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NHS Low Income Scheme Scrollytell

This R package has been developed by NHS Business Services Authority Data Science team to use a combination of analytics, user research and customer survey data we explore whether the NHS Low Income Scheme in England reaches its intended audience and meets user needs. In this article we consider take-up of the scheme.

We have used the golem framework to developed this scrollytelling article as a shiny dashboard taking inspiration from:

The package is structured as follows:

├── .gitignore                              # Currently ignoring all `data` files
├── .Renviron                               # Credential file (create from the template example.Renviron)
├── .Rbuildignore                           # Golem file
├── app.R                                   # Golem file
├── data                                    # Data for the dashboard (accessible via lowIncomeSchemeScrollytellR::{name})
├── data-raw                                # Various scripts to produce `data` files
├── DESCRIPTION                             # Metadata of package
├── dev                                     # Golem files
│   ├── 01_start.R                          # Golem file (use to set up golem framework)
│   ├── 02_dev.R                            # Golem file (use to develop package)
│   ├── 03_deploy.R                         # Golem file (use to deploy package)
│   └── run_dev.R                           # Golem file (use to test development of package)
├── example.Renviron                        # Template credential file required for data-raw scripts
├── inst                                    # Installed files...
│   ├── app                                 # ... for the app...
│   │   └── www                             # ... made available at runtime
│   │       ├── colours.css                 # Define colour palette of NHS identity
│   │       ├── logo.jpg                    # NHS logo
│   │       ├── mod_{n}_*.md                # Markdown text for module
│   │       └── style.css                   # CSS to defining the styling of the dashboard
│   └── golem-config.yml                    # Golem file
├── nhs-low-income-scheme-scrollytell.Rproj # R Project file
├── LICENSE                                 # Apache
├── man                                     # Automatically generated documentation by roxygen2
├── NAMESPACE                               # Automatically generated documentation by roxygen2
├── R                                       # R code for the dashboard
│   ├── _disable_auotload.R                 # Golem file
│   ├── app_config.R                        # Golem file
│   ├── app_server.R                        # Server component
│   ├── app_ui.R                            # UI component
│   ├── golem_*.R                           # Golem file
│   ├── mod_{n}_*.R                         # Module (usually a container of scrollytell)
│   ├── run_app.R                           # Golem file
│   ├── utils_helpers.R                     # NHSBSA highcharter theme
│   └── utils-pipe.R                        # %>% operator
├──                               # Brief overview of the package