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Hyperparameter Optimization

Nicholas Léonard edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 27 revisions

This page is for those wishing to optimize the hyperparameters of the different example scripts in dp.


Convolution Neural Network

th examples/convolutionneuralnetwork.lua --dataset Svhn --learningRate 0.1 --maxNormPeriod 1 --accUpdate --cuda --maxOutNorm 1 --batchSize 32

Hyper-parameters Epoch Train Valid Test
--activation ReLU --hiddenSize '{3000,2000}' --dropout --channelSize '{32,64}' --lecunlcn --normalInit 17 0.9356 0.9263 0.9208
--activation ReLU --hiddenSize '{3000,2000}' --dropout --channelSize '{32,48,64}' --padding '{2,2,2}' --normalInit --lecunlcn 10 0.9168 0.9211 0.9182
--activation ReLU --hiddenSize '{2000}' --dropout --channelSize '{32,64}' --lecunlcn --normalInit 8 0.8858 0.9160 0.9038
--activation ReLU --hiddenSize '{1000}' --channelSize '{32,64}' --lecunlcn --normalInit 27 0.9954 0.9135 0.9018

Deep Inception

Hyper-parameter optimization of the deepinception.lua script for training the Google Street View House Numbers (SVHN) dataset.

base command :

th examples/deepinception.lua --accUpdate --progress --cuda --batchSize 64 --learningRate 0.1 --activation ReLU

The following table contains different inflections of the above command

Hyper-parameters Epoch Train Valid Test
--hiddenSize '{4000,4000,4000}' --lecunlcn --dropout --normalInit 49 0.9707 0.9752 0.9629


Best so far. The key seems to be --forceForget

th examples/recurrentlanguagemodel.lua --batchSize 64 
--trainEpochSize 200000000 --validEpochSize -1 --softmaxtree 
--hiddenSize 500 --maxOutNorm 2 --useDevice 1 --rho 5 --cuda 
--maxTries 100 --maxWait 1 --learningRate 2 --decayFactor 0.7 
==> epoch # 62 for optimizer
==> epoch size = 200000000 examples
==> batch duration = 0.15673168840051 ms
==> epoch duration = 31346.337680101 s
==> example speed = 6380.3306798089 examples/s
==> batch speed = 99.698441071279 batches/s
localhost:1420735570:1:optimizer:loss avgError 5.0304999091405
localhost:1420735570:1:validator:loss avgError 4.8598861868066
localhost:1420735570:1:tester:loss avgError 4.8469628958766
localhost:1420735570:1:optimizer:perplexity perplexity = 153.00948441942
localhost:1420735570:1:validator:perplexity perplexity = 129.00951828653
localhost:1420735570:1:tester:perplexity perplexity = 127.35301752411
SaveToFile: saving to /var/lib/torch/save/localhost:1420735570:1.dat

This one was really unstable (ran for 60 epochs):

th examples/recurrentlanguagemodel.lua --batchSize 64 --trainEpochSize 200000000 --validEpochSize -1 --softmaxtree --hiddenSize 500 --maxOutNorm 2 --useDevice 2 --rho 5 --cuda --maxTries 100 --progress --maxWait 1 --learningRate 2 --decayFactor 0.7 --xpPath '/home/nicholas14/save/rhea:1418341272:1.dat'
==> epoch # 12 for optimizer
 [================================ 200000000/200000000 =======================>] ETA: 0ms | Step: 0ms

==> epoch size = 200000000 examples
==> batch duration = 0.13946574515462 ms
==> epoch duration = 27893.149030924 s
==> example speed = 7170.2194606378 examples/s
==> batch speed = 112.04055865242 batches/s
 [================================ 7937041/7937041 ===========================>] ETA: 0ms | Step: 0ms
rhea:1418341272:1:optimizer:loss avgError 5.5206494449397
rhea:1418341272:1:validator:loss avgError 5.5606322623734
rhea:1418341272:1:tester:loss avgError 5.5568762899011
rhea:1418341272:1:optimizer:perplexity perplexity = 249.79721405813
rhea:1418341272:1:validator:perplexity perplexity = 259.9871644699
rhea:1418341272:1:tester:perplexity perplexity = 259.01249140542
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