ZJUNlict Main Board's Firmware for the RoboCup Soccer Small-Size League https://zjunlict.cn/
The firmware for the STM32H743 is designed using Keil uVision and STM32CubeMX 5.2.1.
The pin allocation and related connectivity settings can be found in file Firmware_ZJUNlict.ioc. The figure below shows the overall picture.
The main features are:
- 400MHz (could be upgraded to 480MHz with some parameter tuning in clock configuration and timer functions)
- 4 high-resolution timers for motor PWM generation, 4 timers configured to receive encoder readings and other timers configured for booster board discharge time control, dribble motor duty control, infrared LED driver, buzzer driver and internal accurate time interrupt
- 2 SPI interface to connect with nRF24L01P or SX1280 modules, 1 SPI interface to possible IMU
- 1 IIC interface to an IO expander chip, 1 IIC interface to a high-resolution A/D chip to acquire current in each motor, 1 IIC interface to possible IMU
- 1 high baud rate UART interface to UART/USB chip for easy debug
- 1 A/D interface to verify battery and capacitors voltage
After a series of function and completeness check tests in our lab, current version will be used in RoboCup 2019.