + ignoreParentSettingsJSON, + controlStyle = DEFAULT_CONTROL_LABEL_POSITION, + chainingSystem = DEFAULT_CONTROL_CHAINING, + showApplySelections = !DEFAULT_AUTO_APPLY_SELECTIONS, + } = controlGroupInput; + const controls = panelsJSON + ? Object.entries(JSON.parse(panelsJSON) as ControlPanelsState).map( + ([ + id, + { + explicitInput, + type, + grow = DEFAULT_CONTROL_GROW, + width = DEFAULT_CONTROL_WIDTH, + order, + }, + ]) => ({ + controlConfig: explicitInput, + id, + grow, + order, + type, + width, + }) + ) + : []; + + const { + ignoreFilters = DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreFilters, + ignoreQuery = DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreQuery, + ignoreTimerange = DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreTimerange, + ignoreValidations = DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS.ignoreValidations, + } = ignoreParentSettingsJSON ? JSON.parse(ignoreParentSettingsJSON) : {}; + + // try to maintain a consistent (alphabetical) order of keys + return { + autoApplySelections: !showApplySelections, + chainingSystem: chainingSystem as ControlGroupChainingSystem, + controls, + labelPosition: controlStyle as ControlLabelPosition, + ignoreParentSettings: { ignoreFilters, ignoreQuery, ignoreTimerange, ignoreValidations }, + }; +} + +function kibanaSavedObjectMetaOut( + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes['kibanaSavedObjectMeta'] +): DashboardAttributes['kibanaSavedObjectMeta'] { + const { searchSourceJSON } = kibanaSavedObjectMeta; + if (!searchSourceJSON) { + return {}; + } + // Dashboards do not yet support ES|QL (AggregateQuery) in the search source + return { + searchSource: parseSearchSourceJSON(searchSourceJSON) as Omit< + SerializedSearchSourceFields, + 'query' + > & { query?: Query }, + }; +} + +function optionsOut(optionsJSON: string): DashboardAttributes['options'] { + const { + hidePanelTitles = DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.hidePanelTitles, + useMargins = DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.useMargins, + syncColors = DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.syncColors, + syncCursor = DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.syncCursor, + syncTooltips = DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_OPTIONS.syncTooltips, + } = JSON.parse(optionsJSON) as DashboardOptions; + return { + hidePanelTitles, + useMargins, + syncColors, + syncCursor, + syncTooltips, + }; +} + +function panelsOut(panelsJSON: string): DashboardAttributes['panels'] { + const panels = JSON.parse(panelsJSON) as SavedDashboardPanel[]; + return + ({ embeddableConfig, gridData, id, panelIndex, panelRefName, title, type, version }) => ({ + gridData, + id, + panelConfig: embeddableConfig, + panelIndex, + panelRefName, + title, + type, + version, + }) + ); +} + +export function dashboardAttributesOut( + attributes: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes | Partial +): DashboardAttributes | Partial { + const { + controlGroupInput, + description, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta, + optionsJSON, + panelsJSON, + refreshInterval, + timeFrom, + timeRestore, + timeTo, + title, + version, + } = attributes; + // try to maintain a consistent (alphabetical) order of keys + return { + ...(controlGroupInput && { controlGroupInput: controlGroupInputOut(controlGroupInput) }), + ...(description && { description }), + ...(kibanaSavedObjectMeta && { + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: kibanaSavedObjectMetaOut(kibanaSavedObjectMeta), + }), + ...(optionsJSON && { options: optionsOut(optionsJSON) }), + ...(panelsJSON && { panels: panelsOut(panelsJSON) }), + ...(refreshInterval && { + refreshInterval: { pause: refreshInterval.pause, value: refreshInterval.value }, + }), + ...(timeFrom && { timeFrom }), + timeRestore: timeRestore ?? false, + ...(timeTo && { timeTo }), + title, + ...(version && { version }), + }; +} + +function controlGroupInputIn( + controlGroupInput?: ControlGroupAttributes +): DashboardSavedObjectAttributes['controlGroupInput'] | undefined { + if (!controlGroupInput) { + return; + } + const { controls, ignoreParentSettings, labelPosition, chainingSystem, autoApplySelections } = + controlGroupInput; + const updatedControls = Object.fromEntries( +{ controlConfig, id = uuidv4(), ...restOfControl }) => { + return [id, { ...restOfControl, explicitInput: { ...controlConfig, id } }]; + }) + ); + return { + chainingSystem, + controlStyle: labelPosition, + ignoreParentSettingsJSON: JSON.stringify(ignoreParentSettings), + panelsJSON: JSON.stringify(updatedControls), + showApplySelections: !autoApplySelections, + }; +} + +function panelsIn( + panels: DashboardAttributes['panels'] +): DashboardSavedObjectAttributes['panelsJSON'] { + const updatedPanels ={ panelIndex, gridData, panelConfig, ...restPanel }) => { + const idx = panelIndex ?? uuidv4(); + return { + ...restPanel, + embeddableConfig: panelConfig, + panelIndex: idx, + gridData: { + ...gridData, + i: idx, + }, + }; + }); + + return JSON.stringify(updatedPanels); +} + +function kibanaSavedObjectMetaIn( + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: DashboardAttributes['kibanaSavedObjectMeta'] +) { + const { searchSource } = kibanaSavedObjectMeta; + return { searchSourceJSON: JSON.stringify(searchSource ?? {}) }; +} + +export const getResultV3ToV2 = (result: DashboardGetOut): DashboardCrudTypesV2['GetOut'] => { + const { meta, item } = result; + const { attributes, } = item; + const { + controlGroupInput, + description, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta, + options, + panels, + refreshInterval, + timeFrom, + timeRestore, + timeTo, + title, + version, + } = attributes; + + const v2Attributes = { + ...(controlGroupInput && { + controlGroupInput: controlGroupInputIn(controlGroupInput) as ControlGroupAttributesV2, + }), + description, + ...(kibanaSavedObjectMeta && { + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: kibanaSavedObjectMetaIn(kibanaSavedObjectMeta), + }), + ...(options && { optionsJSON: JSON.stringify(options) }), + panelsJSON: panels ? panelsIn(panels) : '[]', + refreshInterval, + ...(timeFrom && { timeFrom }), + timeRestore, + ...(timeTo && { timeTo }), + title, + ...(version && { version }), + }; + return { + meta, + item: { +, + attributes: v2Attributes, + }, + }; +}; + +export const itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs = ( + attributes: DashboardAttributes +): ItemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrsReturn => { + try { + const { controlGroupInput, kibanaSavedObjectMeta, options, panels, } = attributes; + const soAttributes = { +, + ...(controlGroupInput && { + controlGroupInput: controlGroupInputIn(controlGroupInput), + }), + ...(options && { + optionsJSON: JSON.stringify(options), + }), + ...(panels && { + panelsJSON: panelsIn(panels), + }), + ...(kibanaSavedObjectMeta && { + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: kibanaSavedObjectMetaIn(kibanaSavedObjectMeta), + }), + }; + return { attributes: soAttributes, error: null }; + } catch (e) { + return { attributes: null, error: e }; + } +}; + +type PartialSavedObject = Omit>, 'references'> & { + references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined; +}; + +export function savedObjectToItem( + savedObject: SavedObject, + partial: false, + allowedAttributes?: string[] +): SavedObjectToItemReturn; + +export function savedObjectToItem( + savedObject: PartialSavedObject, + partial: true, + allowedAttributes?: string[] +): SavedObjectToItemReturn; + +export function savedObjectToItem( + savedObject: + | SavedObject + | PartialSavedObject, + partial: boolean, + allowedAttributes?: string[] +): SavedObjectToItemReturn { + const { + id, + type, + updated_at: updatedAt, + updated_by: updatedBy, + created_at: createdAt, + created_by: createdBy, + attributes, + error, + namespaces, + references, + version, + managed, + } = savedObject; + + try { + const attributesOut = allowedAttributes + ? pick(dashboardAttributesOut(attributes), allowedAttributes) + : dashboardAttributesOut(attributes); + return { + item: { + id, + type, + updatedAt, + updatedBy, + createdAt, + createdBy, + attributes: attributesOut, + error, + namespaces, + references, + version, + managed, + }, + error: null, + }; + } catch (e) { + return { item: null, error: e }; + } +} diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..36f277ff3b268 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/content_management/v3/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { + CreateIn, + GetIn, + SearchIn, + SearchResult, + UpdateIn, +} from '@kbn/content-management-plugin/common'; +import { SavedObjectReference } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; +import { + dashboardItemSchema, + controlGroupInputSchema, + gridDataSchema, + panelSchema, + dashboardAttributesSchema, + dashboardCreateOptionsSchema, + dashboardCreateResultSchema, + dashboardGetResultSchema, + dashboardSearchOptionsSchema, + dashboardSearchResultsSchema, + dashboardUpdateOptionsSchema, + optionsSchema, +} from './cm_services'; +import { CONTENT_ID } from '../../../common/content_management'; +import { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '../../dashboard_saved_object'; + +export type DashboardOptions = TypeOf; + +// Panel config has some defined types but also allows for custom keys added by embeddables +// The schema uses "unknowns: 'allow'" to permit any other keys, but the TypeOf helper does not +// recognize this, so we need to manually extend the type here. +export type DashboardPanel = Omit, 'panelConfig'> & { + panelConfig: TypeOf['panelConfig'] & { [key: string]: any }; +}; +export type DashboardAttributes = Omit, 'panels'> & { + panels: DashboardPanel[]; +}; + +export type DashboardItem = TypeOf; +export type PartialDashboardItem = Omit & { + attributes: Partial; + references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined; +}; + +export type ControlGroupAttributes = TypeOf; +export type GridData = TypeOf; + +export type DashboardGetIn = GetIn; +export type DashboardGetOut = TypeOf; + +export type DashboardCreateIn = CreateIn; +export type DashboardCreateOut = TypeOf; +export type DashboardCreateOptions = TypeOf; + +export type DashboardUpdateIn = UpdateIn>; +export type DashboardUpdateOut = TypeOf; +export type DashboardUpdateOptions = TypeOf; + +export type DashboardSearchIn = SearchIn; +export type DashboardSearchOptions = TypeOf; +export type DashboardSearchOut = SearchResult>; + +export type SavedObjectToItemReturn = + | { + item: T; + error: null; + } + | { + item: null; + error: Error; + }; + +export type ItemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrsReturn = + | { + attributes: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes; + error: null; + } + | { + attributes: null; + error: Error; + }; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/dashboard_saved_object.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/dashboard_saved_object.ts index fc551d823377c..3b7f137cc1d96 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/dashboard_saved_object.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/dashboard_saved_object.ts @@ -10,19 +10,21 @@ import { ANALYTICS_SAVED_OBJECT_INDEX } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-server'; import { SavedObjectsType } from '@kbn/core/server'; -import { dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardAttributesSchemaV1 } from '../content_management/schema/v1'; -import { dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardAttributesSchemaV2 } from '../content_management/schema/v2'; +import { dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardAttributesSchemaV1 } from './schema/v1'; +import { dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardAttributesSchemaV2 } from './schema/v2'; import { createDashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrations, DashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrationsDeps, } from './migrations/dashboard_saved_object_migrations'; +export const DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE = 'dashboard'; + export const createDashboardSavedObjectType = ({ migrationDeps, }: { migrationDeps: DashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrationsDeps; }): SavedObjectsType => ({ - name: 'dashboard', + name: DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, indexPattern: ANALYTICS_SAVED_OBJECT_INDEX, hidden: false, namespaceType: 'multiple-isolated', diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/index.ts index 912c508f0cedf..23c91f2c6ea35 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/index.ts @@ -7,4 +7,8 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -export { createDashboardSavedObjectType } from './dashboard_saved_object'; +export { + createDashboardSavedObjectType, + DASHBOARD_SAVED_OBJECT_TYPE, +} from './dashboard_saved_object'; +export type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, GridData, SavedDashboardPanel } from './schema'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/dashboard_saved_object_migrations.test.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/dashboard_saved_object_migrations.test.ts index 7abb1523e3611..b5f5b6b20b312 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/dashboard_saved_object_migrations.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/dashboard_saved_object_migrations.test.ts @@ -613,12 +613,11 @@ describe('dashboard', () => { expect(newDoc).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "attributes": Object { - "description": "", "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": Object { "searchSourceJSON": "{\\"query\\":{\\"language\\":\\"kuery\\",\\"query\\":\\"\\"},\\"filter\\":[{\\"query\\":{\\"match_phrase\\":{\\"machine.os.keyword\\":\\"osx\\"}},\\"$state\\":{\\"store\\":\\"appState\\"},\\"meta\\":{\\"type\\":\\"phrase\\",\\"key\\":\\"machine.os.keyword\\",\\"params\\":{\\"query\\":\\"osx\\"},\\"disabled\\":false,\\"negate\\":false,\\"alias\\":null,\\"indexRefName\\":\\"kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.filter[0].meta.index\\"}}]}", }, - "optionsJSON": "{\\"useMargins\\":true,\\"hidePanelTitles\\":false}", - "panelsJSON": "[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.3\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":0,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":24,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"82fa0882-9f9e-476a-bbb9-03555e5ced91\\"},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"82fa0882-9f9e-476a-bbb9-03555e5ced91\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{\\"enhancements\\":{\\"dynamicActions\\":{\\"events\\":[]}}},\\"panelRefName\\":\\"panel_82fa0882-9f9e-476a-bbb9-03555e5ced91\\"}]", + "optionsJSON": "{\\"hidePanelTitles\\":false,\\"useMargins\\":true,\\"syncColors\\":true,\\"syncCursor\\":true,\\"syncTooltips\\":true}", + "panelsJSON": "[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.3\\",\\"type\\":\\"visualization\\",\\"panelRefName\\":\\"panel_82fa0882-9f9e-476a-bbb9-03555e5ced91\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{\\"enhancements\\":{\\"dynamicActions\\":{\\"events\\":[]}}},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"82fa0882-9f9e-476a-bbb9-03555e5ced91\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":0,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":24,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"82fa0882-9f9e-476a-bbb9-03555e5ced91\\"}}]", "timeRestore": false, "title": "Dashboard A", "version": 1, @@ -710,7 +709,7 @@ describe('dashboard', () => { contextMock ); expect(migratedDoc.attributes.panelsJSON).toMatchInlineSnapshot( - `"[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.3\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":0,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":24,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"0\\"},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"0\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{}},{\\"version\\":\\"7.13.0\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":24,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":24,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"1\\"},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"1\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{\\"attributes\\":{\\"byValueThing\\":\\"ThisIsByValue\\"},\\"superCoolKey\\":\\"ONLY 4 BY VALUE EMBEDDABLES THANK YOU VERY MUCH\\"}}]"` + `"[{\\"version\\":\\"7.9.3\\",\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":0,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":24,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"0\\"},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"0\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{}},{\\"gridData\\":{\\"x\\":24,\\"y\\":0,\\"w\\":24,\\"h\\":15,\\"i\\":\\"1\\"},\\"panelIndex\\":\\"1\\",\\"embeddableConfig\\":{\\"attributes\\":{\\"byValueThing\\":\\"ThisIsByValue\\"},\\"superCoolKey\\":\\"ONLY 4 BY VALUE EMBEDDABLES THANK YOU VERY MUCH\\"},\\"version\\":\\"7.13.0\\"}]"` ); }); }); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_by_value_dashboard_panels.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_by_value_dashboard_panels.ts index 1b1d04cdebf77..0e32e2feec300 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_by_value_dashboard_panels.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_by_value_dashboard_panels.ts @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import { CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; import { - controlGroupSerializedStateToSerializableRuntimeState, - serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSerializedState, + controlGroupSavedObjectStateToSerializableRuntimeState, + serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSavedObjectState, } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/server'; import { Serializable, SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import { SavedObjectMigrationFn } from '@kbn/core/server'; @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import { SavedObjectEmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; import { convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel, convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState, -} from '../../../common'; -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../../common/content_management'; +} from './utils'; +import type { SavedDashboardPanel } from '..'; type ValueOrReferenceInput = SavedObjectEmbeddableInput & { attributes?: Serializable; @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const migrateByValueDashboardPanels = const { attributes } = doc; if (attributes?.controlGroupInput) { - const controlGroupState = controlGroupSerializedStateToSerializableRuntimeState( + const controlGroupState = controlGroupSavedObjectStateToSerializableRuntimeState( attributes.controlGroupInput ); const migratedControlGroupInput = migrate({ @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export const migrateByValueDashboardPanels = type: CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE, } as SerializableRecord); attributes.controlGroupInput = - serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSerializedState(migratedControlGroupInput); + serializableRuntimeStateToControlGroupSavedObjectState(migratedControlGroupInput); } // Skip if panelsJSON is missing otherwise this will cause saved object import to fail when diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_extract_panel_references.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_extract_panel_references.ts index 1782a63beda5d..091ef21322671 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_extract_panel_references.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_extract_panel_references.ts @@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { SavedObjectMigrationFn } from '@kbn/core/server'; +import { SavedObject, SavedObjectMigrationFn } from '@kbn/core/server'; import { extractReferences, injectReferences } from '../../../common'; -import { DashboardAttributes } from '../../../common/content_management'; -import { DashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrationsDeps } from './dashboard_saved_object_migrations'; +import type { DashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrationsDeps } from './dashboard_saved_object_migrations'; +import type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '../schema'; +import { itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs, savedObjectToItem } from '../../content_management/latest'; /** * In 7.8.0 we introduced dashboard drilldowns which are stored inside dashboard saved object as part of embeddable state @@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ import { DashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrationsDeps } from './dashboard_saved_object */ export function createExtractPanelReferencesMigration( deps: DashboardSavedObjectTypeMigrationsDeps -): SavedObjectMigrationFn { +): SavedObjectMigrationFn { return (doc) => { const references = doc.references ?? []; @@ -36,19 +37,32 @@ export function createExtractPanelReferencesMigration( */ const oldNonPanelReferences = references.filter((ref) => !'panel_')); + // Use Content Management to convert the saved object to the DashboardAttributes + // expected by injectReferences + const { item, error: itemError } = savedObjectToItem( + doc as unknown as SavedObject, + false + ); + + if (itemError) throw itemError; + + const parsedAttributes = item.attributes; const injectedAttributes = injectReferences( { - attributes: doc.attributes, + attributes: parsedAttributes, references, }, { embeddablePersistableStateService: deps.embeddable } ); - const { attributes, references: newPanelReferences } = extractReferences( + const { attributes: extractedAttributes, references: newPanelReferences } = extractReferences( { attributes: injectedAttributes, references: [] }, { embeddablePersistableStateService: deps.embeddable } ); + const { attributes, error: attributesError } = itemAttrsToSavedObjectAttrs(extractedAttributes); + if (attributesError) throw attributesError; + return { ...doc, references: [...oldNonPanelReferences, ...newPanelReferences], diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_hidden_titles.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_hidden_titles.ts index c223ff0bc32a3..77c114315ba1f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_hidden_titles.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_hidden_titles.ts @@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { SavedObjectMigrationFn } from '@kbn/core/server'; -import { EmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; +import type { SavedObjectMigrationFn } from '@kbn/core/server'; +import type { EmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; +import type { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../schema'; import { convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState, convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel, -} from '../../../common'; -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../../common/content_management'; +} from './utils'; /** * Before 7.10, hidden panel titles were stored as a blank string on the title attribute. In 7.10, this was replaced diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrate_to_730_panels.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrate_to_730_panels.ts index ab05f64a2d711..e23ccfd00153d 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrate_to_730_panels.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrate_to_730_panels.ts @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import semverSatisfies from 'semver/functions/satisfies'; import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n'; import type { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; -import { +import type { SavedDashboardPanel620, SavedDashboardPanel630, SavedDashboardPanel610, @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { RawSavedDashboardPanel640To720, RawSavedDashboardPanel730ToLatest, } from './types'; -import { GridData } from '../../../../common/content_management'; +import type { GridData } from '../../../content_management'; const PANEL_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR = 5; const PANEL_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR_WITH_MARGINS = 4; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrations_730.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrations_730.ts index 6af69882b0774..6da3c1510530c 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrations_730.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/migrations_730.ts @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export const migrations730 = (doc: DashboardDoc700To720, { log }: SavedObjectMig } try { - const searchSource = JSON.parse(doc.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON); + const searchSource = JSON.parse(doc.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON!); doc.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON = JSON.stringify( moveFiltersToQuery(searchSource) ); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/types.ts index 750fd736c9660..585b9c55d5012 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/migrate_to_730/types.ts @@ -10,14 +10,12 @@ import type { Serializable } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import { SavedObjectReference } from '@kbn/core/server'; -import type { - GridData, - DashboardAttributes as CurrentDashboardAttributes, // Dashboard attributes from common are the source of truth for the current version. -} from '../../../../common/content_management'; +import type { GridData } from '../../../content_management'; +import type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '../../schema'; interface KibanaAttributes { kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { - searchSourceJSON: string; + searchSourceJSON?: string; }; } @@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ interface DashboardAttributesTo720 extends KibanaAttributes { optionsJSON?: string; } -export type DashboardDoc730ToLatest = Doc; +export type DashboardDoc730ToLatest = Doc; export type DashboardDoc700To720 = Doc; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.test.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.test.ts similarity index 82% rename from src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.test.ts rename to src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.test.ts index f750d95ca2efa..17aca8fef68ce 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/common/lib/dashboard_panel_converters.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.test.ts @@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ +import type { EmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common/types'; +import type { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../schema'; +import type { DashboardPanelState } from '../../../common'; + import { convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState, convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel, -} from './dashboard_panel_converters'; -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../content_management'; -import { DashboardPanelState } from '../dashboard_container/types'; -import { EmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common/types'; +} from './utils'; test('convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState', () => { const savedDashboardPanel: SavedDashboardPanel = { @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ test('convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel will not leave title as part of emb expect(converted.title).toBe('title'); }); -test('convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel retains legacy version info when not passed removeLegacyVersion', () => { +test('convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel retains legacy version info', () => { const dashboardPanel: DashboardPanelState = { gridData: { x: 0, @@ -168,24 +169,3 @@ test('convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel retains legacy version info when no const converted = convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel(dashboardPanel); expect(converted.version).toBe('8.10.0'); }); - -test('convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel removes legacy version info when passed removeLegacyVersion', () => { - const dashboardPanel: DashboardPanelState = { - gridData: { - x: 0, - y: 0, - h: 15, - w: 15, - i: '123', - }, - explicitInput: { - id: '123', - title: 'title', - } as EmbeddableInput, - type: 'search', - version: '8.10.0', - }; - - const converted = convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel(dashboardPanel, true); - expect(converted.version).not.toBeDefined(); -}); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4ed8ec5b8e977 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/migrations/utils.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { omit } from 'lodash'; +import type { EmbeddableInput, SavedObjectEmbeddableInput } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; +import type { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../schema'; +import type { DashboardPanelState } from '../../../common'; + +export function convertSavedDashboardPanelToPanelState< + TEmbeddableInput extends EmbeddableInput | SavedObjectEmbeddableInput = SavedObjectEmbeddableInput +>(savedDashboardPanel: SavedDashboardPanel): DashboardPanelState { + return { + type: savedDashboardPanel.type, + gridData: savedDashboardPanel.gridData, + panelRefName: savedDashboardPanel.panelRefName, + explicitInput: { + id: savedDashboardPanel.panelIndex, + ...( !== undefined && { savedObjectId: }), + ...(savedDashboardPanel.title !== undefined && { title: savedDashboardPanel.title }), + ...savedDashboardPanel.embeddableConfig, + } as TEmbeddableInput, + version: savedDashboardPanel.version, + }; +} + +export function convertPanelStateToSavedDashboardPanel( + panelState: DashboardPanelState +): SavedDashboardPanel { + const savedObjectId = (panelState.explicitInput as SavedObjectEmbeddableInput).savedObjectId; + const panelIndex =; + return { + type: panelState.type, + gridData: { + ...panelState.gridData, + i: panelIndex, + }, + panelIndex, + embeddableConfig: omit(panelState.explicitInput, ['id', 'savedObjectId', 'title']), + ...(panelState.explicitInput.title !== undefined && { title: panelState.explicitInput.title }), + ...(savedObjectId !== undefined && { id: savedObjectId }), + ...(panelState.panelRefName !== undefined && { panelRefName: panelState.panelRefName }), + ...(panelState.version !== undefined && { version: panelState.version }), + }; +} diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4c50de472f53e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +export type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, GridData, SavedDashboardPanel } from './latest'; +export { dashboardSavedObjectSchema } from './latest'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/latest.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/latest.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a40e476abe793 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/latest.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +// Latest model version for dashboard saved objects is v2 +export { + dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardSavedObjectSchema, + type DashboardAttributes as DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, + type GridData, + type SavedDashboardPanel, +} from './v2'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e52a6ca4075ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +export type { DashboardAttributes } from './types'; +export { controlGroupInputSchema, dashboardAttributesSchema } from './v1'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8717851845cf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { dashboardAttributesSchema } from './v1'; + +export type DashboardAttributes = TypeOf; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/v1.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/v1.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..63b4cd3c2c10b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v1/v1.ts @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema'; + +export const controlGroupInputSchema = schema + .object({ + panelsJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + controlStyle: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + chainingSystem: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + ignoreParentSettingsJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + }) + .extends({}, { unknowns: 'ignore' }); + +export const dashboardAttributesSchema = schema.object( + { + // General + title: schema.string(), + description: schema.string({ defaultValue: '' }), + + // Search + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: schema.object({ + searchSourceJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + }), + + // Time + timeRestore: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + timeFrom: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + timeTo: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + refreshInterval: schema.maybe( + schema.object({ + pause: schema.boolean(), + value: schema.number(), + display: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + section: schema.maybe(schema.number()), + }) + ), + + // Dashboard Content + controlGroupInput: schema.maybe(controlGroupInputSchema), + panelsJSON: schema.string({ defaultValue: '[]' }), + optionsJSON: schema.maybe(schema.string()), + + // Legacy + hits: schema.maybe(schema.number()), + version: schema.maybe(schema.number()), + }, + { unknowns: 'forbid' } +); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2fda02230ed69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +export type { DashboardAttributes, GridData, SavedDashboardPanel } from './types'; +export { controlGroupInputSchema, dashboardAttributesSchema } from './v2'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/types.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e50a27efe2b3b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { Serializable } from '@kbn/utility-types'; +import { TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { dashboardAttributesSchema, gridDataSchema } from './v2'; + +export type DashboardAttributes = TypeOf; +export type GridData = TypeOf; + +/** + * A saved dashboard panel parsed directly from the Dashboard Attributes panels JSON + */ +export interface SavedDashboardPanel { + embeddableConfig: { [key: string]: Serializable }; // parsed into the panel's explicitInput + id?: string; // the saved object id for by reference panels + type: string; // the embeddable type + panelRefName?: string; + gridData: GridData; + panelIndex: string; + title?: string; + + /** + * This version key was used to store Kibana version information from versions 7.3.0 -> 8.11.0. + * As of version 8.11.0, the versioning information is now per-embeddable-type and is stored on the + * embeddable's input. (embeddableConfig in this type). + */ + version?: string; +} diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/v2.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/v2.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..dc0ed3eb84cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/dashboard_saved_object/schema/v2/v2.ts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { + controlGroupInputSchema as controlGroupInputSchemaV1, + dashboardAttributesSchema as dashboardAttributesSchemaV1, +} from '../v1'; + +export const controlGroupInputSchema = controlGroupInputSchemaV1.extends( + { + showApplySelections: schema.maybe(schema.boolean()), + }, + { unknowns: 'ignore' } +); + +export const dashboardAttributesSchema = dashboardAttributesSchemaV1.extends( + { + controlGroupInput: schema.maybe(controlGroupInputSchema), + }, + { unknowns: 'ignore' } +); + +export const gridDataSchema = schema.object({ + x: schema.number(), + y: schema.number(), + w: schema.number(), + h: schema.number(), + i: schema.string(), +}); diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/index.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/index.ts index f76a75cb837b3..94e7ed14378c1 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/index.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/index.ts @@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ export async function plugin(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) { } export type { DashboardPluginSetup, DashboardPluginStart } from './types'; +export type { DashboardAttributes } from './content_management'; +export type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from './dashboard_saved_object'; + +export { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from './api/constants'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/plugin.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/plugin.ts index 3218ee85ef383..e3d67ca10716b 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/plugin.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/plugin.ts @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import { createDashboardSavedObjectType } from './dashboard_saved_object'; import { CONTENT_ID, LATEST_VERSION } from '../common/content_management'; import { registerDashboardUsageCollector } from './usage/register_collector'; import { dashboardPersistableStateServiceFactory } from './dashboard_container/dashboard_container_embeddable_factory'; +import { registerAPIRoutes } from './api'; interface SetupDeps { embeddable: EmbeddableSetup; @@ -111,6 +112,12 @@ export class DashboardPlugin core.uiSettings.register(getUISettings()); + registerAPIRoutes({ + http: core.http, + contentManagement: plugins.contentManagement, + logger: this.logger, + }); + return {}; } diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.test.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.test.ts index 225ac7743d23c..8f4f94d3621e2 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.test.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.test.ts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". */ -import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../common/content_management'; +import { SavedDashboardPanel } from '../dashboard_saved_object'; import { getEmptyDashboardData, collectPanelsByType } from './dashboard_telemetry'; import { EmbeddableStateWithType } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; import { createEmbeddablePersistableStateServiceMock } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common/mocks'; diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.ts index 0048e081e6f61..f26de753c12e2 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { import { EmbeddablePersistableStateService } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/common'; import { TaskManagerStartContract } from '@kbn/task-manager-plugin/server'; -import { DashboardAttributes, SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../common/content_management'; +import { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, SavedDashboardPanel } from '../dashboard_saved_object'; import { TASK_ID } from './dashboard_telemetry_collection_task'; import { emptyState, type LatestTaskStateSchema } from './task_state'; @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export const collectPanelsByType = ( export const controlsCollectorFactory = (embeddableService: EmbeddablePersistableStateService) => - (attributes: DashboardAttributes, collectorData: DashboardCollectorData) => { + (attributes: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, collectorData: DashboardCollectorData) => { if (!isEmpty(attributes.controlGroupInput)) { collectorData.controls = embeddableService.telemetry( { diff --git a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry_collection_task.ts b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry_collection_task.ts index d660af962db57..7eb4cebc39e49 100644 --- a/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry_collection_task.ts +++ b/src/plugins/dashboard/server/usage/dashboard_telemetry_collection_task.ts @@ -23,9 +23,15 @@ import { collectPanelsByType, getEmptyDashboardData, } from './dashboard_telemetry'; -import { injectReferences } from '../../common'; -import { DashboardAttributesAndReferences } from '../../common/types'; -import { DashboardAttributes, SavedDashboardPanel } from '../../common/content_management'; +import type { + DashboardSavedObjectAttributes, + SavedDashboardPanel, +} from '../dashboard_saved_object'; + +interface DashboardSavedObjectAttributesAndReferences { + attributes: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes; + references: SavedObjectReference[]; +} // This task is responsible for running daily and aggregating all the Dashboard telemerty data // into a single document. This is an effort to make sure the load of fetching/parsing all of the @@ -88,17 +94,18 @@ export function dashboardTaskRunner(logger: Logger, core: CoreSetup, embeddable: async run() { let dashboardData = getEmptyDashboardData(); const controlsCollector = controlsCollectorFactory(embeddable); - const processDashboards = (dashboards: DashboardAttributesAndReferences[]) => { + const processDashboards = (dashboards: DashboardSavedObjectAttributesAndReferences[]) => { for (const dashboard of dashboards) { - const attributes = injectReferences(dashboard, { - embeddablePersistableStateService: embeddable, - }); + // TODO is this injecting references really necessary? + // const attributes = injectReferences(dashboard, { + // embeddablePersistableStateService: embeddable, + // }); - dashboardData = controlsCollector(attributes, dashboardData); + dashboardData = controlsCollector(dashboard.attributes, dashboardData); try { const panels = JSON.parse( - attributes.panelsJSON as string + dashboard.attributes.panelsJSON as string ) as unknown as SavedDashboardPanel[]; collectPanelsByType(panels, dashboardData, embeddable); @@ -129,7 +136,7 @@ export function dashboardTaskRunner(logger: Logger, core: CoreSetup, embeddable: const esClient = await getEsClient(); let result = await<{ - dashboard: DashboardAttributes; + dashboard: DashboardSavedObjectAttributes; references: SavedObjectReference[]; }>(searchParams); @@ -144,8 +151,8 @@ export function dashboardTaskRunner(logger: Logger, core: CoreSetup, embeddable: } return undefined; }) - .filter( - (s): s is DashboardAttributesAndReferences => s !== undefined + .filter( + (s): s is DashboardSavedObjectAttributesAndReferences => s !== undefined ) ); @@ -163,8 +170,8 @@ export function dashboardTaskRunner(logger: Logger, core: CoreSetup, embeddable: } return undefined; }) - .filter( - (s): s is DashboardAttributesAndReferences => s !== undefined + .filter( + (s): s is DashboardSavedObjectAttributesAndReferences => s !== undefined ) ); } diff --git a/src/plugins/links/public/types.ts b/src/plugins/links/public/types.ts index 97b1f0254f4ea..df3eb7fc2b514 100644 --- a/src/plugins/links/public/types.ts +++ b/src/plugins/links/public/types.ts @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import { DynamicActionsSerializedState } from '@kbn/embeddable-enhanced-plugin/p import { HasSerializedChildState, PresentationContainer } from '@kbn/presentation-containers'; import { LocatorPublic } from '@kbn/share-plugin/common'; import { DashboardLocatorParams, DASHBOARD_CONTAINER_TYPE } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/public'; -import { DashboardAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common'; +import type { DashboardAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; import { CONTENT_ID } from '../common'; import { Link, LinksAttributes, LinksLayoutType } from '../common/content_management'; @@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ export type ResolvedLink = Link & { export interface DashboardItem { id: string; - attributes: DashboardAttributes; + attributes: Pick; } diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c9c2f63dd3b8c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService, loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { + const kibanaServer = getService('kibanaServer'); + describe('dashboards - create', () => { + before(async () => { + await kibanaServer.importExport.load( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + + after(async () => { + await kibanaServer.savedObjects.cleanStandardList(); + await kibanaServer.importExport.unload( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./main')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./validation')); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/main.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3b8b71f827deb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS } from '@kbn/controls-plugin/common'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('main', () => { + it('sets top level default values', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title, + }, + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSource).to.eql({}); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.panels).to.eql([]); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.timeRestore); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.options).to.eql({ + hidePanelTitles: false, + useMargins: true, + syncColors: true, + syncTooltips: true, + syncCursor: true, + }); + }); + + it('sets panels default values', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title, + panels: [ + { + type: 'visualization', + gridData: { + x: 0, + y: 0, + w: 24, + h: 15, + }, + panelConfig: {}, + }, + ], + }, + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.panels)'array'); + // panel index is a random uuid when not provided + expect(response.body.item.attributes.panels[0].panelIndex).match(/^[0-9a-f-]{36}$/); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.panels[0].panelIndex).to.eql( + response.body.item.attributes.panels[0].gridData.i + ); + }); + + it('sets controls default values', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title, + controlGroupInput: { + controls: [ + { + type: 'optionsListControl', + order: 0, + width: 'medium', + grow: true, + controlConfig: { + title: 'Origin City', + fieldName: 'OriginCityName', + dataViewId: 'd3d7af60-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d', + selectedOptions: [], + enhancements: {}, + }, + }, + ], + }, + }, + }); + + expect(response.status); + // generates a random saved object id + expect(^[0-9a-f-]{36}$/); + // saved object stores controls panels as an object, but the API should return as an array + expect(response.body.item.attributes.controlGroupInput.controls)'array'); + + expect(response.body.item.attributes.controlGroupInput.ignoreParentSettings).to.eql( + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PARENT_SETTINGS + ); + }); + + it('can create a dashboard with a specific id', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + const id = `bar-${}-${Math.random()}`; + + const response = await supertest + .post(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/${id}`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { title }, + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(; + }); + + it('creates a dashboard with references', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title, + panels: [ + { + type: 'visualization', + gridData: { + x: 0, + y: 0, + w: 24, + h: 15, + i: 'bizz', + }, + panelConfig: {}, + panelIndex: 'bizz', + panelRefName: 'panel_bizz', + }, + ], + }, + references: [ + { + name: 'bizz:panel_bizz', + type: 'visualization', + id: 'my-saved-object', + }, + ], + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.panels)'array'); + }); + + // TODO Maybe move this test to x-pack/test/api_integration/dashboards + it('can create a dashboard in a defined space', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + + const spaceId = 'space-1'; + + const response = await supertest + .post(`/s/${spaceId}${PUBLIC_API_PATH}`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title, + }, + spaces: [spaceId], + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.item.namespaces).to.eql([spaceId]); + }); + + it('return error if provided id already exists', async () => { + const title = `foo-${}-${Math.random()}`; + // id is a saved object loaded by the kbn_archiver + const id = 'be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab'; + + const response = await supertest + .post(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/${id}`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title, + }, + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.message) + 'A dashboard with saved object ID be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab already exists.' + ); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/validation.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/validation.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c7f0917a7180c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/create_dashboard/validation.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('validation', () => { + it('returns error when attributes object is not provided', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({}); + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.statusCode); + expect(response.body.message) + '[request body.attributes.title]: expected value of type [string] but got [undefined]' + ); + }); + + it('returns error when title is not provided', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: {}, + }); + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.statusCode); + expect(response.body.message) + '[request body.attributes.title]: expected value of type [string] but got [undefined]' + ); + }); + + it('returns error if panels is not an array', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .post(PUBLIC_API_PATH) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title: 'foo', + panels: {}, + }, + }); + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.statusCode); + expect(response.body.message) + '[request body.attributes.panels]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]' + ); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..41494dfd986d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService, loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { + const kibanaServer = getService('kibanaServer'); + describe('dashboards - delete', () => { + before(async () => { + await kibanaServer.importExport.load( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + + after(async () => { + await kibanaServer.savedObjects.cleanStandardList(); + await kibanaServer.importExport.unload( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./main')); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/main.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..19ed2b2e1c051 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/delete_dashboard/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('main', () => { + it('should return 404 for a non-existent dashboard', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .delete(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/non-existent-dashboard`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send(); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body).to.eql({ + statusCode: 404, + error: 'Not Found', + message: 'A dashboard with saved object ID non-existent-dashboard was not found.', + }); + }); + + it('should return 200 if the dashboard is deleted', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .delete(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send(); + + expect(response.status); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..82ac6f1903cb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService, loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { + const kibanaServer = getService('kibanaServer'); + describe('dashboards - get', () => { + before(async () => { + await kibanaServer.importExport.load( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + + after(async () => { + await kibanaServer.savedObjects.cleanStandardList(); + await kibanaServer.importExport.unload( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./main')); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/main.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b6585c0c4f48a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/get_dashboard/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('main', () => { + it('should return 200 with an existing dashboard', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .get(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab`) + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send(); + + expect(response.status); + + expect('be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab'); + expect(response.body.item.type)'dashboard'); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.title)'Requests'); + + // Does not return unsupported options from the saved object + expect(response.body.item.attributes.options).to.not.have.keys(['darkTheme']); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.refreshInterval).to.not.have.keys(['display']); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f844c02168922 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { + describe('dashboards', () => { + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./create_dashboard')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./delete_dashboard')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./get_dashboard')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./update_dashboard')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./list_dashboards')); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..10f77ad3fee5a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService, loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { + const kibanaServer = getService('kibanaServer'); + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('dashboards - list', () => { + const createManyDashboards = async (count: number) => { + const fileChunks: string[] = []; + for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { + const id = `test-dashboard-${i}`; + fileChunks.push( + JSON.stringify({ + type: 'dashboard', + id, + attributes: { + title: `My dashboard (${i})`, + kibanaSavedObjectMeta: { searchSourceJSON: '{}' }, + }, + references: [], + }) + ); + } + + await supertest + .post(`/api/saved_objects/_import`) + .attach('file', Buffer.from(fileChunks.join('\n'), 'utf8'), 'export.ndjson') + .expect(200); + }; + before(async () => { + await createManyDashboards(100); + }); + + after(async () => { + await kibanaServer.savedObjects.cleanStandardList(); + }); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./main')); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/main.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c0ef1059169ef --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/list_dashboards/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('main', () => { + it('should retrieve a paginated list of dashboards', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .get(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}`) + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send(); + + expect(response.status); + expect(; + expect(response.body.items[0].id)'test-dashboard-0'); + expect(response.body.items.length); + }); + + it('should allow users to set a per page limit', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .get(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}?perPage=10`) + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send(); + + expect(response.status); + expect(; + expect(response.body.items.length); + }); + + it('should allow users to paginate through the list of dashboards', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .get(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}?page=5&perPage=10`) + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send(); + + expect(response.status); + expect(; + expect(response.body.items.length); + expect(response.body.items[0].id)'test-dashboard-40'); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c2a8d7d16cb27 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService, loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { + const kibanaServer = getService('kibanaServer'); + describe('dashboards - update', () => { + before(async () => { + await kibanaServer.importExport.load( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + + after(async () => { + await kibanaServer.importExport.unload( + 'test/api_integration/fixtures/kbn_archiver/saved_objects/basic.json' + ); + }); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./main')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./validation')); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/main.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..18a7d5ca2d3fe --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('main', () => { + it('should return 201 with an updated dashboard', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .put(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title: 'Refresh Requests (Updated)', + options: { useMargins: false }, + panels: [ + { + type: 'visualization', + gridData: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 48, h: 60, i: '1' }, + panelIndex: '1', + panelRefName: 'panel_1', + version: '7.3.0', + }, + ], + timeFrom: 'Wed Sep 16 2015 22:52:17 GMT-0700', + timeRestore: true, + timeTo: 'Fri Sep 18 2015 12:24:38 GMT-0700', + }, + references: [ + { + id: 'dd7caf20-9efd-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab', + name: '1:panel_1', + type: 'visualization', + }, + ], + }); + + expect(response.status); + + expect('be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab'); + expect(response.body.item.type)'dashboard'); + expect(response.body.item.attributes.title)'Refresh Requests (Updated)'); + }); + + it('should return 404 when updating a non-existent dashboard', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .put(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/not-an-id`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title: 'Some other dashboard (updated)', + }, + }); + + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body).to.eql({ + statusCode: 404, + error: 'Not Found', + message: 'A dashboard with saved object ID not-an-id was not found.', + }); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/validation.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/validation.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4a7a069e24617 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/dashboards/update_dashboard/validation.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one + * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License + * 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side + * Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at + * your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public + * License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1". + */ + +import expect from '@kbn/expect'; +import { PUBLIC_API_PATH } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; +import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../../ftr_provider_context'; + +export default function ({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) { + const supertest = getService('supertest'); + describe('validation', () => { + it('returns error when attributes object is not provided', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .put(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({}); + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.statusCode); + expect(response.body.message) + '[request body.attributes.title]: expected value of type [string] but got [undefined]' + ); + }); + + it('returns error when title is not provided', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .put(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: {}, + }); + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.statusCode); + expect(response.body.message) + '[request body.attributes.title]: expected value of type [string] but got [undefined]' + ); + }); + + it('returns error if panels is not an array', async () => { + const response = await supertest + .put(`${PUBLIC_API_PATH}/be3733a0-9efe-11e7-acb3-3dab96693fab`) + .set('kbn-xsrf', 'true') + .set('ELASTIC_HTTP_VERSION_HEADER', '2023-10-31') + .send({ + attributes: { + title: 'foo', + panels: {}, + }, + }); + expect(response.status); + expect(response.body.statusCode); + expect(response.body.message) + '[request body.attributes.panels]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]' + ); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/test/api_integration/apis/index.ts b/test/api_integration/apis/index.ts index bbd7c3abf8649..af1cbf2464fa9 100644 --- a/test/api_integration/apis/index.ts +++ b/test/api_integration/apis/index.ts @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ export default function ({ loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) { loadTestFile(require.resolve('./console')); loadTestFile(require.resolve('./core')); loadTestFile(require.resolve('./custom_integration')); + loadTestFile(require.resolve('./dashboards')); loadTestFile(require.resolve('./general')); loadTestFile(require.resolve('./home')); loadTestFile(require.resolve('./data_view_field_editor')); diff --git a/test/functional/apps/dashboard/group3/dashboard_state.ts b/test/functional/apps/dashboard/group3/dashboard_state.ts index 40022c155f456..9822c2ce361a1 100644 --- a/test/functional/apps/dashboard/group3/dashboard_state.ts +++ b/test/functional/apps/dashboard/group3/dashboard_state.ts @@ -309,12 +309,12 @@ export default function ({ getService, getPageObjects }: FtrProviderContext) { panels: (appState.panels ?? []).map((panel) => { return { ...panel, - embeddableConfig: { - ...(panel.embeddableConfig ?? {}), + panelConfig: { + ...(panel.panelConfig ?? {}), vis: { - ...((panel.embeddableConfig?.vis as object) ?? {}), + ...((panel.panelConfig?.vis as object) ?? {}), colors: { - ...((panel.embeddableConfig?.vis as { colors: object })?.colors ?? {}), + ...((panel.panelConfig?.vis as { colors: object })?.colors ?? {}), ['80000']: 'FFFFFF', }, }, @@ -353,10 +353,10 @@ export default function ({ getService, getPageObjects }: FtrProviderContext) { panels: (appState.panels ?? []).map((panel) => { return { ...panel, - embeddableConfig: { - ...(panel.embeddableConfig ?? {}), + panelConfig: { + ...(panel.panelConfig ?? {}), vis: { - ...((panel.embeddableConfig?.vis as object) ?? {}), + ...((panel.panelConfig?.vis as object) ?? {}), colors: {}, }, }, diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/lens/common/embeddable_factory/index.ts b/x-pack/plugins/lens/common/embeddable_factory/index.ts index b794ec642f40a..68e6c77e9daeb 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/lens/common/embeddable_factory/index.ts +++ b/x-pack/plugins/lens/common/embeddable_factory/index.ts @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ * 2.0. */ +import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import type { SerializableRecord, Serializable } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import type { SavedObjectReference } from '@kbn/core/types'; import type { @@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ export type LensEmbeddablePersistableState = EmbeddableStateWithType & { }; export const inject: EmbeddableRegistryDefinition['inject'] = (state, references) => { - const typedState = state as LensEmbeddablePersistableState; + // We need to clone the state because we can not modify the original state object. + const typedState = cloneDeep(state) as LensEmbeddablePersistableState; if ('attributes' in typedState && typedState.attributes !== undefined) { // match references based on name, so only references associated with this lens panel are injected. diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/ml/public/application/components/custom_urls/custom_url_editor/utils.ts b/x-pack/plugins/ml/public/application/components/custom_urls/custom_url_editor/utils.ts index c154abb6f5f69..d2dff81c32621 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/ml/public/application/components/custom_urls/custom_url_editor/utils.ts +++ b/x-pack/plugins/ml/public/application/components/custom_urls/custom_url_editor/utils.ts @@ -285,13 +285,12 @@ async function buildDashboardUrlFromSettings( let query; // Override with filters and queries from saved dashboard if they are available. - const searchSourceJSON = dashboard.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON; - if (searchSourceJSON !== undefined) { - const searchSourceData = JSON.parse(searchSourceJSON); - if (Array.isArray(searchSourceData.filter) && searchSourceData.filter.length > 0) { - filters = searchSourceData.filter; + const { searchSource } = dashboard.attributes.kibanaSavedObjectMeta; + if (searchSource !== undefined) { + if (Array.isArray(searchSource.filter) && searchSource.filter.length > 0) { + filters = searchSource.filter; } - query = searchSourceData.query; + query = searchSource.query; } const queryFromEntityFieldNames = buildAppStateQueryParam(queryFieldNames ?? []); diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/apm/public/components/app/service_dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/apm/public/components/app/service_dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx index 739fe26342893..5f2f91df44231 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/apm/public/components/app/service_dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx +++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/apm/public/components/app/service_dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import { EuiButtonEmpty, } from '@elastic/eui'; import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n'; -import { DashboardItem } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common/content_management'; import { callApmApi } from '../../../../services/rest/create_call_apm_api'; import { useDashboardFetcher } from '../../../../hooks/use_dashboards_fetcher'; import { FETCH_STATUS } from '../../../../hooks/use_fetcher'; @@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ export function SaveDashboardModal({ const isEditMode = !!currentDashboard?.id; - const options = allAvailableDashboards?.map((dashboardItem: DashboardItem) => ({ + const options = allAvailableDashboards?.map((dashboardItem) => ({ label: dashboardItem.attributes.title, value:, disabled: diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx index 87ff45ef2173c..5bd6cc0e1fc6c 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx +++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/actions/save_dashboard_modal.tsx @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import { useEuiTheme, } from '@elastic/eui'; import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n'; -import { DashboardItem } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common/content_management'; import { useKibana } from '@kbn/kibana-react-plugin/public'; import { FETCH_STATUS } from '../../../../../hooks/use_fetcher'; import type { @@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ export function SaveDashboardModal({ const options = useMemo( () => - allAvailableDashboards?.map((dashboardItem: DashboardItem) => ({ + allAvailableDashboards?.map((dashboardItem) => ({ label: dashboardItem.attributes.title, value:, disabled: diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/dashboards.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/dashboards.tsx index f90aa500c9266..694fe5cd1ed2b 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/dashboards.tsx +++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/infra/public/components/asset_details/tabs/dashboards/dashboards.tsx @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { DashboardRenderer, } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/public'; -import type { DashboardItem } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common/content_management'; +import type { DashboardSearchOut } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server/content_management'; import type { SerializableRecord } from '@kbn/utility-types'; import { ASSET_DETAILS_FLYOUT_LOCATOR_ID, @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export function Dashboards() { }, [asset.type, currentDashboard, telemetry, trackingEventProperties]); useEffect(() => { - const allAvailableDashboardsMap = new Map(); + const allAvailableDashboardsMap = new Map(); allAvailableDashboards.forEach((availableDashboard) => { allAvailableDashboardsMap.set(, availableDashboard); }); diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/dashboards/routes/get_dashboards_by_tags.ts b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/dashboards/routes/get_dashboards_by_tags.ts index e7a3ebf9a7f10..dda4a6af5d221 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/dashboards/routes/get_dashboards_by_tags.ts +++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/dashboards/routes/get_dashboards_by_tags.ts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import type { Logger } from '@kbn/core/server'; import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n'; -import type { DashboardAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common'; +import type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; import { transformError } from '@kbn/securitysolution-es-utils'; import { INTERNAL_DASHBOARDS_URL } from '../../../../common/constants'; import type { SecuritySolutionPluginRouter } from '../../../types'; @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export const getDashboardsByTagsRoute = (router: SecuritySolutionPluginRouter, l const { tagIds } = request.body; try { - const dashboardsResponse = await savedObjectsClient.find({ + const dashboardsResponse = await savedObjectsClient.find({ type: 'dashboard', hasReference: => ({ id, type: 'tag' })), }); diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/create_gen_ai_dashboard.ts b/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/create_gen_ai_dashboard.ts index ee5a3471a2d34..d54ccec0656e7 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/create_gen_ai_dashboard.ts +++ b/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/create_gen_ai_dashboard.ts @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ * 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License * 2.0. */ -import type { SavedObjectsClientContract } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; -import { DashboardAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common'; +import type { SavedObjectsClientContract } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server'; +import type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; import { Logger } from '@kbn/logging'; import { getDashboard } from './gen_ai_dashboard'; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export const initDashboard = async ({ error?: OutputError; }> => { try { - await savedObjectsClient.get('dashboard', dashboardId); + await savedObjectsClient.get('dashboard', dashboardId); return { success: true, }; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export const initDashboard = async ({ } try { - await savedObjectsClient.create( + await savedObjectsClient.create( 'dashboard', getDashboard(genAIProvider, dashboardId).attributes, { diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/gen_ai_dashboard.ts b/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/gen_ai_dashboard.ts index 5805dd7728ccf..efe5fc0c0ca6c 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/gen_ai_dashboard.ts +++ b/x-pack/plugins/stack_connectors/server/connector_types/lib/gen_ai/gen_ai_dashboard.ts @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * 2.0. */ -import { DashboardAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/common'; +import type { DashboardSavedObjectAttributes } from '@kbn/dashboard-plugin/server'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { SavedObject } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-common/src/server_types'; import { OPENAI_TITLE, OPENAI_CONNECTOR_ID } from '../../../../common/openai/constants'; @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export const getDashboardTitle = (title: string) => `${title} Token Usage`; export const getDashboard = ( genAIProvider: 'OpenAI' | 'Bedrock' | 'Gemini' | 'Inference', dashboardId: string -): SavedObject => { +): SavedObject => { let attributes = { provider: OPENAI_TITLE, dashboardTitle: getDashboardTitle(OPENAI_TITLE),